The Wedding Coach (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

The Bridesmaid's Tale

I'm Jamie Lee, comedian,
actress, author, and former bride.
A few years ago, I got married!
Was it magical? Kinda.
Was planning it a bit of a nightmare?
[dramatic music intensifying]
In fact,
I found wedding planning so ridiculous
that I wrote a book about it!
Here's the thing.
The wedding industry wants you to believe
that everything should be perfect,
but that's some bullshit.
There's no need for a wedding expert.
You just need someone who's lived
through it to do your dirty work.
I'll be there to help couples
get to the finish line,
and I'll be bringing along
some of my friends to help.
Consider me the wedding coach!
Do I have pit stains?
Ooh, la, la, la, la
Do, do, do, do, do, do it ♪
Ooh, la, la, la, la
Do, do, do, do, do, do it ♪
[upbeat rock music playing]
- Is it your turn or my turn?
- [man] Your turn. Go ahead.
If I win, you can't add no more people
to the guest list.
[giggles] Game on!
[Lee] This is Tahis, who is set to marry
her man, George,
at a traditional Greek wedding
in just one week.
Look at that! [laughs] Come on.
[Lee] But Tahis is lacking family support,
and her bridal party
is kinda falling apart.
Here to help defuse some wedding tension
is my dear pal, comedian Fortune Feimster.
Fortune is a veteran
of many wedding parties,
and she's also an amazing improviser.
I'm gonna need her quick wits to help me
get this unruly bridal party into shape.
Hopefully Fortune and I
can give Tahis and George
the support they so desperately need
and make sure this Greek wedding
doesn't turn into a Greek tragedy.
[Tahis] George and I have been dating
for a year and a half.
- I love you.
- [George] Love you, baby.
Her friend was dating my friend.
It was his birthday party,
and then she came with her friends.
He approached me, we started talking,
and then I'm like,
"I think I met my future husband."
I knew, like, that night.
- It just felt right.
- I guess we both felt from the beginning.
- Right?
- Yep.
[George] The thing I love most
about Tahis, she's just very sweet,
she's kind, she's caring.
Very selfless, very selfless person.
- And I love that about her.
- [giggles]
[Tahis] I fell in love with George
because he's so supportive.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- We share that same bond of
- Right.
You know,
we're both from broken families,
which is also kind of
what brought us really close together.
- Yay! [giggles]
- There you go! Good job!
We actually had planned a trip to Greece,
and I knew I wanted to propose to her.
The day of the proposal,
we went to this monastery.
It's in the Greek mountains.
[Tahis] He got down on one knee.
I was like, "This is really happening."
Then I started crying. [laughs]
I grew up Catholic,
but George is Greek Orthodox,
so I actually had a confirmation
to be able to get married
in the Greek Church.
A Greek Orthodox ceremony
is very traditional.
It's gonna be at a big cathedral
in San Diego.
I've been learning
what a Greek wedding is like,
so from the ceremony to the reception,
Greek dancing, a Greek DJ, Greek dessert.
Just another annoying text message from
- Leave us alone.
- From the bridesmaids.
Unfortunately, my bridesmaids
are not supporting me,
and when I deal with
confrontation in general, I'm just
I try to avoid it at all costs.
Jamie is the complete opposite
of how I am as a bride.
So I'm really hoping
Jamie can help me be a little braver.
Give me that moral support
to make decisions
based on my wants and my feelings.
- Reassure me that everything will be OK.
- Give a little boost.
[upbeat music continues]
[Lee] Mm!
- Hi, Tahis!
- [Tahis] Hi!
- [Lee] How's it going?
- It's going! [laughs]
- Cheers, friend.
- Cheers.
- To day-drinking with the bride!
- To day-drinking. Yes!
- Just a couple of sips.
- [giggles]
- That's all you need! [giggles]
- Mm-hmm. OK, so
- We got complicated family dynamics.
- [Tahis] Yep.
Take me through it.
Yeah, so my mom, you know,
we've had an estranged relationship.
