The Trust: A Game of Greed (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Snake in the Grass

[thunder rumbling]
[mellow music playing]
[Brian] It's gonna be raining a lot today,
by the way.
-Is it?
-[Brian] Oh yeah. You can see it.
The mood in the house
matches the weather outside.
[thunder crashing]
There's, like, a hurricane coming in,
and then in the house, there's just
hurricanes happening in all the rooms.
[speaking indistinctly]
[Gaspare] It's really becoming apparent
to myself, Jake, and Brian
that there are people
who are playing a game,
and we are not playing the same game.
Because we're just sitting here,
hanging out, talking about cattle,
and there are people
just cutting each other left and right.
So we were like,
"Should we start playing a little?"
But then, like,
every time I think of the money, I'm like,
"My daughter's daycare is $24,000 a year."
-I know.
-[Gaspare] You know? For a year.
Listen, I have to protect myself here.
I didn't leave my family for a month
to be away from them
to not financially benefit.
-Look, just… claw, fight, win.
And then see what the reward is.
[Gaspare] Winnie is calling the shots.
Winnie's the puppet master.
We believe that Winnie's the reason
Bryce got sent home.
So if you cut out your own friend,
what will you do to your enemy?
[contemplative music playing]
-[Tolú] Hey, Mama Jay.
-[Jay] Hey, sweeties.
-[Tolú] Did they tell you about the Vault?
-[Winnie] I went to the Vault.
-The… Oh, what?
My offer was, I have to make sure
that someone goes home, or I go home.
The issue and the problem
is this young lady right here.
We don't know where she lies.
Right. She is so immature--
-Beyond immature.
-She does not--
"I'm smart. I'm smart. I'm smart."
If you gotta constantly say it,
then you don't even believe it yourself.
I'm closer with Tolú than I am Winnie,
but Tolú can't stay because
she just burned that bridge with the boys.
And she thought she was protected.
They're not the easiest people
to, like, be honest with.
Yeah, 'cause it's either their…
their logic or "fuck you."
-And they shot themselves in the foot.
They thought they'd always have power,
and then they stopped
playing, like, a social game, like…
At first, I was like,
"I want them as friends after this,"
but I'm like, "Do I?" [exhales sharply]
-They're not my real friends.
-[Lindsey] No.
I actually think those two
are planning on taking everybody out.
I think that's their ultimate plan.
[Julie] I think
they have separate conversations.
And Jake, Brian, and Gaspare
would never vote us out.
The boys are being nice.
You know, whatever they--
She thinks she has power because
what, Jake wants to touch her breasts?
Julie is used to using her feminine wiles
to get what she wants from men.
[Winnie] And you're not getting nothing
from them.
[Tolú] No. But she thinks she is.
You know what? Fuck that.
Bring her in here. Bring her in here.
[dramatic music plays]
[thunder rumbling]
[Tolú] Julie, can we talk to you?
[suspenseful music playing]
I love Julie, truly.
I… I cannot say with 100% certainty
that I trust her fully,
especially when it comes to Jake.
I've dealt with girls like this,
where they're all for you,
and as soon as a boy comes around,
they flip like a switch.
Where is your loyalty at in this game?
Where is your loyalty at?
[Tolú] You can't be loyal
to two opposing parties.
-[Julie] Why?
-What do you mean, why?
So, you're telling me,
you're for the Confederate and the Union?
[suspenseful music continues]
It's… It's been laid out
in black and white.
If nobody goes home, even if it's a tie,
Winnie is out of this house.
Would you be that additional number
that we need to drive one of…
somebody from the opposite side home?
You guys, that's mean, though.
Like, why don't you think
that that's mean sending…
Like, voting these guys out.
Jake does not like you, babe.
[dramatic sting]
He does not see you anything
outside of this house.
Do you not understand that?
What did I tell you?
I said, "Do not let this man play you."
And that is what he is doing.
Jake does not care about you.
[pensive music playing]
And the fact
that you say you can't vote for Jake
'cause you're so loyal to him
because he would never vote for you.
-Pause. What the fuck am I?
-[Winnie scoffs]
You chose Jake over Simone.
You're gonna choose Jake over Winnie.
You even said you can't vote out Brian,
you can't vote out Gaspare,
you can't vote out Jake.
What is that leaving?
The women in this house.
I want you at the end here with us.
I told you that.
You think Jake would really save you
over Brian?
In all honesty, answer the question.
Do you think, if it came down to…
for Jake, you or Brian, and honestly,
who do you think he would save?
Why would he have to pick?
-[Winnie] Oh my God. I'm done talking.
-Oh. I'm speaking to a brick wall.
