The Mob Doctor (2012) s01e06 Episode Script


Previously on "The Mob Doctor" Moretti: Grace, we got to figure this out now.
You got to watch that temper, pal.
Nobody's scared of you any [ gunshot .]
After I killed Moretti for you, you decided to stay.
So as long as you're in Chicago, I own you.
Does Franco know you killed his boss? Constantine: Who do you think got rid of the body? Thanks to me, Constantine thinks you're 6 feet under.
He shot me and stole what's mine.
I want to know what our endgame is here.
Let me worry about that.
Get out of Chicago, Grace.
Moretti: I made a lot of guys a lot of money.
And now it's time to reclaim what's mine.
Let's go.
Oh, my God, you scared the crap out of me.
Look I am tired, okay? Whoever it is, tell them to go to the E.
-like the rest of the country.
- Grace, it's not about that.
I'm sorry.
Oh, my God! You looked surprised to see me, Gracie, huh? Stupid trick.
Huh? No! Hey.
I see you've annexed the conference room.
Preparing to present at Grand Rounds.
Yeah, what's the verdict? I'm going to be fine.
So, you know this is the first time I've invited residents to present.
No pressure, huh? Got to start thinking about those fellowship applications.
Knock it out of the park, we'll both be happy.
[ Pager beeping .]
[ Beep .]
Tier-one trauma in the E.
Human popsicle incoming.
Extreme hypothermia.
Swimmer versus speedboat on the lake.
Abdominal trauma.
Core temperature 76 degrees.
No pulse for 30 minutes.
What did you give her? Three rounds epi, two atropine.
If you want to call, we'll take her straight to the morgue.
Let's check her out first.
All right, on 3, 2, 1 All right, let me get a Bair Hugger rewarmer over here.
Pupils fixed and dilated.
Haven't seen you in a couple days.
I've been hammering away on my presentation.
I have bilateral breath sounds.
Another round of epi, Grace, she's not coming back if we can't get her temp up.
Open two chest trays.
Take over compressions.
[ Sighs .]
Ready when you are.
All right.
Heat the saline, please.
So, how's your presentation going? It's going.
How about you? I'm presenting with Olivia, so lucky me, huh? Ugh.
It's working.
We can shock her.
Defib 360.
[ Charging .]
[ Monitor beeping .]
And she's back.
This popsicle's got a rhythm.
You're not dead till you're warm and dead.
Let the O.
know we're on our way.
[ Monitor beeping .]
How you doing today, ladies? And there they are my two favorite degenerate gamblers.
It's great to see you boys.
Really great to see you again.
Here he comes.
[ Laughs .]
Alderman Taylor! Hey, look at you, huh? Out here like clockwork, running every morning, taking good care of yourself.
Eh, you're looking good.
Alexander, we got your contribution.
- Thanks for that.
- My pleasure.
Hey, I want to introduce you to my associate.
This is Gio Penna.
How you doing, alderman? Yeah, we wanted to take you for a ride.
If this is about the gaming ordinance, my hands are tied.
Taylor, this is your district.
This ordinance passes, you and your district are gonna stand to make $1 million, $2 million a year.
And all the problems that you've been having with the Water Maintenance Union? Just like that, they're gonna disappear.
I mean, look at you.
You're gonna be a candidate for mayor one day.
Play ball.
I already pledged my vote.
I can't go back on that.
Did you ever hear of Anton Cermak? He was the last Chicago mayor that was killed in office, in 1933.
He ran on a platform that he was gonna clean up the city.
One week later, boom! [ Car door opens .]
Hey, I don't know what you're talking about.
You know Hey, we're just offering you a ride.
Where we go is up to you.
I'm Dr.
The nurse said you're here for our swimmer? Yeah, her name is Casey Lambert.
- Are you her husband? - No.
I'm the guy who hit her with the speedboat.
She's headed to surgery right now.
I didn't think there'd be swimmers out there this time of year, you know? I guess I didn't see her, you know? My life is just so damn predictable, you know? I live right on the lake, and this morning, it dawned on me I've never even been in it, so I rented one of those mini speedboats.
I have to get to surgery, but the nurse Please tell me that she's gonna pull through.
If she, uh, wakes up, can you let her know that I have her dog? He was tied to a bench.
