The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e06 Episode Script

Vikong Lives

[theme music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[wolves howling]
(Jonny) 'Come on, Bandit.'
[Bandit barking]
(Hadji) 'Try and catch us.'
This is like being on vacation, dad.
Ha ha. Even Bandit is enjoying himself.
[all laughing]
You kids have fun. Race and I
have a lot more work to do.
Yeah, this Viking excavation is no vacation.
Did you find anything yet?
Just some old pots and pans.
He means some very interesting
pieces of pottery.
'This one shows a giant mythical warrior'
'fighting for the Vikings.'
Wow! Maybe you'll find some neat old swords and battle axes.
I doubt it, Jonny.
This Viking ship was strictly
for ceremonial purposes
not warfare.
Hey, I found a weapon.
What is it, Hadji?
- Oh! - 'A snow ball.'
[Hadji laughing]
I'm gonna get you for that.
[laughs] Careful on those jet skies!
The boys will be disappointed
if we don't turn up something big soon.
They're not the only ones.
Look who's come for another visit.
[helicopter whirring]
Mr. Peters!
Nice of you to drop by again.
Hmm, just checking up on the archaeological
most expensive project.
Well, have you found anything yet?
Yes. Some fascinating ceremonial pottery fragments.
Huh? You've been digging for two weeks
and can't do better than a few broken dishes?
Well, the ice has been piling up on this stuff for 2,000 years.
Uh, there's more here, Mr. Peters, it just takes time.
Oh, I'll give you time, Dr. Quest.
You have exactly one week or I'm cutting off your funding
and closing this project down.
But that's not nearly enough time.
(Peters) 'You heard me, Quest,
one more week.'
[helicopter whirring]
(Jonny) 'Dad, Race, look!'
(Hadji) Look what we found.
(Jonny) 'It's a big helmet
or something.'
Say, it looks just like the helmet
this creature's wearing on the vase.
[chuckles] I guess, he was a fat head, huh?
Jonny, Hadji, show me exactly where you found
Over by that cave.
[Bandit barking]
We were racing the jet skies when we hit something hard.
(Jonny) 'The helmet was right there.'
That cave could hold a treasure of artifacts.
(Jonny) 'Maybe, but Bandit
sure doesn't wanna go inside.'
[laughs] That's okay,
he can wait here with you boys
while we check out the cave.
Looks more like the cave is checking us out.
A polar bear!
[Bandit barking]
Easy, big fella, easy.
(Jonny) 'Coming through, Race.'
(Race) Jonny, get back!
[laughs] That sure gave him
the cold shoulder.
And this'll keep him in the deep freeze.
(Benton) Good work, boys.
It'll take some time to dig his way out of there.
What was that?
An earthquake. Up here?
This whole area is on top of unstable
volcanic steam channels.
[rumbling continues]
Hadji's snow slide probably triggered that.
[Bandit barking]
[rumbling continues]
Are you alright?
Yeah, I think so.
Bu-but you better come down here right away.
[dramatic music]
There's something here I think you should see.
(Race) So a giant Viking warrior
really existed.
(Benton) This is an amazing discovery.
It's written that the Viking's admired ancient Arctic apes
'for their strength, so they trained them for battle.'
'But until now, it's only been a legend.'
Who are these creepy guys?
Viking warriors. This is their burial
This poor devil was probably frozen alive
to guard the Vikings in the next life.
[Jonny and Hadji screaming]
Those tremors are getting worse. Is everyone alright?
We're okay.
Yeah, but this place give me the creeps.
We'll come back tomorrow with the proper tools.
Yeah, Ol' Mister Freeze Dried won't be going anywhere.
[dramatic music]
(Jonny) 'Horrible ape comes closer..'
'then pounces on its helpless prey!'
[laughs] Got you, Bandit.
[gasps] Jonny, there!
[Bandit whimpering]
Why aren't you guys asleep yet?
Phew! How can we?
(Hadji) 'We're talking
about the big ape.'
What if he thaws out and comes back to life?
[laughs] You two have seen
too many monster movies.
'Now get some sleep, we've got a big day ahead tomorrow.'
- 'Goodnight.' - 'Goodnight, Race.'
[Bandits barking]
[howling in distance]
[intense music]
[metal clanking]
[ape growling]
[wolves barking]
(male #1) 'A monster!'
I must warn the villagers.
- Jonny! Hadji! Hurry! - Yeah, what is it?
We just got an urgent call from the village.
They spotted a huge red ape nearby.
(both) Our red ape?
Well, I just checked and he's missing.
You boys take the jet skis.
We'll check the roads, you look around the lake.
So we've seen too many monster movies, huh, Race?
Now we're gonna be part of one.
[children giggling]
(both) Whee!
[ape grunting]
Did you hear something, Hadji?
[girl screaming]
Down there.
He's saving that little girl.
[motors revving]
There's the monster! He got a little girl.
[villagers yelling]
No! Wait! Wait!
You don't understand!
- He hurt her! - Get him!
[all clamoring] Get him!
(Hadji) 'Wait!'
We saw it all, he saved her from--
You boys stay out of our way. This monster must be destroyed.
There they are, Race.
[ape growling]
(Benton) Everyone, back away
from that ape!
Okay, you big lug, it's nappy time.
[all cheering]
You arrived just in time. Thank you.
We aim to please.
You could all go home now. Everything is under control.
Let's get our friend out of here before he causes more trouble.
I'm way ahead of you, doctor.
Don't tie him up like a criminal. He saved that girl.
- Yeah, we saw the whole thing. - Later, boys.
