The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

(Jung Ryeo Won)
(Wi Ha Jun)
(Scriptwriter: Park Kyeong Hwa)
(Director: Ahn Pan Seok)
(The Midnight Romance in Hagwon)
(Episode 6)
Let's go.
Min Ji, can you finish cleaning up for me?
Yes, sure. Hurry upstairs.
I can't wait to find out about the Heewon kid.
(Consultation Room 2)
- Hi.
- Is your class over?
Yes. Is Mr. Lee not here?
He went home.
With the director?
No, they all left separately.
I see.
By the way.
Congratulations on the Heewon class.
Thank you.
(Consultation Room 2)
(Ms. Seo)
Where are you?
Are you asleep?
Ms. Seo.
Where were you at?
I was out getting some air.
You'll talk much more from now on.
Beware of colds.
Go out for air when the weather's nice.
Do you have anything to say to me?
Why not share how you feel, Mr. Lee?
How does it feel to meet your first student?
For Si Woo,
I feel like I can pluck him the moon and stars.
Promise a first-class grade, not something that is impossible.
What's the matter?
Are you scared now that you met your first charge?
It's fine. There's time until the class starts,
- so if you prepare well
- Ms. Seo.
Go on.
I take back everything I said earlier.
Choisun Academy. You can go.
You said I could take over all the students you brought in.
You don't want to anymore?
- It's not that.
- What is it, then?
Si Woo wants to go to Seoul National University.
His family struggles financially,
so the tuition needs to be cheap.
He wants to grow to like Korean.
Memorizing passages just to get the answers right makes him nervous.
All the adults he knows want him to become a doctor,
and he thinks he should live up to their expectations,
but he's not sure if that's really what he wants.
before he turns 20,
he wants to find what he wants to do.
What does that have to do with Choisun Academy?
I want to help Si Woo with everything.
Get him into SNU,
make him like Korean,
and find him a career.
So what?
I wondered if that was how you felt about me.
What about it?
Isn't that wrong?
I left school long ago.
We're just colleagues now.
Me keeping you here, stopping you from moving.
That's evil.
If you don't want alcohol, shall I bring you tea instead?
I dried bell-flower at home
especially for you teachers.
It's good for the throat.
That sounds nice. Are you okay with hot tea?
- We'll have some. Thanks.
- Okay.
Don't go overboard. I'll take care of myself.
What will you do?
Eat your food.
- I don't have to report
- Taking care of yourself.
Does that mean taking a loss to look out for your old student?
What is your problem?
Why did you give up your spot in the advertisements?
More than anything,
I'm so pleased the first student he consulted
is doing so well in school.
Don't you agree?
One student at the top of his class is worth ten advertisements.
Good for you, Mr. Lee.
Thank you.
Well done.
You didn't have much time,
but I'm impressed you managed to prepare to consult a student too.
Thank you.
This is the beginning.
For as long as you're an instructor,
today's victorious memory will provide great strength.
Stay this way and never change.
I will.
We should celebrate,
but I'm sorry I have prior plans.
That's right. You were on your way out.
Shall we all go?
- Yes.
- Let's go.
Mr. Lee, can you stay?
Lee Jun Ho.
You did very well.
You two
really are the best.
Thank you.
As the director here,
I can't do anything that could look like I'm showing favouritism.
- That was so frustrating for me.
- I see.
I knew we would pull it off.
You know what we three have.
A novice director, a novice instructor,
and you, the knucklehead student.
We shocked Daechi-dong, didn't we?
We're an incredible team.
You can search the whole of Daechi-dong.
You won't find another academy director
gutsy enough to put
a newbie instructor in the posters.
Any other director wouldn't have
entertained the offer at all.
What offer?
Come on.
Seo Hye Jin said we could put someone else in the advertisements,
and Lee Jun Ho made our pie bigger.
For all your aspirations and challenges,
I was right there offering support.
Our close relationship that formed in the past
brought upon this miracle.
The director must be getting scared.
He wants to insist we're a team.
Ms. Seo.
I did it so you'd get noticed
and get scouted by a bigger academy.
You said you wanted to make lots of money.
