The Oath of Love (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

♪Time once stopped everything♪
♪There's someone special♪
♪I flip the eternity dictionary♪
♪And uncover the suspense
that makes my heart beat fast♪
♪At this special moment
we run into each other♪
♪As unconsciously as we breathe♪
♪Holding hands over a long time♪
♪Means more than any word♪
♪Among a sea of people♪
♪I hold the umbrella for you♪
♪You hold the umbrella for me♪
♪I'll be special for you♪
♪You shelter me from the rain♪
♪Don't be afraid♪
♪Your love gets me through the haze♪
♪You'll have me♪
♪I'll search and wait♪
♪For the love of our lives♪
♪The future spent with you♪
♪We shall no longer linger♪
♪Is the best arrangement of love♪
♪The best arrangement♪
=The Oath of Love=
♪Is love♪
=Episode 6=
Thank you.
Excuse me. May I ask you
if you saw
a middle-aged man,
About 55 years old
and 1.78 meters tall.
He weighs about 65 kilos.
He is thin,
and wearing
He's wearing a plaid shirt
and a navy-blue coat.
He has a side-part hairstyle,
and he is wearing a pair of glasses.
You should look somewhere else.
I didn't see him.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.
I didn't realize
I don't even have
a picture of Mr. Lin on my phone.
Don't worry.
Let's keep looking.
I'll go over there.
Are you traveling,
or are you on a business,
or are you going back home?
I'm going home.
To see my wife.
My wife is going to give birth soon.
- Really?
- Um.
Thank you.
Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?
I don't know.
I have a daughter.
How old is she?
She will graduate
from college next year.
She learns music.
She is really good at it.
She is going to be
a professional cellist
and perform
in the Golden Hall
in Europe.
Your daughter is really good.
A girl studying music
is gentle and sensible.
You should have a daughter.
A daughter is thoughtful and warm,
just like a cotton-padded jacket.
I hope you'll also have a daughter.
Yes, yes.
I also want a daughter.
I like girls.
Lin Jianguo!
Oh, no.
Who is that?
My daughter.
What are you doing here? Lin Jianguo!
Listen to me, Lin Jianguo!
If you disappear again,
I'll just!
It's a good thing that we found him.
Calm down and talk to him.
I'll let the hospital know.
Go back to the hospital with me!
Let's go.
What are you doing now?
What else do you want to do?
Hello, Du.
We've found Mr. Lin.
- I'm hungry.
- Don't worry.
I want to eat something first
before I go back.
What time is it now?
Where are you going to eat?
KFC is open.
I saw it.
Do you have any idea
what you're going to do tomorrow?
You're going to have surgery.
You should fast now!
Then I won't have surgery.
You can't strap me
on the operating table, can you?
Lin Jianguo!
Watch your attitude!
Let him eat whatever he wants.
In his condition,
he can't have surgery tomorrow.
I'll tell the hospital
to postpone the surgery.
Let's go!
What a "gentle" daughter.
Enjoy yourself.
Thank you.
Here. Let's eat.
I never liked
fast food before.
It's good to eat it
once in a while.
Why don't you eat?
Go ahead and eat.
Don't you like hamburgers
and this kind of stuff?
Come on.
All you think about is eating!
You always call me
irresponsible and ignorant.
What about you?
Did you lead by example?
Do you know that Mom
stumbled in the hospital
because she was too worried about you?
Her knees are still bruised!
Do you think it's really cool
of you leaving on your own?
Do you think that being capricious
makes up for the fact
that you followed the rules
when you were young?
You shut your phone and went back home.
You even left a note.
Now you want to eat!
How can you eat now?
You liked this a lot
when you were a child.
You even wrote it down on your wish list
that you wanted to eat KFC with me.
What did I write on my wish list?
When you were in the third grade,
your teacher asked you to write down
100 things you wanted to do with me.
You also drew little flowers on it.
Have you forgotten about it?
It was a long time ago.
I've forgotten.
In class today,
the teacher asked us to write down
(100 Things I Want to Do with My Dad)
100 things I want to do with my dad.
Fly a kite together.
Climb mountains together.
Eat ice cream together.
Go to KFC together.
Dad, I want
to hang it on the wall, is it okay?
Then you can see it every day.
It was on the wall back home.
Later we moved.
I forgot it.
I was supposed to take it.
I want
to go back and get it before surgery.
I don't remember what else there were
I think there were eating ice cream,
going to a show,
I don't remember.
I forgot.
I know I have cancer.
I heard it.
Well, it doesn't make any difference
whether I heard it or not.
I know
my own body.
There is a risk of surgery.
It's full of uncertainties.
Our old schoolmaster,
Mr. Chen,
on the operating table.
I've been busy working these years
and I haven't had time
to do these things with you.