I'm done talking. That… That comment.
I hope you sit in that comment
and realize what you just said.
You just destroyed the two closest friends
you had in this house.
Can she, like,
not be in this room anymore?
[tense music playing]
I'm not gonna have someone
strong-arm me or abuse me
for not wanting to send people home
that I actually care about
and that I trust more than I trust Winnie.
Winnie is like, "I will only love you
if you fit in a certain box
and if you are exactly
what I want you to be."
I'm only on Winnie's good side
if I'm doing what she wants me to do.
And that's not love. That's control.
And I don't want Winnie
to control me anymore.
[music fades]
[whimsical music playing]
[Brian] Seriously, no starch.
I am a full-time rancher.
I have a uniform
that I wear every single day,
and with that, there's tradition involved.
If I don't have starch,
can I just steam that shirt?
I don't like creases in my jeans.
I'm just gonna own the way I dress.
I don't see too many other people out here
in blue jeans, boots, and a hat.
[whimsical music ends]
[groovy music playing]
-[Jake] Wanna sit outside, but you can't.
-[Gaspare] No.
I was like, "If it pours all night…"
-[Tolú] So, I just wanna ask y'all…
-[Jake coughs]
[Tolú] …directly.
Y'all blew out my candle.
-I did.
-[Tolú] Brian blew out my candle.
-I can't speak for Brian.
-I don't know who the third person was.
[pensive music plays]
That's fair, right?
We wouldn't give up somebody.
We can't. You know what I mean?
In a boy's group, right, if you guys all
make a decision together, you admit it.
Whether you just ask one of them
or two of them, you admit it.
But they didn't. They singled Brian out.
And I thought that
that was just very interesting.
You are viewed as the leader
of that side of the house.
I had to put a vote on somebody.
You had to pick somebody.
He had. Like, we all had to pick somebody.
It's not personal.
All I'm gonna say is… Are you…
Obviously, we know this is a game now.
Are you playing this game in a game mode
or are you playing this shit
on some emotional connections?
That's all I'm gonna say.
And figure that out for yourself.
I mean, that's a good way
to look at it. Yeah.
-That's it. That's it.
-I appreciate that.
-Thanks, Winnie.
-[Gaspare] Thank you.
[groovy music playing]
-[Jake] Smoke and mirrors, bro.
-I'm glad you're not an idiot.
[Jake] We know exactly
who we need to be worried about.
[upbeat music playing]
Somehow, some way, we need
to push the energy to somebody else.
If we're both gonna stay in this house.
I don't know how at this point--
You can do what you said you was gonna do
and blow Julie's shit up.
I'm cool with her being gone,
in all honesty.
She's dead to me at this point.
I'm even nervous about Lindsey too.
I don't know.
-[Winnie] You're nervous about Lindsey?
-[Tolú] Mm-hmm.
-'Cause she's been sitting with them.
-Thank you.
All of a sudden,
I'm seeing her talking to the guys more.
Be in their room more.
-She's so comfortable with them.
-[Winnie] I have to talk to Brian.
But if he says,
"No, I did not blow your candle out…"
[tense music playing]
That makes my suspicion…
-On Lindsey?
If Brian didn't blow out my candle,
clearly, I'm missing something.
And somebody's not telling the truth,
and I'm overlooking somebody.
[door opens]
-[Winnie] Is Brian in here?
-Yes, ma'am.
Hi, pumpkin. Oh, he's knocked out.
Um, I wanted
to ask you a question directly.
[Brian] Yes, ma'am.
-Did you blow my candle out yesterday?
-No, ma'am.
-I did not.
[suspenseful music playing]
Wow, uh, my floor is…
My… My mouth is on the floor.
Like, I'm… I'm completely shocked.
Okay. Heard.
I'm so taken aback.
Like, how the fuck did I miss this?
So, that answers a question
I was having in my head.
And I apologize for assuming
that it was all three of you guys.
-So I appreciate that.
-Yes, ma'am.
It was Lindsey.
Now the question is, why?
[music continues]
[Brian] Get ready for fireworks.
So, Lindsey blew my shit out.
[tense music playing]
-[Julie] Who did you vote?
-I didn't get to vote.
[Jay] She didn't get to vote. Jake.
-So that's who's been playing this game.
-No way.
[Winnie] Think about it.
Lindsey's been playing us this whole time.
[music ends]
Who has she been talking to a lot?
-Julie. And the boys.
-That, and in the room.
And people say her and Julie
are holding hands all of a sudden.
All of a sudden, she's all up in
their room, not talking to us anymore.
-Either way, two of them can't be trusted.
-And two of them are on their side.
How did we miss that?
fuck you. But you played a good game.
