The Undoing (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

The Bloody Truth

Murder is ugly business.
Whatever you've heard,
this one is worse than you think.
I think we're gonna win.
We can get a dog, I'll take care of it.
So you won't have to worry
about what happened before.
I I didn't kill the family dog.
It was your sister?
After his sister was killed,
he never said another word about it.
Jonathan never even said he was sorry.
I saw them together. At school.
Elena Alves was hit
with a sculpting hammer like this one,
which was never found.
You need to talk to me.
I found it at the outdoor fireplace.
At the beach house?
- In the fireplace?
- Yes.
Just after we got there.
And why didn't you tell me?
Why do you think?
Do not answer my
question with a question.
Why? Why didn't you tell me?
Because he killed her.
I didn't want him to get caught.
And you would have turned it over.
Please Please
It's Alves.
He had to have put it there.
Planted it.
How would he know to plant it there?
Maybe he followed us.
- Us?
- It was a place we went to.
Me and Elena.
In my family house?
- You son of a bitch
- Dad. Dad. Dad!
- You fucking fuck!
- Stop it. Stop it!
- Jesus Christ.
- This could be a good thing.
His DNA could be all over that.
Do we get it tested?
This could exonerate me.
- Yes?
- It won't.
- Huh?
- It won't.
I ran it through the dishwasher.
- What?
- To protect you.
- I didn't kill her!
- Jonathan, shut up.
Henry, this is very important
for me to help your dad.
I absolutely must know the truth.
You found it in the outdoor fireplace?
Just after we got to the beach house.
And you ran it
through the dishwasher?
- Twice.
- Fuck.
- Look
- Nobody talk.
- Wait a minute. Henry
- I said, nobody talk.
I have no knowledge that that
is the actual murder weapon.
I am not advising
you what to do with it.
I also have no obligation
to alert the police.
Given that it has been
run through a dishwasher,
I have no reason to believe that
it will be of any evidentiary value.
- Well, of course it
- Listen to me.
Should this hammer come to light,
it is game over.
It's one too many
coincidences to account for.
Add to that,
Henry could be arrested
for obstruction of justice.
No, they wouldn't arrest an innocent boy
for protecting his father.
They can, and they likely will.
They could arrest Henry?
They can blame Henry?
They can, and they will.
Add to that,
they would traumatize
the shit out of him.
It is my advice
It is my advice that
you do not turn it over.
- Are you kidding me?
- Franklin,
you hired me to defend your son-in-law.
All of you understand,
now is not the time.
We're in the middle of a trial.
We can tend to our ethical
egos once this is all over.
So, all right. What?
What should I do with it?
I can neither advise nor instruct you
to conceal or destroy.
That is not an answer, Haley.
I can neither advise nor instruct you
to conceal or destroy.
I need to talk to my wife.
Alone. Now.
- Grace.
- Go to your room.
Wait in your room.
Could it be?
Well, it's the only
other explanation, Grace.
Well, I think you're asking
yourself the same question.
I mean, he knew about me and Elena.
Saw us at school.
Could have been very, very upset.
Traumatized more than we know.
I mean, could, could he
have gone there that night
for some reason, and
Seen me with her?
And I don't know. Just
Are you actually asking me,
do I think our son
beat a woman to death?
Well, he had the weapon.
- No. No.
- He, he had the weapon.
- No.
- He was carrying it around with him.
- It is not possible. No. No.
- Hiding it. He was hiding it
for three months.
Why'd he put it through a dishwasher?
He He wants to protect you.
He believes you did it.
Everyone assumes
they know their own kid.
- But maybe they, maybe they don't.
- Are you actually
Are you actually accusing our son
- No, I'm not. I'm just thinking.
- Of committing this crime?
I'm thinking. My mind is just
fucking spinning. That's all!
In despicable directions.
I need you to leave.
I'm sorry.
Fuck you.
Don't talk to me like that.
- You're accusing me of doing this.
- I'm not. I'm not.
I fucking heard you!
