The Residence (2025) s01e06 Episode Script

The Third Man

[birds chirping]
[tense music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
- [birds singing]
- [monkeys screeching]
[music continues]
[water rushing nearby]
[music softens]
[bird trilling overhead]
Detective Cupp, I presume?
[curious music playing]
[brisk jazz music playing]
Harry Hollinger was the one
who wanted to call this a suicide
as quickly as possible.
Harry Hollinger, the President's
best friend and closest adviser.
Why was Harry Hollinger looking
for political documents?
Harry Hollinger.
- Harry Hollinger.
- Harry Hollinger.
[Bix] Harry Hollinger.
- Harry--?
- We can cut the small talk.
Can I at least tell you I like the beard?
Fuck you.
What are you doing out there, Aaron?
Do you remember why we're here?
What this is?
This is a boring hearing
about security protocol.
That's what this is.
It's not some fucking open mic night for
foiled-hat wing-nuts to talk insane shit
about what they think
happened at the White House.
Where was Harry Hollinger
for the 22 minutes he left the East Room?
You have let them turn this thing into
a fucking circus.
No, no, no. Worse than a circus.
Worse than a circus?
You have let them turn this thing into
a murder mystery.
And that is bad. That is very, very bad.
Do you wanna know why that is bad?
Yeah, I mean,
murder mysteries are so popular right now.
- Every time I turn on my TV--
- Exactly!
People like a murder mystery.
They think they're fun. And it is fun.
You have the Library and the Game Room
and the missing weapons
and now-- oh, yay!--
a disappearing detective!
How great is that?
People start to think,
"Oh, I can play detective too."
"Is that a clue? Is that a fucking clue?"
"Oh, I love a whodunnit. Whodunnit?!"
And that's the thing
about murder mysteries, Aaron:
The person whodunnit is always
the person you suspect the most.
Not the least. The most.
You've just been trained
not to suspect them.
But underneath it all, you really do.
And you know who that person is
in your murder mystery right now, Aaron?
Do you know who that is?
- The Swiss guy?
- Yes!
[yells] Me!
Oh yeah. Maybe.
I don't know.
The Swiss guy seems shifty to me.
You need to get this whole fucking thing
under control, Aaron.
I got it. I got it.
Look, if it comes to it, I can always
make a deal with her. Don't worry.
You can't make deals
with people like that.
- People like what?
- Like that. Like her.
People like Margery Bay Bix.
These people are different.
These people are exactly the same people
as they've always been,
and we've always made deals with them.
- [tense music playing]
- [Harry sighs]
Whodunnit, Harry?
I want to know.
[birds trilling]
This your first time up here?
Third time.
- Third time?
- Yes.
- You've done that three times?
- Nemesis bird.
- Sorry?
- Nemesis bird.
That's what you call the one
you can't find and can't let go.
You'd think all the ones you do find
would be enough, but it's never like that.
Sounds like a country song.
What's the one
that was just overhead here?
Golden-headed Quetzal.
- Not your bird?
- Not my bird.
My bird is the Giant Antpitta.
But the Quetzal is a beautiful bird,
and I'm happy to see it.
And they all help.
Everything fits together.
[intriguing music playing]
[music continues]
[Park] We weren't allowed to go in.
She was very clear about that,
and we respected that.
We just stood outside waiting.
Until what?
[frantic jazz music playing]
[Kylie gasps and mutters]
- What?
- Blood!
- Where?
- Upstairs! In the Lincoln Bedroom!
What the hell are you doing
in the Lincoln Bedroom?
He let me in. To sleep.
- Who?
- Him!
Me? [laughs nervously]
No. What? I don't
You walked me up, tucked me in,
and said goodnight.
[awkwardly] No, I don't remember that.
[hesitates] Tucked you in?
[vibrant swing music playing]
[music fades]
Where is the blood?
It's right there.
[tense, curious music playing]
- Detective Cupp, is everything--?
- What's that room across the hall?
The Queens Room.
And this room here?
Next door to the Lincoln Bedroom?
[Haney] The Treaty Room.
[tense, curious music continues]
It's a door.
