The Unit s01e06 Episode Script


the woman is supposed to be here.
uh-huh, in the corridor.
then here.
in the library.
and in the conference room.
trying to pick my pocket, you've got to distract me.
you can't steal the guy's walkie if hs thinking about his walkie.
that's not my spot.
that is not my spot.
that is your spot, and that's where you need to be so that jonas can make the pass to the woman, and jonas can't make the pass to the woman unless you are there.
here's your walkie.
all embassy employees-- boots and saddles.
the atmosphere and conditions required to pass her the transmting device should she have any questions.
the device need not be turned on.
it will automatically activate when it's exposed to the air.
here, it is transmitting here, it is not.
all present and sober, sergeant major.
these were taken last night.
tell her she must plant the device within 10 feet of the iranian ambassador for us to listen in.
the recognition symbol? because she's skittish, she won't talk about the symbol.
our man outside will be in contact with me, and should you need to communicate-- i don't think that'll be necessary, ma'am.
in fact, i respectfully request that you sit out.
thank you.
well, our man outside will be in constant contact with me.
and should you wish to communicate discreetly, you may avail yourself of him.
thank you, ma'am.
let's start over.
i don't think we know anyone who wants the iranians to get the bomb.
we know anybody like that? i don't think we want them to purchase that technology.
no, we don't.
we're on the same team, are we not? we are on the same team and your team is under my agency's control.
under cia's control, but my team's on the field.
i hear you.
it ain't about spooks versus shooters.
we have one opportunity to listen in, to determine if our gallant friends the ssians are going to sell iran that technology which, in effect, is the bomb.
and what do you think, ma'am? are our little friends aware of our interest, or not? they are, which is why it is imperative we hear what they may say in private.
and you tell me this woman is skittish.
i will pass the device.
before they leave the embassy.
as planned, and as rehearsed.
and our country will, i'm sure, be grateful to you if you would allow me.
i don't see why you would refuse the use of any tool which might aid in the accom-- if you're gonna micro-manage the little players, get a chess board.
i'm required to tell you that there will be a record of the food and beverage chges against your part the operation, both here and in the iranian embassy.
and that concludes this portion of the presentation.
all right, gentlemen, as rehearsed, while inside the iranian embassy, you are, of course, representatives not only of ur country-- you and your men are here strictly as protective detail.
do i have that right? i assure you.
don't assure me, sergeant, don't assure me, because, first of all, what the hell is thi you keep your own people under surveillance, sir? would you were my people.
do you speak russian? [speaking farsi.]
farsi? [speaking farsi.]
god love you for a liar.
the reason i ask-- sir, let me guarantee-- the reason i ask is, i don't want you cowboys, whatever your mission is-- sir, our mission is the security of you and your principles.
whatever your mission is, to betray by word or deed your understanding of these proceedings-- i assure you.
and secondly, what we have got here is a long, long-awaited opportunity for diplomacy between us, the russians, and the iranians.
diplomacy, which is different to kicking the door down.
let me guarantee you-- and and i do not take it happily that you have been sent here to tear it all apart like a bunch of monkeys at a quilting bee.
charge d'affaires? make sure they understand that.
you got a minute? sir? one of your men's name is brown? yes, sir.
new man? rangers and airborne.
first time on protective? i'd trust my family to him, sir.
this his passport? it appears to be.
keep him outside the embassy.
sir? put him out on perimeter or something.
when we go in, i want him outside.
sir, my mission, with which i am tasked, as you are with yours, requires my entire team inside the embassy.
this man stays outside.
might i ask why, sir? here's why.
he has made, in the last three years, five trips to israel.
five trips to israel? is he a jew? what was he doing there? sir, i do not know.
i don't know, either.
but maybe our friends on the other side know.
i'm not chancing it.
i don't understand.
look here.
you guys have been foisted on me to screw up 15 months of diplomacy.
now, whatever it is you're doing, if you're caught, my conference goes down the drain.
your kid may be a jew.
he may be a spy.
he may be buying relics of the holy land.