No, no, no, Hen. What you heard
was my mind running in a way
which at the moment
is completely bonkers.
It's, it's out of control.
Sit down. Come on. Talk to me.
I'm under siege here,
and I'm under siege.
Everyone seems to think
I did this thing, and I didn't.
You blamed me.
That's not me in this.
That is a desperate man.
That's not the real Dad.
But I promise you this.
If I survive this ordeal,
and I fucking well will,
the real me will be back.
And the real us will be back.
And you and I will go on the
much-advertised road trip.
Deux. Yeah?
I love you, mate. I'm sorry.
Come here. I love you. I love you.
Come here.
Jesus Christ.
If that man goes free,
he will be in your life.
He will be in your son's life.
Good God, Grace.
You have always seen things so clearly.
Seen exactly how they will play out.
How can you not see this now?
Oh. Oh, God.
I do see.
I'll fix this.
To put the defendant
on the stand, it's risky,
and likely a sign Haley Fitzgerald
feels she has no choice.
On the other hand,
the doctor's primetime
news interview was
clearly compelling.
She may very well feel that
her client is the secret sauce
to an acquittal.
One thing we know for a certainty,
tomorrow promises
to deliver high theater.
I'm not loving the vibe here, team.
We're fine.
Again, no emotion whatsoever.
Not even a hint.
Be inhuman. I get it.
Not my point.
What is your point?
My point is your every reaction
will be used against you.
If you wince, he's a monster.
If you smile, you don't care.
If you cry, you're faking it.
You, on the other hand,
you hide nothing.
You let 'em see everything.
Chins up. Eyes down.
And hold fucking hands.
When you consider the
totality of all the circumstances,
together with some of the facts
Um, they're awful.
I lied to my wife,
which makes me a liar.
I was unfaithful,
which makes me a cheat.
My semen was found inside the victim,
which makes me a suspect.
I deserve those labels.
But not murderer.
I didn't kill Elena.
We made love. I left. I returned.
I found her dead.
But you understand our problem.
We only have your word.
And as you've admitted, you lie.
Well, there is no evidence
of me ever being violent.
In fact, I have attempted
to devote my entire life
to what might be called
the antithesis of violence. Healing.
As well as, I hope,
empathy and compassion.
I helped to heal Elena
and Fernando's son, Miguel.
Can we talk about that?
What was his condition?
Miguel's condition?
He had what's called Wilms tumor.
It's cancer of the kidney.
Most common among children,
and Miguel bore that statistical brunt.
- What was his treatment?
- Well, he was unlucky
in that normal medical
practice had failed.
used to lead a team
that specialized in a procedure
called autologous
bone marrow transplant.
It's a long, and relatively new process,
but happily, it was entirely
successful in Miguel's case.
By the end, we'd all become quite close.
Cancer can do that.
There's been much discussion of
my loving his mother.
But I also quite love him.
Yeah, he became like a son,
which is not advisable.
Um, pediatric oncologists becoming
too close to their patients.
Well, it's a recipe for depression,
or if not, utter personal doom,
but, uh, I found I had no
choice more times than not.
And I certainly had no
choice with Miguel. He's
He's a remarkable young man.
You keep calling him a man.
Yeah, he's a young boy.
But to fight the cancer he did,
with the ferocity he showed,
and the good humor,
there's a man in there, I assure you.
After the surgery,
during chemotherapy,
you often slept in his hospital room.
Well, as I say,
I'd become very attached.
There were some touch-and-go
moments and I wasn't gonna lose him.
I was very determined about that.
Uh, another reason, of course, why
Another reason what?
Well, he was like a son.
What was done to his mother
I could never do such a thing.
Not to her, and
not to him.
Thank you.
You discovered
Miguel's mother like this.
I did, yeah.
And when the police found
her the next morning,
when they came looking
to ask you questions,
uh, where were you then?
Near Lake George,
upstate New York, in a motel.
How'd you get there?
- I drove.
- Hmm.
You say you loved Elena Alves.
- Yeah.
