The Young Montalbano (2012) s01e06 Episode Script

Seven Mondays

"The Little Mermaid"
Perhaps I should
invent another excuse.
It's just a lunch.
It's just for a few hours. - Why should I
do something that I don't want to do?
Because he's your father.
You must do it for you, not for him.
We'll go to this lunch
and not think about it anymore.
This is not the right
attitude. - Do not be picky. - OK.
I want to make this holiday.
- It will be our first holiday together.
I go. I'll call you tonight.
- Until this evening.
I understand, ma'am. I have
a call from a colleague. Goodbye.
Doctor, do you know
the restaurant "The Little Mermaid"?
On Robert Avenue.
- I know it, but avoid it.
I did not ask
for advice.
This morning,
the owner phoned
and told a strange story.
I went to see for myself.
They have
a tank full of live fish.
Yes, I know that the fish is fresh,
but the cook is incompetent.
Last night someone came in,
took a fish from the tank
and shot it in the head.
He shot a fish?
- Yes, sir. He shot the fish.
Then under the corpse,
he put a piece of paper
with something written on it.
- What did it say?
We do not know because the rain and the
blood of the fish have obscured it.
Why would someone kill
a fish like this? Are you sure?
We're sure. I also found
a cartridge case. Here it is.
It's useless to send it to the lab
in Montelusa. It's a 7.65.
I think it was a warning.
The owner of the premises won't
pay protection money.
Seriously? If it was for protection money,
they would have burned the place.
So what else?
- I don't know.
Perhaps a student bet
between customers.
What do we do?
- What kind of fish was it?
It was a mullet. It was big,
more than half of my arm.
I'll tell you what to do.
Go back to the restaurant and have
them give you the fish for investigation.
Take it home.
- And then? - Add rosemary and garlic.
And then you eat it.
- All right, Doctor. As you say.
Doctor, Gambardella has been killed.
- He also shot the shrimp?
No, he was a man named Attilio
Gambardella and was stabbed.
- Hi. - And the murder weapon
was in the kitchen. They washed it well.
It seems to have no fingerprints.
We'll have better insight
in the laboratory
and I'll know more.
- Okay. Thank you.
Mimi, did you find anything?
I only know that Gambardella lived alone.
He was a widower with a son under 30
named Philip, who
is married and lives in Vigata.
Doctor, what have you discovered?
- Montalbano, you are young.
You should see well.
You saw the knife? - I'm 30.
I've seen
and I'd like to know
The time of death.
I can be inaccurate?
May I be off a few seconds?
You want my report?
In a hurry to have a snack?
He died between 8:00 and 11:00 PM last night.
First, he was stabbed in
the back, then he was shot.
He was hit in the chest.
I think he was already dead
when he fell.
The rest of the stab wounds were
inflicted while he was on the ground
for relief of the murderer.
Are you happy? - Yes, thank you.
Here I am.
- What have you found?
From an initial review
- I wasn't talking to you.
Have patience. What is
this? - Documents received
and things crammed into a chest of
drawers. Everything seems in order.
Nothing is missing.
He had two million in cash in a table.
He had jewels in another case.
It's not a robbery gone bad.
Shit, what a genius!
It's a stroke of genius!
Who found the dead body?
- Ms. Tumminello.
She lives opposite and fainted
when she saw it all.
She suffers from heart trouble, be careful.
Okay. You keep on here.
Gesuina . . . Gesuina.
Here's Inspector Montalbano
for a review.
- Please.
- Good morning. - Good morning.
May I?
Listen, can you answer
a few questions?
Yes, if the Lord
Madonna will assist me.
I was told
that you found the body.
How did it happen?
It's a long story that I should
tell from the beginning to be clear.
Start from wherever you like.
- Listen.
About 20 years ago I lived here
with my poor husband Raphael.
Attilio Gambardella
had a bad car accident.
His wife died
and he broke both legs.
His son, Philip, was wounded
on the head and nearly died.
Then later are my poor Raphael
died of pneumonia.
What can I say,
Mr. Commissioner?
We saw each other every day
and we always said hello.
Attilio and I, we joined
our solitudes.
You became lovers?
- No.
What do you think? I have never
touched Attilio or he touched me.
What do I know?
You spoke of unity and
I meant that we began
to keep each other company every day.
I cooked and cleaned.
- How did he live?
He took care of
poor Raphael.
Not him, how did
Mr. Gambardella live?
