The Traitors UK (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Previously on The Traitors
The players arrived here
at this Scottish castle
to play the game of a lifetime
and to hopefully win up to £120,000.
But hidden amongst them
are the Traitors whose job
is to secretly murder the others
without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
With the stakes getting higher
Ooh. In there is my armoury.
If you get a shield, you will
have protection from murder tonight.
..the surprises kept on coming
Kieran and Amos did
not leave the game.
..and with the Traitors coming under
fire Do you think it's Alyssa?
She's the only one really that I
am suspecting now. I'm voting Will.
..the Faithfuls once again
Ivan. Ivan. Tom. Tom.
..banished their own
I'm a Faithful. I'm Faithful.
I told you guys. I knew it.
But you voted Tom.
That's a bit dodgy.
Oh, my God, Maddy.
..leaving the Traitors to
continue their killing spree.
It's Fay, Matt or Andrea.
This is The Traitors.
This programme contains
some strong language
Are we all agreed? Yeah. Yeah.
We need to get rid of
the people that are not
going to be gone
through banishment.
This is the only way they can go.
The only way they can
die is because of us.
I think it's going to leave
everybody Confused.
..confused as to why.
# Stone cold killer on the low
# You didn't think I'd know
# And do you think
you're cuffing me?
# I didn't know,
I didn't know ya #
Last night, the Traitors
committed their fourth murder.
This morning,
only those who survived the
night will make it to breakfast.
I'm extremely happy to be back,
but walking in on
my own was daunting.
I'm a solutions consultant
and I can usually tell when someone
is fibbing, and I certainly
don't dish out my trust willy-nilly.
Good to be back.
I'm ready to play
and I'm ready to find
who them Traitors are.
Hi, Kieran. Morning.
You all right?
Yeah, you? Yeah.
Nice to see you.
I know, relieved.
Yeah. You all right?
Yeah, yeah. I'm good.
Oh, gosh, look, you've been
put up at the top. I know.
Hey! Hello.
Oh, Tom's got crosses over his face.
That's horrible.
I know. Aw.
If you ever split
up with him, though,
that would be a great picture.
Come in, come in. Come in.
Good morning. Hi.
Look at those quads.
Someone's been working out.
Amos, he's an intelligent man,
and what we wanted to do
is come back and try and look
with a different mind-set.
I think you're on the
money with Will.
Oh, thank Can I just?
You need to try and get him out.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
I've, like, come to the point
where I'm just going to keep
going for Will.
I just think he's the Traitor.
I think, guys, the reason
that I'm sat here right now
is because I've got it right.
They would have wiped me out.
Like, do you know?
I feel like people
were laughing about it.
I don't mind, to be honest.
Oh. Come in. Come in.
Hey! Well done.
Literally Hi, guys.
Hi, guys. Hi, guys.
Obviously we're getting more
and more tense as we go down,
because there are less
and we're not very good
at picking Traitors.
So far, 100% failure.
Alyssa, I'm still not
100% convinced. No.
I went home last night kicking
myself for not voting for her. Yeah.
Breakfast is a little bit
more difficult than other days.
I felt a bit reserved this morning.
I felt like
I couldn't really be myself,
because I was so conscious of what
people thought, and then I was like,
"But I can't be too quiet
because it's suspicious."
Come in!
Of course.
Of course he came back.
I'll say hello to everyone in a bit.
That's mental.
Maddy's so determined
that I'm a Traitor.
I'm trying to put her
off scent as much as I can.
Oh, mate.
I've got the shakes, man.
And it's becoming really hard.
Who's not here?
Matt and Fay.
Fay! Oh, God.
They can't take Fay.
Or Matt.
I really don't want
Fay to go but, like,
I'm not going to lie, if Matt's not
here, I'll be so disappointed.
I can't imagine Matt
Why? Why?
Ah, please, please, please, please,
please, please, please.
I don't even want to look.
Do you just want to tell me?
I was just, like, squeezing
onto Theo because I was like,
I just really didn't
want Matt to not walk in.
Come in. Come in.
Come in, come in.
Oh! Good morning.
Oh, Fay.
Oh, shit.
Hi. Hi, Fay.
We're happy to see you.
We're happy to see you.
Matt's not here.
Matt's not here.
Matt's not here, no.
Matt's clever in what he thinks.
He plays such a
good middle game.
He's quiet,
but he's very observant, mind.
I think he's more
smarter than we think,
to be honest.
Yes, are we all agreed on Matt?
Yeah, I am. Yeah.
Rest in peace, Matt.
"Dear Matt, by the
orders of the Traitors,
"you have been murdered.
"Signed, the Traitors."
I am truly gutted, because I
wouldn't have ever wanted to leave.
I'd love to know why they decided
to murder me and get rid of me.
But I think, whoever you are,
I think you're
playing a phenomenal game.
I really, really do.
I think that you are absolutely
killing it, literally.
But I can walk out of
this whole situation knowing
that I've been myself.
You all right, mate?
Yeah, it's good.
He was like the other excitable
puppy in the castle.
So now he's gone, it's a bit,
like, gutting.
I think I just got a bit emotional,
because he was kind of
like my best mate here.
Here's Claudia. Yes.
Good morning. Good morning.
Good morning. Good morning.
Congratulations to everyone
who's still here.
So, let me tell you my thinking.
I wanted to bounce in here,
maybe share a waffle,
talk about our love of jumpers.