But fuck you.
Lindsey's trying to play the game in a way
that whoever has the most power,
she wants to align with.
-Exactly. So…
-So we can keep her in the fold.
Let her think we don't know.
Everything's hunky-dory.
The game's not done, though.
[dramatic music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[whimsical music playing]
[thunder crashing]
[steam hissing]
I just want it to go on the record
that I steam my pants.
[whimsical music continues]
[Jake] I don't know
what's gonna happen in this Test.
But it doesn't change the fact
that Brian, Gaspare, myself,
Julie, and Lindsey know
that Winnie has got to go.
-Voilà. [sighs]
[music stops]
[music resumes]
[Brooke] Welcome. Welcome.
We're coming down here tonight.
-[Gaspare] This is different. Poker table.
-[Winnie] Here we go.
[Brooke] Yes, we did.
[Gaspare] When it comes to poker,
I don't really play poker.
I play, like, one Thursday
in January every year.
[laughing] I know that's super specific.
I just realized that makes no sense.
[Brooke] Aha.
Very much sat at poker tables
quite like that before.
The beard helps with the poker face.
I don't know if I'm smiling.
I'm just sitting here.
Welcome to poker night.
-[Jake] Excellent.
[all cheering]
Last night, we learned a lot
about what breaks down trust,
and tonight we're gonna play
to build it up.
Up until now, some of you have played
your cards close to the vest.
But if this group is gonna continue
to move through this experience together,
it is important to be forthcoming
about how you view one another.
[upbeat music playing]
See these cards?
You each have a stack
right in front of you.
Every time I ask you a question,
you're gonna pick a card that
you think best answers that question.
You're gonna place it face down for me.
Anytime someone plays a card
with your name on it, you get a chip.
And just like in poker,
chips are a good thing.
But unlike poker,
there's no risk in this game.
You can only make money.
[music ends]
I like that.
There are three cards
I'm definitely not picking.
It's Lindsey's, it's Julie's,
and it's Jake's.
-Y'all ready to play?
-Let's play.
Okay. Here's the first question tonight.
Who is the life of the party in the house?
[upbeat music playing]
[Julie] Let's be honest, like,
who else is the life of the party?
Like, I am your only choice
in this question.
[Brooke] Julie.
-Gaspare again.
-[group] Oh! Gaspare.
-[Brooke] It's you.
-I got you.
You guys have been spending
a lot of time together.
-[all laugh]
-[Jake] Too much time. Too much--
Gaspare? Over me? Okay.
Brian. [laughs]
-[all laugh]
-[Brooke] Brian!
When we're talking cattle, it's a party.
[all laugh]
[Jake] Dude.
Pack it up.
[Tolú] Baby, I already know you're
playing a game,
so don't sit there
and try to patronize me.
But I will take that chip though.
[Brooke] Okay. So, Brian,
Tolú, Julie, and Gaspare.
Who do you think is most likely
to be here at the end of this experience?
-[Lindsey] Oh yeah.
-[all laugh]
Future roommate.
-[Brooke] Gaspare.
-Are you in love with me?
-[Brooke] This is a bromance. Tease.
-A little bit.
[Brooke] Brian. Brian. Brian.
-[Jake] Boom, baby.
-[Brooke] Brian. Brian.
-[all laugh]
-Boom. Boom.
Who is the easiest to get along with?
Brian. Brian.
[in Italian accent] Gaspare.
-[group] Aw.
[all laugh]
-[Brooke] Brian.
-[Jake] Gotcha, cowboy.
I don't know what Jake is thinking.
It's like, "I'm not answering 'Julie'."
And I'm like,
"Okay, then I'm not answering you."
I don't know.
[all laughing]
[upbeat music continues]
-[Lindsey] Oh, totally, totally.
-[Jake] Another good one.
-[all laugh]
-[Lindsey] The sweater is hot.
[Gaspare] My sweater,
I wore it for 10 straight days.
Brian has 25 chips,
and I have three.
If that tells you anything.
[Brooke] Okay,
here comes your last question.
Who is your most trusted ally
at the table?
[Brian] That's a hard one.
-[Brooke] Winnie.
-Thank you.
[Brooke] Jay.
There's a strategy
in every single card that I play.
I'm trying to take into account
all my complicated alliances
and trying to make sure
that I'm as neutral as possible.
It's the high and tight.
[Brooke] Jake.
[all laugh]
-[all laugh]
Might surprise you, but…
[dramatic sting]
[Brooke] Lindsey.
[Tolú] Oh.
[Winnie] Lindsey.
He doesn't even pick Julie.
[tense music playing]
That's all I needed to see.
