The Minions of Midas (2020) s01e06 Episode Script


[jogging footsteps]
- [gun shot]
- [gasps]
[cell phone ringing]
[Víctor] Hi, Mónica.
Are you okay? What's happened?
I know it's late, but…
I wanted to let you know that it's ended.
The extortion plot is over.
- Wait, how? I thought…
- I paid.
They haven't killed anyone else?
No, it's all over now.
Are you all right?
Honestly, I really need to rest.
And I'd like to do it next to you.
[chuckles softly]
Come over.
[line ringing]
- [Natalia] Alfredo.
- Hi, Natalia. How are you?
Good, I’m on a walk. And you?
I’m… I’m good, good. You know?
Um… [sighs]
I need you to do me a favor.
[jogging footsteps]
[gun shot]
[woman] Good morning, Mr. Genovés.
We're all done here.
[Víctor groans]
Good morning.
Sleep well?
- What time is it?
- It's three o' clock.
I honestly can't remember
the last time I slept so long.
Relax a bit.
Are you hungry?
I suppose I could eat, yeah.
Good, ‘cause I’ve ordered Japanese.
Thank you.
For being there.
I wasn't there.
I couldn't be.
You are now.
I want to wake up like this every morning.
That won't be difficult.
[reporter] There are just four days
until the start of the European Summit
and the call for people to participate
in protests in downtown Madrid
- is trending on social media.
- [helicopter whirring]
The demonstration has not been authorized
by the government,
which has led to authorities requesting
that people do not attend
and stay safe at home.
In the meantime, they are mobilizing
the largest police and military presence
the city has ever seen,
with over 6,000 new policemen
and army officers
protecting institutions and buildings.
[knock at door]
[door opens]
Good news or bad news?
This can go back in the account.
This issue won't be a problem anymore.
You're looking better.
Better than the last couple of weeks.
Yeah, I'm starting to feel
like I'm back in control.
I'm off. Just came to drop this by
Now we can look to the future.
Put together a good team,
focus on expansion.
Set aside time for me tomorrow.
The old man was right about you.
[chuckles] Although for a second there,
I had my reservations.
[operator] Putting you through
to the Secretary now.
[Pilar] Víctor, how are you?
[Víctor] Hello, Pilar.
I'm sending you some documents
in case you want to use them.
They affect the deal with the previous
government and The National Observer.
[Pilar] I don't think this is a good idea.
[Víctor] You said yourself
we have to watch each other's backs.
- [Pilar] This is not the right time.
- [Víctor]Yeah, it is the right time.
Let’s get this going right away.
["Yo era un animal"
by Alejo Stivel playing on stereo]
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, Alfredo.
Do you have it?
If I lose this job
I won’t have another one.
I don’t have a pension like you.
This is a one-time favor.
Give me a shot of what he's having.
You read it?
The jogger's the victim.
It’s strange.
Shot point-blank.
Like an execution.
- Genovés hasn't paid yet?
- No.
Look at the last message.
They congratulate him.
"We are delighted to inform you
that the deal uniting us
is nearing completion."
You understand any of this?
Well, I gotta go.
I’ll let you buy.
[helicopter blades whirring is distance]
[indistinct chatter below]
[glass smashes]
[people yelling]
[cell phone rings]
[Daniel] Hey, Víctor. Listen.
The board's losing their minds,
the whole team actually,
now that the CNMV
green lit the takeover bid.
Just put a hold on it.
And schedule
an urgent board meeting tomorrow,
and bring in the investors the day after.
- The day after tomo rrow?
- Yeah.
And make sure
all major shareholders attend.
Uh, I don't think the statutes
allow that, Víctor.
You'll find a way, Daniel.
Ask Javier about it.
Make it happen.
Okay, I'll talk to him.
Reach out to the advertising team,
I'd like to see them in a couple of hours.
- I got a good idea for them.
- Sure, I'll tell them.
Good morning, Mr. Genovés.
Come in, darling. Breakfast is served.
[Luis] Come in.
Good afternoon.
[Luis] Good afternoon.
Are you Luis Cervera?
Yes, who are you?
