The Valhalla Murders (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

Hidden Place

[Egil] He's upset.
She's home now.
Let's talk when I get home.
Okay, love.
See you later. Bye Bye.
Where's Kari?
- He's packing.
- Packing?
Yes, he's going to
stay with us for a while.
What were you thinking?
- I thought I could
- Could what?
Could what, Kata?
That you could
keep lying?
You know, I just don't
get you!
How could you think that Kari
had anything to do with this?!
He was a witness.
Not an offender.
- I can fix this.
- Oh yeah?
I just need to talk to him.
Kari, listen to me.
I understand
you're angry with me.
I love you so much, sweetheart.
I promise I'll make it up to you.
Why don't you trust me?
Why don't you believe me?
I just wanted to
I needed to be sure.
- I was thinking of you.
- Mom, you were not thinking of me.
- Okay buddy, are you ready?
- Yep.
[nineties euro-pop playing]
I'm sorry!
[Arnar] Hi Steinthor.
Do you remember me?
How are you feeling?
Glad to be alive, though.
I need to ask you a few questions.
Is that okay?
Do you know how Kristjan found you?
When I was released from jail,
I got in touch with him because
of that news story.
The one about the
skeleton in Hvalfjordur?
We talked about
Tommi and Valhalla,
and we parted on good terms.
And then he just shows up.
And the next thing I remember is
waking up, and you were there
You knew the bones
belonged to Tomas.
Is that right?
It was the lighter.
I saw the photo of the lighter
and I knew it was Tomas.
He used to light it
when I had nightmares.
Did you have anything
to do with his murder?
No, of course not.
- Yet, that's what some people are saying.
- Bull.
Tell me what happened
the night he disappeared.
Brynja came to us
in the middle of the night.
I heard her footsteps
coming down the hallway.
And when she opened the door to
the room Tommi and I shared
Tommi knew,
he knew it was his turn.
That's why he had the knife.
He was going to put a
stop to it.
He was going to put a stop
to it for the rest of us boys.
Once and for all.
And when he went
Brynja took him to the basement
where the man always waited for us.
And then
Two or three minutes passed before
I heard the man screaming.
And I was going to
sneak out of the room,
but then Brynja came and
locked the door.
The next day we were told that
Tommi had run away
That they were looking for him,
but I knew it wasn't true.
He was killed.
He was killed that night.
I was sure of it.
How could you be so sure?
Because we were going to run
away together.
[Magnus] I want to welcome you all
to this press conference.
You will be given the
opportunity to ask questions.
Please get straight to the
point and stick to the facts.
But first, a word from the
national police commissioner.
Thank you. As you know, we
have been working very hard,
but we are finally getting close
to the end of what is
the largest murder investigation
in Icelandic history.
We owe a huge debt of gratitude
to the tireless group of investigators
who worked day and night
to close this case.
We will release the findings
of our investigation.
It will then be up to the state prosecutor
- Sorry, honey. Did I wake you?
- to determine how to proceed.
No, not at all.
The findings will determine
the extent of any reparations.
This process is often
You didn't tell me you solved the case.
Have you spoken to the individual
believed to be responsible
for the disappearance
of the boy from Valhalla
on October 3, 1988?
He is not
[Helga] We cannot disclose that
information at present.
Will there be further
investigation into that case?
[Magnus] As things stand now, we
see these two cases as one and the same
Yes, we will of course
investigate the boy's death.
We'll be looking closely at Valhalla and
anything related to his disappearance.
Has the murder weapon been found,
and did it contain
any biological evidence?
Yes, there were
two murder weapons.
One was found near the
crime scene a few days ago
and we pulled a
fingerprint from it.
The other one was found on the
deceased last night.
It is still being examined and tested
for traces of evidence.
According to my sources, the
suspect shot himself with a revolver
that belonged to the
female officer pursuing him.
Can you comment on that?
Where did you get that information?
Could this have been prevented?
Would you call it an act of
incompetence in the line of duty
when she dropped her weapon
into the hands of a murder suspect?
