The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Impending Danger...!

Oh, Usato. Suzune.
Thank goodness you're safe.
We're sorry for causing you worry.
No, I should be the one apologizing.
We put you in a terrible situation.
I'm sorry for involving you as well, Usato.
What? I'm totally fine.
I'm already used to this kind of stuff.
You are?
M-Me and my big mouth!
No, I mean I often explored
forests in my old world, too.
Oh, I see.
Come to think of it, how is
training with the Rescue Team?
That's a really hard question to answer!
A-All I can say is that things
are going extremely well.
I see. It's going well, is it?
That's good to hear.
What the hell is that
"just as planned" look for?!
Has Rose been training me
on a mental level, too?
That pisses me off!
Suzune's field training will be
rescheduled at a later time.
Please rest well for today.
Yes, sire. Thank you very much.
You are both dismissed.
Rose and Siglis, please stay behind.
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic
#6 Impending Danger!
Is something bothering you, Usato-kun?
Oh, no.
I was curious as to why the captain and
Commander Siglis had to stay behind.
That minister's expression
looked pretty serious.
You mean Sergio?
Yeah, he looked rather grave.
Maybe we're getting fired?
I don't think that's the case.
Usato! Senpai!
Please wait, Sir Kazuki!
Oh, Kazuki. Long time no see.
You too, Princess Celia.
Long time no see, my ass!
I heard you both went missing
in a monster attack.
I was worried sick!
Sir Kazuki was about to
storm out of the castle.
He said he was going to search for you two.
You're so reckless, Kazuki-kun.
Are you really one to talk, Senpai?
Who got bitten by that monkey?
U-Usato-kun, that's a bit mean.
What monkey are you talking about, Usato?
Actually, Inuka—
I-It's nothing! Nothing at all!
Isn't that right, Usato-kun?
What? My captain said something like that?
Yeah, she told me you two would be fine,
and that you wouldn't die so easily.
That's what calmed me down.
I think she just said that because
the forest was on easy mode
compared to my hellish training last time.
Captain Rose had complete faith in you, Usato.
I was really impressed.
So you took her words at face value
Kazuki, you're such a pure, kind-hearted man!
Stay pure, Kazuki.
Senpai and I should be the only ones tainted.
Huh? S-Sure
I don't really understand, but okay.
Is he trying to say he considers me dirty, too?!
Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!
Er, it's just a figure of speech
See you next time, Usato. And I'll see
you at practice tomorrow, Senpai.
Please rest well.
Yeah. See you later, Kazuki-kun and Celia.
See you!
What a lovely, close bond.
Senpai and Usato? Yeah, I think
they've gotten even closer.
No. I meant your relationship with them.
You look so happy when
they're around, Sir Kazuki.
Well, that's because we're
all from the same world.
Princess Celia?
Does that mean there is no room for me?
Dame Suzune just calls me Celia.
Is it rude of me to request that
you do the same, Sir Kazuki?
Forgive me, Sir Kazuki.
I'm asking for too much
No, I, uh
I understand.
May I call you that from now on?
Now, let's get straight to business.
We interrogated the bandits who
attacked Usato and the others.
When they crossed the grasslands,
they claimed there were
fewer monsters than usual.
They thought it odd,
but then they were suddenly attacked
by fall boars in the forest.
If their statements are true,
the monsters from the grasslands
may have fled the area.
They're running from something
terrifying that's headed our way
Could it be the Demon Lord's army?
That is what I believe.
They're finally making their move
I'm certain they won't underestimate
us like they did last time.
They will go all-out to conquer our kingdom.
Yes, I agree.
Siglis, notify all units.
We must be ready to mobilize
at any given moment.
Orders received, sire.
I will act immediately.
Sergio, please inform all of the ministers.
I understand.
Sorry for the wait, Rose.
I also have a request for you.
It's not normally something the captain
of the Rescue Team does, but
I know, Your Majesty.
You want me to go and confirm the
whereabouts of the Demon Lord's army.
