The Perfect Couple (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

She cares so deeply
about each and every one of you.
She would like you to know
that our marriage is deeply
profoundly, and terminally fucked.
Yes, it is.
Absolutely right.
So you can all stop
comparing yourselves to us, you can.
And you know what? You can
Stop being the giant
I'm not available right now,
please leave a message.
Hello, Enid. Um
I've been trying you,
and I'm now trying you again.
You're probably
still recovering from yesterday,
as we all are, so
I mean, how many women do you know
who would to frame their husbands
for murder?
Tag's mortified.
He's committed to a publicity triage.
And I'd like it if we can all
have a session this afternoon
just to come up with some sort of plan.
So give me a call back, would you, Enid?
Thank you.
never gonna make you cry ♪
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you ♪
You're all invited to our 30th!
Thank you very much
Oh, God! Oh, no!
You're up early.
How's your head?
I wasn't that drunk.
It's early. Go back to sleep.
I'm just going out for a run.
Have fun.
You two.
Can you just step out
for a second, please, Benji?
Uh, yeah. Sure.
Listen, um, forgive my bluntness,
but actually, did you ever
Um, did Merritt, did she ever use drugs?
-No. Why?
Apparently she had quite a high level
of barbiturates in her system.
She didn't use them recreationally?
No. No. She's not, um
No. Definitely not. That is not
The cops are here.
Good morning, Mrs. Winbury.
We'd like you to come down to the station
and answer a few questions.
Yes, of course.
Let me get my bag.
Lock me up 'cause I've been bad ♪
And I know I'll do it again ♪
Through lies, real lies ♪
-We're gonna get real wild tonight ♪
-Come on ♪
Anything that feels this good ♪
Well, it must be illegal ♪
Must be illegal ♪
Call us criminals, criminals, baby ♪
Call us criminals, criminals, oh ♪
Get the door, please. Thank you.
Behind you.
Come on. Yep.
-Yeah, I'm I'm right here, Will.
They're taking all of Mom's shit.
Are you gonna do something about it?
-We can't, Will.
-Why can't we?
Well, for one thing, they're the police.
But they're taking her computer.
That's got all
Will, can you stop
asking questions, please?
-We need to call her team, the PR people.
-We need to call a defense attorney.
Why would we call a defense attorney
if she's not guilty?
Why don't you Why don't you just go get
ready for your sailing thing, okay, kiddo?
- It's a race!
- Okay.
My dad won't lend me the money.
Um, I just bought a house
in Aix-en-Provence.
So you have to start reimbursing me.
I know. I will, I will, I promise.
-I'm about to get my trust fund.
That's very lucky for you.
Isn't it?
Hey, babe. Yep, I'm just on the way back.
Wait, what?
And they took her computer and stuff? Why?
Friend of yours?
-But you do know him.
his name is Broderick Graham,
and, uh, he has quite a résumé.
Petty theft, assault, possession,
and lately, he's been running with a gang
with known ties to the Turkish Mafia,
so that's heroin trade,
I don't know, hits for hire.
"Hits for hire"?
Mrs. Winbury, we believe that you hired
Broderick Graham to kill Merritt Monaco
and convinced Shooter Dival to pay for it
so he could shield you from blame
and claim diplomatic immunity.
So you're not just
gonna tell us what happened?
Because we already know.
Yeah, we, uh,
have an APB out on Mr. Graham,
and, as you know, it's not a big island.
And we're working on getting around
Mr. Dival's immunity, and we will.
Mr. Dival has nothing to do with this,
and neither do I.
So you're wasting your time.
Okay, well
-Just excuse us for just
-One minute.
-We'll be right back.
-Is Tom back yet?
-Is Tom back yet?
-I don't fucking know.
Yeah, uh, just send me his number.
-There's a million reporters out there.
-Hold on a second.
-What are you doing?
-I I can't leave.
There's so many reporters,
I can't even get out of the gate.
Sweetheart, you're gonna miss your race.
Can I call you back? Yeah.
Why don't you have
any comment for reporters?
Where were you
when the murder took place?
Mrs. Winbury,
how do you feel about all this?
Any comment on the body
found on your property?
Is your wife a suspect?
Hello, everyone!
Hi. I'm sorry,
but you're actually on private property.
Is it true you were having an affair
with Merritt Monaco?
All the way back to the road.
Just move back, please. Thank you!
