The Pact (2021) s01e06 Episode Script


[Max] As of now
this is a murder investigation.
Things are going to get crazy.
But this is a big opportunity
for me.
You promised me
this stupid feud was over.
Great, are you taking
her side as well?
-I’m not on anyone’s side.
-You should be on mine.
[Nancy] I used to think
of myself as a good person.
Everyone has doubts
from time to time.
-Show me!
-Max, the kids.
Show me the account!
What happened to the money,
And no more lies
because I’ll know.
-[Anna] Why would you do this?
-[Nancy] I can explain.
Richard has lost all our money.
So, you threatened us?
You’re godmother to my kids.
I trusted you.
You girls are
the most important thing
in the world to me.
I will find a way
to earn your forgiveness.
Actually, your husband’s
been very helpful.
He mentioned that you had
a lump sum of money recently.
We’re getting a divorce.
[Max] Whatever you’re hiding.
They’re gonna find it,
and they’re gonna nail you
to the wall.
All of you.
We abducted Jack Evans.
We put him in Nancy’s car
and we drove him to the woods.
It was a stupid prank.
When we left him, he was alive.
[Max] Holland knows
you’re all connected.
[Anna] Nancy won’t say anything.
Tell me
what happened that night.
Who killed Jack Evans?
You need to figure it out.
It’s the only way
to make this go away.
You have no idea what your dad
and I have been going through.
-I hate you!
-I hate you!
I’m pregnant!
Who’s the father, Tam?
Jack Evans.
We came to tell you
the night of the party.
And then what?
[theme music playing]
What you doing here?
For what?
For you
to mind your own business.
Might be waiting a while.
See, I own this place.
Is that meant to impress me?
but it does mean
I can kick you off my property.
Go on then.
[Anna] Look at me.
I need you to tell me
exactly what happened.
What difference would it make?
Just tell me.
Get off, just get off.
[quietly] Get off, get off.
-[Tamsin sniffles]
-[Anna] Ryan
say something.
What do you want me to say, Mum?
That what I’m thinking is wrong,
that this isn’t happening!
Let’s all just calm down
for a minute.
-Just tell me!
-Mum, someone
is going to hear you, stop!
Right, Tam we want to help you
but we need to understand.
I wish I’d never met him.
-Smash it.
-I’ll have a beer.
I’m not playing you anymore.
Come on don’t be boring,
come on, put it in there,
let’s have another game.
[arcade machine jingles
-Next time, bring Ryan.
I’m not a dating service.
How am I going to ask him out
if I never see him again?
Just text him,
I’ve told you.
-[Jack] Tamsin.
Your name’s Tamsin Price.
Your mum works at my brewery.
-Well done, Sherlock.
-Can I get a minute?
I’ll text you later, all right.
Is that your boyfriend?
No. I haven’t got a boyfriend.
Didn’t take you for a gamer.
That’s why I win.
I’m underestimated.
[both chuckle]
Did you want something?
What would your mum
think of this?
Who cares?
-Don’t you get on?
Same as me and my dad, um
We’re like two strangers
living in the same house.
Still. Who needs parents, eh?
Mm, yeah.
We’ll be running
the world soon enough.
You’re very pretty, you know.
Of course it’s yours,
what do you think I am?
I don’t know, I hardly know you.
We used protection.
Yeah, well,
I guess it doesn’t always work.
Jesus Christ.
Is this about money?
[Jack] How much do you need?
What’s it gonna cost?
To get rid of it.
What if I don’t want
to get rid of it?
You’re not having it.
I won’t be told what to do.
I’m never having kids.
Okay? Not ever.
And I’m not asking you,
I am telling you
to get rid of it.
Stop fucking crying
and go get rid of it!
Go on!
And I want to see the paperwork!
[Ryan] What will you do?
Bit early for a mid-life crisis.
I don’t appreciate
people bullying my sister.
Oh, I didn’t realise
she had minions.
[Ryan] It’s dickheads like you
that give straight guys
a bad name.
Tamsin will decide what to do.
-Not you. And--
-See, here’s the thing.