-[Brooke] Surprised?
What are you doing?
Why would you tell people
that you trust me the most?
Jake may as well have told
everybody in the house
that we were working together.
-I think it's just across the bedroom…
-[Brooke] Oh.
…wake up and talk about our kids.
-[Brooke] Do you?
-[Gaspare] We do.
-That's sweet.
-[Lindsey clears throat]
I'm trying to lay low that Gaspare, Jake,
Brian, and I are in cahoots together.
And they absolutely just outed
their secret spy to everyone in the room.
And it totally sucks.
Now things are gonna get
really, really bad for me.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Jay] I just cannot believe
I have been so stupid.
I knew most of the house
was not on my side,
but I thought I had Winnie,
Tolú, and Lindsey, period.
And now, as far as I'm concerned,
she's totally with the guys now.
My whole little world is upside down.
All right, Brian.
You have the most chips.
Clearly, you have made
a massive impression with everyone here.
-[Winnie] Yes.
-[Brooke] Yeah, Brian.
-Good job.
-[Brooke] Let's go, Texas.
-[all applauding]
-[Lindsey] Hey.
[Brooke] Since you were all willing
to show your cards
and work toward building trust
with one another,
together you will cash in your chips
for an additional $25,000.
-[group] Yeah!
-[Lindsey] Yeah! Let's do this.
Twenty-five thousand dollars
will be added to the Trust tonight.
-Thank you.
I mean, 25 grand
going into the pot. Let's go.
Now, before I let you go,
I've one more card to play.
[tense music playing]
Jay, you received
the fewest chips tonight,
so you have a date with me in the Vault.
-[Jay] Okay.
-[Winnie] Ooh.
-[Lindsey] Go, Jay. Go, Jay.
-[Jay] All right.
[Brooke] Everyone else, free to go.
[Jay] I'm excited.
And I'm wondering where this Vault is.
And I have no idea what it looks like.
I actually thought it was a cave
for a long time.
-Don't have too much fun, Jay.
-[Brooke laughs]
[Tolú] Or do.
-I won't tell if you don't.
-[Winnie laughs]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Brian] We gotta wait for her
to come back from the Vault.
This could disrupt everything.
Absolutely everything.
Depending on the offer that she is given,
it could literally change the course
of how we were gonna play this.
This is wow.
-They were bringing the food.
-Lindsey should be shitting her pants.
-I don't trust you for shit.
The table already done revealed it,
so there's nothing for me
to even pretend like I don't know.
Lindsey's a lost cause to me.
That means we're losing our numbers.
Now it's just down to me, Winnie, and Jay.
That was wild, bro.
[suspenseful music playing]
They hate Lindsey right now.
They were looking at each other.
But it was the second
that Jake put down Lindsey's card.
I actually did it because I felt like
she didn't have a chip yet,
and I was like, "She is one of the people
that I do trust the most."
-That's… That's the thing…
-I'm being honest.
[scoffs] That was the worst topic
to give Lindsey my chip.
What it kinda does is it confirms that,
if she was working for the other side,
she's sure as hell gonna be working
for the guys' side now.
Because we know Winnie
and Tolú are gonna be coming for her head.
In my head, I feel like,
if I could possibly cover this up,
that I would tell them,
"It's good that Jake trusts me."
"I was just telling him
I trusted him back."
Lindsey. Can I come in?
Not really, no.
All righty.
[tense music playing]
She said, "Yikes." [snickers]
The line has been drawn.
Guns are locked and loaded at me.
I don't think there's much I can do
to talk them out of it.
On the other hand, I have the boys.
Dude, I walked down there like,
"Hey, can I come in?" She goes, "No."
[Gaspare] You're done to them.
As soon as the card flipped over to--
[Lindsey] I was playing a game.
[Gaspare] She went like this…
Winnie and Tolú.
Mm-hmm. They just looked
right at each other and they were like…
[music fades]
[groovy music playing]
-[access beeps]
-[door unlocks]
Hi, Jay.
-Well, hi, Brooke.
-Welcome to the Vault.
[music continues]
So, wow.
-It's pretty cool, right?
-It's very cool. It's really beautiful.
-[Brooke] Beautiful.
-Listen, here's how this works.
You have an offer.
[Jay] Okay.
[Brooke] And I'm gonna
hand you this envelope.
And I want you to open it.
And I want you to read it out loud.
This is your offer tonight,
should you take it.
[pensive music playing]
[Jay] $25,000 from the Trust
is mine to keep…
"But your time in the house
will come to an end."
[music continues]
And I will take that.
Whoo! Just like that?
-Just like that.
-Just like that?
Just give me that $25,000,
and I am out of here.