but if the question occurred to me, it likely occurred to the iranians.
you want him to drive a car? fine.
but he is not going inside that embassy.
sir, it is my absolute understanding-- well, you have your understanding.
i've got my marines.
there you have it.
cync by QQ and cync by QQ and we got a team went down in the desert.
unit members, just like you.
how'd that happen? somebody with a rocket-propelled grenade just happened to know the point of insertion.
shot the helo down.
isn't that random? how'd that happen? how'd that happen, soldier? sir, i do not know.
well, we got a leak.
chain of command over there leaks worse than a broken sieve.
captain gets an idea, sends in his men, kicks it up the chain of command.
gets it to a level where somebody can make a decision.
they call everyone they know to chat.
those people gossip about it with their insignificant others.
command kicks it back down with their improvements.
by the time your brothers in arms climb into that helicopter, every man, boy, jack, and mule in the tri-state area knows the exact location, time, and wind direction of their point of insertion.
and somebody with an rpg sitting there sent 'em to meet their maker.
now, i ask you-- a fella in combat falls in a fire fight.
that's a tragedy.
a fella dies.
because somebody's wife makes a comment to the greengrocer, what is that? sir? it ain't a tragedy, it's a cryin' shame, and it's avoidable, wouldn't you say? sir.
wouldn't you say, sergeant, that men die in combat due to loose talk? mrs.
johnson, you read the bible.
i read here in your dossier that you go to church.
i-- it's in the bible.
gossip kills three-- the one who talks, the one who listens, and the one who's spoken of.
colonel, i made a simple remark.
i was talking-- you've been recorded as saying, "my husband's unit designation is logistics," but that's not actually what he does.
actually, he's in the counter-terrorist command.
colonel, i was talking-- yes, you were.
to what purpose, i do not know except to call it gossip.
while that gossip did not-- colonel-- excuse me.
while that gossip did not, as we know, caused, as yet, harm to others, it has cost your husband his place in my command.
you just kicked your husband out of the unit, mrs.
how about that? [speaking farsi.]
[speaking farsi.]
take the perimeter.
the perimeter? they've got the perimeter.
flag on the play.
you've been nixed.
sit out.
been nixed? what do you mean? what? [speaking farsi.]
i'm on the bench because i'm a jew? it's as i said.
[speaking farsi.]
my men have already checked the office suites and corridors.
everything is secure.
the conference room.
[man speaking farsi.]
now i'm going to show you my office.
this way, please.
scheduling problems.
in secret.
sir, please, come this way.
yeah, ok.
age before beauty.
age before beauty.
let's get started, mr.
let me show you the security office.
can my men get a cup of coffee? of course.
come to the security office.
johnny johnny all right, ok, i'm gonna go back-- [sobbing.]
no! i am gonna go to plead with him to reinstate you.
ok? listen to me.
i am gonna go to plead-- get the idea? you know what your second chance is, ladies? you spend the rest of your life to think about how you ruined your husband's career.
why is that? their career doesn't mean nothing to me compared to the security of this unit.
do you know who's out there in the surveying world right off this base? at the convenience store, at the laundromat?? do you know who your sister-in-law talks to to puff herself up because she knows one too many things? you don't know, and neither do i.
and what we have right here in the last year-- these are the photos of 112 men from the special forces community who have died because somebody knew they were coming.
you cannot trust anyone--anyone-- outside this room.
you will get someone killed.
sleeping on guard, drunk on guard, consorting with the enemy.
you run your mouths off on the street, you're no better than that.
i find out that you're doing it, i will ruin you.
colonel-- no, i'm not finished.
this cover, the logistical studies unit, is getting thin.
now, this time, this time-- colonel, whatever that woman did, whatever harm that she-- this cover gets any thinner, and i will rip it out, and we will start from scratch in a new designation on a new base.
and you can kiss your homes, your schools, your jobs goodbye, 'cause i'm packing this circus out of here.
i want the women of this unit to paranoid that you will think twice before you volunteer a nice day to anyone outside this room.
it falls on you.
