The On1y One (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

The Plan: When will it open?

What are you doing?
Making a schedule.
Making a schedule? You don't do them.
It's just that
I recently realized
I need to follow a schedule
for certain things,
so I don't wander from the goal
and waste my effort.
Hey, do you remember a story
that our Chinese teacher once told us?
He spoke about a young boy
who also drew up a schedule.
He started it during summer vacation.
He kept at it year after year.
He followed it till he was an adult.
But why did he cry in the end?
Yes, why?
Why did he cry?
Monday, study physics and chemistry.
Tuesday, mathematics.
Wednesday, English.
Pass TOEFL before the new year.
Go to study in the US
during the summer
after the first year of university.
In the second year, go to France
as an exchange student.
In the third year,
go to England till graduate school.
Three years later,
get a master's degree.
What is it?
The aircon in my room's not working.
I'd like to cool off in your room.
I'm serious. Go see for yourself.
It's really not working.
I unintentionally fell asleep yesterday.
I just saw your message. What is it?
Why did you close shop?
It was nothing.
Come out and have breakfast.
It's okay. I sent it.
Calling you down for breakfast.
Good morning.
Can you lend me your exam paper?
I fell asleep without answering.
I forgot to pack it. You go down first.
Thank you then.
I was hoping you'd remain at home
and be with them, care for them more.
Otherwise, why am I
-so busy flying around every day?
Didn't you tell me about Xiaotian before?
You don't want to become like that either.
Okay, just listen to me.
Hey, Xiaowang.
Come and eat.
Hurry up. Listen.
Your dad is going on a business trip.
I have to rush to the airport soon.
Hey, hello?
What is it?
Xiaowang, have some cabbage.
Where's Xiaotian?
Oh, he's
Why are you standing there
instead of coming to eat?
Come over here.
Here sit down.
Come on.
I've had enough.
You've had enough?
-I'm full too.
You only had a mouthful of milk.
Hey, okay.
Where are the kids?
Xiaowang finished
the porridge I made today.
He must've been hungry.
I'm hungry too.
Sheng Wang.
I'm used to breakfast now.
I don't need your hawthorn
to help digest it. Thanks.
You waited for me yesterday.
It's my turn to wait for you today.
Hurry down for breakfast!
Looks like your mother
still chose to stay home.
What? My mother what?
Nothing. Let's go.
Come on!
Miss Jing said not to copy,
and you still insist on doing it.
Man, you sure move fast.
No wonder you managed
to escape those thugs.
Good that you know.
Let's go have lunch at Old Ding's.
Here This way
Mr. Sheng?
Which house?
This one.
-Please sign to acknowledge receipt.
-Okay. Thanks.
Why'd you get a new fridge for me
for nothing?
That old fridge doesn't get cold anymore.
Put the things that are
about to go bad into this one.
But if you're getting a new
Enough! Consider this as my food expenses
and your big chef's salary.
As long as I can come here
for lunch every day.
No, wait.
You should notify me
before getting me a new fridge.
What'd you mean by buying this fridge
of your own accord?
Well, if you don't agree,
I won't come for lunch from now on then.
Don't come if you dare.
Hey, wait.
Grandpa Ding, I beg of you.
You have the heart to watch me fight
over food at the canteen?
I can't win that fight.
Besides, I'll need to pay
to have the fridge towed away.
Also, I already asked the workers
to take away that old fridge.
You can't get it back.
Can't you discuss it with me first
before you get me a new fridge?
You really are quite something.
Well, aren't I considerate?
Since I knew you needed it,
I especially bought
No, I put a new fridge here.
He's your friend.
Why aren't you managing him?
Even my father can't manage me.
You really are something.
My father knows about this fridge too.
He also agreed to it.
How could I afford it otherwise?
Enough talking.
I need to go to the bathroom.
I think your friend is
more remarkable than you.
If you're nice to him,
he's even nicer back.
If we talk nicely to someone,
it's called being courteous.
But who are we courteous to?
Aren't we courteous only to strangers?
If he regards you as family,
he won't be so courteous to you.
So to put it bluntly,
being afraid of owing someone
and of being unfamiliar.
It's best if we don't have
much to do with people,
don't have any relationships.
I think it's a very sensible thing
to keep a distance between us
and other people. Right?
Because if anything goes wrong
and you're implicated, that won't be good.
Friendship between men
is as insipid as water.
I even advised you.
I even advised you to be closer to him.
I never thought you two are
the same type of people.
-Come and eat.
Washed your hands?
Yes, just washed them.
-Okay, dig in.
-What's this?
You have to return to class at noon?
I'll go out back to do something.