I haven't seen her in person
for like six years.
- Oh, wow.
- I decided not to invite her.
It's hard, but when you feel like
someone's kind of toxic,
you gotta cut someone off.
You're not alone.
Weddings make people feel like
their family tree doesn't look "correct,"
but there's no correct family tree.
So I just don't want you
adding the pressure of shame to yourself
when you're already dealing
with the pressure of being a bride
and all that entails.
Right, so not to add to any other stress,
I have what you call a "koumbara,"
which is like a maid of honor,
but it's for the Greek Orthodox ceremony.
My friend Annie,
who I've known since high school,
is bothered by the fact
that she's not maid of honor,
because you have to be Greek Orthodox.
Did she chill out when she realized,
like, it's just not tradition?
No, she's still really upset about it.
- She's what I like to call the Wrench.
- [laughs]
When you have a group
that's all just like,
"Whatever you need! Whatever you want!"
And then the one person swoops in
like, "It doesn't work for me!"
- [laughs]
- OK, so we got some bridesmaid drama.
- Right.
- Talk to me about George's sister.
Well, um,
Cassandra is George's little sister.
She's got a new job, so she's like,
"I don't know if I'll be able to make it."
So, now I might be down a bridesmaid.
How many bridesmaids
do you have right now?
Six including Cassandra,
and then George has six groomsmen.
That just leaves me with, potentially,
an uneven number of bridesmaids.
Is she cool?
She definitely
you'll know when she's in the room.
She doesn't care if she's gonna
hurt your feelings, she'll tell you, so
Even if she's delightful,
I'm still annoyed.
It's been stressful not knowing
if Cassandra's gonna be in the wedding
or whether or not
I should have a backup bridesmaid.
Obviously, I want her there.
She's my sister.
That's why I asked Tahis
to put her in her bridal party,
you know, just to have her involved, too.
But I try not to confront her,
because it just stresses me out
to make anybody feel uncomfortable.
Dream scenario,
I'm a fairy godmother to you,
how do I bibbidi-bobbidi-boo
this situation for you?
What would be most helpful
is how to have that conversation with her.
OK, we can figure that out,
but I want her to just be forthcoming.
Like, "This is my choice."
Because I think not knowing
is the painful part.
- You need me.
- Yeah. [laughs]
- Not to toot my own horn.
- But I do!
But, babe, you need a little J.
- [giggles] Yes!
- OK.
[upbeat music playing]
[Lee] Confronting in-laws is never
what I would call a fun experience.
I'm meeting with Tahis
and her maid of honor,
and we have arranged
for George's sister to come by.
We need to find out
if she'll be attending the wedding
or whether Tahis needs to hunt down
a last-minute replacement.
So, Tahis explained to me
that she's having
some bridesmaids troubles.
With the Cassandra
question mark of it all,
we just need to know,
is she in or is she out?
And then we can move on
no matter what
- The answer is, yeah.
- [Lee] Yeah.
- What do you think?
- She won't stand up for herself.
- I kind of know.
- OK!
- But she'll have to.
- [Tahis] You're right.
I always say, "George, you need
to call your sister to find out."
Like, maybe she's not telling
me something.
Like if she really just doesn't
want to be part of it, or
We don't have to get into
how it relates to her brother,
'cause it's really not about George
at this point.
It's about you
and your support system around you.
Before she gets here,
our mission is to get an answer.
A definitive yes or no, not a maybe.
- [Tahis] OK.
- Feeling good? We got this.
- [Katie] Oh, gosh. OK.
- [Tahis laughing]
She's here.
- [Lee] She's here?
- [Tahis] Yeah.
- Oh, my God!
- [Lee] Hey!
- Hi! How's it going?
- [Cassandra] Hi, how are you?
Good, how are you?
Oh, come join our little powwow.
We have a specific question for you,
because she's trying
to figure out her bridesmaid situation.
'Cause she is in a position
where she is gonna have to,
potentially, find a replacement,
'cause in pictures,
it's nice to have an even number.