A pop door.
[door clicks]
A linen closet.
[Cupp] And on the other side
of the hallway? Same thing?
This is different.
A staircase.
A secret staircase.
[Haney] A staff staircase.
- [Cupp] To where?
- To the third floor.
[music continues]
[Cupp] The way his shoes were coming off,
the way his pants were gathered.
- I have always thought that he was moved.
- Moved from where?
I want everyone off this floor.
- Now.
- [muffled thud]
- Is anyone else up here?
- Shouldn't be.
[brisk jazz music playing]
[man groans]
I'm okay.
[groans] I'm okay.
[man sighs]
Mr. Jackman?
[Hugh] This bed is, like, 45 feet high.
Fuck. It's like climbing
Mount fucking Everest.
Are you kidding me? [gasps]
This room is so much nicer
What are you doing in here?
- [Hugh] He told me I could sleep in here.
- Who?
[music continues]
[Hugh groans]
[guests chattering]
- Agent Trask!
- Yeah?
- I told you not to let anyone up here.
- I know. I know you did.
But is that really fair?
After everything
Kylie and Hugh have done for us?
- And why is there no Secret Service?
- We were told to stay off the floor.
I literally just said that,
and I didn't mean Secret Service.
I didn't mean you told us
to stay off the floor.
- [Park] Who told you to stay off?
- Mr. Morgan.
Elliott Morgan?
- Yes.
- [Cupp] When?
One of our agents got the call
at 9:22 p.m. We haven't been there since.
- That's a lie.
- You didn't ask the Secret Service?
No! First of all, they shouldn't be
on the second floor.
That is true.
We were told that there has been
a long conflict between the Morgans
and Secret Service about being upstairs,
and that the Morgans have made it clear
they want them to stay off the floor
as much as possible.
- I didn't say it tonight specifically.
- You didn't call anyone?
Detective Cupp.
It is 5:30 in the morning. I am tired.
I don't know how many times I have to
answer the same question the same way.
Maybe one more time.
I didn't call anyone.
He called at 9:22 p.m. I spoke to him.
I don't know why
he's saying he didn't call.
- [Cupp] Where were you?
- [Rausch] Second floor, by the elevator.
- Then you left?
- First Family tells you, you leave.
- I left.
- Have we traced that call?
- No.
- We need to do that.
- You didn't see or hear anything else?
- There was the crash outside.
- Other than that?
- [Rausch] No. Nothing.
Except for the dog.
- The dog?
- Yes.
What dog?
- [Rausch] The Morgans' dog, Shirley.
- You can't be serious.
- No, really, that's her name.
- There's a dog upstairs?
- Well, she's outside now.
- What about her?
- She was barking.
- Okay
But the thing is, she doesn't bark.
Like, ever.
Unless there are strangers,
which there aren't,
because she lives on
the second floor of the White House.
- What time was that?
- Around 9:30.
What did you do
when you heard Shirley barking?
I was at the stairs, and then I went up.
Even though Mr. Morgan told you not to?
If my choice is
to take some heat from Mr. Morgan
or risk a security breach,
I'll take the heat.
- You take the heat.
- [Rausch] I went upstairs.
Didn't see anything, came down.
The barking stopped.
Curious incident.
[woman] Detective Cupp?
Yes? Oh.
Thank you.
- How long are you going to stay?
- As long as it takes.
Until I see her.
Could be a long time.
I do have time.
- Don't you get lonely up here?
- There are birds.
- Other people, though?
- They'll be there when I need them.
What if they need you?
[suspenseful music playing]
I brought you everything you asked for.
Thank you.
You also brought some things
I didn't ask for and don't want.
- No.
- Technology?
- No.
- Satellite phone? Something like that?
No. Why do you say that?
- I've been up here five times.
- You said three times.
Every time, Rodrigo from the University
has been the one to resupply me.
- Not this time. Why?
- He's busy.
- Who are you?
- Nohelia.
Why are you interested in the work
I did at the White House?
Isn't everyone interested in the work
you did at the White House?
[music continues]
Is there such a thing as a nemesis case?