Is Mrs. Winbury
being questioned by the police?
Why is your wife
being questioned by the police?
Back the fuck up!
Thomas, where are you coming from?
Get the fuck out of the way.
Move! All right?
Back up!
Just get away from the fucking gate!
Jesus fucking Christ! Fucking jackals.
Please, just back away
from the fucking gate.
Try to remember you're on camera.
You gotta be tough with these guys, man.
Back the fuck off!
Are you protecting Greer Winbury?
You heard him, fuck off!
-Thank you, sweetie.
-The public is here to know!
-Is anyone else in your family involved?
The Winbury family
is just not cooperating
A run?
Would you stop being so fucking paranoid?
Your mom's being questioned by the police,
the press are jonesing for a hit,
and you're off
sticking it in some French whore?
Abby, calm down.
I will not calm down! You calm down!
You calm your dick down!
Whoa! Babe!
I would not do that to you. Come on.
I'm not gonna hook up
with some crazy French lady my dad knows.
Babe! Come on!
I love you!
Abby, I'm not stupid.
I love you!
Come here.
- I just can't fucking believe this.
- I mean,
she's not the first person
I'd want to have a beer with,
but I don't think she's capable of that.
Well, I don't think so either,
but at this point, I don't know
what else could have happened.
I mean, how could she have barbiturates
in her system?
Honey, none of us knows anything
right now.
I think it's important that we just
not jump to any conclusions. All right?
If you don't know Mr. Graham well,
why has he called your house
nine times over the last four days?
Maybe he was looking for Shooter Dival?
I mean, Mr. Dival knows him well.
Well enough to wire him $300,000.
To what, though? To pay him
to kill Merritt Monaco on your behalf?
Broderick's, he's an old associate.
I've known him for a very long time.
He called me.
He was desperate. Desperate for money.
And I didn't have access
to it at the time,
so I asked Shooter for a loan.
-Very generous.
When we questioned you the other day,
you said you went to bed at 1:30
the night Miss Monaco died.
But we have a landline phone call
from your office
to Mr. -08 a.m.
Now, do you often call your associates
at that time of night?
Can't I just tell the cops that
I didn't know what the money was for?
I still don't.
She needed a favor. I didn't ask why.
Then let's see
what the cops actually know.
These people
have been like family to me. You know?
Like family.
$300,000 is a lot of money
for most people.
Now, why did you want
Mr. Graham to have it?
I've known him a very long time.
And Mr. Dival,
is that why he loaned you the money?
Because he's known you
for a long time too?
Ah, he
He actually, um
We're very close.
He gave me a loan
because he knows I'll pay it back.
How close?
He's like a son to me.
Yeah. I mean, I I have a son.
But I don't think he's ever done anything
in his whole life just 'cause I asked.
Thank you.
I'm really sorry
about how confused I've been.
I haven't been fair to you or to Benji.
It just feels like
everything's my fault
and everything's going wrong and just
I don't want to do this anymore.
I'm sorry. I
I don't even know who I am right now.
But I know who I used to be, you know? I
-I need to get back to that.
I need to get back
to the girl on the B Train.
I remember you.
You were right. That was me.
I know.
Oh, my God.
Mr. Tag, sorry to bother,
but Miss Collins, I tried to tell her
Gosia, darling.
-Enid, how are you?
-I brought the cavalry.
Uh, yeah, I can see.
We've been expecting you.
Where's my Greer?
Uh, she had a few things to do in town.
A few things in town.
A few things in town.
"Author Garrison Winbury,
person of interest
in Merritt Monaco murder,
stranger than fiction."
-Jesus, who writes this copy?
-Is this true?
They're just talking to her.
They came and took her early this morning.
They got her computer, her laptop.
Total ambush.
Small-town police chief
trying to make a name for himself.
It's All of it, it's just grotesque.
Obviously, I mean, if we'd had some
advance notice, we would've called you.
Of course you would have.
We just have to start from where we are.
- Let's dive in.
- Yes.
No wrong answers.
Where does your gut go first?
You know, actually, I think we can spin
the murder-suspect thing. It's very meta.
You know, we're actually more concerned
about your revelations from yesterday.
What did I say?
That you and Greer do threesomes, for one?
-Oh, well
-See, we sold you as the perfect couple.
Which is hot
for your cishet monogamous demo.
Right, but not the perfect thruple,
which is hot for Brad's demo.