- You discovered her like this.
May I ask you to look at
the screen, please?
A woman you loved.
A woman whose son was like a son to you.
You didn't call the police,
or an ambulance?
Well, first of all, I knew she was dead.
Yes, so, off to Lake George, then.
And I panicked, you see.
I panicked. I panicked. I panicked.
You panicked, and went straight
to Lake George from the scene.
No, I went the next morning.
Oh, but,
where did you go that night?
- I went home.
- Sorry?
I went home.
And did what?
I went to bed.
You left your bludgeoned-to-death lover,
went home,
- and went to bed.
- I was terrified.
I was terrified of being blamed.
And that my infidelity would be exposed.
And I
made a stupid decision.
But you're not a stupid man.
You're an acclaimed oncologist.
Well-versed in making
life-or-death calls
under extreme stress.
The decision you made here
was to flee.
I knew how it looked.
I knew how it looked then,
as I know how it looks now.
If not me, then who?
Well, it's not me.
I might be the easy answer,
but I'm not the right answer.
The, um, clothes you were
wearing that night,
a tuxedo, I believe,
what became of the tuxedo?
I took it to the dry cleaner.
You took it to the dry cleaners?
On the way to Lake George.
You took it to the dry cleaners
on your way to Lake George.
- Henry?
- Yeah?
I cannot fathom how you're
bearing up through all of this.
Are you okay?
I know how close you and your dad are.
Dad created this.
What do you think about what he said
about trying to fix this family?
Do you hope for that?
Do you hope for that?
You are answering a question
with a question again.
And I'd like you to answer first.
Do you hope for that?
I want what's best for you.
- Hi.
- Hey, it's me.
Will you come for a walk with me?
What, now, before breakfast?
Yeah, can you give me, like, 30?
That's when Rosana gets here.
I need to talk to you,
and I need you to do something for me.
Why the same cop?
Why not call his partner?
Okay, Ms. Fitzgerald,
you've still got the ball.
Thanks, Your Honor.
At this time,
the defense would like to call
Miguel Alves.
Your Honor
He's on the witness list.
Yours, in fact.
This witness was never included
- on our pre-trial
- He's on your list.
And he's here, I suspect, as a prop.
If it gets too much,
I'll make it stop.
Okay? I'm here for you.
I'm sorry. Love you.
Do you swear that the testimony
you're about to give is the truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth?
State your name, please.
Miguel Alves.
Okay, Miguel. Have a seat.
Hi, Miguel.
I'm really sorry to put
you on the spot like this.
This has been all pretty terrible.
But nothing can be as bad
as losing your mom, I bet.
I see you looking at your dad.
And that's okay.
And I promise if any
of this gets too hard,
or too scary, you tell me, okay?
We can stop. We can take a breath.
And I also promise that
I'll keep this very short.
I really only have two questions.
Or I should say,
questions about two things.
the night your mom died,
you were home with your dad?
- And my sister.
- Where was your mom?
She went to a school fundraiser thing.
An auction.
She went to the auction?
Okay. Do you remember offhand
when you went to bed?
Around nine o'clock.
Nine o'clock?
You fairly sure?
That's my bedtime.
My father's really strict about it.
You have your own bedroom?
And where does
your baby sister sleep?
In my parents' room.
So, you went to bed around nine.
Do you remember what time you woke up?
I have an alarm clock for school.
And between nine o'clock
when you went to bed,
and around 6:30 when you woke up,
did you get up, or wake up, in between?
You were asleep the whole time?
I think.
I wake up sometimes
when I get thirsty or I need to pee.
Did that happen that night?
I don't think so.
But I can't really remember.
That's fair.
So, it could have been
that you slept the whole night through,
from around nine,
to around 6:30. Right?
I guess.
My next question is a little harder.
Did your mom and dad ever
get upset with each other?
Did they ever yell at each other
when they got upset?
Did they fight a lot?
- I don't know.
- Okay.
Had they been fighting
a little more than usual
shortly before she died?
I don't know.