What the hell does she think she knows!
We will be examining the incident from
every angle to uncover
the truth of what really happened.
The police officer in question is on leave
pending investigation, as mandated by law,
and she will provide testimony
when it is time.
But let us not forget
why we're here today.
We're here because
They're a bunch of fools, Kata.
Alright, everyone!
It often takes months, even
years, for our colleagues abroad
to solve an investigation
of this magnitude.
It took us just over a week.
But we still need
to tie up loose ends.
Reports go through
Helga and her people.
The state prosecutor
has requested that
Steinthor Jonsson's
case take precedence.
I want to thank you
all for a job well done!
And how are you feeling now?
I'm just fine.
How are things at home?
What do you mean?
Well, you've had
a lot on your plate,
and that, coupled with
stress, can have
Hold on, are you suggesting
that my personal life
could somehow be related to
him taking the gun from me?
No, I'm not implying anything,
I'm just
I understand you're angry
that you have to be here.
But this is all just part of
the evaluation, you know that.
A loaded gun
was pointed at you.
A man took his life
in front of you.
You have to work
through something like this.
It's trauma that can
cause an emotional chain reaction
that adversely affects
those closest to you.
Your family doesn't always
know what you're going through
or where the rage comes from.
I thought he was
going to shoot me.
I thought I'd never see Kari again.
And yet
There's something
inside me that
understands him.
Understands who?
Their boy is taken from them.
He's sent to Valhalla.
While he's there, he's abused, molested.
And probably killed.
And Kristjan thought they'd done it.
So he got his revenge.
Do you think he went
about it in the right way?
Of course not.
But if I were to lose Kari, then
So, um An evaluation like this
How long does it usually take?
Don't you worry about that.
We'll take all the time we need.
- Have you found anything on Gudmundur?
- No, not yet.
Kristjan used pepper spray on Gudmundur.
- Oh?
- Yep.
Can you get me all
of the autopsy reports?
Sure, no problem.
We were taken down
to the basement
into a dark room.
You couldn't see much,
but I remember the sounds.
The dripping water.
It was like a shower
or a leaky faucet.
What do you think?
Well, there are a lot of
things that don't add up.
Gudmundur is younger
than the other three, stronger.
Maybe that's why Kristjan
brought pepper spray with him.
I’m here. I'll be out front.
And the murder of Brynja is
unlike the murder of Thor, which
is also unlike the murder of Omar.
Kristjan seems to have matured
with every murder he committed,
- which in itself is not unusual.
- Right, but that's not all.
There were clippings about
Brynja, Thor, Omar and Steinthor
in Kristjan's garage.
There was nothing on Gudmundur.
- Nothing?
- No, absolutely nothing.
Gudmundur's stab wounds were
also shallower than the others
and made with less force.
His eyes were left intact.
No Valhalla photo was found.
The shoe print at his
house also appears
to be different from
the one at Omar's.
There are just too many
things that don't match up.
- Have you told anyone about this?
- No.
I wanted to bring it to you first.
- Can you write up a report?
- I'll go talk to Magnus.
- Can I take this stuff with me?
- Sure, I have copies of everything.
Here you go.
I don't know if it helps, but
here's some more of dad's mail.
- Just in case.
- Thanks for that.
Everything helps.
How are you doing in Valkyrie?
Bad. I keep dying.
How are you doing?
After everything that
happened with your dad?
I don't know.
You know you can
always talk to me.
Sometimes it's good
to just talk about stuff.
I just wanted to bring these letters.
I thought it might help.
That's great.
But if you want to talk about
the other thing, then
I can listen.
I've got to go.
I've got to get home
before mom does.
No, Fannar, sit
down, talk to me.
- Seriously, I've got to go.
- Fannar, don't go.
- Take another look at it.
- Yep, will do.
Didn't we get all of
Gudmundur's phone records?
Yeah, why?
Can I get a copy?
I have them right here.
In your inbox.
Why, is something going on?
No no, just a little follow-up.
Hi, do you have two minutes?
I'm on the air in 15.