These are all things you learn as a bride.
- Right, of course.
- [Lee] Take it away.
Right, so remember you mentioned
that 'cause of your new job
Like, do you know if you're gonna be able
to be in it or not?
I don't know.
I'm gonna be, like, busy with work.
Is that really like the only thing
that would be keeping you?
'Cause obviously we want you there.
Uh, yeah, I mean
[crickets chirping]
No, it's not like
I mean, I just don't want to pressure you.
I don't feel any pressure.
OK, do you wanna go to the wedding?
Um, I mean, you kinda have to go
to your brother's wedding, so
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Are you close with your brother?
- Are we having family therapy?
I mean, you know, just curious.
I mean, no, we don't talk like that often.
I am not sure what unspoken conflict
is lurking below the surface
of this conversation,
but the last thing I want
is for my bride to take on George
and Cassandra's drama as her own.
- Sadi. Can I squeeze in?
- [Lee] Hi, friend!
Squeeze in!
We're having porch chill time.
- [George] Sit right here. Slide down.
- [Cassandra] Center of attention.
- [Lee] We were talking about bridesmaids.
- [George] Right.
- The question mark was your sister.
- [George] Cassandra.
- Right.
- Yeah.
You've known for what, eight months now?
Nine, ten months, the date?
Still the same date.
We haven't changed anything.
Well, you know, not everyone
can manage your schedule, George.
- We try our best.
- [Lee] OK.
In being in a bridal party,
it is hectic,
and there is a level of, like,
having to support her.
It is gonna be an issue of, like,
slapping on a happy face.
It has to be, like, good vibes for her.
Yeah I don't know
what other vibes to give.
[crickets chirping]
Would it be easier, potentially,
if you didn't have to go
and be a bridesmaid?
Because then she can figure out
if she needs to find somebody else.
[clicks tongue] I mean, sure, whatever.
TBH, I don't wanna go if I'm not in it.
It's kind of a waste of my time,
I feel like.
Will you you guys need to, like, hang.
- Go catch up.
- Alright.
- [Lee] I'll hang with the girls.
- [George] Thank you.
Knowing now that Cassandra's
not gonna be able to make it really sucks.
I wanted my sister there,
but we just have to move on.
As long as Tahis is happy,
that's all I care about.
That was not awkward at all.
[Lee] I mean
- I feel speechless, and I talk a lot.
- [Tahis giggles]
It was a lot of tension.
You could cut that with a knife.
This has been, like, her dream job.
- So I know that that comes first for her.
- Yeah.
What do you think
about getting a replacement?
Do you have anyone in mind?
- Yeah, I do. I have a friend of mine.
- Good. OK.
My friend Mariel has been my friend
since we were 14 years old.
Hopefully, it won't be difficult
for Mariel to step in
so late in the process.
- We'll make it work out.
- It is going to work out.
It's always gonna be like a fun story
if anything else happens, right?
- True.
- Positive!
- I love that attitude.
- [Tahis giggles]
Family dynamics always reveal themselves
around weddings,
but not all issues can be resolved
before the big day.
Now that Cassandra has canceled,
Tahis can get temporary closure
and put her focus
back where she wants it to be,
on her upcoming wedding.
Hug it out.
My new concern is making sure
the new bridesmaid is up to speed,
get her ready for the wedding stat.
It is time to bring in the big guns.
- I made it! [chuckles]
- [Lee squealing]
- Hi, Jamie!
- Hi, buddy! Thanks for being here.
Oh, my pleasure!
Very excited to be here. Yeah. [grunts]
- It's been a minute.
- [Lee] I know!
- I haven't seen you since you got married.
- Oh, my God.
- And you're engaged.
- I am.
I've been engaged for like two years.
- We can't pull it together
- [Lee laughs]
- to plan anything.
- Well, it's such a nightmare. [laughs]
It seems like a nightmare.
You are such a perfect fit
for this wedding.
I am?
