The Worst of Evil (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

You must be very busy, Mr. Jung.
I went to the trouble of sailing
all the way here,
and I'm not even sure if I can meet you.
I'll come right over to you.
I'll see you at the bar
on the first floor.
Also, my man is in the lobby,
so feel free to ask him
if you need anything.
Okay, bye.
I'm sorry.
Isn't this place too fancy?
Good food will give you energy.
I'm sure your mother wants you
to feel better soon too.
Let's not talk about that.
When we were young,
I ran away without saying anything.
I'm sorry.
Why did you do that?
I didn't want to trouble you.
The whole neighborhood
would've denounced us as murderers.
Remember the dream
I talked about back then?
Kind of.
I've nearly realized it, right?
How many businesses do you own again?
Well, most of them are run
by my employees.
If you combine them
A lot.
How were you able to open
all of those businesses?
You seemed to be working
with your old friends.
Are they business partners?
Or are they your employees?
You have a lot of questions.
I'm just curious how your life has been.
I've been curious about you too.
So your dream came true?
I should keep my promise now.
What promise?
What's your dream?
My dream?
Being a nightclub owner?
That's the most specific dream I've heard.
Well, not just a nightclub.
I want to open a restaurant and a cafe
next to the nightclub.
And a movie theater, a Chinese restaurant,
a bar, and a Korean restaurant.
So if anyone visits Gangnam,
they have to visit one of my stores.
Then, nobody will look down on me.
So like an "emperor of the night"?
I like that.
If I become famous like that,
I won't have to go
to a prestigious university to marry you.
What are you saying?
I'll have to become an emperor.
I'll become an emperor and marry you.
I promise.
Where are the Chinese?
They're upstairs now.
Any issues?
No, Boss.
Did you go somewhere, sir?
Hello, Jung Gicheul speaking.
I've arrived.
Thank you for coming all this way.
You can use this during your stay.
Are you fucking serious?
What's this?
A gift for you.
Professor Yoon was wearing this watch too.
Is this how you handle things?
You don't even have a fucking lighter?
Considering all the loss we've incurred,
from arranging the boat and sailors
Don't you at least owe me
a clock made of gold?
I'll apologize once again.
I'm sorry.
It won't happen again.
I should only work with those
who I can trust.
That's what my father always said.
If you continue to trade
with us like before,
that trust will naturally be built again.
Trust will naturally be built again?
As they say here,
dream on, Mr. Jung.
What more can I do for you?
Those Japanese must have
a lot of connections.
I don't know how they did it,
but they called my father.
They suggested
the three of us meet in Korea.
That's why I'm here.
But why meet in person
when we can talk on the phone?
I think I know why.
I'm tired. I'll get going.
We want to raise our imports
from 8kg to 10kg.
We'll pay for the extra fee, not Japan.
You've become very generous
after hearing the Japanese are coming,
Mr. Jung.
It's too little, too late.
- This is Oyama.
- Hello.
Meet me at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow.
Are you in Korea now?
Did Father come too?
I'll tell you the location tomorrow.
Mr. Murayama from Japan called me.
He said one of the higher-ups
from Yoshioka-gumi's Yokohama branch
is headed to Korea.
His name is Oyama Tsuyoshi.
He's also staying
at Grand Plaza Hotel in Gangnam
like the Chinese.
He's in Room 608.
And the Chinese?
Room 850 and 851.
Maybe they're coming to discuss the attack
that interrupted their trade.
It'd be great if we could bug
all the hotel rooms.
We can request the warrant later.
The detectives and I will monitor
the CCTVs in the hotel corridors.
Once we see them gather
in the same room or move somewhere,
we'll start bugging each room.
If Jung Gicheul meets them,
it'd be perfect
if Detective Park can be there too.
If that happens
This bug can cover a 1km radius.
Detective Park will be wearing this.
I'll monitor the situation around him
and record in real-time.
Are we done now?
I'll get going then.
A triangle made of three countries.
An international drug cartel!
By the way, Mr. Cho,
when can Inspector Yu stop
meeting with Jung Gicheul?
Well, we don't want to do this either.
But we can't just let her
disappear all of a sudden.
