The Machinery (2020) s01e06 Episode Script


Let's have a look.
-Here you go.
And some coffee.
I shouldn't have
involved you in this.
Don't worry about it.
I shouldn't have come back.
You can still clear your name
regarding that robbery.
How, Dad?
I'm beginning to understand
what's going on here.
It's better that you don't know.
I don't have to know everything.
But I need to know you're okay.
-Everything will work out.
-No, it won't.
-So you don't know where he is?
-No. And I don't care.
-Haven't you heard from him?
-Palle, it's over! Don't you get it?
I can't breathe.
I don't know how to tell Lilly.
You need to talk to Dad as well.
It'll work out.
This is more important than
I might be able to help you.
I should get a lot for the house.
It must be worth a lot
even if it isn't finished.
-Anything to drink?
-No, thanks.
Everything looked fine on the scan,
but the doctor will stop by later.
He's on his way down.
Hey! Are you free?
-Is the press release out?
-It has been for a while.
"Robber escapes from hospital."
-Can we listen in on the taxi?
-It's a nice time of year.
-We're leaving.
-We'll follow you.
- Keep your distance.
-So you're Swedish.
I see. Swedish Right.
You come here and take our jobs.
I don't mean it that way.
We're happy that
you Swedes are coming here.
Hey! Damn!
He has escaped.
From the hospital. Jack!
-I just heard it on the news.
You Swedes.
Soon I'm the only driver whose
grandparents were born in Norway.
The rest are foreigners.
But that is how it is.
Nobody wants to do an honest day
of work in this country anymore.
Could you be quiet for a bit?
We're approaching the sea.
We need a boat in the water.
We are at Strangeberget.
That will be 1,640 kroner.
Do you work at the hospital?
-Then we'll just send you a bill.
-What's your name?
-What's your name?
-Alexander Jönsson.
Alright. There you go.
Thanks. Have a great day.
-You may want to get a pair of shoes.
-I like slippers.
He's reached his final destination.
He's approaching a boathouse
at Strangeberget.
We'll catch up once we get there.
I hope the boat is on its way.
Hi, Jack. Are you okay?
Sure, I've never been better.
Where the hell is the money?
We have to leave. Where is it?
Check the boat.
We'll stay on opposite sides
of the boat house. Be discreet.
The boat will arrive in 20 minutes.
Take three men
and stay on the left side
of the boat house.
-Do you trust that moron?
-I don't trust anyone.
Not even you.
What are you doing?
Fuck you!
You'd let me die
and keep the money!
We used to stick together.
That bloody Olle
It used to be the two of us.
No money.
Where the hell is the money, Jack?
-I have the treasure map here.
We are in position.
Jack is here with two other people.
A man and a woman.
They are approaching a boat
tethered to the dock.
What do we do now?
Out to sea.
Quit the crap.
Where's the money?
Stop it. Where are we going?
Who the hell is that?
Hey! This is a private area!
Please leave!
-We always go for walks here.
-Are you deaf?
-Stop! Police!
Pretend I am your hostage.
I'll shoot her!
I'll blow her brains out!
-Lower your weapon!
-I'm going to shoot!
We'll put our weapons on the ground!
Nice and easy!
-We just want to have a word.
-Piss off!
We need to go.
Let's go!
What's wrong?
How's it going?
Was the soup not good?
-What the hell is that?
-I am so sorry.
-Have you seen Pål?
I'm in the freezer!
What happened?
I was here
to open the restaurant,
and I wanted to prepare
the ingredients for the soup.
With an axe?
Yeah. The fish is frozen.
I couldn't
I couldn't find the finger.
I wanted to get some ice
-and locked myself in.
We know you're hanging out
with the Hammer gang.
-Axel is a psycho!
-We have to call the police.
We are not going to call the police.
The restaurant
would get a bad name.
Bad name?
They chopped your finger off!
You don't want them to
close down the restaurant, do you?
I'll fix this. I have a plan.
Bye, Pål.
Here you go.
Thirty million.
We can do whatever we want.
We'll leave.
Just the two of us.
Where do we go?
Far away from here.
Is that the police?
I won't surrender.
Let's go. Just the two of us.
Yes, let's do that, Jack.
I am sorry, Jack.
Man over board.
-We'll follow the boat.
-No, we have to go over there
No, we need to follow the boat.
Is there a helicopter on its way?
We have to pick up
the guy in the water!
Olle Hultén as he is called now.
He knocked on my door out of
the blue. I hadn't seen him for ages.
Said he had something big going on.
I had to transport some equipment
from Strömstad till Sandefjord.
-So you weren't at the robbery?
-No, I wasn't.
-Can anybody confirm that?
Apart from your mum
But I didn't
participate in the robbery.
Do you know the others?