That's how I got her name from the tag.
It's a hell of a way to meet a neighbor, huh? I'm sorry.
The nurse will let you know when Casey's out of surgery.
Hang in there.
Constantine met with Alderman Spence, and he's leaning on him.
For what? They need another vote to pass the gaming ordinance.
Spence could be it.
Spence is a total piece of work.
He voted down the teacher's settlement.
What kind of piece of crap doesn't want to pay teachers? Hey, I don't care about the teachers.
I could give a piss about the teachers.
I'm talking about Constantine.
I-I don't understand how he's doing this.
He's been home five months, and he's got half of Chicago kissing his ass for what? We'll get him, boss.
Yeah, we'll get him today.
It ends today.
What are you saying here? I'm saying Constantine, that wannabe big shot he ain't the only one with a plan.
So, just to be clear, you're saying we're gonna take him out? What's the matter with you? Why you talking like that? Look, go sit on him, all right? It's payday.
He's gonna head to the warehouse.
He's gonna get a phone call.
Then he's gonna go.
When that happens, you call me.
Do exactly as I say, all right? What's up? Is there something going on here I don't know about? What are you so nervous about, huh? Are you worried about your, uh, ex-girlfriend, Romeo? You want things to go smooth, I need to know what to expect.
I got it all worked out.
It's happening today.
We're getting him today.
Get in.
[ Car door closes .]
Post op crit is good.
There's lower lung infiltrates.
Maybe aspiration pneumonia? Grace? Got a call for you at the nurse's station.
- Oh, who is it? - Franco.
He wants you to call him as soon as you can.
Says it's important.
[ Monitor beeping .]
Problem? No.
Nate's been having a lot of issues.
Casey: Hello? Casey.
Hey, I'm Dr.
This is Dr.
You just woke up from surgery.
You had a pretty serious abdominal injury.
Is there someone we can call? Uh, my my family's in in Portland.
I-I don't want to scare them.
Was I in some kind of accident? You were run over in the lake.
What are you talking about? Well, you were swimming.
No, I wasn't.
You were severely hypothermic.
That can affect brain function, your short-term memory.
Maybe no, no, no.
You don't understand.
I-I haven't swam since high school.
I hate swimming.
- I was walking my dog.
- Okay.
Oh, my God, my dog.
Where's Barkley? - The-- the man who brought you in has him.
- What he ran me over in a lake where I haven't been in 15 years and he took my dog? - This is not okay.
- Listen, Casey, we're gonna get you something to help you relax, all right? Ow.
Get me valium, 5 milligrams, I.
push, please? [ Ringing .]
Come on, Grace.
You got to pick up.
Is it just me or was that like, really bizarre? Definitely strange.
[ Cellphone rings .]
Let me see what the tox screen says.
You nervous about Grand Rounds? You want to do a practice run or something? I'd love to.
I think it would just come out gibberish.
I actually got to go home and get a couple hours sleep.
You sure you're not just trying to avoid me? No.
Grace, if something's going on, you can talk to me.
It's Got to go.
I know.
All right, everybody, gather 'round! Gather 'round, boys.
Listen up.
I got a little announcement to make.
Gentlemen, this morning, Alderman Taylor Spence suddenly decided to change his vote.
So, in other words, the Chicago City Council has passed the gaming ordinance.
Huh? [ Cheers and applause .]
A couple of weeks from now, we're gonna be up and running full scale.
All right, I got a second announcement to make.
It's concerning our friend over here, Nate, all right? Nate's officially one of us now.
He got his first beat-down for the cause from a cop.
Buddy boy Devlin, huh? You've been working with Connie for a month.
What took you so long? What can I say? I'm a slow learner.
[ Laughter .]
All right, listen up, boys.
As a token of my gratitude, there's gonna be an extra grand in everybody's envelope this week.
[ Cheers and applause .]
And I figured you wouldn't mind if I ordered some refreshments in.
Ladies! [ Cheers and applause .]
Have a good time, fellas.
You deserve it.
[ Indistinct conversations .]
I want you to know something.
I'm very proud of you.
You're a stand-up guy.
And believe me in this business, that means something.
You want a drink? Yeah, yeah.
I ever tell you about the first time I got stomped by a cop? No.