- No.
- One you can't solve and can't let go?
There isn't a case I can't solve.
Who are you? Who sent you?
You think I brought you electronics
'cause of the way I set that bag down.
If I brought you something like that,
you'd force me to take it back,
and I don't wanna carry any more
than I have to back down that hill.
Probably broke a lollipop. Sorry.
You're losing your edge up here,
Detective Cupp.
Thank you.
[chuckles softly]
[intriguing music playing]
[music fades]
- [Cupp] What am I looking at?
- [Park] Right there.
- The ear?
- The nose.
One of those things where
you see a rabbit and I see a duck?
This man here. You asked us
to match everyone on the guest list
with everyone who came in tonight.
We knew about the Mottas, obviously.
- [indistinct speech]
- [Valentina laughs]
- We found another one.
- Another party crasher?
- Another party crasher.
- A third man.
A third man?
The Third Man.
Our agents also found a name card
that doesn't match
with anyone on the guest list.
- [Cupp] I don't
- Is that That's a name?
- I think so.
- S-R-W-C-K.
No. No. What? No, follow the F.
- What F? I don't see an F.
- F-G
His name starts with F-G?
His name is Fgwlpskr Pif.
Larry. Yeah, Larry.
Okay. Do you remember him?
I do. He came up to me
right before the dinner,
said that he had misplaced his card,
so I made him a new one.
This looks great.
He was nice.
Um Yeah. I mean,
you obviously can't really tell from that,
but I think that's him.
Yeah, I think. You should talk to
Ms. Cannon though. She saw him too.
Yeah. I thought he was a contract butler.
But Nick told me he was a guest.
[Nick] Who?
The guy looking up at the ceiling.
[Nick] Oh, no, he is a guest.
I wrote his card too.
- [Cupp] See him up close?
- Not at that point.
- Not at that point?
- I rode the elevator with him later.
- The elevator?
- Yes, ma'am.
On my way back up to Ms. Cox's room,
he got on on the first floor.
- Where'd he get off?
- The second floor.
[Sheila] Mm-hmm.
I thought it was unusual, too,
but honestly,
I had a lot going on at that point.
[Cupp] Sure it was him?
Course not.
But it was someone I didn't recognize,
and it is something
about the top of his head here.
- I don't know. I was fucked up.
- What time was that?
What time was I fucked up?
- The elevator.
- 9:30.
Maybe. I don't know.
I know Rollie saw this guy too.
Yeah, he was sitting in the corner there.
He was with some of the Australians.
Lilly came and asked about him.
Said he wasn't on the seating chart.
But then Lilly had
a lot of seating charts.
Does anyone recognize this man?
- What man? I just see an ear.
- Don't look at the ear.
- Don't look at the ear?
- Look at the nose.
Is it one of those things
where you see a rabbit and--
No. Anyone?
I remember him.
He was next to me at dinner.
He was odd. Didn't say much.
Tried to engage him in conversation.
- Did he tell you his name?
- No.
- Anything about what he did?
- No.
- Where he lived?
- No.
Who was on the other side if you remember?
I do. It was Mr. Bing.
Walpole Bing.
The Australian industrialist.
Exactly. And one of Harry Hollinger's
best friends, apparently.
Can't rule out North Korea.
- [Filkins] It's time to make a deal.
- [Bix] A deal?
You just tell me what you want,
and we stop talking about all this. Okay?
What you really want.
You want to abolish
housing or labor or education?
We'll get that done.
And I don't just mean the departments.
I mean, like, education.
As a concept. Done. Gone.
You want to buy Greenland or Hungary
or frack directly under San Francisco?
- Fine. I don't care.
- And what do you get out of this deal?
- What do I get?
- Uh-huh.
I get to stop hearing about
things like "The Third Man."
I get the pleasure
of preserving the respect
and integrity of one of
our most important civic institutions.
I get Harry Hollinger off my ass.
And you're from Colorado,
so maybe I get a condo in Aspen.
I have everything I want right now.
[sighs] Come on.
What do you think happened here, honestly?
