The Longest Promise (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 6=
Young Lady, didn't you
go to show the princesses
the new earrings His Highness
bestowed you?
Why do you come back so early?
Xueying looks slow-witted
and useless.
I can't believe
she has hooked up with Shi Yu.
I wonder
what kind of tricks she has used.
How could this be?
Didn't Prince Shi Yu favor
you over her?
He was worried Azure King
would notice
his feelings for Xueying.
So he used me
as a pretext.
Luckily, Shi Yu has only known
Xueying for a few days.
There won't be a strong attachment.
a reciprocal love can't
necessarily last forever.
No one knows
who the winner is
until the last moment.
You do have a stiff upper lip.
Young Lady, what are you doing?
Trying to use me?
I'd like to see
who's better at playing tricks.
I won't be defeated.
have you used the medicine
Cuiliu brought you?
what's wrong with you?
I didn't sleep well
last night.
Yan, let me ask you something.
Do you believe
in love at first sight?
There's no such thing.
It's just presumptuous.
It's the same
goes for friends and lovers.
let me tell you something new.
It's the story of a friend of mine.
falls in love with a man
in the mountain.
And that man says he likes her too.
Just that they can't go public
with their relationship.
What a womanizer.
Being so secretive
and acting all mysterious.
This is the womanizer.
it's me.
I fall in love with Prince Shi Yu.
Being with him makes me
feel so comfortable, as never before.
Just that I don't know how he feels.
Prince Shi Yu has even inscribed
amorous words.
Can't you understand
his feelings for you?
Obviously, he has a crush on you.
You're the legitimate daughter
of Bai Family.
He's the only imperial prince.
Both of you are
a perfect match.
as we're entrapped
in these family interests,
he and I
can't get too close to each other.
This is also what he told me.
Prince Shi Yu
is a sensible man.
But if this goes on,
it'll be tough
for both of you to be together.
And he said
if his elder brother was still here,
he'd just have to be
an idle prince for the rest of his life.
And we wouldn't have to be like this.
It'd be nice
if his elder brother was here.
Is there really
no other solution?
you don't have to feel sad for me.
I'm fine.
Don't cry, Yan.
I was finally
touched by you.
Look at you, you just won't give up.
You leave me no choice.
Why are you so loyal?
Stop crying.
You met him once.
And the Prince Shi Ying has been
on your mind for five years.
Who knows
how many years she's going
to pester Shi Ying again?
If this continues,
his doom will come to pass
and he will die in your hands.
Go back.
Your father will be worried
if you go home late.
Lord Chong Ming, why are you here?
Do you really want to learn
Primordial Spirit-Gathering Spell?
didn't Lord Immortal Official
say I didn't have
You just have to answer my question.
Of course I do.
I can
risk everything for it.
Very well.
Let me tell you this.
Immortal Official asks you
to go to the Emperor Valley
tonight at nine.
And fetch Seven Star Lamp
at Emperor Xingzun's tomb.
What does this lamp have
to do with the magic?
Have you ever heard
of "The deceased will be revived
before Seven Stars Lamp goes out"?
Seven Star Lamp
is a lead-in to this magic.
Go get it.
Use it as a pledge to honor your master.
why didn't you tell me this
at that time?
Stop asking so many questions.
It seems like you're not sincere at all.
You gave up
as soon as you were turned down.
Just forget it
if you don't want to do it.
I'll do it.
It's hard to overcome the barrier
between life and death.
Bringing the primordial spirit
of the deceased back together
is the supreme magic in the world.
And this journey to obtain the lamp
is extremely dangerous.
It's not an easy task.
This is also why Immortal Official
couldn't accept your request.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
I'll be sure to obtain it.
If you can't get it,
it means you don't possess
the qualification
of being a magic practitioner.
If so, don't ever
show up before him again.
I'll obtain it.
"My promise to Xueying
deeply rooted within."
Where did this dirty thing come from?
Give it back to me.
I can't do that.
There must be a womanizer
who had coveted
your beauty
when you were leading the dance.
So he sent such a dirty thing over
to harass you.
It's a matter of your honor.
I must get to the bottom
of this matter.
Sister, what are you doing?
Princess Xuelu said
there's an emergency.
So I gathered all of you
to discuss it.
I saw a love token
in Xueying's room.
I'm afraid there's a womanizer
in the mountain
trying to harass her
because of her beauty.
It's a matter of her honor.
I hope you can investigate this
and hunt him down
to seek justice for my sister.
Both of you, kneel down.
What are you doing?
I know you're the most prudent
and courteous one.
Tell me, who insisted on
giving you this?
You must've accepted it
as you couldn't reject him.
we have to
keep our relationship a secret
and we can't see each other often.
I have no idea.
What a double-distilled
Princess of Bai Family.
You've stayed in the mountain
for only several days.