I recorded what your sister
and me did on my phone.
Marks out of ten
I’d give her a three.
It’d be a shame
if I had to upload it somewhere
for people to see.
Fuck. [pants]
You need to work
on your technique.
[Ryan grunts]
You tell your sister
to do as I say.
Oh, wow.
Little brother’s turned on.
Is that what you came here for?
You want a taste?
Tell her.
[Tamsin] I told you
not to interfere.
I need Mum.
I can’t do this on my own.
You can’t tell her now,
she’s at the party.
So, I’ll just take her outside.
He’ll be there.
I need to do it now.
Wait. I’ll come with you.
[Cat] Get his gear off,
few photos,
Jack Evans goes viral,
and Arwel comes back.
[Louie] Cat that’s terrible.
I love it.
[Nancy] Girls
I really don’t think,
-this is a good idea.
What the hell are they doing?
[Nancy] We’ll all be fired,
you do realise that?
We saw you drive off,
and we followed.
And then what?
[suspenseful music playing]
[owl hoots]
[Jack] Take me back
or you’re dead.
[Cat] Well, I’m going.
[Anna giggling]
I don’t know about this.
[Nancy] Oh, come on,
I need a wee.
[car engine starts]
[Jack] Hello?
Who’s there?
[Tamsin] And then we found him.
What happened?
-I swear to God--
-What do you think happened?
Well, look who it is.
She's brought her minion.
Why’d they bring him here?
I don’t think your mum likes me.
No-one likes you.
She did this.
And those other bitches.
And I’m gonna fire
the lot of them.
Come on, let’s just leave him.
Take me back to the party.
Tam, come on.
Or we could just have
our own party here,
the three of us.
Your brother,
he fancies me, you know.
Tam, come on.
You got rid of it yet?
Well, have you?
I want to talk to him,
on my own.
-I’ll be right behind you.
I’m not just leaving you
with him.
He’s pissed,
I’ll be fine. Just go.
-Two minutes.
Shout if you need me, yeah?
My hero. [laughs]
You wanna see something?
I recorded a little video.
You can send it
to whoever you like,
I don’t care.
I’m keeping the baby.
What does that mean?
Your body, your choice.
But you think about that.
‘Cause you’ll be tied to me
for the rest of your life,
and I will never let you
forget it.
I’ll make your life
a living hell.
And I will turn
that kid against you.
And ruin your family.
Don’t talk about my family.
It’s gonna be so much fun,
fucking you all up.
That kid is gonna wish
that he was dead.
[dramatic music playing]
[twig snaps]
Tam, did you kill Jack Evans?
I had to.
[both straining]
[breathing heavily]
[Jack grunts]
[Tamsin] I’m sorry.
[Tasmin breathes shakily]
-You all right?
-Let’s go.
[somber music playing]
[Ryan] Give me his phone.
[breathing heavily]
I’m taking you to the hospital.
Because you need
to be checked out by a doctor.
I’m fine.
Please don’t argue.
Ryan, can you take her
to the car.
Tam, come on.
I’ll be out in a minute.
What can I do?
I honestly don’t know.
We’ll get through this.
I don’t know, but we will.
[phone ringing]
[phone ringing]
-[Max] I found something.
of Tamsin and Jack.
Can you meet me at the hospital?
The what?
Is everything okay?
No. It’s not okay.
[heartbeat over ultrasound]
There we are.
-You have options.
-I know.
-You have to be sure.
-I am.
Tam, did he force you?
Promise me?
He was nice.
For a while.
I don’t want this baby
in prison.
Why didn’t you tell me?
I didn’t know where to start.
It’s like,
if we didn’t say anything
maybe it never happened.
[doorbell rings]
I don’t understand what you did.
But I think everyone
deserves a second chance.
Wanna watch some telly?
What would you like to watch?
[Cat] It doesn’t matter.
[TV playing]
[Anna] Our daughter’s a murder.
I don’t know what to do.
[tense music playing]
Is Nancy okay?
For now.
The police seem convinced
that she’s responsible.
Is she?
I couldn’t represent her
if she was.