Thank you.
Oh, isn't he looking tired?
Tag, you need to rest.
Sorry to interrupt.
You're not. I've gotten straighter answers
from my kids after a class trip.
Deputies pulled this guy
off the puddle jumper.
Lookee here. Mr. Graham.
I don't know what she's told you,
but I didn't do nothing.
Carl, would you get Mr. Graham
a chair, please?
And you can, uh, you can put it right here
near Mrs. Winbury.
Please, have a seat.
There you go.
Thank you.
Thank you, Carl. We're good.
I am really curious to know
how you two know each other.
We don't.
Then why did Mrs. Winbury
have Shooter Dival wire you $300,000?
Well, that was a gift.
Okay, why would anyone gift you $300,000?
Because I asked very nicely.
You're out of your depth, Broderick.
Oh, look. We do know each other.
I want to make something very clear.
I didn't blackmail anyone.
- Okay.
- Out it comes.
-I'm so glad you said that out loud.
-Thank you for clearing that up.
-I'm gonna write that down.
-You got that? Yeah, write it down.
"Didn't blackmail anyone."
- Got it.
- Good to know.
-They're taking the piss out of you.
-You think?
We've all been under
a considerable amount of stress
because of the, uh, accident
and postponing the wedding.
And because of that pressure,
I have given in to the very human weakness
of, uh, an alcohol problem.
And weed.
-No. That's
-We're just going to keep it simple.
And I love my family.
I love my family.
I love my wife. I love our marriage.
Because of that,
I've made the very difficult decision
to spend the next few weeks
reflecting and healing
at Promises, Malibu.
-No. Uh-uh. It's not relatable. New Era.
- The one in New Haven?
- Yeah.
No, absolutely not. It's a shithole.
-It's supposed to be nice.
-No, no, no. Thomas?
It's a shithole. I went there. Bad people.
- It's a rehab.
- Yeah.
Can I tell them I'm going to New Haven
and go to the one in Malibu?
So, I think you should try it
maybe without the drink in your hand.
-It's a good idea.
-That's a good idea.
I wasn't going to have the drink
in my hand when I do it
- No, I know, but it's a crutch.
- Okay.
It's constructive criticism.
We've all been under
a considerable amount of emotional stress
because of the accident.
Because of that pressure,
I've given in to the very human weakness
of an alcohol addiction.
And because of that,
I've made the very difficult decision
to spend the next few weeks
reflecting and healing at
New Era in New Haven.
-How many times is he
-It's pretty rough.
It's great. Really good.
You know what I want to know?
What does he have over you, Mrs. Winbury?
Does he know
that you murdered Merritt Monaco,
or did you pay him to do it?
- Did you kill the girl?
- Shut up!
No, please, don't shut up, keep talking.
That mean that I get immunity?
Do you need immunity?
Do I?
Hey, Chief.
-I got Shooter Dival and his lawyer.
Don't drag him into this.
-He's got nothing to do with it.
Really, just let him go.
Someone's got to tell us
what the money is for.
He doesn't know what it's for.
It was a loan.
I had to pay off a fucking debt!
A $300,000 debt!
Because this fucking idiot is my brother.
He has a gambling addiction.
I have been paying off his debts
for years. This is the reason.
It's as simple as that. So there it is.
He's your brother?
What? Don't you see the resemblance?
Okay, so, um
What is your association
with this Turkish gang?
-God knows.
-I fix things for them.
Are you their errand boy?
Get them coffee or some shit?
-I ain't no fucking errand boy.
I do other things.
-Oh, please, no, tell us.
Well, it's not a gang.
You know, it's not a gang per se.
For whatever reason,
he owed them $300,000.
It's paid now,
so hopefully he is grateful.
And there is no more coming
despite this little visit.
Yeah. Thanks for that.
Well, if it's not a gang,
what is it?
It's like a group, innit?
It's like an organization.
Of criminals?
Right. So, what What do you call
a group of organized people who do crimes?
I've got nothing to say.
-What did you say?
-I've got nothing to say.
About time.
All right. Um
I suppose that wraps it up.
- What about my fucking plane ticket?
- Listen
You are lucky
not to be leaving here in cuffs.
Mrs. Winbury.
You can go now.
-Thank you.
-What about me?
- Do you want me to take him with me?
- Yes, please.
-Thank you for coming.
-Thank you.
-I did not see that coming. Nope.