I didn't say that expecting your sacrifice or consideration.
That sounds like I'm sacrificing myself
for the greater good.
It's nothing.
It's not a joke.
I felt horribly guilty.
If I were to ask you
to help me for another year on top of what you did,
isn't that just stupid?
Don't go overboard.
I take back everything I said earlier.
Just do what you want, okay?
I have nothing more to teach you.
I'm not kidding. It's not funny.
You found your first student, and now you're being thoughtful.
Don't call me thoughtful and act like you're the only adult.
My gosh.
That hurts.
Why does that hurt?
I guess I liked how you said you needed me.
We're always waiting, hoping to be chosen.
There are so many academies and instructors.
So we shout until we're hoarse.
"I'm right here."
"Please come and listen to me."
But you came to me voluntarily
and told me you needed me.
You suggested we go on an adventure,
and I guess that made me really happy.
So when you told me to go, I felt
Upset? Was that what I felt?
Ms. Seo. You're
a real headache.
What am I to do if you do this?
What am I to do if you do this?
I don't know.
(Ms. Seo: Are you)
Who's there?
Go back to sleep.
(My Pride)
(Edit: My Pride)
(Instructor Lee Jun Ho)
(Instructor Lee Jun Ho)
(Daechi Chase opens Heewon High class.)
(The Final Miracle! Seo Hye Jin, Lee Jun Ho)
Director Kim Hyun Tak is quite smart.
What are you talking about?
I stayed late to help with the consultations.
He asked to see me before he left.
Did he?
Yes. He gave me
the headline to put on our new banner,
then went out to drink.
While we were all jumping for joy,
he was busy coming up with that in a corner of his brain.
It felt oddly uncomfortable.
Moving half a second before others do
is his speciality.
Look at what he accomplished
while other small academies went under.
Don't look down on him because he acts like he's clueless.
You should watch and learn.
It's not something you can learn, you know.
It's more of an instinct.
A middle-aged woman like me can't even copy him.
I scheduled the Heewon High class for Wednesday evenings.
I don't think we need a Sunday class yet.
What about the Chanyoung High 11th grade class?
Shall I give it back to Ms. Seo?
Leave it for now.
I'm sure the director will talk to
Ms. Seo, right?
(Honam Diner)
Over here.
- Did you wait a while?
- Not really.
I ordered for us already.
I got your usual.
- I have one?
- You do.
Thank you.
That's for her.
Oh, is it? Here you go.
Okay. Thanks.
Here we go.
I have to teach.
Your class is five hours away.
That's long enough to sober up after half a shot.
Let's do what we used to do.
Is it too humble a meal
to offer a victorious general?
It's fine.
I thought of taking you to a fancy restaurant,
but then I remembered this place.
I was in the area a few days ago
and saw they were still in business.
You know we don't have many classrooms to go around.
I was looking around to see if I could
rent a couple of classrooms to use next year.
I heard our old academy spot was available, so I came by.
I didn't sign the contract because I had a bad feeling.
Two instructors fell in love and stuff happened,
and the academy crashed.
The instructors got jealous and badmouthed each other.
The students caught wind, and the rumours turned dirty.
Once a few started to leave,
there was no stopping the exodus.
If you think about it, it's hard to have
a life as clean as yours, Ms. Seo.
Both at work and in private.
I'm going to keep it clean, both at work and in private.
Oh, let's eat.
Does your younger brother
still live with your parents?
It must be quite a commute
all the way to Sejong City.
He'll save up and move out, I'm sure.
Time really flies.
It feels as if it were yesterday that you paid his tuition.
Now he's a civil servant.
I'm sure Jun Ho told you everything last night.
He did.
It brought back memories of the old days.
It showed.
If you think about it,
when we both reached turning points in our lives,
Jun Ho was always there.
That's true.
I'd taken out a loan to make movies,
and you two helped me pay it all back.
I swore something
when we moved out of this building.
That I'd never fail again.
That I wouldn't let those who trust and follow me suffer.
I told myself that was what a leader should do.
I was so afraid of failure
that I did something to you that I shouldn't have.
The Gangbuk branch was keeping me up at night.
