The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Shadow Puppets

Once upon a time,
there was
the world as we knew it.
A world with pets and homes,
grocery stores and hospitals,
jobs and weekends.
And then everything changed.
The people died
and then returned,
neither living nor dead,
the love they felt for anyone or
anything erased from memory,
replaced by a hunger
that could never be satisfied.
Everything we had counted on
Our advances in technology,
our feats of engineering
Could not save us.
Roads crumbled
and cities fell
into heaps of rubble.
And for those of us
born right before?
The end of the world
was our beginning.
Hey, stop.
Stay where you are.
Why are you spying on
us? I mean it, get back!
Hey, don't get any closer. Hope, stop!
Don't get any closer.
Why don't you just drop your
weapon and we'll talk about it?
No, no way.
Hey, stay where you are, big guy.
You think you can take him?
This'll poke an eye outas good as anything.
Wanna come closer
and find out?
Hey, leave her alone.
Okay, fine.
Here's how
it's gonna go.
You stay where you are, and I split.
You candrop that weapon now.
Alright, let me save
youthe mental exercise.
Your chances not lookin' that good.
Go on.
Elton, Silas, check the perimeter.
See if he's got
any friends.
Iris, search him.
I already told you.
I'm alone.
you wanna know the truth?
I was in the bushes taking
a leak when I heard voices.
What, so you decided
to rob us?
Where is your stuff?
Your food?
I-I don't have stuff.
I don't have anything.
No signs of anyone else.
Just him.
What is your name?
Are you hungry,
Seemed like
nice enough guys.
Mike and Tony.
Mike had this
kind of biker vibe
You know, tats,
full sleeves on both arms.
And Tony, not so much.
I don't think they kneweach
other before shit went bad.
Maybe they did.
They bickered like
an old married couple.
You know, everything
Which route to take,
how much fish one guy
had eaten, you know.
Like I said, they seemed
like nice enough guys.
Well, they robbed my ass.
When did
that happen?
Couple days ago.
We'd gone to this settlement
we heard was friendly
to newcomers.
We heard wrong.
Maybe they just
didn't like you.
Left in a hurry, found a place
to camp down, fell asleep.
When I woke up, they were
gone, and so was my stuff.
Guess they finally agreed
on something.
That's why I'm here.
To eat our beans?
I think they're at the abandoned
town down the road.
I'm going back there
to get back what's mine.
can I give you some advice?
Just be grateful they left you
with your life and move on.
This isn't
a vigilante-type deal.
And it ain't about the
principleof it all, either.
Some things
just can't be replaced.
I get that.
Just taking some
extra precaution
in case this kid's
lyingand his buddies show.
Maybe we could give him
some of our supplies now
and he could go.
Doesn't really seem
in a rush to leave.
So, I'm totally screwed, right?
I'm in Wyoming.
It's the middle of February, right?
I'm trudging down I-90,
just walking through2 feet of snow.
I'm just prayingfor some sort of shelter
so I can wait out the storm.
That's when I hear 'em.
Moans so load you could
feelthe vibrations in the show.
Now, I'd seen of herdsof has-beens before,
but nothing like this.
So I panicked. I'm
yankin' on every car door.
No deal.
Rusted shut.
Did you run?
I'm ona freakin' overpass.
So, what did you do?
S-So, I, uh, sat on a car roofand waited.
Bullshit. I did.
I told myself, you know,
world was screwed up,
so, uh, why fight so
hardto live in it, right?
Shut my eyes.
As the has-beens got
closer, I could hear 'em,
snow under their feet,
feel 'embumpin' into the car.
I braced myself
for the end.
I opened my eyes.
It's a herd of bison.
200 of 'em, just crossin'the
freakin' overpass.
It was the mostbeautiful thing I ever seen.
And after that, I was like,
"Screw death.
I'm I'm
I'm here for this."
That's wild.
I mean, just to see
something like that.
Out here, the, uh the
real is surreal, you know.