Can you tell me why you spoke
to Gudmundur Finnbogason
the day before and
the day he was murdered?
Give me a second.
Gudmundur got in touch and said he
wanted to talk to me about Valhalla.
He wanted to show me some photos.
What kind of photos?
Some photos from Valhalla.
You didn't find
anything at his house?
He didn't tell you what it was
he wanted to talk about?
He mentioned abuse,
that kind of thing, which
we already knew about.
He was also going to tell me something
about Tomas' disappearance.
Tomas' disappearance?
Yes, but like I said, I didn't get
the chance to talk to him.
He didn't want to say
anything more over the phone.
Okay, thanks.
Gudmundur was on his way to
show Selma some photos.
Where are they?
And why are there no clippings about
Gudmundur in Kristjan's garage?
It just doesn't add up.
We'll see what Helga says.
I'll ask Hugrun to get everything she
has to Helga first thing in the morning.
Oh, and
Elsa asked me to invite you
over for dinner tonight.
Around eight o'clock.
- That sounds nice.
- Good.
- Arnar!
- Hi!
Come on in, won't you?
It's so cold outside.
- Just like old times!
- I'll say.
- What's it like being back home?
- I'll always remember the smell here.
- The smell?
- You know, the smell.
- It hasn't changed a bit.
- Oh! I hope it's not a bad smell!
Not at all.
[Elsa laughs]
When Magnus told me
you were coming,
I decided I'd cook
your favorite meal.
- What's that?
- Sausage and white sauce, of course!
Arnar, my friend.
A word in private?
Did you talk to Hugrun and
Helga about Gudmundur?
Yes, Helga's going to look into it
first thing tomorrow.
Okay, great.
I'll go over it better with her then.
I got a call from Oslo today.
They want you to come back,
now that the investigation is over.
- But it isn't over.
- Yes, I know.
I know, and I did everything in my power
to try to keep you here longer.
But the truth is that your
job here is done.
I see.
So when do I leave?
From what I understand,
you'll be flying back tomorrow evening.
Arnar, my friend.
Don't worry.
I'll go over everything
with Helga.
Okay, great.
You're sure you don't
want to eat with us?
Quite sure. I'm absolutely stuffed.
That's Kata. She won every
swim meet that she competed in.
You should see her in the
water, she's like a dolphin!
- I'll clear the table.
- Thanks, mom.
Well, I just wanted to
peek in and say goodbye.
- You're leaving?
- Tomorrow.
Okay, so when will
we see you again?
- What about you, how are you doing?
- I'm good.
I have plenty of time to
knit and do things like that.
How's work?
Well, that's also why
I wanted to stop by.
How about some lasagna?
Uh, no thanks.
Mom, he's not hungry.
How can that be?
He's nothing but skin and bones.
Oh god. Sorry.
You were saying?
You know I can't get into details,
because you're on leave.
Oh, come on.
But Hugrun found
certain inconsistencies
with Gudmundur's murder.
What kind of inconsistencies?
Gudmundur was pepper sprayed,
and there was no information
about him in Kristjan's garage.
- How can that be?
- I don't know.
- I also spoke to Steinthor.
- And what did he say?
- He says he didn't kill Tomas.
- Do you believe him?
And he says he heard a man's scream
coming from the basement,
the night Tomas disappeared.
A man's scream?
Most likely from the man
who was abusing them.
Steinthor says Tomas
had a knife on him,
and he might have stabbed the man.
You think he's telling the truth?
I just don't know.
I expect Helga and the team
to look into it.
I'm mostly here to say thank you.
It was great to work with you.
Oh, I was supposed
to give this to you.
- What's this?
- It's from Magnus. He says hi.
- Bye, Kata.
- Bye, have a good trip.
Dearest Kata,
No night is so dark it can
eclipse the coming day.
You are an outstanding policewoman,
the best in this city, and I am certain
you will return to work before long.
Yours, Magnus.
Yeah, hi.
It's Hakon from Borgarnes.
Sorry to call so late. I
wasn't sure who to call.
No worries.