We have a warrant for your arrest.
You've been accused of these offenses,
trading of influence, collusion,
and committing the crimes
of bribery and fraud.
You’ll come with us to the station,
from there you'll be taken to court.
Please leave your computer switched on
and unlocked for the investigators.
These officers are gonna handcuff you now.
[Mauro] Víctor wants to make an offer
and he wanted to give you both a heads up
ahead of time.
So you can discuss it
before speaking to him.
He's given this offer
some serious thought.
And in my opinion,
it's a very generous proposition.
Tell us about it.
You're both aware that ever since Víctor
took over as the head of the Group,
that it's been hard for him to comply
with the custody schedule on time.
He knows how flexible Laura has been
and he appreciates it.
But the arrangement has become strained,
especially because the two of them,
as you know,
Marcos and Víctor are becoming
closer every day.
And honestly, Marcos has said on occasion
that he wishes that he and Víctor
could live together.
That said,
Víctor wants to reverse the arrangement,
to make it easier for them
to spend time together.
And of course for that,
he offers this to Laura
to compensate her for it.
Hey, Marcos.
[Mauro] Víctor wishes to move in here,
and for Marcos to stay here with him.
That way, the boy's routine
would go on as usual
and, of course, Laura would be able
to visit Marcos whenever she wants.
On top of that, she would have
a fortune at her fingertips.
[man] I can see that.
It’s an offer that’s
difficult for us to turn down.
[man] Is your Bluetooth on?
- [cell phone vibrates]
- You have it.
[cell phone ringing]
[woman] Hey, are you okay?
Yeah, good.
I'm sitting here with Raquel and Martina.
- Your granddaughter keeps wondering
- [girl] Let me talk, Grandma!
When are you coming, Grandpa?
Cari's house is here
and you have to see it.
- Whose house is it?
- It's huge!
It's Cari's house, Grandpa, my doll.
- I told you already.
- Oh, yeah.
It's a huge place, and it's got furniture
and a really nice kitchen
with a stove that you can turn on.
The couch folds out into a bed.
And it has lights
that you can turn on and off.
Okay, I gotta go, I'll call you back.
Sorry, it's been a hectic day.
Is it true about Luis and the pact?
How did that happen?
I don't know, Mónica. I don't know.
[door opens]
[Conte] I never heard back from you.
I've been calling you.
Sorry about this, but…
Mónica, you remember, uh…
What is it you go by now?
Please call me Alfredo, Víctor.
Hello, Ms. Báez.
Mr. Conte resigned
from his position recently.
[Conte] That's true.
- But it’s not as simple as that.
- [Víctor] I can imagine.
Well, it's been a busy day,
I'm sorry I missed you.
But truthfully,
I think we've talked enough don't you?
But I have something to talk to you about.
I just told you, I'm busy now.
[Conte] If I don't do it,
then my colleagues will.
Because of all that time you dedicated
and for that reason alone,
I can tell you, this case is closed.
There won't be any more extortion.
I know.
[Víctor] Perfect.
Then, if you don't mind…
I see that the idea of trading one life
for another is something you figured out.
Hey, you’re the one who should've
figured out everything out sooner.
Whose life?
My life, Mónica.
My life. It's what's always been at stake.
What I sacrificed.
Now you know Mr. Conte, so just get out.
Of course.
And now I know.
- Didn't he know you paid?
- It was illegal to.
He seems like he's worried
more about lives than legality.
So am I.
- Why didn't you just tell him, then?
- I was alone.
He gave up.
He has no right to ask me questions.
[elevator dings]
[both panting]
What do you want?
[Conte] Nothing really.
Just getting coffee up the block.
How about a lift?
How are things?
[Raúl] Fine.
[Conte] Any developments?
- With Midas.
- No.
If there were,
you think they'd tell us, Alfredo?
[Conte] I guess not.
I've got something for you.
It's about the Dehesa Park murder.
You're leading the investigation, right?
What time did it happen?
Between 11:00 and 1:00.
- Why?
- Because I've got an email
Stop, Alfredo.