And you already accepted a gift
from someone else.
And the snitch is
your own sister.
White King,
you've educated your daughters well.
Before I came,
I have thought of an idea.
(Royal Tomb of Emperor Xingzun,
the Emperor Valley, Jiuyi Mountain)
Emperor Xingzun in heaven,
I'm sorry to offend you.
I'll borrow the lamp tonight
just to save
your descendant's life.
(It's hard to overcome the barrier
between life and death.)
(Bringing the primordial spirit
of the deceased back together)
(is the supreme magic in the world.)
(And this journey to obtain the lamp)
(is extremely dangerous.)
(And it's not an easy task.)
You really came.
Well, you're seeking
for your own destruction.
You don't deserve my pity.
When Ying wakes up tomorrow,
everything will be over.
You've been practicing hard
for the past few days.
Some of your spiritual power
is restored.
But you still need to rest.
deliberately picked Jiusui Wheat
to make you a bowl
of mind-calming soup.
Drink up
and get some rest tonight.
Chong Ming,
you're hiding something from me.
No, I'm not.
Someone has trespassed
on the divine tomb
of Emperor Xingzun.
It's mere insects
and animals in the mountain.
I'll go take care of it.
Someone just won't go away.
Since you can't do it,
don't blame me for this.
Are you here
for the lamp too?
(Isn't this Kunyuan Palace?)
(Why am I here?)
(Kunyuan Palace?)
(Darn it, it's burning.)
(I've got to inform His Highness.)
Your Highness!
Your Highness!
Your Highness!
Your Highness.
Shi Ying.
Your Highness.
Leave, Your Highness.
Zhu Yan.
Your Highness.
It's going to catch fire.
Come with me.
♪Jade Bone hairpin between tresses♪
♪Arousing the memory of you♪
♪Fate can't cease
despite the romance being forbidden♪
♪Love still goes on♪
♪Abruptly wake up from the nightmare♪
Let go, you can still survive.
♪But I'm still eager to meet you
in the dream again♪
Let go, Zhu Yan.
You can still survive.
♪Memory about you runs ceaselessly♪
♪Like the clear moon♪
I've mastered the magic techniques.
This time,
I'm sure I can save you.
I've learned
an amazing magic spell.
♪When my life♪
♪It blossoms into a beautiful poem♪
This time,
I must
revive Crown Prince.
♪I can't see your face anymore♪
♪I'd rather stay in the past for good♪
♪I wait for my whole life
for a glance at you♪
♪Who once shared
an unforgettable bond with me♪
♪I stubbornly ask the time♪
♪Wishing to surpass its constraint
to reunite with you♪
♪Because I love you
to the moon and back♪
It's going to drain her spiritual power.
If I don't save her now,
she'll necessarily die here.
Thank you, Emperor Xingzun.
Thank you, Emperor Xingzun.
I finally managed
to lure her here.
Yet, you save her again.
Chong Ming,
I understand you did it
for my own good.
But I'd like to fix this
I'll be sure to make her
give up all her thought of it.
Lord Immortal Official,
I am Zhu Yan.
The task you assigned to me,
finally completed it.
Lord Immortal Official.
Come with me.
You still believe
there's a magic spell
that can bring one back to life.
If there was such a spell,
why would the Emperor Valley exist?
All of the emperors
would like to live forever.
Even Emperor Xingzun,
the most highly cultivated person,
has also turned into dirt now.
But you
torture yourself
and get yourself
into a mess over someone
that you've only met once.
You're just like a moth
seeking its own destruction.
why would you ask Chong Ming
to tell me this?
That's because
I was worried that you wouldn't give up
and keep pestering me.
So I deliberately assigned you
a difficult task
to get you
to extricate yourself from us.
But who knew you'd be in over your head
and kept trying to seek an answer.
You lied to me?
This can only prove
that you're silly and reckless.
I hate
people like you.
I can't believe you'd be relentless
in asking me
to be your master.
This is ridiculous.
I wasn't relentless.
I didn't want to come here either.
But Chong Ming told me that you
I know that this is dangerous.
I thought we were friends.
I've been in cultivation practice
in this valley for years.
Why would I suddenly be friends
with a lady like you
who came out of nowhere?
Do you think you're eligible for that
because you've saved me before?
I paid you back
with my spiritual power.
And we call it even.
We're even.
If you dare to come
and pester me again,
I'll move out.
I'll practice what I preach.
I won't come here again.
Zhu Yan,
stop wasting your time on a person
who's not worth it.
Rest assured.
Prince Shi Yu will do his justice.
I'm sure we can find out
who that man is.
Prince Shi Yu is here.
Greetings, Your Highness Shi Yu.
Please rise.
What do you need me for?
Your Highness Shi Yu,
Princess Xuelu reported
that she found a love token
in her sister's room.