I was working for Big Desanto and I was running numbers, all right? Now, he was one tough son of a bitch, this guy.
You owed him, you didn't kick up by Saturday, you had a broken arm by Sunday.
- That's old school, huh? - Oh, yeah.
So, anyway, one night, I knocked over the ticket booth at Comiskey Park.
Almost got away with 20 grand, when, out of nowhere, I get collared by these two dirty cops.
They dragged me down to the bottom of the precinct and they beat the living hell out of me.
And I say to them, "Fellas, I know you guys.
Why the beating?" The cop looks at me, and he says, "Because you don't mess with the Sox, moron!" Oh.
[ Laughs .]
Let that be a lesson to you.
I want you to know something, kid.
You're part of a brotherhood now.
And a rising tide lifts all boats.
Including you.
Oh, my God, you scared the crap out of me.
Look I am tired, okay? Whoever it is, tell them to go to the E.
like the rest of the country.
Grace, it's not about that.
I'm sorry.
Oh, my God! You looked surprised to see me, Gracie, huh? Stupid trick.
Huh? No! Zip tie this bitch.
No! No! [ beeping .]
I got it.
There she is.
Just do what he says, okay? What's up, Grace? I saw Constantine shoot you.
It's crazy, right? One doctor got me shot.
The other one fixed up the hole.
Are you gonna kill me? - Don't tempt me, Grace.
- Take it easy.
No, this bitch set me up, didn't you? Didn't you? What do you want? What do I want? I want what's mine, all right? Now, I need you to get Constantine to come out here and meet you.
Look h-how am I supposed to do that? I don't know, Grace.
You're smart.
And you got 10 minutes to figure it out.
Otherwise, I'm gonna beat the piss out of you, okay? Yeah.
And then I'm gonna kill you and I'm gonna find your brother and your mother and I'm gonna do the same thing to them.
How am I doing? Your lungs are still being a little bit stubborn.
It's probably from all that lake water you swallowed.
I'm telling you I don't swim.
[ Sighs .]
You think I'm crazy, don't you? Hello? [ Knock on door .]
I'm sorry.
Um, should I come back? No.
It's fine.
I'm just updating her vitals.
I'm Seth.
Uh, I'm the one who ran you over.
I am so sorry.
I know everyone says I was out there, but are you sure? Yeah.
Y-you were like 500 yards, uh, off of Navy Pier.
Yeah, I don't remember that any of it.
And I'm usually so predictable.
Thanks for getting Barkley.
[ Laughing .]
I'm not real good with dogs, but he likes the Turkey burger from the cafeteria.
[ Laughs .]
I had one, too.
They're good.
[ Laughs .]
I mean, for hospital food.
[ Laughs .]
I just wanted to let you know that Barkley is safe, and he's in my car.
Uh, but I cracked the window.
I walked him first.
[ Grunts .]
Time to make the call, Grace.
You're crazy messing with Constantine.
I'm crazy messing around with him.
Just make the damn call! [ Cellphone ringing .]
[ Beep .]
Yeah, what's going on? Hey, Constantine.
Uh, listen, I've been thinking.
This isn't working for me.
What the hell are you talking about? I'm treating patients in vet clinics and, uh, kitchens.
I need a proper facility.
When did you come up with this brainstorm? I know a guy who's got some stolen medical equipment.
And I got to meet him in the middle of nowhere, but I-it's good stuff.
Is this for real? Yeah, it's it's, um, EKGs, it's ultrasounds, it's x-rays, but he's willing to unload it for 20 grand.
But you got to meet me with the cash.
I wasn't expecting such initiative.
All right, I'll send somebody over with the money.
No, no.
It's got to be you.
Look, I'm committing a felony here, Constantine.
You know what? Just forget about it.
No, no, no.
Look, you're right.
I want you to be safe.
Where are you right now? I'm at home.
When can you meet? How's 4:00? Yeah, 4:00 is Look, I'll text you with the directions, okay? [ Beep .]
There's something wrong with your sister.
When's the last time you spoke to her? I Haven't seen her in a couple days.
She's been working.
She wants me to meet her somewhere.
It smells wrong.
She said she's home.
Go find out what's going on, kid.
Be careful.
[ Mid-tempo music plays .]