- That spring, I saw a, uh.
- -a Ferris wheel in Orlando
that had been turnedinto pelican nests.
200 bison.
That's amazing!
You saw the bison that winter?
How'd you get from Wyoming
to Florida in a couple months?
That's impossible.
Did I say that?
That must've been
the year after.
No one stole your supplies.
I'm Look, I misspoke.
No, you didn't.
Okay, Hope, does it really
make a difference?
You didn't get your food
and your pack stolen.
Hey, hey, hey.
Keep it down.
They stole your car.
That's how you got from
Wyoming to Florida so fast.
That's what they took,
Um, is this true?
'Bout a year ago,
I saw a truckthat had skidded onto the ice.
Must've just happened,
becausethe engine was still running,
and the the driverwas
going from, you know,
"once was"
to has-been.
Why'd you lie?
Coulda just told us
they stole your car.
It's like telling
youthere's buried treasure
and expecting you notto go digging for it.
It's not just a working truck, okay?
It's carrying barrelsof refined fuel.
It's likewinning the jackpot.
What if we help you
get it back?
For a price.
We help you get
your truck back,
you drive us
where we need to go.
Where's that?
Does it matter?
There's no way that those guys
are givin' up that thing
without a fight.
I It's too risky.
With a truck,
we avoid empties.
We get there
in half the time.
We don't have to worry about
running out of supplies.
Shouldn't we wait
for Huck?
For backup,
you know?
Those guys could be gone
by then, along with the truck.
Two of them.
Six of us.
But if they got guns, doesn'tmatter
how many of us there are.
Well, I I've never seen any guns.
I mean, that wouldn't be
the first thing
that they hid from me, but
We either get hurt,
or we have to hurt them.
We do have the element
of surprise on our side.
If we use that to our advantage,
it increases our chances
How do I know you
guyswon't just take my truck
and leave me
in the dust?
We won't.
She gave you her word.
Out here, that doesn't meanmuch, big fella.
We need to get
where we're going fast.
It could be the difference
between our dad living and
If we wanted to steal
your truck,
we would just take it,
with or without
your help.
You already told us
where it was.
How 'bout,
at dawn,
we go find ourselves
a truck?
What was she like?
She was great.
Sunday mornings, she'd make French toast,
sing alongwith the record player.
Her voice sounded likea bronchial infection
set to music, but
still like her versionof
"Tiny Dancer" the best.
You were named after
Elton John?
He's an icon!
That's very cool.
My mom
was the coolest.
This helped me
get to know her.
She saw death and
decayas no better or worse
than any of
life's cycles.
She wasn't
afraid of it.
Um, what are you gonna
do with it?
The book, I mean.
Like, after you finish it.
I'd like to pass it on.
You know, so it could
helpsomebody with the big questions.
Help 'em feel less confusedand alone,
just like
it has done for me.
That way, my motherwill never be forgotten.
I'll help you finish it.
collecting samples,
taking picture of worms
and stuff.
Whatever you need
to finish it.
Thank you.
Hold on. You've read "Hamlet"?
Thanks. The surprise in
your voice is very flattering.
Hey, big guy, I can fix
that boot for ya.
Little bit of charcoal
and tree sap makes glue.
Do you knowany other good tricks?
We've only been outof
the University like a month.
Yeah, what's the deal
with that?
You guys had hot showers
and food and beds.
If I had a cushy situation
like that, I'd never leave.
Yeah, it, uh,
wasn't as good as it sounds.
The University, it waslike
a bubble, you know?
Well, you're not careful,
you and your bubble friends
are gonna get yourselves
killed out here.
Um, my friends and I made
itthrough an inferno of empties
and crossed
the Mississippi.
- You were robbed oh!
- -and started a fight with a twig.
Between us, think I'm doin' just fine.
Whatever you say.
You wanna know the
real reasonwe're out here?
My dad.
He was sentto work on a project,
but he's in trouble.
