The Matchmakers (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Everyone Has a Secret

(Cho Yi Hyun)
(Writer: Ha Soo Jin)
(Directors: Hwang Seung Ki, Kim Soo Jin)
(The Matchmakers)
I see. So you are asking
why I took in Sim Jung Woo
when he is from the Dongro Faction?
(The King, Father of Many Daughters)
Well, I have never disliked the Dongro Faction.
It is the left state councillor and his bunch that I hate.
Jung Woo's father, the founder of Dongro Faction,
also used to write in appeals
about everything I did.
That is right. Just like Jung Woo.
Although I was irritated,
I have never disliked him.
However, the current left state councillor
The left state councillor pretended to be loyal to the faction
and came up with an excuse
to grow his power. That stuck out to me,
so how can I not dislike him?
Goodness. I cannot believe
how I have to be wary of my subjects even in my introduction.
Being a king is nothing much.
Do you agree? Goodness.
I should not have been one.
(Episode 6: Everyone Has a Secret)
While I was at Sunhwa Temple,
I heard you dispelled my brother's rumours.
As a token of appreciation, I wanted to offer you a position.
Hence, I called for you.
A position?
Please be my grandson's tutor.
I heard your family does not allow you to adopt.
You may be fine now as you are young.
But when you grow old, you will be lonely.
If you get a disciple,
you may be less lonely when you grow old.
No one takes care of their tutors these days.
Why not?
You yourself
were taught by Erudite Maeng for less than a month.
Yet, you are helping to match his daughters
lest they remain as spinsters.
I must say, Lady Park. You know everything.
Most of the things I do are to while away time.
There is no other reason for it.
Besides, while I am grateful that you care for my old age,
I have never tutored anyone.
I shall have to refuse tutoring your grandson.
This child has to be raised upright
in order to lead your father's faction, you know.
If you decide to join hands with me,
I hope we can drink tea like so
and talk about worldly affairs.
When I get a tutor,
will I have to study until late at night again?
Tell me about it.
You are already in school. Why do you need tutoring?
Nevertheless, you know Grandmother is doing this for you, right?
Yes. Good medicine always tastes bitter.
Let us go in.
Forget it.
I will see a physician later on
What are you doing?
There is no way.
Grandmother, it is Geun Seok.
Come in.
I have a nosebleed.
Do not worry. I think I spent too much time on needlework.
Hurry to Grandmother.
Yes, Mother.
Why did your mother not come in with you?
She went back to the annex as she got a nosebleed.
A nosebleed?
Just like how I got one for studying too hard,
Mother also got a nosebleed from too much needlework.
She told you not to worry.
- You had a nosebleed before?
- Yes.
However, Mother told me not to study
after dinner time so it stopped.
What is the matter?
It seems like not studying after dinner time
was a secret between him and his mother.
Lady Jung.
What is wrong?
Why are you leaving?
Who is the person who will tutor Geun Seok?
It is Lord Gyeongunjae.
The inspector turned out to be the famous Man of Anger?
You yelled over nothing. Like Man of Anger.
What did you just say?
Forgive me
for likening you to a pathetic troublemaker
like Lord Gyeongunjae.
You have never even met Lord Gyeongunjae.
This is driving me crazy.
Did I badmouth Man of Anger in his face?
Lady Jung. Lady Jung?
Lady Jung!
What? Oh
Have you gone deaf?
Why did you not go in with Young Master Geun Seok?
Well, I
I had a nosebleed.
Pardon? A nosebleed?
I thought it was a nosebleed, but it was just snot.
Either way,
I cannot let our precious guest see that.
Let me know when he leaves.
I will tell Mother about it.
Yes, my lady.
The inspector was Man of Anger.
And he will be Geun Seok's tutor?
What do I do?
It was not a good thing
for people to recognize me without makeup.
Lady Jung? Lady Park is here.
Mother, why did you come here? I could have gone over.
Did you ask Geun Seok to stop studying past dinner time?
Well, Geun Seok had a nosebleed one time, so
Good call.
- Sorry?
- Studying is important,
but it will be for nothing if he is not healthy.
However, if such a thing happened,
you should have informed me.
When outsiders hear of this,
they will say you neglected Geun Seok's studies
because he is not your biological son.
I failed to look at the big picture.
Go to the physician's tomorrow
and get tonics for Geun Seok.