Let's arrest them all
with all the evidence we collect this time
and wrap this up quickly.
The name of the missing person?
Cho Janghyun.
But people call him Manager Cho.
Manager of which company?
Which was it?
Our company.
When did you lose touch with him?
- Well
- So
That's not what happened.
Was it last Monday?
I don't know.
Last Monday,
he got kidnapped before our eyes.
This is so frustrating.
Manager Cho, the drug dealer?
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Roll up your sleeves.
- What?
Come on. Roll them up.
Why is your arm so dirty?
So you are Manager Cho's lackeys.
So Manager Cho
has been kidnapped?
There's this thing called Gangnam Crystal.
It's a type of meth
that's popular these days.
Who's your boss?
There's this drug dealer called Yankees,
and we told him to bring his boss.
So we brought this guy,
and three of them took Manager Cho.
We need to catch this Yankees guy,
but we don't know where to start,
- and we don't
- Hey!
Are you high now? Why are you rambling?
Tell me about this Yankees or whatever.
And stop crying.
We took him, beat him up,
and then asked him questions.
- You mean Yankees?
- Yes.
- And?
- And the names he told us
were all fake.
But we figured out
that he went to Yeoksam High.
Yeoksam High.
Tell me.
How did you know that?
It was in his pocket.
A ticket from Dongdaemun Baseball Stadium.
That day, there was a game
between Yeoksam High
And Gwangju Jeil High!
- The game that day?
Yeoksam versus Gwangju Jeil?
- That's why Yeoksam High?
You God damn morons.
We figured it out.
Yeoksam High graduates
do have a close relationship
- in Gangnam.
Come to Grand Plaza Hotel.
Bring the Chinese too.
Okay. I'll come with them.
I'll tell you later where in the hotel.
Can I come with my men?
Bring just one bodyguard.
Kwon Seungho.
Yes, Boss?
Come with me.
The rest will wait in front of the hotel.
What the fuck?
Hey, move!
You fucker.
Where are you going in such a hurry?
You almost hit him.
- I'm sorry, sir.
- You almost hit him.
Fucking Mercedes snob.
Get out of the car.
- This fucking
- Come on.
Get out. I'm a cop.
What a moron.
Drive better, you bastard.
Hey, Mr. Jung. It's been a while.
Hang on.
Damn, my back hurts.
Get out. I want to talk to you.
What the fuck?
What in the world are you doing?
Do you have a warrant?
Where did you learn about warrants?
I said do you have a fucking warrant?
You little
Wait, I haven't seen this face before.
Are you new?
Fucking bastard.
Hey, aren't you coming out?
Damn it.
- What's going on?
- Mr. Jung.
You know Yankees, right?
It seems that punk offed
this dealer called Manager Cho.
So I wanted to talk to him,
but I can't seem to locate him.
He's your boy,
so you should know where he is.
Where is he?
I've never heard of him.
Are you fucking serious?
You're both
in the nightlife business in Gangnam.
And you're all Yeoksam High alumni.
Hello, Detective.
What brings you here?
Have you been well, Detective?
Hey, Jungbae.
No, because of you fuckers.
Jungbae, Heesung.
- Yes?
- Do you know Yankees?
What? Yankees?
No, we've never heard of him.
Fuck, how could you not know him?
He went to your school.
From Yeoksam High School,
the crappiest school in history.
I know you thugs look after your alumni.
Come on, Detective.
There were 12 classes
for one grade in our school.
And over 50 students in each.
So how should we know?
Well, I can shake you guys down
to see if that's true.
I'm sorry, but we're busy.
Let's go.
Hey, Jung Gicheul.
If your lackey Yankees
really did off Manager Cho,
this won't be a drug crime.
It'll be a violent crime.
What do you think that means?
It means you might have to see me often.
I'll see you around.
Here's your damn key.
Hey, what's your name?
We're going to see each other often.
What? You said you're busy.
Get going.
No need to see me off.
Sir, just because you mentioned
this Yankees guy
doesn't mean they'll go straight to him.
What's the point of following them?
Well, we had nothing to do anyway.
Are you busy?
Let's follow them just for today.
To see where they hang out
and what they're up to these days.
