The Victims' Game (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Final Wish

The Victims' Game is a work of fiction
that includes scenes
of violence and suicide.
The scenes might cause
uneasiness or discomfort
and can be offensive to some people.
Viewer discretion and
professional assistance are advised.
[ambulance siren wailing]
[dramatic music]
Little girl, what's your name?
Hsu Hai-yin.
[officer 1] Sir.
The forensic team has collected evidence.
According to
the preliminary investigations,
the deceased was heavily in debt
and couldn't pay it back.
He tampered with the food
to drug his wife and daughter.
He was going to die with the family.
There's no sign of homicide.
[man 1] I see.
In life, the worst is to be parted in life
and separated by death.
We can empathize
with their sorrow and melancholy.
But there's nothing we can do.
Lord, I beg you to soothe their sorrows.
I beg you to mark
our brother, Hsu Ming-huang's name
on the Book of Life.
Commit your way to the Lord
in the name of Jesus Christ,
the Holy Spirit.
[all] Amen.
[woman 1] Friends and family,
please leave your flowers
for Mr. Hsu Ming-huang.
Help! Anybody there?
[young Hai-yin] Help!
[Hai-yin's mom] Hai-yin!
[somber music]
[theme music]
[indistinct chatter on radio]
[tense music]
[indistinct chatter]
- [officer 2] Sir.
- Forensic Department, Fang Yi-jen.
- Has CID been informed?
- Yes, they are on the way.
[camera shutter clicking]
[Yi-jen] It's Liu Kuang-yung.
There's a wristband
from Anguang Nursing Home on him.
The name on the wristband is Chou Yang.
[elevator bell dings]
[Mr. Luo] You need an appointment.
How can you come in just like this?
Excuse me.
We live near here.
We have an elderly person at home
so we needed to check out nursing homes.
Can my husband take a look around first
before you introduce
the medical facilities?
The fees are not an issue.
We're looking for a single room.
Don't disturb the patients.
- Sure, thank you.
- Come with me.
[nurse 1] Has he been
in other nursing homes?
No, my mom has been taking care of him.
But she's not doing well.
We wanted to get help
from professional institutions
so it's not so hard on her.
I see. How did you hear about Anguang?
I have a distant uncle
who used to live here.
What's his name? I might know him.
His surname is Chou, Chou Yang.
[Hai-yin] Do you know him?
[sirens wailing]
[man 2] Li, come with me.
[ominous music]
[Liao] Before this homicide,
the other victims all committed suicide.
With Liu Kuang-yung,
it was first a suicide attempt,
but turned into a homicide
a few days later.
His body was thrown off a building.
There was even a wristband on him.
It said Chou Yang on it.
I looked into Chou Yang.
He was a history teacher.
On a family outing,
they had a car accident.
Everyone died apart from him.
But he was paralyzed from his waist down.
He moved into Anguang
after he was discharged.
Then he died.
The cause of death was kidney failure.
What is it?
[exhales sharply]
There's still no match?
What about surveillance cameras?
Out of respect for patient privacy,
there's no surveillance camera.
That's it?
What about upstairs?
- The rooftop?
- I wanted to check,
but Mr. Luo refused to cooperate
unless we had a search warrant.
Yes, he also said
that they had nothing to do
with this murder case.
- So
- Nothing to do with it?
Chou Yang died three years ago.
There's a wristband on the corpse
that's from Anguang.
[Cheng-kuan] They are definitely involved.
Their attitude makes them more suspicious.
Listen up.
Look into
all the staff information we have.
- Do you hear me?
- [all] Yes.
- Is there anything to report?
- No.
[Ta-tse] If not, the meeting is dismissed.
- [staff] Thank you, Ta-tse.
- [Ta-tse] Sure.
Hey, Hai-yin.
Is there any follow up
from the police about the corpse
that was dumped from Anguang?
[Hai-yin] There's nothing so far.
But there are quite a lot of complaints
filed against Anguang.
I wonder why they weren't reported.
What were they about?
Poor environment,
the abuse of the elderly,
overcrowding the patients,
applying for subsidies,
and public fundraising.