Exactly so. Sorry for asking you to do this.
Think nothing of it. I know my legs
are the fastest in the kingdom.
Now, if you'll excuse me
I have another request.
Rose, won't you consider
leading troops again?
I have no plans to return.
I am not as pure of heart
as you believe me to be.
You're the only healer who has ever
risen to such a high position.
Why do you belittle yourself so?
I'm not belittling myself.
It's just the truth.
Are you still
Yes, of course I am.
It's impossible for me to forget.
I've accepted the death of my men,
and I know that I can't heal the dead.
But the scar on my right eye
will never let me forget them.
But it wasn't your fault
It was my fault.
My conceit led them to their deaths.
That's when I realized it.
No matter how talented
and trustworthy someone is,
it's all over if they die.
This scar is my punishment.
So that I will never forget my sin
That's why I created the Rescue Team.
I wanted to lead a unit that
saves others instead of fighting.
Indeed, your Rescue Team saved
many soldiers two years ago.
Haven't you already achieved your goal?
No. There's another reason
I formed the Rescue Team.
And what is that?
I want a subordinate who won't die.
Wha But such a thing is not humanly possible.
That's what the training is for.
Healing magic, the ability
to surpass human limits,
and the mental fortitude
to withstand anything
I've been searching all this time for someone
who met all three of those criteria.
Do you mean Usato?
He is truly my ideal subordinate.
His survival instincts, adaptability,
and will to live
To put it nicely, he hates to lose.
To put it not so nicely, he's easily
influenced by his circumstances.
And on top of that, no matter what happens,
he still takes a rebellious attitude with me.
He never submits.
He's just like
He's just like that cheeky little
brat who died in my arms.
That's why I decided to turn
him into my ideal healer.
I apologize. I've digressed.
I will go on patrol.
Good. I'm counting on you.
Alec, what's this?
Is this addressed to me?
The boss left it behind while
you were feeding Blurin.
What? Now I'm scared to open it
"We're not training tomorrow."
"Go deliver this letter to this address"
So, where did the captain go?
Who knows?
But she told me she wouldn't
need dinner tonight.
The bridge is almost complete!
Don't let your guard down!
We are the Demon Lord's halberd!
We will follow his will until we turn to dust!
What is it, Black Knight?
Got something to say?
You're too enthusiastic, Commander.
It's kind of annoying.
You bastard! Is that how you
speak to your superior?
So sorry. The second army didn't
really care about that kind of thing.
I don't care how it was before.
You're my subordinate now,
and you will follow my orders.
Yes, yes. I know.
Call me once the bridge is complete.
Looks like you're having a tough time.
What is it, Hyriluk?
Have you come to laugh at me?
So thorny.
I'm just checking in on things.
Looks like the bridge
construction is going well.
Yes, we should finish within a few hours.
Then we will begin our invasion
of the Llinger Kingdom.
Commander! Someone's on the other side!
An enemy scout?
Yes, I believe so!
Well, it matters not.
Even if we've been spotted, our invasion will
be underway before they can report back.
Wh-What just
It looked like a log was thrown
over from across the river.
A log?!
From that distance?!
I was only planning to scout things out.
But whatever.
This will buy us a few more days.
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic
Uh, is it this way?
This is a really detailed map
Did Rose draw this?
Is she actually the super meticulous type?
Look at that.
Hey, he's with the Rescue Team, right?
Feels like I'm getting a lot of attention,
even though I don't have Blurin today.
Why's he just walking around?
I wonder.
So it's weirder to see me walking around
like normal? What the heck?
Oh, it's you.
Oh, hello again.
I see you don't have the little
blue fella with you today.
We just got in the fruit he likes.
They're fresh. How about it?
I'd love some! Oh, but I have somewhere
to be, so I'll stop by afterward.
Okay, I'll be waiting.
Is this the place?
Excuse me
Hello, what business do you
Someone from the Rescue Team?
Oh, I know!
Aren't you Captain Rose's new recruit?