He was rich. He had ten
stores and fifteen apartments in Vigata
and other things.
Listen. What is his
relationship with his son?
He killed him.
It was him. Do you understand
what I'm saying? - Are you sure?
As if I'd seen it.
Philip is a bastard that at 30,
lives on his father's money.
He also wanted to get married
with the father's money.
His father gave him more money
and Philip took advantage
but Attilio understood and had
started to give him less money.
That thug came
to threaten his father.
Once he also attacked him.
My kitchen
and Attilio's are close.
While washing the dishes, I
heard Attilio and Philip arguing.
Philip cried:
"I'll kill you with my bare hands!"
I realized they were fighting
because I heard loud noises.
I didn't know what to do.
But shortly after the noise ended.
I could hear the TV.
So I was reassured
and I thought it was over.
Instead Poor thing.
Who are you? What do you want?
- I am Inspector Montalbano.
A commissioner so young?
- Yes. We seek her husband.
He's not here and I don't know where he is.
Has something happened?
We are here for something very serious.
Tell us where he is or come with us.
I told the truth.
My husband is out.
He almost never returns.
He's always out drinking.
Where can we find him?
- He's usually at the Menicuzzo bar.
Thank you, ma'am.
Enough . . . Get out!
If you don't have any more
money, go home.
First you get him drunk, then throw him out?
- Who the hell
Excuse me, Commissioner.
I didn't recognize you.
I can not stand it anymore.
I had to oust him again last night.
He came last night?
- Yes - What time did he arrive?
It seems to me that he arrived at 7:00.
He drank two liters of wine.
Then he started to insult customers
because they had more money.
What time was he thrown out?
- At about 8:30.
Why ask me these questions?
- Go back to work.
Gambardella, you must come with us.
- With you?
We're going to the police.
- We need to talk.
Can you walk?
Are you okay?
Poor Dad.
Yesterday evening, you and
your father quarreled. Why?
I asked him, but he wouldn't
give me any money.
Why wouldn't he give you anything?
- He wouldn't keep me any longer.
You'd threatened to kill him.
You said it and maybe you did it.
It was not me.
Yesterday evening I'd threatened.
But I would not have done anything.
He was my father.
We argued often,
but they were just words. - Listen.
After you had the fight, where
did you go? - To the Menicuzzo bar.
I had a few drinks.
- And then where?
I don't remember.
Where did you sleep?
I don't remember.
You have a
change of clothes?
No, only this.
When did you eat last?
- I don't know.
Yes, doctor.
- Take this man out
and bring two sandwiches from
the bar. We'll resume in a little while.
Let's go.
What do we do?
Take him to police headquarters?
No, we'll keep him here for
a little while, under arrest.
At least he'll stay away from bars.
This matter is clear.
- I'm not convinced, okay?
Am I speaking with the lawyer Maurizio
Crossi? - You are. What is it?
Good morning,
this is Inspector Montalbano.
I understand that Attilio
Gambardella was your client.
What did you do for him?
Gambardella came to me
to make a will
and I am the custodian
and executor.
You want to see it?
- Yes, thank you.
"I, Attilio Gambardella, Do
bequeath after my death
all my liquid and real assets
go to my son Philip."
"He is my only legitimate heir
But is mentally impaired. "
"To avoid his being cheated
or continuing his evil substances
I will have Mr. Crossi
administer his property for him."
"The annuity will pay
5 million per month
added to the interest
taken from the leases. "
"In faith, Attilio Gambardella."
had arranged everything
to ensure the child
a prosperous and secure future.
If you want, I can get
a copy of the will.
Did you notice the secretary?
She gave me a look. I understand these things.
I'll ask her to bring it.
It's all so simple, what do you say?
I say that won't save you
more than even a bromide.
What good is a copy?
- What good?
The aggravates
Philip's position. - You think so?
Are you kidding me?
Now we also have the motive.
You want a sign on the body?
Take him to the police station.
We wait. Interrogate everyone.
Maybe something else will emerge.
We have already talked
with neighbors yesterday.
We found nothing.
Salvo, it's useless. You're too fixed.
Then leave it alone.
I do it with Fazio. You go have fun.
Go where you want.
Quit arguing.
And touchy as a child.
This is the last one.
- Fortunately.
Mr. Puccio, good evening.
I am Inspector Montalbano.
Do not worry, I'll pay the fines.
It slipped from the dashboard
and then I forgot.
We are police officers,
not traffic wardens.
