The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Knot, A Loop of Ties

(Lee Se Young)
(Bae In Hyuk)
(Joo Hyun Young, Yoo Seon Ho)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
(All characters, places, groups, and organizations)
(are purely fictional.)
(An hour before the management meeting)
Ms. Yeon Woo called Ms. Lee of Midam a mother,
and Ms. Lee is asking for this shirt out of nowhere.
Every day is spectacular.
(Vice President Kang Tae Ha)
I am sorry.
You looked so much like my mother, so
I see.
It's all right. It can happen.
Is it Ms. Yeon Woo?
If it's all right,
can you show me your skirt?
It's very unique and pretty.
Is it made of hanbok?
Yes. I made it myself.
My goodness.
You made it yourself?
You are so talented.
Great job.
It is great.
(Chapter 6: Knot, a Loop of Ties)
You learned embroidery and garment making from your mother?
Yes. Since I was young.
If it's okay with you,
can I accept your proposal now?
My proposal?
Of course.
Under one condition, though.
I want to work with Ms. Yeon Woo.
Is it possible?
Let's grab some tea since it's been a while.
- Sure. Let's go. - Let's go.
Gosh. What a relief!
Gosh. How many years has it been?
Let's go.
I can't believe we are collaborating with Midam.
Wonderful job, sir.
It seemed it worked out easily thanks to your wife.
You did a great job.
It's all thanks to you.
Let's get going.
Gosh. Those bats.
They couldn't even hold a minute.
Are you a double-sided tape?
You cling to this side and then that side.
(Vice President Kang Tae Ha)
(Emergency Sharing)
What is it?
I can congratulate you, at least.
You pulled it off well.
Or were you just lucky?
I have nothing more to hear, so you can excuse yourself.
Sure. Good luck.
Grandfather has high hopes for you.
(Vice President Kang, SOS, in need of emergency services)
Ms. Yeon Woo, you can go home with Ms. Sa Wol first.
I should get going because something's come up.
Ms. Sa Wol?
What is he saying?
It is hilarious.
Is there something on the norigae?
The part that changed to black seems a little strange.
It is where my husband's blood touched.
- His blood? - I have read it in the books
that silver turns black when it touches poison.
Wait. Are you telling me he was poisoned to death?
I do not know that,
but it does not feel good.
Are you unwell?
Why would I be well
when you are here?
He has to attend a meeting.
Mr. Kang!
- Are you all right? - Quiet.
People will hear us.
Did you hear the news?
Hey. Did you hear the mind-blowing news?
The one who persuaded Midam
was Kangdro's wife.
Mr. Kang's wife?
What about the rumor, then?
The rumor has it that she isn't sane.
It's a subtly pure lie.
Who is she, then?
A woman from a wealthy family?
An entertainer? A celebrity?
I need to visit the communications team.
Sure. Be careful.
(Vice President Kang Tae Ha)
Let's go to the hospital first.
I'll contact Professor Choi.
Until the first-anniversary event No.
Until Grandpa gets surgery
and Ms. Park Yeon Woo's thing is settled, don't make a fuss.
- Mr. Kang! - I'm not asking you.
It's an order.
I got it.
It is
just a small drum that plays momentarily.
Do not worry.
It will be okay soon.
It's an embroidery work from my mother's family,
and it's about 200 years old.
Did you say 200 years?
These are cross stitches and long and short stitches.
Its color scheme and shapes
are almost identical to Yeon Woo's embroidery.
Also, the wings of the butterfly use the same outline stitches.
Is this the reason
you accepted our proposal?
When I saw her embroidery, it reminded me of this bojagi.
I became curious about her.
Of course, I fell in love with her embroidery skills too.
Mr. Hong!
With such weak energy, what are you going to do?
You are still here, Ms. Sa Wol.
For my lady and your wedding ni
For your health, I've been cooking some stuff.
Please wash up.
She smiled at me,
didn't she?
- What? - She's gorgeous.
Ms. Sa Wol.
What are all these?
How dare you butt in?
- What? - Why?
Mr. Hong should join us too.
I have prepared just a little
just for the two of you to enjoy.
For you,
I got this.
Why don't we all eat together?
Right. Let's eat together.