But you've upset me,
because Matt has gone.
Lovely, sweet Matt.
So, Traitors.
You haven't got one.
So I need you to have a think
about what you're doing.
You've lost eight.
Soon you're going to go
and take part in a mission
and add more money
to that prize fund.
I need you to split into three teams
and meet me in the front
of the castle.
And, Matt,
you are coming with me.
I will place him near
where I keep my eggs.
That's not code.
That's real.
How many in each team?
Five. Two fives and one four.
Shall we just go
with as we're sat?
Today, we need
to find a Traitor.
As a lawyer, I just
don't like losing.
And I don't intend to.
My ego won't take it.
If we don't find the Traitors,
they're just going to be laughing
at us all the way to the bank.
How are you feeling?
I feel like nobody's
listening to me.
Let's have a go. I like this cue.
Get our minds off it a minute.
That's a heavy cue.
You OK? Yeah, I'm just
It's now that we've got to
start suspecting our friends.
I can't get Alyssa out my head.
Me neither.
But why can't I
get her out my head?
Because she's not played
a good Faithful game.
I think it possibly
could be Alyssa.
She's very, like, on the fence.
She's not kind of going
here nor there.
We need to get a really strong
band of Faithfuls together
to take on all the Traitors.
And at the minute,
she's just sitting back.
And everyone just laughed
at Maddy when they said, "Wilf."
Do you know what it is with Wilf?
I can see my
Cos I know I'm Faithful,
so I can see him fighting in
It's passion, innit?
Exact It's like looking at
my emotional reflection. Yeah.
I think he would be the last
person that I would suspect.
I think we need to be questioning
what people's incentives are,
and my thinking is
..someone really wants that money,
so I'm looking at Wilf because
I know he's going to get married,
he's got two young children.
He's got a mortgage.
If I were him
Yeah, it would make sense.
Hello. Hello. We're just going
to hit some Are you playing?
I never see people playing.
We're just going to knock around.
I was kind of in the
hot seat yesterday,
so I'm hoping today
they'll just lay off,
so I can just sit back, relax
and enjoy what's going on.
The Traitors are trying
to frame Alex, because
See, I think Alex is a Faithful.
I really do.
But then she could
be framing herself.
Yeah, I'm increasingly convinced
but I'm also conscious
she's so incredibly smart
that she could double,
triple play us easy.
Maybe it is staring us in the face.
Maybe it is.
I'm kind of going
for Alex at the moment
and kind of planting
a few seeds for her,
just because obviously
she said my name yesterday,
so she is a bit of a threat.
She's trying to get me
in the conspiracy theory.
He's told me to find
the Faithfuls first. Yeah.
And I was saying I think
I've found the Faithfuls.
See? He's put his hands up.
Come on. Tactics!
I can tell you're so gutted.
No, no, no, I'm gutted,
but I'm just so done with Maddy.
Like, I can't be arsed.
No, I know.
Maddy's doing my head in.
She's not really, like,
working as a team any more.
She's just constantly, like, wasting
the votes on, like, me and Will,
and just pointing fingers.
I sometimes think if people
dismiss people's opinions
because of who it's coming from
And laugh at them.'re probably More suspect.
Because you don't know
more than Maddy does.
No-one knows more than Maddy knows.
Every time someone
Faithful gets voted out,
logically, Maddy
becomes more right.
The game we need to play
isn't let's find the Traitors.
It's to find the other Faithfuls.
As a doctor, my skills
lie in finding the truth.
So I think I'll be
OK at this game.
I think I'll be all right
at spotting the Traitors.
The problem, Maddy, is you
keep on going on a witch-hunt.
You keep on going down rabbit
warrens and you go,
"You're You're You're"
And honestly, it's like
getting personally attacked.
And I swear to God
It's not personal. It's just a game.
I'm just saying who I think it is.
I know,
but imagine someone kept
on going to you, oh
And then you do the look
up thing. Oh, my God.
I do think you're a Traitor.
I'm sorry.
Well, I think you're a Traitor, too.
Let's stop that.
Well, I know that I'm a Faithful.
Well, I know that I'm a Faithful
too. Guys, guys, guys.
Yesterday, Tom got up there
and said, "I'm a Faithful."
And Meryl went, "I knew it,"
but she was holding up "Tom".
So I was like, "If you knew he was a
Faithful, why did you vote for him?
Enter the frame I'm going away.
Sorry. No, no, no.
I agree with what you're saying.
No, no, no worries. How frustrating
is it if someone keeps on going
at you and at you, and at you?
And she's going at
Wilf and Aaron,
and no-one's ever pointed
the finger at her.
Now everyone's thinking
that Maddy's theory
about Wilfred and Aaron is now true
because no-one's listening to her.
Here we go.
Hello, hello, hello.
Excellent outfit, Amos.
I'm just saying that out loud.
Ooh, Claudia fancies you.
Hello, gang.
Today we're going to play
a little game of hide and seek.
Oh, my God, yes. Ooh.
A bit harder
than when you were little.
Remember when you were four
and you'd sort of possibly
hide behind a curtain?
This is definitely not that.
You're already in teams.
You have team colours.
What I'd love from each team
is two volunteers.
Maybe somebody who likes
a bit of alone time.
A bit of me time.
Maybe somebody who meditates.
Well, she just described me.
Honestly, I'll go. I can do it.