Out of respect for Arwel.
He was a good friend
but I never pretended
to understand him.
I don’t think anyone did.
But I know
he thought very highly of you.
The houses and their contents,
his investments.
And the brewery.
In the event of his death
Arwel wanted you to have it all.
No, thanks.
I don’t want it.
He doesn’t owe me anything.
It’s not about repayment.
I just don’t want it.
Louie the assets alone would
make you financially secure.
When you combine that
with the income
from the brewery
You’re not listening to me.
Arwel worked hard,
his whole life,
to build something
to leave a legacy.
This is your opportunity
to be a part of all that.
That’s every photo,
every document,
every last memento
I ever had of my family.
I want to erase our legacy.
I want it gone, just like Arwel.
And just like Jack.
[Ryan] Dad what
are you going to do?
You can’t tell the police.
[Max] I don’t know.
We could leave.
We could pack up our stuff
and we could move somewhere,
move countries.
-That’s a stupid idea.
-Well, it is!
-I’m trying to help.
-Well, that’s not helpful.
-Why are you snapping at me?
Because you’ve dragged
our whole family
into a fucking nightmare,
that’s why!
Ryan, stop.
We’re deciding
what to do together.
We’re not turning on each other.
Why aren’t you saying anything?
I’m still getting my head round
what you’ve done.
They’re going to find out
what happened.
And they’re going
to come looking for you.
-I’m not sugar-coating it.
You’ll be charged with murder.
A good lawyer might
get it reduced to manslaughter
but that’s still a prison term.
I don’t know maybe there’s a way
of spinning it
using the pregnancy.
Maybe we tell them that
he attacked you in the woods
that he forced you
into having sex,
and it was self-defence.
-You want me to lie?
-You want to go to prison?
Would that work?
Depends how good the lie is.
If it wasn’t watertight,
if she wasn’t convincing.
[doorbell rings]
It’s the police.
-[knocking on door]
-No, Mum.
Take Tam upstairs
and stay there.
[doorbell rings]
-Tam, come with me.
Hey, Tam, come on.
Let’s go upstairs.
We have to protect her.
Can we come in?
I need to ask Max
some questions.
In private.
Shall we go through?
I didn’t want to do this
at the station, Max.
But I have to ask you
some questions about Anna,
and the night
of the brewery party.
-Tam, sit down.
-I don’t want to.
You’re doing my head in,
just sit down.
That's a nice picture.
Where is that?
How long is this going to take?
No idea.
Our family used
to go camping up there.
My Nan got chased by cows.
-What are you doing?
-I want to listen.
-Dad said to stay in here.
-I’ll be quiet.
-No, Tamsin.
-Um, do you want to--
I’ll go.
Did you notice any change
in Anna’s behaviour
after the night of the party?
No, not really.
Don’t you think
that’s strange, Max?
I mean, her boss was murdered.
What the hell?
-Tam won’t sit down.
-What’s happening?
I don’t know, you need
to stay here and be quiet!
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Obviously, she was upset.
Did she talk to you
about Jack Evans?
-Of course.
-What did she say?
I knew he wasn’t liked.
-By Anna?
-By everyone.
You know all this,
how is it helping?
That’s private.
Everything all right up there?
Yes, yes thanks.
Do you remember what time
she got home that night?
Around twelve thirty,
quarter to one.
So, you were awake then?
And how did she seem to you,
what was her demeanour?
She was drunk.
Said the party
was pretty average
she got undressed
and went straight to sleep.
Did she seem upset, tense?
Not at all.
And tell me
about her relationship
with Nancy Clarke.
They’re like sisters.
They’ve always been close.
Have you noticed any shift
in their relationship
since the party?
None whatsoever.
Anything else you can
think might be helpful?
Don’t you think I would’ve said?
I don’t know, Max,
that’s why I’m asking.
Do you mind if I use your loo?
It’s upstairs on the left
don’t lock the door, it sticks.
Did you find anything?
The arcade.
No-one recognised him.
She doesn’t know about that,
Course not, she’d freak.
From now on,
you stay out of this, Max.
