The Wedding Planners (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

A June Wedding

Maybe one too many turns!
Might be a bit too ambitious
for our first dance at the wedding.
It is surreal being here.
With you.
I'm all real.
And all here.
Eighteen months of chatting online
and the last few preparing
for this big move.
Here it is all coming true.
Are you still feeling sure about this?
Let me show you
How sure!
A big movie ending dip.
That's very serious.
(HANNAH) Okay, so, let
me get this straight.
Tyler, you went to culinary
school with Christopher.
But you became a dancer
instead of a chef.
And June you met Tyler
a year and a half ago
when he was a choreographer
but at Christopher's pool tournament.
And now you're getting married.
As simple as that.
Yeah, but you're
forgetting the part about
the high cell phone bills.
We talked every day.
I definitely need to
make a timeline to put on
the signing table at the wedding.
Make sure you add last fall
when June came and saw Les Mis
in Chicago and I proposed
during the curtain call.
He had the audience standing
and clapping for three calls.
That's so romantic.
Whirlwind really.
(PAIGE) I bet.
All for love ♪
All for us ♪
We'll get through this ♪
You always knew that
the way would be ♪
All for love ♪
And love for all ♪
To our amazing chef.
For this excellent dinner.
Yes, it was delicious.
It was perfect.
And thank you to Paige.
For being my Matron of Honor.
I love you so much Paige.
I love you too.
And thanks to my best
man for playing Cupid.
If he hadn't let me
win at pool that night
I might never have won June's heart.
Time for the coffee?
Let's help.
Okay. I saw that.
Uh-huh. So did I.
No no no. Tonight is
about you and Tyler.
Let's focus on that.
She's right.
Let's focus on you two.
So, how's it been having him
around for the last couple days?
- Great.
- Yeah?
Okay. Good.
Both great and good, and fun.
But Most of our
relationship has been online.
We've talk about our dreams.
I just don't know that we've
talked enough about things
like starting a family
or whether he'll be happy
leaving his traveling
life and staying put here.
Trust me. It takes a lifetime
to get to know each other.
But I think it's important
to have those conversations.
As our mom always said
All for love and love for all.
I like that.
Being married for ten
years is a big deal.
It all happened so fast.
Like in a heartbeat.
A lot of life happens in ten years.
Hence the big anniversary party.
And you did that ten
years with my sister.
That is a big deal.
I had an idea I wanted to run by you.
I want to wear the same suit
that I wore on our wedding day
for our anniversary party.
I think that's the worst
idea since rompers for men.
It's going to be out of style.
Yeah, but it's just a suit.
Just a suit?
This will represent who you are today.
Not the Dan you were then.
All that's changed
since your wedding day.
Yeah. I guess you're right.
(TYLER) No coffee for me, thanks.
First day of the new job tomorrow.
Hartbridge Community Theater
deserves to have me at my best.
They're so lucky to have you.
Our father is one of
their biggest supporters.
He'll be very excited
to hear that someone
of your caliber is heading it up.
Wait. Is your Dad Jimmy Clarkson?
Uh-huh. Yeah.
One and only.
Cool. I'm a big fan.
Well, that's a curtain
call for me folks.
Oh, before you go. Wedding business.
Your tuxedo fitting is tomorrow
Just tell June all the details
and she'll let me know where to be.
Well, I (SMOOCH)
Well, that was weird.
Maybe he's still on
touring company time.
It might take him a little
to adjust to Hartbridge time.
Or my time it seems.
Thanks again so much for dinner.
It was so good.
You're so welcome.
Is there anything you can't cook?
I really need to work on lamb.
You're just a perfectionist.
Let me get this for you.
Thank you.
(PAIGE) Okay, come on. We got to go.
It's been great seeing
Tyler and June together.
Getting to know them better as a couple.
Yeah, I've never seen Tyler so in love.
Thanks for dinner. See you in the car.
(JUNE) Thanks again.
All right. I'll see you.
Okay, so here are just
some of the love letters.
Tyler would be so embarrassed
if anybody saw these.
These are going to be
perfect for the love timeline.
But don't worry. We'll blur
out all the mushy parts.
Yeah, we'll do some creative blurring.
Okay, I trust you.
Okay, so the car company
will pick up June's friend
Marci this afternoon.
And then Tyler's company
friends are arriving tomorrow.
Did you send the welcome
packages to the hotel?
- Uh-huh.
- Okay, great.
It's kind of crazy.
Just, being the bridal party
and organizing my own anniversary party.
