The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Boats & Floats

[upbeat music playing]
[Jo] Welcome to "Boats n Floats."
This is how we're getting
to the actual property,
'cause this is just the appetizer.
I love that this is
how we're getting to the boat.
A pre-boat boat.
[all laughing]
[Megan] There are almost
9,000 boat vacation rentals
available around the world,
so we're taking to the high seas
to find the best one.
[Jo] From this futuristic houseboat
in Miami
To this luxury yacht
here in the Caribbean.
To this beautiful houseboat
here in the San Francisco Bay.
[Luis] We've discovered there are
great stayswaiting in the water.
So let's go.
[opening theme music playing]
[Miami-style music playing]
Welcome to Miami, my friends.
Bienvenidos a Miami.
-I'm excited for this boat. It's crazy!
-Let's go!
-How crazy?
-It's Oh, you'll see. You'll see!
[Jo] I know
we've all been here many times.
Yeah, but I've never seen it
from this angle.
[Jo] So the point is to get on the water,
"Boats n Floats,"
and so I figured
that I'd take us somewhere we've been,
but we'd see it in a different way.
We're starting our journey here in Miami,
With its stunning waterfront community,
it's the place to be
and be seen on the water.
The property that I chose
is like nothing you've ever seen before.
There it is.
Right there is the Arkup.
[Luis] That's pretty amazing.
-That's a boat?
[Jo] It's not just a regular boat.
Doesn't look like a boat.
Looks like a house.
[Jo] It's actually a luxury property
floating 20 feet above the water.
-That thing moves?
[Jo] It's a boat, and it stands
on 40-foot hydraulic legs that retract
when we're ready to pull away.
And it's all sustainable.
Welcome to the Arkup.
Make yourself at home.
[Jo] This looks way bigger
than in pictures.
For my unique boat property,
I've chosen the Arkup,
a futuristic,
state-of-the-art floating mansion
docked in prime Miami waterfront.
The Arkup is over 4,300 square feet.
It has four bedrooms,
four and a half bathrooms,
and it sleeps up to six guests,
and rates start at $2,000 per night.
For an extra fee,
you can take it out for a ride on the bay.
-[Luis] This is nice.
-[Megan] Wow!
Okay, my dear friends, welcome to Arkup.
Ah. Wow, look at this view!
[Jo] This is way bigger than I thought.
[Megan] This has to be like 70 feet.
[Luis] Yeah, 75. You're right.
What do you think this would cost us
if we were on land with oceanfront views?
Well, let's see. At an average
of $1,500 per square foot,
-I'd say 5 million.
-That's just so many dollars.
[all laughing]
[Jo] But it's unique
because it's one of a kind.
You're not gonna see this
anywhere else in the world.
[Luis] This is a nice kitchen.
[Megan] I feel like
I'm walking down the aisle. [laughs]
Top-of-the-line. Miele appliances.
You got an espresso machine.
Ahh, this is an entertainment place.
I mean, look at this wine fridge.
[Megan] I like this kitchen a lot.
Cheers to trying out something
completely new and cutting edge.
[Megan] What's that?
-[Luis] Ooh, this is my spot.
-[Megan] Don't touch anything.
Okay, if you press a button
and we set sail without meaning to,
-that's gonna be a problem.
-[Megan] Without meaning to.
-[ship horn blaring]
-[girls] No!
-[Luis laughing]
-The worst button to push!
[Megan] This entire wall is windows,
and it looks like it's pocket door,
so it will fully open up.
[Jo] Love an outdoor space.
I like when there's no walls
but in a nice way.
-[Jo laughing]
-[Luis] Wow. This is a different story.
[Jo] Okay, it's changing it up.
[Luis laughs]
Welcome to Miami!
[Megan] This is a full-on vibe.
When properties
are cutting-edge and they're futuristic
-I love the fact this was sustainable.
-That's the future.
[Megan] So gorgeous. The entire skyline.
[Luis] This is a purely
entertainment space.
You can even throw a big party.
Can we do a party?
Yes, we can, we can.
I have contacted some friends.
Since we have this nice space,
let's use it.
-We're gonna have a salsa party.
-Salsa party? Cool!
[Jo] I know.
Wanna see the bedrooms?
I can't believe
we're walking on proper stairs.
Still on a boat. I keep forgetting.
It doesn't feel like
we're on a boat at all.
Oh wow, that view.
[Jo] Look at this!