I won’t cover for you again.
Shh, shh.
Oh! [chuckles]
There’s an atmosphere in there,
I don’t like it.
Yeah, there’s a reason for that.
The girl’s pregnant.
I saw the paperwork,
it’s dated today.
Maybe that explains everything.
What did they say?
-[Ryan] Dad just tell us.
-Go upstairs.
No. We’re part of this.
They’re going after you
and Nancy as the prime suspects.
She knows something’s wrong,
it was obvious.
And you two smashing
shit upstairs didn’t help.
It was an accident.
I don’t want to think
about this anymore.
Can you guys give us a minute?
[exhales sharply]
That evidence you found.
You have to destroy it.
I need time to get
my head around this.
We don’t have time.
[Nancy] I don’t think
we ever truly know one another.
We stumble through life
like clowns,
wearing our personalities
like masks.
Hiding our secret desires
and darkest thoughts
behind a performance.
Behind habit and obligation.
And if we saw each other,
if we bared our souls,
I think we’d go mad.
Our truths would turn families
against each other,
would tear
lifelong friendships apart.
I’ve come to realise
that it’s the absence of truth
that holds us together.
That’s a cynical world view,
Truth should never be
regarded as destructive.
My marriage
died a long time ago
but neither of us
had the guts to admit it.
So, I looked to you,
to the church to fill that void.
And when faith wasn’t enough,
I started to fantasise
about you and me.
Time and time again,
like a teenager.
And you can look
as shocked as you like,
I know it wasn’t
all wishful thinking.
That’s my truth.
What’s yours?
I’ve spent so much of my life
focusing on the wrong people.
But now I have clarity,
and purpose.
I’m taking charge again.
Control is an illusion, Nancy.
He makes the rules.
Don’t you want
to break them sometimes?
Well, don’t you?
Very much.
Our actions reveal who we are.
Everything else is a facade.
We won’t see each other again.
-What’s going on?
-Gov’s called a briefing.
-What’s happened?
Gareth’s looking for you.
If you’re worried about
what people
-are thinking--
-I’m not.
So, what’s going on?
Oh, here they are.
Not in prison yet?
Fuck off, Mandy.
What’s there to think about?
You’d be set for life.
If we have a life
after all this.
I don’t want it.
But the brewery’s been
in your family for years.
Our name on every sign,
every barrel, every bottle.
Every day a reminder.
Maybe it amused Arwel,
maybe it’s his way
of punishing me.
For what?
This is not about you, you know.
Get your head out of your arse
and think about everyone else
who works here,
this is their brewery to.
They’ll be fine,
someone else will buy it.
Yeah, some big corporation
will swallow it up.
Rip the heart
and soul out of the place
and install some robots.
What good will that do?
I can’t base my decision
on other people.
Then base it on you.
Do you want
to spend the rest of your life
shut away in that house,
shoplifting to make yourself
feel better,
or do you want
to make a difference?
This is a chance
to do things the right way
to be the right kind of boss.
Plus, you’d get to sack Mandy.
If you want to forget
your family, fine, do it.
Choose a new one. Choose us.
Are you getting emotional?
Pfft. No.
Now stop slacking off
before Gareth gets in a tizz.
Are you serious about Cat?
You had a boyfriend.
And now I have a girlfriend.
She’s not as tough as
she makes out.
[Tish] I know.
If you hurt her, I’ll kill you
with my bare hands.
Yes, boss.
Have you seen Tamsin?
-Isn’t she in her room?
-She left this.
[exhales sharply]
[phone ringing]
-She’s gone, Tamsin’s gone.
What do you mean, gone where?
I don’t know, she’s taken
her backpack and some clothes.
Jesus Christ.
It’s ringing out.
Try Nancy, then Harri.
No, don’t call anyone else.
I’ll call in a favour and
get a live trace on her phone.
Hey, mate, as quick as you can
if you can do this.
[Tamsin] Shit.
She’s near the woods.
between the golf course
and Four Oaks Farm.
She’s heading
for the train station.
Go get her,
I’m right behind you.