An unfamiliar city, unfamiliar schools.
Students who are entirely different from the Daechi-dong kids.
How were we to take root in that environment?
Who of us could do that successfully?
That's why
I got impatient.
I was too busy trying to give you an important task.
I forgot how we'd gotten started.
You can hire a personal teaching assistant.
This person will be separate from the TA
you already have.
The academy will cover the salary.
I teach fewer classes now.
I don't need another TA.
Come on.
Do accept a sincere apology from your director.
Will you teach the Chanyoung High grade 11 kids again?
Let's agree over a shot.
I felt horribly guilty.
- Director.
- Yes?
That's not how you apologize.
Even I feel embarrassed.
Oh, wait.
If you're worried about what
Mr. Lee and Ms. Nam will think, don't worry about them.
Jun Ho will have to
focus on his Heewon High class,
and Ms. Nam will be assigned an appropriate class.
I realized again that I need you and your amazing teaching skills
at our main branch in Daechi-dong
to back up the whole operation.
I see now that's the only way
our academy will grow.
I understand that you're upset.
I apoo, I apologize
I'm stuttering now.
If my apology wasn't good enough, once again, I
I'm not saying it wasn't good enough.
I'm saying it was done wrong.
Is that too hard to grasp?
I'm known for making things simple.
Come on now. Ms. Seo.
Seo Hye Jin.
What you shattered wasn't my Chanyoung High class.
It was our trust.
Come on. That's not right.
Don't exaggerate.
Both you and Ms. Woo have been
feeling uneasy for about five years.
I knew all about it.
Yes, I'm Seo Hye Jin.
What about it, then?
How did you get my number?
Oh, I see.
I heard of the place.
No. I wouldn't bother meeting up.
Even a fool could've noticed.
The exact same day
another academy called me, you would mention our long-time
friendship and loyalty.
But I didn't care.
I even thought, "Oh, did I fail to make them trust me?"
That's why I agreed to any deal you offered me.
The more I read this clause, the more I hate it.
If you quit this academy,
you can't go to or start an academy in the same area for a year.
It doesn't happen all the time,
but you might have to pay them compensation.
Do you know that?
I won't move, so it doesn't matter.
I'll sign it if there are no other problems.
Ever since you put my face in the ads,
I stopped jaywalking.
In case word got out and I ruined our reputation,
I didn't even curse.
- Ms. Seo.
- Yes!
I did that out of gratitude.
You helped me when I needed it.
But none of that was free.
My brother's tuition? My dad's treatment?
You paid me in advance,
and I made up for it. Nothing was a favour.
Why talk like I was a charity case?
I guess I said something that you took the wrong way.
You did upset and offend me,
but still, I thought we had a decent relationship.
You said I was more important than a few students.
I believed that.
I watched our academy grow and even found pride in it.
I guess you thought it was all you.
This is insane.
Don't act like you're so noble.
You wanted the title of youngest Gangbuk branch director!
I'm glad you said that.
Is the Gangbuk branch mine?
Can I grow it and then keep it?
I said I was scared!
Director Kim Hyun Tak!
Can't you just be honest?
It's not a lie.
I really was scared.
Do you know how many nightmares I had of you
leaving and taking the Chanyoung kids with you?
I pay you a fortune and a half.
For working 15-hours days 7 days a week.
Why have you changed so much?
Come on.
Ask a hundred academy directors
if they wouldn't be scared of you.
I haven't changed.
I've only become a director.
You said you were different from other directors!
See? You talk right back at me!
Will you take the fight outside?
Darn it.
When the day was to come for us to part,
I hoped for a beautiful farewell.
I said I was sorry.
Why would you say something as dreadful as that?
The Chanyoung grade 11 class
will go to Mr. Lee and Ms. Nam as planned.
They are working hard to prepare for class.
Darn it.
(Teachers' Office)
(Students banned while teachers prepare the final exam questions.)
(Chanyoung High School)
You teach grade 11.
I'd like to know why you're involved in
putting together the grade ten exam.
For three years until last year,
I put together the grade ten exam.
I know the trend
and the direction it should go in.