We're out here
to find him.
Save him.
Ah, you're lucky.
You still got somebody to save.
That's rare.
Even more
than a working car.
Let me guess. Either
you joined me back here
for my dazzlingconversational skills,
or you really don't
like that kid.
I don't.
I don't know why
anybody else does.
We can't always control
who we like.
Come on.
That's them.
That's my truck.
Come on.
So, how are we supposed
to get it?
Maybe we wait
until it's dark?
I don't see
any movement.
But they've got
to be here.
I mean, they were just
driving the truck.
We need eyes on both of
thembefore we do anything.
No, I say
we smash and grab.
Move fast,
we can be on the road
before they even know
what's happening.
You don't have the keys.
I can hot-wire it
in under a minute.
I don't
We shouldn't do this.
We are wasting time.
We need to make a decision.
Rest of you stay here.
I'll cover Percy.
Holy shit.
What is it?
Guess the bickering
got worse.
Yeah. We're gonna haveto get outta here.
We are gettin' outta here.
In this.
Damn it.
What is it?
They bolted a plateover the ignition wires.
What's wrong?
Oh, shit.
Oh, my.
I told you to wait
on the other side.
Let's go, alright? This is not happening.
No keys,
but I got this.
Hey! What the hell do you think
you're doin'?
Getting those keys back.
Don't be an idiot.
You all wanna leave, then leave.
I got nothing
left to lose.
We're going back
to the campsite.
Are you crazy?
We said we'd help.
I'm going to.
I'll go.
Watch this.
It would be prudent
to have a lookout
at the front
of the building
in case Mike isn't there
and he decides to come back.
Alright. I'll come with you guys.
As backup.
You twokeep an eye on our gear.
Come on.
That's the only one
not boarded up.
Stay here.
I heard something.
In the back.
Flanking maneuver.
You go left,
I go right.
If Mike gets the jumpon one of us,
the other comes in
from the side.
I can't take it.
I'm going in.
But you But you promised Felix.
I don't
trust that guy.
We can't keep
being so afraid.
How are we supposed
to save my dad
if we are always waiting
for other people to save us?
You talking about me?
You think I'm What? No.
No, no, no.
That is
That's not what I meant.
This is about me.
I won't stop you.
But your sister
probably will.
There's probably
a back way.
You were ready to end
mewith zero hesitation.
What are you
doing here?
you could use some help.
Where's Felix?
Uh, checking the other side.
I was about to
check upstairs.
Let's go.
You sure?
Wouldn't be here
if I wasn't.
Come on.
We were doing fine
by foot.
Slow and sore,
but fine.
Well, anything to get to your
dad faster is worth it, right?
You know, I actually
met your dad
before he left
for the Civic Republic.
Went to ask if he would readmy
mother's writing, and he did.
He's the one who encouraged me
to finish the manuscript.
Even though
he'd never met my mom,
he still
admired her research.
He actually kind of
reminded me of her.
Ink stains
on his fingers,
three coffee cups
on his desk, all cold.
It's those little things abouther
that I don't want to forget.
Maybe we should, uh,
focus, i-instead of talking.
Hey, hey!
That's my stuff.
Find Felix. Get the car started.
I'll be down in a second.
It's not worth Hey, screw that.
They took my stuff.
I'm taking it back, and I'm taking theirs.
Hey, Mike
No, no, no, no, no!
What was that?
Felix found Mike.
Maybe we should seeif he's okay.
He's got our stuff!
The dead guy?
My mom's book!
It's in my bag!
Hey, stop!
Go, go, go!
I can't get out.
The wall's too high.
Don't worry! Felix and Silas
are on their way.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
I just
Are you hurt?!
What's wrong?
We're here!
We're gonna get you out.
One, two
Iris, it's okay!
Just hold on!
Come on!
Keep going!
Iris, we're in!
Felix, help!
Go. Go!
Come on!
Hold them off!
Get in!