It's so spicy.
What's this for?
The food was spicy, right?
Thanks. I'll buy a bottle for you too.
What should I get?
How about this? Carbonated. Alkaline.
There's even fruit juice in it.
So when we talk a little roughly,
it's called being afraid of owing someone
and being unfamiliar.
It's best if we don't have
much to do with people,
don't have any relationships.
I don't need it.
Uncle Zhao, for the water.
Uncle Zhao, from me too.
Take it.
Hey, take it.
You don't like owing people even a little.
Because you need to pay them back.
Is a creditor coming after you?
But I'll take it to heart.
Too much and the heart becomes heavy,
and I'll be unhappy.
Then don't take it to heart.
What do you mean? Just take it.
I don't want it.
You're always like this.
Don't walk so fast. You're so childish.
Don't you want to keep
your distance from me?
Then don't follow me.
I'm happy to see you all so spirited
in the first lesson of the afternoon.
You won't doze off during class then.
Wake up.
Next time I see someone doze off
they can run round the field three times.
Gao Tianyang.
Gao Tianyang.
Gao Tianyang!
Well, want to run three rounds?
Take out your textbooks.
Oh, before we start,
I'd like to say something.
Next week, we'll have
parent-teacher meetings.
Tell your parents when you get home.
All us teachers will focus
on your performance
and will discuss it with your guardians.
If there really are special circumstances,
talk to me after lesson.
Let's take a look
at the previous question.
A few important points today.
Memorize the formulas.
Class dismissed.
-Thank you, sir.
-Thank you, sir.
Hello, Old Sheng?
When are you coming back?
Next Thursday or Friday. No.
Maybe the following week.
Just say you don't know then.
I actually don't know.
Okay, I have class. That's all.
I have a question for you.
I have a question too.
Uncle Xiao Chen, this is Xiaowang.
Can I ask you to act as my dad again?
There's another parent-teacher meeting.
Seems like you dialed the wrong number.
-Jiang Tian?
I'll dial again.
I've been looking for you.
I'm not going. I'm going to the office.
For what?
Special circumstances.
Special circumstances?
What special circumstances?
What special circumstances?
Special circumstances.
What? Did I get it?
-I got it?
-Got what?
Lower your voice.
-What? Lower your voice!
To the bathroom, quick
-Gao Tianyang!
-I'll shield you. Go!
What're you doing?
-Just go to the bathroom.
-Wait, lower your voice.
Gao Tianyang
Listen, wait for me at
the bathroom entrance once you're done.
I'll get a jacket from the class.
For what?
It's just tomato sauce!
My dad won't be able to make it.
The school's holding it during the weekend
to avoid workdays.
This meeting is very important.
Can he make special arrangements?
Thirty minutes will be enough.
My father can't come.
Twenty minutes?
He'll be the first one I talk to,
then he can go.
He can't even spare 20 minutes?
How about this?
Go home and ask your father which day
he's free to come.
I'll meet him here.
He's often away on business trips.
Sir, how about I send him here
whichever day I catch him?
Can I do that?
What about your mom?
She passed away.
She died when I was very little.
Then what did you do
during all the previous
parent-teacher meetings?
Come in.
-What is it?
-Sir, my mother has no time to attend
-the parent-teacher meeting.
-You also
-Didn't your mother already
-She's busy.
My parents are divorced.
I live with my mother.
Did you two make a pact?
Forget it.
The number one and the one
who has made the most progress.
Neither parents can come.
What more can I say?
How about this?
You two just be a pair.
Go home and confirm a time
with your guardians,
see when they are free.
I'll fit in with them.
We'll hold a small three-people meeting
and have a good talk.
Okay, it's settled then.
Remember to set a time.
Since you guys are here,
go look for Mr. Xu. Go on.
Didn't your mom agree
not to go on trips with my dad?
What're you looking at?
You still want to fight?
Zhai Tao.
You do the math.
-How many times have you come this month?
-Who's the one in the middle?
Ding Xiu.
The one who told you Miss Jing
asked you print new test papers.
Are you a real victim?
Sorry, sir. I'm face-blind.
I'll just put it briefly.
The two thugs who caused
trouble at the shop
were caught by Lin Zi and me.
One of them later confessed,
Later, he confessed that his sworn brother
had suffered a setback at school.
They couldn't take it,
so they snuck into the school
to vent their anger on someone.
This is the sworn brother
who was defeated.
And Sheng Wang was the one
they vented their anger on.
Actually, I just wanted to scare him.
I didn't intend to hit him.
He told me
that that exam was
very important to Sheng Wang,
and he'd be extremely upset
if he messed it up.