I may have added more stress on myself.
I am planning a surprise for Dan.
That's so cute that the two of
you still surprise each other.
I love that.
Yeah, he's not going
to like the surprise.
Paige! No matter what people say,
everybody loves a good surprise.
I invited his mom.
I sent photos of the girls to tempt her.
And she said yes. Surprise!
That's a big one. Or a stupid one.
I can't figure out which one yet.
Thank you for that!
You know I really think that June
is going to really need me this week.
I'm getting the sense
that she's starting to see
the cracks in her perfect relationship.
I mean lovey dovey
phone calls and letters
can sometimes mask imperfections.
He seems too good to be true.
(PAIGE) And do you really know someone
if you've never lived in the same city?
(JUNE) Okay. Great job everyone.
I'll see you next week.
Wow! Your own studio
like you always dreamed!
Yeah. Can you believe it?
It's pretty amazing, hey?
I'm so proud of you!
I mean, owning your own
business is a lot of work.
But I love it.
Well, you always were
the stand on your own
two feet kind of person.
I was always more the marrying kind.
But now! Here you are!
The blushing bride. Never too late huh?
I can't wait for the bridal shower.
I have so many games lined up.
Oh well. I guess twenty-two
games might be too many.
(PAIGE) Hey!
What are you doing home so early?
I just finished at the florist
and I thought I'd stop in
on my way back to the office.
Well, this is a nice surprise.
Oh, yeah! Yup.
Wait. Is this a I've got bad
news shoulder rub or is this
we have some free time shoulder rub?
Dan. Umm
I invited your mother
to our anniversary party.
And she said yes.
That's funny.
I thought it would
be a great opportunity
for the girls to meet their grandmother.
Wait. You're serious?
Yeah, I thought
No no no no wait!
I thought I made myself perfectly clear
how I feel about this.
She worships my brother.
I'm the black sheep.
You know, I had to
beg them to let me come
to my own Tetah's funeral.
And they said no because that
would involve bringing you.
I made my own choices. I choose you.
And it wasn't good enough.
And now you want to
bring them into my home!
It's been too long.
Maybe it's time to mend fences.
Dan, your mother has a
heart. I mean everyone does.
I don't know.
Since Mom died, I've just been
thinking it's important for
the girls to know that
they do have a grandma.
We sent them an announcement
telling them that they
became grandparents
and they didn't respond!
I'm pretty sure that's
a clear enough signal.
That was a long time ago
and somebody had to reach
out, so it might as well be us.
Hey, look at me.
Time heals all wounds.
Let me just be perfectly clear.
My mother was not a
fan of the Clarksons,
especially your father.
People can change.
Give her a chance.
Welcome to my place!
Well, soon to be our apartment.
So cute.
That dinner was great!
The wine was great!
- So nice to meet you, Marci.
- You too.
I think I'll leave you two to catch up.
- Good night.
- Good night.
I'm a big hugger!
So how're the kids?
They love their swim meets.
Too much damp chlorine for me, though.
I can't believe you
kept all these posters.
That life seems so far away.
You remember that production
we did in Columbus?
You were amazing in the lead.
I was chorus, second row.
There are no small parts, Marci.
Actually, there are. Don't kid yourself.
You do know things will change
after the wedding, right?
You think Tyler and I
are headed for problems?
I just can't see a world traveler
settling for historic
medium-sized Hartbridge.
He says he's ready
to settle down for me.
We're right for each other.
Did he text you that?
The eagle has landed.
- Ready?
- Uh-huh.
- Hi, Grandma!
- Hi, Grandma.
You call me Tetah.
Hi Tetah!
These are for you.
You can decide who gets which one.
I don't really know
what each of you likes.
(SOPHIE) Thank you.
It's nice to see you, Mom.
We're so happy you're here
for our anniversary, Alea.
Hopefully your girls
will behave themselves
during the party.
Some children get over excited.
Let me grab this.
Paige, your husband should
really be handling the luggage.
Let me.
Just leave it there.
We'll deal with it later.
Thank you, Grandma.
What did you guys get?
Charm bracelets. And they're beautiful.
Oh wow.
These are very nice.
Thank you. That was really sweet.
Oh goodness.
It's the least I could
do for my grandchildren.
I see your brother
Paul's kids all the time.
Those boys are both
top of their classes.
You see them all the time?
Of course. We fly there
two or three times a year.
Girls, go wash up before lunch.
Dan will show you to your room.