We're investigating the murder
of Attilio Gambardella.
I see. Please, sit.
Thanks, I needed that.
We want to know if you saw Gambardella or his son Phillip
on the night he was killed.
Yes, I saw him
and his son arguing.
It was not the first time.
- So I've heard.
The other night
I got back about 8:45.
Attilio shouted phrases like these:
"I don't want to see you anymore!"
"When I am dead,
you take all
but as long as I live,
I won't give you even half a dollar! "
Philip left without
even turning around.
It was a bad fight.
You actually saw Philip
leave? - Yes.
Attilio saw him to the corner.
Then he returned home.
Mr. Puccio, your
testimony is crucial for us.
Until now, we thought
Attilio was killed by his son.
But with what you've told
us, things change.
You're sure of what
you saw? - Yes, I swear.
Do you know what people in the neighborhood
say about the Gambardella family?
Do you know anything that can be
useful? - I am never home.
But I know you talked
with Philip's wife.
It was said that Philip's
was a marriage of convenience.
His father is very rich,
but she was really ticked-off
because Attilio was very stingy.
Mrs. Gambardella, good morning.
- So, it's you.
How is Philip?
- He's fine.
When can I see him?
- Can we have a chat?
Go ahead, but make it quick.
It would have been better if you'd come
to my home this evening.
These things make
people suspicious.
If I lose my job
- How did he spend the night
when his father died?
- Why? - Policy.
We check the alibis
of those who could gain from
Gambardella's death. - Like me? How?
What had I against my father-in-law?
- Attilio was rich.
Your husband inherited all
and you would benefit.
Suppose you did marry
Philip for his prospects.
But after the wedding you find
out his father is not generous
and doesn't want to help.
You must work for two.
An acceleration in the inheritance
- Who told you this?
The are malignant. The other night I was
with Mrs. Pelletta until midnight.
She sews the bags by hand
and I help.
And as you said, I also work
to support my husband!
Come in.
Doctor, I have spoken
with Mrs. Pelletta.
She confirmed the alibi
of Philip Gambardella's wife.
She spent the evening with her.
For me it was his son.
It was obvious from the beginning.
You forget the testimony
Gianni Puccio.
After the fight with his son,
Gambardella was still alive. - Yes
but he may have killed him later.
He got drunk at the bar,
came back and then killed him.
You are convinced that
Philip killed his father.
Excuse me, I know he was in
the bar from 9:00 until 10:30.
He had time to return
and stab his father.
Doctor Pasquale said Gambardella
died between 8:00 and 11:00 PM.
It all fits. - There are
too many things unexplained.
He didn't take the two million
that were at home. It's absurd!
No. The murder was not premeditated.
He saw his father dead,
was afraid, and ran away.
Then he changed
because he was covered in blood
or a friend loaned him the
clothes and he had thrown his away.
I am not convinced.
- And you are not convinced.
- Yes, Doctor.
You should follow someone,
but keep it between you and me.
Sure. You can trust me.
- You should . . .
"Contrero Breeders"
I arrive Saturday at 8:00 PM. You've already
heard from your father about Sunday?
Yes. We are expected at 1:00.
- Okay.
I have to go back to work. Goodbye, love.
Have a good day. - Same to you.
I'll call you tonight. Bye, bye.
Have you been shopping?
- I brought a chicken.
I'll eat it. I ate
the mullet last week.
I don't understand. - This chicken
was shot in the head.
Like the fish last Monday,
remember? - Yes, the fish.
Where did it happen?
- Contrero Breeders in Monreale.
I found the cartridge case, and this.
It 's the same as last time.
- This is the note.
"Continuo a contrariarmi".
What does this mean?
Maybe, the guy
Maybe he wanted to write
"I keep annoying".
He's "annoyed" for reasons
only he knows.
Taxes, the wife who betrayed him,
things like that.
In frustration, starts to shoot.
- A fish and a chicken!
It says here
"I keep contrarmi".
From what was written we understand
that you don't read very well.
It says here "Continuous".
- So?
Perhaps he was writing
"I begin", "Start".
What does it mean?
- Maybe it's a stupid joke.
This story annoys you?
- Yes, it makes no sense.
Things that are without reason,
make me feel annoyed.
We must wait.
We can't do anything.
Sure you want the chicken?
- Yes
- Sorry, Fazio.
With permission, Doctor?
- Come.
You brought breakfast
for Gambardella? - Yes
All last night he screamed
and asked for wine.