I think we're losing them.
It's okay. It's a fucking Mercedes.
You can spot a Mercedes
from even 100 meters back.
- Hello?
-Come to Room 1203.
This is the security room.
All clear, over.
Good. All areas are clear.
No sign of any intruders.
The parking lot is clear, over.
Park Junmo. Nice.
Jung Gicheul has arrived
at the hotel. Stay alert.
Move only when we secure the evidence.
This bug can cover a 1km radius.
Detective Park will be wearing this.
I'll monitor the situation around him
and record in real-time.
They're taking the elevator now.
The Korean guys just entered the lobby.
They'll get in one soon too.
Which floor is this?
It's the 12th floor.
Hwang Mingoo, that damn pig.
Someone's out in the corridor.
The Korean guys have arrived
at the 12th floor.
They're getting a pat down
before going in.
A pat down?
One of the Korean guys passed.
It's the second one's turn.
For God's sake.
You better fucking watch it.
You're one meticulous guy.
- Activate the fire alarm.
- What?
Tell them to activate the fire alarm. Now!
Enough with the fucking patting.
Are you trying to make me hard?
Come on. The fire alarm!
I'll go check and see what's going on.
The Japanese guys are doing
a thorough pat down on us.
I think I'll have to throw away the bug.
I'm throwing it away.
I think I can handle this.
I think it was a false alarm.
Take those two
to the bedroom and wait.
Damn it!
Turn down the volume. It's too loud.
Hey, can't you speak?
You seem to have
a pretty timid personality.
The Japanese police has started
to watch us closely.
Father couldn't make it?
If I get the chance,
I'd love to meet your father in China.
You can meet with me.
Oh, are you not the actual boss in Japan?
How's Professor Yoon doing?
Great. We're treating her very well.
Do you know her well?
We bought a lot of product
from her 20 years ago.
What's that?
I brought your down payment to return it.
Why give it back?
Are you quitting this business?
We'll resend the product,
and when it arrives safely,
you can pay us then.
So you're taking it back later.
Isn't that a bit too formal?
What about the rat?
Did you find him?
Who was it?
It was one of our members.
Was he directly involved in this?
Does he know about our business?
I just told you.
The police are monitoring us.
Could that be because of Song Donghyuk?
He must have told his gang
that he was going to meet Father.
But he never came back,
so maybe they reported him missing,
and the Japanese cops
found out about that.
So it's because of us and not you?
You see, you might also be
under someone's watch because of that rat.
The bag you brought.
Take it down, stand there
for five minutes, and come back
as if you're waiting for a drug dealer.
Then, I'll be able to see from here
if there are cops following you.
And if you're with a drug dealer or not.
Is this Father's order?
You don't want to do it?
Then, our deal is over.
Is this the end of our business?
What a shame.
I think those fuckers
are actually planning to get us.
Should we keep waiting?
They're waiting too.
Hwang Mingoo, that fucking pig.
Why does he always fuck with us?
What's going on?
I think he just came out.
Actually, I sent him down
so we can talk alone.
You want to trade
with us directly, don't you?
Because if we trade directly,
we can share the money
that goes to Mr. Jung.
Maybe something went wrong.
I'm now with the woman from China.
I'll let you two talk.
Those pricks always mess things up.
Captain, could he be waiting for a dealer?
Should we grab him when they meet?
Don't move. Let's wait for now.
Hey, what do you think is
inside a thug's bag like that?
Something they stole?
Or drugs?
Can I call you Miss Lee?
I'm Kim Hwaseong.
You must be Mr. Jung's father.
My family name is Kim.
She asked if we wanted
to trade directly without Jung Gicheul.
Do you know
why I've used Gicheul as the carrier
and made him rich?
I'm on the verge of becoming
the boss of Yoshioka-gumi now.
I don't want my name
to be connected to the drug trade.
We're about to witness the deal.
That means I need to be invisible
in this trade.
So even if the Japanese police
look in on me,
it'll appear like this was all
the Korean gang's doing
to secretly sell illegal imports
from China in Japan.
That is why.
The Korean gang is
solely responsible for this.
So what is it you want to do now?