(HANNAH) How's it going in here?
Magical, as always.
Nothing less for June.
Of course.
Your final touches on dresses
always bring them to the next level.
Whoa whoa whoa.
What are these?
I was thinking of showing
them to Stephen Hawson.
See if I can excite my old mentor.
Surprisingly, shockingly,
time away from New York has helped
breathe some new life into my designs.
Your designs breathe?
Yeah, they breathe.
They sweat. They sneeze. They bleed.
Does that hurt?
More than I'd like.
We're just in here.
You're going to want to
keep the blinds drawn,
because in the morning the
sun beats down pretty hot
and it turns into a greenhouse.
If it gets too warm, you
can crack open the window,
but use this spoon here to prop it open
so it doesn't slam down on you.
That won't be necessary.
Those are your towels.
And we share that
bathroom across the hall.
At your brother's house
I have my own bathroom.
It's never an issue.
We share a bathroom.
Privacy is an issue.
I could stay at the hotel.
We looked into that and the
Hiltshire is full to capacity.
Nice to know that staying with
you wasn't your first option.
I'll let you get settled.
- Thank you for the coffee.
- Oh, my pleasure.
I really need to talk
to you about something.
I'm sorry. Dan's mom just got into town.
I've just been so busy.
Not winning any friend awards am I?
I overheard you and
Hannah the other day.
Saying that I was rushing
into marrying Tyler.
And that we couldn't possibly
have gotten to know each
other well enough online.
June, I am so sorry.
I totally overstepped.
A bit harsh.
But then I reluctantly
admitted to myself
that you might be right.
No, no no no.
You two are in love.
Anyone can see that.
Yes but maybe that is not enough.
What if we don't fit together?
What if the small things that
we don't know about each other
become the big things that destroy us?
Here. Try some coffee and breathe.
This would be my mother's advice.
The two of you are becoming one.
You're forming a foundation,
a solid base with each other.
Now if you don't have that foundation,
you can't build a home on it.
Our foundation is based
on lovely nighttime chats
and watching Gene Kelly
movies in real time.
No serious conversations.
June's just a little nervous,
but she's a smart woman
and Tyler is a very sweet guy.
So I'm sure they'll figure it out.
Well, every relationship
lives or dies on communication.
Am I right?
Spoken from experience.
Speaking of communicating,
can we talk about my mother?
I mean, she's already driving me crazy.
I'm boarding that crazy
train a little too.
She's so negative.
"Your house is not like
your brother's house."
"There's a weird smell."
You know, Sophie was
born almost ten years ago
and this is the first time
she's meeting her grandkids.
And she's supposed to
be all about family?
Yeah. You'd think in this day and age
Wait! What smell?
I don't know.
So I bought Hawaiian-scented
air freshener. Just in case.
I don't know. Maybe it's
a generational thing.
Or maybe it's the cultural thing.
But it's just like she's so
unwavering with her
beliefs and her values.
I didn't think that at
this point in my life
that I would still be caught up on it.
But it matters.
I'm so sorry I invited her
without talking to you first.
I just thought with
our anniversary party
that it would be a great time
for the girls to meet her.
You don't need to apologize.
Hey I'm not going to let
her drive a wedge between us.
You and I are in this together. Right?
Team Karam.
Oh, let me show you this
video from the morning.
- She's so tall!
- Look at Gabby.
I'm very happy to help you with dinner.
We can have a catch up.
Actually I do the cooking in this house.
Yeah. I set fires in this house.
I see.
Very well.
I'll rest. Until dinner.
And yet again he falls further down
in the eyes of his mother.
She'll thank you when she
tastes your cooking and not mine.
Oh no, we all will.
And that is why I remain
pool champion of all time.
Okay, best five out of seven.
If you insist.
And if you enjoy losing that much
Rack 'em up.
I'm going to get us some more drinks.
Isn't the loser supposed to pay?
Or is that just bar etiquette?
Traditionally yes.
But, ah,
we're celebrating your big lottery win.
What's that?
Man, you, you were a long shot.
I lost so much money on bets
because I thought for sure
you were never going to get married.
You bet against me?
I didn't think it was going to happen!
I adore June.
She's the greatest thing
that has happened to me, bar none.
But it's different now that I'm here
and we're together every day.
Different good or different bad?
Different Not the same.
I guess I'm just learning
a new side of her.