Did it ever frighten
you when they would argue?
Did you ever tell anyone
that it was really scary
when your mom and dad fought?
I told
One of my teachers.
You know what?
Why don't we call it quits right here?
You did great.
Ms. Stamper?
I have nothing, Your Honor.
Thank you, Miguel.
You may step down now.
- Hey.
- Hi.
That was obscene.
I know.
Do you?
You okay?
Yeah. I'm fine.
And you?
Hey, hey, hey.
- How dare you?
- Mr. Alves
You people are fucking vile!
- Officer!
- You cannot be here.
You should be ashamed!
- Don't make me call security.
- Come on, Fernando.
- Fucking vile!
- Officer!
Out! Let's go!
Not here.
You okay?
Are you sure?
So now what?
Is that it? Do we?
We rest?
Or maybe we still go to Mendoza.
It's close.
No, it's good. I like where we are.
What about me?
You've always said I'm the
most reliable narrator. I'm
I'm I'm willing to testify.
You said the jury will relate to me.
I can't put your ambivalence on display.
I see.
I'm just gonna tell the truth.
But what is your truth?
I'm having a little trouble tracking it.
I don't believe you
could have done this.
I'll say that.
I'm willing to say that.
I'll testify to that.
Thank you.
To have an affair, that's human.
To strike at someone in an
an act of passion,
or anger, that's human.
But to bludgeon someone to death,
and keep on bludgeoning them
long after they are dead,
that is a monster, Grace.
That is a monster.
Thank you
for your kindness.
Do you swear that the
testimony you are about to give
is the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth?
I do.
Please state
your name for the record.
Grace Reinhart Fraser.
Be seated.
Dr. Fraser.
May I call you Grace?
You're a doctor.
I am.
Could you tell us your specialty?
I'm a clinical psychologist.
I have a PhD in psychology
that I got from Harvard University.
And that's where you met your husband.
It is.
We met in 2002.
And we were married in 2005.
You've been happily married.
Until recently, yes.
I won't ask you to recite
the events that brought you here today.
I appreciate that.
You and your husband are still together.
Yes. We are.
Prior to the night
that Elena Alves was killed,
did you know that she and Jonathan
were romantically involved?
I did not.
We've heard testimony of you all
being at a school fundraiser together.
And that he left early.
Why did he leave, to your knowledge?
My knowledge then was that he left
because of an emergency with a patient.
My knowledge subsequently and
now is that he left because
of her.
Her, being Elena, the victim?
He was in love with her.
Perhaps still is.
That must be difficult.
Yes, it is.
And yet you stand by him,
giving testimony on his behalf today.
Because he could not have done this.
How do you know that?
We've been married for 14 years.
We've been together for 17 years.
I've been able to intimately
observe who and what he is.
I'm a clinical psychologist.
I have an expertise in brain cognition.
I have a skill set that
allows me to read people.
To diagnose them, if you will.
You didn't know about his infidelity?
It's one thing to be
fooled by his adultery.
To be duped by who and
what he fundamentally is
And what is he?
He is
Perhaps most profoundly,
I would say he's a healer.
He, he saves people's lives.
He, he cures children of cancer.
His whole esteem is
inextricably bound up with that.
Preserving human life.
The idea that he would take
one is simply untenable.
You would know as a psychologist
that many law-abiding,
high-functioning people,
including doctors,
have the capacity to snap.
I've never, ever observed Jonathan
to be violent.
Not even once.
He is a gentle man.
He is a man of empathy.
It is not within him
to do what he has been accused of.
Thank you.
You love him.
I do.
Is there anyone you love more?
My son.
- Henry.
- Yes. Yes, of course.
I cannot imagine his ordeal.
For a, a 12-year-old,
to see his father accused of murder,
I bet you wish you could just
wave a wand for Henry's sake.
Give his, his father back to him.
That's not what I'm doing here.
Are you familiar with the term
confirmation bias?
- Yes. Of course.
- What, what is it?
It's, um
It's the tendency to see things
according to your own
preconceived notions.