-Neither did I.
-Back to square one.
-I, uh, I'm gonna talk to Shooter Dival.
-Yeah. Yeah.
Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Dival.
Hopefully, now you can go and enjoy
some of the finer things
that our island has to offer.
Thanks, but I've been here
many times before.
Oh, really? It seems like such a long way.
From Manhattan?
Not really.
-Have a good one, Carl.
-Yeah, you too.
This is the one that's getting
maybe the most traction right now,
which I need you all to be prepared for.
That's not that bad.
Never gonna say good-bye
Never gonna tell a lie ♪
-It's not great.
-You want to hear that singing?
make you cry
Never gonna say good-bye ♪
- Hello?
- Greer!
- Mom!
- We're back.
It's all good.
This is, uh, Broderick Graham.
Broderick, say hello to everyone.
-Well, that's who called on the phone.
Uh, yes.
This is my brother.
What's he doing here?
- Your brother?
- Jesus Christ.
-Sorry, this guy's your brother?
-I didn't even know you had a brother.
Well, you wouldn't because, um
I never told you.
Of course. Why would you?
Broderick, don't even bother looking
at the Monet. It's a fake.
It is?
Would you like us to leave?
-This seems to be a bit of a family
-No, no, please. Enid, please.
Should I go upstairs?
No, no, no. No. I want you all to stay.
Would you please just sit down?
What are you doing?
I will bring refreshments?
Um, not right now. Maybe later.
So, are we gonna sue the cops?
'Cause they can't just
Are they saying you did it?
They didn't think that I killed Merritt.
They thought that, um,
I hired a hitman to kill Merritt.
Which I didn't!
-Of course.
-Of course you didn't.
- Honey, I just
- Of course you didn't. It's just
Honey, I just There's a plan.
Uh Barry and Cynthia
have written a statement
-Hyacinth and Brad.
-"Barry" is fine.
They've written a statement
that I'm going to read.
I'm gonna go to rehab
and everything will be fine
He'll do rehab, and then we will spin
this whole cop thing of yours.
Small town, thirsty cop. Done.
It's gonna be fine. Everything.
It's all gonna go back to the way it was.
No, it's not gonna go back
to the way it was.
I'm not going back to the way I was.
Because, really,
I've been living a lie, haven't I?
I'm far more colorful than that, aren't I?
It was a It was a turn of phrase.
No, it was a threat, Tag.
That was a threat.
So, boys, gloves are off now.
Your father and I
didn't meet in a gallery opening.
-We met in a bar.
-What are you doing?
What am I doing?
I'm ripping the Band-Aid off.
Well, Tom and I met in a bar.
I worked in a bar.
-I, um, sometimes worked in a hotel.
-Sure you wanna tell this story in front
- Yeah. I want to tell this.
- Where your mother comes from,
there weren't a lot of opportunities,
and so she had to work.
She worked very hard to support herself.
To support my entire family,
as I've always had to do, as I still do.
But, anyway, back to the point.
I was an escort.
-A very high-end escort
-I had sex with men for money.
My brother organized the clientele,
and your father was one of those men.
-Fucking gross.
-Oh, my God.
I didn't pay.
-Come on, Tag.
-Well, the first time, technically
-Yes. Did he pay?
-He paid.
-Yes. You did pay. Three times.
-You paid, mate.
Three times.
All right? And now I pay for everything.
-What the fuck are you doing?!
-What does that matter? 'Cause
-This is our home!
-No, I want them to keep filming.
Please, text, write, do whatever you want,
because I'm not living like this.
I'm not living in fear
of exposure anymore. Do you hear me?
I'm not living with your goddamn mess.
I'm not cleaning everything up for you.
I'm done with your ego.
I'm done with your bullshit. I am done.
Do you hear me? Done.
I'm not taking care of everything
for everyone anymore!
I'm done!
I'm done with living the lie.
So, there we go.
That feels better.
And I will answer any questions
that you boys need answered
in the kitchen over a cup of tea.
And there is a book in this, Enid.
I've been working on it,
and it's gonna be fantastic.
Of course there's a book.
There's always a fucking book.
- Holy shit!
- All right.
Can I have my phone back?
I need to talk to you.
Excuse me.
Did you say something about snacks?
Need to talk to you for a second, okay?
So, just today your mom told me that
she brought three pills out here with her.
What pills?
They're for euthanasia.
