The Mess You Leave Behind (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Lo que no quise ver en ti

["Malos Hábitos" by NEVVER playing]
- [song continues on stereo]
- [guests chattering indistinctly]
Why do you have that cell phone?
Raquel, listen to me.
We can get in trouble if they find out
- [Raquel] Go away.
- [Germán sighs]
[Raquel clapping]
Come on! The party's over!
- [stereo turns off]
- [Gabriel] Hey, what the hell is goin' on?
[guests murmuring]
[Raquel] Go home or someplace else.
I don't care. But you have to get out now.
- [Gabriel] You're being serious?
- [Raquel] Get out now!
[guests groaning and shouting]
[man 1] Come on!
Put the music back on! What's goin' on?
- [man 2] This is incredible.
- [man 3] Unbelievable.
I told you
that it would be a mess to come here.
- Who the fuck does she think she is?
- [man 4] Gotta go.
Let's scare the shit out of her
and be done with it.
Let's go.
- [guests speaking indistinctly]
- [Iago sniffles]
[man 5] Let's go. Let's go home.
[man 6, chuckling] Bye.
[man 7] See ya later, man.
[door closes]
[Germán exhales slowly]
[guests continue chattering
and laughing outside]
- [Germán] Happy now?
- [glasses clinking]
What did Nerea put in your pocket?
[Germán sighs]
- [Raquel] Huh?
- [Germán] I don't know.
[Raquel] You don't know?
- Just stop it.
- [Raquel scoffs]
[Germán] Uh…
[Raquel sighs]
Will you tell me
why you're carrying the cell phone
of a dead person with you?
I won't. You need to tell me why you
and Viruca were texting all the time.
I don't know what you're imagining. See?
You're blowing this out of proportion.
But see, at least,
you could've had the decency to say to me,
"I lied, Raquel."
How am I supposed to trust you?
- Were you involved with her?
- You think I was involved with Viruca?
- Are you actually crazy? This is not
- Oh, so I'm the crazy one? Okay.
[Germán] I don't understand
why you're obsessed.
No, I am not obsessed,
but she is everywhere!
And now she's in your cell phone!
- So stupid.
- [Germán] Okay.
- [scoffs] This is so interesting, you see?
- Raquel.
This explains how she can be dead
but still so present in our lives.
- I envy her. I envy her. I swear, I do.
- [Germán] What are you doing?
Envy her. I swear I do.
- [Germán] What are you doing?
- At least she felt all her feelings.
Because she made some mistakes,
but she was bold.
Not like me. I seem to be terrified
of my life all the time.
What do you mean? That's unfair.
You're being hard on yourself.
Look here, Germán.
I've spent my entire life
in the shadow of my mother,
and now I'm overshadowed
by a woman who is dead.
And I can't live up to a woman
who impressed everyone, including you.
- I didn't know that.
- What are you talkin' about?
- [Raquel] What am I talking about?
- [Germán] Stop.
[Germán] I got to know her
when we were teenagers,
and during the trips
I made to see my father,
our paths happened to cross sometimes.
Nothing more.
- Yeah, that's it?
- [Germán] Yeah.
- [scoffs]
- [chuckles] Is that all you have to say?
[thunder rumbles]
- [Raquel] Asshole.
- [Germán sighs]
I thought you would
at least make a bit of an effort.
- There's nothing to say. Nothing, damn it!
- But I don't know.
- Are you really gonna leave?
- [Raquel] Yeah.
Do you know why?
Because I don't believe
that you are telling the truth, you liar.
And because I don't like you.
And right now,
I cannot deal with this shit!
[Germán] You're ditching me?
It's okay. After everything
that's happened between me and you,
you're gonna dump me because you think
I did something I did not do. Is that it?
Well, I don't know.
I don't know, but I just need time.
[somber instrumental music playing]
[Germán sighs]
- [thunder rumbles]
- [Germán huffs]
- [thunder booms]
- [engine running]
[Raquel takes a deep breath]
[tense instrumental music playing]
[thunder continues rumbling]
[Raquel panting]
["La Espina de la Flor en tu Costado"
by Xoel López playing]
- [birds singing]
- [cell phone ringing and vibrating]
[Raquel exhales]
[ringing stops]
[Raquel sighs heavily]
[line ringing]
- [Raquel sighs]
- [woman] Hello. Coruña Real Estate.
Hi there. It's Raquel.
- I have the house in La Marina.
