The Unremarkable Juanquini (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Toccata and Flight

Basura, man. Where were we last night?
In my hiding place,
in the industrial zone.
What were we doing in your hiding place?
Solving the problem with Pecueca's people.
But are you asking me this? Are you drunk?
No, no. I'll tell you later.
See, Brigitte?
Why would I lie?
I was with Basura talking about Pecueca.
How do I know you're not in cahoots
with him and you made it all up?
I'm so sorry. I hate to interrupt,
but I have some important information.
Can't you see we're busy?
Well, yes, I can sense it.
But the information has to do
with the magician. Remember him?
- He vanished.
- What?
Where are you going?
Nowhere. Just came out for fresh air.
Liar. You're running away.
No, sir.
What do I get if I let you go?
Quick. I don't have time.
I I don't have any cash
and I don't know where to find an ATM.
Well, too bad for you.
Mrs. Margot, so you think Samuel's
deal is related to what I told you?
I don't know, but we have to check it out.
- Hello. Is Mr. Guillermo Borrero in?
- Hello.
Do you have an appointment?
No, but it's urgent.
Tell him Margot Bocanegra is here.
- Mr. Borrero is recording.
- Come on, come on. Let's calm down.
Sorry to interrupt, but you will
bring him out and tell him we're here.
If you're going to use that, we'll make
a fuss, 'cause I'm not afraid of anything.
Yes, he means it.
And we don't want to make a fuss.
Let's calm down, man.
What's up? What's up?
What did you do? You took advantage
of the scandal my wife made and ran away.
I'd already told you
that I wanted to get away from here.
- Why? You have everything you need here!
- Except my family.
I'll send for them!
Of course not. I want to leave.
No, that's not going to happen, because
first you need to do a few things for me.
Look, I've been kind to you.
Why do you repay me like this?
You're lucky Oswaldito found you,
because here we shoot first and ask later.
I'll keep trying until I succeed!
Why the hell are you so stubborn?
Why are you so stubborn? Look.
I'm begging you. Do what I need you to do,
and then you'll leave.
Tell me how to turn things invisible,
to turn myself invisible,
to connect with my dad who is in Heaven.
And I swear I swear to you.
I'll send you away with a bonus so great
that you'll never have to work
a day in your life again.
It's not that I don't believe
that the boy, I mean, Samuel,
is not talented.
Of course he is. He's my son.
I know he's talented.
But having a studio like this
when he's just starting out? Look at this.
No, no, no. This is a hell of a studio.
- It's the studio.
- The studio.
I also find it very strange.
We have to tell Samuel and Mónica.
Yes, but I have to do something
before that.
All right. But just know I'm here for you.
I know. You're always
here for me, Luchito.
But this is dangerous
and I don't want to get you involved.
Let's do this. I'll make the call
and then I'll take you to the bakery.
I think you got off easy
with Mrs. Brigitte.
I thought you'd get a gunshot around here.
I'll repay Basura later. But I'm sure
that bloke is going to make me pay.
How did it go last night with that woman?
Don't ask, lawyer.
Why? You
What matters here is Juanquini.
Let's not lose our focus.
Why is Juanquini so important?
Is it really worth it to insist so much
with that magician?
That magician, the master, is the reason
I'm here drinking whiskey with you,
and not rotting in some American prison.
Give him time.
Let's give him some time.
He'll come around and come to understand.
I'm not so sure.
I don't want to be a bird of ill omen,
but I think he's telling the truth
when he says
he doesn't know how to control
what happened, that it was an accident.
I don't know. I don't know. I'm thinking.
I have an idea to figure out
what to expect from our magician.
Look at that. It's the magicians wife.
Answer to see what she wants.
- Hello?
- How are you, Mr. Quiroz?
I'm very well. How are you?
Very well, thank you.
But I need to talk to you. Can we meet?
Patty, we have them.
There're in the 30th,
at a bakery called Muffins and Cakes.
Don't forget your jacket.
Look, Mr. Quiroz,
I am sure that everything that's going on
with Mónica and Samuel's careers
is linked to Mr. Orduz.
I talked to the people in charge.
And I know that you are
Enough. Calm down.
Mr. Heriberto was showing
some appreciation
because of what your husband did for him.
The thing is we don't want anything
from Mr. Heriberto.
Calm down! We just gave the kids
a little push in their careers
since we heard
they're very, very talented.
They are very, very talented.
That's why they don't need any help.
If you really want to help,
why don't you give me back my husband?
My dear lady, to be honest,
we have no idea where your husband is.
You see that guy there
who looks like a high stakes businessman?
He's Armando Quiroz, Ñato Orduz's lawyer.
If he's meeting the magician's wife,
there must be something between them.