you do your job.
you have any question what that means, you come to me.
these men are all dead.
colonel-- i don't have time for it.
i'm gonna order some coffee for your men.
may i send them some food? we're a body short.
i don't want one man with his hands full.
wise precaution, but perhaps in this case unnecessary.
and what precaution have we ever found unnecessary? which is why we two old soldiers may be fated to die in bed.
wouldn't that be a hell of a thing? cigar? no, thank you.
what's permitted to others is not permitted to you? the injunction of the roman legionnaires.
ah, i see.
i've found a fellow scholar.
no, just another old soldier.
well, it's better than civilian life.
as what is not? how did you hurt your hand? i was doing my nails.
the file slipped.
fort griffith? coming on now.
item bravo x-ray delta.
bravo x-ray delta, this is zulu bravo-- who got it? cia station chief in tehran--item bravo.
item bravo, you have my attention.
they are zulu bravo.
zulu bravo, we have your man inside the embassy.
he will not--i repeat-- not respond for my request for update.
are you reporting failure of the mission? are--are you reporting failure of the mission? no, sir--no, sir, i am not reporting your failure of the mission.
he is inside the embassy, and poised for the pass.
the diplomatic side pulled part-- pulled part of his team off the mission.
why is that? because the man's a jew.
i believe he feared it might offend the iranians.
they did what? who's our man in the foreign service? get him on the line.
this transmission breaks in 25 seconds.
all right, tell me again.
you're whining to me after my team was gutted because my man's a jew.
well, he's got five israeli stamps on his passport.
that's some kind of mistake.
i'm looking at his passport right here.
number-- so the mission's failed.
no, sir.
the agent in place is a civilian employee of the iranians.
the woman is not due to exit the embassy for another-- hang on.
get me out of here.
they still-- they still have the 10 minutes.
we still have the-- hello? hello.
i-- item bravo.
item bravo, we are losing the carrier wave.
we're losing the signal.
is that what we're doing? i'm sorry.
i need to buy what? supplies for the f.
life goes on, and army life and the f.
is run on poster board and cookies, so if you'll get the poster board, i'll see you at the meeting tonight.
you didn't think that was a little excessive, molly? i am neither blind nor insensitive.
why was he so brutal? i'll tell you what we are-- we are at war, and the more we sweat in training, the less we bleed in combat, and that is the sad, unfortunate truth.
i'll see you at the meeting tonight.
you're a rough old soldier with a rough old soldier's ways, that it? you have issue with my command style, ms.
blane? ms.
sergeant blane.
that ain't the issue.
you just scared my newbie wife to death.
are you unaware of that, colonel? old friend, i just tossed one of in a unit that i require a minimum of three times that number.
i was a little blunt.
does that set your meter back to zero? excuse me.
i've got to talk to you.
i've got to talk to you right now.
yeah, i need to talk to you.
it's over.
what do you mean? that's what i mean.
i'm sorry, sir.
no, that's all right.
um i mean the need for security trumps the board, and that may be harsh, but i'm sorry if that's harsh, but, uh i don't know another way.
could you have somebody clean that window, please? i can get those fingerprints off there.
we'll talk.
i don't think so.
colonel, i'm not sure i understand you.
i need you subject's been inside 45 minutes.
i do not know if the pass has been made yet.
thank you.
[speaking farsi.]
[speaking farsi.]
starting to fight.
well, i better go check.
no, no, no, please.
they will call us should a mongol horde breach our defenses.
you know, if i'm not looking at the troops, they're apt to fall into unfortunate habits-- swapping knives, showing each other their war wounds and all.
your troops, in this instance, is one man-- and the man outside.
oh, yes, and your man exiled outside.
we were talking about the desert.
when we were in iraq, the soldiers were laying down hungry, but they couldn't do anything because our soldiers were hungry too.
was your people who said you could not be admitted.
your people.
simple operational change.
no, they discovered your religion, and feared that your presence might offend us.
could it be more shameful? i don't think so.
the highest good is hospitality.
is it normal for your garage to be unlocked? and higher than hospitality is security.
help you? i called about the poster board.
yes, ma'am.
just got it in.
poster board.
banners so long we can't keep 'em in stock.