I don't mind doing it either.
Do you twodo you two guys fancy
running around? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
OK, please could the volunteers
please step forward?
Go on, gals.
Very well done.
I put myself forward because
I wanted to become a valued member
of the team and
compete straight away.
I'm going to meet
you at your hiding spot.
I'll see you there.
It was a natural
thing for me to say,
"OK, I'll step up."
You are going to be the seekers.
You will have to find
your hidden team-mates.
For every single team-mate
you find, that's £1,500.
It is a race.
Whoever gets to
their team-mates first,
you win a pass to the armoury
and then somebody is in with
the chance of finding a shield
that will protect them
from tonight's murder.
In my hands are identical maps.
You will all get one, but you will
have different starting points
and then you will have to find
and follow the clues. Yeah.
Your team-mates really,
really need you to find them.
It feels like we're
proper deep in the wood.
We're in the middle of the forest
with the pixies and the fairies,
and the magic of the Highlands.
Oh, no.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, man.
Oh, my God.
We'd better not be buried alive. No.
As soon as I walked down,
I could see the graves.
I just knew what was coming.
And it was like, well,
I guess today is the day. RIP Rayan.
OK, players,
I mentioned hide and seek.
You've got to admit, these are
really, really good hiding places.
Your fellow team-mates
have 45 minutes
and, hopefully,
they will find you.
If you are underground
and you absolutely can't take it,
you say "Haggis" and your name
and we will get you out immediately.
But you will forfeit that £1,500.
please stand by your graves.
You're going to be absolutely fine.
Nothing's going to happen.
It's 45 minutes.
I just don't want to do it.
Like, it is genuinely
one of my worst fears.
Rayan, no-one is going to hold it
against you if you can't do it.
Come on, Rayan! I'll do it.
Whoohoo! It's 45 minutes.
It's money. It's a shield.
I'll do it.
How much does the shield
mean to you? Everything.
The shield is just one
good night of sleep, finally.
The time will start
the second you're buried.
Let's get you buried alive.
Oh, God!
Please close the coffin lids.
# Take me down, six underground
# The ground beneath your feet #
# Laid out low #
You start hearing the chains
being closed on top of your graves.
# Nowhere a way #
And then they start
shovelling dirt onto the coffin.
OK, I'm buried.
You can fucking stop now.
That was it. It was complete
darkness and complete silence.
45 minutes starts now.
Come on, Alyssa. Whooo!
Given a map, and then, within that
map, we're basically told to
look for a clue.
I'm just going to run.
We need to find the
walkie-talkie and shovel.
There's a shovel,
here are the shovels.
We've got the shovels.
Yay! OK, brilliant.
Red team. Yay!
Hello? Come in.
Can you hear me?
Is that Rayan? I can hear you, mate.
We're buried alive.
Oh, God. Oh, my God!
I would never like
to be buried alive.
It's one of my worst fears ever.
We've got a walkie talkie that says,
"Look under your pillow."
I've got a pillow.
I can see a light.
I've got a light. Shine the light.
I can see on the wall now.
There's a sentence that says,
"Slow and steady wins the race,
"But not in this case."
The hare, the turtle and the hare.
So the hare Hare Woods.
So we need to go Hare Woods.
I did it! Well done.
"Go on TV," they said.
"It'll be fun," they said.
Rayan, you all right?
Somebody's saying something.
Don't worry. They'll come.
Who's talking?
Can you hear me?
Testing, testing. One, two, three.
Yes, yes. I'm Alex.
I'm stuck in a grave.
Oh, my God.
I can give you a clue.
OK, what's the clue?
"I'm in a watery grave.
"I feel like a troll."
"I'm in a watery grave.
"I feel like I'm a 12."
Marshes. Feel like number 12?
Why is it 12?
Troll! A troll! Oh.
There's a clue here.
"I might be old,
"but you'd be wrong to bark up
at me." At the wrong tree.
You're barking up the
wrong tree. The yew tree.
Tree House? OK, Tree House, OK.
Personally, it was a tough
mission as we were running.
Come on, you guys go ahead.
No, no, no. We'll take our time.
So what are we looking for here?
There's a bridge there.
It's not going to be the
big bridge. Small bridge.
Grave! There's a grave.
Grave, grave, grave, grave.
They've not buried her, have they?
Oh, they've buried her? Stop!
That's it. Yeah, got it. Legend.
Oh, there's something.
"Dangerous structure, keep out."
Hi, can you give us the clue again?
"I might be old, but you'd be wrong
to bark up at me."
Oh, sugar.
The Ancient Tree!
I'm sorry, guys.
I thought it was the Tree House.
Oh! There's so
many trees in Scotland.
You have 30 minutes remaining.
We've just seen three graves.
Can you give us
some kind of direction
of what graves to dig up?
There's a crest on the wall.
It's got a stag on a red background.
Amazing. We've narrowed it down.
Thanks, Rayan.
I was trying to relay
as much detail as I could,
but obviously I was
quite panicked in there.
Will, Alyssa!
OK, so listen closely.
From top left to bottom
right are three white stars.
It's this one, I think.
Blue shield with two castles on it
and stars.
Got that, got that, got that.
I've got the Blue Shield.
There. Oh, my God!
We got it. We got it.
We need to be quick now.
Yeah. There, there.
Another walkie-talkie? It's Meryl.
Meryl, are you OK?
Ah, my team!