Yes, Mother. I shall do so.
Also, Lord Gyeongunjae
will come over to tutor Geun Seok.
Make sure you are prepared.
I mean,
you said that Geun Seok's health is a priority.
If you let him have lessons on top of school,
you are contradicting yourself.
It is only once every five days.
Let him try it out. If he finds it too much,
we shall reconsider.
How did your matter go?
I am going to go to Lady Park's every five days
to tutor her grandson.
I thought you hated the left state councillor. So why
This child has to be raised upright
in order to lead your father's faction, you know.
I wanted to outright refuse her.
But I could not bear to let it be.
Let what be?
- You may leave.
- All right. Please rest.
Why have you not wrapped up the case of Lee Cho Ok?
It has been months since then.
When will you let it go?
The main suspect goes by the pseudonym "Hwa Rok."
It is not easy to arrest that person.
I hear
half of the women in the city read Hwa Rok's novel.
How can you not catch him even if he uses a pseudonym?
Chief Magistrate.
During my investigation, I found traces of murder, not suicide
That case ended as a suicide caused by personal depression.
Why did you continue investigating without approval?
Arrest Hwa Rok faster if you have time to do that.
Everyone is already asking when the third volume
of "The Lady's Private Life" will be ready.
It will take a while for me to write the third volume
due to personal reasons.
Has Lady Yeoju
already found your spouse-to-be?
About 80 percent of my writings come from my mood.
If she found my future spouse,
I would have finished volume three by now.
She was unable to find one for me. Just me!
Unable to find one? Find what?
Goodness, do not cry.
There, there.
Why are you so sad?
Why am I the only one without someone to marry?
What do you want now?
I need to speak with you for a moment.
Go ahead.
I cannot speak to you in this illegal state.
I am now in a legal state, so please speak.
You promised not to write novels
dressed up as a man.
I went there
to receive the outstanding balance for what I had already written.
I put a lot of work into it,
so I had to get the rest of the money.
Are you saying money is more important than your life?
It is that important right now.
The wall finally collapsed,
so my home is completely exposed.
All right.
Goodness. My gosh.
Put one up over there.
- This one?
- No, that one.
One, two, three.
Mother, why did you come out?
I hear the lieutenant of the Capital District Office
is fixing our wall.
Well, there is a long story.
You do not have to mind him, Mother.
I have something to say to him.
All right.
You really do not have to mind him.
You are here, my lady.
Not only do we need help with the wall,
we need new roof tiles too.
The water leaks in the annex when it rains.
Mother, why are you sharing that with him?
Yes, my lady.
I will fix the roof in a few days after the wall is finished.
Do you think that lieutenant
is married?
I am sure he is. He is a lieutenant, after all.
A woman who has such a dependable man as a husband
must be very happy.
Why would you want a husband
who fixes the wall of another woman's house?
Our father never forgot the birthday of his mentor's wife,
but he never celebrated Mother's birthday.
A man like him is the worst as a husband.
You tell me.
So Hyun, it seems like the head shaman is wrong.
I could not find a trace of the Crown Prince
in the princess's home or the King's nanny's home.
So, I discreetly requested help to Royal Noble Consort Suk.
She said it seemed like he was in Dongungjeon.
What you did was utterly unnecessary.
Do not be so harsh
on Bok Ki, I mean, on the minister of defence.
I also think something went wrong.
The Queen continuously makes the Crown Prince's meals,
and the Crown Prince has not skipped a day
of his studies at Sigangwon.
I think we are making a fruitless effort
looking for him outside the palace.
Did you hear the Crown Prince reading his book out loud?
I did not hear him read.
The Queen must have left
a young eunuch to sit there in his place.
I have already found the home
where the Crown Prince is.
Where is it?
By any chance, did anybody in the city
come by to get some milk?
Yes, there was someone.
Where does that person live?
Your milk porridge is
much better than what I had in the palace.
I found out through a peddler
that Seo became a commoner from her servanthood
by the order of the Queen soon after her installation.
There were two other men seen in her house,
the ones who had never been there.
You must pretend not to know about this.
Hence, it is unnecessary
do not send a court lady to spy on Dongungjeon.
I understand.
(Book Rental Shop)
Stay calm.
It does not matter even if he is the Man of Anger.
Nothing at all.
I just have to be careful not to cross him.
(Matchmaking Operation for Erudite Maeng's Three Daughters)
My goodness.