In the blink of an eye,
I don't even know
what you like to eat now.
If you don't
like this,
let's do something else, okay?
I'll go to the toilet.
Don't cry.
Mr. Lin wouldn't
want to see you like this.
My relationship
with him has always been like this.
I said all kinds of terrible words,
and I just gave him a scolding.
Don't cry.
When you cry,
you will have mood swings
that can raise your blood pressure.
Therefore, I think you should
control your moods.
What are you saying?
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
You see,
you're flushed
from your increasing blood pressure
and your body is twitching.
And your face
is getting worse.
It's very scary
Are you still a human being?
How can you comfort people in this way?
I'm crying like this,
and you called me ugly.
If you think I'm ugly,
you don't have to comfort me.
Why are you here
calling me ugly
and insulting me?
Don't cry.
Be good.
Don't cry.
I-I'm here.
You got me.
Don't cry.
Dr. Gu.
Don't you have a cleanliness issue?
I think you cured me.
Don't cry.
Let's get back now.
Ms. Li is still waiting for us
in the hospital.
Tidy yourself up.
Don't let Mr. Lin see this.
Gu Xiao, you're back.
It's too depressing in their family.
Gu Wei left halfway through the meal,
leaving me and Aunt
staring at each other.
I'm not even full.
I'll ask the maid to make you something.
How can you
not eat enough at night?
Make him something digestible.
Never mind.
I'll do it.
I'll cook for you myself.
Mom, I'll go with you.
Sit down.
Why don't you
take the job I arranged for you?
I don't want to. It's boring.
Then tell me what you can do.
I don't know.
I have no idea.
I don't think you can do anything.
How much money have we spent
and how many strings have we pulled
for you since you were a child?
But you fool around all day
and hang out with those girls.
I learn that from you.
I'm not talking nonsense.
My friend sent me a picture of you
at the club the other day.
He also sent me a message on WeChat.
Let me show you.
All right.
I'm having a serious conversation
with you.
Sit well!
No problem.
Put your phone away!
You just came back
from your uncle's place.
Look at Gu Wei.
He became a doctor at a young age.
He is also an attending doctor,
and an associate professor.
Look at yourself.
Your surname is also Gu.
Why are you two so different?
Can't you be more like your brother?
Like him?
He's 30 years old
and doesn't have a girlfriend.
He's isolated himself from women.
Just be content with it.
You have no idea how worried my aunt is.
If I'm more like him,
you'd better not rush me
to get married every day
and complain about
not having grandchildren.
I'm not worried about that.
I'm just afraid it won't be a few days
before I have too many grandchildren.
It won't happen.
I'm very careful.
But I'm afraid
you would bring me back
a younger brother or sister someday.
You're not doing anything
out there, are you?
What did our son mean by that?
What do you mean by asking that?
He's talking nonsense.
Cut it out.
I'm talking about your work.
Don't change the subject.
if it weren't for me to look after you,
you would be living in the street now.
You're useless,
and all you can do is talk nonsense.
You looked after me?
You threw me in Australia
for five years.
You looked after me?
I meet you twice a year
since I was a kid.
You're like a shopping mall.
You looked after me?
Do you think I didn't look after you?
What you eat, wear, and use,
was any of them not from me?
You only spent some rotten money.
Do you have to talk about it
all the time?
I'll cancel your credit card.
Let's see if you need my rotten money!
Go ahead!
Cancel them all!
I don't need your money!
You started to pick on me
after I came back.
Aren't you too annoying?
You wouldn't even let me eat.
It's perfect for us
to meet twice a year!
We don't need to meet more often!
What's going on?
Get out of here
if you don't want to see me!
Get out!
Why are you fighting?
Son, you haven't eaten yet.
Let him go!
Wait, what's wrong with you?
He is just a kid.
Can't you just be more tolerant?
I've been waiting for you for a while.
your dad only scolded you a bit,
just put up with it.
What did you have to argue with him?
Where are you going at night?
I'll stay at a hotel for a few days.
Do you have money?
Take it.
I didn't ask for it.
I know.
Let me know after you get there.
Order some food, and don't go to sleep
being hungry.
I see. Thank you, Mom.
Drive slowly.
I'm leaving, Mom.
Go ahead.
What are you doing back?
- What are you doing back?
- Ms. Li.
Don't come back!
Go away. Go away!
All right, Ms. Li.
He's been out all night.
Why don't you let him in first?
Don't worry about it.
I'll get the nurse to check him later.
He is back.
We found him.
Go in first.
Do your legs still hurt?
Change your clothes yourself.
Sorry, Dr. Gu.
It's almost morning.
You've been up all night.
Go back and have a good rest.
I'm fine. I'm not very tired.
Is there anything else I can do?