What can I do for you?
You don't have to pause it.
Yes. And what?
I found a secret room in the basement.
- In the basement?
- Yes.
Under the stairs.
I think it's the room the man was
talking about on the news.
Could you maybe send someone
here from the city to check it out?
I'm here.
Were you trying to give
me a heart attack?
Well, how was I
supposed to wake you up?
Maybe honk your horn,
give me some kind of warning.
- Do you have any luminol in the car?
- Yep.
Can you go get it for me?
It's like a slaughterhouse.
Tomas must have been killed here.
Isn't all the DNA gone by now?
No, not necessarily.
And if we're lucky, we'll
also have the killer's DNA.
I mean, isn't it just the boy's blood?
A man's scream was heard from
the basement that same night, so
- Strange.
- What?
There's nothing about
Tomas in the database.
How is that possible?
Maybe there's something
downstairs in the archives.
Hey, I found it.
No way.
FRI, OCT 4, 1988
Gerdur Bardardottir?
Isn't that the woman who lives
on the farm next to Valhalla?
That's right.
It's called Borg.
Shouldn't we go talk to her?
Maybe she remembers
something from that night.
Oh yes, I'll never forget.
We knew Tomas.
He was a good boy.
He had some fight in him.
A tough boy.
Not like these wimpy kids
you see running around today.
How did you know Tomas?
He always passed through our farm
when he ran away from Valhalla.
Dad would go pick him up, and
then we'd call Valhalla.
- I knew all about his plans.
- What plans?
To get to Reykjavik.
He told me before
he disappeared
that he just wanted to get
to his mom and dad.
"Next time, I'll make it all the way,"
he'd say.
- Did you tell the police about this?
- Oh, yes.
- We told them everything.
- That's right.
There was a lot of traffic
the night he disappeared.
- Traffic?
- Yes. Two cars.
- The night Tomas disappeared?
- Yes.
The first car drove by
earlier on, and
then the police car showed
up later that night.
- A police car?
- Yes.
Surely all of this is in the report.
We told the officer everything.
There's no mention of a police car,
and there's nothing
about the other car either.
We have to talk to Tryggvi
Sighvatsson, who filed the report.
- Don't tell me he's dead.
- Tryggvi?
No, he's not dead.
Although many wish he were.
Tryggvi, you've got visitors.
It's Police Chief Hakon and
Katrin Gunnarsdottir from
the Criminal Investigations
Department in Reykjavik.
Hi, Tryggvi.
- Just call if you need anything.
- Thanks.
Well, well.
What do you want?
Hello, Tryggvi.
I wanted to talk to
you about a police report
that you filed
30 years ago
about the disappearance
of Tomas Kristjansson.
Don't you think you can
help us with this?
I have no idea what
she's talking about.
Tomas Kristjansson, a young boy
who disappeared from Valhalla.
I'm sure you remember.
This is your signature, is it not?
Come on.
Okay, I don't have time for this.
That's right, go home.
This is no job for a woman.
What kind of talk is that?
Could you leave me alone
with him for a minute?
- Well, yeah, but are you sure
- Yes, it'll just take a minute.
Thank you.
Tryggvi, I know
exactly how you feel.
I've also made mistakes
Mistakes so bad
that I can't forget them,
no matter how hard I try.
In fact, I shouldn't
even be here right now.
I'm on a leave because
I dropped my gun
into the hands of a man who
shot himself in the head.
A gun that I'm not sure if
I needed to have on
me in the first place.
But that's not the worst part.
I thought my son
had done a terrible thing.
So I destroyed the evidence.
I haven't told anybody
else about that.
But the thing about
mistakes is that
it's never too late
to make up for them.
And as I've just told you,
I've made my fair
share of mistakes.
But I'm going to make up
for it.
I'm going to try.
If I don't
I won't be able
to live with myself.
I didn't write that report.
I wasn't even in town.
Why is your name on it?
I just put my name on it because
I was the chief of police back then.
But he wrote it.
Maggi? Maggi who?
The Reykjavik police commissioner.
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