What's going on? I'm just looking over this thing Olivia made for our Grand Rounds presentation.
She put background music in it.
That girl does not know when to stop.
How's your patient? [ Sighs .]
Love life's looking up.
Well, that's got to count for something.
Hey, you know anything about, uh, Grace's friend Franco? Um not really.
You know, met him a couple of times.
Were they close? They're old friends.
You should talk to Grace about him.
All right.
Hey, they just called a code in Casey Lambert's room.
[ Indistinct conversations .]
[ Monitor beeping .]
Brett: What happened? She's going into respiratory arrest.
Pulse ox 84.
We're gonna have to intubate.
Versed 5 followed by sux 75.
Casey, stay with us, all right? Call R.
for a vent.
We're gonna put a tube in your throat so you can breathe.
Casey, we're here.
Stay with us.
I want a 7.
5 E.
Okay, meds going in.
You're a go.
[ Grunts .]
I'm ready for the tube.
Pulse ox down to 80.
What's going on? There's too much secretion.
I can't see the cords.
Let's help him out here.
[ Suction .]
I'm in.
Yellow is mellow.
You did it.
All right.
Let's get a post-intubation film.
Something's going on with this woman.
We better find out what.
This is not how I wanted things to go.
Grace, what's happening here It's complicated.
This whole time working for Constantine and, like, joking around with me, it was just a big lie? I did what I had to do.
By setting me up? [ Door opens .]
[ Door closes .]
Listen, I tried to reason with him, all right? He told me if I didn't use you to get Constantine to come here, then he was gonna go after your ma and Nate, and I knew you wouldn't want that to happen.
So, what? You're like a hero now? [ Indistinct conversation .]
[ Door closes .]
Constantine's gonna be here at 4:00.
After that, this is over.
You got to trust me.
Trust you? You make it out of here, the Devlin family can have their lives back.
How's that gonna happen? I never meant to hurt you, Grace.
[ Cellphone clatters .]
Do you want to get out of here? Answer me! Yes, I want to get out of here.
You will listen to me.
You got that? She still doesn't remember going in the lake.
Could be traumatic memory loss.
That doesn't explain her respiratory issues.
Hopefully this will shed some light.
You and Olivia all set for Grand Rounds? If we had any more time to prepare, she'd probably add backup dancers.
You have to hand it to her.
Most of the doctors on the fellowship selection panels will be there.
It's an excellent chance to shine.
Yeah, she mentioned that.
What about Grace? Is she ready? Uh, I don't know.
I haven't really seen her much lately.
[ Monitor beeping .]
Keep your eye on the monitor, Dr.
If you don't know where you are, - you probably shouldn't be there.
- Got it.
Thoughts on sarcoidosis? I don't see any granulomas.
We could try a bronchoalveolar lavage.
That's a good idea.
All right, now aspirate.
[ Suction .]
What the hell? That is not what I expected.
Is that what I think? Worms.
Start her on mebendazole before these little bastards choke her to death.
[ Sighs .]
All that advice that you gave me, telling me to leave town, what was that? - To ease your conscience? - It's not like that.
Did you blow up Constantine's car? That was Moretti.
So you knew about it.
You know what? You've talked yourself into caring about Constantine, but he's a bad guy, Grace.
And what are you? [ Scoffs .]
So, when we compare the brothers' PCR maps, we see the identical DYT1 gene mutation.
That manifested as limb spasming and then responded well to deep-brain stimulation.
Your concluding remarks, Dr.
Robinson? Uh, yeah.
My patient, uh, 16-year-old Will had G.
hypermotility with pseudo-obstruction.
Dopamine agonists alone were sufficient to affect, uh, symptomatic relief.
Thank you all for your time.
But but, actually, there is one last thing I'd like to underscore, and that is that, um, even though there are certain similarities, it's really the, um, histological differences that I think bear closer examination.
So if we go back to this slide, um, it depicts healthy skeletal muscles.
You know, we've been through the histology, Dr.
We need to move on to Dr.
Devlin's case.
Uh, are you sure? Because the quadricep biopsy's really fascinating, and I thought it would be Anyone who's really fascinated can corner you later.
Thank you for enlightening us so, uh, thoroughly.
Of course.
Last up is Dr.