-Dad, what the fuck?
-I know. I know. I know.
No, believe me, I know.
Honey, honey, listen to me, okay?
One of the pills is missing.
Mom looked everywhere,
and she said she couldn't find it.
Just tell them what you told me.
Um, I I didn't know until today
about the barbiturates that Merritt took.
I I brought these three pills with me
in my toiletry bag.
Um, they were kind of like
a security blanket for me in case
things got worse quickly.
She was very careful
with the pills, Officer.
She kept them separate
from the other medications.
I had them in this little pouch,
- and there were three.
- Little pouch.
But when I checked them
there were only two.
And who else would have access
to your medication?
- Nobody.
- Anybody.
Anybody at the house.
Prescription roulette?
Roulette? What's that?
- His brother, Thomas
- My brother Thomas, uh,
- steals pills.
- He steals pills all the time.
What are these pills, exactly, Mrs. Sacks?
They're pentobarbital.
But just one wouldn't have killed her.
It would've knocked her out, though.
Where did you get these pills?
A young man in my cancer-support group
got them for me.
You take three at once
- I see.
- Okay, thank you.
-Yes, thank you so much for your time.
-Thank you very much.
It's okay, Mom. It's not your fault.
Not your fault.
You asshole.
You steal pills from my dying mother,
you give them to my best friend,
-and she fucking dies?
Do you have any idea
what a monumental piece of shit you are?
-What did he do?
-Stop hitting me.
I'm talking about prescription roulette,
you pill-popping, boarding-school fuck!
- Enough.
- Okay, hey!
Thomas, we'd like to talk to you.
Why don't you come to the station with us?
Of course. Gladly. Let's go.
Just keep this fucking nutcase
away from me.
-You all right?
-I got it.
-What did he do?
-Your husband's a fucking asshole!
How are you doing?
I'll never get to see her again.
I'll never get to talk to her.
I'll never get to tell her
what a piece of shit I am.
Hey, hey, don't say that about yourself.
I I can't help thinking that
somehow I'm to blame for all of this.
You know, I knew how sick your mom was.
I knew how unsure you were,
but still I proposed to you.
And then, you know, after you and
I really wanted to label you
"Women Who Lied to Me."
But the truth is,
you're so many good things too.
You know, you're "Women Who Inspired Me,
Women Who Made Me Laugh So Much
I Choked On My Beer."
"Women Who I Really
Truly Fucking Loved."
You You probably don't want this right?
We should probably leave it here.
I'll let you get back to it.
Yes, I took her pill.
I take pills from everyone.
Is that a crime?
I didn't do anything with it, so
Maybe Merritt did
after you gave it to her.
Why would I give it to Merritt?
I thought it was an oxy.
I kept it for myself.
Okay, what'd you do with it?
Where'd you put it?
I don't know.
See, she died on your parents' property.
And if we can prove
the pentobarbital entered her bloodstream
because of your negligence,
well, not only could you be liable,
your parents could be too.
And I can't imagine
there won't be a civil suit,
especially if she has any relatives
who could use a few extra bucks.
You'd be surprised
how quickly people get real sad
about an estranged cousin or a dead niece
once they find out
she's worth a couple of mil.
- What?
- Oh, fuck!
-What about Isabel?
-Oh, fuck.
Yeah, this is all my fucking fault, guys.
So, my dad got Merritt a little bit, uh
And then she wanted to keep it. Okay?
So I did what any good son would do,
and I just tried to see if I could
make that situation just go away.
So Here's what I did.
I took my grandfather's gun.
And I found Merritt on the beach later.
Just listen.
Oh, God.
So, I was gonna
just scare her a little bit.
Just tell her, "Hey, get rid of it,"
you know?
But then,
I felt bad, so
-Oh, fuck.
Are you crazy?
You've got a gun.
She is gonna fuck everything up.
She's a stupid girl in love.
-Poor thing.
It's not going to end well for her.
That's for sure.
I just decided to go home to bed.
I'm telling you, it was her.
She's always in my stash.
And she just had a drink with Merritt.
Yeah, but why would Isabel
want to murder Merritt?
It was money, duh.
Look, I owe her, like,
two, two-and-a-half million.
She knows that I'm gonna get my trust fund
when the youngest sibling turns 18.
That's Will.
Now, if my dad and Merritt had a kid,
the trust automatically resets,
and no one gets access to the money
for another 18 years.