You are someone
who thinks on their feet very quick,
and I feel like this bride
needs that kind of vigilance.
- OK.
- You were just a bridesmaid.
I was. Well, I have been
a bridesmaid many times.
But this time, I was a groomswoman.
Do you have a lot of responsibilities
as a groomswoman?
- No, that's what I loved about it.
- So nice.
No one expects anything of the men.
I got to just drink bourbon.
- The women
- I know.
were off getting ready
for like six hours.
Yeah, or more.
We've been fed that
the getting ready process is so fun.
- It's part of the day!
- Yeah, it's part of the day!
And then you're like, "I don't really
wanna spend my day sitting still
while people, like, touch my face."
- Yeah. [laughs]
- "Here comes the mascara!"
So, let me just take you through
what the bride is dealing with.
Tahis' bridesmaids,
they have a larger responsibility
to really surround her with this support
that she is lacking from her family.
It's especially important
that this new bridesmaid, Mariel,
filling in for Cassandra,
she has to be the best bridesmaid
of any bridesmaid.
I'm thinking, we fucking boot camp her.
We're in a good sort of tag team situation
to help Tahis with minor upsets
and letdowns.
Well, potentially major upsets.
Hopefully not major.
- Right, I got this. [grunts]
- [Lee] That's my girl.
Did I just turn into your grandma?
"That's my girl!"
[Feimster] "That's my girl!"
[upbeat music playing]
[Feimster] I love Look at the view!
- It's beautiful!
- [Lee] Beautiful!
So, have a quick seat.
So, Mariel, how do you feel
about being part of the bridal squad?
If I'm able to help in anything,
like, I'm there.
- Are you Are you prepared?
- [Mariel] I'm nervous.
- You are?
- Never done this!
- [Lee] Never been a bridesmaid?
- [Mariel] Never!
- Really? Never in any wedding?
- It's my first time ever.
- Whoa!
- But
I feel like even before
she officially was a bridesmaid,
she was helping.
So she's You've already got
the essence of a bridesmaid.
Fortune and I are gonna help you
become full-blown
- Oh.
- bridesmaid.
- [Feimster] Yes!
- Oh.
What are you nervous about
in terms of being a bridesmaid?
I really don't know
exactly what to expect.
- Nothing goes as planned, but that's OK.
- [Lee] Yes.
- You have to just roll with it.
- Yeah.
- We'll whip you into shape.
- [Feimster] That's right.
- You'll dominate the bridesmaid status.
- Yeah, you're gonna put them all to shame.
And we're all gonna look at the rest
of the bridesmaids and go, "Suck it!"
- [all laugh]
- [Lee] OK, come with us!
- Come with us.
- OK. Oh!
- See you in a little bit.
- Bye, Tahis.
[Lee] Life is unpredictable.
Like, suddenly you're a bridesmaid
just days before a wedding.
Now, Mariel is not only
a late addition to the party,
she's also never been a bridesmaid.
The last thing we want
is for Mariel to feel like sloppy seconds
or confused about her role,
so Fortune and I are going to initiate her
into the Sisterhood of the Bridal Party.
- [whistle blows]
- [shouts] Mariel!
- Are you ready for Bridesmaid Boot Camp?
- Ready!
- I didn't even finish my sentence
- Yeah!
But I like that kind of enthusiasm!
Kicking off boot camp by teaching you
[together] The Ten Maid-mandments!
Sit down!
- Sit down!
- Yes, ma'ams.
The bride is thy Lord!
Honor even if thyself has thy headache!
Thou shalt not hate your dress!
It's adorable!
[Lee] Thou shalt not ask
how they can help!
- Just freakin' help!
- Freakin' help!
- Thou must shower with the bride!
- Oh.
[Feimster] Oh.
- [Lee] Thou must shower
- Must shower
- The bride with compliments!
- Compliments!
[Lee] Now, physical conditioning!
First of all, in the bridal suite,
people leave their stuff everywhere.
- You're gonna have to
- [Feimster] Mm-hmm.