Let us go when I am still being polite.
- To where? - Let us hurry.
- Wait. Where are we going? - Hurry.
- Hurry. - Mr. Kang!
Wait. Ms. Sa Wol.
Enjoy. Eat it all up.
- Wait. Ms. Sa Wol. - Hurry.
Why is a man so slow?
- Hurry up. - What's up with you?
Don't you understand?
Well, the night has come.
- Yes. - Young Master is home.
We get out of the picture, then.
So why?
your homework.
Solve it before we meet next time or not.
Next time? When?
Ms. Sa Wol.
- I'll take you home. - What?
Ms. Sa Wol.
Ms. Lee and your mother looked alike, as expected.
So much that it hurt.
I do not know how we are connected, though.
I want you to accept her offer.
No. Just accept it.
As the vice president of SH Seoul,
I need Designer Park Yeon Woo.
It is getting late. Let us get going.
If you need time to think about it, I'll give it to you.
- But think positively. - Yeon Woo.
Where are you going?
What is it? What?
Where are you going?
Me? I'm on my way to get some tteokbokki.
Hey. Why are you interrupting the couple?
- I don't know. - Read the room.
Why did I
The name Park Yeon Woo
has never been mine.
That is why I was jealous
of the people of New Joseon.
Anyone can live with my name.
In that case, my proposal is good for you too, isn't it?
Something good does not mean something I can do.
We married out of necessity,
but I do not want to cause you trouble.
If the company gets messy again because of me
I'll take care of it.
Also, I'm a businessman.
I made the offer because I saw your potential.
I put in extra effort as it is my first day at work.
How is it?
You look pretty.
I am talking about your clothes.
Let's go.
I will take a cab
so that people will not find out.
It's okay. You can hop out near the company.
I want everything to be exact.
From now,
we are strangers to each other.
She is always so strict.
They are from Midam, who will be working
with us for the first-anniversary event.
Hello, I'm Lee Mi Dam.
This is Midam's general manager, Mr. Do Yoon Jae.
This is our guest designer, Ms. Park Yeon Woo.
These two will work hand-in-hand with you.
So you are a designer.
That's why your style is exquisite.
I want to create a great work together.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too!
For goodness' sake.
You are so energetic.
I am sorry. I was nervous.
Yeon Woo is joining the project as a Midam's designer?
That's ridiculous.
Ms. Min. Let's see how it goes this time.
Since he brought Yeon Woo before an important event,
a problem will occur for sure.
Tae Ha wouldn't have brought her in without a plan.
Still, it's not bad for us
because we have a different target to attack now.
More than anything, it is still dangerous
to continue to go against Chairman Kang.
Put a tail on her right now.
Keep me updated with everything on the progress of the event.
Yes, I will.
In addition to the garments bought in Milan,
why don't we add three to four more pieces?
We have a couple more design drafts by Mr. Do and me.
It will be helpful for the PR.
What do you think, Ms. Yoo?
Why don't we include Ms. Park Yeon Woo's design
to create a story
with a concept of Midam and SH Seoul's
new vision toward the next generation?
That's a good idea.
Why don't we devote a section to that concept?
Sure. It's meaningful, and
it sounds fun.
Let's decide after looking at the design drafts.
To be honest, I'm not so sure
about Ms. Park's design yet.
- I think - Of course she will do great.
She's Midam's guest designer.
What do you think, Ms. Yeon Woo?
Are you okay with that?
A garment maker should speak through her garment.
If you give me a chance,
I will present you with a suitable answer.
Research more on Midam.
You were great back there, Ms. Park Yeon Woo.
Ms. Yeon Woo?
Yes, sure.
But are you going to be okay?
You walked into the tiger's den.
I will be very okay
if you mind your own business.
I don't want to.
I will keep minding your business.
Be quiet. Goodness!
Do not do it.
Why do you hate it?
- Stop it. - Ms. Yeon Woo
looks quite close to Tae Min.
She is so social, indeed.
Close, my foot.
Mr. Hong, do you need glasses?
I have excellent eyesight.
I was a top marksman.
(Designer Park Yeon Woo)
This is yours.
(Park Yeon Woo)
This is my name.