Hello, this is Meryl.
I am buried alive.
Oh, for God's sake.
I love you but this isn't the issue.
Look under your pillow.
This is Meryl, I am buried alive.
Can you hear me? I'm here.
Don't worry.
We are going to find you.
Got it, got it, got it!
Oh, thank God.
Hannah, are you there?
Can you hear me? Over.
I'm buried alive.
Can you give us a clue or
multiple clues that you may have?
So there's a sign in my
in my coffin that says,
"I'm sleeping with the fishes."
OK, OK. Fishing Hut, Fishing Hut.
Come on.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
OK, we're nearly done.
Oh, what's there? Look there.
There, there, there, there.
That's it, that's it.
OK. Yes!
Hello, hello?
I'm buried. I'm buried alive.
I'm buried in a grave. I'm serious.
I am buried alive.
You need to get here quickly.
I've been here
for about half an hour.
Amos, don't do that!
Are you all right?
Oh, there's a grave,
more graves, more graves.
Get on to Hannah again
and ask her what it was.
Basically at the top of it,
there's a dark line.
It's got some squiggles across it.
I've got it, I've got it.
Thank you. We've got it.
Thank you. What is that?
A thistle? Scottish thistle.
Oh, it's got keys on it.
Keys, keys Keys to that shed?
Where's the thistle?
It's over the bridge.
Come on, guys, we're doing good!
There. There.
That green shield with
three highland cows.
It's like a drawing of just white
It's like someone's got
a white pen and drew a cow.
But it's not like the full cow
Sorry, just let her go on.
It's like a little bit
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We got something. ..two
dots for eyes then the horn
then the hair then the nose.
Right, shut up. We got it!
Right, fantastic.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
Shall we pick Amanda up?
Come on, run, run, run!
Thistle, thistle. She's a thistle.
Blue thistle. I'm right here.
I'm the first one.
Them two, them two. Come on!
Let's go!
Listen, you have to
get them out fast.
The White Team are coming now.
Come on!
Quick, quick, quick!
Come on, guys. Ohhh! Come on!
I'm in here!
I'm here!
Ten minutes left.
Just ten minutes.
But look at this.
Here we are, got it. Yeah.
Hurry up. Because I can hear
a lot of noise next door, over.
Come on, come on, don't stop!
This is for £1,500 each person.
And the promise of a shield.
Let's go. Well done.
Pull, pull, pull.
It's usually like a slidey.
Yeah, it is.
Guys, come here, help me open it.
Help me grab the rope.
Here, hold this.
Hannah, Amanda, ready?
Quickly, Hannah. That's it.
Well done! Go back to that one,
go back to that one.
Hannah is out.
That's £1,500.
You've only got
eight minutes remaining.
How about if we prise it
open with this at the end?
Oh, my God. Digging.
I didn't realise they was literally
under the ground, like, that deep.
Come on, guys! You can do this!
Blues, you are so close to doing it.
That means you get
to go to the armoury.
Go to the armoury, guys.
Lift, two
Yeah! Pull, pull, pull!
Keep your eyes closed,
keep your eyes closed!
Get out, just get out.
Alex, give me your hand.
Yes, Blue Team! Yes!
You have won a pass to the armoury.
Well done, guys. Smashed it.
Once I got Alex out,
Will and Alyssa,
they were, like, struggling.
So then I helped them out.
I was trying to be a team player.
It's all about winning
the money and the shield.
Yes. No, rose. We got the rose.
We've got the rose. We've got
the rose and a key, Kieran.
Better hurry up as well.
Don't know what time is,
got to dig me out as well, yeah?
It was becoming very intense
because we had, I think about three
or four minutes left on the clock.
Come on, Meryl, get out,
this is heavy.
Come on, yes, you got it!
Guys, you going to pull?
Close your eyes, close your eyes!
Hold it, hold it. Go, go, go.
Rayan, hurry up.
Well done! It's all over.
I'm done now.
I'm never doing this again.
I want to get cremated when I die.
Come on, guys!
The Red Team are coming.
You've got three minutes left.
Come on! Come on.
Everyone banded together
to help us dig the two out.
Maddy, get that shovel over there.
Bring the shovel, Maddy.
And it was nice to have everyone
do something together for once.
Come on, guys.
One, two, three. Cover your mouth!
Help her! Make sure you cover
your eyes and your mouth. Yes!
Come on, come on. Voila!
Yes. Come on, we've got to go
and help the others.
Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go.
I don't think they'll do it.
Time's running out.
Come on!
I was starting to panic a little bit
because I know we were extremely
tight for time,
and I was the last one
to start getting dug out.
Yes! Come on! Well done, Aaron.
Yes, yes! Get out!
Get out, get out!
Everyone is out.
You have got the full £9,000.
We won the full
amount of money today.
We're actually absolutely smashing
these missions. We're on a roll.
Everybody finished.
Everybody helped everybody. Again,
you know, we are a good team.
Through teamwork,
you have managed to add
£9,000 to the prize fund.
Huge congratulations.
Blue Group, you were
absolutely outstanding.
You have a pass to the armoury,
so one of you will get a shield
to protect yourself
from murder tonight.
Very well done.
You deserve a big mug of
tea and a slice of cake.
I'll see you back at the castle.
Well done. £9,000!
Well done. Well done.
I feel like, as the
game is progressing,
the missions are getting harder.