You don't create exam questions for fun.
And you don't teach grade ten now.
The headteacher of our year asked him to help us out.
Some extra feedback would put us at ease.
Put you at ease?
I'm not saying you should pick
whatever questions I come up with.
Know that I appreciate the thought.
He's always so stubborn.
Excuse me.
I'll take any pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
I'm afraid we don't sell them
due to parents' complaints.
Mr. Pyo's becoming a problem, isn't he?
I hear you, so go back to your work.
I'm sorry, but may I ask for a cigarette?
You see,
it's been a while since I quit.
- Here.
- Thank you.
Can I
(From school grades to KSAT, With Daechi Chase)
So Young, did you read the contract I sent over?
(Daechi Chase)
I'll put my trust in you, Mr. Lee.
Sure. Please ask Jae Young to come by sometime.
I thank you in advance.
- I'll do my best.
- Right.
Have a safe trip home.
How come you're not intimidated?
I don't have the time for that.
I see.
How about a cup of tea?
This way.
The mothers
sometimes bring me good quality tea.
When their kids get better grades, that is.
But when their grades go down,
I get an earful in return.
- Thank you.
- The tea's quite good.
It must be because they live in Gangnam.
They have fine taste.
Judging by how you say that,
one might think you're not one of them.
Why you
Anyway, I don't know
if it's okay for me to keep addressing you comfortably
when you've become the rising star of this academy.
Gosh. Please keep treating me that way.
- Thanks for saying so.
- The pleasure's mine.
This field
is pretty heartless, isn't it?
even I've been in the business
for about 5 to 6 years now,
but it's nothing like what I had expected.
I feel as though
all academy instructors would be quite lonely.
They have no one to lean on
or someone to blindly trust.
About Ms. Seo
Recent events must've hurt her badly.
I don't know how she exactly feels, but this hurt her a lot.
Of course it would have.
Even my heart dropped when I heard about the Chanyoung High class
being given to another instructor.
Will she renew her contract?
I'm afraid that I don't know.
Should I ask her?
What? Gosh, no.
That's not what I was implying.
Ms. Seo
came to work at an academy when she was just over 20 years old.
If you think about it, she was just a kid back then.
When I first
went to see her for a consultation after your mom recommended her,
I could barely call her an instructor or teacher.
I felt the same way.
How many years has it been since then?
For over ten years she's been coming to work
and preparing students for exams and tests.
Because of that,
she hasn't been able to learn how to be shrewd
or enjoy the good things in life.
You're right.
It dawned on me that it might be terrifying
to get on the wrong side of someone like her.
Ms. Kim, when will you run one yourself?
Seoung Gyu told me
that when his father approves,
you'll hire an academy director
and run one of your own.
Unbelievable. But that's how sons are, I guess.
They are clueless about their mothers.
What I'm waiting for
isn't his father's approval.
It's a capable academy director.
He or she must be top-notch
to tick all the boxes for you.
Of course.
That person
should at least be as capable as Ms. Seo
for me to be interested.
(Consultation Room)
It seems like everyone wants a piece of Hye Jin.
Hey, Mr. Lee.
It's been hard to catch you today.
Didn't consultations end long ago?
Where were you?
- Were you looking for me?
- Of course.
How can you have time to fool around?
I haven't been fooling around.
I'll see you guys there.
Let's go to the library.
We need to put together material for Heewon High's students.
I'll get it done for my section,
so review it later on. You're busy enough.
Even if Si Woo brings all his friends,
the number of students will barely make the cut.
With small-scale classes, individual care is key.
You still have a lot to learn.
I'll come to you if I have any questions.
I can do well on my own.
Have a seat.
Jun Ho.
I'll let you in on a trade secret.
Save it.
I hear that's the same as giving me special treatment.
It's not since you'll soon figure it out.
When you have students of your own,
you'll develop a favourite.
Si Woo will be that student for you.
As for me, you were my favourite.
Seoung Gyu, Ho Jae, and Tae Hyun
were nice boys,
but you were my favourite.
Don't tell Ms. Kim though.
that's because my grades improved the most,
and I brought you additional students.
That's what I thought, but I was wrong.