Like what she loves to eat.
Ah! Almond croissants.
After a 10 AM class.
What? I like to know my customers.
My point is, I'm still
getting to know my fiancée.
It's a little scary.
Listen, maybe almond
croissant beats cheese Danish
isn't the most important thing
you need to know about her.
I do know how to make her smile.
I know that I want to be with her.
And she makes me a better man.
And, ah, you know you're in love her?
Yes! Of course.
Then figure out her favorite
flowers and how many kids
you both want and you're all set.
You make relationships sound so easy.
It's perfect. Okay.
Give it a twirl.
Odette, Swan Princess.
I love it, James. Thank you.
Quite possibly my best
bridal party sketch.
And you get the debut.
Well I am honored.
Perfect. My Matron of Honor.
I brought this little dress with me.
I thought it might match nicely.
Well, Marci.
If it were a double
wedding then absolutely.
But I was thinking,
maybe we would just
reserve white for June.
Okay. I guess that make sense.
Just off the top of my head
How about this Hawson original?
A Hawson?
Is she like the newest
housewife or something?
So much for the Hawson original.
I mean to be fair, I did
design like half of his line.
Heard it on the news ♪
Hits me from aside ♪
Mothers crying out ♪
For babies trying to hide ♪
You can turn it off ♪
That doesn't mean it'll end ♪
I can't do it!
Get it off me! Get it off me!
It's okay. You're okay.
Just come and sit down.
Let's do some breathing.
Ready in Two, three, four.
Out, five, six, seven, eight.
I thought my panic attacks were
over with my stage days.
You've always been there
for me Marci. Thank you.
What is going on with me?
Maybe you just need
some time with Tyler.
- Talk to him. Tell him your concerns.
- June?
Sorry, I really need to talk to June.
And I really need to talk to you.
Of course.
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed.
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed.
You go first.
I'm scared.
I'm scared that you've been
on the road for so long,
that this settled down life
will quickly feel like a mistake.
I'm scared for me too.
I work long hours.
I'm so used to it being just me.
I just do what I want, when I want.
How do we even fit together?
Do we even fit together?
My turn.
I'm scared.
I'm a one duffle bag guy
who only owns three pairs of shoes.
I am an adult person who has
never had to do my own laundry
or shopping because the
company took care of everything.
I am scared that I am not
going to be able to be the
husband that you deserve.
You're an internationally
renowned choreographer.
Who's traveled the world.
And now you're filling
out grant applications
and working in community theater.
How is that a fulfilling life for you?
I don't know.
Maybe this is all too rushed.
Maybe it is.
Great. Marci will meet us at the shower.
It's okay.
You're so happy.
Admit it. You love this work.
I do.
But I find the co-workers
a little inappropriate.
You'll have to talk to HR about that.
Yeah. Small problem. I
think Paige made me HR.
Exactly. So you'd have to
manage your own complaints.
It's Stephen.
I just can't handle more
disappointment right now.
James. Grow up.
This is Stephen Hawson,
king of the fashion world.
Pick it up!
Chicken sounds? Really?
That's the best you can do?
Stephen! Hi.
How are things in New
York? Still snarky?
Much less since you left.
The poorer for it.
Here's why you have the
pleasure of hearing my voice.
Kendall was tired of
getting your constant calls.
I took pity on her.
Looked at your sketches.
Thank you?
Room for improvement. But I see promise.
Coming from you that's high praise.
Bridal has always bored me.
But your designs felt
I appreciate
Are you going to be in New
York on the seventeenth?
If you're here anyway, you
could work some runways at
Bridal Fashion Week.
Ah, yes!
I'm in New York on the seventeenth.
When I'm there could
we discuss business?
That's the point, James.
(STEPHEN) À bientôt.
(SALLY) Mr Stephen Hawson.
You're a busy man, so I'll
be sure to keep this brief.
I want you to be a part of
the Premium Bridal journey.
You're an in-demand designer
and for the next twelve months,
I'm going to be taking
this company national.
(STEPHEN) As you should.
People just can't stop getting married.
Although I don't know why.
You know I was so tickled
by our collaboration
at the celebrity athletes' wedding.
I mean, between your gowns and my
Everything else.
What can I say?
We're a powerhouse team, Stephen.
Well we did lose that
one to the Clarksons.
Ah, that's all right.
I mean, they need to
feel good about themselves
every now and again.
All right. Well, I'll think about it.