But I feel safer being buried alive
than I do being in the castle.
Initiation complete.
Yeah. Well done, guys.
We did it.
It's like, you were like
my knight in shining armour.
Tonight, the group will get another
chance to banish the person
they suspect of being a traitor.
But first, it's a
trip to the armoury
for the winning team
from today's mission,
which gives them a
chance to win a shield
that will protect them
from tonight's murder.
So can we all agree before we go in
that we're going to keep it a secret
from all Yeah. ..from each other
and the rest? Everybody else.
Yeah, it's the only way
to protect us all, I think.
As selfish as this sounds,
I do want the shield.
Back in the armoury!
And if we get the shield,
we are then protected from
these treacherous traitors trying
to murder us off in our sleep.
Oh Bad karma.
So I won the shield,
which was quite ironic.
This is brilliant.
I'm not going to win this game.
I'm telling you, I'm not
winning this. Same. I am.
Because I think this game
is no better than luck.
I just want to suss out
one and then I'll go.
Kill me, let me find me one.
The problem is,
Maddy is clouding
everyone's judgment
by keeping on going after Will.
I don't think she's
got everything right.
I think she might have got one.
She definitely hasn't got me.
I think she might have got one.
It's getting harder because
there's less people.
And obviously the new
guys are able to look
and not have any emotion
towards it all.
I think Maddy, the more she goes for
me, I think the more other people
might start listening to her.
Are you Are you 100% confident
it's Will? Yeah, 100%.
I think last night he did
I feel gutted because
he's all right.
Now there's two new faces,
I feel like I really
hope they side with me.
If he is a Traitor, I'm going
to retrain as a magician!
Cos I feel that might be my calling!
Got skills!
The others have had a lot
more days than myself and Amos,
so they've got a lot
more facts and experiences
to base their votes on.
I've got to stop going on
hunches and look at the facts.
# I'm giving you a night call
to tell you how I feel #
I know people are starting
to think I'm a Traitor.
Who's going to vote for you?
Well, Maddy's having
a conversation with Kieran,
like pitching Kieran about me.
She's got, I think Theo good.
Every day,
we got rid of people that are loud,
people are speaking their opinions
and trying to find Traitors.
We got rid of them.
And they're about to do the same
thing if they get rid of me.
Everybody's just questioning
everything at the moment.
They're constantly losing now,
so they're all, like,
it's just everyone's
going a bit mad.
I just can't chance having my
name come up more than once.
Some people aren't totally
convinced about Alyssa any more.
I know, but I feel like we're
getting rid of the same people
all the time.
Oh, well, the one that clearly we
haven't been listening to is Maddy.
I don't know what to do tonight.
For me, it's between
Rayan and Alyssa.
At the moment, Alyssa convinced me,
because I just kind
of felt sorry for her.
But, like, is it just
because she looks innocent
and she puts on this cute front?
I think they're onto both of us now.
So that really makes me anxious.
# I'm giving you a night call
to tell you how I feel
# How I feel. #
Tonight's Round Table
is so important.
We're going in blind.
We don't really have much evidence,
but we need to find a traitor.
We can't afford to lose again.
This is my first time.
One of them has to go,
so we've got to shake things up.
We've got to find someone.
And quickly.
We've got a lot of
decision-making to do today,
because it could be me tonight.
If we don't get a Traitor tonight,
then I don't know.
This is just the worst game ever!
People have looked at me.
They might still be looking at me.
People are looking at Will.
All I can do is stay calm and
collected, and just stay strong
and hope that the other
Traitors will back me.
Welcome back to the Round Table,
and congratulations,
because today you
added £9,000 to the pot.
That means your
total currently stands
at £56,700.
I'll tell you what.
You are absolutely
brilliant at missions.
At finding traitors,
not so successful.
Remember, at the end,
if there are Traitors still here,
they take
that entire pot of money.
So maybe tonight you'll catch one.
Maybe you won't.
The floor is yours.
I don't mind starting.
The things I've been
looking at is to say,
"Who could physically
be a traitor?"
Because that is absolutely
shattering, I think.
So I have, it's true,
I've tended to look at
sort of the younger people.
Sorry about this, younger people,
but I have nothing else
to base it on.
So I am going to start, and I'm
very sorry about this, to say it.
I'm going to start with you,
Alyssa, because you could be.
It's not that you are.
It's just that you could be.
That's my take on it.
I am a Faithful.
Of course I'm looking for evidence,
and I've kind of realised
that I'm not going to find it
literally in my face. Again,
I'm probably clutching at straws,
but I probably am going
to go back to you, Alex.
Well, obviously, Matt left.
And Matt was looking at you.
And then in that,
it looks like you took him out
because he's a threat.
But then it also looks
like you could have been framed.
So it could have been an easy frame.
But from my thought process,
it could be as though
you're double bluffing so that it
looks like you've been framed,
but in a way that protects yourself.
But if I was a Traitor, why
would I put myself up for trial?
And prior to being on trial,
no-one suspected me.
Why would I shoot myself
in the foot like that?
I wouldn't. And I think
this actually makes me think
you're more of a traitor now,
because that's how
a traitor would think.
So what you think?
I'm going to say, "Rayan."
You say, "I'm not
a confident person."
That's the first thing
you always come out with.
That's not exactly what
I said. Go on, finish.
What he says and portrays,
two different things.
And he is more confident
than he says he is.