- Oh, Raquel?
- I think we may have spoken last week.
- Yeah. Yeah, I know.
Uh, could you meet me
in a couple of hours?
Sure. Let me make an arrangement.
Okay. Thank you.
- [cell phone clatters]
- [Raquel huffs]
[somber instrumental music playing]
[Raquel clicks tongue, sighs]
- [seagulls crying]
- [music intensifies]
[indistinct chatter]
[Tere] Oh, my darling!
What's with the suitcase?
Things really that serious?
Don't know.
[sighs] Thank God I came
with a shit ton of alcohol. Yeah?
Okay, let's go.
Are you sure you wanna go in there?
[Raquel exhales]
[door creaks]
You're good?
I'm fine.
- Where are all the boxes I gave you?
- [Tere] Most of them are right over there.
- I'll leave your suitcase over here, okay?
- [Raquel] Yeah.
[cell phone vibrating]
[Raquel grunts]
[plates clattering in kitchen]
[Raquel sighs]
[clicks tongue]
[seagulls crying outside]
[Raquel scoffs]
[Germán] Raquel.
[reporter on TV]
Ferreiro appeared this morning
at the court in Santiago de Compostela
due to the accusations…
- [Tere] Oh, my goodness.
- [Raquel] Good morning.
[broadcast continues]
- Did you sleep well?
- [Raquel] Mm-hmm.
The drugs work pretty well. Am I right?
[Raquel] Yeah.
[Tere] Listen, I really like this kitchen.
Look at this light.
- Are you sure you still want to sell it?
- Yeah.
I mean,
you were doing it for him, weren't you?
Hey, just listen to what he sent me.
Listen to this.
[Germán on recording]
Raquel, please forgive me.
- Oh, again?
- I know I've been an idiot.
I don't want to keep screwing things up.
I promise, I can explain.
- I'll explain it all. Okay?
- Yeah.
No, that's not the best one he left.
Listen to this.
[Germán] Okay,
you know these last two years
without a job have been difficult.
And I've never liked asking you for money,
and I don't want you
to have to pay for my vices,
so that's
why I had Viruca's number 'cause…
No, wait. Keep listening.
- Oh, fuck, it's hard to say this…
- [Tere gasps]
I used to sell cocaine to her.
- [sighs] Oh. Oh, my darling…
- Can you believe this?
He was selling cocaine to Viruca.
I can't really believe this. Like, really?
I don't know
who the hell I'm married to anymore.
I am sorry.
[Raquel sighs]
[seagulls crying outside]
[Demetrio] We are not doing well at all,
Germán. We are in very deep shit.
Very, very deep shit, hmm?
But you can't see it.
This place has nothing but losses
If you don't explain it to me,
how am I supposed to know?
- Sure. Keep pretending you don't see.
- Don't talk to me like that.
- I'm here to help with Dad's stuff
- [Demetrio] Great.
What do you want from me?
Thank you for your generosity.
- [Germán] Go fuck yourself.
- Fuck you too.
I'll be right back.
- Huh?
- You okay?
Okay, uh…
I'm sorry, but my brother, he's…
Yeah. Yeah.
[Germán] Hmm?
No, I… Do you have something for me?
No, I don't like doing that
in the restaurant.
- Okay, sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah.
- You know that.
Hey, is your father doing well?
[sighs] He's not.
- Not at all.
- [Viruca] Hmm?
Not much can be done.
- [Viruca] Seriously?
- Time will tell, I suppose.
Oh, shit. That's bad, no?
- [Germán] It is.
- If I can help, let me know.
Okay. Do you have 200,000 euros?
that's the debt that my family owes.
And with a place like this,
it'll take a long time
to pay back our lenders.
Was hoping to reach some negotiation
'cause we have the hot springs
right there,
and that could bring us more business.
- [Viruca] Oh, really? The hot springs.
- Yeah.
You remember when we used to bathe there?
Yeah. And a good place to hide.
[chuckles] The best in the world.
Anyways, if we decided to expand
and got a license
for the construction of parking…
- Ah. You want to build a parking lot.
- Yeah. But my brother won't agree to it.
He thinks we wouldn't get the permit
from the Xunta, the Heritage…
Whatever. [sighs]
Yeah. Yeah.
- [takes a deep breath]
- [tense music playing]
- [Germán] You okay?
- [Viruca] Mm-hmm.
Yeah, I'm good. I'm good.