Plus, we gotta split it four ways
instead of three.
So you do the math, genius.
Two-and-a-half million dollars.
I might kill for that.
I'll just grab my phone,
and a Coke whenever you guys get a sec.
Are you some fucking morons?
This is your evidence?
You drag me down here like a criminal
because I indulge in a Xanax
with my wine, my My Chablis?
Oh, you sniff around every corner.
Except the right one.
While the rest of us sit around
reading airport books.
The right one?
You said we're sniffing around
every corner, but the right one.
Qu'est que j'ai Vais dire
Why would I kill for money?
Look at me.
I gave Thomas some money.
I gave him a lot of money.
But anybody who expects to be paid back
by someone like him is an idiot.
No? Hmm?
Beautiful women don't kill for money,
they don't kill for sex.
They can have these things
anytime they want.
Women kill for power, for position.
To put a man in his place.
Is that what you were doing,
putting Tag in his place?
I was not even there when she died.
So where were you?
The driver said
they were both wicked smashed.
And he picked them up
from the Winbury house?
Gave them a ride over to the Sand Dollar.
Looks like they couldn't wait.
Hey, can you guys, um,
look at this maid interview with me?
Mrs. Abby?
I don't work for her,
but still she orders me.
Last night,
Mr. Thomas didn't even sleep in the bed.
Okay. Abby has told me
that Thomas did sleep in the bed.
And we just confirmed that Isabel
and Thomas were at the Sand Dollar hotel.
Didn't look like he was
going home to his wife.
Yeah, but she clearly lied.
She could be embarrassed
that her husband's having an affair.
No, it's bigger than that. It's
Okay, wait. There's more.
But still,
"Wash my sheets, Gosia."
"Wash my pajamas, Gosia."
"Wash my water glass, Gosia."
"Wash my water glass, Gosia.
Use very hot water, Gosia."
I told her I washed the glass.
But I didn't wash the glass.
So, the morning that they found the body,
I was talking to Abby in the kitchen
and she was washing a glass.
And she seemed very nervous.
Could that be the glass
the barbiturate was in?
The motive Thomas laid out
makes the most sense.
With these kind of people,
it's always about the money.
So, Forensics won't find anything
on the glass.
What about that substance
on the hair shaft? Tallow, was it?
Fuck me.
Is this even an arrest?
Uh, hey, am I actually
under arrest?
Am I under arrest,
or can I go get something to eat?
Could somebody call my wife?
My sorority sister's mother-in-law
is, like, this Korean cosmetics magnate.
Her skin is amazing.
It's because over there, you're allowed to
use, like, baby foreskin and cow placenta.
So unfair.
Oh, he's almost done processing,
just finishing up some paperwork.
Oh, good. I think we've had enough
of the air freshener smell.
Oh, yeah. Mine was yogurt.
Someone opened a Yoplait
within 50 yards of me, and I'm just
Um, so
Did you know
that Isabel Nallet loaned Thomas money?
I knew that
he was managing her investments,
but if that's what she calls a loan, okay.
No, no, actually, he called it a loan,
but yeah,
I guess he owes her,
like, over two million dollars.
I don't get super-involved
in our finances.
She takes pills from him.
She's, like, "always in his stash." Jesus!
She's always into everything.
Tom's meds,
Tag's whiskey, Greer's marriage.
You think Isabel was
messing around with Tag?
I think she'll take
whatever dick she can still get.
If that dick happens to be attached
to someone else's husband
Too bad.
Wow. Yeah.
Yeah, she's
The term my mother would use
is, uh, "loose."
Well, I don't believe in slut-shaming.
there's no way she's tight.
Yeah, yeah. Ladies,
lock up your husbands, right?
It's a good thing
yours came to bed that night.
-Hi, babe.
-Oh! There he is.
Yeah, yeah. Um
The other day you said, um,
you went to bed at 10:30,
you woke up a couple times,
and one of the times
was when he came to bed.
-Mmm-hmm. Yeah.
-Right. Okay.
-Well, good to see you.
-Yeah. Let's get the fuck out of here.
Stinks of fucking bacon.
They didn't give me
anything to eat. All day.
Can you fucking believe that?
So I'm sitting there
across from these two cops,
and they're just floundering.
They're just brain-dead.
There's nothing going on.
And it's so obvious to me
that it was Isabel,
-because it's the trust-fund money.
-And you're about to turn 18.
