The Traitors (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Suspicion and Sabotage

Previously, the traitor's
reign of terror continued.
Guess what?
Brian dies tonight.
- "You have been murdered."
But for one of them,
the walls are closing in.
Someone who's capable of
manipulating, deceiving people.
It's Cody.
I know, if I was a traitor
right now,
I would be a wreck.
I think Cody's shaking
a little bit.
- People are on to him.
But once again, the faithful
turned on each other.
- I'm highly suspicious of Karl.
I don't understand why we've
switched off from the person
that we know is a traitor
And Kyle was banished
from the game.
The behavior change in you today
really kind of threw me off.
- Y'all got played yet again.
I'm faithful.
Kyle told me.
It's definitely Cody.
And now, he's gone.
Cody knows I'm on to him.
- Amanda left the competition,
and a surprise came knocking
for the traitors.
- Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, shit.
- No way.
- Forgive the interruption.
An interesting game
you're playing.
- No.
A little twist to add
to this traitorous tale.
We're over halfway
through the game,
and it's time to
shake things up.
Tonight, instead of murdering
one of your teammates,
you must choose three players
to be put on trial.
Then, you will have the day
to observe them.
And by tomorrow night,
one of them will be murdered.
- Wow.
I leave you
to talk amongst yourselves.
- Thank you.
- I don't know what to.
I'm freaking out.
What happened?
What just happened?
We can put three people
on death row, essentially.
- What is going on?
So, now,
instead of just murdering one,
we have to put three
on the chopping block.
It is a complete twist.
My mind is blown.
To be honest, if we picked
someone, and got it wrong,
fingers could easily
point back at us.
- My brain is, like, on overload.
Like, okay, now we have
to think strategically,
practically, and rationally
before putting names
onto this piece of paper.
So, who are the three
highest suspected people
within the faithfuls
of who could be the traitors?
- Kate, obviously, is one.
- Kate.
Rachel's name
is getting thrown around.
Rachel's been
getting thrown around.
Anjelica's name
I never heard it,
so that's why I'm like
- She needs to go on that list
because she's too damn
If she keeps doing things,
being loud, she's gonna lose it,
and she's gonna turn on people.
- I hate to do this to her.
She is so innocent.
- Well, so is everyone.
- Everybody's innocent except us.
Anjelica, Kate, and Rachel
will be on row.
I'm telling you.
Rachel's gonna lose her cookies.
Myself and the rest of
the traitors
decided to put Kate on trial
'cause everyone already thinks
she's a traitor.
Put Anjelica on trial
because she's super emotional,
and Kate is kind of trying to,
like, pull her in.
And then, we put Rachel on trial
because Rachel and Kate
absolutely hate each other.
But that's also risky, because,
as soon as someone catches on
to our strategy,
my cover could be blown.
So, high risk, high reward.
We'll watch them all day,
and the night, at roundtable.
And then, at the end
of the night,
we get to decide
which one of them is murdered.
This won't just create chaos
in the castle.
This is gonna turn that team
on each other.
- That is
the most strategic move
we've done.
- So, we all agree?
As the players make their way
down to breakfast,
the faithful
are completely unaware
there is about to be
a shocking twist in the game.
- With a nice, beautiful fire.
Well, you all,
we didn't get married.
- We're alive.
- Yep.
- Last night was frustrating.
Honestly, nobody listens to me.
I want to leave,
and they want to win.
I'm a hostage.
Based on the roundtable
last night,
I kind of feel like
it almost was like
anybody is fair game
to the traitors, at this point.
Everyone is being so vocal now.
- Yeah. Now it's become
- Now, it can be anybody
It's not, like, okay, well,
if I say something about you
at the roundtable,
and they eliminate you,
it has to be me.
Maybe, certain things that
I think a traitor would do,
maybe that's not it.
Now that we're beyond halfway,
yes, I want the money,
but I think, even more,
I want to get to the end
with the group of faithfuls
who were always down
for the team,
and finish this thing strong.
- Come in.
- Hey, hey, hey.
Now, do we think that somebody
is going to be murdered?
- I think so.
- Her outfit is funny.
- For me, it's, like, Shelbe.
Shelbe does seem
very obvious, too.
How do you know for sure?
'Cause you think I'm a traitor.
I'm not.
And, I mean,
I wouldn't pick that outfit,
so I don't think I trust
your judgment completely.
So, now you're knocking
my outfit?