Even when your grades dropped
and when the other kids you brought quit the academy,
You were precious to me as is.
I guess that's why I wanted to help you out even more.
That made me say some ridiculous things yesterday
like being upset with you.
Anyway, forget about it all.
Forget about the gratitude, guilt, and feeling wronged,
and focus on your own goal.
If there's anything you need, I'll help you any way I can.
After we parted ways last night,
I went by your place.
There's something you don't know.
Which is?
You have no idea
how much I'm holding back.
I'm worried
you'd get sick of me if I display all my greed.
So leave me when you can.
The kids are already here. Let's go.
Anyway, it has to be do or die for you with the Heewon class.
I'm good with you getting ready yourself,
but have me check your work.
I take it you read between the lines.
Unlock the door. Rumours can be the scariest.
Let people talk.
(Room S401)
- Let's get some fried chicken.
- That sounds good.
- Right?
- Yes.
- Later, we'll
- Sure.
- Hi, Mr. Lee.
- Hi, Mr. Lee.
Hi, Mr. Lee.
- Hi, Mr. Lee.
- Hi, Mr. Lee.
- Hi, Mr. Lee.
- Hi, Mr. Lee.
Make time after class today.
To treat us to celebratory drinks.
You have enough students to open a class.
Gosh, it's nice to have a reason to spend money in a while.
Having prior engagements can't be an excuse today.
You know what'll happen if you make a run for it.
It won't be fun.
It's been a while, but I should show who's the woman of the hour.
- Nice.
- Look forward to it.
Mr. Kim.
Gosh, Ms. Woo.
I haven't been able to reach you all day.
What's been going on?
I'll have a tomato juice. Actually, make that two.
No, I'm good.
I don't want to sober up just yet.
I guess things didn't go well with Ms. Seo.
Ms. Woo.
Yes, go ahead.
Let's change our strategy.
Seo Hye Jin is too big of a fish now.
If we try to slowly take her down,
it might result in 100 students
easily quitting.
Then, what?
I'm afraid you'll have to answer to her needs
for the time being.
Will I be sharing the title of vice-director?
As if titles matter at this point.
Make her Head of Faculty if you must.
For now, we must give her everything we can offer.
I can't believe her contract renewal is coming up.
Mr. Kim.
I have a bad feeling about this.
You know, I should get down on my knees.
As if that's necessary.
I can't imagine
the academy without Hye Jin.
All the alcohol today
is yours to drink up.
You didn't hang out with us because of that secret project.
- Got it.
- Cheers.
I knew it would work out.
Hi, guys.
I've always wanted to chat with you, Ms. Seo.
Is that so?
Well, Ms. Nam
kept gushing over how great your class was.
When did I gush over it? I only mentioned it once.
Why are you people
cramped up over there?
Send over Mr. Lee or the one who's paying
to balance out the scales.
- He's right. It's upsetting.
- Got it.
Mr. Lee, stay.
They're heavy drinkers, so you'll be out cold.
Ms. Seo, wouldn't
Isn't it the same for you?
Who'll force me to drink?
All right.
- Here you go.
- Gosh.
Let me take that for you.
Please make sure they don't run out of food.
You should've done this when I was offering discounts.
- Who cares when I buy?
- I'll take that.
- Here's our food.
- Let's enjoy.
What the Does he know that we gathered without him?
As if.
Ms. Seo.
- Here.
- Ms. Seo.
You're getting a call.
Leave it. I can't be bothered with calls at this hour.
It's the director.
- Just a second.
- Sure.
Hye Jin, wait.
What is it? What's going on?
I should at least see Mr. Kim get in a cab.
- Unbelievable.
- Head back inside.
I almost forgot. I'll leave my card with you.
- Don't. I'll take care of it.
- It's fine.
It's really okay.
But I said I'd be buying.
I'll get going.
Why aren't you at the bar?
You're off to see Director Kim.
Exactly. So what's it to you?
It's weird, you know.
A drunk male boss calling you at this hour?
At a corporate job, this would raise red flags.
What did you tell the others?
I said what I just told you.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
The director apologized to me this afternoon.