I don't know if you fucking realize it,
in Homicide we're not pursuing
that Midas bullshit. Is that clear?
You think I fucking care about an email.
Víctor Genovés was in the park at 11:45.
I'm giving you concrete evidence
to help solve this investigation,
which is your responsibility.
There's the subway, Alfredo.
Don't you ever come to me
with some bullshit like this ever again.
Don't call or hail my car down.
Get out and go home.
[tires squeal]
I don't know if I can deal
with this much energy in the morning.
Or at night.
Good morning.
There's fresh coffee.
I gotta get to the office.
Tell me you won’t turn your back on him?
Luis is my friend.
But it looks really bad.
We don't even know
if they'll release him on bail.
He did it to save the paper.
My lawyers are working on his behalf.
I have to make sure the Group
doesn't go down with the newspaper.
It's been diving since the market opened.
I can’t believe
The National Observer is closing.
We'll start a new paper.
The two of us.
If you live here with me,
we'll have time to create it together.
And don't clean up. Gloria's here later.
[indistinct chattering]
[man] Delores, please take your seat.
Let’s all calm down. And please
respect the rules on speaking time.
They withdrew the offer.
There you have it, Víctor.
Our last hope flushed down the drain.
If that's your plan, congratulations.
Our company isn't worth shit now.
You're the reigning king of a trash dump.
[Víctor] The world as we know it
is undergoing transformation.
The change we are immersed in
is like an abyss,
the depths of which are far beyond
anything we can imagine.
We're moving towards
a new kind of society.
And this new society
is global and connected.
The old structures, institutions,
and companies
that we all know and grew up with
are soon to be obsolete.
Good morning, everyone. This will be hard.
For many years, we have devoted
much of our time and resources
and done a good job, I might add,
to maintaining the essence of the Group
just as Antonio Malvar conceived it.
[van rumbling]
Nevertheless, the unfortunate event that
has put an end to The National Observer
reveals the depth of the crisis
we currently face
and have been facing for many years.
Antonio Malvar himself experienced
a lot of difficulties in his final years.
And adapting to change,
even in those moments,
he always knew that the Group itself
would eventually have to
undergo a transformation.
I'm here to tell you,
our valued shareholders,
we must begin that transformation.
[Víctor] I won't deny it.
The recent blows have dealt some damage.
They hurt us a lot.
It's very hard to shake off the past
and leave it behind.
But fortunately, we’re not the kind
to back down in the face of adversity,
even though the challenge today
is bigger than ever.
Because, in order to continue being,
we must first cease to be.
The time has come…
we must join forces with
like-minded people who share our ideals.
Our vision of the future…
our ambition.
I prepared for you an offer
that shows the horizon.
This will allow us
to remain strong here at home
and, at the same time,
grow beyond our borders.
Because, in these modern times,
continued growth isn't only necessary,
it’s a moral obligation for us.
Growing in unison
with our changing society,
growing with generosity,
with responsibility,
growing in order to share.
And now…
to assist you in evaluating
the enormous opportunity before us,
I want to invite now the European CEO
of the company
that is our new ally on this journey.
Please, welcome with a round of applause,
my dear friend, María José Jose Alvar.
[applause builds]
[applause, whistling]
[thunderous applause]
[applause continues]
[applause fades]
Excuse me. I'm Mónica Báez.
I called Mr. Conte earlier today.
Let me get him.
[woman] Now in this column,
we write all the antonyms for "pleasant".
- What are they?
- [girl] Unpleasant.
[woman] Great job.
- Trouble.
- That's great.
[Mónica] Hello.
Sorry for insisting.
No problem.
Can we go talk somewhere?
Let's go for a walk.
I appreciate you seeing me.
- Those documents suggested
- What documents?
[church bell tolls]
The documents from your
investigation into the Minions of Midas.
I read through them and the trail
appears to stop at a certain point,
but the crimes don’t stop.
I spoke to the police.
I tried to pursue every possible lead
to get the information.
The investigation doesn't exist.
That it never existed.
Does that make sense?
Look, Ms. Báez…
I quit my post for personal reasons.
I'm legally bound to keep the details
of that investigation confidential.
