The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Magic Sword Tournament

Congratulations on the exam!
You won again!
You're amazing, Anos!
As usual, she's a bit excessive
in how she expresses love.
But isn't it nice
how the family gets along?
Is it really okay for me to attend
a victory party for your team, Lord Anos?
There's no problem.
You officially serve me, after all.
But we lost.
You have potential.
The spell you used during the exam
was one of Linion's specialties.
The Great Spirit of Water.
You must be related
to them in some fashion.
If you can unleash its true power,
it will be a sight to see.
Thank you!
You're doing well at school
and making so many friends.
You're going to be
a great Demon King in the future.
It's your dream, right?
That's why you're studying
at Demon King Academy, right?
Oh, right!
I wanted to learn more about it
so I went to the castle of
the Demon Lord of Midhaze, Ellio Ludowell!
I've heard that name before.
That's Ms. Emilia's father.
Mom's going to support
your dreams with all she's got!
Dad's going to support them
with even more than he's got!
-That's very reassuring.
-Misha, Sasha, will you support him too?
Yeah! Dad's going to make you a man!
Where are Lay and Misa?
They went out to get some air.
I thought Misha was joking
when she told me,
but he really was born only recently.
That's right.
I can hardly believe that such
an amazing boy could be our child.
Just calling him
an amazing boy is amazing in itself.
Not to mention, things looked
pretty uncertain before he was born.
What do you mean?
Anos nearly died in Mom's belly.
I prayed so hard when that happened.
If only they'd be born safely, I promised
to raise any child I had with all my soul.
Maybe my prayers came true.
It's true that Anos
isn't completely normal,
but that doesn't change a thing.
Because Anos is alive and kicking!
Thank you very much for today.
What do you mean?
It's thanks to you
that I could join Lord Anos's team.
It's a giant leap forward for us.
Honestly, I should have avoided Anos
and taken down the Necron sisters.
If we had beaten even one of them,
he may have allowed the other girls
in the Fan Union to join too.
I'm sorry.
I prioritized my desires
over the team's victory.
You really are strange, Lay.
During the exam and even now,
you speak to a Mudblood
like me with such respect.
You think so?
You really don't care about Highblood
versus Mudblood or any of that?
I wish I only had to think about my
swordsmanship. That much is true.
You might be the type of person
that the Unification Party dreams of.
You're what it looks like
when people don't discriminate.
I don't think I deserve
nearly that much praise.
On that note,
you're half-spirit and half-demon, right?
What? Yes.
Does it ever cause you
any physical problems?
There are times
when I feel under the weather,
but otherwise, I'm perfectly healthy.
Why do you ask?
I heard that half-spirits don't live long.
As far as I know,
half-spirits who can use spirit magic
rarely enjoy good health.
You must be special, Misa.
Do you think so?
I've never felt that way.
Should we go back in?
It's getting chilly.
As you know, the Magic Sword Tournament
is rapidly approaching
and a student from our class
was selected to participate.
Lay Glanzudlii!
And one other.
Anos Voldigoad.
-Go, Lord Anos!
-Go, Lord Anos!
Please prepare your own magic swords
to use in the tournament.
That is all.
Looks like I'll have an opportunity
for a rematch sooner than expected.
What's wrong?
The Highbloods obviously don't want me
to win the Magic Sword Tournament.
So why would they select me?
Do you mean they're plotting something?
It's the obvious conclusion.
Pardon the interruption, Lord Anos.
What is it?
Lord Melhace Bolan
of the Seven Ancients is visiting.
Would you care to meet him?
This is the perfect time.
Yes, let's go.
Lord Melhace, I have brought Lord Anos.
Long have I awaited your reincarnation.
My liege, the Demon King Anos Voldigoad.
So you remember me, Melhace?
My greatest apologies.
I was caught unaware by an unknown
assailant and my memories were erased.
Just like Ivis?
However, my essence did not forget you.
Having laid eyes upon you,
I am now completely certain.
How much do you know?
It was 2,000 years ago,
soon after you exchanged
your life to create the walls.