It was all his idea.
My sworn brothers can verify it.
It was actually you, Qi?
It wasn't me.
I hardly talk to these two.
They did it on their own
and tried to put the blame on me.
Damn! Hardly talk to us?
Don't know us now that you're in Class A?
Am I crazy?
Of all the people in school,
why would I blame you?
How would I know why you'd blame me?
What does it have to do
with me being in Class A?
I felt you were a bad influence
and didn't want to mix with you.
You tell them right now!
It was you who told me
the exam was vital to him,
to beat him up, so he couldn't take it!
I never said that.
-Don't slander me. Where's your proof?
-You didn't
Enough! I didn't ask you here
to spout profanities!
Qi Jiahao.
I know you're always eager to be first
and care a lot about achievement.
But this time,
you've really disappointed me.
Miss Jing
You yourselves know
what actually happened.
Whatever your motives were,
you made Sheng Wang
miss the listening test.
Maybe you feel one test isn't much,
and there's always another test. But
if this matter wasn't discovered,
if this student
lost his title as model student,
and his life was altered as a result
have you thought about that?
Though the college entrance exam
may not be the endpoint in life,
it definitely impacts one's life.
You diligently strove
to be a model student,
but at the same time,
you destroyed someone else's efforts.
You think you deserve
to be a model student?
I'll ask your class teacher
to select another.
We'll remove your name. Another thing,
you three will receive a demerit each.
As for your model student title,
adding up the score from the two exams,
you've made the quickest progress
in your grade.
I will reserve the title for you.
I don't want it.
I said I don't want it.
Since I failed to advance 50 ranks,
I don't want this title.
All right.
As long as you're happy.
Jiang Tian.
Of the four places in your class,
you're the only one left.
All four are vacant now.
What do you mean? Explain.
All of us fought,
so we should all be punished.
If he's not a model student, and I am,
that's not fair.
Was it I who took the title away?
Mr. Xu.
Strictly speaking,
it was you who gave that condition.
No one gets it then!
I'll see how you regret it in the future.
Why did you give up the title too?
I just said why. If you don't have it,
I don't want it either.
Don't think I'll feel moved
and start paying attention to you.
So you admit it.
Admit what?
That you were ignoring me.
What do you mean ignoring?
I certainly did not
Xi asked us to have a meal with him
in between classes.
Mr. Lin will be there too.
You don't want to go?
I'll tell him then.
-Still saying you weren't ignoring me?
-No. I didn't mean that.
After all that uproar,
so that's what actually happened.
Let's drink to you.
Throwing away the title you were given.
Teaching the kids bad things,
it's a wonder we're still teachers.
It's boiling. Let's eat.
I have a question.
How do you two know each other?
Through fighting.
At university,
he was getting bullied by some thugs,
and I rescued him.
After that, our relationship
became strangely close.
Later, we met again abroad.
After we came back,
we noticed this shop for rent.
So we decided to rent it
and open a cafe
and reminisce about the days of our youth.
So what does the name of this cafe mean?
You can look it up yourself.
You two are top pupils.
I can't find anything about it.
Isn't this English?
But then again,
your impulsiveness
really gave me a fright.
You guys
don't think our impulsiveness was stupid?
No, we don't.
Who hasn't been young?
Have you noticed
how many people around you will tell you
that you'll regret it?
So have you regretted it?
Does it look like it?
I only know what I should do at each age.
In fact, if we don't go a little wild
in our youth,
we'll regret it in adulthood.
Do you want to live
your life according to rules
and a well-planned schedule?
I feel we can leave
that kind of life for the future.
Youth is the time to burn bright.
Don't regret your youth.
do you remember a story
that our Chinese teacher once told us?
He spoke about a young boy
who also drew up a schedule.
He started it during summer vacation.
He kept at it year after year.
He followed it till he was an adult.
But why did he cry in the end?
Yes, why?
Because he wrote his whole life down
on that schedule.
Everything according to plan.
But real life
is not a written theory
What are you soliloquizing?
I've made a sudden decision.
Today, I'm going to go home and tear up
every schedule I've ever made.
Because that kind of life is not
Not what?
Burning bright.
Don't regret your youth.
-Okay, thank you.
I didn't think the hotpot
would be so delicious.
The tutorial after class
Hurry, we'll be late for night studies.
Didn't you two ask me for boarding forms?
Are you going to give them to me or not?
-Oh, I don't
Yes, here you are.
But I won't board.
You should have told me earlier
if you're not going to board.
The housemaster has been
after me for them.
you have lunch with me,
and I'll live with you.
Don't you regret it.
To hell with your regrets.