I brought four coffees and
I've drunk two.
I haven't slept in a week!
- Give him chamomile.
Gallo is on the
phone. You'll answer? - Yes, thank you.
Gallo, tell me everything.
- You were right.
I'll explain when you
get here. I've discovered everything.
Gallo, what's happening?
- They're in there.
They are having fun.
Wait in the car. I'll give you a break.
- Ma'am, now things are changing.
What are you saying? Who is this?
- Stay calm, Nicola.
We are innocent.
- I want to know the truth.
Okay. When I was a girl,
I was engaged to him
but my dad didn't want us to marry
because he was poorer than us.
My parents wanted
me to make a good marriage.
My father made me marry Philip
but Nicola and I
were always in love.
The situation went on like this
for a long time.
I was fond of Philip,
but I have always loved Nicola.
You must believe me, Commissioner.
Nicola and I had nothing to
do with the death of my father-in-law.
We only wanted to continue
to see each other.
Where were you the night
of September 21?
I live here.
I went to bed early.
In the morning I get up before dawn
to go fishing.
If it's an alibi you want,
I can't give it to you. I'm sorry.
Doctor, I wanted her.
Commander Zuccarello came
to report a theft
at his home.
The silverware and jewelry was stolen.
You found something?
- I stopped Peppe Pignataro.
I recognized the burglary technique.
Pignataro wants to talk.
He's waiting for you.
- Okay, thank you.
Good morning, Commissioner.
- Good morning.
Excuse me for disturbing you.
- Please sit down. - Thanks.
Everyone knows that
you can be trusted. Right?
I was the one doing the stealing.
But you won't prove it, ever.
I did not leave fingerprints, the
stolen property is in a safe place.
If I'm arrested, I can't go
Where I need to
for getting the money
in exchange for stolen goods.
I need money urgently.
Will you believe me if I tell you something?
Tell me. - I am sincere.
My wife is on her last legs.
The Mutual Fund does not cover the drugs
that she needs for the pain.
I buy them with my money
and they are very expensive.
I understand, Mr. Pignataro,
but what do you want me to do?
I wish to be
left alone for a month.
Then I'll make it up to you, I swear.
The word of Peppe Pignataro!
- Yes? Thank you, Doctor.
Thank you so much. - Goodbye.
- I wanted to tell you another thing.
The night Attilio Gambardella was killed
I was waiting at the
Knight's Frottini villa.
I was there to steal. So was he!
I saw Philip Gambardella arriving at about 8:30.
He swayed. He was drunk.
At a one point, he
was no longer able to move forward.
He lay under a porch
and fell asleep.
How long did he sleep
under the porch?
I came out of the villa
at 1:00 o'clock in the morning.
He was lying where he was before.
I believe he slept there all night.
- Goodbye.
You have a month, Mr. Pignataro.
No more.
Mimi. - What is it?
- Come. I need to talk.
Mimi! Come!
A girl is looking for you . . .
asking about you.
- You're a "fool", and predictable.
We must release Philip
Gambardella immediately.
Free him? Are you crazy?
Thank the Commissioner for
me. He's been very kind to me.
I'll tell him. - I also thank you
for the shirt you lent me.
I'll have it washed and
reeturned to you. - It doesn't matter.
You also believe that I'm innocent?
I believe it. Now go home
and stay away from wine.
Now we have to start all
over again? - No, instead,
did you get a copy of the
will from the secretary? - Yes
We take an airplane?
A boat?
Bring it. Let's go
on a courtesy visit.
Ma'am, I'm sorry
if we came without warning.
Don't worry. Take a seat.
What do you want to tell me?
- What I wanted to tell you is,
we released
Philip Gambardella.
The evidence was insufficient.
- After what I told you?
The quarrel, insults,
the sounds of shots.
I know. A witness said that when
Philip came out, Attilio was alive.
It could be an accomplice,
a friend of Philip's.
Madam, I have to look at the facts.
About the facts, we have come
to show you something.
Me? - Yes, you.
This is the will of Attilio.
Did you you found
We found it.
He had a notary.
Who knows what you had tried!
What interest do I have?
- A simple curiosity.
If you could have found it, you
would have been very surprised.
I'll read it.
"The undersigned Gambardella Attilio
in full possession of my faculties,
wish that after my death
all my love goes to Mrs.
Gesuina Tumminello. "
"My son will be disinherited."
"In witness whereof, I sign it
Attilio Gambardella. "
Madam, you read it.