Captain González says that woman
is the best way to get to Juan Morales.
And Ñato, too, while we're at it.
By the way,
shouldn't we tell him what we're doing?
Aren't we a team?
I'm going to leave your Captain González
out of all this.
He's no help. He's a total hindrance.
No, he's not that bad, Patty.
I know he's a difficult man
and he does things his own way,
but he's very efficient.
Gustavo, make up your mind. Are you
with me or with your Captain González?
No, with you, of course.
- I'm glad to hear that.
- Me, too.
To be honest, I don't buy it.
Because I've talked to him, and even if
he wasn't able to tell me where he was,
I'm absolutely sure you have him.
Now, have you told Juan
that you're "helping out" the kids?
Why won't you leave us alone? Let us be!
Don't you see all our problems are
because of you? Because of your boss?
The further you are from us, the better.
Are you sure?
Well, yes. I lived in this neighborhood
when I was a child.
I grew up over there in a little house,
a very modest house,
with my mom and my two sisters.
We should stop by and scrounge some lunch.
I'm getting hungry.
I think they would love you.
I'd love to,
but we need to keep an eye on these two.
I played yermis over there. And I had
my first job right here at the bake
- Oh, no.
- Where are they?
No, no, no. They left.
I don't know. I'm sorry. It's my fault.
How about we take a break,
we go to my mom's, we have lunch?
No? That face means
you don't want to go to my mom's?
We can go somewhere else? No.
That looks says you're not hungry.
Should I just shut up?
Yes, I better shut up.
Can you explain to me what all this is?
The only thing better
than having money is spending it.
Now that we're rich,
we can finally have the car we deserve,
and get rid of that old junk
once and for all.
The firm I was in negotiations with
accepted my conditions.
They're going to make the first outlay.
Mom! Welcome to the future, Mrs. Margot!
Come, Mom, get in. Get in.
Get in. It's spectacular!
Come on. You can go for a ride.
Go ahead.
Mónica, Samuel We have to talk.
Yes, I get off at five.
I was thinking we could go somewhere
and have sushi.
You'll have to teach me.
I never learned how to use chopsticks.
What do you think?
You coward. What's going on
with you and the walking square?
- But, Captain
- Captain, my ass. Spill it.
Let go of me.
You mean Ñato Orduz was behind my business
and my brother's project all along?
Yes, he felt indebted to your father
and wanted to return the favor.
He wanted to help out.
Well, I don't think it's so serious.
What's wrong with that?
What? That's dirty money, Mónica!
Come on. He's a drug dealer, a mobster!
All right, yes, Mrs. Margot.
But we don't need to get all moralistic.
Money is money.
And in an economy in recession like ours,
sometimes you need a new source of income.
Right. If only your father could hear
the terrible things you're saying.
Say something, you frog.
- I think it's brilliant.
- Right?
- Brilliant.
- What?
For a song.
It can be about a poverty-stricken world
where people are extorted.
Mom, there's no need to be so radical.
Yes, there is. There is! We need to be
kilometers away from those people!
But, Mom, I already refused
a multinational company.
Too bad, too bad.
The sponge gourd business is over.
What about the million sponge gourds
I ordered?
You return them,
as you will return that car.
Mom, we have a contract.
It's not so simple!
Never mind, I'll take care of it.
Tell me who I have to speak to,
and I'll handle it.
No. Tell me something.
Are you going to keep my poor
little brother from singing with J Balvin?
He doesn't even like reggaeton.
He never did.
The concert is cancelled.
You know what? This is why
this country is the way it is.
Because of people like you,
without vision, we're going nowhere.
What's up with you and that fool?
What's your game?
- Excuse me?
- Spill it. I know everything!
- What were you doing?
- Visiting his mom and sisters.
That's great. You visited Mrs. Marujita?
Yes, lovely woman. His sisters, too.
I'm not talking about that.
Why were you following
Mr. Quiroz and Mrs. Bocanegra?
What's so strange about that?
I'm in charge of that case, damn it!
And what have you accomplished, Captain?
A lot more than you, officer!
- Captain González!
- What do you want?
Captain! Keep your voice down!
Calm down!
Yelling isn't going to get you anything!
- Understood?
- Yes, sir.
- Understood?
- Yes, sir!
That's right.
How come? I don't get it.
His wife doesn't want me to help the kids?
We have no choice. She was adamant.
Juanquini feels the same way.
I'm so sorry, boss.
Forgive me. It was all my fault.
I was the one who told the magician
that we were helping the kids,
to calm him down.
Screw them.
If they don't want my help, so be it.
Let's see if they manage
selling sponge gourds and crappy songs.
We need to confirm whether that magician
is for real or he's taking us for fools.