Listen, I have a… a way I can help you
with getting those permits approved.
You have an in at the Xunta?
Okay, listen.
Do you know a Tomás Nogueira?
- [Germán] Mm-hmm.
- I'm a very close friend of his.
And he knows practically everyone
in Santiago.
And why would you want to do that
for me and my brother?
Well, because we are buddies,
Germán. [chuckles]
And I'll take my cut from the deal.
- For the transactions, of course.
- [Germán] Hmm.
M'kay. Think about it. It's a win for all.
[Germán chuckles]
[somber music continues playing]
[door opens, closes]
Hey there. It's ready.
I think we've done a pretty good job,
you know?
- [Tere] Mm-hmm.
- What? Do you want something to drink?
Oh, I need one. Yes, girlfriend.
- And I'm also so hungry.
- Oh, yeah?
And my back is really hurting. [sighs]
- My love?
- [Raquel] What?
Are we really leaving the bathroom
like that?
It's just all my mom's stuff.
If it's weird for you,
I'll deal with it in a moment,
and then you don't have to.
No, I'll take care of it.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
[somber instrumental music playing]
[Tere sighs]
[Raquel sighs]
- [seagulls crying, echoing]
- [Raquel chuckles softly]
[seagulls crying outside]
This is a really nice color.
You like it?
[mother] Mm-hmm.
- [Raquel sighs]
- [door opens]
- What would you like for lunch?
- Whatever you're having.
[mother grunts softly]
How are you today, Carmen?
[sighs] Do you want to know the truth?
Or the opposite?
- Don't be a downer, Mom.
- [Carmen exhales]
Come on, give me your other hand.
- [cell phone ringtone playing, vibrating]
- [Raquel gasps]
It's my brother. One minute.
[Raquel sighs]
[Germán] Hey, Demetrio.
- They look really beautiful.
- [Carmen grunts]
[Raquel sighs]
Why didn't you wanna tell me
what you were going through?
[Carmen takes a deep breath] Um…
Please get the morphine.
I won't.
You take it every four hours,
and it's very addictive.
And? Who cares?
Don't say that.
[Carmen takes a deep breath]
Thank God you have Germán.
Because it would hurt me a lot
to leave you here all alone, darling.
I'll be okay.
- Huh?
- There's only one vial of morphine left.
- Okay.
- It's strange.
On days when she was in pain,
we'd give her three shots.
There should be more left.
Do you think
that maybe Germán tried to sell them?
No, I don't think he sold them, but I…
Okay. She wanted to die.
You think Germán helped her do that?
But he wouldn't do that to me, right?
Maybe he didn't wanna tell you
so he wouldn't hurt you.
Maybe he thought
that somebody had to help her,
and you weren't in a good place
or condition. Who knows?
- Okay. I'm gonna keep cleaning this up.
- [Tere] Okay.
I'm ordering pizza for dinner. Sound good?
- Yeah, okay.
- [Tere] Ah! I'm so hungry.
[Raquel sighs]
I'm telling you,
there's nothing to worry about, okay?
[Demetrio on phone] I don't like scams.
You know I don't trust Viruca.
But listen, Demetrio.
That's just how things work in the world.
The bad guys make the cut,
and honest people never get anything.
Stuff like this happens all the time.
It's not a big deal. I'm telling you.
[sighs] No way, Germán. We'll have to find
another way to sort this all out.
Oh, yeah?
You tell me how.
'Cause you've been working for years,
and for what?
To go into debt?
Come on. You deserve better.
[Demetrio sighs]
Okay. If we go ahead with it,
how much are they gonna charge us?
And how exactly
are we gonna be able to pay them, huh?
Listen to me. In Dad's account,
you're the beneficiary, right?
How much is there?
[rain pattering]
[thunder rumbling]
- [Viruca chuckling]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Germán] Hello.
- Ah, Germán. [sighs]
Hey there. Do you have a table for four?
We'll find one for you. Right this way.
- [Gabriel] I'll leave it.
- Thank you.
- [Tomás] Hello. How's it going?
- Tomás, right here.
- [Gabriel] How are you? Everyone good?
- [Viruca] You'll love it. This is so good.
[Gabriel] Told you. Next to the windmill,
like when we were kids, remember?
- I'll be with you in a moment.
- [Viruca] Okay.
I hope he brings menus.
[Germán, quietly]
Demetrio, they have arrived.
Viruca and Ferreiro.
