The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Rex? Jesus, Anna, when are you not hallucinating? You're here.
That happened.
Are you disappointed? No.
I've just never been with a bad boy before.
Well, I've never been with a good girl before.
But I think I could get used to it.
Let me know if you want sugar.
I know exactly where you keep it.
What you making? French omelets.
The secret is how you whisk the eggs.
- Everyone whisks their eggs too fast.
- Hmm.
But you gotta take your time, and then you gotta cook it low and slow.
Do you do everything low and slow? What does that mean? Hmm? I don't know.
I'm sorry.
I'm not good at sexy talk.
Well, you're good at being sexy.
Do not go anywhere.
Get down! Get on the ground! - What are you doing? - What's going on? You're under arrest for the murder of Chastity Linkous.
What are you talking about? Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
I didn't do anything.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.
Anna, I didn't do it.
I didn't do anything! Anna, I'm telling you, I didn't do it.
He did do it, and you're lucky he didn't do it to you too.
Come on.
The Financial Crimes Unit had Rex and Chastity under surveillance for months.
They were listening to all the phone conversations, trying to build their case, so when we discovered her body and ID'd it, they gave us his location with instructions to apprehend him immediately.
I still can't believe he killed her.
Well, let me disabuse you of that notion.
Don't forget whose name is on those bank accounts, Rex.
Are you threatening me? Listen, you fucking bitch! I will not let you take me down.
You got me into this, and I'm not letting you hang me for it.
You're so tough.
I swear to God, Chastity, I'm gonna fucking kill you.
I'm gonna cut you into little pieces so they can't find Oh my God.
Don't tell anyone I played that for you.
But I wanted you to know the kind of man you had hidden in your pantry.
Am I in trouble now for, like, harboring a killer? You didn't know he was a killer, so you didn't do anything illegal.
Just stupid.
Playing detective is a dangerous game, Anna.
And if you'd seen Chastity's dismembered body, you'd know just how dangerous.
But why didn't he kill me too? I told him I saw what happened.
I was a witness.
Well, you're pretty cute, Anna.
Maybe he wanted to roll around in the hay with you a little bit first.
I made love with a murderer.
A very cold-blooded murderer.
To walk right in that house with a little girl and her father right upstairs? But what about the texts? He showed me a text that she sent to him yesterday.
I'm sure he has her phone somewhere.
Texted himself an alibi, sent all those texts to Neil from Seattle.
What you got? Okay.
I'll come over.
Looks like they found traces of blood in the floorboards over there.
So, what happens next? I do my job, and you get on with your life.
Get on with my life.
How the hell do I do that? This is a start.
Oh good, you're there, because I have something exciting to tell you.
Well, interesting, because I have something kind of exciting to tell you as well.
Well, great.
You wanna get a mani-pedi? Uh, sure.
Where are you? Well, um Hey.
I'm actually right outside.
- Hi.
- Oh my God.
I dropped by again.
I know.
I'm sorry.
But I I called first.
I bet they do a Dateline on it.
Oh no.
I God, I hope not.
I just want things to get back to normal.
You know, whatever normal is.
I don't even know what normal people do.
Like, I assume it's not wake up, drink wine, and and stare out the window for 12 hours.
Well, for me, I mean, I like to start the day with coffee.
- Uh, coffee, you say? - Mm-hmm.
And then I take a shower.
I'm sorry.
You do this every day? I know.
- Wow.
- I know.
- So productive.
- Pretty amazing.
I'm sorry, Sloane.
For what? I just haven't been a good friend.
- Come on.
- I'm serious.
You stuck by me when I was at my worst, when a lot of other people would have left.
A lot of people did leave.
But not you.
You're never getting rid of me.
So are we done talking about how you witnessed a murder and had sex with the murderer? I'd like to tell you about my thing.
Oh my gosh, was I taking up all the air space? I'm so sorry.
I wasn't gonna say anything, but honestly, yeah.
- No.
It was a boring story.
You go ahead.
- It I was almost asleep.
Um Okay.
So Graham and Prine is opening a gallery in SoHo.
And they wanna bring somebody on board to basically run the whole thing.
- They want it to be you? - Well, no.
They want to meet with me.
- Sloane, that's incredible! - I know.
I know.
I I thought they'd be like, "Honey, you turned us down once before, so" No.
They know talent.
They know Wait.
So this might actually happen.