-What's he talking about? It was Isabel?
So Thomas was banking on
the trust fund being released
so he could reimburse Isabel
the money that she loaned him.
But that can only happen
when, uh, Will turns 18,
which is in a few weeks.
-Will, when's your birthday?
-August 9th.
- Yeah. So
- Why doesn't he know that?
With Merritt's condition
- Because she was pregnant?
- Right.
That would delay the trust?
By 18 years.
And the baby would be
the youngest Winbury, so
So it was all about money.
Forgive the intrusion, Mrs. Winbury.
We have to conduct
another sweep of the property.
Abby Stokes-Winbury?
You're under arrest
for the murder of Merritt Monaco.
-You have the right to remain silent.
-Anything you say can and will
-You can't be serious.
-This is a mistake.
-No, it's not a mistake.
- Hands behind your back.
- You have the right to talk to a lawyer.
-I do. Call the lawyer, Tom.
-Get back.
And have him/her present with you
while you are being questioned.
I can't go to jail, I'm pregnant!
Yeah, that's not a thing.
If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer,
one will be appointed to represent you
before any questioning. If you
Tom, do something
for once in your fucking life!
you can decide at any time
to exercise these rights
and not answer any question
and make any statements
Oh, fuck!
-Brought you some cold-press.
Aw! Thanks.
-I cut my foot.
-Oh, no.
-Men are such assholes.
-Yeah, tell me about it.
Can't trust them not to cheat.
Can't trust them not to lie.
You really can't trust them
to just get the job done.
You know?
It's true,
if you want something done right,
you just have to do it yourself.
I bet a woman said that.
It's been helping me
to have a cool swim before bed.
You wanna?
Why not?
Do you understand your rights
as I have explained them?
No, I don't!
You have the right to remain silent
The right to remain silent.
Anything you say
can and will be used against you
Oh, shit!
What the fuck?
Mrs. Winbury,
would you turn to your right side, please?
And to your left.
Back to the front.
-Are we done?
-Yes. You can step out.
You know what's funny?
It never occurred to me,
not even once
that you might actually leave me.
You stay here.
I was gonna write the next one
from the city anyway.
You're gonna kill it.
I know.
-Where is Thomas?
-Uh, in the house, I think.
Chloe, come on,
give me back my phone. Give it back.
It's a really cool Instagram filter.
Oh, my God, Instagram filter?
Are you crazy?
You're just like everyone else
in our generation.
-Oh, my God. You're so cool.
-All you wanna do
You know what, I am pretty cool, actually.
I think out of the two of us,
if you had to decide,
I think I am kind of cool
Mr. Tag.
Thomas! Thomas!
-Isabel, I can't speak French, honey.
- But it's not what you think.
- You better learn.
-No, right. Wow. Coward!
-Oh, shit!
-It was the fucking cops!
-You are such a liar!
-They put words in my mouth!
-My God!
Look at that. He loves it.
Good job, son.
Good job, Elizabeth.
Don't be scared.
I got you. I promise, okay?
Animals can sense fear,
so you gotta project confidence. Okay?
Don't be scared. There you go. Good!
You're a hard person to find.
Not hard enough, I guess.
What are you doing here?
I came to find you.
I'm in London meeting with my publishers,
and I've written something. Something new.
But I'm not giving it to them
without your blessing.
You want me to read your new book?
I think you're gonna love it.
It's about you.
-About me?
-Yes, it is.
You look terrified. You don't have to be.
I'm sorry. I just
I thought you were happy to get rid of me.
Oh! I I was.
I was dreadfully angry at you.
But then I started thinking about things
and I realized
I was jealous.
Anyway, I've written it all down
as a good writer should do,
so give it a read,
and if you don't hate it, give me a call.
We can have some dinner.
I hope you call. I'd love to see you.
- How's Safi doing?
- Good.
-You guys want to feed him?
Yeah, okay.
Lock me up 'cause I've been bad ♪
And I know I'll do it again ♪
You're the best I ever had ♪
I'm guilty, I confess ♪
Through lies, real lies ♪
-We're gonna get real wild tonight ♪
-Come on ♪
Through lies, real lies ♪
With you ♪
Anything that feels this good ♪
Well, it must be illegal ♪
Must be illegal ♪
So call us criminals, criminals, baby ♪
Call us criminals, criminals, oh ♪
Criminals, criminals ♪
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