Just keep in mind.
The rewards will be significant.
All right. I'll call my people.
Ugh, bridal.
Very good girls. Keep your chins up.
Chins up!
That's almost it.
At your ages, you should be
preparing to be en pointe.
Your parents should
really be pushing you more.
Can I have a word?
This certainly isn't
the kind of discipline
that should be taught to these girls.
No, they're just kids.
And learning all the
skills that come with dance.
They're free spirits.
And when they get older
they'll be free to choose
what they love and be confident to be
whatever they want to be in the world.
I knew that my Daniel
marrying outside of our world
would cause a rift that
could never be repaired.
Okay, look.
If you can't see to make
things right for Dan and I,
then please consider the girls.
They just adore you.
Dan and I think it's important
that they know their family.
And yes, understand a
part of their heritage.
Isn't that what you want?
I mean why else are you here?
I came to meet my granddaughters, yes.
And I thought Daniel
was ready to apologize.
(SCOFFS) Dan? Apologize?
Dan was never like his brother.
He always went against our wishes.
Naturally, this embarrassed
us in our community.
And the last straw was when he
rejected our family business.
It was the ultimate betrayal.
So yes, Daniel has a
lot to apologize for.
And I was a fool to
assume that he would come
to this realization himself.
My husband is a good and decent man.
He's the best man I've ever known
and an even better father.
He works hard.
And he cares about his
community and his company.
He has nothing to apologize for.
Absolutely nothing!
And I'm happy he chose me.
(PAIGE) You heard me.
There is no anniversary party.
I'm too stressed out.
Okay, so. What's the tally?
In one day, a probably canceled wedding,
a canceled tenth anniversary party
and a canceled bridal shower.
And I almost punched Dan's
mom right in the mouth.
Oh. Good.
Maybe we should all just let it out.
Start a bridal boxing ring.
What would Mom do?
She would fight for love.
Okay. Let's do that.
Okay. I will work on June.
And Hannah can you find Tyler?
First I need to call
the airline car service
and get that antiquated
woman out of my house!
You are so lucky.
You did it. You found true love.
(CHRISTOPHER) All you have to do now
is go find June and win her back.
But how?
Grand gestures.
(TYLER) Grand gestures?
I like that.
But what about you?
What about me?
Whatever happened to Arianna?
(TYLER) She was the love of your life.
Yeah, you're not wrong.
(CHRISTOPHER) She's good.
She's running her own
kitchen out of Lyon.
It's good.
Well does she still have your ring?
There you are, Tyler.
Paige wanted me to give you a message.
Paige said you wanted to meet me here.
Just a sec.
Look, Tyler, if you called me
here to just break it off
It's okay. I already know.
Come with me.
What's going on?
Wow! What's all this?
It's so romantic.
I want to be with you.
I love you.
I think I want a family.
I can't wait.
If they're as graceful
and talented as you,
they'll be perfect.
And maybe we should find a place to live
that's perfect for both of us.
I thought I was moving in
with you after the wedding?
It would make it feel like your home too
if we get something new.
My first home.
Wow. That's scary but exciting too.
You know, for a couple of dancers,
we haven't danced enough this week.
I wanna go somewhere beautiful ♪
Somewhere brand new ♪
I wanna go somewhere with you ♪
I wanna go somewhere with you ♪
I wanna go somewhere with you ♪
Hey Paige.
I'm just going to drop this here.
Of course.
This would have been an
excellent bridal shower.
I have a great catalogue of fun games.
But alas, it is for naught.
Would you like some wine?
Some sparkling water for me, thanks.
Paige, I'm sorry I've
been a bit over the top.
The truth is I'm a
little jealous of June.
She always got the best parts.
She has a great business.
And now a fantastic guy.
But I'm sure you want
what's best for her. No?
I really do.
And I know I have a
lot to be thankful for.
I have some great kids.
And Richard, he's a
really loving father.
But I feel like he loves
his sports more than me.
Have you tried talking to him about it?
I just run more up on the credit cards.
How's that working for you?
Not very well.
It's June.
What? It's back on?
That's great!
Get yourself over here!
You're not supposed to be
hanging out with the groom
the night before your wedding.
Girls' night!
Whoo! See you soon!
The wedding's back on,
the wedding's back on!
- It's hard to see but you know ♪
When you've found it ♪
You didn't know that it's
all you've been waiting for ♪