Devlin's presentation of a very unusual cardiac transplant.
Where is she? Is she scrubbed in? Uh, I don't know.
No, she isn't.
[ Murmuring .]
Then, uh, we're done here.
Thank you, everyone.
Find her.
Tell her to see me.
[ Indistinct conversations .]
Hey, that was not okay.
You used our presentation to stall for your girlfriend? Olivia, it wouldn't kill you - to have someone's back once in your life.
- Oh, please.
You were doing what you always do trying to protect her.
I'll bet you half the time, you don't even know where she is.
It's none of your business.
Look I get that you're into the whole "tough South Side chick" thing.
People like her come from a different world than you and me.
Don't go there.
Different world, different priorities.
Did you ever think about the fact that something might have actually happened to her? Or maybe it's just more of the same.
[ Beeping .]
Hello? Nate? Hey, it's Brett.
Grace isn't answering her phone, and she just missed something really important at the hospital.
Doesn't sound like her.
When's the last time you saw her? A few hours, and, apparently, Franco's looking for her.
Hey, look, you know, she must be home asleep.
You know what crazy hours you guys work, right? Right.
Yeah, she probably crashed out.
So when I get home, I'll tell her to call you.
What are you gonna do? Jump? Come on, get down.
Drink this.
Oh, what? You got a concern for my welfare all of a sudden? Just drink it, please.
[ Sighs .]
That's good.
You know, I-I'm just gonna let you be mad at me.
If it were me, I'd feel the same way.
That's crap.
This is what's important to you.
What are you talking about? You left me five years ago.
And then you come back into my life, and you're telling me how much you care about me.
And then this is what you do.
Listen, Grace [ Grunts .]
[ Clattering .]
As soon as Constantine leaves, you call me.
[ Metal clangs .]
Grace! No! Grace! [ Gasps .]
[ Groaning .]
Franco! Get her! She went that way! Don't worry about her, all right? Constantine's coming.
I mean, it's not like she can get help, anyway.
There's freaking How the hell did she get away?! She doesn't matter! What are you talking about? Did you do this? Are you playing games with me? Let's check the next building.
[ Clanging .]
[ Gasoline sloshes .]
[ Breathing heavily .]
[ Whimpering .]
[ Metal thuds .]
[ Groaning .]
[ Groaning .]
[ Sighs .]
I give Grace a lot of leeway, but that is not acceptable.
I know this is really important to her.
That's why I think something actually happened.
- Try contacting her family? - I called her brother.
And? He didn't really seem too concerned.
Well, she's probably fine.
She better have a damn good excuse for both us.
How's Casey Lambert? Alert and afebrile.
First dose of mebendazole is in.
All right.
[ Laughing .]
- Hey.
- Hi.
They, uh they wouldn't let Seth bring Barkley in, so he sent me a video.
[Laughs .]
[ Barkley barks .]
Lambert, does Barkley happen to sleep in your bed or or do you let him lick you on the face? Yeah.
Why? We found tapeworms in your lungs.
Dog tapeworms? You must have ingested the eggs.
The larva grow in the lungs.
It can lead to respiratory arrest.
Oh oh, my God.
Well, we started you on anti-parasitics.
Hopefully that will knock it out.
Did you happen to notice when your hands started shaking? I-I don't know.
I-I-I just thought it was from the anesthetic or something.
Order a head C.
Grace told them at the hospital that she was headed home.
But I checked.
She hasn't been there.
What about this so-called medical equipment? Nobody knows nothing.
And what about Franco? Last anybody's heard from him was two days ago.
Says he's doing collection on Pilsen.
He's not.
He hasn't been there in a week.
Is he answering his phone? All right, something's not right.
If he did anything to hurt Grace, I'm gonna kill him.
What do we do? We go meet her, like she asked, only we go in strong.
Arm up.
I'm coming, too.
She's my sister.
Let's go.
[ Safe door closes .]
[ Beeping .]
[ Beep, dialing .]
[ Ringing .]
Moretti: Yeah? Hey, Constantine's getting into his car.
He's got the doc's brother and Gio with him.
Moretti: Good.
Three birds, one stone.
Should take him about a half-hour to get there.
Start digging the hole.
[ Click, beep .]
[ Gasps .]