Right now we need to get him back before he wakes up.
(Benton) 'Careful, Jonny.'
He's awfully hungry.
Well, it's been 2,000 years since he had a good meal.
That's the best review my cooking's got in a long time.
[all laughing]
[Bandit barking]
[laughs] Bandit thinks
he's protecting us.
[barking continues]
Bandit thinks Vikong's an alright guy.
And after what you boys told us about the rescue
so do I, Jonny.
[door opens]
Alright, what's this amazing discovery you found?
Whoa! What's that thing?
That, Mr. Peters, is our discovery.
He's a monster.
Hmm, not quite.
'Technically, he's an extinct variety of gorilla gigantis.'
'But the boys nicknamed him "Vikong".'
Eureka! I'll be famous!
Uh, I mean, we'll be rich.
We'll airlift him back to New York.
- And put him on display. - 'Hey, wait a minute!'
You can't treat Vikong like some kind of circus freak.
Who's asking your opinion?
(Dr. Quest) 'Jonny's right, Mr. Peters.'
The creature should be kept here in his natural environment.
I've decided to stay and study him further.
You've decided? You work for me.
(Race) 'And I work for Dr. Quest.'
You'll have to deal with me if you try to take Vikong anywhere
without Dr. Quest's approval.
We'll see about this.
(Peters) 'This Vikong will win me
a place in the history books.'
And Dr. Quest won't rob me of that.
- Bannon is on his way. - I'm ready for him, Mr. Peters.
- Oh, Race. - What do you want now, Peters?
Dr. Quest is absolutely right about that ape.
It would be wrong to try and transport him.
Hmm, well, good for you.
But I will need some photos for the archaeological society.
After all, we are footing the bill.
You'll still have to clear it through Dr. Quest.
Oh, of course, of course.
I brought some camera equipment with me.
You know, I'm all thumbs with it.
Would you help me unpack?
Okay, Peters, anything to keep the peace.
Peters, of all the cheap..
[coughing] dirty tricks.
He'll wake up soon. Let's get rid of the others.
[Bandit barking]
[Vikong grunting]
[laughs] Looks like Bandit
is an ape's best friend.
Dr. Quest! You must come quickly.
What is it, Peters?
At the excavation, one of the locals
saw another ape creature on the ship.
- What? - Another Vikong?
We'll check it out right now. Have you told Race?
- Uh, he went ahead. - Hmm, that's strange.
(Peters) Let's go, we're wasting time.
(Hadji) There's no sign of Race.
He's probably down in the hole, where they spotted the creature.
(Jonny) Come on!
Race, are you down there?
(Hadji) 'What did you find, Race?'
(Peters) 'That should hold you
for a while.'
He tricked us.
He's going to kidnap Vikong. We have to get out of here.
That won't do any good, Jonny. These walls are frozen solid.
There's gotta be something we can do. Hey!
There's too much weight on this side. Come on!
This whole ship could break loose
and go crashing down into the ice.
- What do we do? - 'Keep as still as possible.'
We've got company.
That polar bear is in here with us.
[growling continues]
(Peters) 'Quickly, Revick, quickly.'
'We've got to move Vikong to the airstrip.'
Quest and those kids might get out of the ship.
Hurry up! Get him tied quickly.
Bannon is sure to wake up soon.
[engine revving]
(Revick) He's getting away.
Let him go! We'll be gone by the time they get here.
Just keep as still as possible, boys.
- A-a-a! - Help!
(Jonny) 'Help! Help!'
Jonny! Dr. Quest!
(Jonny) 'Help!'
Race, is that you?
Stand back, I want to deliver a present to your furry friend.
Hurry up, doctor. The whole ship is breaking up.
The end of a fantastic discovery.
Look! It's the polar bear.
(Hadji) 'And the "he" is a "she".'
No wonder she was so angry.
She was trying to protect her cub.
Most animals aren't violent unless they're threatened.
That's why Vikong likes us. He knows we wouldn't hurt him.
Speaking of Vikong, Peters is flying him back to New York.
Jonny! Hadji! Head for the airstrip.
We'll try to head him off at camp.
(Peters) 'Hurry up with that winch.
There's a blizzard coming up.'
We'll have to move fast.
[Vikong grunting]
Stop him, Revick! Stop him!
(Peters) 'Oh, I'll do it myself.'
That ape's going to New York,
one way or the other.
(Jonny) He's gonna kill Vikong.
You won't get away from me.
[dramatic music]
No! No, Mr. Peters! Don't hurt him.
Out of my way, kid!
Peters, come back!
[Bandit barking]
Jonny, no!
This whole tower could fall down any minute.
(Peters) Alright, playtime's over.
Now I've got you.
Hey! Aah!
Hang on, Peters, I'll get some rope.
Uh! I can't..
hold on!
No, Vikong! Don't hurt him!
[all cheering]
You saved him, Vikong!
I-I owe you my life.
Mr. Peters, we can still catch him.
No, no, forget it.
'Let him go.'
(Benton) This should be the spot
where the Viking ship fell.
What's gonna happen to Vikong?
He'll be fine, Jonny. He's back where he belongs.
Yes, he sure proved he can take care of himself.
I wish I could be sure.
This is odd.
Something heavy was dragged here.
And these are Vikong's tracks.
I don't believe it! The Viking ship!
(Race) 'Well, I'll be!'
(Jonny) 'It's Vikong! He's on board.'
- Goodbye, Vikong! Bye! - Goodbye! See you later.
Where's he heading, dad?
Into the sunset, Jonny.
'Where all legends go.'
[theme music]
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