[Megan] God!
You don't even have walls.
It's just windows.
And the lightness of it,
it's all monochromatic,
so it feels really calm.
Imagine waking up to this view.
[Luis] Wow, this is panoramic. Wow.
[Jo] You guys, this tub.
-[Megan] That tub at night?
-[Jo] I need it.
[Megan] With a glass of wine, chocolate,
bubbles up to your neck
with the city lights
reflecting on the water?
[Jo] And to think, my bathroom at home
doesn't even have a window.
-Oh, my goodness.
-[Luis laughing]
[Jo] Arkup is actually a prototype.
So if you're thinking about buying
one of these floating mansions,
you can stay here
to literally test-drive the home.
The price starts at around $5.5 million
and can be custom-built to your needs.
They take about 18 months to build
and are completely off the grid.
[Luis] Wow, look at this
private terrace here. This is nice.
It is a luxury
to have outdoor space anywhere.
In New York, people would kill
for an outdoor space.
Things go up $500 per square foot more
just because there's an outdoor space.
[upbeat music playing]
Miami is one of the top
luxury real estate markets on the planet.
Before, it was a place
for secondary homes.
Now everybody wants to be here
as a primary residence.
When you think of Miami,
you think of nightlife, water, beaches,
you think of expensive toys,
and I think this house
on a boat is all of that.
[Jo] This property is incredible,
but we've only scratched the surface.
Tomorrow when we set sail,
we'll be able to see why the Arkup
is one of the hottest properties in Miami.
The thing about Miami I love most
is the connection to people.
I used to come here
and specifically go to Little Havana
to speak Spanish
to feel like I was in Cuba
and to salsa dance.
-[Megan] Come here.
[speaking Spanish]
-[in English] Give me a spin.
-I'm not giving you a spin till you
Earn it?
-Where am I going?
This is the problem. You always
want to know where you're going.
Just allow yourself to be.
Just like this view, okay?
-It's true!
Dancing by myself now.
[Megan and Luis laughing]
The boat is moving.
What's happening?
I'm preparing the boat to leave.
We're activating the
the hydraulic system
to lower the boat until it floats.
[Jo] The house
sits on top of four 40-foot-tall piers
that retract using hydraulics
to turn it into a floating vessel.
It takes three crew members
and one to two hours
to prepare for sailing.
[Luis] Pretty amazing.
[Megan] Oh my God, we're moving!
-[Luis] Oh, you're right. We are moving!
-[Megan] Whoo!
-[Jo] That's where our house was.
-[Megan] Oh my
[Luis] That's where our house was
just like two minutes ago.
[Jo] This is like
the ultimate perspective change.
[Luis] I've never experienced this before.
Never been at a dining table
where everything is moving.
This is a very cool idea, Jo.
Okay, the minute we left the dock,
we became 100% sustainable.
What's insane
is that there are solar panels
and a water collection system on the roof!
Talk about unique. When was
the last time that you got onto a boat
that was a house that had a control panel
to tell you how much energy you still had?
This is the battery currently.
When we left the dock, it was at 100%.
This is the solar power monitor.
As it gets sunnier, this increases,
as does the battery. [mimics explosion]
It's amazing!
Wait! You guys come,
they're extending the deck.
-[machine whirring]
-[Luis] Oh!
[Jo] Look at this. This is so insane.
-[Megan] Inspector Gadget in a houseboat.
-[Luis] Very cool.
[Jo] What is that?
Dolphins! Right there!
[Jo] Oh my goodness!
-[Megan] That was crazy!
-We're going flightboarding!
-Ahh, nice!
[Jo] Now that we have
the perfect parking spot,
it's time to try some of the amenities
this property offers.
Too fun!
[Megan] Whoo!
[Megan yelling] No!
Ceviche time!
-We have a professional chef here.
-[Luis] This is amazing.
-[Megan] Mmm!
-This tastes so fresh.
[Jo] And after a gourmet seafood lunch
prepared by our personal chef,
only one thing
could make this day even better,
and that's a salsa party with friends.
[all] Yes! [cheering]
[indistinct conversations]
[salsa music playing]
[Luis] Nice party.
Wow, look at this sunset.
I think this is a great property.
I've never seen an actual house,
a real house, on top of a boat that moves.
[Megan] I love it.
Here we are, looking at Miami
in the middle of the sunset,
and everybody's smiling,
everybody's happy.