No, only Ole. And Jack.
They shared the money.
How did they know each other?
They worked on an oil rig.
And lived in Latin America
or somewhere together.
-When was this?
10-15 years ago.
-And the woman?
-I'd never seen her before.
-You'd never seen her?
She showed up at my house.
Told me she knew Ole.
That is was important
that I help her.
We went to the boathouse
and Jack was there.
I wasn't sure what the plan was.
-So you just went along?
-Yes. I was scared.
-Of the woman?
Of Ole.
Everybody is afraid of Ole.
Monica! Can you lend me some money?
-Not now, Tony.
-Just over the weekend.
-I get paid on Monday.
-Piss off!
You'll get it back! Damn
Hi, Victoria.
That didn't go quite as planned,
I thought you knew me
better than that.
When I draw up a plan,
I want to stick to that plan.
We had a deal.
I was to supply the equipment
and you were to leave me alone.
That's what we agreed.
So you think that's
what this is about.
I know I did
a terrible thing to you.
I think about it every day.
I understand that you
want to see me suffer.
But here I am.
You are the one holding the gun.
If I wanted you dead you'd have
been dead a long time ago.
Victoria, please tell me
what you want?
Because you won.
Did you ever love me?
Don't do this.
Don't play games.
Do you think this is a game? Huh?
I love you.
I have always loved you.
Josefin isn't here anymore.
If you don't believe me
just end this right now.
Repeat after me:
-I, Victoria Fagermoen
-I, Victoria Fagermoen
take you, Ole
No What is happening?
Wait! You need witnesses!
You are not done.
Sorry. Please carry on.
-Take you, Ole Edvardsen
-Take you, Ole Edvardsen
to be my lawfully wedded
husband till death do us part.
to be my lawfully wedded
husband till death do us part.
The husband
may now kiss his wife.
Did I do that?
-And this?
-Yes. Be careful.
Don't you miss
all the things we did
"back in the day"? Mexico
The sun.
I miss it every day.
Come with me.
We'll leave all this behind.
We can go south or something.
Anywhere. I have 30 millions.
Jack is dead.
Tom is in jail.
You killed Niko.
Are you angry?
Angry that I killed Jimmy's dad?
I did like Niko, but
He's not Jimmy's dad.
I will help you through this.
Olle wasn't
the right one for you.
It sounds brutal, but
You shouldn't even
have to share custody with him.
What are you saying?
I'll never forgive what
he did to you. To all of us.
That's enough.
You asked me to come along.
Sure, Mum, but
I thought you'd support me.
That's what I'm doing, darling.
Dad and I will always
be there for you. You know that.
Grandma's mobile is ringing.
Thanks. Hello, Pernilla.
He needs his holiday pay.
Sure, I am coming in.
-Remember Pernilla at the office?
She styled her parents' house
when they put it up for sale.
She offered
to help you if you like.
Sure. Sounds great.
Lilly, we're leaving.
It will all work out. It's a
great foundation for your new life.
Please walk Lilly to the car.
I forgot something.
I understand why
you want to talk to me.
I'd rather talk to your son.
I don't know where he is.
Do you know who this is?
I'm not sure.
A few hours ago she killed
one of Ole's old friends.
I understand that you are loyal
to your son.
But if there's a confrontation,
we're going to shoot him.
Her name is Monica.
I don't know her last name,
but she lives at Knotten Camping.
Thank you.
I have no idea where she is.
She took the car and left a few
hours ago. This is her caravan.
There's no one home.
-Do you have a registration number?
-Will you pay me for it?
-I take mobile payments.
-I have cash.
That works.
Let me see.
Registration number LH54321.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
I have some contacts in Strömstad.
Your family won't be safe
if anything happens to me.
You belong to me now.
You know this one! Great!
I see you have worked on this.
Well done.
Class isn't over yet.
-What is happening?
-Jimmy is going to the dentist.
Dance class isn't over yet.
Why do I have to go to the dentist?
That hurts, mum!
What is he doing here?
I don't want it!
Great. Get in.
So the rumours are true?
You bring your work into the bedroom?
Couldn't you have done this
at the office?
Olle's dad works at the office.
I don't want all my things there.
Don't worry, I sent him home.
The last time Olle and Jack
worked together
was on an oil rig in
the Mexican Gulf in 2007.
Interestingly there
was an arrest warrant
issued for two Norwegians and a Swede
in Yucatan in November 2008.
"Jack Harding from Sweden,
Ole Edvardsen
and his wife Victoria Fagermoen.
Norwegian citizens."
He had a wife in Mexico.
I wonder if this is
Victoria Fagermoen?
Are you sure there aren't
any guards behind the building?
I was there. I didn't see any.
-What do you say, Victoria?
-I say we only live once.