(Park Yeon Woo)
Are you that happy?
Gosh. I feel bad now.
I hurt your feelings in the meeting, didn't I?
A little.
But I will do a superb job. You will see.
I'm scared a little.
Can I get your number?
- I need to save your contact info. - Okay.
- It's four. - Four?
Why are they so close to each other?
Mr. Kang, what are you doing here?
Well, are you here to keep an eye on someone?
I'm here
to suggest that we all go out for dinner together.
- How about a team dinner, everyone? - Nice, a team dinner!
We'd love that. Right? We have a team dinner this evening.
What shall we have?
It's nice to have a new member join the team.
We get to have a team dinner at a fancy place like this.
Right? Totally.
And Mr. Kang is here too.
Normally, Mr. Kang never joins us when we have team dinners.
You, cantankerous man.
Be friendlier to people.
Ms. Park, I see that you're not afraid to speak out
in front of the vice president.
Everyone should express their opinions,
and meat should be chewed well to be enjoyed fully.
They say nothing tastes better than flesh that is not your own.
The meat tastes absolutely delicious.
We should all have a drink.
- No, let's not drink. - I would love a drink!
I'm in too!
- Yes! - Me too.
- Excuse me. - Yes.
Can we get five beers, please?
(Hanyang Brazier, Beef BBQ)
All right. Here's to our first-anniversary event!
- Cheers! - Cheers!
All right. Drink up.
Drink up, everyone.
Yeon Woo, I see that you can hold your liquor.
Yeon Woo, slow down. You'll get drunk at this rate.
Whether she gets drunk or not is none of your business.
Right, okay. The meat is so delicious
that I cannot stop drinking.
Why does she keep smiling like that?
Then keep on eating and drinking.
Now, why is he butting in?
Sir, would you like a glass of water?
No, thank you. I'm good.
I'll have some water.
You can help yourself.
Does Midam only hire good-looking people?
Mr. Do and Yeon Woo. You two look so lovely together.
I bet many people assume
that you two are a couple.
Stop teasing us.
It's fine with me, but Yeon Woo must be uncomfortable.
Pardon me?
I am uncomfortable? Why?
I don't feel uncomfortable at all.
What's going on here?
Are you two subtly
Gosh, my goodness.
- My gosh! - Ms. Oh.
Excuse me!
Can we get more meat?
Yeon Woo, would you like more beer?
No, I should not drink too much.
There is something I tend to do all the time when I am drunk.
When I get drunk, I tend to do it all the time.
Something you tend to do all the time?
What is it?
Oh, no. If you know what it is, you could get hurt.
It is
This team dinner is over.
What are you waiting for? Let's go.
Is it that good?
I'm coming, sir.
My gosh. That was such a good meal.
- Gosh, it was so good. - I'm full.
- I'm so full. - It was really good.
- I ate so much. - I totally overate.
Yeon Woo, how about I give you a ride home?
We can talk about the designs on the way.
Oh, right. I will take Ms. Yeon Woo home.
Sure, sounds good.
Actually, there was something I wanted to ask you.
Won't you be tired though?
I'll take her home.
Mr. Do. You drank, didn't you?
Yeon Woo, you should go with Mr. Hong.
No, I didn't drink
because I brought my car.
Then I should get a ride with Mr. Do.
I had a few drinks.
Hey, my junior colleague. Where do you think you're going?
We're going for another round.
At a karaoke lounge!
- Let's go to a karaoke lounge. - Yes, let's go.
The marketing team will go for another round!
Everyone should come!
Let's go.
Okay. I will be off, then.
Sir, let's go home too.
Yes, I will go home!
You keep
My, nice one. Look at him throwing a tantrum.
Is this
the Yeon Woo Effect?
Darn it. That guy, Mr. Do or whatever his name is.
Why did that jerk not drink at all when everyone else drank?
What are they doing that she's not home yet?
At work, she pretended not to know me at all.
Clearly, those two were so excited earlier.
I will never suggest another team dinner.
Darn it.
Kang Tae Ha, why should you hide?
Is this your place?
No, it is close by.
I want to walk a little bit.
I'm stuffed.
All right.
What's that in your hair?
Are you going to take it home?
Oh, hi.
Why are you out here?
