The Village (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Red Alert

Come, let's go.
Maya, hold me tight. Okay?
Hold on.
I'll go first. What if there are
more of these creatures?
In such a case, use me as a shield and
you guys escape.
- Follow me.
- Careful.
Dad, hold on for a moment.
- What happened?
- I'll tell you.
Come, Maya. It's time to go.
Careful. Hold it tight.
Come on!
Thank God!
Thank God
Where do you think you're going?
the samples we have been searching for
we've found it!
You know
mission accomplished.
Bastard, so many people have
died because of you!
And you still talk about
your samples and shit?
Give me the fucking satellite phone.
No, Farhan.
I'll give.
I'll give
I'll give it.
And don't move!
Ping this call's coordinates and
send extraction. With backup!
Copy that. But sir, wait.
Regarding the laundry.
Prakash's father and the Exogenyx factory,
all the information regarding
them have been wiped out.
I didn't find anything.
Presuming it's illegal.
And that Jagan,
he has got convictions.
What kind of convictions?
You're not gonna like this, sir.
Basically, he is a pedophile.
Sir, can you hear me?
I couldn't do anything to
my daughter's murderers.
People like you,
- don't deserve to live!
- No, Farhan!
I need the camcorder footage.
Don't leave it, take it!
Come on!
Hello Jagan. What's happening?
Any updates?
You and your samples!
Fuck you!
We're done!
Farhan. Hello, Farhan wait!
What happened?
Happy is gone
- because of him.
- What?
This bastard!
You! Move.
Hey, don't shoot. Don't shoot!
Listen to me.
That depends on who you are.
What the hell!
Who is this?
Tell us.
You killed him?
Mister! Hold on!
He is not a good guy.
We are leaving this place now.
If you want to escape as well, join us.
Let's do as he says.
- Which side should we be heading to?
- Towards the coast.
We have a chopper coming for us.
We can all leave in that.
Those mutants cannot go out in the sun.
So, let us leave this place at sunrise.
Until then, let's hide somewhere here.
There's still three more hours
for sunrise.
I don't think we can survive that long.
Let's leave right away.
Vettaiyan will bring his dogs
along any minute.
They will sniff us out in a jiffy.
His dogs?
He is this tall.
Like a mammoth.
Oh, it has a name?
Coast is towards east, right?
Which way is the east?
The way we came in.
If we head towards the factory,
we can escape quickly.
- The coast is very close to our village.
- Yeah.
- We know the way. We will take you.
- Yes.
Okay! Join us then.
Weapons. Periphery. Rest, inside.
- Hey.
- Maya.
- What happened?
- I cut my finger.
It's okay, dear. I will fix it.
Okay, let's get the hell out of here.
Is that your bunny?
No, it is my daughter's
I'm keeping it in her memory.
In her memory?
- Why? What happened to her?
- Maya!
I'm sorry.
Move! Move!
- All of you, come on!
- Move! Move!
Move! Move!
Move, move keep moving!
Keep moving!
Stop! Stop!
Farhan, which way is the exit?
We cannot take the route
we came from.
Mutants are there!
There is another exit in D-block.
We need to divert them
and take that route.
How do we divert them?
Leave that to me, sir.
I will do that.
No, no! It's too risky.
But sir, how long do we
keep on running and hiding?
It's okay.
I shall go over that side, grab
their attention and divert them.
Meanwhile, you guys
escape from this side.
I'll follow.
Don't underestimate me based on my size.
I'm a 100 meter champion in school.
So, don't worry.
Guys, move back!
Move! Move!
- Move! Move!
- Mom!
Keep moving!
Come on.
Come on! Come on!
Move! Keep moving!
- Head towards the D-Block exit.
- Come on, brother!
I'll deal with it. You guys just leave.
- Come on
- Brother!
Sir no! Let's just escape
from here! Please, no! Come on!
Karu, are you okay?
Yes, I'm alright.
This is the D-block
Devaraj was talking about.
How do we get out of here?
We need to figure it out.
Sakthi careful.
Sir, save me! Sir!