This is fucking annoying.
We can use someone other than Gicheul.
I have a lot of friends in Korea.
We can just choose one of them.
My question is
if you could produce
the same quality of product
and send it safely to the new person
as you have been doing.
Do you think you could do that?
You see, this is actually up to me.
I decide which Korean
I want to sell our stuff to.
Whatever Gicheul is paying you,
I'll give you 15% extra.
We came to get Yankees,
but we got an even bigger one.
Who are those bastards?
God damn it.
Where did they go?
They're pretty damn fast.
Hey, stop them.
- Stop there.
- Detective.
There's something we need to do.
I said stop.
Are we good now?
Now, it'll be Miss Lee's decision.
Hey, Chinese man.
Can't you speak Korean?
Can't you speak
Your boss speaks fluent Korean though.
Does he understand me or not?
Why are the guys here so quiet?
Are you still using matches?
Are you from the Qing Dynasty or what?
Here. Take this.
It's my gift for you. Take it.
The police are here.
There's a cop coming.
I'll handle things over there.
Take the people inside and run
I said the police are here. Understand?
Take them and run. Now.
What brings you here?
What do you think?
I told you we'd meet again.
What's Jung Gicheul doing in there?
He's doing some business.
Business, my fucking ass. Move.
I said move.
You hear me?
Stop looking at me and move.
- Hey.
- I'm sorry.
Have you lost your mind? Move.
Hey, Mr. Jung!
Jung Gicheul!
There you are.
Hey, Mr. Jung!
Jung Gicheul, come here.
Mr. Jung. Hey!
- Let's go finish our talk.
-What were you doing?
Were you all playing poker?
Come here!
Stop right there, you bastard!
Have you lost your damn mind?
Come on, Detective.
- Don't be like this.
- Did you hit me?
Did you just hit me?
Come here, you bastard.
Mr. Jung, does this mean
our trade is over now?
I guess it really is.
It looks like he has
great trust in his man.
Go help Mr. Jung's man up there.
Let's go.
Detectives. To the 12th floor.
- Where are they?
- Here.
- We found them.
- Arrest him.
Which one of the two?
Who the hell are you?
- The bigger one.
- Okay.
- Do you have a death wish?
- Fuck off.
- Freeze!
- What are you doing?
Who are you?
You're under arrest.
- Let go of me, you bastards!
- Stop moving!
I'm a cop, you fuckers!
I'm a real fucking cop, for God's sake!
You motherfuckers!
For fuck's sake!
Captain, he really is a cop.
A cop?
What about the other guy?
He ran away.
Pull out now.
Damn it. Those God damn fuckers!
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm okay.
Let's get out when things quiet down.
Yes, Boss.
That fucking pig!
You should bribe him or something.
God damn it.
It would've been okay to let the cop in.
Just talking isn't illegal.
That cop would've found
something on us somehow.
Also, that passport of yours
Isn't it forged?
So you were protecting me?
From getting arrested?
It seems you had a pretty wild scuffle.
Doesn't that mean
things will get more serious?
You have quite the talent
for making things worse.
Mr. Jung, you have
a wild way of doing business.
But it's too dangerous to work with.
I got this wound recently.
And it's minor.
And until now,
we've never had any issues
caused by this kind of matter.
I can guarantee you that.
I see.
So this isn't even an issue to you?
Could you at least do something
about the wound on your back?
People might think
someone's dead and call the police.
Come here.
Treat his wound.
He risked his life to take responsibility,
which isn't a bad quality
for a business partner.
Gosh, you're so annoying!
How many times do I have to repeat myself?
From Room 1203,
a God damn parade of people came out.
Both men and women.
And the room was huge as hell!
It doesn't make sense that
nobody reserved the room!
There was no reservation made
for Room 1203 today.
Then, who were those people?
Hey, lady. You better tell me the truth.
Or you'll be tagged
with a criminal record.
Show me the register.
You think I'm joking?
- I looked for them.
- And?
I can't find anyone.
God damn it.
Let's go then.
The Japanese proposed
that we use a different Korean carrier.
And they offered to pay me
15% more than what you do.
We'll pay double the price
that we used to pay per kilogram.