What a life!
[Luis] Here we go,
"Boats n Floats," St. Martin.
-You guys ever been into a yacht before?
-[both] No!
You see what I'm dealing with?
We've traveled from Miami, Florida
to the small island of St. Martin.
St. Martin is split between
two countries, Holland and France,
making it a unique destination for
travelers looking for a mix of cultures
and beautiful beaches.
I brought us here so I can introduce
Megan and Jo to the luxury yacht life
as we sail around the Caribbean Sea.
-Ooh, I love it! I feel good.
Ah, nice. All right. We are ready to go!
[Megan] I can't wait to see this place.
I also can't wait to see the kitchen.
[Jo and Luis laugh]
[Luis] This is going to be
the wildest thing you've ever seen.
It's a beautiful masterpiece of a yacht
and a crew making sure that you eat well,
that you have the time of your life
every single minute of your stay.
The entire lifestyle is going
to change your world.
-[Jo] So excited.
-[Megan] I love it already!
[Luis] All right, so there she is.
Whoo! Look at that sexy thing!
[Megan] Whoo-hoo!
This is next level.
You're gonna be blown away.
is an 85-foot luxury yacht,
but because of its unique design,
it feels much more spacious.
It's built wider and taller
than your average yacht,
so there's plenty of room to spread out.
It has five bedrooms,
five bathrooms,
and it can sleep up to ten people.
It's staffed with four crew members
to provide exceptional service
and all for $10,000 a night.
We are so excited.
[Megan] This is like Celebrity Life 101.
[Jo laughing]
-[all] Hi!
-[Jenn] Welcome to Angeleyes!
I'm Jenn. This is Jenny.
So it's super easy to remember our names.
You girls look adorable.
Luis, I heard this is your favorite drink.
-So I made one for you.
-[Luis] Stop!
That's your smoothie.
We also have a Sunset Dream.
It's a cocktail we invented.
-[Jenn] Cheers! Welcome aboard!
-This is how we start.
We'll get your bags,
get them in your cabins.
Uh, the boat is yours. Have a look around.
Make yourselves at home.
[Luis] Wow, this is great!
I know I'm not supposed to do anything,
but this space makes me want to entertain.
A full bar, seating for ten.
-This screams "party."
-[Luis] It is an entertaining space.
Pay attention, Megan,
to the level of finishes.
People spend over $1,000 per square foot
designing and building this.
It's very expensive.
[Jo] You're selling me
a vision of a life I need.
[Megan laughing]
All right,
let's step inside the living room.
Wow, this is beautiful.
-[Jo] So fancy.
-Look at the floor-to-ceiling glass.
[Jo] Wow!
I just love the design of this place.
I am a madameon a couch on a yacht.
You ever think that sentence
would come out of your mouth?
-[Jo] No!
-[Luis] I did. I thought I would, yeah.
You see the width of this boat?
This is about 23 feet.
Boats this size, 85 feet,
they average between 15 and 18 feet wide.
-That's big. Almost six feet difference.
-Yeah, wow.
If you go into New York,
the average townhouse size
goes from 18 to 20 feet wide.
If you find a 25, it's like a gem
that people overpay for.
So that is the size
that we have on the sea.
So that gives you a lot of liberty
when it comes to designing this place.
[Megan] Yeah, the spaciousness
really does help my seasickness.
This boat maintains
its stability with stabilizers,
so there's no sea sickness.
Thank God.
[Luis laughing]
This is the main stateroom. Wow.
[Megan] Wow!
-[Luis] This is bigger than I thought.
-[Megan] Look, Jo.
[gasps] Oh no.
[Megan] This is a suede mat
for your luggage.
They make sure you're not nasty,
putting your luggage
on your bed or on the rug.
Look how clean this carpet is.
But look, it's embroidered,
and it matches. It's like
[laughing] Thank you.
[Luis] There's a lot of built-ins here.
-[Jo] Now, that is functionality.
-[Megan] Wow!
-My friends, we're on a yacht.
-Tell ourselves!
-"I am worthy. I am"
-Okay, that's enough.
Close the mirror.
It's gonna get out of hand.
[Luis] But you are worthy, my love.
-Down here, here's the bathroom.
Oh, whoa!
Wow, what a beautiful bathroom.
This is literally a spa.
-[Megan] Oh my gosh!
-[Jo] This is a big shower.
[Megan] Oh yeah!