All you and Aunt Li need to do
is to have a good rest
and refresh yourselves.
Thank you.
I'll go in first.
Why are you down there?
Because I fell in the water.
What else do you want to draw?
Qiuqiu, do you want to sleep?
Let me get you to bed
after you finish this, okay?
Yes, Captain.
You can see such news all the time.
Don't take it seriously.
Zhixiao is here.
Mr. Lin.
You know what?
I made the most nutritious soup
for you this time.
Drink it all.
Do you hear me?
Don't spill a drop.
I'll get mad if you do.
With your cooking skills,
I can image
that it won't taste very good.
How can you say that?
You have stereotyped ideas
about me.
The doctor said
you need to fast an hour later.
Drink it now.
How is it? Is it good?
It's okay.
You're doing this again.
What do you mean it's okay?
Just admit that it's delicious.
You pretend to not enjoy it, right?
I said it's okay.
There's still a distance
from being delicious.
Then you can cook and show me
what's delicious.
I don't have time.
I'm having surgery.
- I
- You've never
made anything good
before you're having surgery.
It has been Ms. Li cooking.
Li she
I'll make you soup when I get better.
You can brag all you want.
- All right. All right.
- I
You two have the same gene.
You can't live one day without arguing?
Is that so hard for you?
Yes, it is.
This is Lin Jianguo on Bed 9
of the In-patient Department.
We'll be waiting for you outside!
Ms. Li, what are you doing?
I'm fine.
I'm sure Lin will be all right.
Why are you crying again?
No, no. I'm fine.
It's okay. He'll be fine.
Dr. Gu said he will be fine.
It's okay.
- You're crying again.
- No.
No. I'm not.
Have a seat.
Let's sit down and wait for him.
(In The Operation)
Lin Zhixiao, don't worry.
You and your father
will have plenty of time
to do what you want to do.
I'll do my best.
I know.
I believe you.
(Operating Room)
Ms. Li.
Dr. Gu said
the operation
is gonna take three hours.
Are you just gonna
keep staring at the door
until you see through it?
I can't see through it.
I can't help but worry a little bit.
Well, Ms. Li.
You're strong and beautiful.
Why did you spend
your whole life
on that old fogey?
Your father wasn't bad
when he was young.
He was handsome.
Although he is a little old now,
he still has the style.
You are so beautiful.
How did he win your heart?
Your dad was no different
from now.
He has
always been mean
and he offends people easily.
But he has been
really good to me.
Whenever the school gave out anything,
he would bring it to me.
I liked listening to music at that time.
Your dad saved all his salary
to buy me tapes.
At that time,
you know when we bought bags of rice,
we had to carry them
upstairs one by one.
Your dad was skinny back then.
He just
carried the rice upstairs,
When something happened,
he would show up right away
whenever your grandparents
asked him to come.
You married him
just because of rice and tapes?
Or what?
now there are people
paying too much attention to appearance.
What appearance is about?
Looks don't matter.
Sweet words are even less important.
Do you know what's important?
The heart.
Turns out I made the right choice.
Your father has
never done anything bad to me
in decades.
What can I not be satisfied with?
I think my life is worth living.
It was my luck
to meet Lin.
Of course, it was your luck to meet him.
If you hadn't met him,
would you have had
such a lovely daughter?
You get that from me.
Ms. Li.
Don't worry.
Lin will be all right.
When he gets out,
he will give us lectures every day.
We're gonna have to live with it.
(In The Operation)
How is him, Doctor?
The operation was a success.
He'll be sent to the ward
when he wakes up from anesthesia.
I knew it! I knew it!
Everything is fine!
- Ms. Li!
- He's fine!
Your dad is lucky.
He wants me to look after him
for a few more decades.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
I'll go in first.
You'll be fine, Lin.
I knew he would be fine.
After all, he had so much energy
when he quarreled with me.
(Thank you, Dr. Gu!!)
(Doctor's Office 2)
Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu.
Mr. Lin, how are you feeling today?
Do you have nausea?
I feel bloated.
It's normal.
If you don't feel
you can have more rice soup tomorrow.
But don't have too much at a time,
and don't make it too sick.
You can have it more often.
Okay, I got that, Dr. Gu.
Mr. Lin, let me check the wound.
Does it hurt?
A little bit.
Okay, I see.
The incision is healing well.
You two have been doing great.
Don't be like a baby.
Sorry, Dr. Gu.
Sorry to let you see this.
That's the way he is.
If it weren't for you,
he wouldn't have recovered so quickly.
Mr. Lin, you don't look like
someone who would do housework at home.
Who said I don't do housework?
He cooked once in a while.
Yes, I cooked.
But Aunt Li would
prepare the ingredients,
and you only need to cook them, right?
Mr. Lin, see?