We think
it's a serious matter
but it can be resolved.
However, we shouldn't make it public.
It's more suitable
to let you manage this.
Where is the evidence?
Your Highness,
(My promise to Xueying deeply rooted within)
this is the thing the man in the mountain
gave Princess Xueying from White Clan.
I'm afraid this would be
a sacrilege of Princess's honor.
Please make a wise decision,
Your Highness.
How do you prove
that this was from a man
in the mountain?
Maybe this was carved
by Princess Xueying's admirer
from Ye City?
You don't understand, Your Highness.
This wooden bird is made
with Jiuyi Mountain's
unique ancient wood.
We can't find it at the other place.
So this daring womanizer
must be in Jiuyi Mountain.
Collect the handwriting
of all immortal officials
and immortal servants in the mountain.
the servants who follow the baron
of the Six Ministries here to attend
the ceremony.
We must find out who he is
to seek justice for Princess Xueying.
(My promise to Xueying
deeply rooted within)
No one's handwriting
matches the carving on the bird.
There must be a misunderstanding.
Since we've searched the mountain
and no one's handwriting matches it,
just quit investigating it.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor,
I heard
there's an immortal official
who meditates alone
at the Emperor Valley.
Is his handwriting
included in it?
(So you're the one
who colluded with Ice Clan?)
Azure King, you seem to know
a lot about the mountain.
Indeed, there's an immortal official
living in the valley alone.
I'll ask him over now.
Young Lady, you're finally back.
Something terrible happened.
Rumor has it that Princess Xueying
has an affair with a man
in the mountain.
Now, Prince Shi Yu
is interrogating her.
Princess Xueying
remains silent.
Did she already fall in love
with the man?
It's only been a few short days.
Princess of Bai Family has indeed
impressed me.
Right, how could she do that?
How could she do that?
As the legitimate daughter of White Clan,
I can't believe
she'd live a disorderly life.
That's right.
It's embarrassing.
Xueying is indeed
the legitimate daughter of Bai Family.
She's defamed like this
and she still insists on
protecting that man.
Unfortunately, that guy
doesn't deserve her.
The person said
that he kept the oath in his heart.
He is a man.
Yet, he couldn't step forward
when his loved one was suffering.
You might as well ignore the oath.
Come, get up.
At worst,
just go back
to the Extreme Wind City with me.
If he refuses
to take the responsibility,
just spend
the rest of your life with me.
At worst, let's be spinsters together.
Let's go.
It's me.
It's His Highness.
It's His Highness.
Your Highness.
My promise to Xueying
deeply rooted within.
I carved the line myself.
The person who admires Princess Xueying
is me.
Your Highness.
I was worried
that my feelings for Xueying
would bring us
unnecessary troubles.
But now, I've come around.
As the descendant
of the Imperial Clan,
if I couldn't even protect
my beloved one,
I might not patch on a commoner.
I admire Bai Xueying.
It's not embarrassing.
Your Highness, you
That's great.
Your Highness Shi Yu,
you're indeed the backbone
of the country.
Xueying and Your Highness
can be said to be
a match made in heaven.
This is a predestined match.
What do you think about it?
Lord High Priest of Grand Preceptor,
the immortal official who meditates
in the Emperor Valley
has moved out.
(If you dare to come
and pester me again,)
(I'll move out of here.)
(I'll practice what I preach.)
(Darn it.)
(What do you)
(take me for?)
Young Lady.
- Yan.
- Yan'er.
She is not feeling well.
I'll excuse myself.
Be careful.
Young Lady.
Azure King,
the wooden bird case is solved.
It's unnecessary
to find an unrelated person.
I wonder
if you're satisfied with my decision.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor,
you're in charge of managing
the affairs of Jiuyi Mountain.
Of course
you'll call the shot.
I'll excuse myself.
White King, please stay.
Let's go.
What can I do for you,
High Priest of Grand Preceptor?
White King,
you don't have to be so eager
to marry off your daughter.
Shi Yu is not necessarily
the future Crown Prince.
What do you mean by this?
Azure King suddenly asked
about the immortal official
who stayed in seclusion in the mountain.
Aren't you curious about it?
Wait until he's born anew,
you won't have to
grovel over Azure King anymore.
Could he be
As Ring of Houtu is not
in Jiuyi Mountain,
doesn't it bring us to a dead end?
If we want Houtu to show up,
we must put
the blood of Kongsang in danger.
There will be ample time.
The blood of the emperor?
I guess Azure King has already
figured the blood of the emperor out.
Then, just let him take the lead.
(Crimson Residence)
She still won't eat.
Since she left the mountain,
she hasn't eaten anything.
If this goes on,
how could her body take this?
What's wrong with Yan'er?
Keeper Yuan,
go check on her.
Please don't worry.
Maybe Princess has suffered setbacks
when she was in Jiuyi Mountain.