I think A.B. Wynter overheard
Walpole Bing, Harry Hollinger,
and Oliver Root hatching a plan to strike
an illegal deal with North Korea.
And I think after Harry Hollinger
yelled at him,
Wynter decided to report it.
And I think Harry knew that
and I think the three of them
brought in an assassin
to kill Wynter
on the night of the State Dinner.
And I think that assassin
is The Third Man.
That is completely insane.
It's only insane if it isn't true.
Actually, it's insane either way.
No deal, Aaron.
[phone ringing]
[indistinct chattering]
Blood on the second floor.
Shirley barking on the second floor
because of a stranger.
A disputed call to Secret Service
to clear the second floor.
I didn't call anyone.
He called at 9:22 p.m.
A man Sheila does not recognize
on the second floor
who snuck into the party undetected
and left just as the house
was being shut down.
A man-- a third man, The Third Man--
who was seated next to Walpole Bing.
- Is that a mustard sauce?
- Yes. Last one.
I have a mackerel with peppers.
- Where are you going with this?
- Don't know. Won't know until I get there.
What do you want to do?
I wanna find The Third Man.
- Why?
- Wh Are these real questions?
- Is he a suspect?
- I don't have any suspects.
- Why don't you stick to the lead?
- This is the lead.
This is not the lead.
This is another excursion.
You have leads. You have so many leads.
This is what I'm doing.
If you want to sit around and count leads
or whatever it is you're doing,
you should definitely do that.
That would actually be
a better use of your time
than you following me around
and eating my mackerel.
Your mackerel's disgusting.
Watch it. I'll put up with a lot,
but I'm not gonna have you
talk that way about tinned fish.
I'm trying to protect you.
I have lived a full and rich life.
I have met many colorful characters
and endured many exceedingly stupid men,
but that might be the most
ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
I'm gonna write it down.
I didn't mean it like that.
I meant they are going to say no.
You underestimate my powers of persuasion.
- No.
- No.
Well [chuckles]
We have a saying in the Park Service.
When you see a moose--
No. Stop.
What the fuck? Moose?
Don't say moose! You're a no. He's a no.
This has gone way too far, Detective Cupp.
Repeatedly questioning the staff,
re-interviewing the First Gentleman,
and at least insinuating
that he might be lying?
- Suggesting Tripp Morgan is involved?
- Well
Now you want to pursue some mystery man,
"The Third Man,"
that's going to reveal
an even more egregious security breach?
[laughs sarcastically]
Is that what you're asking?
You wanna hunt this guy down?
- Yes.
- No.
[Cupp, quietly] I need a little more time.
Can you guarantee me
this won't implicate any of us?
- What do you mean by us?
- Australians.
What do you mean by implicate?
I can't do it.
No, I can't do it.
Especially if this might involve
Walpole Bing.
That man is scary.
I've heard he's had people killed.
You see the problem here, right?
I hope you understand.
And that you can, you know, uh
keep our secret.
- [frantic music playing]
- [cookware rattling]
Of course.
I know you hope that.
[whimsical music playing]
He fucked the chef.
[laughs awkwardly] No. No, no, no.
I I I don't think so.
Detective Cupp,
I gave you time when you asked for it.
I kept an entire State Dinner
at the White House overnight.
But we have to have some resolution here.
The White House Chef?
[Cupp] Yes.
- Marvella?
- Yes.
- Huh.
- There is no resolution, Mr. President.
- Not yet. This is an open investigation.
- What do you have?
But if you are saying that you
don't want me to pursue this right now,
I'll say respectfully that is a mistake.
- But I can keep going on other fronts--
- What do you have?
Is your software glitching?
Because you keep asking me--
I'm not asking you. I'm asking him.
[quirky music playing]
What do you have?
You two have been at this all night.
What solid evidence
do you have that this is a homicide
and not a suicide that would justify
keeping this investigation open?
Nothing Director Glick.
We have nothing. Nothing definitive.
Listen there's clearly
a lot of crazy shit
that's happened here tonight,
and before tonight,
and if I was in charge of this place,
after all of this is done,
I would seriously consider
some good team-building exercises.
A retreat or something.