-[Jo] Look, we both fit in the shower.
-[Megan] Easily.
This is a discovery.
-Stop. Stop!
-[Jo] Look at that!
Can have someone here and here and talk.
-[Luis] Well, listen
-Group showers.
Whatever floats your boat.
-Oh my God!
-Let's get out of here.
-We're closing the doors.
-No, let's get out.
-There's more bedrooms to see.
Okay, so, downstairs,
four bedrooms, four bathrooms.
-Wow, this is so cool!
-[Megan] Oh!
-[Megan] Whoa!
-This is really trippy.
-Because it's mirror image.
-It's the same.
-Like a fun house.
I see both TVs right here.
[Luis] We have not arrived until
we have bathed ourselves in saltwater.
-You mean, jump?
-This is our Caribbean baptism.
-[Jo] Let's do it!
We have arrived!
-Here we go!
Think the girls are having a good time,
liking this life?
[girls screaming]
[Megan] This is true vacation.
This is like vacation
that people dream of.
-[Megan] Oh my goodness.
[Luis laughing]
[peaceful music playing]
[all] Whoo!
Let a girl know!
Celebration time!
[Jo] How did she prepare this
in that kitchen?
Dude, Chef Jenn is like a miracle worker.
[Jo] Truly! You've been on tons of yachts.
What do you like about this one?
[Luis] That here is all-included.
It has the crew
[Jo] And they're so talented.
-It's an art.
-[Jo] The food is fantastic.
[Megan] It is really that good.
-[Megan] Good morning, Chef.
-Hi, good morning, Megan.
-Did you sleep well?
This galley is smaller
than I thought it would be,
but you are making masterpieces.
What's the secret?
The secret has to be
just being super organized.
The crazy thing is,
when the groceries arrive,
it's about a five-hour process
to put everything away.
-[Megan] Really?
-[Jenn] Yeah.
Actually, a lot of the work happens
before our guests even get on board
to make it amazing for them.
Yeah, it's like you gamify it, like,
"How can I blow their minds even further?"
-"Gamify." I like that.
[both laugh]
-[ship horn blowing]
-[Luis] Ooh!
[yelling and laughing]
[Luis] Part of life on a luxury yacht is
you can go anywhere whenever you want.
So I wanted to give the girls
a little sunrise surprise,
so the captain and I decided to move
the Angeleyes to a very special location,
a desert island just for us.
So we decided
to come to this little island.
-Can we go on the island?
-[Luis] Oh, we are going on.
-[Darrel] Yeah, 100%.
-This is amazing.
-[Luis] Whoo!
-[Jo] Look at the color of this water.
[Megan gasps] Wow!
[Luis] The name of the island
is Tintamarre. It's a national park.
No one lives here, no restaurants,
no nothing. It's entirely secluded.
This is just unreal!
-Tell me something
-Look at all this stuff.
[Luis] All right. Now, this is the life.
This is a welcome basket
if I've ever seen one.
[upbeat music playing]
[Luis] The crew of Angeleyes provided
everything we need for a gourmet picnic.
-[girls cheer]
[Luis] Basking in the island sunshine
and snorkeling in the crystal blue waters.
[Jo] The waters off Tintamarre
are known for sea turtles
and all kinds of marine life.
This vacation rental really transported us
to another world.
-[peaceful music playing]
-[seagulls cawing]
[Luis laughing]
I don't know why I'm tearing up.
I just am.
Landing in something
so untouched, so unique,
it makes you really
feel grateful to be alive.
And that is a moment you only discover
when you expose yourself
to things like this.
The platforms we have for renting homes
and experiences all over are there.
[voice breaking] And what a feeling.
I can't describe this. What a feeling.
[upbeat music playing]
[Jo] I'm so happy
that we got to experience this.
This is one of those trips
I never expected myself
to ever experience in my life.
Yeah, it's been amazing.
And watching you two enjoy this, honestly,
has has made me enjoy it
three times more.
-[Jo] Aww.
By the way, how amazing
is this water temperature?
[Megan] Oh, it's very good.
I'm almost like,
should we go jump in the ocean after this?
[Megan] Oh my God, no!
[all] Whoo!
We just landed in San Francisco!
-San Francisco.
-That skyline.
-Look at that.
It's crazy when you find yourself in
iconic cities that people only dream of.
We're here!
What better way to start
than at the Golden Gate Bridge?
[Jo] Ta-da!