Let me go check on her.
it's me.
Please come in.
Are you here to persuade me
like the others do?
I wish to hear no more.
And I don't want to eat.
You're right.
How could such bland food
fit your taste?
Just forget it.
And this medicine.
It's not necessary for you to take it.
It's psychological trouble.
You can say it out if you want.
If you don't want to talk about it,
I'll be here
to accompany you quietly.
there's no
Primordial Spirit-Gathering Spell
in the world.
This has been my wishful thinking
for the past five years.
I can never see the Crown Prince again.
There's no more hope
for me to revive him.
A mill cannot grind
with the water that is past.
I'm sure Crown Prince's spirit in heaven
could also feel
your painstaking effort.
your spiritual practice has
improved a lot.
And you've broadened your vision.
Though you've failed today.
there'd be some changes in future.
Spiritual practice?
But he said
I didn't have
the qualification
to learn magic techniques.
Who is he?
The person you embroider is
(It's him.)
(Why did I embroider his face?)
If you have no appetite,
then you'll have to
apologize to Chef Wu
from Yanfeng Restaurant.
What has Chef Wu got to do with this?
When you were
in Jiuyi Mountain,
Chef Wu developed
several new dishes for you.
You must be the first one to try it.
Or he won't make it for the others.
It's not suitable to store seafood
and freshwater fishes
due to the weather
in Western Huang.
If you don't show up,
Chef Wu can wait,
but I'm afraid those ingredients
can't wait any longer.
I didn't even know this.
Then, how did he run his business?
He asked me
to convey this message to you.
As you didn't go there
for a long time,
he found no confidante
in the culinary world.
He felt so lonely.
You haven't shopped
for a long time, have you?
I couldn't hang out
after I went to the mountain.
Come and check it out.
Is there anything you like?
Thank you, Young Master.
It's for you.
It's a toy for kids.
You liked it so much
when you were little.
You lost it once because of me.
Take it as compensation.
Thanks, Yuan.
I'm feeling a lot better.
(Yanfeng Restaurant)
Here we are.
Mister, you're here.
This way, please.
In there, please.
This "Pan Out Well" is made
with the King Kong Fish,
it's buried in the sand
and roasted
with the spices from Western Huang.
Try it out.
It's not easy to make roasted fish.
The time is the crucial point.
Please enjoy it, Princess.
How does it taste?
It's delicious.
Not to mention
the seafood.
The fresh prawns and crabs
are put in a steamer.
And braise them with the secret sauces.
The prawns and crabs are the essence,
but this soup is
a vital part of the dish.
Pairing it with the liquor,
it gives a different feeling.
Please enjoy the food.
How is it?
It's nice.
someone said
that I'm silly and reckless.
I'm not qualified
to learn magic techniques.
Tell me.
Am I really that useless?
Didn't Salang Eagle
already give you
the answer to this question?
It flies.
I hope
that it can fly farther.
So that no one could
capture it again.
not everything could go smoothly.
No one will achieve their goals
without difficulties.
No one can define
the value of that Salang Eagle.
Only itself
can define its own value.
It doesn't matter
if the others say it can't fly.
It proves itself through action.
I thought
I was a friend of him
as I saved his life.
It's okay if he doesn't want
to teach me magic techniques.
But he duped me.
I didn't mean to pester him.
But he secretly
moved away to avoid me.
He feared you
as if you were a monster?
No matter what,
I, Zhu Yan, am
everyone's favorite
in Extreme Wind City.
But why does he
see me as a beast?
Who is he to do that?
I haven't seen him before.
But from the way you describe him,
I have a word of advice for you.
Shoot it, Yuan.
Princess, you're a sentimentalist.
You always have pity on people.
You're merciful and kind-hearted.
Of course you'll be generous
to the others.
But some people are cold-hearted.
He's cold and heartless.
How could he be kind
to a person who he first met?
Besides, he lives in seclusion.
He's used to being alone and quiet.
This is not his fault.
Of course it's not your fault either.
how did you know so much?
I've lived in this world
for so long.
I certainly know more than you do.
By the way, Yuan,
I've been curious
about this for a long time.
Answer this question for me.
Go ahead.
I'm only a teen now.
It's inevitable to sense
sadness in the mortal world.
But you've lived for so long.
Is there anything
that has made you cry before?
In the past 200 years,
you've never cried
a single tear before?
Well, Yuan, let's make a deal.
From now on,
I'll tell you about it
if I feel sad.
If you're upset,
you must tell me that as well.
Like if you cry,
you've got to let me know as well.
I'd like to spend more time with you, mother.
I remember that back then
when it was my birthday,
you would always
make snow cake for me.
I've tried to make it before.
But it just didn't
taste the same.
I miss you so much.
I'd really like to eat
your cooking once again.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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