Uh, go take care of them. Come on.
This wine looks excellent.
Pour yourselves some.
Hey, are you coming?
They should congratulate the chef,
don't you think?
[Mom chuckles]
- Smile a little.
- [Demetrio grunts]
- [door opens]
- [Tomás laughing]
[Gabriel] Ah, just shut up and drink.
- [Demetrio] How is everything?
- [Viruca] Everything was so delicious.
- [Demetrio] Glad you liked it.
- [Ferreiro] Congratulations.
If only you were that good at soccer,
nobody would've beat our ass
in high school.
- [group laughs]
- [Demetrio] Can't be good at everything.
[Gabriel] Sit and have a drink.
[Demetrio] No, no. I have work to do.
This is on the house.
[group] Thank you.
- [Tomás] Okay. Thank you.
- [Viruca] Excuse me, um, Demetrio.
- Yeah?
- Here, let me introduce you two.
This is Ferreiro. He works for the Xunta.
I know who he is.
We see him on TV every day.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
Viruca briefed me on your idea
of using the hot springs
to attract the tourists.
As you know, the National Heritage
is very strict with these sorts of places.
Yes, we understand. We tried to do it
a few years ago, but nothing worked out.
But did you know Ferreiro two years ago?
- Let me see what I can do.
- [grunts softly] Thank you.
- [birds calling]
- [tense music playing]
I'll give this to Ferreiro, okay?
Please don't mess this up, Viruca.
I'm begging you.
I know my brother trusts you.
- Don't screw us over.
- Nothing's gonna happen.
Okay? Everything's under control.
- Don't worry.
- [Germán takes a deep breath]
- [seagulls crying]
- [waves crashing]
- [cell phone ringing]
- [Raquel sighs]
Hey there, Tere.
Yeah, I just needed to get some fresh air.
Yeah, I'm all right. Don't worry about me.
I'll get over there, okay?
[cell phone ringing]
- Yeah?
- [Roi on phone] Raquel, is that you?
- You need to come here.
- Roi?
I'm sorry. I mean it.
Come right now, please.
- [suspenseful music playing]
- Right now, please!
[Raquel exhales]
- [Raquel] What happened?
- [Roi sighs]
[seat belt clicks]
What happened, Roi?
[Roi breathing shakily, sighs]
I just got back from being at Iago's.
We were hanging with Nerea,
and he was being very…
He was totally out of control, Raquel.
- [Iago snorting]
- [Roi and Nerea] Hey! Hey!
- Oh, you get that shit!
- [Iago sighs]
- As hard as we can, or what?
- ["Paris" playing on stereo]
I wanna make a toast.
- [Roi] Fine with me.
- [Nerea] Jesus.
Okay. To both of you.
And especially to me.
- [Nerea] Okay.
- [Roi] To our awesome host.
[Nerea laughing]
[Iago exhales] Okay. So,
I have a present for both of you. [grunts]
- You got a present for me?
- [Nerea] That's literally so moving.
What did you get us?
- [Iago humming]
- [Roi] What is that?
- You wanna know what it is?
- [Nerea] Uh…
This is happiness in a bottle.
- [chuckles] Okay.
- [Nerea] Yeah, but who pays for all this?
- [Roi] Who do you think?
- Who cares? Do I interfere with your life?
- Huh? No, I don't do that.
- Daddy?
- [Iago] You dig?
- [Roi] Give me some. What is it?
[Iago] You want some?
- Pass me your beer.
- [Nerea laughs] Yes, Daddy.
[Iago] Shut up. Okay.
[Roi inhales sharply]
So, with this stuff, Roi,
things are gonna get real nasty.
- [Roi] Okay.
- And naughty.
- [Roi laughs] Perfect.
- [Nerea laughs, grunts]
[engine continues running]
He started getting very touchy.
And things started to get out of hand.
Things really just got out of hand.
[breathing shakily]
["LOCO" by Kidd Keo playing]
[Nerea panting]
[all breathing heavily]
[Iago] Let's take these off.
- [Nerea chuckles]
- [Roi panting]
[Iago] Hey.
- No, no. No way.
- Let me see. Come on.
- [Roi sighs] I can't.
- [Iago] You can.
- [Nerea] You okay?
- You can, Roi.
[Roi] I can't. I don't want to.
Why? Are you not having fun or something?
I am, dude,
but I just can't do this. I'm out.
- Take them off. Come on.
- I'm going home.