Do you think it will it be hard to leave,
just given the friendships you've made?
Nah, maybe not.
I don't feel anything. I don't feel it.
Somebody who I thought
we were gonna be buddies
and doing cool shit together,
I was so played.
I'm in shock.
Something happened.
I went, "Oh my God!" [laughs]
-What happened?
What'd she do?
She's with the guys!
Totally played me.
And I was just going,
"Oh my God. I can't believe it!"
Mmm. You're wide awake.
-[Jay] Yeah.
-You see it all.
-And I love this offer.
-[Brooke laughs]
I'm so glad
I don't have to kick anybody off.
I want that $25,000,
and I'm ready to go home.
Sounds like you might have gotten
the last laugh in here, huh, Jay?
I think so. I was hoping I would.
They just were told they had
$25,000 put in the Trust,
and I just took it back out.
-[sobbing] Oh my God!
-Um… Oh…
-Oh my God, thank you!
-[Brooke] Jay!
My two true friends were Winnie and Tolú.
They were the only two
that, at the end, had my back,
and I had their back.
-Thank you so much.
-[Brooke] Yes.
-Thank you. Thank you!
-Thank you! And good luck with you.
I just want to say,
I love you, Winnie and Tolú.
I love you so much.
I hope good things happen.
And to Lindsey, well played.
[music fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Gaspare] Hi, Brooke.
Hi again. Take a seat.
[Gaspare] So, Brooke's here again,
and I'm nervous
that something's gonna happen.
[Brian] Seeing Brooke
is just even more turmoil.
Right now, we are set.
We've got the votes.
We got everything we need
to vote Winnie out.
The last thing we need is a diversion.
So, just took Jay in the Vault.
Her first and what will be only time.
And she was given an offer
that she just couldn't refuse.
[dramatic sting]
[suspenseful music continues]
And she took it.
So she's leaving tonight.
[music crescendos, stops]
So you won't be seeing Jay again.
[exhales sharply]
She sends her well-wishes and good luck.
[contemplative music playing]
Jay leaving, that's one less person
we have to share the money we have with.
But, like, what if she took
$100,000 out of the pot?
Now this kinda sucks.
This experience has its highs and lows.
And it's up to you all
how you want to continue forward.
The stakes are only gonna get higher.
-Game on.
-Game on.
-Thank you.
-Good night.
-Appreciate it.
-[Brooke] Thank you.
-[Winnie groans]
-[Tolú] Ooh…
Bro, that was our last ally in the house.
Now me and Winnie
really don't have anybody but ourselves.
The three
have now been whittled down to two.
I don't know what we're about to do.
-[Brian] Game on.
-[Gaspare] All right.
[Brian] She…
She got offered a large sum of money.
-Probably our money.
-It was probably--
-[Lindsey] It doesn't matter.
-The pot's still gonna get bigger.
They're shitting themselves
because they just realized
their numbers went to two.
Dude, I'm openly not speaking to them.
That's cool. Good.
[Lindsey] Just so you know.
[contemplative music playing]
[groans] Well, I'm still gonna
fight this tooth and nail.
[tense music playing]
Let's just look at the facts. Jay's gone.
[Lindsey] The cannon is gone.
Like, we can rest easier
because we're not getting attacked.
There's two other loose cannons.
We are at a phase in this game
where we are all going to win.
-We just--
-That's dangerous talk.
-[Jake] Well, it just…
Because we still have to accomplish
something first.
Right. But we know what we have to do,
and we're gonna do it.
We just have to win tomorrow.
We have the numbers
to ensure that this happens.
-It's Winnie, and that's it.
-[Jake] Yeah.
[Julie] I don't want to vote anyone
out of the Trust.
I meant it when I said
I was never going to vote for Winnie,
and so I'm struggling with this.
[music fades]
Not gonna lie, I wanna vote Jake out.
And Lindsey.
-We don't have the numbers no more.
-Nah, there's always a way out.
There's always a way out.
'Cause now there's seven.
-Majority is four.
Damn, why did Jay leave?
[Winnie] I'm not stupid, I know this is
still a game at the end of the day.
But if you think I'm about to leave
this house without blowing some shit up
and raising some red flags,
you're absolutely mistaken.
Good night. See you tomorrow.
[pensive music playing]
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
[Brian] Yes.
-Hey, you got some more starch, man!
-[Brian] Yes, ma'am.
-Holy mother, dude.
-Three days' worth.
-That's a hell of a lot of starch.
-No, that's one shirt for each day.
[Brian chuckles]
Those are really the only ones
that I can really use.
[Tolú] Don't spray too much though.
-There's never too much. [laughs]
-No such thing as too much starch?