- [Lee] Then over here
- Trying to get to the bar.
You gotta push through guests
to get a drink for Tahis.
She can't wait in line.
And then, "Oh my God, my necklace!"
- What are you gonna do?
- Mariel, will you untangle it for me?
- You're gonna untangle it!
- [Lee] Final move!
If she drops something on the ground,
she won't be able to bend to pick it up.
That's where you come in.
- You gotta go under the chair.
- Yeah, you're gonna have to crawl.
- Are you ready?
- [Feimster] Ready?
- Yes.
- [both] OK!
I don't want you half-assin' this.
I want you to full-ass it!
On your mark
- Get set, go!
- Get set, go!
- [whistle blows]
- Come on! Oh, wait!
Being a bridesmaid
requires all of your talents.
[Lee] Mariel, I need you!
You're like MacGyver in a strapless dress.
It can be a thankless job.
Oh, my God. She's fast.
The key is to just be prepared
for anything and roll with the punches.
My earring is down there!
- Yeah, I need it! I need it.
- Oh, wow. That's that's good.
Come on! You can do it! You can do it!
- Thank you. You're such a good bridesmaid!
- [Mariel] Got it!
- That was awesome!
- Good job.
OK, you did great. We're proud of you.
You're gonna be a great bridesmaid.
She really needs you, like,
in all seriousness.
- Like, she really needs you.
- Yeah.
When Mariel started army crawling
on the ground,
that was the moment for me
when I was like, this girl
- She was bride or die.
- [Feimster] Hundred percent.
She didn't even think twice.
She's just like, "This is for my friend!"
But, you know,
the wedding day will be the true test.
Yeah, honestly, that's the only test.
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Lee] We're just days out
from the wedding,
so right now I have to check in with Tahis
to see how she's feeling about everything.
This is so beautiful.
- Honestly, I don't even know what to say.
- Beautiful, right?
[classical music plays]
This looks like The NeverEnding Story.
[Tahis chuckles] I know, yeah.
Like if I open that,
I'm gonna meet Atreyu,
and I'm definitely gonna ride Falkor.
OK, so where are your stress levels at?
- I mean, I did have a meltdown.
- Oh! Tahis! Why?
I love how you're saying
that you're stressed with a smile.
- Yeah, this
- You're like, "I had a meltdown."
You know, it's just
my best friend Annie is still upset
that she didn't get to be maid of honor,
and for her, it was just more of like,
I picked someone over her.
That's kind of the flaw
of bridal parties in general.
You're asked to rank your friends
in some kind of hierarchy,
and that's not something
we do in our regular non-wedding life.
But for some reason,
when it comes to weddings,
we sort of like regress
into this place of like,
"OK, who gets to be my most favorite
special friend on the day?"
- And then, "Who gets to be second-tier?"
- Right.
It's like so bizarre.
- It's the craziest thing.
- Yeah, it is crazy.
- Weddings bring out the worst in people.
- They do.
It makes you confront things
you don't even want to confront.
And if she's really your friend,
she needs to be there for you
and realize that you have a million
other things that you're dealing with.
So I think that if someone could just
speak to her directly and let her know
that it's not as dramatic
as she's making it, she might calm down.
I do wanna talk to Annie. I do.
OK, this is
Ah! [chuckles] OK. There he is.
- He's just like on the ceiling.
- [Tahis chuckles]
[Lee] Hi!
The titles and the hierarchy
of the bridal party,
it causes so much unnecessary drama,
but then there's like responsibilities
But then there's responsibilities!
I'm like, "Girl, just enjoy it!"
I wasn't asked to be in a wedding
I thought I would get asked to be in.
I literally jumped for joy.
The last thing Tahis needs
is an angry bridesmaid,
so we got to go to the rehearsal dinner
and assess the situation.
- I got you, boo.
- [Lee] I need to be got-ed.
Thanks! Isn't it fun?
What is it made out of?
I don't know,
but I want it to have puffy shoulders.