"welcome home," "good luck.
" what kind of poster you needing? family readiness group.
family readiness group.
long way to come from fort griffith, but a lot of 'em do-- come out here, middle of nowhere, you know, but we appreciate your business.
your husband deployed? no, he's a clerk on base.
i need-- what? i said what i require is-- no, i put the stuff aside.
the stuff you called for, i put it aside.
yep, nothing in there.
tiffy? tiffy! i-- here's the thing.
i know what you're gonna say, and listen to me.
you listen to me, tiffy.
it's over.
then what the hell are you doing here? i came here to tell you-- you came here because i asked you to come here, so you came here for me.
that's over.
wait for me to tell you what you need.
i need it to be done.
what was i lecturing about that woman today-- this has got nothing to do with security.
this has got nothing to do with security.
then what does it have to do with? what does it have to do-- it has to do with guilt.
you're crazy, you know that? you're cra-- i'm crazy too.
listen to me.
you want to call it off, call it off.
we're crazy.
but don't--don't tell me it's security.
because if you want to go off the reservation, and evidence is you do, then--then who is it best to do it with? haven't we always been safe? hmm? it's guilt, colonel.
it's guilt.
and here's an update.
you like it.
that's right.
you love it.
i don't have to tell you what you need.
what the hell do you get out of me? i get a man who loves me more than his damned hobby.
you tell me that makes me a tramp.
you come into a room.
there's a dead body bled out on the floor.
there's a fellow standing over it with a knife.
you see a murderer, or a doctor, some samaritan, trying to cut the clothes off to get at the wound? nothing is without a price.
what's the price of security? you tell me.
that's correct.
it's a terrible price.
did you see the person tiffy met at this motel? no, sir.
was it a man or a woman? i don't know.
all right.
if you sat in this chair, what would you tell me? go on.
i'd tell you i'm listening.
not to fret.
because? we know the woman's character.
and? and that you'd take care of it.
consider yourself told.
thank you, colonel.
in short, and finally, in the interests in both the iranian an the russian peoples-- the interests of all the slavic people of the world are, of course, identical.
no, this is serious now.
[speaking russian.]
specifically, in the matter of the reactor-- [speaking russian.]
we give you our assurances-- [speaking russian.]
we will implement-- [speaking russian.]
them to your satisfaction.
especially must.
don't your idea be based upon the ancient ways? but i recognize-- but i recognize the men who trained me.
the men who trained me have been trained by those who fought, or may have fought with-- [telephone rings.]
excuse me.
[speaking farsi.]
[speaking farsi.]
she just stepped out or-- [speaking farsi.]
she's leaving.
i can't talk now.
i'll call you back.
[speaking farsi.]
my man and the russian are taking a drive after the conference.
should there be water in the car? the knowledge of the desert mosque is based upon the ancient ways, inherited by the she's coming out.
i--i don't--i don't know.
i don't know if the pass has been made.
she is right in front of me.
she's 20 feet in front of me.
she's crossing-- she's getting on a bus.
the girl left the building.
thank you.
they are ready to leave in two minutes.
shall we leave? please.
[speaking russian.]
that's absolutely no problem.
i'll get a report the moment-- here they come.
sir? uh, i think you should check the front tire.
oh, my friend, you did me a very good turn.
i would have delayed my principal's trip, and been proven a fool.
i found what was transmitting.
it's mine.
you saved me a great deal of embarrassment.
i received a good turn from my cousin-- the jew.
let's get out of here.
from one soldier to another.
goodbye, my friend.
i trust we kept you occupied.
it was hard to distract an old warrior, but i succeeded.
i've enjoyed our time together.
sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
was your mission accomplished? stay away from me.
i will put you in the dirt.
do you doubt me? no, but i think we need to allow for an alternative explanation.
that's what the colonel said.
you went to the colonel? sorry i'm late.
excuse me.