I think this is the trap
that we've fallen into before.
And I do understand.
I understand, it makes sense.
But I think you're looking
at Rayan's personality.
You need to start, who is
your ally? Who is your 100%?
There's something which
everyone seems to have,
which I think unites the
Faithful, is the paranoia.
You just can't,
you can't mimic that.
You can't mimic that.
And that's how I've seen things.
Wilfred, this probably
means you're a Traitor.
The one thing that struck, to me,
the most was kind of the dismiss
that Maddy's
suggestions were given.
I think we need to actually
give those thoughts credence.
Maddy, I think
that you're a Traitor.
I genuinely think
that you're a Traitor.
You can think that, but I'm
a Faithful. OK, that's fine.
Well, I'm a faithful, too.
But you don't believe me. No.
And I also think you know that
Aaron and Wilf are both Faithfuls.
And I think that you keep
on going down the rabbit warren
to try to distract everyone else so
no-one's ever going to look at you.
Can I just say, I feel like people
should join me in voting for Will,
in the sense of I'll put my career
at the care home on the line.
But, Maddy, you're not actually
You're not actually
Like, in the last couple of days,
you haven't actually contributed
to looking for anyone else.
No, because I'm so set You've
been looking at me and Will,
and that's it. I know who the
Faithfuls are.
Faithful, Faithful.
Faithful, Faithful.
Not sure.
Traitor. Faithful.
Traitor. Faithful.
Faithful. Faithful, Faithful.
That's it.
I'm going to just put it out there.
I know the finger's being
pointed at you, Wilfred. Yeah.
But you look very,
very nervous tonight.
Like, to the point, like
That's fine.'re struggling.
I'm not struggling at all.
I'm just going to be honest.
I'm going to back Maddy
because she backed me with Nicky.
That's fine.
Do what you've got to do.
But I promise you, if I go up there,
you're going to feel the same thing
that you've felt
since you've been here.
And I promise that. I really respect
that you are going out there
and saying what you think,
because we should all be able
to have our opinions
about what we think.
At the moment, we're
getting rid of Faithfuls.
We're getting rid of people
that are strong, that are willing,
that want to find Traitors.
And we always keep saying,
"Let's do something different."
So I'm going to do
something different,
and go for someone that
I don't think is loud,
so I'm going to go for Alyssa.
Now the finger's
being pointed at you,
what you've started to do now
is you've started to pipe up
and start pointing fingers because
you feel like the pressure's on you.
I don't buy all of the
acting stuff from yesterday.
I did at the time, but the more I
think about it, the more the whole,
"I'm only 21. I've not been
around adults and stuff."
I just genuinely,
I'm going the other way.
We've all made mistakes
by going the one way,
always looking at the people
that it could be and could be.
I'm going to try and do something
different and I'm going to stick
to my guns, cos I'm
sick of changing my mind.
He's deflected it.
Hearing him accuse me
..made me so angry.
It's the fact that he properly
went against me is so hurtful.
I knew today was a day that
I had to do what I had to do.
I'm getting out a Traitor.
I have to. I have to get a Traitor.
We have to find one for
people to leave me alone.
I am trying to get more involved,
because everyone keeps saying,
"You're too quiet."
You know, "You need to play
now and point the fingers."
I've always been nervous
to point the fingers because
it is nerve-racking. So I am trying
to be louder. It's like
You're playing the perfect game.
I can't be quiet,
but then I can't be loud.
It's like, what do you want?
Why are you nervous
about pointing fingers?
Because I'm not 100%
when I point it.
And why? But nobody is 100%.
But why?
What would make you nervous about
pointing fingers at Traitors?
Because what's happened in the past
when they stand up there
and they tell me
that they're Faithful,
and then the guilt of being like,
"OK, that's another one of us gone."
Players, it's time to vote.
Please write down who
you think is a Traitor.
Are your votes locked in? Mm-hm.
Meryl, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
OK, I'm going say you, Maddy.
You keep on accusing everyone and
Not everyone.
No. Well, you keep on, for the
most laughable reasons sometimes.
And you don't, you just go
and go, and go, and go.
And I also think the fact is,
no-one's ever questioned you
and I think you would be the
person that's right in front of us.
Will, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
The reason being is because I
want to try something different.
We try the same thing.
It doesn't work. Erm
I think we should be looking
at the people that we don't normally
look at too much,
the people that are a bit quieter,
the ones that would
play the perfect game.
And And I believe it's her.
..that's mine.
Thank you.
Hannah, which name is
on your slate and why?
Alyssa, I've gone for you.
I know I'm a Faithful and I
I see my emotions
in those that I trust,
and I haven't quite
seen them in you.
Thank you.
Rayan, who's on your slate and why?
Alyssa, with a very heavy heart.
I mean, you know
how much I love you, but
..we need to try something new.
Think outside the box.
And so that's why
I've put your name down.
Thank you.
So that's three votes for Alyssa
and one for Maddy.
Fay, who's your vote for and why?
I've gone for Rayan.
Like I said, I've got it
wrong for the four evenings,
so I'm just going with
something totally different
just to see if it's
But if I'm, sorry, if I'm wrong.
You are. But it's OK.
Kieran, your first vote in the game.
Who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I've gone for Will.
If people are wrong about him,
we need to shift things up
and move it around the table.
I like the guy a lot,
I think he's got skills
to stay in Thanks.