- Well, good morning, Kate.
I wouldn't pick that ugly vest.
I know.
There is no love lost
between Kate and I.
It's very obvious
At this point,
it's just it's funny.
I just can't understand
how the faithful
can be so blinded by her.
You know, Kate's a traitor.
- What a knock.
- Come in.
- Damn, this is nerve-racking.
The three people sitting next to
me are the ones that's on trial.
One wrong expression,
one wrong action,
can just turn
the entire table on you.
That's what makes me nervous.
Our, like, group feels
really small now.
I have no idea who got murdered.
So, Andy and Cody
are the only two left.
I know Cody's gonna walk
through that door,
because he's a traitor.
- That was a heavy knock.
- I know.
- Walking to breakfast,
I'm just super stoked
to see Cirie.
In this castle,
Cirie is the one thing,
the one person, that has been
a constant for me.
That's like
That's like my family.
- Where's Cody?
- Cody is murdered.
- I would never expect that.
- This is gonna be interesting.
- You're last.
- Oh.
- No one got murdered.
I think we all are very excited
that no one has been murdered.
But we all know that nothing
comes easy in this game.
So, it's like, "Hold on.
It's not that easy.
Something's about
to happen."
I was like, "There's a lot
of heads in there."
Okay, so, nobody got murdered.
What's going on?
I'm acting like
I'm the last faithful
who's walked through the door,
and I have no idea
what's going on.
Little do they know,
shit's about to go down.
- Oh. Oh.
- Good morning, players.
Good morning.
Well all right.
Now, as we all know, Amanda
has had to leave my castle.
And I can now reveal to you
that Amanda
a faithful.
- I knew it.
However, Amanda was
the only player
to leave the castle last night,
because, as you know,
there was no murder.
But the twists and turns
of the game don't stop there.
You should know by now
that the unexpected
is always around the corner.
I have something for you.
- What?
What is happening?
- These
are three love letters
from the traitors.
Oh, my God.
I'm gonna throw up.
- What is it?
- What?
- These
are three love letters
from the traitors.
Oh, my God.
I'm gonna throw up.
- What is it?
- What?
"You are hereby served
official notice
that you have been put on trial,
and face possible murder
So, you three
Kate, Anjelica, and Rachel
Are now on trial.
Today, your every move will be
dissected by the traitors.
When night falls, one of you
three will be murdered.
- Like, I am freaking out.
I mean, if I was anyone else
in the game right now,
I think that they should be,
like, having a party today,
because they don't have to worry
about being murdered tonight.
I think the traitors
are obsessed with me.
And I'm over it.
So, I am leaving tonight
one way or another.
- prove that we're faithful?
- Any player can be put on trial.
- Okay, so don't
We can't rule them out
as only faithfuls.
- Correct.
That does not mean you're safe,
because you could be on there,
and you're part of the traitors,
and they're not gonna
vote you off.
I'm just saying.
I'm not saying you are,
but there's still a chance
that one of you three
could be a traitor.
- Christian talks a lot.
I'm like "Bro, like.
You got to be careful."
- I'm a faithful.
Like, I don't
I don't know how much more
I need to prove it to you guys.
Like, I'm literally a faithful.
People probably look at me,
and they're like,
"She's so dramatic."
But, like, it's just
It's hard, like, being on trial.
Like, it's you go from
1 of 11 to 1 of 3
that are going to be murdered.
It's just crazy.
Get Out of Hell Free card.
Thank you, Traitors.
I so love these little
morning meetings.
Don't you?
- I have complete faith that,
when my back is up against
the wall,
that I pull through.
And that's just what I do.
So, when I realized that
it's the three of them
that might be murdered tonight,
I'm like, "Whew. Okay.
Live to fight
another day."
I'm sad now, but I'm gonna
give myself 5 minutes,
and then, I'm just gonna do
my best today, as a faithful,
- You should actually be happy,
because Rachel is the traitor,
and I hate missions.
And I really do think this is
You know how I keep
I was like,
"You're not gonna
get murdered tonight.
Oh, you're not getting
murdered tonight."
This is my Get Out of Castle
Free card.
I've had enough.
The traitors are going to take
the money, so I want to leave.
I'm done helping everyone,
at this point.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
It's just, like,
I was very weirded out.
- Anjelica is such a sweetheart,
and so, watching what she's
going through in this moment,
it's really difficult for me.
These are the situations
where this game, like,
really starts to take a toll
on me, emotionally.