I can’t talk about it.
I thought we were friends.
Don’t do that.
Is it Anna?
Is it?
Holland’s is convinced
the four women
are covering for someone.
We’re arresting them all,
And she wants
to question your kids.
Max, don’t do anything stupid.
[tense music playing]
[Ryan] Tam! Tam, wait!
[breathing heavily]
Stay here, call your dad.
-[Anna] Tam, wait!
-Just leave me alone!
-They’ve gone down here.
-Take a torch.
[breathing heavily]
Where is she?
I don’t know, I lost her.
-You, okay?
-[Anna] Yeah.
Tam! Fuck’s sake, Tam!
-[crying] Just let me go!
-Go where?
-I don’t know!
So you’re just gonna keep
running forever?
On your own?
Cos that’s not a plan!
Tam, listen to me.
We’re a team
Tam, we just want to talk.
Listen to me. [pants]
If you run, they’ll know.
They’ll know it’s you
and they won’t stop looking.
You’re all better off
without me anyway.
-That’s not true.
-It is.
Look, Tam,
if we just go back to the car
and then we can go home.
Then what?
We just pretend that
none of this ever happened?
Yes! Yes!
-[Tamsin] It’s too late.
-Look, Dad, tell her.
It’ll be okay, won’t it?
We’ll figure something out.
-I don’t know.
[phone ringing]
It’s the station.
They’ll be wondering where I am.
[Anford] Max, Max,
where are you?
-Max, are you there?
-[hang up tone]
There’s a way out of this.
I tell them it was me.
-They’re already coming for us,
it’s only a matter of time now.
If I confess,
and get a good lawyer--
No chance. Dad tell her.
Maybe I can make a deal?
It’s me or her.
-It won’t work.
-We can make it work.
Nancy’s car is on CCTV.
Stop it!
Please stop talking like that!
[Anna] Nancy will play along.
They all will.
It's not enough.
Tam told us
where Jack’s phone is.
-That’s the proof.
-No, Mum, no.
If I do this,
Tam’s off the hook.
We say I confessed
that I ran
and that you arrested me.
Then you’re in the clear too.
This is insane.
They’re not going to let this go
until someone confesses.
[Tamsin] Dad tell her, stop it.
I’m doing this.
And I need your help
or it won’t work.
[somber music playing]
Anna! Anna!
There has to be another way.
Can you think of one?
Mum, please.
Please. [crying]
Look after each other.
Promise me.
I love you.
[emotional music playing]
What the hell, Max?
I’ve been calling.
I know.
We’ve got a confession.
From who?
I need you to repeat
what you told me outside
for the recording.
I killed Jack Evans.
I used a plastic bag
to smother him
while he was intoxicated.
Then I took his phone.
Your divers will find it
in the reservoir,
where I disposed of it
the following day.
This wasn’t planned.
I acted on the spur
of the moment, out of anger.
He’d mistreated my colleagues,
inflicting months
of psychological
and physical abuse,
it had to stop.
Pretty drastic solution.
I’m not proud.
But I am ready
to accept responsibility.
why are you telling us this now?
Because my actions
are affecting innocent people
who don’t deserve
to be drawn into this.
I want to be very clear,
I killed Jack Evans
and I acted alone.
[phone ringing]
[somber piano music playing]
You can’t do this.
It’s done.
Take this.
[Anna] Nancy?
why-- why are you doing this?
Why do you think?
Yo-- You have to take it back.
You have to tell them it was me.
I-- this isn’t
We all have to pay
for what happened that night,
in our own way.
But Tamsin
she’s got her whole life
ahead of her.
And she’s going to need her mum.
I can’t-- I can’t let you
I won’t be able to live
with myself.
Then that’s your penance.
And it’s enough.
It’s funny, you know.
I feel more free now
than I have in years.
Go home, Anna.
Help Tamsin through this.
Look after Cat for me
and Louie.
Tell them not to worry.
Tell them I’ll miss them.
But I’ll miss you most of all.
Nancy? [sobs]
[inhales sharply]
[uplifting music playing]
[music continues]
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