[Ta-tse] Hai-yin.
With your experience,
do I have to tell you this?
I think this needs further investigation.
- Yu-hsuan.
- Yes.
- Can you close the door behind you?
- Sure.
I forgot to remind you
that the big shareholder
behind Anguang Nursing Home
is Light Media's chairman,
Mr. Liu's wife's family.
I've been trying to meet
with Mr. Liu recently.
You must be cautious in the reports
on Anguang and the Last Wish Murders.
Be careful, try to avoid it if you can.
When the date and venue are set,
I'll let you know.
Got it.
[door slams]
[indistinct chatter]
Ms. Hai-yin.
Excuse me.
I'd like to know
how you'll handle the news on Anguang
and the Last Wish Murders.
What's your opinion?
I have some influential related personnel
who can offer some clues and assistance.
Therefore, I think
That's good.
I happen to need the clues
of influential personnel.
Let's go.
Send them to me.
[Hai-yin] Don't forget to go
to the Construction Management Office
for Anguang's Building Use Permit.
[Ma] Sure, I'll look into that.
Those who jump off buildings
unconsciously shield their heads
with their arms.
Or they stretch out their arms.
Therefore, when they land,
their arms and hands
are more severely damaged.
I get it.
Could it be that the body was frozen then
and his hands couldn't shield his head,
so his head crashed instead?
That might be possible.
There are actually many variables.
Hui, answer me.
Using your professional judgment,
which floor do you think
he was flung from?
At least ten floors.
Are you sure?
I've seen a lot of bodies
that fell from buildings.
Whether he was frozen or not,
in such a state, he had to be
thrown from at least the tenth floor.
[suspenseful music]
This is our internal archive.
How is the forensic investigation?
I've asked my colleague to get me
Anguang's Building Use Permit.
I want to know
about the forensic analysis.
[Yi-jen] There's rust
on Liu Kuang-yung's clothes.
But none of Anguang's windows are rusty.
According to the damage of the corpse,
it was flung off a tall building.
However, Anguang is on the sixth floor.
I looked into the entire building.
[Hai-yin] The seventh and tenth floors
were charged with illegal remodeling.
Chou Yang was the whistleblower.
His case is similar
to Chang Tsung-chien's.
There must be something fishy
about Anguang.
The rooftop.
[tense music]
[elevator bell dings]
This isn't the spot.
[Hai-yin] It can't be opened?
[door opens]
[Hai-yin] Fang Yi-jen.
[door creaks]
[flies buzzing]
[tense music]
[camera shutter clicks]
Are they all staying in Anguang?
[paper shredder whirring]
Be quick.
[Mr. Luo] Did you make a copy
before deleting it?
[tense music]
Liu Kuang-yung fell from here.
That woman in the stairway.
[Yi-jen] She had
She also had traces of rust on her.
[siren wailing]
[Hai-yin] Chao Cheng-kuan is here.
Let's go. We'll go after that woman.
- Liao.
- [Liao] Yes.
[Cheng-kuan] Search the premises.
- [Liao] Follow me.
- [officer 3] Yes.
You don't have a search warrant.
How can you go through our things?
- Kuan.
- Yes.
[Mr. Luo] I told your men this morning.
After Chou Yang passed away,
the government paid for his funeral.
Chou Yang didn't jump off
the building either.
That man, we don't even know him.
That's enough.
Enough unnecessary babbling.
Why is Anguang's wristband on him
if you don't know him?
Could a corpse steal a wristband
from Anguang and then
jump off from here for no reason?
Didn't any of you see him?
How is that possible?
We definitely operate legally.
We can be investigated.
That's what I wish to hear.
Mr. Luo, answer me.
What do you do with the space
above the sixth floor?
Anguang only has six storeys.
That can't be right.
I heard from the property management
that the seventh to tenth floors
are all Anguang's.
We use them as storage.
We pile lots of things in there.
There's nothing to look at.
You just claimed those weren't Anguang's
and now you say it's just storage
with piles of stuff in it.