We're in a bit of a pickle,
aren't we?
- Well
I don't know.
Because I don't think
Miss Fabulous here is a traitor.
I don't either.
I never have.
- Rachel.
- Rachel.
- Rachel's a traitor.
Rachel's a traitor!
Rachel is a traitor!
I definitely think that Rachel
put herself up for trial.
I think, if she is a traitor
Which I believe she is
I think that she was probably
the brains
of this whole operation.
Say all three of you
are faithfuls
Which I know one of you are not,
which is Kate.
But who else do you think?
- Yeah.
Kyle is gone.
And he called out Cody
at the roundtable last night,
which, he and I had been
suspicious of Cody
since day one.
I think that the only person
here capable of manipulating,
deceiving, lying, stabbing, is
someone who's done it before
Not once, twice.
This game isn't even close
to "Big Brother."
Not the same game.
- We are running out of time.
If we don't get a traitor
out tonight,
the chances of
at least two of them
going to the end
are really high.
So, tonight is it.
And all arrows lead to Cody.
Can I just
throw something out there?
- Please.
- Who is the obvious traitor?
Well, say it.
Say the name.
- I really like Cody.
And a part of me
really wants to trust Cody.
I'm worried for myself
and Cirie,
and how his name
is getting brought up.
People are on to him.
I can't even imagine
what is going to happen
tonight at that roundtable.
- Are we ready, ladies?
Let's do it.
It's hard, like, being on trial,
but I'm gonna perform
as best as I can.
I'm gonna be a good faithful,
and I'm gonna try to
win money for my team.
- I didn't sign up to go hiking.
- Here they come.
A very colorful bunch today.
- Oh, I see Alan.
- Hey!
How are these people so excited
at the missions?
Three of these people,
at least, are traitors,
and I don't want to win money
for traitors.
- In today's mission,
you are going to turn
hard liquor into hard cash.
You see, this barrel, here,
needs to be transported
to that distillery
across the glen.
All the way on top?
Where those barrels are?
- That's ridiculous.
There are obstacles
along the way.
You must go down to the river,
cross it, make your way
through Finders forest,
then climb
the grueling Battle Hill
before finally arriving
at the old distillery.
There are 15 barrels
along the course.
Each barrel is worth
up to $10,000,
that have fallen off
Fergus' wagon.
There are many of them.
They are everywhere.
Keep your eyes peeled.
Only barrels that cross
the finish line
within the allotted 90 minutes
will count towards
the prize pot.
Every single one of you is going
to have to pull your weight
if this mission
is to be a success.
Kate, Anjelica, and Rachel,
listen up to this bit.
Hidden along the course
are also three special barrels.
Each of these barrels
represents a pass for one player
to visit an armory
deep inside my castle.
Inside this room,
there's a chance for one person
to win a shield
that will protect them
from tonight's murder.
This is huge.
Oh, my gosh.
Like, I need this shield
so badly.
There's no option.
I have to get the shield.
If you get those three armory
barrels across the finish line,
then, the entire group
will be given three armory
passes for tonight.
However, if all three
do not cross the finish line,
no armory passes will be given.
This is not a good thing for us.
We cannot let them
get armory passes
because it'll make
that decision harder
in the turret tonight.
Okay, everybody, remember,
safety second.
There is a lot of money
at stake.
Are you ready?
- Yes.
- Let's roll.
- Put it down here.
And then, everyone's got to
get behind it
- And roll.
- And we got to roll this way.
- No rush.
Pushing these barrels
with all of my might,
because I want them to see
I'm a faithful.
I'm trying to get money
for the faithful pot.
- Ooh. Are you okay?
- The old distillery, this way.
- There is no amount of money
that I would push a barrel
up a rocky hillside for.
Get some dignity, y'all.
- I see another barrel.
- How much is that?
- Stephenie, I need help.
Well, I thought I'd give them
the scenic route,
but that does come with
some huge obstacles.
- Oh, dance across the river.
Nothing good comes easy
in this game.
- This is crazy.
- I know.
- We all have to go in the water?
All the barrels have to
go through the water.
I'm not taking a barrel.
I would like to be carried.
Oh, my God.
They're slippery.
- Whoa, that's slippery as shit.
Be careful.
I hate this so much.
Hold on. Hold on.
Hold on.
- I'm walking through a river.
I'm already doing more
than I want to.
- Gosh darn it.
- All right.