It says here
Why? Is this a joke?
Madam, that night the
father and son fought.
Attilio said that Philip would
be left with nothing after he died.
Attilio had promised you
the legacy.
After the fight you asked Attilio
for confirmation.
He confirmed that he left everything
to Philip so you killed him.
The swine always said,
"I'll leave you everything!"
Meanwhile help him here,
put it there. He was a pig!
It wasn't enough
I acted as his servant.
He asked me to do all manner of shit,
and that night he said
that he'd left everything to his son!
You must come with us, ma'am.
- That filthy traitor!
Even in death he wins!
It's a beautiful place.
- Yes
Salvo! At last!
- Hello, Dad.
My son, how are you? - Well.
Sorry I'm late, but the road
Imagine! Livia, good morning.
Thanks for coming.
Thank you.
This place is wonderful.
Thank you. Take a seat.
The credit is all theirs.
Come here.
This is my son, Salvo.
What do you think?
Mr. Montalbano, your son
is more handsome than you. - What you say?
And identical to me in my youth!
Take a seat.
Before we make a toast.
To the health of my son, Salvo
and his beautiful girlfriend.
Are you ready? Salute!
"They sing in Sicily."
It was all very good,
but I ate too much.
It 's all healthy.
Do you have a good appetite like me.
Salvo, Livia is a beautiful girl.
Do not let her go!
You're young, but at your age you
should think about building something.
Maybe a family. - You
talk to me about marriage and family!
You can't forgive,
can you?
You don't know.
I loved your mother very much.
I don't care about her husband
who left when I was six.
I know you as a father and that's
enough for me. - How do you judge?
I was wrong, but you can not
- What do you want from me?
Leave me alone.
- Sure.
I no longer exist in your life.
I've been erased.
Except, when you were young,
you were left alone.
I was wrong. I know, and I regret it, but
you don't treat me well. I am your father.
Now you want to be a parent?
It's too late, sorry.
When I needed you,
a father, you weren't there.
I grew up without you. Why
should things change now?
Can you slow down, please?
Maybe it's better if you drive.
Hello, who is it?
- Doctor, I'm sorry if it is early.
Fazio called. They shot at
Mr. Tani. Fazio is coming here.
They killed him? - Yes.
- Who is this Mr. Tani?
I can't tell you, doctor.
- Okay. I'm coming.
Fazio, where did the murder happen?
What murder?
- This Mr. Tani!
Tani? So
Catarella told you? - Yes.
No, I said to tell you
a dog was killed. It's a dog.
It's the same fool?
- Yes, I found the cartridge case.
And it's identical to the other two.
Here it is.
Today is October 6. This idiot
works weekly.
He always acts on the night
between Sunday and Monday.
Yes, I found the usual note, but
this time it took a little longer
because the wind
had taken it away.
"I keep contrarmi." When will
this cuckold's contract end?
The dog has an owner?
- Yes, Carlo Contini.
He's a former city employee.
- You bothered to come.
How was your weekend?
- A beautiful female, Salvo.
There was such a Penelope
- Yes, Yes, the stories in the car.
We're leaving for an investigation.
- What happened?
A "little murder".
- Who was killed? - A dog.
We all go? - And 'Rin Tin Tin?
Here is my Brick
Mr. Commissioner.
He never hurt anyone.
- Tell me what you saw.
I heard a shot.
I got up to fetch
the shotgun
and see what had happened.
I saw my Brick
with his head bloody.
Then I heard the sound
of a car leaving.
I didn't have time to see it.
Remember what time that was?
- Yes.
I looked at my watch
and it was 12:35.
I cried all night
for my Brick.
Do you know Mr. Ennicello?
- I don't know him.
Do you know a farmer named Contrera?
- I don't know him either. Excuse me.
I do not understand.
This place is far
from Ennicello and Contrera.
It's not a joke, and it's going to grow.
- What do you mean?
I mean the size
of animals.
A fish, a chicken and a dog. The
Next time he will kill a sheep.
We have come for the investigation.
You don't have to eat.
This is not Calogero.
- That may be terrible.
You'll see. Promise
you won't reproach me later.
Now I understand what
you said before. - I knew it.
Bring someone to
- Ah, Commissioner.
Are you satisfied?
- It's all perfect. - Yes.
Can I take advantage
and ask you some questions?
Of course, Commissioner. Ask me.
I want you to tell me about the fish.
I am referring to the fish
that was shot. - The mullet.