Mr. Luo, you're the one talking.
There's no point in lying anymore.
I truly mean well.
It does no one any good
for you to check upstairs.
I also truly mean well.
We're just doing our job.
If you refuse to cooperate,
I have to charge you
with obstruction of justice.
Come upstairs with me!
[officers] Yes!
[Hai-yin] Fang Yi-jen.
I think Hsiao-meng left these clues
so that you will look for her.
Have you considered that Hsiao-meng
might be the mastermind?
Mr. Luo is doomed.
Collect evidence right away.
Conduct inquiries on all Anguang staff,
residents, caregivers and cleaners.
Leave no one out.
- Yes.
- Okay.
[phone vibrating]
Hello? Sir.
Gentlemen, you've worked hard.
Didn't I tell you not to go upstairs?
Every nursing home has the same issues.
The lack of funds and shortage of staff.
We have a hard time running this place.
We can't make ends meet.
Excuse me.
We didn't know that
your nursing home was so privileged.
How so?
Don't believe those rumors.
We have the privilege of carrying burdens.
Government officials
called and expressed concern.
Very impressive.
they're just some kind people
who care about us.
We're also grateful to them.
The residents in the nursing home
need a peaceful life.
Stop coming over.
Take all the computers,
as well as the intact and torn documents
back to the police station.
- [officers] Yes!
- Hold on.
Including this gentleman.
Why do I have to go with you?
I'm asking you to help
with the investigation of Liu Kuang-yung's
body toss case, as the prime suspect.
Is this reason good enough?
Take him away!
- Hey!
- Move it.
- The evidence?
- Move!
- Sorry, I pulled too hard.
- Hey, no
- Sorry!
- Hey, I want a lawyer.╝
- Let go of me!
- Move.
Does she also work here?
[Hai-yin] Fang Yi-jen.
I'll leave you the car. Let's split up.
I'll look into Zhen Xin Hospital
back in my office.
[foreboding music]
Sir, I didn't do anything.
Please don't question me, okay?
Cooperate with us and you can go
if there's no problem.
I don't know anything.
Ask Mr. Luo about the nursing home.
I'm just a cleaner.
A body fell from Anguang's building,
so all the staff are suspects.
I saw that corpse.
He's not from Anguang.
He's not from Anguang?
He was wearing Anguang's wristband.
Chou Yang.
Chou Yang? That's impossible.
He died years ago.
He's been dead for ages!
You knew him?
He had lots of issues.
If you want to know about him,
ask Li Ya-chun.
Who is Li Ya-chun?
How was it? Did he talk?
He didn't say a word.
He will only talk
when his lawyer gets here.
He's playing games with me?
Very good.
By the way, Liao, Anguang's cleaner
said that Chou Yang's ex-girlfriend
is called Li Ya-chun.
She's an hourly worker. Look into it.
Make inquiries into all of Anguang's
caregivers and cleaners one by one.
[Cheng-kuan] By the way,
put together the shredded documents
we brought back.
Kuan, are you serious?
Those are in shreds.
How can I do that on my own?
[Liao] I have so much to do.
Can't you get some help
from other branches?
Anyway, piece them together
as fast as you can.
Kuan. Kuan!
Kuan, the news is showing
all the victims' last wishes.
[Fatso] Do you want to take a look?
[reporter 1]
Here's the latest breaking news.
There's the latest development
on the murder case
- that shocked Taiwan.
- [woman 2] Everyone.
- There's a clip
- Watch this.
of the victims' last wish online.
We'll show you the latest footage.
[Ko-yun] I'm Su Ko-yun.
You'll remember my voice.
You'll remember my beauty.
You'll remember
the most glorious side of me.
although I'm blind,
I see far more clearly than anyone else.
I'm Chuang Ping-jung.
I hope the world gets to know me.
I wish to talk to those who bullied me.
Your employees are your asset.
Only if you treat them well,
can they keep making money for you.
Damn it, employees are also human, okay?
We have self-worth that needs defending.
When I was in middle school,
a teacher disliked me a lot.