You might be moving to New York? I mean, I I don't have the job yet.
But if I do get it, then I think yes.
Just when I get my life together, you pick up and move to New York.
Didn't you just say, "Anna, you're never getting rid of me"? - It's just an expression.
- You didn't I didn't mean it.
- It's just something you say.
- Oh.
My bad, I thought you meant it.
I did not mean it.
So have you talked to Neil? - No.
I don't know what I'd say.
- Yeah.
Just I feel so bad for him.
Well, I mean, on the bright side, he's single now.
What? Is he not single? Hey, Buell? Hi.
I need help getting inside.
I do have my keys, but, this is ridiculous, um my nails are wet, so - Oh.
That's no problem, Miss Anna.
- They're just right in there.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Would you mind opening the door as well? Promise I'll never get my nails done again.
Thank you.
Buell, your hand.
Well, I'll be, there's a nail in my hand.
Uh, why don't you come inside? - Are you sure? I don't wanna be a bother.
- It's no bother.
Come on inside.
Come on.
Does that hurt? No, ma'am.
You sure are a tough one, Buell.
Sorry about your nail polish.
Oh God, don't don't worry about that.
Thank you for taking such good care of me, Miss Anna.
Of course.
Buell, you have been working for us for so long, it You feel like family.
Well, you're nothing like my mother, Miss Anna.
And I have some pretty hard stories about my father too, but that's for another day.
She sure was special.
It's her birthday tomorrow.
I remember.
Happy birthday, baby girl.
I made your favorite.
"Happy birthday, angel.
Love, Daddy.
" He found you your turtle.
You know, last time I was here, I was in kind of a bad place.
I bet you were worried about me.
I was worried too.
But you know what, honey? I think I'm gonna be okay.
I really do.
I feel like the storm clouds have finally passed.
Hi, Anna.
What what are you doing here? Uh, we just attended the burial for Lisa.
Uh, Chastity.
Jesus, I don't know.
That's very kind of you, considering What, that she was a criminal? Yeah.
Well whatever she was, she didn't deserve what happened to her.
How's Emma? Um, she's kind of the reason we're here.
All Emma knows is that someone else she cares about is dead.
I figured this would bring her some sort of closure.
What a mess.
Is there anything I can do? Like what? Build a time machine so we can go back in time and change things.
I'm sorry about the restraining order.
I would've done the same thing.
It's her birthday today.
Well, happy birthday, Elizabeth.
You've got one hell of a mom.
- Am I allowed to say hi to Anna? - Yeah.
Of course you are, honey.
Hi, Anna.
Hi, Emma.
All right.
We should go.
It's good seeing you.
Wa wait one second.
I want you to have this.
- Come on.
That's for Elizabeth.
- I want her to have it.
Life is for the living and so are casseroles.
Maybe you could come over tonight and share it with us.
I'd like that.
Come on.
Happy birthday, baby.
Go ahead.
It's over here, Detective Lane.
I don't know how we missed it the first time.
But I think we have our murder weapon.
Oh boy.
Storm's coming in.
It's okay.
You're safe inside.
So now any time you want a cup of coffee, you come to my house? Can we come inside, Anna? Uh, sure.
Oh, this is Officer Spitz.
Do I have your permission to look around? Uh, of course.
So, what's going on? Have a seat, Anna.
You're scaring me.
We released Rex Bakke.
- What? - He had an airtight alibi.
CCTV shows him at Wild Bill's the night of the murder.
The only thing he slayed was his dance routine.
My God.
Well, I don't understand.
If if he didn't do it Detective Lane? You're gonna wanna see this.
What you got? Looks exactly the same.
What looks exactly the same? Would someone please tell me what's going on? We found the murder weapon, Anna.
- Not too far from Chastity's body.
- Okay.
It was a palette knife, just like these.
What are you saying? You think I did it? What possible reason would I have to kill Chastity? You tell me.
Maybe you wanted what she had.
Oh, that's insane.
The handsome fella, the cute little girl, the perfect family.
What? What are you talking about? - There's no no - Detective Lane.
When did I paint that? I swear I I don't remember painting that.
I bet you don't remember a lot of things you do.
You're gonna wanna get yourself a good attorney, Anna.
I don't need a good attorney.
I didn't do anything.
Then you wouldn't mind coming down to the station and answering a few questions for us.
I swear I didn't do it.
You okay, Anna?
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