Did I dare to come late?
What? No.
I got here a little early.
I see. You personally came out very early.
Why are you suddenly doing this?
I had been quite rude to you because I did not know
you were Lord Gyeongunjae, one of the royal family.
How did you know I was Lord Gyeongunjae?
Your butler told me.
O Bong did not need to do that.
Just do as you always have.
I got used to your rudeness, so I feel even more uncomfortable.
In that case, I will abide by your order.
Do as you like.
Gosh, nice portraits.
I mean, they are wonderful.
Did you draw these yourself?
You said you would reflect on the first eye contact
from Sunhwa Temple to find their husbands-to-be,
so I drew them to increase the efficiency of the process.
You are a good artist too.
There is nothing you cannot do, my lord.
Now, let us begin.
You could remember every single old bachelor
you only saw from a distance?
I never forget anybody once I have seen them.
"An agent of love"
"does not forget anybody's face for the rest of their life."
Let us begin with Lady Ha Na, who received the attention
of every single old bachelor.
(Bachelor 1, 2, 4, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 23, 24, 20, 22, 8, 7)
(First Eye Contact: Success)
It seems too good a game to give up.
(Bachelor 15: Jang Chun Bae, Bachelor 12: Kim Jib)
The eldest daughter wanted someone from a good family
who has a good fortune and is respectable.
That means Bachelor 15, Jang Chun Bae,
is the most suitable as a man who owns a big bookstore.
On the surface, Bachelor 15 seems like an appropriate spouse.
But my 6th sense tells me Bachelor 12 is the right one.
I will put up both men as candidates for Lady Ha Na.
Bachelor 12?
Bachelor 12 was good at playing the game of go,
so he must be rather educated too.
Education is one thing.
But did you not see his worn-out clothes?
The eldest would not accept, as she wanted someone with fortune.
You cannot jump to a conclusion just by his worn-out clothes.
Did you not catch his beautiful hand under the sleeve?
Also, when his eyes first met with Lady Ha Na's,
I saw an amber headband button next to his hat.
Did you fail to catch that?
I do not know why Bachelor 12 is hiding his wealth,
but I know he is a son of an affluent family.
I also believe Lady Ha Na must have known instinctively
and played a move for his side.
It is quite scary to imagine
the kind of details women can catch.
Also, Bachelor 12 is not from Hanyang,
so he is unaware of Lady Ha Na's rumour.
It may be even better.
All right. In that case,
what about the second daughter, who had the toughest term?
What I look for in a husband is very simple.
It is someone who uses his hands
to earn enough money to buy the food he eats.
Lady Doo Ri's term was rather tough, unlike I expected.
Among the old bachelors who showed interest in her,
Bachelor 16 was the most ordinary.
He also passed the state exam,
so he was the most likely to become a success.
(Bachelor 24)
I will go with Bachelor 24.
Bachelor 24 was a man who had an inferiority complex.
And he is a farmer who is not interested in succeeding.
Do you not think that makes him more perfect?
He farms,
so he is a man who uses his hands to make a living for himself.
Lady Doo Ri will not be able to protest.
You boasted saying you could tell
when people were meant to be as an agent of love,
but you focused more on their terms than I did.
If you consider the future of the three daughters,
Bachelor 16 is a better choice, as he is likely to succeed.
The real reason why I chose him was
because of the way he looked at her and his assertiveness.
It happened briefly, but I clearly saw it in his eyes.
Bachelor 24's eyes gleamed with love for Lady Doo Ri.
Also, unlike other old bachelors,
he was assertive enough to run after her.
If only you have the final say, why are we having this meeting?
Because I must go through the entire process with you.
That was the term of our contract.
It is not too late to trust me and leave it to
Forget it.
Are you revisited with heart acceleration?
Also, heart acceleration is not human.
Why would it visit me?
You never use the right words.
(Bachelor 24)
My goodness.
We meet again right here.
What are the chances?
I did not come by to see you.
I stopped by a friend's house and was on my way home.
Are you the shaman's friend?
a diamond in the rough, Lady Sam Soon. Shall we?
I have a grasp on your way of matching.
The art of matchmaking
cannot be learned by studying.
Which bachelor did you choose?
Tell me which one you have on your mind.
What if you get jealous of my excellent ability to learn
and deny it even if I choose the right one?
- Why would I do that?