..but I just think we need to
back off him if we're wrong,
but I'm gonna go for the hunch.
You are, yeah. We'll see.
Thank you.
Theo, what name is on
your slate and why?
I've gone with Will.
Sorry, Will, it's horrible,
but I want to
back Maddy in something.
We have no evidence and,
Will, you do clutch for straws.
And just
I just, I've literally no idea.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Maddy, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I think it's Will
because, even now, I feel like
you're panicking a little bit
Of course I am cos I don't wanna
go home. ..and I think it's because
you're gonna be rumbled.
I don't wanna go home.
Thank you.
So we have three votes for Alyssa,
three for Will,
one for Maddy and one for Rayan.
Alyssa, what name is
on your slate and why?
Will's name is on the board.
Erm, taking even your
word at face value,
we need to turn the tide
and look at people
who we're not looking at.
And I think we've massively
overlooked yourself.
I do apologise for that.
And, you know, I think you
are a frontrunner in this game.
But is that because you're pointing
everyone in a certain direction?
I haven't pointed at anyone.
This is the first day I've
ever pointed at anyone, so
That's not true. Yes, it is.
OK. Thank you, Alyssa.
Amos, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
This one really hurts. Erm
And I've tried to be
dispassionate as possible
because I really love this guy.
Yeah, it's me.
I've put Wilfred.
Erm We need to start looking
at who we think is 100% Faithful,
and then we'll
I was hoping for that from
him and I didn't get that.
Andrea, who have you
voted for and why?
Alyssa, I voted for you because
I think you're really smart.
I think you're a very,
very smart cookie.
And you could, you could do it.
Thank you.
Alex, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
Alyssa, I voted for you also.
Hearing your train of thought,
essentially your Traitor tactics
as to why you why it's me
tonight when I know I'm Faithful
was enough to convince me
that you are the Traitor.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
So both Will and Alyssa
have five votes each.
Aaron, who have you
voted for and why?
I actually went for Rayan,
simply for the fact
that Andrea said earlier,
"We need to start thinking
outside the box."
So I had to go for someone else.
OK. To count up the votes,
it is one for Maddy,
two for Rayan
..five for Alyssa
..and five for Will.
So it is down to Amanda's vote.
Either Will or Alyssa
will be banished tonight.
It's all come down to Amanda.
I just hope she wouldn't
have sided with Will.
Amanda knows that I can play
this game better than Alyssa.
I think Amandaand me
will work very, very well together.
My fingers are crossed
that she doesn't backstab.
Amanda, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I went for Alyssa.
# I couldn't get away #
# Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh #
I don't know if Alyssa is,
but it's just the overdramatic
things all the time.
It's It was the thing
about when you said,
"I don't know how
to be around adults"
and I just thought,
"Well, you are an adult."
So it was that, for me.
I love you to bits, but I'm sorry.
It was a really hard decision.
Obviously, because
he didn't want to go out,
so he's thrown it back to her.
But I think, out of the three of us,
she would have been
the weakest link.
Alyssa, you have received
the most votes.
You are banished from the game.
Please come and join me.
# Until we go down #
Alyssa, before you
leave the game forever,
can you reveal, are you a Faithful
or are you a Traitor?
# Until we go down #
I would like to say thank you.
# Until we go down #
Do you know what?
I've really learned a lot
from every single one of you.
I received the poisoned chalice.
I am a Traitor.
Oh, my God! Yes! I'm so sorry.
Oh, my
I'm a Traitor.
I'm so sorry.
Don't be sorry.
Don't be sorry, Alyssa.
Don't be sorry. You're gorgeous.
Don't be sorry. We love you.
I knew it.
Don't be sorry, Alyssa!
Sorry. Had to do it to you.
You are a Faithful. Oh, mate.
Sorry, mate. I'm sorry, mate.
Please, now
Oh, my God.
Come here. Come on.
You're fine. You're fine.
You're fine.
It still could be him.
It still could be him, though.
I feel bad, obviously, like,
because she's Alyssa
and she's a nice girl.
The only thing I am thinking
is he did throw
Alyssa under the bus.
I don't know if
he'll do that with me.
I hope he won't.
So there you have it.
You have finally done it.
Alyssa was a Traitor.
You caught one.
A word of warning
The Traitors will regroup.
Thank you very much and goodnight.
Well done, you lot.
It's the most stressful thing
I've ever done in my life.
I've just got to keep remembering
that it is just a game.
Well done, you lot. Well done.
We've done one! We've done one!
We've got one out! Yeah, but
That has changed the whole
turning point of the game now.
I can die now. I don't care.
My ego just wanted one.
Just one. Because
that puts some people
that were on the
radar completely off.
We're looking in the complete
wrong direction. I need a drink.
Oh, my God. I am thrilled!
Yes! Well done. To the Faithfuls!
Faithfuls! I can't believe it.
Bittersweet and I'm so,
I honestly feel so bad
that she was crying at the end.
But we actually got one.
We got one!
She played the role
of the Traitor really well.
I believe she can leave this game
with her head held high and be
proud of, you know, how she did it.
Amanda, we got one.
We got one, yes. Cos of you.
So I'm not cross
I know. I'm not letting you down?
No, you wouldn't have. Never.
It's just You wouldn't have,
never. You got a Traitor.
Yeah. Yes. So come on.
We've got one. Come on.