- [Nerea] What's wrong? You okay?
- [Roi] Yeah, I am.
What is it, dude?
Isn't this what you've wanted? Tell me.
- Yeah. But I
- Aren't you horny?
Then what is it? Huh?
- What's wrong?
- Will you please stop? Get off me.
You tell me to stop?
What do you mean, I should stop?
Are you telling me you don't want me?
Or what?
- Nerea, did you know?
- [Nerea] Huh?
- [Iago sighs]
- [Nerea] What?
- What is it?
- [Iago] Listen.
- Roi.
- [Nerea] What is that?
Are you fucking recording us?
Nerea, did you know he was recording us?
- Are you serious? Don't touch me!
- Stop it! Roi! Hey!
Would you have let me do this
if I told you
What kind of sick mind do you have?
- [Nerea] What the fuck is this?
- I wanted to fuck with Raquel. Get it?
He wanted to make a video. [sniffles]
And then put it on your computer.
Why me?
And later report you
for having child pornography
of your students or something like that.
[sighs] Listen, I…
I told him that I wouldn't.
That we… we've done enough to you, and…
[tense music playing]
[Roi sighs]
Was it the three of you
that were threatening me?
[Roi crying softly]
You sent me that video?
You forced me to give that exam?
The flyer was you?
All of this was you?
- I can't believe this.
- [Roi] There's a reason.
A reason? What reason?
What? What reason? To drive me insane?
- [Roi] No.
- Huh? To completely destroy my life?
Give me one good reason not to take
all of this to the police and report you.
Okay. If I hadn't done this to you…
you wouldn't have wanted to investigate.
You wouldn't have even discovered
any of this.
- Please listen.
- I can't believe this.
- I can't fucking believe this.
- Listen. I did it for Viruca.
[Raquel inhales sharply]
Because I think that she was killed.
I think that she was killed
and that Iago was involved.
Get out of my car.
- Raquel, please believe
- Get out of my car.
- [suspenseful music playing]
- Go now.
[Roi sighs]
[music swells]
[Raquel sighs]
[indistinct chatter]
- [Germán] I'll be right back.
- Okay.
She didn't even show up.
- What do you mean?
- That woman, the teacher. Where is she?
Okay. Jesus. Give her some time.
- These things can't get done in a month.
- Time?
What do you mean?
You know this isn't going well, Germán.
It's not good. Go call Viruca.
- Okay, I'll do it later.
- You will call now. Give me your phone.
- Your phone!
- Calm down. I called. She didn't pick up.
[chuckles] Yeah?
I told you this wouldn't go well.
Scams are for those who can deal
with them, not for people like you and me.
- Okay. We'll sort it out.
- Yeah, we will sort it out.
I took money from our father. Hmm?
We robbed our father.
- We're mourning his death
- Calm down and behave.
Yeah, behave.
Okay, yeah. Too late for that.
I did what you said.
And what for? Tell me.
Now we have no money, no license. Nothing.
- Okay.
- Sort this out. You hear me?
Sort this out. Or this is gonna end badly.
[Germán sighs]
- [rain pattering]
- [thunder rumbling]
[Raquel sighs]
[tense instrumental music playing]
[Raquel breathing shakily]
Pick up.
Uh, Germán,
when you get this, please call me back.
[cell phone ringing]
- Germán?
- [Germán on phone] Hey. What's up?
Um, where are you?
Um, why? What's happening?
- Someone broke into the house.
- What?
It's… it's… The house is torn apart.
Do you have the dog with you?
- No. He's not. Are… are you okay?
- [thunder rumbles]
Can you come home?
I'm feeling really scared.
Okay. Just stay calm. I'll be right there.
- Okay?
- Hurry. [sighs]
- [Raquel] Nanook!
- [Germán] Raquel!
Raquel! Are you okay?
- [Raquel] Yeah.
- What is goin' on? He hasn't shown up?
Aw, shit.
Let's… let's go… let's go looking for him.
- Okay, where's the…
- Germán?
Did you give my mom
a box full of morphine?
- Answer me.
- Why are you asking me that now?
[Raquel] Answer me.
Let's go looking for Nanook,
and then we'll talk about this, okay?
- Were you going to tell me? Huh?
- [Germán] Huh?
- Tell you what?
- Tell me you killed my mother?
Your mother was in a lot of agony.
I did what she asked me to.
You think it was easy?
You think it was easy, Raquel?