He often called me out
to scold me in the corridor.
When my dad argued with me, he often said,
"I wonder why I ended up
having a kid like you."
I don't know why either.
[Cheng-hao] I'm obviously a girl,
but then I'm also a boy.
I don't know why.
I just want to be like everyone else.
I want to be myself.
Just because I'm different,
why do I have to be bullied
and pushed around?
I know that my death
won't make up for my past mistakes.
However, I hope that
my death
can bring closure
to those people
that I once harmed.
I'm all over the news now.
Yu Cheng-hao.
Su Ko-yun.
[Hsiao-meng] Chang Tsung-chien.
Chuang Ping-jung.
Liu Kuang-yung.
They are already dead.
When Mom died,
I didn't fulfill her last wish.
That's why we helped each other
to fulfill our wishes.
Then we can all leave in peace.
Once my mom and my last wish is fulfilled,
I can also leave in peace.
I have nothing to say to this world.
It's because my survival
and my death
matter to no one at all.
The meltdown,
the pain,
and the despair,
they are all mine.
I hate being alive.
That's why I can accept death gladly.
I am Chiang Hsiao-meng.
Find the IP address of this video
and the identity of Chiang Hsiao-meng!
[all] Yes.
[alarm blaring]
Why do the patients cry out in pain?
Didn't we give him fentanyl?
I'm sure I did,
but I don't know why this is happening.
[doctor] I'll prescribe him
something else.
Take his blood pressure first.
[Hai-yin] Did you see that clip?
I have colleagues in medical news
and ways to help you.
If there's anything
[phone ringing]
Hello, this is 3rd Investigation Corps.
- Hello.
- Fatso, this part is not done yet.
- Quick.
- Hello?
- Hello? This is
- Hello.
[operator] Your number has been forwarded
to the voicemail
[tense music]
[indistinct chatter]
[Hai-yin] I need a favor from you.
Did you watch the news?
I'd like to look into Chiang Hsiao-meng.
Can you hack into the shared databases
to see how Chiang Hsiao-meng
is related to the victims?
- [Yu-ming] Kuan.
- Yes?
The PR team from Zhen Xin Hospital
sent us a video after watching the news.
There are the victims
and Chiang Hsiao-meng.
Play it.
[man 3] Recently, have you
or did you have the thought
of committing suicide?
If you do, raise your hand
to let me know.
[Cheng-kuan] Damn it.
The Suicide Prevention Center has
turned into an assisted suicide center.
[Cheng-kuan] Who is this woman?
[Yu-ming] She's Li Ya-chun,
Chou Yang's ex-girlfriend.
[foreboding music]
[Lai] Chiang Hsiao-meng and the others
met in a counseling group
in Zhen Xin Hospital a year ago.
Those people in the clip
went for counseling every Friday.
In the middle, that woman with long hair
is called Li Ya-chun.
Apart from Zhen Xin Hospital,
there are records of her attending
other counseling groups as well.
Besides Anguang and Zhen Xin Hospital,
she also works part-time in many
hospitals and nursing homes.
She's the most mysterious among those
related to the Last Wish victims.
[Hai-yin] Is there any information
on Chiang Hsiao-meng?
Hold on.
Her medical records at Zhen Xin
It's too thrilling.
[Lai] Borderline personality disorder,
panic disorder,
severe depression.
The data is still loading.
If anything new comes up,
I'll send it to you.
That's it for now.
[Liao] Kuan.
There's new information.
I just checked with HR.
Chiang Hsiao-meng's dad
is actually Fang Yi-jen.
It says, "Fang Yi-jen."
Fang Yi-jen?
- Kuan.
- Yes?
Youth Detention Center
said that on March 17,
Fang Yi-jen called
to talk to Chiang Hsiao-meng.
That's the day of the acid bath murder.
Damn you, Fang Yi-jen.
You've fooled me?
He already knew.
When he realized that his daughter,
Chiang Hsiao-meng was involved,
he kept covering up for her
and concealed evidence.
It's no wonder
he was at every crime scene.
It's no wonder he was so eager!