Even Dr. Gu sees
that we spoil you a lot.
Come on, old boy.
Lin Zhixiao, come with me.
Have some.
(Analgesic Plasters
for Bone Hyperplasia)
I think you need this.
This is what Lin is using.
Dr. Gu.
You're not using this, are you?
You're getting on in years.
Take care of yourself.
I just think you and your mother
did a lot to take care of the patient.
You two VIP guards
almost become role models in the ward.
The nurses even
asked other patients' family
to learn from you.
It's all because of Ms. Li.
She takes good care of Lin,
so I just do it like her.
Are you also being so nice
to your boyfriend?
My boyfriend?
My boyfriend's probably still on his way
to meet me.
Anyway, when he gets here,
I'll definitely ask him
where he has been all these years
and why he doesn't show up.
By the way,
I've often seen you
play air cello in the ward.
You haven't practiced in a while, right?
Our school will
hold a show a few days later.
I want to run for the cellist.
But I haven't practiced for a long time.
I don't know if I can pull it off.
I can help you with that.
I'll see you in the lobby
tomorrow morning.
Help me?
What's this?
Charity organizations
come to the hospital regularly
to perform for the patients.
Have a try.
You said you don't have a place
to practice.
There are so many people now.
Think of it
as a rehearsal of the show.
Can I do it?
You already encouraged me once
with your music.
Now it's time to encourage yourself.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Lin Zhixiao.
That was good.
We have agreed
that you will be the cellist
for the show.
Come on, keep practicing.
Try to do better in the show.
Thank you!
I'll waste no time
to practice more!
I won't let you down!
Thank you!
Keep practicing.
- Goodbye!
- Okay.
- Goodbye.
- See you.
Oh my God!
( Recruitment website)
Sansan, I made it!
You made it?
Of course. Who I am?
I'm Lin Zhixiao, a talented cellist.
You're so good.
You've been taking care
of your dad in the hospital
and you still made it.
You are really talented.
By the way,
how is Mr. Lin doing these days?
Mr. Lin is doing great.
Even Dr. Gu said
he is recovering well.
Don't worry.
That's great.
Actually, thanks to Dr. Gu,
he encouraged me to join
a nonprofit organization
that performs at hospitals.
So I went to perform
with them every day,
and it felt like
a live show.
I felt great.
Why do I think
you've been talking
about Dr. Gu too often?
You talk about
Dr. Gu all the time now.
What's going on between you two?
Dr. Gu is my dad's attending doctor.
It's normal.
Zhixiao, are you blind?
With such a good-looking doctor
standing in front of you,
do you still have no reactions?
What are you talking about? I
I don't have time to think
about such things right now.
Now Mr. Lin has had his surgery.
Do you have time to think about it now?
What's his personality like?
Does he have a girlfriend?
You're getting
more ridiculous.
The conversation is over.
I'll go to the hospital.
Something is going on between you two.
Dude, you scared me.
How do you know I'm here?
From your Moments.
Your habit of giving away
your location
is not good.
How dangerous it would be
if some creepy guy
targets you!
Aren't you the creepy guy
who targets me?
Aren't we friends?
Drinking buddies. You said it.
You call me a creepy guy.
It hurts me.
What are you busy with?
Are you looking for a job?
You should ask me for help.
I can help you.
You don't have a job yet.
I'm above
working for other people, okay?
In this case,
the young master of the Gu family
is going to do something big.
I'm going to start my own business,
the start-up capital is ready.
I urgently need talents.
are you interested
in doing something great with me?
I have a question for you.
=The Oath of Love=
=The Oath of Love=
What was your entrance exam score?
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
I don't mean to brag.
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
I got a high score on the exam.
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
I studied hard in the last three months.
and it was 160 points higher.
What was your score?
160 points higher?
160 points higher than
what I got on the third mock exam.
I didn't do well
on the college entrance exam.
- How much did you get?
- I didn't do well.
A lot lower than my score
on the third mock exam.
I think it was above 700.
Above 700.
It wasn't great.
But it's okay. It's over.
Fortunately, I received
the admission letter
from the medical school in the end.
You haven't told me your score.
160 points higher.
How much was it?
No interviews.
=The Oath of Love=
(Little Theatre)
♪Look at that pair of eyes♪
♪Suddenly feel at ease♪
♪Gentle as pure white coat♪
♪Covering all the sadness♪
♪Wounds are healed in an instant♪
♪Warm the heart bit by bit♪
♪You asked me how to describe you♪
♪Empty words are not worthy of it♪
♪I haven't finished
telling you my heart♪
♪I'll prove it for the rest of my life♪
♪Only give you the best view♪
♪Only give you my greatest love♪
♪Seriously My girl♪
♪I want others to♪
♪Want them to♪
♪Envy you♪
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