- I also have no idea
why people do that.
That was why you became the Man of Anger.
Ever since I found out you were Lord Gyeongunjae,
I began to wonder
why such a smart and honest man like you
became the Man of Anger.
But I just figured out why.
You only had lousy people in your life,
those who pushed you down just to elevate themselves.
In that case, let us pick one on the count of three.
No misunderstandings.
Sounds good.
One, two, three.
I told you that I learned everything quickly.
Why did you choose him?
Just like the third daughter who dresses up as a man and writes,
Bachelor 23
also loves to cook as women usually do.
They both pursue something against the world,
so they will make a good match.
Your reason is incorrect.
Lady Sam Soon is honest to her emotions
and steps up bravely in this process of marriage.
That is why she is a good match for Bachelor 23,
who will do as the woman says if it is not about cooking.
I see. In that case,
what kind of a woman should I be with?
My lord.
All right.
I prepared some snacks.
Then, the candidate for Lady Sam Soon
will be Bachelor 23.
Also, please contact the selected bachelors
and contact me, just as I asked.
Our job is finished today. Please excuse me.
Wait. I brought some snacks. Stay and have some.
Thank you.
But I have to be somewhere urgently.
What? Why?
Why did you come in now?
What? You told me to come by
with some snacks in an adequate hour.
I woke up early in the morning and paid someone to make this!
What does she mean to you anyway?
You cannot glare at me like that.
I am quite disappointed.
We will use these as our tableware tonight.
I do not see Lady Jung on a day like this one.
Our food is made with devotion, so her subordinates
will not work properly if she is not here to watch over them.
She is also a servant. Why does she talk as if she is the lady?
Should I visit the annex?
Why are you out here?
All right.
Prince Jinsung loves ginger liquor, right?
It was stuck at the bottom of the storage,
so it was tough to pull out.
Oh, right.
Prince Jinsung said he could not have alcohol
because he is currently taking tonics.
I completely forgot.
I will return the liquor.
Tell one of the servants to return it later.
You can finish cooking the meal.
Yes, Mother.
Goodness, Lady Jung.
She just got here, right?
You do not have to do this each time.
We had a lot to do today.
Let us hurry.
All right. Let me taste the soup.
Prince Jinsung is here.
Why are you here instead of the reception room?
I was right!
Lady Jung had been going outside in secret.
("The Lady's Private Life")
What in the world is she doing out there?
Look at these vulgar clothes.
- What are we going to do?
- You.
Keep your mouth shut.
Do not share what you just saw with anybody else.
If I hear someone say my daughter-in-law
had been wandering outside without my permission,
I will think of you as the source,
no matter what the true source is,
and I will sell Sam Wol to a dangerous place. Remember that.
Yes, my lady.
Just find out
what Soon Duk had been up to.
Was there
a need to have Prince Jinsung here?
We are doing all the work anyway.
Prince Jinsung should know what we had to do
to make him a king better than anybody else.
That is how we will stop him from acting independently
even after his enthronement
to make sure Dongro Faction continues to stay in power.
We can never catch up to the wisdom
of the left state councillor.
Prince Jinsung is here.
In that case,
what kind of a woman should I be with?
She already knows I am unable to remarry.
She must have thought I was utterly immoral.
I must be crazy.
I should have pulled my hand out when his hand touched mine.
What if he thinks I am that easy?
Lady Jung!
What are you doing right now?
Oh, my. What am I going to do?
What am I going to do?
I better do this alone.
You can get some rest over there.
I will only see her again after many days,
and she will misunderstand me until that day.
Is my stress acting up again?
I cannot let this go on.
I shall talk to the groom candidates as soon as possible
to meet Lady Yeoju and lift this misunderstanding.
Soon Duk, open the door.
Am I not allowed a moment to reflect on myself?
Hurry up, Soon Duk.
Yes, coming.
Goodness, why did you bring this heavy jar here?
My life would end as soon as I get married,
so before then, I wanted to drink lots of my favourite ginger liquor.
Why do you think your life will end after marriage?
That is when your life begins.
It does not sound too convincing coming from you.
Give me a moment. I will bring some chasers.
You did not have to take things this far.
You said you would finish this jar of liquor.
And I want a drink today too.
Is something going on?
Take your time.
Something is bothering me,
so can you tell me your thoughts?
Fire away. Is this about you?