But I didn't accept his apology. Instead, I went ballistic.
This is probably about that.
You went what?
I went ballistic.
Who knew I would be using foul language because of him?
You'll probably
join Choisun Academy now.
Where are you, Mr. Kim? I'm here.
I see.
Yes. Please wait a bit. I'm almost there. Okay.
You wait here. Okay?
No. I'll go with you.
Gosh. If something happens to me, I'll scream.
He's right there. There's no need.
How am I going to get down, though?
Through here, I guess.
Wait. Hey, be careful.
- I'm good.
- Be careful.
- Gosh.
- Watch out.
Hey, Hye Jin.
My beautiful gem, Hye Jin.
Gosh, why did you drink so much?
Have you been drinking since this afternoon?
I've been drinking.
I also smoked a cigarette which I hadn't done for a long time.
Should I go and buy you some water?
I don't need that.
The wind is quite chilly. Okay? Let's get up.
I'm a coward.
Let's go home now. We can talk about this tomorrow.
On top of that, I'm mean.
I didn't say you were mean.
What? Then
am I a cunning and cruel director who plots dirty tricks?
Gosh, don't talk harshly about yourself.
Sir, I merely wanted a sincere apology from you
for dismissing my long-standing loyalty. I mean it.
Right. An apology.
That was today's theme.
Gosh. He's driving me crazy.
Don't talk about me like I'm pathetic or something!
Gosh, Mr. Kim. I'll get going now.
- Wait. No.
- I can't stay here any longer.
No. Please sit down here.
- No.
- Come on. Sit here for a second.
Sir, be careful.
- Wait.
- The apology
You know?
I'm going to apologize to you from the bottom of my heart.
Accept my heartfelt apology before you go.
Wait here.
Gosh, sir. Come on!
Gosh, go over there. Just sit down and watch.
Sit back down! Now!
- Gosh.
- Come on. Sit down already.
Sit down now.
Yes, sit.
Oh, my.
Ms. Seo.
I'm sincerely sorry.
Sir, please get up right now.
Let's talk about this rationally. Okay?
don't abandon
me or our academy.
Get up.
Please get up now!
I won't get up until you promise me.
We'll talk about this tomorrow.
Come here.
Come over here. Seriously, come here.
Ms. Seo!
Gosh. No.
- Gosh.
- Hey, that's dangerous.
Go over there. No.
What are you doing here?
Hey, Jun Ho. What are you doing here?
- Gosh.
- I know, right?
- Why don't you get up right now?
- What?
- Hey, get away from me!
- Goodness.
I won't leave tonight until I clear this up with Hye Jin.
Fine. I'm not stopping you.
But just do it on the spot that's a bit wider.
- Get up, sir.
- I told you no!
- Get away from me.
- Sir. Gosh.
Oh, dear.
I don't think she's coming back.
He must have thought about Hye Jin when he was having some tasty food.
Kim Hyun Tak does that all the time.
Gosh. You're so petty.
What? This isn't the first time he's done that. You know?
If I were the director,
I wouldn't let her feet touch the ground.
So he buys her expensive food and drinks privately.
- Why are you so jealous about that?
- Gosh.
Darn it.
This is enough. Please get up.
Your knees must be hurting.
- Please?
- I told you I didn't want to.
What if Ms. Seo catches a cold?
- Wait. I can't let that happen.
- Right?
- Right.
- Right. That can't happen.
So why don't you get up? Grab my arms.
All right. One, two, three.
- Gosh. Be careful.
- Oh, my.
- Gosh. Are you okay?
- Oh, dear.
What just happened? Oh, no!
- What's this?
- Oh, no.
- You brute!
- Gosh.
- Goodness.
- Jun Ho.
What is this?
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
- Gosh.
- Be careful.
- My hand
- Hold onto me tightly.
- Your hand
- Let go of me!
- Darn it!
- Sir!
Come on!
- What do we do?
- Gosh.
Oh, no.
Be careful.
Your legs. Pull your legs in.
Gosh. What's this?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Please take good care of him.
Gosh. Okay.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, sir. Please put the heater on high for him.
I'm sorry.