With my memories erased,
I awoke in the Forest
of the Great Spirits, Ahartheln.
It was most likely to evade the assailant.
You passed through the wall
between Dilhade and Ahartheln?
However, to recover enough mana
to return to Dilhade,
I remained there for 100 years.
When I returned to this land, the name
of the Demon King of Atrocity had changed.
To Avos Dilhevia?
Do you know what they're planning?
It is beyond my understanding.
One more question.
Someone in Dilhade selected me
for the Magic Sword Tournament.
Any idea what their aim is?
I believe it is the work
of Highblood supremacists.
The Highblood Party?
You are the light
of the Unification Party, King Anos.
They wish to dash our hopes
by defeating you,
using any means necessary.
I see.
King Anos, if you will
forgive my impudence,
please do not participate
in the Magic Sword Tournament.
If you do not accept their invitation,
Avos Dilhevia may expose himself.
I'll consider it.
Thank you, my liege.
I'm home.
Welcome home.
What are you doing?
You made this, Misha?
She taught me.
Misha said she wanted
to make something nice for you,
so I told her to come over
whenever she had time.
So that's why you're here.
Oh, right, Anos! You're going
to compete in the Magic Sword Tournament?
Ms. Emilia came to the house today.
She came here to tell you?
She said the whole school
would be cheering you on.
-They want me to participate quite badly.
-Isn't that great, Anos?
Say, should we make a big banner?
I might not participate.
Why not?
If you do well in the tournament,
it'll be easier
to become Demon King, right?
Will it?
You need accomplishments to be Demon King.
I see.
I'll need a good magic sword.
Don't worry about that!
After hearing about
the tournament, Dad went
Oh, nothing!
Let's have dinner now. We wouldn't want
Misha's handiwork to get cold!
You're right. Gratin is best eaten hot
You won't regret this?
That mushroom is delicious.
Open wide.
It's perfect.
Bring Sasha with you next time!
But Sasha's busy.
What is she doing?
Preparing for the tournament.
Why don't we celebrate
once the tournament's over?
Misha, what do you want
as thanks for dinner?
I should thank you.
That makes little sense.
Isn't there anything you'd like?
In that case, let's go somewhere.
You mean in town?
Then how about tomorrow?
We'll go wherever you like.
There's somewhere I'd like to go as well.
Sounds good.
We're here.
"The Hall of the Dragon Kings,
a Magic Model Shop"?
Is this where you wanted to go?
Misha, you're here!
Will you make another one today?
Someone already bought
the one you made last time.
Thank you as always.
So these are magic models?
Yes. The smaller and more intricately
they're made, the better.
The workshop's all yours to use.
This is a magic model workshop.
You make them using Iris?
I see.
So this is what you enjoy?
Yes. This one is for Sasha.
Want to try?
You'll end up
with an unreplicable masterpiece if I do.
I want to see.
Very well.
Misha, how about some tea
A castle at this scale?
No! It's the entire city!
How many decades of work
Please let me have this!
I'll pay any price!
You can have the shop if you'd like!
I'll give you anything you want
Sorry, but this is for someone else.
What? No!
Come back again soon! I'll be waiting!
Do you like it that much?
You even made the parts
inside the buildings.
As always, you have very good eyes.
This is for you.
Now you can look at it whenever you want.
Thank you.
What's wrong?
You always help me so much.
You became my friend
and gave me lots of memories.
I want to pay you back,
but you can do anything.
You don't need me.
That's not true.
You have good eyes.
You're also good with creation magic.
You may be able
to surpass me in those two fields.
I'm not omnipotent.
The only thing I can do better
than anything in this world is to destroy.
Your creation magic
is the opposite of that.
If you'd like to help me,
you should gaze deeper into that abyss.
Wait for me. I'll get much stronger.
I look forward to it.
"Catnip Castle, a cat cafe."
Are you sure?
What about what you came to do?
No need to worry.
This is what I came to do.
Pardon my appearing
before you in this manner.
That voice
Lord Ivis?
I had him look into Melhace.
Have you found anything?
First, regarding the Unification Party.