[dance music playing]
Can I talk to you?
I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to make you do an about-face.
-[Brian] Yeah, let's sit on the patio.
-[Tolú] Okay, yeah.
[Brian] 'Cause that's not as cold.
[Tolú] Yeah, there's a nice little breeze.
[music fades]
Okay, Brian, I just…
I wanted to come and apologize
for the way
that I spoke to you the other night.
I'm looking all three of you in the eyes
and asking, "Why?"
But you're assuming also that
all three of us were the ones who voted.
The three of you are the ones
who voted for Winnie, no?
I'm so, so, so sorry,
and it was wrong of me
to come and accuse you
without first hearing you out.
[Brian] Mm-hmm.
And I just want you to understand that,
in that moment… and this is not
to excuse my actions by any means,
but in that moment,
I was entering, like, a protective mode,
'cause I saw… I felt as though my family
was being attacked.
So I just wanted to protect her.
-And it wasn't…
But it… it honestly wasn't fair of me
to speak to you in the way that I did.
You don't deserve that.
-Well, thank you.
It's perfectly understandable,
but I appreciate you.
-Again, I'm so sorry.
-That's quite okay.
Tolú, in this instant,
is being exceedingly loyal.
This actually just…
It kind of makes perfect sense.
I understand a little bit
about where she's coming from.
I do appreciate you.
Thank you.
-Hey, Julie. It's nice to see you.
-[Julie] Hi.
-Can I just sit here and get ready?
-The mirror right there, yeah.
[Julie] Dope. How are you?
-[Lindsey] I'm great. How about yourself?
-[Julie] Good.
-[Lindsey laughs]
-[Julie] God.
You didn't see that.
[both laugh]
-[Julie] Yes.
-[Lindsey] I didn't want them to eat this.
-[Lindsey laughing]
-I'm storing food in my bed like a…
-My gosh, you're like a little raccoon.
-You're not gonna tell anyone?
[whimsical music playing]
[music fades]
[Winnie] I'm putting Lindsey on blast
before I go.
Let me say everything I have to say.
-I know she--
-[Tolú] But can you say it nice?
-Bro, I'm not mean.
-[Tolú] I know…
This is a game. You have to play it
by the rules of the majority.
Right now, we are not the majority here.
Let the boys recognize that she's been
a double agent for them as well.
I still think we have a chance.
And I want us to live in that optimism
because I really do believe
that the energy you put out there
is the energy you get back.
[Winnie] Okay.
[Gaspare] I mean, at this point,
do you really think
the two of them are gonna make it?
When the five of us are all…
You know. Whatever.
I just, I'm always going back
to get as many people
across the finish line as possible…
-Bro, I've been right with you.
-[Brian] Yeah.
But think of it this way,
if you bring her across with us right now,
you might as well shoot
one of us in the head.
One of the five you desperately trust,
just shoot one of us.
-All that we need is just one hiccup.
-And that's all it takes.
-And here's the thing.
After Winnie goes out, I think
Julie's loyalty will fully be with us.
I think she's a little scared too. I…
I genuinely think she's a little scared.
[Jake] As each one leaves, I feel like
she's gonna be able to breathe
clean oxygen again and be like, "Oh."
Finally that pressure is off of her.
Ooh, big whale just jumped right there.
[playful music playing]
You know what I'm thinking about these
whales as they're moving across there?
-[Jake] They're chilling.
-They're grazing.
-They're the cows of the ocean world.
-[Jake] Yeah.
[Gaspare] That's what they say, right?
-That's a lot of water blowing out.
-[Brian] There are a lot of blow holes.
That's for Jay.
It's like pouring out
the champagne for her.
Yeah. [laughs]
-For you, Mama Jay.
-[Brian] To her dog.
[all laugh]
[contemplative music playing]
[Tolú] At this point,
it's apparent that we no longer hold
the majority in the house.
We've lost our numbers.
Therefore, we've lost our voting power.
We need a Hail Mary
if we're gonna survive this.
[music continues]
[Jake] Downward.
My plan is just to put Lindsey
on the front street.
And if they could see it,
then they'd be smart to not vote me off.
Lindsey, she's a snake.
So, let's be honest. Let's be real.
[music accelerates]
[music intensifies, fades]
[Brooke] It's time
for your next Trust Ceremony.
Yesterday, it was quite the stormy day,
in more ways than one.
[pensive music playing]
Has the storm passed?
I guess we'll find out soon enough.
As always, this is your opportunity.
Sit here, talk things out
before you guys all come down
to the Cliff's Edge to make a decision.
Remember, you don't have to vote
anyone out of the Trust.
You can just continue
sharing the money equally.