Everybody, time for class.
Those outside, please come in.
Those outside, hurry in, please.
You're already late.
Don't ever treat me
with indifference again.
From now on,
I will only speak the truth to you.
So when will you open shop again?
Hey, did you buy what Auntie Jiang
asked you to buy?
You know,
when I was little, I often woke
my parents up early in the morning.
I wanted to come
to this road to people watch.
Why this road?
Because it's bustling with activity.
Did you know,
there used to be
many street peddlers on this street?
There were many people
coming and going too.
At that time,
I felt that
only noisy people were interesting.
You're the exception.
You're good at saving your words.
If I'd met you a little earlier,
I'd still have liked you a lot.
For a while, I really wanted a sibling,
either older or younger.
Better if they were younger.
Then I could bully them a little.
So why don't you want one now?
It's not that I don't want one.
It's just that
Do you know what that is?
Guan Yin Mountain.
It really looks like a sleeping Guan Yin.
See, that's the head.
Can you imagine it?
People on the ground come and go.
Boats on the river stop and go.
Only the mountain lies still here.
Maybe so-called eternity is just a type
of attachment that we cling to.
Cling to it then.
It's good to have attachments.
You see that? You have a fan base.
Everything below this was sent
by your fan girls.
More importantly,
do you know what the caption is?
Tamying High School Confession Wall.
Oh, man!
I want to know. Just how popular are you
at your school?
One by one, the girls are
confessing to you online.
What can I do about it?
I'm too handsome.
It's okay to swagger a bit more.
I really don't understand. Why can't they
appreciate my kind of unparalleled beauty?
We went to the same school.
I'm also your bro.
I'm not that far behind.
But they paid more attention
to the view of someone's back.
Kept asking whose back is that.
And what did they say?
"That back view is so awesome."
May I ask?
Can we make anything out
from someone's back?
It's very late. You should go to bed.
Opening ceremony gift.
Sure you're not here to seek a beating?
You don't want it? I'll take it back then.
I want it.
Thank you for helping me
avoid the awkwardness of getting scolded
by Miss Jing and Zhao Cai for my writing.
Is that sufficient?
Practice properly.
Did you practice with this too?
I guess so.
It's a yes or no question.
What do you mean, you guess so?
I copied it twice.
You call copying it twice practice?
Then you may as well say
your writing is naturally beautiful.
My writing is naturally beautiful.
I understand. You did come for a beating.
Actually, it doesn't take long.
Give me a break.
I'm telling the truth.
You may not believe what I tell you,
but I've practiced this before.
I practiced diligently.
Two years.
Stop laughing.
Want a crash course?
It can't be.
Can there be a crash course for writing?
The writing won't be refined,
but it will at least be legible.
The writing won't be lying down
but standing up.
You said it.
I'm not a calligrapher.
I don't want it to look nice.
Let's go.
-To my room?
Practice these.
Why these words?
What's so special about them?
What I just marked basically includes
full and half surrounding characters,
upper and lower, left and right.
The basic structures of these words.
How is it? Take a look.
I think I've made progress.
Write it again.
Lengthen that a bit.
Slant that more to the side.
Be more direct.
Make the short point clearer.
Don't connect the strokes.
This one's not bad,
but you messed this up.
Don't glue the strokes together.
This one is not bad.
This is not bad.
This is wrong again.
I said make the short point clearer.
Write it again.
Write it again.
Write it again.
Write it again.
Write it again.
I can't write anymore.
Hey, go sleep in your own room.
Is there anyone who practices like this?
I'm so tired.
Your room is next door.
Sheng Wang, get up.
I'm just too sleepy.
Sheng Wang.
If there's only one person in the world
who can understand what you say, then
he's more important than anyone else.
I only know what I should do at what age.
In fact, if we don't go a little wild
in our youth,
we'll have decades
to be overcautious and indecisive.
What's the rush?
Okay, a few main points today.
Memorize the formula.
Class dismissed.
-Thank you, sir.
-Thank you, sir.
I'd like to ask you a question.
I have one too.
Uncle Xiao Chen, this is Xiaowang.
Can I ask you to act as my dad again?
There's another parent-teacher meeting.
Seems like you dialed the wrong number.
Jiang Tian?
I'll dial again.
Hello, Sheng Wang.
Is that you, Xiaotian?
I just saw your text.
There's a parent-teacher meeting?
I can go.
No need, Mom.
Special circumstances.
Special circumstances?
What special circumstances?
What special circumstances?
What special circumstances.
What? Did I get it?
-I got it?
-Got what?
-Lower your voice.
Subtitle translation by: Elaine Liew
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