I say that respectfully, Mr. President.
But for all the erratic behavior
and inconsistent statements
and fabulous clues
Detective Cupp has uncovered tonight,
what does it all add up to?
Is there any coherent theory of the case?
If so, I haven't heard it.
Did Tripp Morgan, Didier Gotthard,
Sheila Cannon, Harry Hollinger,
Walpole Bing, David Rylance,
Marvella, and The Third Man all kill
A.B. Wynter together, but separately?
In three different rooms,
on two different floors,
with four different weapons,
for eight different reasons?
Look, the one thing we do know is
Detective Cupp can't account
for the suicide note,
which she says is indisputably
a note in his own hand.
I think Detective Cupp was right
not to jump to any conclusions,
to talk to some people, and we should
be grateful she pushed to do it.
But to answer your question
as directly as possible,
Director Glick: What do we have?
I still think we have a suicide.
- Thank you.
- Okay. All right. Guys, please.
Edwin. My name is Edwin.
[music stops]
Detective Cupp?
Oh, sorry.
Cordelia. My name is Cordelia.
Are we going around and saying our names?
Do you have a response to what he said?
Well, I didn't catch all of it,
but I obviously spoke too soon
in saying the last stupid thing he said
was the stupidest thing I ever heard.
But, luckily, I don't report to him.
Or him.
Or him.
Or you, Mr. President. Respectfully.
I report to one man and one man only--
Chief Dokes.
I think we can find this guy
with MPD resources.
I have plenty of people I can call on.
I don't need to talk to
anyone here anymore tonight.
But once we track him down
Yeah? Once we track him down?
- What does this mean for you?
- What does what mean for me?
If we keep going?
For me?
MPD will come under
the microscope by the FBI.
The Department of Homeland Security.
The National Park Service.
The National Weather Service.
The Bureau of Weights and Measures.
They'll exert pressure
in every way they can.
I've had a few colonoscopies.
Now I'll have another.
It means I'll be gone.
But I'm soon to be gone anyway.
I'll do anything for you, Cordelia.
You know that.
Tell me what you want me to do.
You wanna fight these fuckers?
Let's fight.
[poignant music playing]
I was really hoping for a Saw-whet Owl,
17 out of 93 ain't bad.
- Cordelia.
- Call it.
- Cordelia.
- No.
If it means you'll be gone,
I'm not doing it.
[Dokes sighs softly]
Call it.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[music fades]
[guests chattering]
- [chattering continues]
- [intriguing music playing]
[indistinct chattering]
- And that was it?
- That was it. She left.
- We have to bring him in.
- Bring who in?
- The Third Man!
- Bring him in? How?
I don't know where he is.
I don't know who he is.
Oh, and also:
I don't want to fucking bring him in.
This is over. I offered
to get you out of this with something.
Now, here we are. Here you are.
With nothing.
Next time: take the deal, Margery.
That's what we do.
As you sit here today, Agent Park,
do you stand by your conclusion
that this was a suicide?
I believe I fairly summarized
the evidence we had at that point
that suggested suicide was
Mr. Wynter's likely cause of death.
[whispers] Where is Senator Bix?
[curious music playing]
[indistinct chattering]
[Filkins] The MPD
concluded its investigation
into the death of Mr. Wynter that day.
Is that correct?
- [phones pinging]
- That is correct.
And the MPD concluded
that Mr. Wynter likely died by suicide.
That was the official statement
by the MPD.
- [phone pings]
- And do you stand by that?
[spectators muttering]
- [spectators chattering]
- [phones pinging]
That was the official statement
by the MPD.
Well, this has obviously been a case
with a lot of unusual circumstances,
but, uh, we've had a full hearing
for the American people,
and on behalf of the members
of the committee, we thank you.
[quietly] Sir, we found Senator Bix.
[Bix] They told me
to stop talking about this.
They begged me to stop.
They said,
we'll give you whatever you want.
But I only ever wanted one thing.
The truth. I want you to hear the truth.
So I am asking The Third Man,
whoever you are:
Come forward. Come forward now.
Contact my office.
We will give you immunity.