Come on, team,
put your backs into it.
One, two, three.
What's that say?
"Armory Pass."
We find our first, like,
shield barrel.
Are we gonna get this
for one of them?
There's enough of us here
to push all of them.
How heavy is this one?
Rachel is on trial,
and I know she's a faithful.
- Step up to me.
- So, I'm, like, helping.
Let's get it out here.
I have an armory pass,
and it's heavy.
- My shoes are full of water.
We got to go this way.
We went the wrong way.
I know.
We're gonna bring it over.
- They're getting it over.
- There's a $2,000 one there.
Let's drop these,
and take the two grand
and the armory right now.
- It's heavy.
We're having to make
these calculated decisions of
"Do we continue to keep
this $1,000 barrel
even though we see
a $2,000?"
So, are we agreeing
to take this one?
It's heavy, but it's
- It's mad heavy.
What's the best use
of our time and energy?
You have one hour remaining.
I repeat one hour.
There seems to be
one large horde of players,
and one female player
straggling behind.
Could it be Kate?
Just throwing that out there.
As a guess.
- It's a little baby one.
- $600.
- Right here $600.
There's money everywhere.
Hey, keep your eyes peeled, too.
- Kate, for the love of God
- What?
Please put your hands
on this wheel, and let's roll.
- I'm carrying more than you are.
I'm carrying 1,200 bucks.
Get it together, ladies.
I'm tired of being told
what to do.
I want my own thoughts back.
I want my life back.
I want freedom back.
Good job.
If you guys find any barrels
with whiskey in it, tell me.
There's more over there.
- $5,000.
Two armory passes.
That $5,000 one's big.
- We got a $5,000 ahead.
- Oh, shit.
- We got to make a decision.
So, $5,000 right here,
and two Armory Passes.
So, it's either Armory Passes
Of course, selfishly,
I wanted the Armory Passes,
but I'm trusting you guys
as a group.
And you
You guys make the call.
I don't trust anybody.
I want Armory Pass.
We can't do all three and money?
I wanted to get the shield
so bad
because I don't think
I'm gonna be here tomorrow.
I think I'm getting
murdered tonight.
I think, if you want
the Armory Passes,
to move them is solely on you.
So, Cody is on a lot of
people's radars,
and his behavior in his mission
is not helping.
Of course I'll move
the Armory Pass by myself.
If I have to kill myself,
and run back here,
I don't care.
The money's not worth anything
if I'm not here.
If I literally have to,
like, die
pushing these things
up the hill,
I'm going to do that.
I can do it, Stephenie.
You go do other stuff.
- I'm doing it with you.
- I don't want an Armory Pass.
It'd be a shame if this money
went flying down the hillside
at the last second.
- Half the time has elapsed.
45 minutes have gone.
45 minutes to go.
Kate, you got to come back,
and get this one.
This is fun.
I'm having fun.
I'm making it very clear that
I am not there to participate.
I am there to shit up.
- You guys okay?
- I'm kind of hungry.
I would really like a cocktail.
I don't really care about
this hill, or these barrels,
'cause I'm not really
pushing them.
These barrels not my problem.
- There's a roadblock.
- Keep going.
- My arms are so sore.
My shoulders are on fire.
We're all out of breath.
But we can see the finish line.
We're almost there.
- Good job, team.
- Get those little feet moving.
We have merely 20 minutes left.
- There's another one.
- Hell, yeah.
- Oh, my goodness.
- We got a 10K.
- We got a 10K.
Two K's got to go.
10 and 5, and the Armory Passes.
- 10, 5, and the Armory.
- All right.
- Yeah.
Leave the 1,000s,
and just do the Armory Passes,
the 10, and the 5.
Let's go.
You've got this.
- Oh, wow.
This is heavy.
- Let's go, Rachel.
- Are you serious?
This is the hardest bit,
right at the end.
It's incredibly steep.
You'll be exhausted,
and you're wet.
But there's
awaiting you at the finish line.
All right, guys.
Y'all are good.
Keep going.
My arms are numb,
and my back is broken.
Turn, turn, turn.
One, two, three.
- Ready?
- Go.
I got it.
Heads up.
If I never did this again,
it would be too soon, actually.
To the right.
You got it, Rachel.
- I got it.
- Anjelica and Rachel,
they were so determined
to get those passes.
And that is a very good sign
to the players
that they are faithful.
- This is glorious.
Really beautiful.