More has-beens are comin'!
- Come on!
- Let's go!
Come on!
I told ya, kiddo.
No good deed goes unpunished.
What good deed
is that, huh?
You conned us. Yeah, we did.
We came back when we
sawthe has-beens comin'.
I say we take their ride
and leave 'emto become empty chow.
We saved
all your asses!
When we saw the has-beens
my nephew
had me turn around.
And, what, we should be
gratefulthat you robbed us
then changed your mind?
Out here, that's pretty much
as good as it gets.
Keep your eye
on the ball.
It's that one.
What? No.
No, no. That's crazy. I know it was there.
So what? You're a professional scammer.
Young lady,
for 15 years,
I was Tony Delmado,
resident illusionist
at the Pair-a-Dice Lounge
in Las Vegas.
Was your act
all sleight of hand?
An aficionado!
I like it.
Ah, I did
a bit of everything
Illusions, card tricks,
even dabbled in ventriloquism.
Turns out, knowing how
to throw your voice
is quite useful given the state
of the world as it is.
As far as I'm concerned,
I'm still in show business.
For a small fee
at friendly settlements,
we will perform.
That's why the makeup job
is flawless.
And what are you?
His protégé?
Uh, Tony raised me
when my mom split.
Percy's a quick study.
He was grifting kids
in the sandbox.
Uh, it it's how we get what
we need without hurting people.
You guys deserve medals
or somethin'.
Ya gonna stay mad
at me forever?
It's cool, you don't have
tokeep pretending you care.
That's kinda cynical.
I don't take you for a cynic.
No, you take mefor everything I'm worth.
Know what
the worst part is?
I really thoughtl had good instincts.
You do.
You came back up those stairs
to help me.
See, I I've probably run
this grift a dozen times,
and people always
take the keys and run.
But you didn't.
What does that have
to do with
You saw me as
someone worth saving.
That's why
I came back.
'Cause that's who
I wanted to be.
I, uh
I guess it's on me now to prove
I can be more like you.
You know, I'd love to
readyour mom's book sometime.
If you'd let me.
You would?
Yeah, absolutely.
I might be the only person left
in the world who saw her,
who knew her.
at least now someone else
will know her, too.
We need to talk.
As we say in my business,
we got ourselves a setup,
but no punch line.
We both want the truck,
but only I know
where to get more fuel.
This isn't as much of a
conversation as it is, what?
You trying to play me?
Threaten me?
My nephew
promised you a ride,
and I intend
to make good on that.
But first,
I want to know about
that fetching insignia
you got there.
What, this?
It's, uh, the emblem of the
University where we live.
As the saying goes,
don't bullshit a bullshitter.
one from Vegas.
I know whatever group's behind
this doesn't mess around,
and they're close.
I've seen helicopters
flying around with this symbol.
If it's so dangerous, why not leave?
Let's just say
it's a good thing
I checked the driver's pockets
when we searched the truck.
Found something that pointed us
to a refueling station nearby.
Now we got a routine down
on how to get what we need
and avoid these assholes.
You didn't avoid us.
You're not them.
They're armed to the hilt
in all-black uniforms.
You're a ragtag group of kids
in homemade leather.
What I want to know is,
if we get into a bind,
can that patch of yours
get us out?
Of course it can.
Great. Then tomorrow, we
pick upyour friend and we ride.
To wherever
you want to go.
But first,
a little entertainment.
Some people make it
look so easy.
Starting over.
I wish I knew which part of himwas the lie
and which part was real.
You know?
He's the same as us.
We all have parts
that we want people to see,
and parts of us
that we try to hide.
It's all real.
Ladies and gentlemen,
without further ado
We welcome you to the end
of the world.
Dr. Belshaw.
Yes, I-I'm still
working on that, but
Of course.
It will be taken care of
by the time they arrive.
Dr. Bennett won't be a problem.
His security detail won't be,
Of course.
Thank you, Lieutenant Colonel.
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