I stepped out to get some air.
You got home very early.
Oh, Mr. Do knows so much about clothes.
He rocks, truly.
"He rocks?"
Where did you learn to say stuff like that?
Mr. Do told me that he studied fashion in Europe.
I have always wanted
to look at and study the clothes in other countries like Mr. Do did,
so I truly envy him.
But Mr. Do Mr. Do said
So, Mr. Do
Mr. Do
And Mr. Do
I should pray to the Jade Rabbit
to help me excel at work.
Oh, the Jade Rabbit?
You're wasting your time.
That rabbit doesn't live on the moon.
This is the real moon.
There's no air on the moon. There's nothing but rocks.
So the rabbit that pounds something in its mortar and eats grass
does not exist.
Oh, no. You're disappointed.
I got her the job,
but she won't stop talking about Mr. Do.
Stop right there.
- I told you to stop. - Why? What do you want?
Did you really have to tell me about the Jade Rabbit today and now?
I was in a good mood. Why did you have to ruin it?
Because the situation called for it.
Hey, do I have to be considerate of your mood?
I told you not to call me like that.
Do you not remember?
How dare you talk to me so casually?
You started it first.
You cantankerous,
mean jerk!
You are the one that needs to watch your conduct when you get drunk.
Why? What are you talking about?
Do not pick on me for no reason for that is awfully petty.
- "Petty?" I'm picking on you? - What?
- You almost did it earlier too. - Almost did what?
You said you kissed all the time when you were drunk!
What are you talking about?
I was talking about headbutts.
Headbutts, not kisses.
That day, I worded it wrong for I did not remember what it was called.
What? Headbutts?
Now, it makes sense.
Gosh, that is enough. I am done talking about this.
No more.
My gosh.
That's what she was talking about?
My gosh, I thought
Thank goodness.
Thank goodness for what?
Whether it is a headbutt or a kiss,
why is he getting so worked up?
Gosh, I do not know.
I am so embarrassed!
My gosh.
What could this mean?
Don't you have to go to work? You're running late.
"Night. Your cue to leave." Goodness.
Reading isn't enough, so you'll write one yourself? An X-rated one?
What do you mean? "X-rated?"
I mean, it's obvious.
"The young master will come at night. That is your cue to leave."
Why? So they can have a steamy night together.
"Steamy night?"
A steamy night?
That's it. Yes, that was it!
That was it!
Hey, brother. Where are you going? Sung Pyo!
It hurts.
That just can't happen.
You and Mr. Kang can't be together.
How random. Why are you talking nonsense
so early in the morning?
I solved the riddle.
"Night, young master, your cue to leave."
Mr. Kang is so good-looking in my eyes too,
but you can't do that because
It's because
What is this gibberish you are spewing?
Why would I even be interested
in that pale weakling?
A real man
needs a strong body.
A strong body?
- A strong body? - What is with him?
Then I got the wrong idea. I'm relieved.
Why are you relieved?
My gosh. I cannot figure you out.
Well, that's
your homework.
That "homework."
I don't have to do it, right?
What? Sa Wol.
April! I gave you homework.
You have to do your homework!
It looks like it'll be okay for about five years.
Thank you.
It is a lot of work to get it restored on a regular basis.
It's not even that valuable.
Why do you cherish it so much?
I apologize, sir.
Goodness. Do you not want to earn money?
Gosh, it is not that.
Then I'll let you enjoy the painting.
As for this watch, I can't seem to fix it.
It is not broken, but
It's really odd.
It's always been like this, so I guess it can't be helped.
- Yeon Woo. - Yes.
Once you're done with your design,
scan it with this and turn it into a PDF file.
We need to submit our proposal.
Well, the thing is
I do not know how to do such things.
That is absurd.
It is one of the most basic skills.
Then how are we going to work together?
- You can't use computers? - No.
- I am sure I can do it if I learn. - Forget it.
Once you're done with your design, just hand it over to Seok Ju.
Okay, I will.
Hey, Mourning Dress.
How's it going? Is it going well?
It is not too bad.
Give it back.
Shall I help you?
Was everything okay with Ms. Yeon Woo last night?
You seemed
very upset after the team dinner last night.