Reload! Reload!
- I'm going to look for the exit route.
- Okay.
Farhan! You go ahead.
I'll take care of him.
Gautham! Gautham!
- Maya!
- Mom!
Hey! Keep an eye on Maya.
Guys, the exit is that way.
Face me or else you're a bastard!
Face me or else you're a bastard!
Where is Sakthi sir?
Wait, let me go and check.
- It's dangerous. Please don't go.
- It's alright. Let me go and check.
- Gautham!
- Gautham!
Vettaiya, Vettaiya
please don't.
I can see your mother's
kindness somewhere inside you.
I'm sure that you have
some goodness in you.
I know it for sure.
Don't harm them.
Leave them alone.
Did you see your father's
and mother's corpse inside?
It was me! I killed them!
Listen, your father has instilled only
wrong values in you!
You don't need this world.
This is not where you belong.
You won't fit in here.
Let this madness end with us.
- Neha! No. It's dangerous.
- Let go of me!
- Neha, no!
- Gautham!
Leave me!
What about Sakthivel?
Look, there's our chopper.
Where are my samples, Tejas?
- I quit.
- What?
Where is Jagan?
He is here somewhere
Wandering as a spirit.
Wandering as a spirit? What the
fuck are you saying, Farhan?
I'm Prakash.
I own Exogenyx.
My lawyers will contact you
to sign a few legal papers.
Everything that happened here last night
is extremely confidential. Am I clear?
So, you are the one behind all this?
Yeah whatever.
It's your lucky day.
I saved my family.
Or else damn you!
I can see that you love
your family a lot.
Take care of them.
Hope you understand!
If you need money, just ask for it.
This is just a bad dream.
Don't you dare talk to her like that.
Gautham, don't.
I'm really sorry.
This wouldn't have happened
if I had been with you.
Who would have saved us if
you were also trapped with us?
Sakthivel, Peter, Karunagam
I couldn't have rescued you without them.
They are not mere humans
but Gods.
Gautham, let's just
leave everything and
get out of here.
They will be with us in spirits,
in every moment of our life.
Stay here.
Maya slowly
Where did you leave me and go?
- Look
- Hectic.
Shall we leave, doc?
But this is your daughter's.
This is yours now.
What's his problem?
He wants us to move on as if
nothing happened last night.
I thought he'd berate you but
looks like he blessed you.
See, Maya. See the bunny.
It's smiling at you. See. Smile.
Smile, Maya
Come on smile.
Look here
Got scared?
Good to go, Captain.
Cover him up and take him away.
- Maya, what happened?
- Sweetheart?
What happened?
- What happened?
- What happened, dear?
- That
- Are you okay?
That factory
Access granted.
Decontamination process activated.
Three two one
What was so scary?
That factory
Nothing to worry, dear.
Right now
you are safe with your
mom and dad, at our home.
Got it?
What shall we do today?
Let's do something exciting.
It's a beautiful Sunday morning.
Besides the breezy shore
How about a road trip?
Not funny. Too soon.
- Dad!
- Oh, no!
Are you getting heavier
or am I getting old?
You've become old.
I haven't gained any weight!
Oh! I've become old?
Oh really?
You have put on weight!
I'll bite you
Hectic, come
- Hectic
- Come
Who's on the call? Gautham!
Hey, Hectic
Listen to me carefully.
Yeah. Who is this?
Come here.
Dad! Look what Hectic did to me.
One minute.
This is Farhan here.
Remember, we met in hell.
Yes, Farhan. Tell me.
Sir! Sir!
Animal trials are still incomplete.
We're monitoring the response.
Yesterday morning, a subject Sir
This is not right. Tell him
the serum is not ready yet.
You don't need Exogenyx.
It will take you down a path
you can't come back from.
Sir, please don't sir
Your nerves are shot!
The spinal cord stimulation that
you asked for, is impossible.
Do you understand?
- Sir!
- Shut up!
- Sir Sir
- Sir
Call the doc.
Just listen to me, Gautham.
It's a red alert to your family.
Your daughter, Maya
is in danger.
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