Okay, say hi and bye to San Francisco
because we are going over the bridge
to Marin County to our houseboat.
Dang, that's it? That's all we get?
-That's it. Let's go.
-Get in the car.
[Megan] For my budget property,
I've brought us to San Francisco.
Known as the City by the Bay,
it is the perfect next stop
for our "Boats n Floats" journey.
This is it.
[Luis] Whoo!
-[Megan] Whoa!
-This is such a different way to live!
Like, immediately, right when you walk in,
this is a different world.
[Jo] So which one's ours?
[gasps] There she is!
-[Jo] Massive!
-[Luis] Oh my God.
-[Jo] Yellow building.
-[Megan] Oh shoot!
-[Luis] I love this so much!
[Megan] Whoa, whoa, whoa!
[Megan] The Yellow Ferry
is the oldest surviving wooden ferry boat
on the West Coast.
Launched in 1888 as the City of Seattle,
the ferry combines
the grandeur of a 19th-century wooden ship
with the contemporary comforts one
would expect in the world's finest homes.
The vacation rental is 2,400 square feet
with three bedrooms,
two bathrooms,
and it sleeps six,
all for the bargain price
of $425 per night.
-Wow, this looks so nice!
-[Megan] Jo!
-[Luis] Oh my God.
-This is massive.
-This is a proper house inside of a boat.
[Megan] It feels twice the size
because of all the natural light
bouncing on the white.
Twenty-five hundred square feet
in Marin County,
one of the prime locations
of San Francisco, for 400 a night?
That's cheaper than hotel rooms.
-[Luis] Yes.
But I'll tell you the most impressive part
besides the square footage.
You have uninterrupted water views
in every direction.
[Megan] Whoo!
[Jo] How is this budget?
[Luis] Look at this kitchen!
[Megan] Wow!
[Jo] This is a proper chef's kitchen.
Are you cooking tonight?
-Hell yeah!
-Hell yeah!
-Putting this kitchen to work.
[Jo] This is one of the most impressive
restorations that we've seen.
-[Luis] It is.
-This is
Imagine all the lives that this lived.
Like, being built in the 1800s,
they did a great job.
Bedroom time!
We got three bedrooms downstairs.
Okay, bedroom number one.
-Oh, I know which one is ours!
-[Jo giggles] Oh!
-Oh my gosh!
-Okay, this is where we lay.
-I think we're holding hands.
[all laughing]
-[Megan] Wait, there's more!
-[Jo] There's more? Look how big! Ahh!
[Megan] This keeps going.
[Jo] This is really quite the restoration.
There's a claw-foot tub inside a ferry.
[Megan] The eye for detail
at this property is incredible.
All the ceilings,
all the shiplap must be original.
Second bedroom.
[Jo] Ooh, spacious.
[Megan] And the last bedroom.
-[Jo] This was storage for ship materials.
-[Megan] Yeah!
This is now a cozy bedroom.
-[Jo] This is so cool!
[Megan] We are, like, on the water!
It looks like we're almost in the water.
[Jo] This is the best lot
in this neighborhood.
-[Megan] Easily.
[Megan] And look,
there's a wraparound porch.
Look at this tiny little lookout point!
-I've never seen San Francisco like this.
-[Luis] Me neither.
-Being able to rent boats, it's a dream.
-[Jo] Mm-hmm.
-[Luis] Look at the birds!
-[Jo] Wow.
[Megan] There's so many artists
that grew up here on the bay.
Otis Redding, who sang
"(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay,"
wrote that song on this bay,
sitting on a dock just like this.
[Jo] Wow!
[Luis] If you happen to be in the market
for a vacation rental investment property,
you have to think outside the box.
For the most part, everybody goes
into the traditional condos and homes.
But travelers are looking
for something completely different,
and boat vacation rentals
are a growing market,
with an increase of over 70%
in the last five years.
You can't give them boring stuff.
Gotta give them something rare, unique,
something really special, like this.
[Jo] Every time
I've come to San Francisco,
I never thought to look here in Sausalito,
so this is the perfect stop.
-Like, you come to SF.
-[Megan] Yeah!
[Jo] You have your city moment,
and then have your sea moment here.
[Megan] This is $400
for a full-on houseboat.
-[Jo] That sleeps how many?
-[Megan] Six.
-[Jo] You could divide that up
-[Megan] Get three couples.
Everybody has their own room,
but then you get this romantic night.