It is not led by Melhace but by
an unknown individual from the shadows.
Then who?
I could not determine that.
No one from the Unification Party
knows their identity.
That's rather strange.
And one other report.
There is an unidentified
individual here in Midhaze.
They belong to the Lognos Magic Hospital.
Demon Lord Ellio of Midhaze
founded the hospital,
but he too is only a symbolic figurehead.
It appears that
someone else is behind him.
People whose identities cannot be
discovered through investigation.
There is not enough information
to tie the two together.
Then continue investigating Melhace
and the Magic Sword Tournament.
So this is Lognos Magic Hospital?
The best hospital in Dilhade.
Nothing particularly unusual about it.
What are you doing here?
We were just passing by.
What are you doing here?
Just here to visit my mother.
If the doctors can't help her,
I can do something.
Even if she's weak
and on her deathbed today,
I'll make her able
to climb the tallest mountain tomorrow.
That's a little too healthy for my tastes.
It's a little scary,
so just the thought is enough.
Now then. I'll be going.
All right.
I should tell you that I might
not participate in the tournament.
I guess we'll have to settle
the score another time if you don't.
What do you think?
He's a little different from usual.
I'll have Ivis investigate him
just in case.
So this is where you're studying
to be Demon King?
You didn't have to come
all the way out here to support me.
It doesn't look like the sword
will be ready in time either.
Oh, don't worry! It's
Does this have something to do
with why Dad hasn't been home lately?
Not at all!
-Well, see you later!
Anos, do your best!
Did you find anything?
It appears Melhace has no part
in the Magic Sword Tournament.
However, Gaios and Idol
of the Seven Ancients
are involved behind the scenes.
Oh, those two?
They likely intend to lure you
into some sort of trap.
What about Lay?
I searched the records
of Lognos Magic Hospital.
Lay's mother is currently
hospitalized with a serious illness.
She is at risk of death.
It was listed as Spirit Disease.
Spirit Disease?
Such a thing didn't exist 2,000 years ago.
I have not heard of it either.
It appears to be
an extremely rare disease.
I see. Good work.
Lord Anos,
do you intend to withdraw
from the Magic Sword Tournament?
If it earns me
information on Avos Dilhevia,
it might not be a bad idea.
The first round of the Dilhade
Magic Sword Tournament is about to begin!
In this corner,
from the Lognos Magic Sword Association,
Kurt Ludowell!
Right from the first round?
The winner of the last tournament!
The best fencer in Dilhade!
The Lognos Magic Sword Association
is a famous organization
of the Highblood Party, right?
He's Ms. Emilia's older brother!
And in this corner,
from the Delsgade Demon King Academy,
Anos Voldigoad!
What? Who's that?
That's the guy that the Unification Party
has been claiming
to be the Demon King of Atrocity reborn.
I'm so sorry. You're doing this for us,
but we don't know what sort
of dirty tricks the Highbloods might use.
Not a problem.
The man I need to fight
is not the one out there.
It's Avos Dilhevia.
I bet he ran off!
Mudbloods should just serve
at the feet of us Highbloods!
Nothing you do will make you Demon King!
Man, what a moron!
Anos will be Demon King!
Anos is strong and cool,
and he's an amazing boy!
Don't you dare laugh at my son's dream!
I've been looking for you. Here.
Dad forged this magic sword
for you. It's adamantium.
Now you can fight in the tournament.
You're bleeding.
The adamantium was at the top of a cliff.
It's no big deal! Just a scratch!
If you win, you can be Demon King
even if you're of mixed blood.
Go on. Get out there.
Good grief. What was I thinking?
Why should I be concerned about the plans
of a coward who can't even show himself?
Lord Anos?
No need to worry.
No matter what traps
may lay in wait, I will destroy them all.
My only desire right now
is to see my Mom and Dad
smile as I win.
Anos Voldigoad! Are you here?
I'm right here!
I thought you'd run away,
Mr. Unification Party Hero.
It may not make up for the time lost,
but I will finish this in one minute.
The first fight of
the first round will now begin!
Next episode, "Mother's Words."
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