- Let's go find Nanook. Okay?
- Why didn't you ask me?
Ask you?
You couldn't make decisions, Raquel.
I did it for her and for you.
- You should've asked me before.
- I promised her…
- Let's go find Nanook. Please!
- I don't know who you really are.
Who I am?
- Are you really gonna do this?
- Get off.
- Get off me!
- Let's go find Nanook, please.
Let's go look for Nanook!
I am begging you, Raquel. [scoffs]
[Raquel sighs]
- [Raquel] Nanook!
- [Germán] Nanook!
[Raquel sighs] Oh, shit.
They destroyed the house.
What did they want?
They wanted Viruca's phone.
[scoffs] Fuckin' phone.
Had to get involved in someone's business.
Couldn't just get along with your class.
They were harassing me.
I had to defend myself.
Who was harassing you?
- Why didn't you say something?
- Because I just couldn't, okay?
[Germán scoffs]
I did it for both of us.
- You know? Both of us.
- Both of us?
- To save what we had here.
- Okay, Raquel.
But what was there to save?
Weren't we doing fine?
So that's why you didn't tell me
you were selling coke?
[sighs] I told you.
My father was going to die.
I needed to find the money.
Do you tell me everything?
Come on, answer me!
Tell me, why did you get us involved
in this, Raquel?
Answer me.
Answer me!
They were blackmailing me with a video.
What video?
Of me and Simón.
- [somber music playing]
- [thunder rumbling]
With Simón.
You screwed him one night
and recorded videos?
[sighs] Or did you do it
more than just once?
Uh… I'm sorry.
- I am sorry.
- You are disgusting.
- Don't touch me, asshole!
- I'm sorry. Forgive me.
Forgive me, please.
- Forgive me. Please!
- [Nanook whining]
[gasps] Nanook!
- [Nanook whimpers]
- You hear him?
- Yeah, I do.
- Nanook!
- [Germán] Nanook!
- [Nanook continues whining]
[Germán] Nanook!
He's over here.
Nanook. Nanook.
- Nanook, wake up for us, please.
- [Raquel sobbing]
- What happened to him?
- [Germán] Nanook. Nanook.
- What happened to him?
- Nanook, wake up.
Come on. Do it for me, all right? Please.
[Raquel whimpering]
[Germán] Nanook! Nanook, please!
- [Germán] Open the door.
- [Raquel] Okay.
[Germán] Hang in there.
Hang in there, Nanook.
- [Nanook whining]
- [Raquel] Hurry.
It's okay, Nanook. It's okay.
- [Nanook whimpers]
- [Germán] Stay with us.
- It's okay.
- Hang in there.
- [Raquel] Okay.
- Hang in there, Nanook.
- You'll be okay, buddy.
- [Raquel] It's okay, boy. I love you.
- [engine revs]
- [Raquel] It's okay.
It's okay, buddy.
[dramatic music playing]
[Germán exhales]
- [Viruca sighs]
- Why the fuck didn't you call me back?
- [Viruca] Huh?
- What's happening?
- [Viruca] What?
- With the Xunta guy.
- So what do you take me for?
- For some fuckin' junkie.
A junkie? Me? Look who's talking.
Of course I gave him the money, okay?
And I kept my portion, like we agreed.
Listen, you guys must be patient, okay?
It takes [gasps]
We don't have time for that.
If I find out
you're screwin' over my family
And what will you do? What will you do?
- Shut the fuck up.
- [Viruca grunts]
[sighs] What's wrong? Huh?
- What's wrong?
- [Germán] Shut up, bitch.
What's wrong? Wanna fuck me?
- [Germán sighs]
- Is that it?
[scoffs] What are you saying?
[sighs] Do whatever you want.
I don't care, okay?
Sort this out. Talk to your people,
or get us our money back.
Get away from me.
- Get away from me, Germán.
- I'm warning you.
- Get away from me.
- [Germán grunts]
[sighs, groans]
[tense instrumental music playing]
[Germán sighs]
[Raquel crying softly]
[sniffles, sighs]
[takes a deep breath]
[softly] Please, boy.
[Germán sighs]
[Raquel exhales heavily]
- [softly] Please be okay. Please be okay.
- [door opens]
[Germán sighs]
- [Germán breathing shakily]
- [Raquel sobbing]
["Bajo la Piel" by Alice Wonder playing]
[both crying]
[Raquel whines]
["Bajo la Piel" continues playing]
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