This is not about me.
This is about a woman I know very well.
She was picking out something at the marketplace,
and her hand overlapped with the man next door.
Was that man married?
No, he is a widower.
Or so I heard.
A widower and a married woman?
- And?
- Anyway, the important part was
that the woman was so flustered, so she did not pull her hand out.
She began to worry
if the man next door would think she was an easy woman.
Because that lady is
only in love with her husband.
That is a lie.
She lied when she said she only loved her husband.
It is not a lie.
I am sure she has feelings for that widower.
No, she does not.
I know her very well.
She does not have feelings for him.
You knew I was married three times, right?
I do.
Listen up.
If something like that happened,
she should be concerned about everyone else thinking she was easy.
Why would she only worry
if only that man might think
she was an easy woman?
Which means
that lady wishes
to remain in that man's favour.
- That is nonsense.
- Right.
Now that you say that, you are right.
She is not right.
Lady Jung, you may be the best matchmaker,
but you only match those who are young and single.
You would not know anything about how adults love.
By any chance,
do you have another story of how adults love?
Do you want me to tell you?
Well, I got a story of my second husband
who eloped with the lady after they hit it off.
Yes, tell me.
- When was this again?
- Good grief.
Do not pretend like you know everything about love
just because you were married three times.
I said no, which means no.
You do not even know her. That is not love.
This happened way back when
His Majesty is feeling under the weather.
He is still in bed.
Is he in bad condition?
I believe it to be a common cold.
I understand. Please tell him I was here.
She has passed life-threatening danger.
I am glad.
I must ask something to this court lady.
Do whatever it takes to make her conscious again.
I will do my best.
And be especially cautious so nobody finds out
she is still alive.
Yes, Your Majesty.
There is a purpose behind every study.
What is your dream?
I wish to become the premier.
Why do you wish to become the premier?
I wish to make my grandparents happy.
You become an official
to assist the King and work for the people,
not to make your grandparents happy.
By any chance, are you acquainted with my mother?
Why do you suddenly ask?
I have never met anybody who says that other than my mother.
She also said I could study hard if I wanted to.
But if I did it only for my grandparents,
she said there was no need to study too hard.
You have a great mother.
That is why I am worried.
She does not seem to know this world too well.
How was your first class with him?
I would have regretted it if I turned down this lesson.
You have such an extraordinary grandson,
so I may end up learning from him.
I am happy to hear that he earned your favour.
So, how is the matchmaking going?
Please let me know if you face any difficulties.
I will help you.
Marriages are usually up to the women in a household.
I am working with a famous matchmaker, so it is all right.
But if I do face any difficulties, I shall seek your help.
How was your private lesson?
If it is too tough, please do tell me.
It was fun.
I especially liked the teacher.
Is that so? How come?
Because he likes you, Mother.
It is our little something.
What did you study today?
I learned the Analects of Confucius.
"The Analects of Confucius?"
To even learn the Analects of Confucius.
You are all grown up now.
How is it?
Do you attend a school or something?
- Good grief.
- All right.
Gosh. My apologies for being late.
I have many students to take care of
with the initial state exam just around the corner.
- I see.
- As the weather was fine today,
I invited some other scholars as well.
The more people, the merrier.
I just realized we were all standing near the wall at Sunhwa Temple.
You came late. Drink three cups.
(One who comes late must drink three cups to join.)
Here. Drink.
What have you done to this sotak?
I have never had such delicious sotak before.
If it is this good, I could even drink ten cups.
Right. Go ahead.
Today's drinks are on me, so let us enjoy it
to our heart's content.
- Here.
- Come now.
Here, another cup for you.
Where is the Jeon?
And the meat Jeon?
- Cut more grass over there.
- Understood.
Place the fish here.
Where is your mother?
- Mother.
- Stay seated.
There is still some time left.
But the ground is dirty.
It is not easy, is it?
Living without a husband.
Born weak, my second son had a rough time.
But he laughed a lot after meeting you.
I am sure I laughed a lot more than him.
It was too short, was it not?
Longer years do not mean greater love.
Though it was short, I received ample love from my husband.
He gave me enough energy to live happily for the rest of my life.
Thank you.
For loving In Guk
and raising Geun Seok well.
Staying at home might be stifling right now.
But once Geun Seok grows up and gets married,
you will be the lady of our household.
Oh, right. Do you remember the lady who gave you some advice?