- OK, make it puffy.
- [laughs]
[upbeat music playing]
This is me with my sanity in a corner.
Like, "I just want food."
- That's how it goes.
- Did you guys even eat pizza?
- No, there's another one coming.
- OK.
- [Annie] I might leave early from here.
- You never wanna hang out with us.
- I don't wanna hang out with anybody.
- [laughs] Well, I'm gonna go mingle.
[Lee] Oh, my God.
I am so excited for these mozz sticks.
- [Feimster] For sure.
- Oh, my look how big that is.
Oh, my gosh.
You've got every sauce
that was ever invented on one plate.
- That's right.
- Yeah.
It's a wedding. We're living our lives.
I guess I should get a fork,
pretend like I'm a lady.
[Lee] We're gonna squee-eeze in.
- [Feimster] Hi, guys.
- I'm Jamie by the way.
- Hi, I'm Annie. Nice to meet you.
- [Lee] Hi, Annie. Nice to meet you!
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Feimster] Aw!
[Lee] How are you guys feeling
about tomorrow?
I'm really excited.
Me and her have been talking about this
since we were 17.
[Lee] Whoa, really?
A lot has changed but,
I mean, that's life, you know?
Have you been bridesmaids before,
or is this the
Actually, I've never been to a wedding.
Never even been invited.
- Wow!
- Wow!
How do you feel about being a bridesmaid?
I still don't feel like I'm a bridesmaid.
You don't feel like you're a bridesmaid?
I don't feel like I'm changing anything.
I'm just gonna dress and go.
So when you guys
talked about your wedding,
did you think
you were gonna be maid of honor?
- Yeah.
- How did you feel when she was like
- [Annie] It was upsetting.
- "It's bridesmaid."
Yeah, I remember when she first told me,
I was like, "Are you serious?"
"We had this planned
for a very long time."
It's not a setback in your friendship.
It's literally just a title
that has to be assigned
because like that's what has happened
- Tradition, right.
- For so many stupidly long years.
- Right.
- Yeah.
Tahis has already been dealing with,
like, family tension.
We don't also need to add
bridesmaid stress on top
[Annie] For sure.
She knew I felt upset about it but, like,
what matters is you're getting married.
- Right?
- Right.
Finally, whatever we've talked about,
it's actually happening.
- That's what matters.
- Yeah.
- Well, you have a very healthy attitude.
- [laughs] I try to stay positive.
- Alright, BRB.
- [Annie] Yeah.
[Lee] Right now,
Annie is confused about her role,
and I really feel for her.
She loves Tahis so much.
She wants to do it right and with purpose,
so we gotta find her one.
So I spoke to Annie and I was thinking
maybe sort of her like testiness
is coming from a place
of actually just like feeling insecure.
- [Feimster] Part of it is not knowing
- Like what her role is, right?
- [Feimster] Yeah.
- OK.
I just didn't know like
how to, like, pass on duties
or make everyone feel
like a part of the whole day.
And I was thinking maybe
we could come up with something.
- It could be a quick, fun, little speech.
- Oh, I like that.
- Kind of fun.
- Yeah, that'd be cool!
We can see how she feels
about writing something quickly.
- Like a toast, right?
- Yeah!
So, 'cause "speech" is intimidating.
- OK, a toast.
- Oh, toast.
I feel like that would show her
like, "Hey, I do appreciate,
like, our friendship time."
And also just tell her
that it is a maid of honor duty.
OK I'll just grab her.
- I'll go grab her. Stay here.
- OK.
[indistinct chatter]
- What's up?
- I have a question. Will you come with me?
- It's only gonna take two seconds.
- Alright.
OK, we had an idea,
and I'm gonna have Tahis tell you.
So, you know, one of the reasons
I picked you to be my bridesmaid
is we've been friends for so long.
I've been thinking of different ways
to make you feel extra special,
and I wanted to know if you would be OK
with doing a toast during the reception?
- [Annie gasps]
- That is like a maid of honor duty.