For all these years ♪
(HANNAH) Okay. Is
everybody ready to go? Yeah?
Cue music.
You're like a light, oh you
shine through the darkness ♪
Take away the fear
that I've held inside ♪

For all these years ♪

You pick me up when
I'm on the ground ♪

You give me strength
when it can't be found ♪

After all these years ♪

We are gathered here today
to join June and Tyler in
their blessed union of marriage.
I, June, take you,
Tyler, to be my husband.
I have waited my whole life for you.
And finally you're here.
I will dance with you every day
for the rest of our lives.
I, Tyler, take you, June, to be my wife.
You've won my heart.
You are my home.
Let me be your refuge
for the rest of our lives.
Please exchange your rings.
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
And as you promise to share your lives,
you may share a kiss
as a married couple.
- Whoo!

(MARCI) That was adorable.
Well now June and Tyler,
this is your first dance
as a married couple.
Now considering you're
both choreographers,
this had better be good.
Thanks Marci.

I look at you I can't help but smile ♪
You look at me and
I melt for a while ♪
'Cuz your everything
I never had before ♪
You're everything I adore ♪

You kiss my lips and I surrender ♪
Our love so strong yet tender ♪
A touch of your hand ♪
And I lose my place ♪
You're not going to go dance?
I don't feel like it.
All right.
I talked to Stephen.
And he
He said he wants to collaborate.
It could turn into something real.
It's baby steps.
Baby steps are good steps.

May I have this dance?

I'm good.

I just still have some
business to take care of.
I'm still on the clock.
Is everything okay?
Because I'm getting a weird vibe.

I don't know if I'm ready for
whatever it is that
we're doing right now.

I'm still grieving the loss of my mom.
And I have all these new
responsibilities at work.
And it's not fair to you.
And it's not fair to me.

I get it.

And I wouldn't change a thing ♪
It's you and me ♪
Ooooooo ♪
It's you and me ♪
(GABBY) Can't you stay Tetah?
We have pancakes on the
weekend and they're awesome.
I'm sure they're delicious Sophie.
But I need to get home.
(DAN) It's PJ time girls!
I wish it could have been different.
But I still love you.
You're all the people I need.
You, Gabby, Sophie.
All of you Clarksons.
Even James!
Let's do a potluck or something.
Invite everyone over.
How about Christopher?
That guy can cook.
Or we can celebrate tonight.
Just the two of us.
Let's go put the girls to sleep.
(PAIGE) Bedtime!
- Let's go!
- Come on.
(DAN) Chop chop!
(MARGUERITE) You know when
you've found the right one.
When it's love you just, you know.
But it takes work to build a foundation.
And you have to build it
with your partner, on trust.
And once it's solid, you
can build a home on it.
And a great home will last a lifetime.
Words of wisdom from Mom.
Next time on The Wedding Planners
Are you already planning a baby's room?
I don't want to wait too long.
Look who I bumped into.
I barely recognized her after ten years.
I knew this was a mistake
as soon as Marguerite
wasn't able to do my wedding.
Stealing my bride and groom.
This is low, Sally. Even for you.
I overheard you talking
about your ex-fiancée.
The love of your life.
Come back to New York.
I'm launching a bridal division.
Is there something going
on between you and Zach?
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