No, why would I be upset?
Ms. Yeon Woo!
Oh, it wasn't her.
Just go.
Go on. Keep going. It's okay.
No, you cannot. You're at work now.
I know you're worried about Ms. Yeon Woo,
but there are many eyes watching.
It's because of Tae Min, not Ms. Park Yeon Woo.
Gosh, it is the same thing.
Even last night, you were all anxious because of Mr. Do.
It's okay.
When you live under the same roof, it's only natural
to get attached and develop feelings.
It's because Ms. Yeon Woo is so charming.
I have no idea what you're talking about right now.
Double-check the VIP attendee list for the event and bring it to me.
What was that? I'm confused now.
Was I mistaken?
Let go of my hand, will you?
We're from the marketing team.
Can we ask you something?
- Sure. - Sure.
It's about hanbok.
People don't wear it often.
Why do you think that is?
Well, I guess it's just because it's uncomfortable?
The designs are almost identical,
and you can't throw it in the washer.
Cost-effectiveness wise, it's the worst.
Then what if you could buy hanbok that was easy to wash
and was comfortable as well?
That would be amazing.
That'd be so great. I had never thought of it.
Hanbok. What are your thoughts on hanbok?
Isn't it so uncomfortable?
Even the order in which it should be worn is complicated.
Totally. And it feels too hot in the summer.
How about jeans?
Don't you think jeans or sneakers could be worn with hanbok?
Sure, if they go together.
But would they look good together?
Then what if the top had half-sleeves?
And what if the skirt only came down to the knees?
Is that okay?
Yes, why not?
- I think it'd look nice. - You think so?
Yes. Wouldn't it look nice?
(The New Joseon style, cropped jacket, knee-length)
Thanks to you, I learned a lot today.
What? That's it?
I need a little reward. Well
Like a date, for example.
"A date?"
Is that food?
My gosh. That is a novel way of playing hard to get.
I'm impressed in many aspects.
I didn't expect you to work in the company.
There are many eyes watching. Please drop it.
I don't know what Tae Ha promised you,
but you're just a chess piece that can be replaced anytime.
- Do you realize that? - That is enough.
A chess piece can fight until it is needed and call it quits.
I am well aware of that, so you need not worry.
Do you think we're leaving you be because we know nothing?
Shall I scream like a mad man?
Hey, Mourning Dress. You can go.
I said, you can go!
What are you doing with her?
Nothing yet.
She is a strange woman, but I keep thinking of her.
And I have fun when I'm with her.
So, I'm trying to figure out why I feel this way.
- Kang Tae Min. - Is the general meeting coming up?
Who knows? I may be of help to you.
Kang Tae Ha is your target anyway.
So, don't mess with us.
Me and that woman both.
No way.
I like her?
No way. That can't be.
(Designer Park Yeon Woo)
I must be losing my mind. Why did I come here?
Gosh, you scared me!
Why did you suddenly yelp like that, sir?
What happened?
What is it?
Did something happen?
Well, the thing is
Yeon Woo.
The fabric samples have arrived. Let's go check.
Now? Sure.
See you later.
They look great.
Really? I am glad to hear that.
Keep your distance, will you?
The chairman is looking for you.
Thank you.
Wait, Sa Wol.
Have you done your homework, by any chance?
You are at it again.
Drink this whole thing,
and I will consider doing it.
If I drink this whole thing, you will be my girlfriend.
Mr. Hong, when did you get here?
- Wait, Sa Wol! - Mr. Hong.
You must know
who Yeon Woo really is.
Are those rumors really true?
Yes, I sure know all about her.
Italian Mafia?
You know, like "The Godfather."
"The Godfather?"
Did I call you here on a busy day?
If you need me, I should come here no matter how busy I am.
Is something the matter?
At the general shareholders' meeting, Director Choi
will suggest that we appoint you
as the CEO of SH Seoul.
- Director Choi? - Yes.
That will look better.
And about Yeon Woo.
Can she not work on the first-anniversary event?
Mi Dam will design everything herself anyway.
I feel like we're putting too much pressure on Yeon Woo.
I think she'll be all right.
It was one of Midam's conditions,
and Yeon Woo is enjoying her job. Don't worry.