The defendant
is the love of your life.
He's the father of your child.
To see him as a murderer
My testimony has been truthful.
You testified that
you've never known your
husband to be violent.
That was truthful?
Has he ever grabbed you by the neck?
If you're referring, um,
if you're referring to the night
that he came to the beach house,
- that
- Yes, that is the night.
I'm referring to the night he
broke into the beach house.
Suddenly came up on you from behind,
and grabbed you.
He wanted to talk to me, and
He put both his hands on me,
and, and he, he wanted
to prevent me from yelling,
because he didn't want to scare me,
and he didn't want to scare my son,
who was sleeping upstairs.
- And that's
- But did you
Did you tell Detective Mendoza that
you weren't sure he wouldn't kill you?
I mean, I was terrified in the moment,
and all of a sudden,
he was there, and
I was startled.
So the testimony you gave earlier,
that your husband
could never be violent,
that was incorrect.
My senses were overwhelmed
in the moment briefly by fear.
I quickly realized I
wasn't in any real danger.
You quickly realized that
before or after you called 9-1-1?
My name is Grace Fraser.
My husband has just broken in.
He's a fugitive. He's wanted for murder.
His name is Jonathan Fraser.
I'm at 361 Beachway,
Beachway Drive,
and I'm fucking terrified,
and I need you to hurry.
Get here quickly.
As I said, I was terrified.
I was terrified in the moment.
I know my husband,
- and I know
- You know his family?
- What?
- His family.
His, uh, mom. His dad. You know them?
Not well.
He's estranged from his family.
Do you know why?
There was an incident.
What kind of incident?
When Jonathan was 14,
he was babysitting
his four-year-old sister,
and she somehow got out of the house
and she was struck and killed by a car.
He was blamed by his parents.
And and that's
the source of the estrangement?
Uh, did you ever talk
to Jonathan's mother
or father about this?
I spoke to his mother.
Recently. About a week ago.
And what did she tell you?
Objection. Hearsay.
Declaration against interest.
I'll allow it.
Please. What did she tell you?
Mainly just that. That, um
That somehow,
the sister got out of the house,
and then the
The tragedy happened.
Did she talk about Jonathan's trauma?
- Objection.
- Overruled.
What did the defendant's mother tell you
regarding the, the trauma he suffered
as a result of his sister's death?
She said that he suffered
no trauma.
In fact,
she told you Jonathan suffered
from neither guilt nor grief.
Isn't that correct?
Objection! This is hearsay.
It's a declaration against interest.
She's his mother, and
There's been no
showing of any support
offering to impeach.
This witness testified under oath
that she knows the defendant
to be a person of empathy,
when she has reason
Your Honor!
The objection is noted and overruled.
Yes or no?
The defendant's mother told you
that Jonathan suffered
neither guilt nor grief
in reaction to his four-year-old
sister's death.
Please answer the question, Doctor.
No grief?
She kept waiting for it, but
She said they surrounded
him with family support.
That they
That they were certain
once the shock wore off
the suffering would begin.
But it didn't. It never came.
Did she say anything else?
It's just her opinion.
It's not necessarily what
We can regard it as such.
Please answer the question.
What else did she say?
She said
that it's her belief
that Jonathan
doesn't know how to suffer.
That he's not capable of remorse.
Or contrition.
Ever tell anyone that
you believed your husband
to suffer from narcissistic
personality disorder?
- Your Honor, objection!
- Overruled.
Your Honor,
in addition to being prejudicial,
- this is irrelevant.
- It goes to impeach.
I'm sorry, Your Honor,
but this witness took the stand
to vouch for the defendant,
for his innocence.
When in fact, she can vouch for neither.
- Objection!
- Overruled.
Sit down, Ms. Fitzgerald.
Eyes to me, Doctor. Eyes to me.
You told your friend, Sylvia Steinetz,
that you believed your husband suffered
from narcissistic personality disorder.
It wasn't a professional diagnosis.
But your opinion,
as his wife.