As for what happened once I left,
I have no clue.
So you just washed your hands of the case?
Why were you at Víctor's home
the other night waiting for him?
The information on the thumb drive,
it's terrible.
It suggests that the case is buried.
Can you confirm that?
I'm unable to.
Why don't you ask Mr. Genovés
about what happened?
What do you think?
I thought Víctor paid until
the thumb drive appeared on my door.
I'm here.
I'm here because of the information
that a policeman sent me.
And it all points to the man who I…
I need certainty
before I talk to him about it.
I don't know the man I'll be facing.
I don't know Víctor.
I took this as far as I could.
Why would this "policeman"
send me a bomb like that?
An act of desperation, I imagine.
Or for revenge.
Thirty years now I've been a policeman.
I did my job the best I could.
Until I was unable to.
In all that time,
I've paid off a place in Madrid
and where you met me today.
I've got a nice pension,
which provides a good life here
with my family.
And it's a marvelous family.
I couldn’t forgive myself
if something happened to them.
I won't put them in danger.
You don't have to chase this down.
Don't feel obligated to solve the case.
To see justice done.
But if I don't pursue it…
if I forget about it…
who else will?
[cell phone ringing]
[continues ringing]
- [soft jazz playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
[Víctor] I missed you
at the cocktail party.
Well, whenever you're gone I miss you.
Call me when you're back, okay?
Did you brush your teeth?
Did you have fun today?
You were an excellent host.
Now that we're living together,
we can have more parties.
And helping you was fun. You looked happy.
Don't worry about it.
That pressure I was under is gone.
All right, tomorrow's a big day.
Good night, son.
[man reading] Dear Mr. Genovés,
Allow us to congratulate you
on the slogan you chose
for your new advertising campaign
and also for the newfound morality
we observe in your recent decisions.
All the evidence suggests
that you are beginning to see clearly.
we have yet to see if you are
capable of taking this evolution
to it's ultimate destination.
Understand that we seek reassurance.
Right now, the journalist
you have been seeing
is carrying out an investigation,
which, if published,
would harm your reputation
and your future, forever.
For this reason, we would
like to offer you help once again.
You have until the end of tomorrow to
let us know that our help is not needed.
And if we don’t hear from you,
we’ll take it as a sign
to resolve this issue permanently.
Do you dare, Mr. Genovés?
Will you defend what is
now starting to be yours,
truly yours?
Can you do it?
Víctor Genovés.
[man reading]
Can you get rid of your final obstacle?
Will the disciple of Midas
become one of his favorite minions?
Having faith this will be done,
we are wishing you well.
Cordially yours,
The Minions of Midas.
[siren wailing in distance]
[elevator dings]
I gave away most of the furniture.
It's really nice empty.
I actually like it with nothing.
You've been lying.
We haven't been together too long,
huh, Mónica?
And I'll tell you, truth is…
I've felt closer to you over the past
three weeks than any person in years.
I think you feel the same way.
You never paid, Víctor.
[Víctor] You've been my lifeline.
When you weren't with me
I was absolutely crushed without you.
You kept me going.
You gave me your love…
or, uh, something close to love. You know?
I'm grateful
because it got me through it all.
I didn't pay, that's true.
They handed the case to the CNI
and they wanted to ignore it,
until The Minions of Midas got tired.
You don't know me at all.
The information I have just doesn't fit.
Look, I apologize
for not telling you the truth.
I couldn't lose you again, Mónica.
Your apology is for
not telling me the truth?
You left me all alone.
Everyone did.
I promised I wouldn't bring it up.
But you left,
just like Conte and the police.
Now you want explanations
when you didn't want to share the problem?
Despite all that,
I reached out and embraced you.
I've loved and desired you.
I've forgiven you, Mónica.
Forgiven me?
I know more, Víctor.
I know about the jogger who was found,
shot the night you slept at my house.
That same night,
the Minions of Midas congratulated you.
I know you were in that park.
Everything you see as dark and selfish
right now, I assure you, it's not.
I sacrificed myself.
I went against my impulses and
principles to prevent a greater evil.
What are you telling me?