Come and testify before this committee.
Tell your story!
[indistinct overlapping speech]
Is it cool if I step down?
[Dokes clears throat]
[phone ringing]
[Filkins sighs]
[brisk jazz music playing]
Harry. Harry.
It is never going to happen, okay? Never.
Don't say never.
Never. Nobody knows who he is.
Nobody has any way of knowing who he is,
he's not gonna come forward on his own,
and even if he did, which he won't,
he will not testify,
because the only way
he would testify is if he had immunity
and we're not going
to give him immunity. Okay?
Don't worry.
Please state your name for the record.
[animated muttering]
Patrick Doumbe.
[reporter] Dramatic developments
on Capitol Hill as Patrick Doumbe,
the man known only as "The Third Man"
[yells] Fuck!
is set to testify before Congress
about the mysterious death
of White House Chief Usher A.B. Wynter.
Mr. Doumbe was identified
by customers at Louie's Oyster House
in Rocklin, Maryland,
late Tuesday afternoon
and quickly reached agreement to testify
after the Committee
granted him full immunity.
Now, little is known about Mr. Doumbe,
a medical device sales manager,
although for weeks,
his role in Mr. Wynter's death
has been the subject
of intense speculation.
Mr. Doumbe, we are advised
that you have an opening statement.
"Mr. Chairman, distinguished Senators,
the American People."
"I am grateful for this opportunity
to tell my story."
"Not through the press
and not through my lawyers,
but from me directly."
"I know there has been
a lot of speculation
about my role
in the tragic events at the White House
on the night
of the Australian State Dinner."
- [intriguing music playing]
- [bird trilling]
- [button clicks]
- [tablet bleeps]
"I am here to set the record straight."
"I speak of my own free will,
and everything
I will say here today is mine."
"My thoughts. My words. My story."
"Now is the time to show some emotion."
"Don't look angry,
but make clear that you don't like
being accused of something."
"Make your face tight
and, if you can make it red,
that would be great."
"You can also pound the table."
[spectators gasp]
Well, uh, okay.
Uh, thank you for that, Mr. Doumbe.
Thank you very much. I'd like to start
by asking what you do for a living.
I work in sales and marketing
for a medical device company.
Uh, can I say which one?
It's not necessary,
but if you would like to, please go ahead.
I don't recall.
Okay. Uh
Could you tell us a little about
your background Mr. Doumbe?
I have no recollection of that, Senator.
You you have no recollection
of your background?
On the advice of counsel, I assert,
um, my Fifth Amendment privilege.
I know the American people are eager
to hear about your experience
on the night of the State Dinner,
so perhaps we could go right to that.
[relieved] Oh.
Yeah, sure. Well, that was great!
Yeah, crazy story.
[Doumbe chuckles] Uh
So, uh, that night,
I had attended
a medical sales gala downtown,
and I was walking back
to my metro station,
and I saw this big group
in the St. Regis Hotel.
These guys
were all wearing black tie, like me.
So I decided I don't know,
stop in, you know? Tip one back.
Now, I did not know this
when I went in there,
but all these guys
were Australian.
It was very entertaining.
I kept thinking they were gonna
start wrestling crocodiles.
Well, anyway, about an hour goes by,
and they all got up to leave.
And the bartender comes over to me
and says, "We gotta settle up."
I said, "I'm not with those guys,"
and I could see though
that he was thinking
I was trying to skip out on it.
So I call out after these guys.
But like I said before,
they're Australian.
So they were pretty drunk,
and they didn't really care. [chuckles]
Uh, so I go out after them.
Now, when I get outside,
I see they're all getting
into this big Mercedes Sprinter van.
And there was a guy saying, "Let's go."
And I see the bartender looking at me.
I just figured,
let's get the hell out of there, right?
So I got in the van with them.
I did not know where we were going.
But all of a sudden, we just turned
right into the White House.
Well, I was getting a little panicky
because I didn't wanna get in trouble.
But when we pulled up,
everybody just got out
and was ushered directly inside.
I heard someone say that
we were pre-screened. And that was it.