He's not stupid.
[Hai-yin] In the Last Wish video,
there's a key person called Li Ya-chun.
She was a cleaner in Anguang.
Give these materials to Yu-hsuan.
Let her present them to us.
What does that mean?
She used her dad's network.
She asked her mom to play mahjong
with the chairman's wife
and tell her she wanted a scoop.
She gets whatever she wants?
What's that about?
This is someone's last wish.
It's a matter of life and death.
Don't tell me you've agreed to it.
If not, tell me what I should do.
Tell the chairman that Yu-hsuan can't have
this scoop because Hsu Hai-yin is worried
she will get someone killed?
Besides, I've warned you.
Avoid reporting on overcrowded
nursing homes. You still sneaked in?
I'll be careful with Anguang's report.
Leave the Last Wish Murders to Yu-hsuan.
I'm not negotiating.
This is an order.
Our battlefield is not in New Times News.
It's in Light Media.
[Ta-tse] Hm?
[phone vibrates]
Hey, Lai.
[Lai] Fang Yi-jen divorced ten years ago.
Did he remarry?
What's his relationship with his ex-wife?
His daughter, Chiang Hsiao-meng
didn't take his surname, Fang.
It means his ex-wife has child custody.
- Right?
- It should be so.
You've been his colleague for years.
How can you not know anything?
[foreboding music]
Answer me.
When was the last time
you saw Fang Yi-jen?
I'm not too sure.
He's usually a loner.
He doesn't hang out with anyone.
But he hasn't been in the office lately.
Sir. Kuan.
We can't find him.
Fang Yi-jen won't answer.
Damn it.
- Liao.
- Yes?
Apply to track his cell phone location
to see where he is.
[Yu-ming] What about his home?
Did he go home?
[man 4] He doesn't go home.
He never mentions his family either.
- [Cheng-kuan] Che Yu-ming.
- [Yu-ming] Yes.
Tell Fatso to collect evidence
in his home with the forensic team.
[Cheng-kuan] Sir,
if we find Fang Yi-jen,
we might be able
to find Chiang Hsiao-meng.
Hello? Fang Yi-jen, where are you?
[Hui] The documents and files
in your office were all taken.
Chao Cheng-kuan sent out
many men to search for you.
If you don't clarify,
they will have you hunted down
as a wanted man, get it?
Hello? Do you hear me?
Hello? Hello? Hello?
[tense music]
[engine starts]
A forensic investigator
concealed evidence?
You have to handle this matter cautiously.
If this gets out, the reputation
of the police force will be affected.
What matters right now
is to find Fang Yi-jen quickly.
Ask him for his reasons
or a possible secret.
Only then will it be beneficial
to this case.
I understand.
Kuan, we found the IP address.
It's from a private residence.
The owner is Li Ya-chun.
Li Ya-chun?
Chou Yang's ex-girlfriend, Li Ya-chun?
Quickly, apply for a search warrant.
[foreboding music]
[sirens wailing]
[suspenseful music]
[gate creaks]
[door creaking]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[police siren wailing]
- Take them there.
- Yes.
- The others, follow me.
- Yes.
[suspenseful music]
[indistinct dialogue from TV]
No one is here.
I don't deserve to live. I'm a sinner.
[operator] You have a new message.
[Hai-yin] Fang Yi-jen,
I've found a new clue.
Contact me when you get this message.
Inform the Forensic Department.
[officer 4] Yes.
[ominous music]
- Kuan.
- Yes?
I've found something new.
[Hai-yin] Hsiao-meng's mom,
Chiang Jo-ying.
She also passed away
in Zhen Xin Hospital a year ago.
Hsiao-meng said in the video
that she was going to end her life after
fulfilling her and her mom's last wish.
Do you know what that is?
Forget it, you don't know.
You have no friends in the bureau.
Give me your cell phone.
[line ringing]
[Liao] Hello?
What is it?
I don't know if I can trust him.
It's faster to get to him and ask.
[tense music]
[car engine starts]
[engine starts]
- Kuan.
- Yes?