No way. Why would you say that?
You're imagining things.
- Do you have any ideas?
- Yes!
I'm going to give him an ultimatum,
and we're going to set him up.
Pay attention.
This is an elaborate plan.
We can't make mistakes.
Why are you doing this to me,
González? Why?
Look, Major. With all due respect,
that runt thinks
she can do anything she wants.
She's wiping her ass with our processes,
and I think that's not the way to go.
Well, that runt, as you call her,
has one foot out of the country.
I'm not following. What do you mean, boss?
Yes, I talked to the American Embassy
and they're unhappy with her work.
They're going to get her off the case
and send her back to the States.
So instead of making a scene, sit tight
and watch the body of your enemy go by.
Ortiz is not going to take it well.
I heard what happened at the pool hall.
- The fool fell for her.
- He's an idiot.
Let's see, girl.
Your boyfriend was very clear,
and I really don't want
anything to do with him.
- I'm sorry, Alfredito.
- It's Alfredo.
Alfredo. I'm sorry. First of all,
he's not my boyfriend anymore.
And second, I promise
it will never happen again.
Thank you so much.
But, aside from that,
our business is cancelled.
But why?
Look, I'm going to be
straightforward with you.
Find a different line of business.
Gourds can't turn anyone
into a millionaire.
- How about broad beans from Boyacá?
- Oh, God.
- Leaf-cutter ants from Santander?
- Let's see.
- Dried pumpkin seeds?
- No, man.
- Espadrilles?
- Call security!
Carlos, help me out!
Really? I would adore you.
It's an aphrodisiac!
You have no idea the relief I feel
getting rid of those sponsors.
I'm glad. I'm really happy I don't have
to keep working with you.
My songs are simply too deep.
Do you even know what that means?
They're too deep to be in the hands
of someone mediocre and lazy,
a mercenary of music such as yourself.
- Guillermo. Good luck.
- Okay.
Go have a bath, man.
Come on, people. Give me attitude.
Miguel González?
Would you pay my cab, please?
Didn't they tell you at the agency
that it was on you?
Let me ask you something
Do you speak Japanese?
Come on in. Come on in.
I'll go pay for the cab.
I'll need you to pay attention to me
because the plan is not easy.
If anybody screws up,
I'll cut them in pieces
and feed them to the pigs! You hear me?
I'm going to ask the magician
to go with me to the stalls,
and there I'll ask him to disappear.
If he does, don't be afraid.
He's a magician.
We'll pretend we knew
it was going to happen all along.
But if he doesn't disappear,
we'll pretend he vanished anyway,
that even though he's physically there,
we can't see him.
He's there, but we can't see him,
even though he is there.
Like we think he's not there, but he is.
Is that clear?
If, for some reason,
the magician tries to fools us,
wants to take advantage
of the situation and run away,
we let him leave the property,
we follow him,
you take him to the nearest paddock,
cut him into cubes
of roughly an inch by an inch,
and you feed him to the pigs!
That's it. Are we clear?
- We have to set a precedent, sir.
- Yes.
Do we have pigs?
Yes, we do. We do.
I thought the times of eating
rice and eggs were over.
Be grateful you have food
on the table, Mónica.
So, did you return
the sponge gourds and the car?
You can't even imagine what they told me.
They mentioned you a lot, Mother.
Mother, can I ask you something?
Did you see a joint in my room
when you were tidying up?
Now that I don't have a manager,
I need to write my own songs.
I need something to connect
to a different plane in order to do that.
Yes, I did find it.
And I don't want you smoking that junk.
- I don't like it.
- Mom, it's only a therapeutic dosage.
Didn't you know he's a pothead?
No, I didn't.
Don't make that face, Mrs. Margot.
You used to be a stoner, too.
Me? Of course not.
Of course you were, you liar.
You're calling me a liar.
Have a little respect, Mónica!
They told us in school that you were
on probation for smoking pot.
And who told you that?
Tell her, tell her. Am I lying?
- Modulate, Samuel.
- Estela, Mom.
Who is Estela?
Don't tell me you don't remember her.
You were classmates.
Estela Malagón?
What a gossip!
She's an old bag, a hypocrite!
No, no, no. Stop, Mother, stop.
I won't let you speak ill of my lady.
You can't say those things about her.
She's his weak spot, because they dated.
- What?
- Yes!
My heart has a name, both ventricle
and auricle: "Estele."
Es-te-la could be your mother!
She's an old hag!
An old hag?
What a retrograde thought, Mom!
Love knows no age, knows no borders, Mom.
Take me, Lord. Take me away.
What is going on?
- Estela?
- Estela.
Now you know it, Mom.
And tell me where my joint is.