Sixty millions!
Sixty million pesos, Jack.
We won't have to work for years.
We can party and travel.
Everything we've dreamed of.
-It's for our future.
I want to live
and die in Scandinavia
I want to live
and die in Scandinavia
Are you grumpy? You are so quiet.
You got out of that crap school.
Isn't that great?
Fifth lesson was math.
Sure, but now we are traveling
abroad, as we talked about.
-Is he coming?
-It looks like it.
Is that okay, young man?
We can sunbathe and swim every day.
There might even be some palm trees.
Then you'll never have
to dance again until you want to.
I like dancing.
-Really? You like dancing?
-Dancing is great.
-Yes, Tony?
The police came and asked about you
and I gave her
your license plate number.
Why the hell did you give her
my license plate number?
She tricked me!
She promised to pay me for it.
Do you want to make 5000?
Something to drink?
The money is gone.
They tricked me.
The money you gave me
for the restaurant.
I remember it being a loan.
But to be honest I
didn't expect to get it back.
You have to help me.
Just this once, and I will
never ask you for anything again.
I have helped you all your life.
I wanted to give you the
chance to sort everything out.
That's over now, Pål.
But it wasn't my fault.
It's never your fault, Pål.
You stole your mums jewellery.
Who does such a thing?
Dad, they'll kill me.
I mean
-Let's go to the police then.
-We can't.
If you want my help
it has to be on my conditions.
What if it had been Olle?
What does he have that I don't?
I can see him.
As a whole being.
Ready? Let's go.
-Victoria Fagermoen.
-Where is my lawyer?
Your lawyer will be here later
if you'd rather wait.
But you know how this works, right?
What do I get for cooperating?
I want a shorter sentence.
And I want a Tesla, but
That's not how it works.
We don't have the authority to
We can put in a good word
with the prosecutor.
-Say you were cooperative.
-I want guarantees.
-No problem. I guarantee it.
-No. I'm terminating this.
-Do you think I'm stupid or what?
I guarantee it.
Victoria changed her name to Monica
Hansen when she got back to Norway.
I see.
She was totally fucked up.
She manipulated me.
She got me into this.
-Did she manipulate Olle too?
She's obsessed with him.
She loves him.
Why didn't he go
back to Norway with her?
That is a really good question.
He probably realised
she was a psycho.
He got burnt.
-He deserved it.
He slept with every
single girl in Sandefjord.
Do you know anything about
their time in Mexico?
They tried to rob
a foreign exchange office.
It all went wrong.
Monica and Jack got three years.
But because it was a Mexican jail
it probably felt like a hundred.
It probably really sucked as well
that on top of that
Ole disappeared as usual.
-As usual?
Just like he did with Brede.
-Did you give me the guarantee?
-Yes, absolutely. Carry on.
We had a childhood friend.
This is a long time ago.
His name was Brede Carlsen.
He got shot during a robbery.
Was Olle involved in the murder?
All I know is that after what
happened with Brede,
Ole disappeared from Sandefjord.
That Tom is thick.
I can't take it anymore.
-How are you doing?
Are you sure?
That car you asked about.
We just received a call about it.
-You'll have to wait.
-I'll wait.
No problem.
I have plenty of time.
Damn. She is back.
-Where is she?
You know who!
I got a call telling me to
drive north. That's all she said.
You gave me the license plate number.
-Is everything okay here?
-No, I was supposed to drive north.
She was going to pay me 5000 kroner.
This was unexpected.
Are you tired of city life?
In need of some fresh ocean air?
I am on a job here in Sandefjord.
I won't stay long.
Would you like a roll?
I can heat them up.
-The raisin ones.
-No, thank you.
Do you still have the newspaper
cuttings about Brede?
Strange how everybody wants to
talk about Brede. Why is that?
A woman showed up yesterday
asking all kinds of questions.
A Swede. She was married to Ole,
who was in the same class as Brede.
Do you remember
No, you were too young.
What did she want?
She asked if I knew
where Ole had disappeared to
after Brede died. As if I knew.
Please find the newspaper cuttings.
Here we go. You can sit here.
It's too late to play mother now.
-Hello. Who are you?
-Hi! I work here.
I forgot my keys,
so I was just getting them.
-Why don't you turn on the lights?
-What? I work here.
Can I see your ID card?
It's in the car. I can go and get it.
Espen. Can you please
come to the workshop?
Take Jimmy with you to the boat.
I'll join you.
Come, Jimmy.
-Where is Mum?
-She will be here soon.
Espen! Espen!
Call the police.
-What's happened? Are you okay?
-A bloody burglary.
The police are on their way.
Check the gate and I will
wait for the police to get here.
The police will be here soon.
Open the hatch.
Take a seat back there.
Hey? Come on, we're going.
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