I, of course, am the little heroine
because I've done the casting vote
and she was a Traitor.
So, oof, all come into my fold.
I think this will now
Well, it's just upped our game
Will, I don't know
how much more you can do
to prove you're a Faithful.
I really don't.
The passion he showed
when he knew his defeat.
Yeah. You can't fake
emotion to that level.
The tears at the end, man,
were just, I felt so, like, I just
switched on someone and I just
I know it's just a game,
but it's hard.
Oh, I'm sorry, Wilf.
I'm sorry that I put you through
that, even if it's right or wrong.
Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter.
I'm sorry.
I do have a lot of fight left in me
and I'm really going to
try and persuade.
But I have tried a lot of stuff
and they were like, "Meh."
Will, I'm on your case, so
Case not closed.
# You get what you deserve
# I'm your nightmare
while you're fast asleep #
Goodnight. God bless.
Goodnight. Well done.
Well done. I love you. OK
I'll see you in a little bit.
Well done.
Hopefully see you tomorrow.
Yeah, I hope so, too.
I'm glad it's a win. And I just
hope she's all right, bless her.
Goodbye, mate. See you later.
Take care.
# I'm going to do bad things
# Do it like it's nothing #
After four banishments
and four murders,
the Faithful have
finally struck back.
Alyssa was revealed to be a Traitor,
and with everyone now departed,
it's time for the remaining Traitors
to return to the castle and regroup.
# Doing a bad, bad thing. #
Brutal. Brutal.
It was a really,
really tough Round Table,
but I knew I was
going to be on the radar
and I don't wanna go home. No.
And the thing is, Alyssa
is a target for many people,
just for the fact
that she's no-one's 100%.
No. And that makes it an issue.
Yep. And you're the
casting vote as well.
Thank you as well You're the
stronger of the two anyway.
And it's a game we are playing,
and we're playing it to win.
They needed a Traitor.
Sorry, Alyssa.
That's what I think.
But then they'll say
Wilfred, can I just tell you
something? Yeah, go on.
What is on the flag of Wales?
A dragon.
You throw me under the bus,
OK, that's what I will be. No, 100%.
In terms of voting off, we need
to think about the winning team
because I weren't on the winning
team so I can't remember who won it.
I was on the winning team.
Yeah, cool.
And I've got the shield.
No! Have you really?!
Come in.
Good evening, Traitors.
Good evening.
I bring you a choice.
Oh Oh, no.
As per the rules of the game,
and as I explained on day one,
when a Traitor is banished,
you have the opportunity
to recruit another Traitor.
You could murder as usual
and somebody won't
come down to breakfast.
OK. Or you could choose
to seduce one of the Faithful
and let them join you as a Traitor.
What I have here is
an anonymous invitation.
All I need written down on it a name. a name.
They will have no idea
who sent it.
They will have the option
to either accept or reject it.
If you choose to seduce somebody,
you will not murder somebody.
Everyone will make it to breakfast.
Do you understand your choices?
I understand. Mm-hm.
Thank you.
I'm going to leave this with you.
OK. Thank you.
Good luck. OK. Thank you.
I'll be back for an answer soon.
Honestly, by looking at everyone,
I just think they'll decline.
I know it's lovely, I'd love
to have another Traitor, but
I think nobody's strong enough
there, I don't feel at the moment.
Nobody would put themselves
forward for it now. No.
Everybody I've spoke to has gone,
"Oh, my God. I don't think
I could be a Traitor."
But I don't know if that's them
saying it, trying to prove that
they can't. Yeah.
But go through everybody.
You say names and I say yes or no.
Right, OK.
No. Then we've got Andrea.
She'd say no.
Then we've got Maddy.
No. Theo.
Just shoot himself, no.
No, he couldn't deal with it.
Er, Hannah.
Oh, I don't know. She's too
She's too over
She's too spontaneous.
Yeah, no, no, she'd add too much.
Just get, yep.
We need calm and collected.
Alex would play a very good Traitor.
Do you know what I think?
I think Alex would go,
"do you know what?
My boyfriend's out.
"I'm here." 100%. She'd accept it.
Do you reckon?
But could you trust her?
Yeah. Like, you know? 100%.
I feel I could. No, but would she
throw any of us under the bus?
No. No. Shall we just go for the?
And then worst comes to worst,
no-one gets murdered.
It is a bit lonely there, isn't it?
Yeah, it's a bit too dark and dingy.
Yeah, it's a bit
Yeah. Oh, my God.
Let's go for it.
Let's really twist things up.
Dear Alex Alex
..we wish to recruit you as a
Traitor because you arestrong,
assertive and charismatic.
If you accept the invitation,
you must join us immediately.
Signed, the Traitors.
Traitors, do you
have an answer for me?
We do. Yep.
We've decided not to kill,
and we've decided to shake
things up and seduce. Seduce.
OK. Just so you know, I'm in.
I'm joking.
If they say yes,
they'll be right here soon.
Oh. Wait here, please.
You know what? She'll accept,
just to see who we are.
I think so.
I think we've made a dangerous
decision, as it could expose us,
but if it pays off, then I think
we'll be the strongest team
and nobody will touch us.
Next time on The Traitors
"We wish to recruit
you as a Traitor."
They recruited?
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Come on! Woohoo!
There is one person who
has never been challenged.
I just feel that
I've been blindsided.
It's exhausting. I'm trying my best.
That's all I can do.
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