What's taking so long?
Don't rush me. This is complicated.
Is it everything you were expecting?
The agency told you
we charge an extra 25% for disguising?
No, but I don't care.
I'll pay.
All right. So what do we do?
I want you to take off your clothes slowly
and speak Japanese.
I will. But we charge
Nevermind. I'll pay.
Say something. A word.
Could you say something longer?
And what does that mean?
Food is here. You promised.
I can't work when I'm hungry.
I specialize in tracking. It wasn't
too hard to find out your address.
- Look, I have a problem.
- I come in peace.
The atmosphere has been tense.
And I know sometimes you are right.
- Sometimes.
- I owe you an apology.
Don't worry about it.
If you want, we'll leave it for
For the good old times.
Thank you.
Thank you, but I have a problem.
Captain, it seems we can't catch a break.
And if we don't work as a team,
things aren't going to work.
- That's what I was saying
- It's us who will end up losing.
Right. Yes, but
She's my cousin.
- I see you're busy.
- Yes. Well, no
Let me explain. The thing is
- I have a huge family problem.
- Why?
My aunt was just here. She was robbed.
They assaulted her just now in the street.
It's a bad time, then.
Yes, to be honest.
Do you want me to come some other time?
It would be better.
My cousin needs my assistance.
Tell your cousin to cover herself up
a little next time.
She could catch a cold.
- Poor girl.
- No, I'll get her a pajama.
I was just about to
Mr. Heriberto, you can't be soft
with that magician, all right?
- I can't?
- You can't.
Are you trying to tell me
how to do my job?
No, how could you think that?
I would never.
But I see you are fond of the guy.
I can't help it.
He reminds me of my late father.
Remember that saying you like so much?
"If it's not useful, it must go."
- I said that?
- Boss.
Master, master.
The time has come for you to show us
how far you have come. Look.
I need you to disappear. Go.
Here? Now?
But be very careful.
Your life might depend on it.
Go ahead!
I'm not ready. I think I need more time.
Don't worry, take a moment
to get ready. Of course.
By all means. Take your time.
How about now?
Okay, all right. Excellent.
I'm just going to ask you
to be very, very, very patient,
because it's hard to concentrate
with this much pressure.
Less talk and more action.
This is a very difficult trick.
Don't pressure him, Quiroz. This is art.
Master, shut their mouths
and show them what you're made of.
Ready? Let's focus
because this is an impossible trick.
- Master, are you ready?
- More or less.
Close your eyes,
and on the count of three,
you'll see something wonderful.
Wow, where is he?
The magician disappeared!
- Do you see him, Quiroz?
- He's nowhere to be found.
I can't see him either.
- Do you see him?
- No, boss.
- And you?
- No, sir.
Homero, Larvata, come here.
Let's hold hands.
Close your eyes.
I need to feel the flow of energy.
Close your eyes.
if you're still among us,
make your presence known
with three knocks.
Or reappear.
Make your presence known!
What are you doing, you idiots?
Honey, we're busy.
Busy? Doing what?
An experiment.
You're going to be busy, all right,
because I need to talk to you.
And what are you doing in there?
- The magician reappeared!
- Wow!
- Come on, let's go!
- Yes, yes.
Master, what a great act! I knew it!
I knew you
Oswaldito cannot keep missing school.
We need to find a way for him to go back.
You interrupted me to talk
about the lack of color
Lack of school, you idiot.
- About that
- So sorry.
Forgive me for stealing
your valuable time.
- But your son should matter to you.
- All right.
So Oswaldito goes back to school,
and then what? Do I take him?
Do I talk to the teachers
and the rest of the parents? No!
Half the police force
in this country is looking for me.
But I came up with a wonderful idea!
Believe it or not, I do use my head.
We could open our own school here at home.
No, you're crazy.
I know. I've been for a long time.
Ever since I met you.
But I'm not crazy enough
to let my son miss school
and end up being a clot just like his dad.
We can't have people over.
Who said we would have people over?
Yurani can teach him math.
Mr. Quiroz can teach him social sciences.
I can teach him social networks,
some literature, dancing, arts.
And you can teach him what you do all day.
Okay, do whatever you want.
But when I am with my partners,
please don't interrupt me with nonsense.
Don't touch me! Nonsense?
You think your son's education
is nonsense? Really?
- That's not what I meant.
- And you ask
why the boy is aggressive,
cold and distant with you?
Of course, when everything
is nonsense to you!
Nonsense is the wrong term.
I meant issues which
Brigitte Come on
Damn it, why do I always screw up?
- We have ten minutes to escape.
- Yes, but
Are you going to stay here
and get killed? Move.
Subtitle translation by Maria Belen Bustos
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