[ Grunts .]
[ Breathing rapidly .]
[ Whimpers, sighs .]
Look at this Casey Lambert's C.
Large mass on the parietal lobe.
That explains her bizarre behavior, why she had a sudden urge to take a dip in the lake.
Hydatid cyst? Tapeworms are in their larval stage.
That thing's filled with eggs.
And if we don't get it out before it ruptures, this young woman dies.
Moretti: Nothing? Carlo: Looked everywhere, can't find her.
What is with this broad? She's like a freaking Houdini, this doctor.
Don't worry about Grace.
Constantine's almost here.
Okay, okay.
You're right.
L-look, get ready.
Listen, back the cars out so nobody can see them.
When he pulls up, we're gonna block him in and then blast him.
- You understand? - What about the doc? Don't worry about her.
Worry about Constantine right now.
[ Gun cocks .]
[ Grunting .]
[ Lock clicks .]
[ Dialing .]
[ Cellphone rings .]
[ Gasping .]
Hey, it's me.
We're here, Grace.
No! No! Moretti's alive.
He set the whole thing up.
Get us out of here! [ Tires squeal .]
No! Nate? [ Tires screeching .]
Are you there?! Nate: Yeah, Grace, we're here.
Where are you? I'm a half mile north.
By the silos.
All right, stay put.
We'll be right there.
[ Gun cocks .]
Grace! Here.
[ Groaning .]
Watch it, honey.
It's okay.
Franco's responsible for all this, isn't he? [ Dialing .]
Yeah, Franco, put your lord and master Moretti on the phone.
You're gonna pay for this! [ Classical music plays .]
All right, we need to remove the cyst without rupturing it.
- It's encased.
How do we do that? - Very slowly.
This thing's totally toxic.
If it bursts, she dies.
All right.
[ Beeping .]
Hold on, guys.
She's bradying down.
We have to tease it out with a little encouragement.
Her systolic's down to 80.
It's all right.
We're getting there.
Just hang another liter.
Multiple escapes, PVCs.
That's it.
Move it along.
We almost got it.
All right, more irrigation.
Come on.
PVCs, a run of them.
Damn, the cyst must have ruptured.
It's leaking fluid.
's cratered.
Look, we're running out of goodwill here, folks.
Kidney basin.
Bolus for Lidocaine.
I'm not getting a pressure.
She's having an anaphylactic response to the fluid.
Amp of epi and solu-medrol 125 push.
Irrigate this little bastard.
Come on, Casey.
Here it comes.
Easy, easy.
All right.
[ Sighs .]
is coming up.
Get the worm sac to pathology.
That ought to get a reaction.
[ Whimpers, inhales sharply .]
[ Knock on door .]
Come on in.
How you doing? I mean, I'll survive.
How's mom? I put her on a train to see Aunt Kate.
I figured that'd be safer.
You won't have to explain.
So, Franco's been working behind Constantine's back all this time? [ Sighs .]
I'm sorry.
You know, I'm supposed to be the one getting my ass kicked, not you.
I think maybe you need to, like, work on your ninja skills a little better, maybe break out the numchucks.
[ Exhales sharply.]
You got numchucks for a head, you dork.
I'm not the one with the bullet hole.
Oh! [ Both laugh .]
[ Telephone ringing .]
[ Clears throat .]
[ Beep .]
Hello? Grace.
Where have you been? Dr.
White's about to kill you.
You missed your presentation.
[ Sighs .]
No, I know.
Um I-I was with Nate, and, um no, don't lie to me.
I talked to Nate.
What is going on with you? [ Doorbell rings .]
Stay here.
I'm gonna go see who that is.
Yeah, no, I know.
I know.
We got to talk.
Yeah, we do need to talk.
Constantine's here.
Um look, I'm I'm really sorry.
Can I call you right back? [ Beep .]
[ Dial tone .]
[ Beep .]
Is everything okay? How you doing, sweetheart? You feeling all right? I want you to know I really appreciate what you did out there today.
You're very brave.
What about Moretti? They drew blood.
It's war.
Moretti and Franco are dead men.
I want you to stay put here until this thing is over.
I promised that I would protect you, Grace, and I keep my promises.
And I got my best guy outside if you need anything, all right? Try to get some rest.

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