Of course, I do.
I cannot seem to forget her.
Do you know which family she is from?
Before their feelings deepen,
do not tell the old bachelors that they are the old ladies.
The false rumours will give them a preconception.
Were you not looking for a woman
who will love you regardless of your wealth and family?
So why ask which family she is from?
I assure you that I am not picky about the lady's family.
Why? Because I am wealthy.
Buying affection with love
is very unromantic.
Now, now.
Are you still going on about being romantic?
How about thinking of it this way?
The most romantic thing you can gain with money
is the lady's heart.
Right. You two should continue with your conversation.
Thank you very much for your wise words.
On that day, I thought you would not come
to this old-bachelor-no-more drinking party.
What do you think about her?
I am happy with whoever accepts my circumstances.
You must not take back your word that
you will be happy with anyone. It is a promise.
What are you doing here?
I was looking for you high and low.
Oh, I see.
Grilled ricefish is a delicacy. I wanted to serve it to everyone.
Forget about the grilled ricefish.
Take a look at this.
I have found a suitable lady for you.
You really found one?
My goodness. Would such a beautiful lady
like me?
Did I give you the first daughter?
No, it is the third daughter.
I guess Lady Yeoju is a real Agent of Love.
I am sure she has feelings for that widower.
She knew nothing yet spouted such nonsense. And now, it bugs me.
Forget it. I know my own feelings the best.
How would Gae Dong know?
Lady Jung!
Talk of one, and they sure will appear.
Lady Jung. Here.
I was told it was urgent.
What is going on?
I have to go out right now.
"Right now?"
If anyone asks, tell them I have gone to buy something.
What? Lady Jung!
Good grief.
You are busted.
She walks so fast.
Gosh, get out of my way!
Where did she go?
Where did she go?
(Matchmaking Operation for Erudite Maeng's Three Daughters)
Wait. Why are you not waiting outside?
I told him to join us.
It seems like he is handling the work.
He should be here so there are no misunderstandings.
I think it is best that we three have the meeting together.
But still
The contract stated you were to follow my matchmaking plan.
You do remember, yes?
I will be dead silent over at that corner.
What is the serious structural problem you wrote in the letter?
You see
Hold on.
This will not do. I am getting stressed out.
Let us clear up the misunderstanding before we talk about work.
I asked what kind of lady would be a good fit for me that day
because of some complex situation.
I will explain everything later on.
So, do not think I am a weird person.
I did not get any wrong ideas.
Stop lying.
If you did not, why are you keeping your distance?
Back at Mount Mokmyeok, you told me to stay three steps away from you.
Did you forget?
You and I are from different social classes.
Keep a distance of at least three steps.
Since when did you start doing as I asked?
Goodness, you are being plain obvious.
How embarrassing. Will you be able to face Lady Yeoju now?
Go ahead and tell me the problem.
I am quite busy.
I was just about to tell you, all right?
Like your plan, I gathered the bachelor candidates
for drinks that were on me and gave them a big push.
Everything was going well in the beginning.
- Gosh.
- Here.
Just a bit more.
Great. Thank you.
Lord Inspector.
I am very grateful.
In my situation,
anyone but the old ladies will be more than
who I deserve.
Good grief, who would want to get married to the old ladies?
I heard you came from the countryside
far from here, Scholar Kim.
Do you still know of the old ladies?
Rumours are very important.
In particular, the first daughter,
possessed by an unmarried ghost,
lures men into her house every night, no?
Rumour has it that even the Minister of Defence became a victim.
It is true.
What are you saying is true?
The whole nation knows
the Minister of Defence is a womaniser.
You see
As the teacher of the Minister of Defence's son,
here is what I heard.
The first daughter of the old ladies
came on to the Minister of Defence first.
But when he did not give her enough money,
she filed a petitioner's drum as revenge.
With how the first daughter is,
anyone can guess how the younger two are.
Did you witness it yourself?
When she hit on the Minister of Defence first.
One does not have to see it to know.
Because rumour spread that the dead Lee Cho Ok,
the first daughter's friend, was promiscuous and lustful,
she did not get any matches despite her old age.
Too embarrassed,
she threw herself into the water.
Like attracts like.
Birds of a feather flock together.
They say rumours travel fast.
Be careful of what you say about uncertain things.
Even in my point of view,
that seems like a false rumour.