Now, when we got inside,
I mean, it was really quite a party.
I had a drink. I went through a line.
I met the President and
Hugh Jackman.
Now, I had to decide at that point
if I was gonna try
and fake an Australian accent.
I didn't feel that confident about it.
[Hugh] I can't hear a word you're saying,
mate, sorry.
[whispers] That's okay.
I kept pretty quiet.
Would you like to hear it?
- My Australian accent.
- No.
[attempts Australian accent] Hello. Do you
know the way to the Sydney Opera House?
I practiced that.
[Australian accent]
I like Keith Urban, too.
Okay, let's move on.
[Doumbe] After a while, everybody
started moving into the dining room,
which made me nervous
'cause I didn't know where to sit.
But I got a name card from this fella.
Nice guy, but he seemed a little nervous
or something. I told him the name Larry.
But he wrote Fgwlpskr Pif.
I found a seat near the back
with some Australians.
Which felt right, because
I really felt like I was one of 'em.
I'm hoping to go next year.
At some point, Mr. Doumbe,
did you go upstairs?
Oh, yes, I did. Thank you for asking.
That was very interesting too.
So everyone moved into
the East Room for the show,
which was great!
And after that, I had to
So I asked someone where the bathroom was,
and he pointed me down the hall.
But I must've gone the wrong way.
Because I ended up in this
little alcove area with an elevator.
I thought to myself, maybe
there's no bathrooms on this floor.
So I got in the elevator,
and there was a woman in there.
So I tried to ask her about the bathrooms,
but I think maybe she was, uh
[mimics glugging]
[Doumbe laughing on TV]
So I got off on the second floor,
and it was very quiet.
I went into a room down the hall,
and that's when I kind of realized
I really wasn't in the right place.
It looked like it was maybe a bedroom?
And then I was attacked by a vicious dog.
[dog barking]
[barking continues]
So, now I'm in the next room.
It's like a living room.
And at that point, I just I called my mom
because it was all just so crazy.
Your mom?
Well, it's my aunt, but I call her mom.
She's not my actual aunt.
And after that?
Uh, after that
I just left.
You you left the party early?
Yes, sir. I was pretty beat.
So I just walked back down the stairs,
and when everybody went to the next room,
I walked out the front.
[spectators murmuring]
You walked out the front
of the White House?
[Doumbe] Yes, sir.
And nobody stopped you?
No, sir.
Well, that's that.
It was a really fun time.
No, it was.
- Senator.
- What about Walpole Bing?
- Who?
- "Who"? Harry Hollinger!
- Senator Bix.
- [Doumbe] I'm sorry, I don't--
My God! They got to him! They got to you!
- Senator!
- This is not The Third Man!
- Who is this person?
- [spectators muttering]
[Bix] Who is he?
Do we have an FBI report on him?
- What is his name?
- [Filkins] His name is Patrick Doumbe.
[Bix] Come on!
That is not his name. Patrick Doumbe?
Harry Hollinger is behind this.
This is all part of his plan.
He set this guy up. He is a stooge.
- [phone ringing]
- [woman] Your phone is ringing.
[brisk jazz music playing]
[phone ringing]
What did you say your name was?
And let me tell you something,
this "Detective" Cordelia Cupp?
Isn't it convenient that she's not here?
[gavel banging]
- [Bix] Why isn't she here?
- [phone bleeps]
Why isn't she sitting there
instead of Patrick Doumbe?
- [bird trilling]
- [Filkins] You wanted him to testify.
This is your witness.
You gave him immunity.
- [bird trilling]
- He came in here, he told the truth.
And now you don't like it.
- [arguing continues over tablet]
- [quirky music playing]
[bird trilling]
- [trilling stops]
- [leaves rustling]
[Bix] this detective, Cordelia Cupp,
she runs this bungled investigation
just to confuse everyone.
- Throws up all this smoke.
- [Filkins] Senator Bix.
- And then, boom!
- Senator!
- [gavel banging]
- [Bix] Conveniently disappears.
- Fuck!
- [Bix] She's a fraud!
