The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

The Big Good Wolf

(music playing)
(alarms blaring)
Mickey! Mickey! Mickey!
Mickey! Mickey! Mickey! Mickey!
The Big Bad Wolf moved
into our neighborhood
-and he's wreaking havoc!
He ruined my garden!
(smacks lips)
(gasps) Leave it to me, Minnie.
I'll give him the old one-two.
A stern talking to and a loving hug.
Hey, pal!
ALL: Thank you, Mickey!
-Say, what's the big idea?
-Now, listen here.
Eating people
and wrecking our neighborhood
will not be tolerated.
I suggest you leave!
-Listen, son, I'm the Big Bad Wolf.
I eat people,
what else am I supposed to do?
Have you ever tried not being bad?
Well, it's kind of fun
to do the impossible.
I can teach you to be nice
to everyone in town.
You'll be the Big Good Wolf!
Everyone in town?
Now you try, Wolfie.
I'm going to go spruce up the flower bed.
How does it make you feel?
(hums) La, la, la, la, la
Mm. Good.
-(big bad wolf burping)
-MINNIE: Mickey?
-Uh, Mickey?
I'm really feeling that good deed.
Let's do more.
I can't believe what I'm hearing.
Come on, let's go!
(chomps) Right behind you.
(upbeat music playing)
(big bad wolf burping)
Who knew you would have
turned out to be
-the nicest
-(Minnie giggling)
-(Goofy chuckling)
-and helpful person I've ever met?
-(Donald laughing)
You truly are the Big Good Wolf.
Uh, well, um (hiccups)
I had a pretty good teacher.
And as a thank you,
I'd like to have you for dinner.
Really? What should I bring?
Oh, nothing. Nothing but yourself.
-(door creaks)
-It's open! Just finishing up in here.
Well, I know you said
not to bring anything,
but I got you a little something.
Aw. (grunts)
It looks just like me.
isn't this the Three Little Pigs' house?
Oh, I bought them a new house
in, um, Germany!
Mickey! Get out of here
before it's too late! Ouch!
(chuckles nervously)
-You just can't stop being good.
And tomorrow,
we can pick up all the trash on the beach.
-Adopt all the kittens in the shelter.
-Donate all our blood.
-Feed the hungry
and build a schoolhouse
in a disaster relief zone.
(grunts, munches) Mm.
Ah. (sneezes)
Hey, what is this stuff? Oh, uh
What are we having for dinner?
(gasps) All this time, you've been lying.
You're not good! Why, you're you're
The Big Bad Wolf! (cackles)
-MINNIE: Mickey!
-Help us!
-Help us!
(gasps) You've eaten everyone!
Shame on you!
(whimsical music playing)
-(buzzer buzzing)
-(crowd exclaiming)
-(buzzer buzzing)
-(crowd exclaiming)
-(buzzer buzzing)
-(crowd exclaiming)
-(blows raspberry)
-(crowd cheering)
Going down? (grunts)
I'm free!
GOOFY: (grunts) Oh, man!
Oh, Mickey! Mm.
BIG BAD WOLF: I'll huff! (blows)
And I'll puff!
And I'll blow that mouse in.
(sneezes, yells)
Golly, I'm sorry I couldn't help
the Big Bad Wolf change.
GOOFY: You did help him change
one thing, Mick.
What's that, pal?
His address!
(all laugh)
(music playing)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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