It could be a false rumour.
But parents do not care if the rumour is true or false.
Even if my parents gave up on me,
they would disown me if I declared to marry
one of the old ladies.
You should have seen the old bachelors' determined faces.
We cannot feign ignorance
and introduce them to the three daughters.
Yes, this man.
Bachelor 15.
Despite running a village school, he spreads false rumours.
Even if the first daughter likes him,
I will oppose him.
The indecent rumour must have been a bigger obstacle than expected.
What was that?
"Must have been a bigger obstacle?"
That was an irresponsible remark.
You talked like the first eye contact
would solve things smoothly.
There are exceptions in everything in this world.
- Good grief.
- With what has happened,
we should prove Lady Ha Na's rumour wrong.
And how will we do it?
I have an excellent plan.
You need to find the murderer who killed Lady Cho Ok.
Why bring her death up all of a sudden?
Lady Ha Na's indecent rumour started
with being possessed by Lady Cho Ok's ghost.
Excuse me?
Lady Cho Ok took her own life.
So what murderer?
That is what the foolish government officials say.
Find out the truth behind Lady Cho Ok's death,
and we will be able to get rid of
Lady Ha Na's indecent rumour for good.
The Agent of Love's excellent plan never goes wrong.
You want me to tell you the murderer?
Were you not privately investing in Lee Cho Ok's case?
You know who the murderer is,
and yet, you are covering it up.
I am sure you know
what a severe crime protecting a murderer is.
If I inform you who the murderer is,
are you confident you can punish them?
Why should I do that?
You should return.
It is not something I can personally tell you to satisfy your curiosity.
It is not me,
but there is someone who can punish the murderer alone
and cause no harm to anyone else once they know the truth.
Who is that?
Come along with me, and you will know.
Good grief.
Keep walking forth.
Mind your head.
Why are you here?
I am a matchmaker.
I am here for my and my sisters' marriage.
Do not misunderstand.
For marriage?
I am glad he did not recognize me.
But it is starting to make me unhappy.
Why did you bring the third here?
I must ask you why you brought the lieutenant here.
He knows the full story and the murderer of Lee Cho Ok's case.
My brother
No. The lieutenant does?
Gosh, I feel better now.
Did you tell Lord Gyeongunjae
that you could punish Lee Cho Ok's murderer?
Yes, it was me.
I have a question.
Are you Lord Gyeongunjae?
Does that mean
you are the famous Man of Anger?
Yes, I do reside in Gyeongunjae.
I was dying to meet you, but to think we were this close.
You are not as good-looking as the rumours,
but you are a lot more sane than I imagined.
Because of this sporadic chest pain,
I cannot even get angry.
Are you all right?
Three steps.
Get away from me.
Do not let it bother you.
Now that everyone has introduced themselves,
tell us the plan.
Look at him bearing a grudge.
(Matchmaking Operation for Erudite Maeng's Three Daughters)
Thank you for participating in the matchmaking operation
for Erudite Maeng's daughters.
Our job this time
is to get rid of Lady Ha Na's false rumour.
I have a question.
Is Bachelor 23 next to my portrait
my marriage partner?
That is correct. You will meet him at the May Festival.
He is a gentle Hanyang scholar. You will like him.
Stop going off-topic.
Tell us what we must do at once.
They say rumours stop rumours.
Starting now, we will inform many of the truth,
change the false rumour into a moving story,
and punish the atrocious murderer.
Who would believe the words of a peddler?
The murderer has great power.
You will be sentenced to death for false accusation.
(The accuser gets punished for defamation.)
Lady Yeoju, going that far is a bit
I will not do it.
The one who will spread the truth is this person.
Go and inform the government office?
This is different from what I have heard.
You said only the murderer will get punished.
How could you have Lady Sam Soon do such a dangerous job?
You see
Do not yell.
If you do
my chest
My lord!
Pull yourself together!
(The Matchmakers)
You must go to the Royal Court today.
I am always open when it comes to that.
Right, you are.
He's so engrossed in this woman.
By the way
The left state councillor has no idea.
They ran away!
The crown prince was kidnapped from the private house?
I will turn Lady Ha Na's false rumour into a moving story.
The murderer in this novel
Do you even know what you are saying?
I know how to punish the Minister of Defence.
Will it not be dangerous for Lady Yeoju as well?
I will kill you for sure this time.
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