And I always knew she was a fraud. I said
- [bird trilling]
- [arguing continues over tablet]
[whistle blows]
[quirky music continues]
[phone ringing]
[children laughing and shouting]
[Bix] Where is she?
[phone continues ringing]
- Hello?
- [quietly] It's Detective Cupp.
Sorry, what? I can't hear you.
- Cupp.
- Who is this?
I can't speak louder because of the birds.
I'm going to scare the Antpitta.
Who? How did you get this number?
It's me, Detective Cupp.
- [Park] Detective Cupp?
- Yes. I have to be quiet.
Where are you?
You know where I am. Where are you?
I'm at work.
- [whistle blowing]
- [children laughing]
- Do you work for the railroads now?
- I'm a field agent. I'm in the field.
Does the field have a train on it
with lots of kids?
I need your help.
Are you watching the hearings?
What hearings?
Shut up. You're watching.
[Bix] We're just getting started, Senator.
- I need you to contact someone.
- No. Who?
Right now. Okay?
- I can't get involved in this.
- Then why did you send me the Viasat?
[sighs] I just thought
you might wanna know
what was going on
with this Congressional investigation.
Listen, I'm sorry. About what happened.
That's not an apology.
I'm sorry about what I said that night.
- I still think we have a suicide.
- [Harry] Thank you.
What I did. I was frustrated,
and you were mean to me,
and they were bringing pressure on me.
Stop whining. I don't care.
If you're sorry, help me.
Here's what I need you to do.
[Park] Senator, this is coming directly
from Detective Cupp.
[Cupp] Do not let Doumbe leave.
You have a few more questions.
Please ask everything
exactly as I write it. Word for word.
Mr. Doumbe, I have a few more questions.
The hearing is over, Senator.
No, no, it's okay. No, it's okay.
[Filkins] You testified that after
you came down off the second floor,
you walked out
the front door of the White House.
Yes, sir.
That's not true, is it?
Let me make this clear:
We are prepared to hear testimony
that on the night of the State Dinner,
the North Portico of the White House
was under surveillance the entire evening,
and at no point were you seen
walking out the front door.
No, I didn't see anything.
[Filkins] So, with that in mind,
Mr. Doumbe,
and I want to remind you
that you are under oath
and that your immunity agreement
does not protect you from false testimony,
let me ask you again:
Did you leave out the front door
of the White House?
[Doumbe gulps]
- [spectators murmuring]
- [cameras clicking]
I did not leave out the front door
of the White House.
Holy shit!
[child] Dad!
How did you leave the White House,
Mr. Doumbe?
[suspenseful music playing]
When I came out of that room,
that living room
I saw someone.
On the second floor?
- Yes.
- Did you recognize this person?
[Filkins] Was it a Secret Service agent?
- [Doumbe] No.
- What the fuck?
[Filkins] Did he say anything?
Not at first.
At first, we just stared at each other.
Then he walked over to me
and said that
I needed to get out of there,
that it was important for both of us.
And he told me that
he would get me out of the house.
He walked me to the staff elevator
at the far end of the hallway
and told me to get off
in the staff break room
and walk immediately
to my right and across the basement,
go through two doors, then up the stairs,
and out the east side of the house.
And onto the street.
- And that's exactly what I did.
- This man. What did he look like?
He was a big guy.
- How big?
- I don't know. Bigger than me.
No, no, no, stop him! This isn't it.
These are the wrong questions.
Okay, okay, tell me.
Hair color?
[Doumbe] Uh I don't know, brown?
[quietly] Sir.
[Filkins sighs]
Mr. Doumbe.
You said this man in the hallway
told you that
you needed to get out of there.
Why did he say that?
I don't know.
What did you see in that hallway,
Mr. Doumbe?
[Doumbe gulps]
[suspenseful music continues]
When I came out of the living room,
I looked down the hallway,
and I saw him dragging a body
out of the Yellow Oval Room.
[spectators clamoring]
Holy shit.
[dramatic music playing]
- [staff murmuring]
- [music fades]
We have to go. Now!
[jaunty music playing]
[indistinct speech over tablet]
[bird trilling]
[jaunty music continues]
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