We discovered
Chiang Hsiao-meng's fingerprints
on the sticker of the card.
[Fatso] Judging by the marks,
Yi-jen already collected this print.
Were there Chiang Hsiao-meng's prints
at the other crime scenes?
Well I can't be sure.
Damn it, what do you mean
you can't be sure?
This is your job!
Fang Yi-jen has been in charge
of fingerprint identification.
I'll boldly presume
that Fang Yi-jen collected
Chiang Hsiao-meng's prints
to compare to other evidence.
Do you think this makes sense?
Okay, let me ask you again.
Up till now,
did you go through all the evidence
in the murder cases?
I did.
Are there Chiang Hsiao-meng's prints?
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
[Cheng-kuan] If it really is so
Yi-jen has been fooling us.
He must have tampered with the evidence.
[Hui] It's this one.
Fang Yi-jen told me
to seek out this tattoo artist.
I really didn't know he was
looking for his daughter.
Did he contact you later?
Have you noticed anything odd
about him lately?
He's always been like that.
I really can't tell
if there's anything odd.
The information on the tattoo artist
is all in here?
By the way,
if he contacts you again,
be sure to inform me.
- [Cheng-kuan] Liao.
- Yes?
Have you heard from the hospital?
Yes, they said Chiang Jo-ying
did pass away in Zhen Xin Hospital.
But their HR officer is off work,
so they will send the information later.
What about Fang Yi-jen?
Any news?
No, he's nowhere to be seen.
You don't have a clue at all.
You still have time for the Internet?
No, I'm reading that
It's about the nursing home.
I'm collecting information.
[Cheng-kuan] Damn it.
Why is it New Times News again?
They have connections and privileges.
Why aren't you answering the call?
- She's an ex-girlfriend.
- [Chang] Kuan.
- So
- We've found something!
We've tracked down
Fang Yi-jen's cell phone.
- [Chang] He's stayed longer at this place.
- Where is he?
"Su Lai Express Delivery"?
Damn it.
He knows how we track him,
so he ditched his cell phone
into a delivery van.
He's trying to mislead us
and buy himself time to run away.
Is someone assisting him?
Who would take the risk to help him?
All right, don't bother discussing.
This lead is a dead end.
[tense music]
[Liao] Do you call for free?
You keep calling
- You're burning the phone.
- Have you been busy lately?
- I'm busy.
- You can't find her?
- Let's talk in the car.
- Hey.
It's risky. Talk in the car.
I want to know where Chiang Hsiao-meng is.
When the Last Wish Murders are exposed,
it'll shake the police force.
Kuan is going to look bad.
You asked me,
but I really don't have a clue.
How much do the police know
about Chiang Jo-ying?
I don't know where you get
your information on Anguang's case
and I don't wish to know.
But bear this in mind,
I'm having a harder time
because of this case.
I'm almost doomed.
I'm almost doomed, you hear me?
Are you scared of Kuan?
Why are you nervous?
This is our police station's basement.
How am I not nervous?
I'll have breakfast with him.
Ma'am, calm down.
I'm begging you.
Don't get me into trouble.
[Liao] Get in the car and head back.
I'll inform you if I have any news, okay?
[Hai-yin] No.
[Liao] Come on, head back first.
We're in front of the elevators.
Quit messing around.
[Hai-yin] Tell me now.
[Liao] Fuck. Every time.
If I'm going down,
I will drag you with me.
I got it.
We'll visit Chiang Jo-ying's
attending physician at Zhen Xin Hospital.
Fuck, that crazy bitch.
[Liao] So annoying.
[lighter clicks]
[ominous music]
Can I ask you a question?
[Ya-chun] It's time.
Are you scared?
I have you here.
There's nothing to be scared of.
[siren wailing in distance]
[closing theme music]
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
If you can understand ♪
Stop hesitating now
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Do you truly ♪
Accept me for all that I am ♪
I'm willing to bet all my love on it ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
[young Hsiao-meng] Dad! Help me!
[Cheng-kuan] Request for backup.
Lockdown Zhen Xin Hospital.