woman: asking about my daytime activities.
well, what kept you from your most favorite readiness group? well, uh i had to make a couple of phone calls.
you were shacked up in a motel, and our pretty little girl saw it.
that's right.
and she wants to know if thinking that she's discover-- does she-- has discovered your indiscretion.
does she know who i was there with? was it her duty to go to the colonel.
and she want to the colonel.
help me, molly.
you swore to me.
weeping, you swore that it was over.
now tell me a lie.
i, uh if your husband finds out do you know what he's bound to do? i don't-- now tell me, how does it end without gunfire? i swear on my life.
molly, on my life, i will never see him again.
i wish i was smarter, i swear to the lord i do.
they seem to have failed.
they didn't make the pass.
we're awaiting the return of the team.
they're here.
they're here.
thank you so much.
thank you.
thank you, gentlemen.
thank you.
long morning.
thank you all.
man: this facility is now in condition 3.
the russian's gonna jump.
that's what washington's gonna ask.
what are we gonna tell them? can we get some food upstairs, please? sir, there's a 5 pm meeting in the staff room.
all embassy employees, this facility is now in condition 3.
this facility is now in condition 3.
i can use a cup of coffee.
who do i have to shoot to get a cup of coffee? i would like your crew out of here tonight.
yes, sir.
oh, and, uh this is your bill for your food and drink while you were at the embassy.
it's not very hospitable, not very hospitable at all.
what's that? sir, it is a-- i believe a yatagan, a ceremonial muslim dagger.
pass it here, please.
it was a gift.
all gifts or mementos received during the performance of embassy duties are the property of the united states.
it was a gift of friendship.
perhaps you should give more thought to allegiance, soldier.
i'd like to have one moment of your time.
thank you for your hospitality.
you may keep the change.
perhaps you should have accepted my help.
code room.
five minutes.
i'll see you then.
what i am about to reveal to you i should not be telling you, and i only do so as it is essential to our unit's security.
what you saw was-- what you saw was what i thought.
tiffany received a call.
this has to stay between us.
there is a woman-- no.
not in the unit.
on the base, who's being abused.
she's not here now.
this woman has tried several times to escape a bad marriage.
she was beaten, and she-- from the motel, she called tiffany for aid.
thank god.
thank you, molly.
thank you.
you did right, girl.
stand by for washington.
you ready to take your beating? sir, we report failure to-- failure to plant the device.
give me the box.
the man we were assigned was unable to pass the device to the agent in place, and so--well, yes, sir.
that is--i most heartily regret to so inform you.
no, we offered them our assistance, sir.
is that a fair assessment? is that a fair assessment, sergeant? holding.
all right.
the box is empty.
where's the device? where's the device, young sergeant? sergeant major? the listening device, where is it? sergeant major, it's behind the cushion of the iranian ambassador's limousine, exactly where i put it.
and what's it doing there, lad? as it is a transmitting device, it is most likely transmitting.
and the frequency? "b" side panel.
washington back on the line.
sir, can i get back to you? getting back to you in five.
carrier tone.
traffic sounds.
my man-- gate opened.
planted our device, as planned, inside the cushions of their ambassador's limousine.
the limousine and garage were swept by the iranians, and declared clean.
now, when the ambassador and the russian take that drive, and discuss the illegal sale of heavy-water nuclear reactors to tehran, i believe you will be privy to his conversation.
it's coming on now.
put it in the room.
[speaking russian.]
[speaking russian.]
that's them.
that's why the passport's fake.
oh, is his passport fake? the entry stamp's six months out of date.
this is a correct stamp.
you needed your man barred from the embassy.
how about that? is your man really a jew? what possible concern is that of yours? sophie: let's get a translator in here.
that thing we spoke of.
it's over, molly.
you're sure? those two people we spoke of, those two people concerned, and as-- as i understand it, they agreed that it was wrong, and that-- that luckily, they ended it without danger, that there was no danger, and the situation was a thing of the past.
and i want to thank you.
that's comforting to hear.
all right.
come on out of the cold, colonel.

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