Kate, why are you throwing
those in the woods?
- Because I'm a liability.
- Kate's throwing the money away.
Kate is literally
throwing our money away.
- Yep.
Your only job, Kate, is to
carry these barrels up the hill.
And instead of even
carrying them,
she's throwing them away.
Like, she's throwing away
$600 there, $600 there.
It's like a little party to her.
- She's throwing money away.
Like, it made zero sense.
And she just pissed off
a lot of people.
You never know when I'm gonna
to throw a barrel.
- It's part of a plan.
She's an ass.
- We see the finish line!
- Here they come.
Four minutes remaining.
- So close.
Let's do this.
We got this.
We all jump in feet first,
and we are in it
to win this money.
I'm gonna throw these
over the finish line,
and then come back,
and help you guys.
The only thing
I've pushed harder in my life
was my children out of my womb.
Kate threw fricking four away,
'cause she's awesome/
- $1,800 so far.
One minute remaining.
One minute.
All right.
Right behind y'all.
If I wasn't giving it
my all before,
I'm just trying to get
to that end.
That's an Armory Pass.
Bravo, Anjelica.
We need all three Armory Passes,
of course.
- Yes. We got this.
- Let's go.
- Hurry, my players.
The fate of one of you
is at stake.
You've got seconds.
- Oh, shit.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6,
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Bravo, everybody.
- Good job, everyone!
We did it!
We did it.
That was the hardest thing
I've ever done in my life.
- Yeah.
- Seriously.
- Yeah.
I don't do stuff like that.
- Neither do I.
Well, everybody, what can I say?
Today was whiskey business.
Barrel-y made it,
but you did make it.
So, bravo to you.
You brought across the glen
eight barrels,
three of which
are Armory barrels.
And you raised a total
of $16,800 for the prize.
Yeah, I got three 600s
up the hill.
- No, you didn't.
I did throw a couple.
Yeah, you're right.
- Why did you throw them away?
It was too
Like, they're heavy.
I thought that was
the finish line.
I was confused.
I was really confused.
- It makes zero sense.
- She's a sore loser.
- She didn't participate.
There's so much going on
with Kate.
And I know that
she's a faithful,
but she's causing
a lot of chaos.
And so, as a traitor,
I don't really mind it,
because ultimately,
I want to make sure
nobody is looking at me
at the roundtable.
You brought the three
Armory barrels.
That gives three people the
chance to try and win a shield
that will protect them
from tonight's murder.
I wonder who you're going to
give those to.
Please decide.
- Well, I'll take one.
- Definitely Rachel and Anjelica.
- Not Kate.
- I want to be murdered.
Who else?
Who do you think?
- Can I get one?
- Yeah. Let Ari get one.
You know, obviously,
going into the armory,
it's kind of a waste for me
because I can't
get murdered tonight.
But it could help
Rachel and Anjelica,
so the traitors have
an easy target, to murder Kate.
Who is having the Armory Passes?
- Ari, Rachel, and Anjelica.
- So, two of the people on trial
will have a chance
to go to the armory,
and potentially be spared
the ax tonight.
Let's get back to the castle.
Kate did nothing.
Zero, the entire time.
Now, only did she do nothing,
she, like, sabotaged us.
Yeah, she actually
made it worse for us.
She was actually
- She was sabotaging us.
- Don't get me too fired up.
I'm, like, definitely
questioning Rachel a lot.
Rachel, like, was dead set on
getting to the armory tonight.
Let's focus, here.
I'm gonna be murdered tonight.
You can't let them banish me.
Rachel is a traitor.
This is not me
trying to trick you.
Rachel is a traitor,
and you have to vote that way.
You guys are gonna feel so dumb
if you let them banish me,
and I come
When I turn around,
and say "faithful,"
you guys are screwed.
- Everyone's dead.
- I feel like I can barely move.
Kate, I love you, girl,
but, like
today was, like,
the first day where I'm like,
"You're working
against us."
- Y'all mind if I sit right here?
Yeah, help yourself. Please.
You can always sit.
Kate is a faithful.
I believe it.
But, like, if she is a faithful
and we banish her,
then, that's just, like,
a waste.
I mean, here
Here's my thing today.
These challenges
are only gonna get harder.
- Right.
And we still have a 100-plus
thousand dollars to win,
which means that last challenge
is going to be hard.
Are you willing to
Even if she is a faithful,
are you willing to take her
to the end with you?
- No.