And, you know,
I would like for you to do that.
- Aw.
- Would you want to?
- [Annie] Aw! Yeah!
- [Tahis giggles]
Honestly, I'm speechless. I'm gonna cry.
- [laughs] Don't cry!
- [Feimster] Aw!
[Lee] Oh, my God!
Tahis is non-confrontational.
So I think she probably
goes to this place of
- "I just don't wanna make waves."
- [Feimster] Right.
It's like, "Sometimes, you have to have
an uncomfortable conversation
to get to a place where the waves settle."
Sometimes, it's an underlying,
like, hurt feeling,
or confusion, or not understanding.
You gotta sort that out.
- Feeling good about it.
- I love it.
I can't believe the wedding is tomorrow.
[both squealing]
[classical music remix playing]
- Hi! Happy wedding day!
- [Tahis] Hi!
[Lee] It's here!
Big day, lots to do!
But that's why she has bridesmaids.
I am hopeful that it will go smoothly.
- That there will be no drama, but
- Right.
- There's always something.
- [in high voice] Always something!
Mariel should be helping us,
but Mariel's not here.
- Did she already forget our training?
- That's what I'm saying.
Hey, Mariel, I've got Fortune here.
[whistle blows]
[Mariel on phone] Yes, Jamie, uh,
I'm seven minutes away,
driving on the freeway.
OK. Well, be safe, first off.
And second, you better get here!
[Lee] OK, we gotta get this dress
ready for Tahis.
Everybody, step away from the dress.
- [sighs] OK.
- [Feimster] Careful with this.
Oh, my God.
- What happened?
- [Lee] A button came off.
- [Feimster] Oh, no.
- [Annie] Yes, a button came off.
- [Lee] Are you kidding me?
- What?
- Are you good at sewing?
- I don't know how to sew.
[Lee] We are not breathing
a word of this to Tahis.
- [Annie] Yeah, she'll freak.
- [Lee] No, no, no.
I'm so ready just to rip these nails off
just so I can do this right.
Is that Mariel?
- [Annie] Mariel?
- Mariel.
- Yes, hi!
- [Feimster] Do you know how to sew?
Uh, a little.
A button falls off a dress,
you go, "So what?"
No! Everything is more heightened
on a wedding day.
This is officially Buttongate.
Mariel, here's the deal.
[quietly] A button has fallen off
of the dress.
- We all don't know how to sew.
- I do, I just have
[Lee] She has claws and you don't.
- She has Wolverine nails right now.
- OK, relax!
[both laughing]
OK, this is your time to shine.
This is like when I smacked you
with that pillow cushion.
- This is the pillow cushion.
- This is that pillow. OK.
We're not there yet, but we are close.
- OK.
- Everything's great.
[Annie] We gotta make sure
there isn't going to be a seam. Hide it.
- Hey.
- Hi, guys!
- [George] Hey, what's up?
- Oh, my God.
Being a part of the bridal party
is very stressful.
It's tough, right?
I was like, I need
I need to be around dudes, stat!
- [they laugh]
- [Feimster] Look at how nice y'all look!
[tense music plays]
- [door opens]
- [Lee] Oh!
Hi! What do you need?
You can't come in yet.
- [Tahis] OK, is Mariel in there?
- [Lee] Yes. Do you need her?
- [Tahis] How long will it be?
- [Lee] She's coming out. She'll be out
[Tahis] We're running behind a little.
[Lee] No, no, no, I promise,
we're not gonna slow you down.
[Mariel whispers] I was able to sew it.
- She can continue
- It's fine. Go ahead.
OK, good job. You did great.
[whispers] Go.
[George] Five minutes,
cuff-links on and we're going down.
Whatever you need. I got you.
[dramatic classical music playing]
- [Lee] Ugh, fabulous.
- [woman] I know.
You're amazing. You're a strong woman.
You've been through a lot,
and you're kicking ass.
- I'm really proud of you.
- Yes.
[Lee] High five.
High OK, I'm into that.