Money is not the problem here.
What are you going to do
to regain my trust?
Of course, trading with someone new
would be a hard decision for us too.
What should we do?
You have a good man
who is willing to give up
everything for you.
I heard Korea's government
was pretty powerful too.
Now that the police are involved,
let's see how it goes.
Why are you going
to such lengths for this?
Because I trust my boss.
You value trust too, don't you?
We're the same.
Trust is our number one priority.
Especially in this deal.
What do you think
of that crazy man?
He seems loyal.
Looks like a good guy.
I'd like to call Room 608.
- This is Miss Lee.
Must I decide today?
I'll take a few more days to think.
It's been a while
since I've visited Korea.
I should do some sightseeing.
And check out the real estate.
I should probably stop
secretly taking money into China.
I might as well invest it here.
I'll need a tour guide.
I guess you can't, right?
You hit a cop, so you should stay low.
Are you with Miss Lee?
Yes, I am.
Miss Lee.
You're one impatient man.
I didn't expect you to call already.
The boss has delivered
his message.
He says he'll be okay
with whatever decision you make.
However, regardless of the decision,
he wants this trade to stop
for the time being.
And since the police
interrupted our meeting,
he is furious.
That cop didn't come because of this.
Whatever the reason was,
he came because of you, didn't he?
Only when everything feels safe again,
he will reopen the trade.
Miss Lee.
I hope you make a wise decision.
God damn it!
Mr. Jung, can we talk?
Without customers,
there's no point in production.
That's going to play
the biggest role in my decision.
What can I do to help you?
There's nothing you can do right now.
Your Japanese father is acting
like he's the king.
Assaulting a police officer
and obstruction of justice.
So you'll get out of prison
when your hair's gray?
Well, I'll see you with gray hair then.
If things work out
I'd like you to be my tour guide.
-Damn it.
Who are you?
How may I help you?
We're the police.
Jung Gicheul is back, right?
Come on out while I'm being nice.
What the fuck?
Fuck, what is it?
Could you come check the CCTV?
If you're going to investigate,
bring a warrant.
As I always say,
these underling pricks never listen.
Damn, these motherfuckers.
They're coming.
- Did you lock the door?
- What?
- The door.
- Go lock the door, you fuck!
"Gangnam Industry"?
You have to be fucking kidding me.
Open up. This is the police.
We're the police. Open up!
Sir, what should we do?
Did we commit a fucking crime?
- I'm sorry.
- Did we?
Step aside.
You're not going to open up?
I'll give you three seconds.
Those motherfuckers.
One! Open the door, you fuckers!
Fucking bastards!
Open up!
Open the door, motherfuckers!
God damn it.
You bastards!
You fuckers.
What do you think you are doing?
Looks like you've been doing
some manual labor.
Just because you're a cop,
it doesn't mean you can act like this.
A cop can act like this, you motherfucker.
What the
Stop, you damn thugs.
Get back. Make a line.
- God damn it.
- I said make a line! Move!
Where's Jung Gicheul?
I said he's not here.
Then, call him.
We don't know where he went.
Call his cellphone, you fuck.
He didn't tell us his phone number. Okay?
What the fuck?
He didn't
tell you
his phone number?
So does that mean
you deserve a lot of hits?
You fuck!
You deserve to be hit?
A whole fucking ton?
Is that what you mean?
Is it, you motherfucker?
I guess you don't know
his number either. Right?
I will
help you remember.
Got it.
They destroyed our office and left.
- What do we do?
- God damn it.
Of all people, it's that fucking lunatic
Hwang Mingoo.
Chief Seo.
Call all of our emergency contacts.
Tell them to close the stores and lie low.
All of the stores?
Just do as I say, you bastard.
I'll turn myself in.
Somebody has to step up to resolve this.
I caused this,
so I'll take care of it
one way or another.
Hey, Kwon Seungho.
You bastard.
You think I'll just let you go to prison?
I'll go take care of things
so nothing bad happens
to you or the company.
In return
if I manage to work things out,
I have a favor to ask of you.
The trade with Japan and China.
Let me join it.
I'll go and take care of this then.
Hurry up and give me
an answer, you bastard.
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