People are suspicious of Cody.
However, Kate has annoyed
so many people.
The majority, now,
people are like, "Nah."
After that performance,
either she's a traitor
or she's a bad faithful.
If it was 1,000% to me,
Cody, Kate, and I cannot
figure out that third.
I mean, I just really don't get
the feeling that it's Rachel.
Now, I know Cody's
gonna push that,
because Rachel's on to him.
- Cody might be.
I wasn't skeptical of him/
I get along with, like, anybody,
and, like, I cannot get Cody
really to converse with me.
Cody is a little bit of
a liability.
I'm a team member,
and I'm loyal to the traitors,
but at the end of the day,
you got to look out
for yourself first,
and I can't have
that suspicion on me.
Within this Grand Castle
of mine,
through the great corridors,
lies a secret
A bookcase.
But not just any old bookcase
One containing
my prized possessions.
And not only that
in this armory lies a gift.
In one of these chests,
there is a shield.
And the player who finds it
could be protected from
the traitors' next murder.
- I'm just excited to be here.
My heart is literally
in my stomach.
- This is really huge.
I mean, this is literally huge.
Literally, this is, like,
life or death.
- It's a game of chance.
One by one, the players who have
won a pass here will enter.
They will open one chest,
and one chest only.
Then, it's up to them if they
reveal to the other players
whether or not
they have won the shield.
Yes, more mind games.
What did you expect?
- The traitors have a choice.
They can go and murder
Kate tonight,
'cause she's an easy decision,
or they can gamble on you two.
- I think we don't tell anyone.
I think we just keep it
completely to ourselves.
- I don't want to know.
- Do you want to go first, or?
I'm good with that.
- Good luck.
- Wow.
I need this shield more than
anything in this entire world.
So I'm gonna go with
the one in the center.
I really had myself convinced
that I was gonna be able
to pick the shield,
and I didn't.
I'm devastated.
- Okay.
I really, really need this.
I'm so excited.
And hopefully,
I'm gonna get the shield.
A 50/50 shot
of life or murder
Assuming Anjelica didn't get it.
Such a bummer.
I did everything I could,
but what are you gonna do?
The wheels of chance just,
I guess,
were not in my favorite today.
The traitors won't know
who got the shield.
So, if I keep this a secret,
it'll keep Rachel
and Anjelica safe.
It's good to have a conversation
'cause I feel like Kate
is making it harder for us.
- Mm-hmm.
- I'm sorry.
Faithful or not,
you are not helping us at all.
- You're not helping.
- And so, that's why that's
She's not off the table for me
at all.
- Mm-hmm.
- And I'm feeling Rachel.
I know Rachel for who Rachel is.
And if we came to the end of
this game, and they said,
"Rache, you're a traitor."
- Mm-hmm.
Rachel turns into
a cutthroat player,
'cause she's hard-working
and want that money,
because that's what she's about.
- Yeah.
- She wants the money in the pot.
- Yeah.
We need it to go towards
either Kate or Rachel,
so that another faithful
is leaving the house,
and we can push forward
one more day.
How confident are you
that Rachel's a traitor?
I want to say, like,
about 50/50.
But that's the most that I am
on anybody else.
- Would you vote for her tonight?
My gut wants me
to go for Rachel.
Follow the gut.
When I talk to Cody,
even though there are
a lot of suspicions,
I don't believe that Cody's
the traitor.
I trust him.
- Come out front?
- Yeah.
I'm feeling uneasy, right now,
heading into the roundtable
because, if I vote
the banish Cody,
and not everyone else
votes for Cody,
this could backfire
horribly on me.
If Cody survives the roundtable,
and we have to continue
to work as a team,
it could be terrible.
- Rachel is a traitor.
We have to get rid of
a traitor tonight.
It's getting embarrassing,
to be honest.
I have some decisions to make
tonight, when it comes to Cody.
Who knows?
Now that I'm here,
I have no idea what to do.
I don't know.
If I'm wrong on Cody, then,
I can go home because of it.
But I would rather, like,
die going down, trying.
I don't see a world
in which Cody's not a traitor.
Like, he's pulling
all the strings.
Like, he's a puppet master.
These tables
are getting smaller.
After last night,
I had a lot of eyes come my way.
But going into this roundtable,
if I can keep hammering water
on the seed of Rachel,
maybe I could slip by
another vote.
It is a tough decision
for me tonight.
So much going on.