That's right. My name is
Wait! Don't tell me!
My older brother told me!
Let's see It reminded me of a rabbit
Wait Maybe it was a raccoon?
A squirrel? A cat?
It's Usato.
That's it! Usato!
Oh, I'm Ururu Fleur. I'm eighteen.
How old are you, Usato?
I'm seventeen.
So you're a year younger, huh?
U-Um, are you Orga's little sister?
You're a healer too, right?
Yeah! And this is Fleur Clinic,
which we run together!
I-I see.
So, where is Orga?
My brother's currently examining a patient.
Want to come watch?
Huh? Is that okay?
Of course! Follow me.
Um, why are we sneaking like this?
Shh! It's easy for my brother
to lose his concentration.
The color is so rich,
and his mana looks so fluid.
It's completely different from mine.
You're fine now. How do you feel?
I don't feel gross anymore!
I'm all better, Mama!
Thank you very much, Doctor!
No problem.
I'm happy for you.
Hey, Doctor
Who are those people?
Ah, so this is from Captain Rose.
Thank you for delivering it.
No problem. I've been hoping for
a chance to come see your clinic.
Hey, hey, Usato!
How is everyone from the Rescue Team?
Tong and the others?
Their mugs are as frightening as ever.
That must mean they're doing well!
I miss eating Alec's cooking.
Oh, right.
You were a part of the Rescue Team, too.
Yeah! Not that I could stick with
the training like you have, Usato.
Why'd you stop?
I'm better at healing others than myself,
though not to the extent of my brother.
But the main reason was because
I was worried about him.
How embarrassing.
I felt bad about it, though.
When we first joined the Rescue Team,
Captain Rose was so
enthusiastic about training us.
The Rescue Team had just formed,
and we tried really hard in the beginning.
But it was no use.
We couldn't keep up with the training
and even grew scared of Captain Rose.
She was a little fanatical at the time.
Oh, but she's seemed so happy lately.
Isn't that because she has
a new sandbag like me?
Doctor! Please help!
What happened?
My friend fell off a roof he was repairing!
On top of that, he fell on two others
I understand.
Usato, will you come with us?
Sorry! Please make way!
Doctor, over here!
Orga, what should we do?
S-Sorry, I didn't realize
It's fine, it's fine.
He's always like this. Don't worry about him.
We should heal them as soon as possible.
Usato, can you take care of this man?
I've only ever healed Orga
and Inukami-senpai before.
Their injuries weren't too
serious in either case.
But once the war starts
I'll be healing people whose wounds
are much worse than this.
I know that. It's why I've been training. But
Calm down, Usato.
It doesn't matter who it is or where you are.
You have the power to heal
the person in front of you.
All you need to do is believe
that you can do it.
Captain Rose had complete faith in you, Usato.
That's right.
Even Rose believes in me.
How could I not believe in myself?
Thank you, Orga.
Good work today, Usato.
I really appreciate the help.
I mean, did I even do it right?
You were great!
That guy was so surprised
that it didn't hurt anymore!
I'd love it if you'd come to help
at the clinic whenever you're free.
It's pretty hard for the two of
us to handle everything alone.
You're just too weak, Brother!
How harsh.
Sure. I'll definitely come by again.
See you next time!
That was impressive, Brother.
What was?
You were so cool giving Usato advice.
You think so?
Ururu, about that letter from Captain Rose
It was a notice to prepare for war.
Apparently the Demon Lord's army is invading.
Like you, Usato doesn't have
any combat experience.
When that's the case, the only thing you can
rely on is your faith in your own ability.
Though I'm sure Captain Rose was
sure to drill that into him, too.
I'll be doing my best, as well.
I see
So war is about to break out, then.
I'm sure we'll be fine.
I threw in a few extra as a bonus.
Really? Thank you so much!
Yup, that's tasty, all right!
Blurin will be thrilled.
What is it?
Are you lost?
You're the only one who can see it.
That means it's a future only you can change.
This was a huge favor.
It'll be your responsibility to repay it.
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