If you so choose.
I'll see each of you soon. Okay?
[pensive music continues]
[tense music playing]
Would anybody like
to start off the conversation or anything?
Address anything?
I wanted to lay some things on the table
that I feel like needs to be brought
to everybody's attention.
Here we go.
I'm ready for Winnie to put me on blast.
I'm ready for her to twist information,
to use real information,
and just do whatever she can,
so that everyone hates me.
We're just two different people, correct?
And I know I'm not a soft person,
but I genuinely cared about you.
You're a very smart young lady.
I believe in you and I trust you.
I'm not kissing your ass.
I'm telling you deadass,
that's how I feel about you.
What did we say in our room?
I said I would never vote for you,
no matter what.
And I stand on that.
[music fades]
We sit here and we talk about trust.
We talk about loyalty.
We talk about
how we all wanna be a family,
and everybody needs to be together, right?
[suspenseful music playing]
There's one particular person…
that hasn't been doing that.
I asked you yesterday,
"Did you blow out my candle?"
-You said, "Yes."
You were honest, and I appreciate that.
I asked you, "Did you blow out my candle?"
You said, "Yes." And I appreciated that.
So, Lindsey told me,
"I didn't blow out anybody's candle."
[dramatic sting]
But then the next morning,
I got to sit with myself for a little bit,
and I was like, "Hmm, that's interesting."
I asked Brian.
I said, "Did you blow out my candle?"
He said, "No, ma'am."
I said, "Did you blow out a candle?"
He said, "No, I didn't."
So, then I started thinking,
"Why would Lindsey blow out my candle?"
'Cause you've been playing both sides.
You run to them, and you get information,
and then you come and tell us.
You come into the room,
and you get information from us,
and you tell them.
[music fades]
So you're the biggest snake in here,
and you played it very well.
[dramatic music playing]
But I just wanted to lay everything out
on the table.
You have single-handedly had a hand
at everybody that has went home.
Every single person.
And I don't know
if you've told them or not,
but you've single-handedly had a hand
in everyone going home.
I can't say that.
I can't say that.
And we thought that we were gonna be
one big old happy family,
not knowing that there was
a real villain in this house.
[music continues]
For you to look in our faces
and know that you've had an undercover
motive the entire time is terrifying.
And y'all, yeah, she shared some stuff
from this side of the camp with you guys,
but trust and believe,
that has also gone both ways.
She'll come and,
"Let me go talk to the boys,
let me see what they're up to.
Oh God! What should we do?"
"What are the plans of attack?"
And then, in the same breath,
you're running around and spewing venom?
Oh, baby. [laughs]
[dramatic sting]
I really, truly am hurt
and really disappointed by you.
-I would've never did that to you.
-[Tolú] Ever.
[tense music playing]
-Did you have anything to say?
-I do not.
Of course you don't.
[Gaspare] I question everything
in this fricking house now.
Lindsey not even defending herself at all.
If someone was attacking me like that,
in the setting where there was a… a chance
for a rebuttal,
I probably would've wanted
to defend myself.
If I was telling the truth,
I'd have nothing to hide.
Only thing I know for certain about you,
is that you have been playing
this motherfucking game.
[intriguing music playing]
-[Winnie] You've been playing it good.
-You've been playing it so well.
[Brian] That didn't seem
like they were lying.
And if she is this type of lady,
Lindsey could be very, very dangerous.
In this house, you never know really
who is telling the truth,
and who's waiting around the corner
just to go ahead and cut you.
I've said what I had to say.
So, who do you want to stay in this house?
[music continues]
I'm gonna go vote.
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
[Tolú] At this moment,
I just want Lindsey to be terrified.
I want her to feel
every single bit of anger,
every single bit of disappointment
that's going through my body right now.
I want you to feel as uncomfortable
as you made this house feel for me.
Hey, Brooke.
Talk to me about
what's happening at that table?
We're all here
to share our stories, right?
And every story needs a villain.
Who's the villain?
Lindsey would go hang out
with the other individuals in the house
and gather information,
then come in and whisper it in our ear.
And at the same time,
she would gather information from us
and go whisper it in their ear.
Lindsey's been
the biggest snake in the house.
So that's Lindsey.
Who are you most worried about today?
I'm worried about Winnie.
[contemplative music playing]
What happens
if you lose Winnie after tonight?
That's not something
I even want to think about.
'Cause if I lost Winnie, in this house,
I would truly genuinely feel alone.
I truly see her as my sister.
I'm definitely voting someone
out of the Trust today.
Who are you voting to cut from the Trust?
You gotta cut
the head of the snake, right?