As a clinical psychologist.
What are the traits
of narcissistic personality disorder?
Grandiosity, mostly.
What else?
What else?
Lack of empathy.
Lack of empathy.
So your testimony that you knew
him to be a man of empathy,
that was a lie.
One you told us.
And one you told yourself.
Wasn't it?
- I don't know what you mean by that.
- Really?
Doctor, in your practice,
do you not tell patients that sometimes
they so want to believe in
their partners that they
They choose to un-know things.
Un-see things.
That sometimes the truth
of who and what they married
gets distorted by the desperation
of what they want to be married to.
That, that's a real phenomenon.
Isn't it, Dr. Fraser?
People being blind to the
reality of their spouses.
You tell your patients
that all the time. Don't you?
I know who and what I married.
Yes, I think you do.
Your Honor, I move for a mistrial.
This is hearsay.
It's prejudicial beyond the pale.
It's unfair surprise and outrageous!
If she were a prosecution witness,
I might go for that. But she's not.
She's a defense witness.
You put her up there.
The damage done here was done by you.
- You should know
- Dr. Fraser, take your seat, please.
That most of what has been
said in the last 10 minutes
- is a lie!
- Take your seat.
You may step down now.
I so love you, Grace.
Well done, Haley. Well done.
She fucked us. She fucked us.
We'll move for a mistrial.
You won't. You tried that just now,
and he shut you down. It's over.
- She fucked us.
- Jonathan
- And you let it happen.
- I let it happen?
Jonathan, she was with you.
She was in your camp.
And you lost her.
Because you didn't get
rid of the fucking hammer.
You hear that?
You didn't get rid of
the fucking hammer.
How stupid can you get?
She absolutely did it on purpose.
She was in cahoots with the prosecution.
If the prosecutor had called her,
the defense could have shut
her down on spousal privilege.
But because the defense
called Grace Fraser,
the privilege was deemed waived.
And she became fair game
to impeach. Brilliant.
The bombshell she dropped
She took him down on purpose.
What'd you want her to do? Lie?
She could always have
turned over the hammer.
But that would have taken you down.
Goodbye, Reardon. Hello, juvenile hall.
You got a text.
The morality lesson is suspended.
Bad news for gamblers.
The oddsmakers in Las Vegas
have suspended any further betting
on the trial's outcome,
as Dr. Fraser's conviction
seems all but assured.
Where's Jonathan?
- Hmm?
- He's not here.
He's not answering my calls.
Have you heard from him?
Of course I haven't heard from him.
That son of a bitch. I warned him,
- but
- Henry didn't show up at school.
Didn't show up at school?
Get the police, Haley.
Oh, darling.
Dad, are we really
going for breakfast?
Give me the phone.
Give me the phone.
The look on your face is brilliant.
It's going off though.
Try to stay calm.
You can't do this, Dad.
I'm not really doing anything, am I?
Going for a drive with my son?
Your wife.
She's great.
She's been so kind to me, you know?
I think we had a real connection.
We're having tea tomorrow,
with the kids, I think.
Henry could be great for Miguel.
Like an older brother.
You stay away from my family.
If you go anywhere near my family again,
either my wife, or my son,
I will hurt you.
- I will fucking hurt you.
- You will never hurt me.
And you will never leave me, Jonathan.
So go on, then. How's Rosenbaum?
How's his bum?
The New York State Special Victims Unit
has issued an Amber Alert
for 12-year-old Henry Fraser.
Five-feet, one-inch tall, 110 pounds.
He's Caucasian, with dark brown hair.
Was last seen wearing
a school uniform
- Gray pants, blue blazer.
- Let's go, Billy.
We're looking for a late model
gray Range Rover.
Vehicle was recorded exiting
the island of Manhattan
along the Henry Hudson Parkway.
We have reason to believe
that vehicle's headed
for the Canadian border.
We've requested interstate activation,
and have notified
Canadian border services.
Dr. Jonathan Fraser should
be considered armed,
and extremely dangerous.