Is that right?
I guess I'm getting old.
I'm turning into a worrywart.
You must be tired. Go inside and get some rest.
No, let's walk a little more.
I wanted to talk to you about other things too. Let's go.
Do you think you can enter the annex now?
No matter what challenges lie ahead,
I trust that you can overcome everything,
but I also know
that it can't be done as long as Hye Suk is in the picture.
It's okay. Take your time.
But until the day SH becomes fully yours,
make sure Hye Suk has no leverage over you.
That's why I'm worried about you and Yeon Woo.
I'm sorry to worry you.
Don't be sorry.
You're my grandson.
Just remember that.
Anybody there?
Help! I need help!
Tae Ha.
Don't worry.
I won't fall asleep until I finish this.
What do you think, Mr. Do?
The designs are all very stylish.
But I'm even more impressed with the floral pattern
and this knotted tassel.
To be honest, I love these.
Ms. Park.
Does the knotted tassel have a special meaning?
This knot here symbolizes me
and all of us.
I believe that in life,
the connections we make with others become intertwined
and form a big knot.
I wanted to make clothes with a beautiful knot
that symbolizes such ties.
Clothes that symbolize cherished ties.
Could that be our main theme?
The ties between SH and Midam.
And between us and the customers who will wear our clothes.
What do you say?
I like that.
We can turn what Yeon Woo said into our main slogan.
Then we'll present this to the board members at the briefing.
Ms. Yoo, please prepare the presentation.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
If you need anything, let Ms. Oh know.
Please take good care of our first-anniversary event.
Yes, will do.
But is this really okay?
I mean, putting me in charge of such an important event.
I am confident that I can make great clothes,
but I am from Joseon, after all. Can I truly do a good job?
Then shall I remove you from the team?
No, that is not what I meant.
I do not want that. That can never happen.
It doesn't matter where you are. You're the one making the clothes.
Just remember that, and I'm sure you'll do an excellent job.
Just always remember who you are.
Then no matter where you are and what you decide to become,
the fact that you made those beautiful clothes
will never change.
I am certain
that you will fly and reach where you wish to be.
Hello, Na Rae. It is me.
Remember the norigae you helped me find?
I need to ask you a favor because of that norigae.
Try it. I treasure this.
It has a pleasant aroma.
You can say it's worth its price.
What doesn't live up to its value can be thrown out.
How is it for you, Hye Suk?
What is your worth, I mean?
I'm at least worthy enough to command SH.
You're wrong.
Your task is to aid Tae Ha.
Do your best with the presentation for the board of directors
by Tae Ha's side.
You expect me to be in a supporting role
just like I was when I married Jung Hoon?
You're the one who wanted to marry him,
and all I did was grant your request.
Is that so?
I had no idea.
Now that I smell it again,
I see that it's toxic.
Please rest, then.
Until when
Until when will you yearn for a dead woman?
What am I to you?
What am I?
The blast went off from the hub and the wheel well.
Could it be Ms. Min's doing?
She's now trying to hurt me by any means necessary.
couldn't Ms. Yeon Woo also be in danger?
I'll have to make sure she isn't to mess around with.
If more eyes are on her,
Ms. Min won't easily be able to have her way.
(230701-230715 Park Yeon Woo)
(Drag and drop)
(Your email was sent successfully.)
Our first-anniversary event will be in collaboration
with Midam.
For the world to see, we wish to display
the unique tradition and beauty of hanbok.
It is why the theme
will be "ties."
Why was I told to wait here?
Ms. Yeon Woo, I'm sure the wait was long.
This way.
President Min will say a few words to close out the briefing.
You can remain seated.
I'll address them instead.
Today, in this auditorium,
we clearly witnessed the new vision of SH.
As we move forward,
we will shed our old ways
and head toward the future and a new era.
That is what Vice President Kang and I dream of,
and I believe it to be the desire of our executives
here at SH.
It's all set.
Now, bring it home.
Chairman Kang, thank you for your words.
Lastly, there are a few people
I wish to take the time to introduce.
They will present a special show for our first-year anniversary.
President Lee Mi Dam of Midam.
General Manager Do Yoon Jae.
She's not one I have seen before.