If anything happens to her,
you'll carry this guilt
as a father for life!
- I also want to know where she is!
- We saw the notes Hsiao-meng wrote you.
Are you the person
who took care of her mom?
[Ya-chun] I came to tell you
that the kid had a tough life.
[Hsiao-meng] Someone once told me
that we own our lives.
How we live and die are all up to us.
[Yi-jen] You turned my daughter
into a murderer.
- She'll forever be at peace!
- You turned my daughter into a murderer.
Who would be the one to fulfill
Chiang Hsiao-meng's last wish?
[Ya-chun] I want to see Fang Yi-jen.
[Ko-yun] Hello. I'm Su Ko-yun.
You'll remember my voice.
I hope the world gets to know me.
Damn it, employees are also human, okay?
We have self-worth that needs defending.
[Cheng-hao] Just because I'm different,
why do I have to be bullied
and pushed around?
I hope that my death can bring closure
to those people
that I once harmed.
This is a story
of several suicide victims' deaths
that were made to look
like a series of murders at first.
When we were selecting the identities
of these victims
and their characters,
we hoped to more or less pick out topics
in Taiwan
that we heard and cared about,
or topics we have yet to understand.
[Shu-ting] We projected these issues
and elements
on to these characters.
In the plot of this story,
we want to satisfy
the pleasure in mystery solving.
Cut it off.
Come on! Cut my balls off!
[Huang He] The most difficult bit
in playing Yu Cheng-hao
is that he can't be at ease to be himself.
I think that everyone tries
to be him or herself,
but Yu Cheng-hao just can't.
It's also because
his physical and mental gender
are totally different.
On the lonely road ♪
Listening in the dark ♪
To my strong heartbeat ♪
[Ting Ning] I think Su Ko-yun is someone
who lived in her wonderful past.
Time, youth, beauty,
and fame.
All of these are the past
she can't move on from.
To her, every second and every minute
of the passing are her obstacles.
[Chia-lu] He's not someone who talks
with his family
about setback or difficulties.
He puts up with his suffering.
He just wants his dad
to have a better quality of life.
He was a real estate sales agent
and he later realized
that society is a massive machine.
His sweat and blood, his money, his time,
and his health that he sacrificed
can't satisfy his own needs.
Hello, take a look, please?
Thank you.
[Tsung-chien] Excuse me, take a look.
Please take a look, thank you.
[Jen-shuo] He thinks that
no one knows of his existence.
But he really hopes that they know
he actually exists.
I think he's almost given up.
He thinks he's already
He's as good as disappeared and forgotten.
He doesn't have the desire to go on
with his own life.
[Ching-ting] When my character
was 17 years old,
he tortured someone to death
with my accomplice.
This man they killed,
actually has a daughter.
She lost her dad because of them.
Since then, she's been in mourning.
As my character grew up,
he began to feel
He feels very guilty about it.
He wants to make up for it.
He thinks that he can only make up for it
by taking his life.
Only then will the victim's family
find closure.
That's why he wants to commit suicide
to ease the victim's family.
[Li Mu] When Hsiao-meng
was seven years old,
she had a terrible accident.
It's because of that accident
that her already estranged parents
finally separated.
I think Hsiao-meng has always
doubted herself.
She's not very confident.
It's because she grew up in a family
that lacked love and encouragement.
I think Hsiao-meng and I are both
mature at an early age.
But I don't think that
we are both truly mature.
We are not adults.
There's a huge part of us
that's still a child.
But we have to hang in there
as if we can fend off many problems.
When Mom died,
I didn't fulfill her last wish.
[Hsiao-meng] That's why
we helped each other
to fulfill our wishes.
Then we can all leave in peace.
[Hsiao-chuan] As for Fang Yi-jen,
I think that a part of
every Last Wish victim can be seen in him.
Yes, be it the workplace
or human relations,
I think it's all
The unwillingness to understand
and empathize
or the desire to be understood,
be it Yi-jen or the Last Wish victims.
I think this is actually
what they desired and yearned for.
Subtitle translation by Carole Chen
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