- OK. See you later.
- [giggles]
[soft instrumental music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[clears throat]
[Tahis] George is just amazing.
I think I am the person that I am
because of him.
He's always believed in me.
He's always supported me.
I'm just excited to finally
get to walk down the aisle
and marry my best friend.
[guests gasp]
[gentle guitar music playing]
- [softly] You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
[priest] We have come together
to share in this rejoicing
of the marriage of George and Tahis
in the Orthodox Church.
Hold out your right hands.
[gentle piano music playing]
[priest] What God has yoked together,
let no man separate.
May I be the first to announce to you
the new Mr. and Mrs. George Koutsopoulos.
You may kiss your new bride.
[guests cheer and applaud]
[uplifting music playing]
Tahis looked va-va-voom stunning,
and the Greek Orthodox ceremony
was beautiful.
- [Feimster] We did it. [laughs]
- We did it. Feeling good.
[Feimster] We're so proud of you!
[upbeat music playing]
- [Feimster] The reception's ready to go.
- [Lee] It's toast time.
We have to make sure
Annie's in good spirits,
because if she's in good spirits,
Tahis can be in good spirits.
- And we also need to fucking party!
- We need to party!
Annie! Annie! Annie! Annie!
- Are you ready to give a toast?
- I'm not. I don't know what to say.
Well, here's the beauty of a toast -
it's short.
It's just a little like congratulations,
a little something from the heart,
and wishing them well.
- Salud.
- [Annie] I'm very nervous.
- Don't be nervous. You got this, boo.
- [laughs]
Our lovely friend Annie here
would like to give a toast.
- Annie!
- Some love!
[guests cheering]
- [Lee] Good girl, Annie!
- Woo!
First of all,
I would like to say congratulations
to the beautiful couple.
[guests cheer]
I love you,
and I've known you for many years.
- I'm not gonna say how old we are.
- Yes, please, thank you, don't. Kidding!
Tahis deserves the world,
and the only person that's capable
of giving you that world is George.
- [guests] Yes!
- [Tahis] Aw!
So cheers to you, and cheers
to many wonderful, blessed years.
I love you both, and that's it.
[guests cheering]
[Lee] Tahis and George
are a strong couple.
They had some straight-up
disappointments from family
who could not be in attendance.
And I know that Tahis wanted Cassandra
to be a part of the wedding,
but everybody doubled down,
and they were showered with attention,
and hugs, and happiness.
- Annie! Bridesmaid extraordinaire.
- [giggles]
I do still want to get married
after seeing this.
- You do?
- I just don't want a traditional thing.
I actually just want to have a party now.
- For me, I'll forego the lady prep.
- [Lee] Just a sweatpants wedding.
Just sweatpants. Everyone wear sweatpants.
- Sweatpants dance party?
- Yes.
- I hope I get invited.
- Yes.
[Lee] Sounds like a dream.
- Did you have the best time tonight?
- Yeah!
- [Feimster] You did?
- It's amazing.
I think everything turned out perfect!
- [Feimster] Really? Good!
- And finally I'm just like
"Let things happen."
- That's awesome!
- [Tahis] Yes!
I think our wedding
was everything that I hoped for.
Like, everything was beautiful.
My favorite moment was probably
when she was walking down the aisle.
She was beautiful.
[Tahis] Thank you so much, Jamie.
You've done a lot for us.
I'll never be able to thank you enough.
And we're so happy
you were able to be part of our big day.
[Lee over microphone]
It's Kalamatiano time!
Opa! Opa! Opa!
- [Greek music playing]
- [guests cheering]
- Guess what else I got.
- What?
Oh, my God!
Cold hard cash. [laughing]
I gotta go.
[Feimster] Psh!
- Alright, fine, I'll give it to the
- We're still here.
Fine, I'll give it to the couple.
- [Lee] OK, we'll mail it to them. Yeah.
- We'll mail it.
- [Greek music continues]
- [Lee laughs]
[guests cheering]
[upbeat music playing]
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