This is Designer Park Yeon Woo
who is also my wife.
- What? - His wife?
- What? - Did you hear that?
There's no need for you all to see me off.
Get back to work.
I'll explain to you what happened today separately.
Am I one to be served separate meals?
Such nonsense.
There's no need for that.
Mr. Choi, shall we?
- We should go. - Yes, sir.
Tae Ha must be exceptionally fond of Yeon Woo.
I wonder how Father will see this.
Are you saying
Vice President Kang Tae Ha has feelings for Ms. Park?
But it's a contractual marriage.
did he fall in love?
I guess I should encourage his newfound love.
I'm glad
the first-anniversary event looks promising, sir.
I had no idea the designer was your granddaughter-in-law.
You have also aged, my friend.
Watch your words.
Sorry? I didn't mean to
I wish you a pleasant ride home, sir.
- What is this? - I could ask you
the same thing, Mr. Swindler.
Why would you reveal my identity without discussing it with me first?
I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up,
but it was the best move.
The best move for what?
What if people find out about our contract
and this backfires on us?
I made it clear
that I do not wish to cause you inconvenience.
It's the same for me.
I don't want you to suffer because of me.
How could I possibly suffer?
Did you forget how I warned you about Ms. Min?
If everyone knows you're my wife,
she won't be able to openly hurt you.
This was the only way to protect you.
If that was the case, you should have told me in advance.
You're still fuming about it, so how could I have told you?
Still. From here on out, discuss these matters with me.
From anything to everything.
Ms. Yeon Woo, you were right.
Poison caused the discoloration on the norigae.
It was arsenic.
Ms. Na Rae,
I would appreciate this being kept between us.
Don't worry about that.
I'm afraid I have a part-time job to get to.
Thank you for your help.
I was just doing my job. Until next time, then.
Someone tried
to murder my husband.
- Here. - Take that.
- Cheon Myung. - It has been a while, my lady.
Was it you?
Were you the one who sent me here?
In some ways, I was,
but then again, I was not.
Why? Why did you do this to me?
The answer is for you to figure out.
If you wish to go back home, I mean.
Are you saying I can go home?
What can I do?
Fate is what brings people together.
However, it is the people who end their relationships.
Tie the ends of a connection that is as tangled and repeated
as the strings of that knot.
Then, you will have your answer.
The end of the repeated connection?
Ms. Park Yeon Woo?
Isn't she Ms. Min's assistant?
Ms. Oh.
Ms. Park
I mean, is the vice president's wife at the office?
- Yeon Woo? - Yes.
She just went somewhere with Secretary Choi.
Secretary Choi?
As in President Min's assistant?
Just a second.
Is Yeon Woo really the vice president's wife?
Yes, she is.
I wasn't wrong about our team being a hangout for the royal family.
- Yes? - Mr. Kang.
I have confirmed that Ms. Yeon Woo is at the annex of the family house.
The annex?
I got it.
I am to wait for her here?
Please head inside, and Ms. Min will soon be here.
All right.
Good job.
No, just observe.
Kang Tae Ha.
How far will you go?
Yeon Woo?
Are you all right? Are you hurt?
Tae Ha.
- Are you all right? - Let's get out of here first.
What's wrong? Are you having trouble breathing?
Let me see.
You will see the truth of the repeating fate.
My name is Tae Ha.
Kang Tae Ha.
I am Kang Tae Ha.
My heart has been deeply ill since I was young,
so I never thought of marrying someone.
Just always remember who you are.
As long as you don't forget that.
- Then no matter where you are - Then no matter where you are
- I am certain. - I am certain.
(Special thanks to Nam Gyu Ri for her special appearance.)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
It was you, my husband.
It is why I am worried.
I am worried of fate repeating itself.
What's wrong?
Are you worried it could be poisoned?
What happened to this?
I hear something happened to Yeon Woo's clothes.
We will take my dresses out.
The show is more important than I.
You will take your hands off the first-anniversary event.
Yeon Woo nor I will give up on the first-anniversary event.
Tae Ha has begun to go against his grandfather.
I ask for your help.
Did you do that for my sake?
Don't listen to other people.
You are my person, after all.
Even the fact that I am here
feels like a dream.
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
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