Mr. Lee. Go home quickly.
Okay. Don't worry about me. Just get home safely.
Gosh. Oh, no. You must be freezing.
No, I'm good.
- Let me give you my coat.
- No.
I'm really okay.
I'm fine.
It's verified.
Go to the teacher's office.
I'll bring the electric heater from the storage.
I have a lap blanket at my desk. Cover yourself with that.
Take your time.
Look at you, acting tough again.
I told you to cover yourself with the blanket.
Gosh, no. My clothes are all wet, so nothing can help right now.
Good grief.
- Wait here. I will
- Hold on. Oh, no.
Don't do that. Your coat will get wet.
- No, put it on you.
- No. I'm okay.
Wait then. I'll bring more heaters. We should have a few more.
No. I'm really okay. Seriously.
Your hand is like ice.
Hold on. Let me go and bring something warm.
Hold onto this.
Are you still cold?
I'm feeling better.
Gosh, seriously.
Why are you laughing?
I really didn't think
I would see two grown men fall into the water.
That wasn't even on the list of things I anticipated today.
What do you mean?
Has it been about ten years?
There hadn't been any variables in my life.
The closest thing to a variable was
seeing groups of students graduate every year
and meeting new groups of students. That was mostly it.
Perhaps, the balance in my bank account was it too.
But ever since you joined,
there's always something happening every day.
Things I have never experienced are happening left and right.
Like you said,
I gave up my hard-earned spot for the advertisement for you.
We secretly prepared for a lecture today.
I even held a free lecture which experienced instructors never do.
I also went through a huge failure I never had in my career.
You were briefly on a time machine too.
You met the young Lee Jun Ho too.
So did you not like that?
No, that's not the right word.
was it unfamiliar?
It wasn't fear?
maybe, it was.
I don't like unpredictable things
when it comes to exam questions, my life,
or relationships.
Your hands aren't shaking. Hold onto this now.
I'll step out.
Take off your clothes and put them by the door.
I'll dry them for you.
Should I let you in on a secret?
A secret?
I had never respected Director Kim Hyun Tak
even for a moment.
I can understand that.
he earned my respect today.
Well, although it was only a small ounce of respect.
After this wet mess?
I didn't know he would kneel in front of you.
I thought that he was going to
give you ridiculous reasons like before. Goodness.
It was like getting hit in the head.
I realized that to get what I wanted,
I should be willing to do everything it took like him.
Right. Sometimes, he's like a sly snake.
Sometimes, he's clever like a foxy.
On days like today, he's like an innocent kindergartener.
That's who he is.
I've never seen a kindergartener as drunk as him.
You're right.
Ms. Seo.
Do you want to go back to how it was before?
Before I joined here?
When everything was predictable?
That's the plan.
I'm not asking about your plan. I'm asking what you want.
I swore to you that I wouldn't hold you back.
So what I'm about to say to you sounds really absurd.
But Director Kim gave me courage.
Like he kneeled down and lost face to get what he wanted,
I must say what's on my mind.
You said you would help me
get and do everything I wanted.
I need you.
You told me to leave when I had the chance.
I'm not talking about Choisun Academy.
Tell me right now
if you want to go back to how it was before. Before I got here.
I'll try to hold myself back so desperately once again.
If you're not asking me about my plan
I don't want to go back.
You knew, didn't you?
Know what?
How you really felt.
And how I felt too.
I've been thinking,
but there was not a chance you didn't know.
That my first love
was you.
What are you talking about?
I can't push my feelings away
with the excuse of first love anymore.
I'm struggling to control my feelings for you
as they get bigger.
(The Midnight Romance in Hagwon)
I just confessed my feelings to her.
- I'm losing it.
- I like you, Ms. Seo.
Could you see me as a man?
- Is this
- No.
I got shocking news.
Seo Hye Jin might quit.
She can't turn down this offer. It's the perfect offer.
I won't tell anyone what I saw today.
You can't get everything you want by wasting your time
talking about first love and whatnot.
Then just remember that I like you.
I only had eyes for you.
You're acting quite cheeky with me.
When I put my mind to something, I get it done. You know that, right?
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