I'm trying to tell you
that I found a solution.
I stopped the murders
by risking my life and my soul,
but I won in the end.
That's what I'm saying.
[Mónica sighs]
[Víctor] But it's all over now.
You and I can begin a new chapter.
I won't be silent.
I won't help you hide
the things you’ve done.
No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.
Okay, just wait, Mónica.
This isn't fair to me.
You know I was a victim of extortion,
don't forget that.
I was the one who carried
the burden of those deaths,
and I stopped it all.
Don't destroy my life,
I don't deserve that
Goodbye, Víctor.
This is the honest to God truth.
You really can’t do this.
Don't go down this road.
Standing right here, right now,
is the man who loves you.
And I beg you, stop it.
You won't make it, Mónica.
You won't.
[Víctor on recording]
You won't make it, Mónica.
You won't.
Didn't you beat that habit, sweetie?
Those damn cigarettes.
[inhales] Well, I…
I haven’t.
Since the separation, are you better?
[scoffs] Fuck no.
Now I've started crying at night.
I still haven't managed to call movers
to pick up the piano.
What's left of it.
I never imagined my job
would be so difficult.
Is this ‘cause the paper's closing?
Or are you risking your reputation
for a story?
I have a hard decision.
To publish or not.
Can you tell me what the story is?
Better if you don't know.
I just need to think.
To make a choice.
Mónica, you better not be
risking your life for this story.
What kind of job would make you
throw away your future,
your reputation, even the job itself?
It's not just about the job.
Not now.
It's about…
doing what’s correct.
With everything that's been happening…
Alfaad, the paper,
meeting Víctor…
Luis being arrested.
All of it leads me here.
I can't pretend anymore.
Yeah, that all makes sense,
but your timing is off,
you always rush into things.
Take a few days. Hell, take one.
You have to be clear headed
instead of doing things impulsively.
You don't have to worry.
I won't publish it.
I don't have to be
the world's moral compass.
You're such a wonderful mother.
- The best.
- You're leaving?
Mónica, what are you going to do?
I’m going drinking. Fuck everybody.
Thanks, Mom.
I'll come by soon.
I love you.
[crowd chanting indistinctly]
[keys jangle]
[people yelling]
[glass smashing]
[sirens wailing in distance]
[door unlocks]
[melody playing on electric guitar]
[riot noises]
- [loud bang]
- [gasps]
[riot noises continue]
[people yelling]
[gun shots]
[siren wailing]
[gun shot]
[riot noises continue]
[door clangs]
[Mónica breathing heavily]
[riot noises]
Help! [screams]
[muffled yells]
[reporter] Good morning, Spain.
And good morning to Madrid,
who suffered from a long night
of rioting and protests.
The most violent riots
in the country's recent history.
It spread to nearly
every part of the city.
Apart from 546 people being arrested,
plus the millions of euros in damages,
the violence from last night's unrest
left 155 people injured and four dead.
One of the four deceased
was well-known journalist Mónica Báez,
whose body was found under a car
and showed visible signs of a struggle.
Although her death seems to be
due to the violence during the riots,
the police are opening an investigation
into the matter.
Even pursuing the possibility
of a political crime
committed by Syrian mercenaries
who may have been in the crowd.
In other news,
the government has confirmed
that the summit of European leaders
will continue as planned today.
With officials saying the agenda is set.
At the same time,
two press conferences have been
[water running]
Does this mean the office
is yours forever?
Until they give me one even bigger.
[Marcos] You can see
everything from up here.
take Marcos to the house?
Of course.
Bye, son.
Dani, have Ramiro
come up for them, please.
- Mm-hmm.
- Don't wait for me.
[man reading] Dear Mr. Genovés,
We are happy to let you know
that this will be the end
of our communications
as they have been carried out thus far.
You have overcome the challenges
sent out in our requests
with outstanding fashion.
So today we have the great honor
of initiating you into our brotherhood.
At last, it's time for us
to meet you in person
and to involve you in our objectives.
We have great plans for the future.
We are waiting for you downstairs.
And from this moment on,
consider yourself
one of the Minions of Midas.
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