If you have any information,
we ask that you dial 9-1-1
Can you just tell me
where we're going, please?
Not sure.
I'm not sure, mate. It's a
It's a magical mystery tour.
It's the long-promised road trip two.
I just thought, you know,
that it'd be our last chance to do it.
Dad, come on.
We can't go on a road trip right now.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Sit back. Relax.
Enjoy yourself. Sing a song.
What's that song you used to
sing when you were little?
How do you Um
Uh With my hands
on myself That one.
What have we here ♪
These are my eye peepers,
nothing to fear ♪
Eye peepers, brain box and
wibbly-wobbly-woos ♪
That's what they taught
me when I went to school ♪
- You will never hurt me.
- Really?
Are you sure?
Did that hurt, darling? Did it?
Did that fucking hurt?
- Stop!
- My hands on myself ♪
What have we here ♪
- This is my ♪
- Bread basket ♪
- Go on.
- Nothing to fear ♪
Bread basket, nose wiper ♪
Eye peeper, brain box and
wibbly-wobbly-woos ♪
That's what they taught
me when I went to ♪
- School ♪
- You will never leave me.
- You will never leave me.
- Really?
You will never
I just left you.
The police got him on 202.
They're ten miles out.
Right. I say, it is very nearly
- fried clam o'clock.
- Fried clams?
But not fried clams as
you know them, Earthling.
These are the fried clams from
the great Bollie's of Albany.
The best fried clams in the universe.
Dad, we can't go get fried clams.
You need to pull over and let me out.
They're Ipswich clams as well,
which means they're big, fat bastards,
- as any self-respecting clam should be.
- Dad!
- Jesus!
- So why don't we just do this?
See, that can happen.
That can happen. We can just
lose ourselves sometimes.
We become
you know, other.
Could be panic, or anger, or
Or love, sometimes.
We lose ourselves.
But it doesn't undo who
we are in our entirety.
You should know that.
You got that?
So they're gonna say that
this is my legacy,
and they can go fuck themselves,
be sorry
Because it's not my legacy. My legacy
is you.
And my patients, and your mum.
You murdered a person, Dad.
Really? Yeah?
You murdered a person.
Not the real me.
Not the Dad you know.
It's all right. It's
all right. It's okay.
Dad, stop!
- Dad, stop!
- Yeah, in a minute.
- Stop the car.
- In a minute. I want every
last second with you, my friend.
You have to stop. You have to
pull over and let me out, Dad.
- Dad, please. Please.
- Every last second.
Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em!
Dad, come on.
- Come on, you can't do this.
- This is nothing to be scared of.
- It's gonna make it worse.
- Nothing to be Shut up!
Just please. Just let me out.
Well, there it is. Dead ahead.
That, my friend,
is the Wurts Street Bridge.
Once a thing of majestic beauty. Now
not so much, huh?
What does that remind you of?
The light is red, Dad.
Dad, it's a red light. Dad. Dad!
Please don't hurt my son.
Please don't hurt my son.
Dad, what the fuck are you doing?
- So remember.
- Dad.
- It's you, my patients, and your mum.
- Dad. Dad!
- That's my legacy. What's my legacy?
- Dad!
Get back in the lane!
We gotta get down there.
Can you land this thing? Land it.
Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad!
Dad! Dad!
Dad, no! No! No!
Dad, don't do this!
- Dad!
- No!
- Don't run from it!
- No!
Don't run from it!
Just get back in the car.
Can I get out?
Can I open the door?
Get out, get out.
Open the door!
No! Stop!
Jonathan, no!
- Ma'am, you can't go through!
- Stop!
- You can't go through.
- Stop!
- I love you.
- Jonathan!
Henry. Stop!
Henry, I'm coming!
Stop! Look at me!
Jonathan, no!
Henry! Jonathan!
- It's all right.
- Henry.
Sorry. I'm so sorry.
Grace, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Grace, come here.
Come here. Give me a hug. Grace!
- Run.
- Grace!
All right, Henry.
Ready to go, ma'am?
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