I got so many things running
through my head right now.
Once more unto the breach,
dear friends.
Once more.
This place must seem like
a real home from home
to you all by now.
Alas, one of you is about to be
kicked out of this nest
rather violently.
Still, on the bright side,
the prize pot now stands at
- Wow.
Today was a long
and arduous one.
For those of you on trial,
it must have been
particularly stressful.
Who would have blamed you
if you'd had a little sample
out of one of those bottles?
Here, though, it's the traitors
who are drunk with power.
But they remain undetected.
And later tonight,
they will murder either Rachel,
Kate, or Anjelica.
Before that
you all have the chance
to banish.
By heaven, I charge thee speak.
- I'm not ready to vote at all.
I have
no idea what I think.
I'm horrible at this game,
because, like, at this point,
I'm so confused.
I don't even have, like,
a single person on my radar.
The more conversations I have,
the more I leave confused.
I feel like fear and greed has
turned this castle into hell.
And I want out.
I no longer want to
spend my days
with everyone gossip
Gossiping about each other,
and lying to each other's faces.
I don't like it.
I don't want to spend my days
doing missions
for people who are lying
to my face
just to steal that money back.
Kate, you're just trying to
cause confusion tonight.
No, I'm not.
I don't give a shit.
I don't care.
I'm telling you my truth,
that truth, and you're gonna
find out the hard way,
eventually, all of you.
I, myself,
am gonna vote for Rachel.
I'm letting you know that.
I'm done.
- Well, I'm not a traitor.
- I don't care.
I don't feel like Rachel's
a traitor.
I just feel like,
a few things today.
I know that, Cody, I know that
you feel she's a suspect.
- Yeah.
And then, today, in the mission,
you obviously
worked like heck to get the
The shield.
So, for that matter
- Why wouldn't she, though?
- Yeah
Why wouldn't she work like heck
to go and
I she was a trader,
she'd be like
But wouldn't that be
way too obvious.
Wouldn't that make it, like,
blatantly obvious?
- Why do you think I'm a traitor?
You are one of the most
cutthroat people.
And if you were marked
a traitor,
I'm pretty sure you can sleep
with at night,
"Okay, it's just a game.
I'm gonna do this
based off of the game."
She's a very competitive player.
You've been very competitive
thus far
- In competition.
Competitive when I have to
compete, and challenge it.
If anyone banishes me,
a faithful,
then, you are all playing
to Cody.
You are doing everything.
You are so on edge.
You are acting like
You're always,
"I'm so nervous.
I'm so I hate this.
I never want to do another"
All right.
It's not personal.
But you're making it
so personal.
- No, he No, he's not.
You are.
Does anybody else feel like
I'm making it personal?
- No.
I'm obviously not saying
the right words to her
to make her understand it.
So, can somebody else help me?
I mean, I I don't think
Rachel's a traitor.
But I just I don't
I'm not getting that vibe.
- Just something feels off.
It probably feels off
'cause you're a traitor.
Well, I'll say this
You have been on my list.
And the reason I think
you could be a traitor
is because you said,
"I don't take it personally.
It's a game.
Like, it's just a game."
And I was like, "Well, yeah,
she's actually right.
It is just a game."
And then, I was like,
"Wait, she thinks
it's just a game."
- Everyone in here wants to win.
- I don't.
Well, that was apparent today.
- Yeah.
I don't even know
where I stand with Kate,
as far as traitor goes,
but today was just
- About to find out.
Why would I work so hard
to stay to get the Arm
I would've literally pushed
all three of those barrels
up the hill by myself.
I would have killed myself
to get that.
Like, of course you're gonna
go for the shield.
I mean, everyone well
most everyone
Kate and Anjelica both said
they didn't even care.
They were like,
"I trust everyone here."
And I was like,
"I will go for that shield"
- I did not say I didn't care.
I said, "Selfishly,
I want the Armory,
but if the group"
I'm not gonna take money
away from the group because,
when we're doing these missions,
we're not playing
an individual game.
We're playing a group game.
I didn't say I didn't care.
- Okay.
I mean,
I don't know what to say.
If you guys want to banish me,
I am a faithful, and that is,
like, so stupid.
I'm blown away that my name
is even being brought up.
- I'm sorry.
I don't think Rachel's
a traitor.
I saw her.
I felt her.
- Thank you.
But I don't really particularly
feel Kate's a traitor, either.
- So, where do you see a traitor?
- Um
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