-A little romantic night.
[Megan] This is an amazing place,
especially for a family.
-Or a holiday.
-Like, I would book this for the holidays.
When you come here,
it smells like home. The fire's on
-Yes, it feels very homey.
-[Jo] You killed it.
And this meal too, girl.
Y'all can talk. I'll be eating.
[Megan and Luis laughing]
[Megan] Good morning.
The tide is high and so are our hopes
because look how freaking beautiful.
-I'm gonna risk my life for this.
-[Jo] Don't risk my phone.
[seagulls cawing]
-[Megan] Look at that!
-[Jo] That's the sound I woke up to.
This is magical.
[Megan] Look how peaceful!
Imagine this was
your morning routine every day.
I want it to be.
[Megan] I wanted to show you something
from a new angle.
Look at the ferry from the outside.
This paddle wheel that shows you
this was really in service in the 1800s,
this is what I'm talking about.
When you're restoring a property that has
a lot of history, don't change it so much.
Obviously, you can update it
with modern conveniences,
but don't erase the history! Celebrate it!
[knocking on door]
-[Chris] Hi. Mind if I come in?
-[Luis] Yes!
-I'm Chris, the owner.
-Nice to meet you.
[Megan] I've asked the owner,
who lives in the other half,
to drop by to tell us a little bit
about how this houseboat came to be.
-[Jo] What an amazing home you have.
-Be it ever so humble.
-[Jo] Wait. Did you grow up here?
-I've lived here since I was ten.
-[all] Whoa!
-Yeah. [chuckling]
How does it feel
to grow up on a houseboat?
[all laughing]
[Chris] There's a history
to this neighborhood.
After World War II, there were a lot
of abandoned boats that were left here.
And artists, seeing opportunity,
moved in here.
There was an extremely vibrant community.
Painters and poets and writers.
And my folks were
part of that boho-rati in the '50s,
and so they just moved in
as part of that community.
This boat, it was laid up
along the shoreline and left to rot.
-And, uh, we only paid $1,700 for it.
-[Jo] What?
-[Chris] So it was a deal.
-Get it for nothing.
-[Jo] You bought it as junk.
-It was in the junkyard.
-[Chris] Yeah.
It was just an empty shell in those days
because this boat was originally built
before there were automobiles.
In the early days, it was
just horses and horseless carriages.
Then it became the first auto ferry
brought down from Seattle.
But still it was wide open
because you would drive in.
-[Megan] Wow!
-Then humans.
[Jo] Then us!
If these walls could talk,
they'd have a lot of stories.
[Luis] That's amazing.
-Mayhem, that's right.
-I love it!
-That's perfect for you!
[Megan] I'm taking Luis and Jo on
a sailboat to see the Golden Gate Bridge
in a way that most travelers miss,
from the water.
For our next budget property, Alcatraz!
-[Jo] It looks so ominous.
-[Megan] It does.
[Luis] Like it has its own clouds.
If you can see this,
and you have to look closely,
that is the Golden Gate Bridge,
but it is covered in fog.
So we're sitting here,
waiting patiently for it to reveal itself,
and we're gonna sit here until it does.
[Jo squeals] 
You guys, look this way! Look! Look!
Oh my God! We're doing it!
[Luis] Oh my God!
-[Megan] Oh my God, we're so close!
-[Jo] Amazing!
-[Jo screams]
[all shouting excitedly]
[Jo] I'm happy you brought us here.
I won't see San Francisco the same again.
-[Luis] This is amazing, man. Yeah.
-[Jo] What a beautiful goodbye.
You killed it on this property.
[Megan] Our journey brought us
to some of the best spots
on the water in the world.
[Jo] Whoo! Look at that sexy thing!
[Luis] Arkup was great
because it showed us what the future
of waterfront property could be.
But my favorite stay,
by far, was Angeleyes
because of the incredible amenities
and outstanding service
the staff provided.
Welcome aboard!
[Megan] My favorite property
was also Angeleyes
because it was more homey
than I expected a yacht to be.
And the food was incredible.
[Jo] I've been dying to take this journey
because I lovemy boats,
and it did not disappoint.
Angeleyes was my favorite as well
because it definitely changed
my perspective on yachts
because we were able to mix
luxury and adventure all in one.
[Megan and Luis] What a life!
[Jo laughing] What a life!
["All Around the World" playing]
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
[horn honking]
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