[tense music playing]
I am very suspect of Winnie and Tolú,
and that they're speaking badly about me.
Winnie, de facto leader of the group,
she seems to be cutthroat from day one
when she came in
and wanted to snip everybody.
And they would easily discard me
at the end of the game.
[tense music continues]
-[Brooke] How are you?
-[Lindsey] Good.
I heard that table conversation
was pretty intense.
Sure was.
Do you feel, in your heart,
that you've been entirely honest
with everyone in that house?
I believe that I was entirely honest
with everybody in that house
until I had justification
that they were not being honest with me.
And then I did what I had to do.
All right. It's time to decide.
Would you like to vote someone
out of the Trust
or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
I would like to vote someone out.
-Who would you like to vote out?
When I sat at that table
and I said everything I needed to say,
did I have a little hope
that it could possibly sway some votes
and change some people's minds?
Absolutely, I did.
But if they didn't see it,
y'all just stupid.
[Brooke] How are you?
I said what I had to say.
I laid it out on the table,
and if they can't see everything
that me and Tolú saw,
then that whole group is just…
They're not who they say they are.
I would like to vote Lindsey
out of the Trust.
Everybody else at that table
deserves it more than her.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Brooke] Big picture, what are you seeing?
[Jake] There's been a lot of noise
going on at that table.
I believe, just some of the same
patterns we've been seeing in the house,
just to create separation.
Nothing is making sense anymore,
but what is making sense
is where a lot of the separation
is coming from.
-Where's it coming from?
-It's coming from Winnie, Tolú.
And it was coming from Mama Jay.
Brooke, honestly,
I didn't want it to come to this, but I…
Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to
put in a vote.
And just a reminder,
you don't have to vote.
It's always a choice.
Yeah, Brooke, I have to vote,
and it's… it's gonna have to be Winnie.
[pensive music playing]
I know that the guys
want me to vote for Winnie,
but I also said
in the beginning of this game,
"I will never vote you out."
And our friendship that we had was real.
I think I cannot
make a vote to protect Winnie
and vote for someone else,
but I also cannot vote for her
'cause I gave her my word.
So, I'm not voting anyone
out of the Trust.
[Brooke] Fancy meeting you here.
How's it going?
I'm honestly happy to leave the house.
It's so awkward at the table,
and I've never been so quiet
for so long in my life.
Winnie thinks Lindsey's lying.
Lindsey says Winnie's lying.
So this line in the sand has been drawn,
and I think it's unfortunate,
but I also have to start thinking,
who can I look across
at the very end and say,
"They are not going to vote me out?"
[suspenseful music playing]
[Brooke] Brian.
-Howdy, ma'am.
-Nice to see you.
-My goodness.
Just even me walking up there,
it felt different.
I can feel the house…
The whole… The whole vibe is different.
Yes, ma'am.
[suspenseful music continues]
This is tough for you today.
I can feel it.
Just overall,
how has this experience been for you?
The temptation, being selfish
or feeling selfless, your integrity…
Hard. It's been very hard.
I'm trying to live by a code.
Sometimes that can prove
very, very difficult,
especially when money's on the line.
Like we sat at the lagoon.
I mean, that was…
I could see it in your eyes.
That was tough for you
to turn that offer down.
Yes, ma'am.
Have you second-guessed yourself
since then?
Of course. Of course.
I have something for you.
[music intensifies]
It's the card to the Vault, Brian.
'Cause you got
so many chips on poker night.
This is for you.
[suspenseful music continues]
This scares me.
-Temptation. Temptation.
-[Brooke] It's temptation.
I hope I'm strong enough.
Can you talk to me a little bit about
the discussion around the table, and…
At the table, just now?
I'm in my head praying.
Because I question if I'm doing
the right thing at all periods of times.
Who can I trust? Who can't I trust?
-Isn't that being human?
-Yes, ma'am.
But ultimately, when the trust
has been broken, it's broken.
And it breaks my heart.
All right. So, Brian, it's time to decide.
Would you like to vote someone out
of the Trust,
or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
I'm gonna have to vote.
[dramatic sting]
[dramatic music playing]
You all came to the Cliff's Edge
to make a choice.
It turns out
multiple people received votes.
But one of you received the majority,
and one of you is going home.
[music fades]
["Fyre" by Rosie Oddie
& Filippo Cimatti playing]
Don't leave a dragon in the woods ♪
Your mind has said you never should ♪
If you tie a dragon to a tree ♪
He'll do anything he can to break free ♪
There is a fire ♪
And we do not have the water
To put it out ♪
Put it out ♪
There is a fire ♪
And we do not have the water
To put it out ♪
Fire ♪
Don't let a monster through your door ♪
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