At first I was worried,
Then I realized it was a joke.
It was a bit dangerous for
a joke. Don't you think?
Who knows what would have
happened if someone had seen
an armed stranger at the restaurant.
Yes, but you have to risk a
bit for the joke to work.
Excuse me, but I'm
expected for an account.
One last question.
In your opionion, was choice of
fish accidental or intentional?
Commissioner, I do not understand.
- Let me explain.
How did they pull out
the fish?
With the net. It not only took the mullet.
I found a dead trout
in my tank.
Perhaps he shook the net and
expected the fish to die.
It's hard to hold them alive.
He shot the mullet
and threw the trout back in the tank.
Perhaps he chose the mullet because it
was large. - The choice was there.
He seems to have chosen
on the basis of size.
At what time did the
restaurant close that night?
I closed at half past midnight
as always. Now I must go.
- Goodbye. - Ma'am
It's all too weird.
He's trying to tell us something.
Killing the animals on a
Weekly schedule and leaving his note.
It's as if he were writing
a message? - Yes.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I dragged you
to this culinary hell
for no reason.
Tomorrow we part.
- Take me away.
There's time now. Save me.
Take me away and let's enjoy
these last hours. - Great!
"Announcement to the inhabitants
of earth and to every nation,
race, language and people."
Wait a minute.
A goat!
Last night he killed a goat.
I knew it. I guessed.
- You said a sheep.
It 's true. It's going to grow.
I found the usual shell
and the usual ticket.
"I keep contrarmi".
He wants you to take him seriously.
So take him seriously.
- Bravo.
I'll propose Augello for
a formal commendation from the Chief.
Are you suggesting something?
- What do you understand?
If you would only tell us
who is doing this,
he would not have killed several animals.
Why is he changing animals?
Maybe the message
has the initials of the animals.
I checked. Words come out
which have no meaning
like MPCC or PPCC.
Perhaps the initials of
a group of subversives
like People's Party
Christian Communists.
Yes, even Proletarian Movement
Hunters Fighters.
Have you finished with the bullshit?
- Excuse me, Doctor.
I dare disturb you
because today is your NOMOMASTICO.
I brought the champagne
to celebrate. - Thanks.
I didn't know it was my Name-Day.
Congratulations, sir.
- Best Wishes, Salvo. - Thanks.
It's called "Name-Day"
No. The party name
The festival is the family
Congratulations, Doctor.
- And good sparkling wine.
You've won at Luna Park?
- Yes, I won a stuffed animal.
I have champagne for the others?
- Yes, yes. - With permission.
Now I say the first letter of the
name of the owner of the goat.
Start with the letter "O", right?
Yes. He's called Stephen Otto.
Tell me the names of the other owners
of animals killed.
Ennicello, Contrera.
Contino and Ottone.
- "Here"!
Yes! This is the word.
Use the initials of the surnames
of the animal owners,
not those of animals.
I got it! At Contino's he killed
the dog. He also had two goats.
But he doesn't kill them.
It's 20 km from Ottone.
He needed a surname
that started with the letter "O".
- Yes, let's go.
I did not realize a gun was fired.
My home is far away from the fold.
I found it this morning.
I'd like to know
who killed my goat.
Can I sell it to the butcher?
I can't eat it alone.
- Tell me one thing.
Do you have couriers or messengers
that deliver anything?
I don't understand.
The postman goes by everyone.
The postman is concerned
with small areas.
Other animals have been killed in Vigata,
but in places far from here.
Perhaps there is a link between
the goat and the other animals.
I'd rather do things for myself.
I buy everything myself
somewhere near here.
- Goodbye.
Salvo, you look worried.
What are you thinking?
If he continues to grow,
perhaps he'll get to a person.
We must stop him. The next
time may be a dead man. - No.
If he wants to kill a man, he'll
do it at the end of the message.
He wrote only "here". The phrase
is not over. We have to wait.
Speak French
Do I speak French?
I can't speak well.
We leave in nine days.
- I know.
I did change the tires
on the car.
I'm glad. I have already packed
my suitcase. - I'm glad too.
You don't sound very convinced.
- No, I'm convinced.
But sometimes I think of those
animals. It's a very strange case.
Doctor, you're here!
What's happening?
Fazio arrived at five and
Augello has been here for 15 minutes.
Has someone called?
- No.
What's happened? - Hello.
- Police. Come now!
They have killed an animal?
- How? - Give me the particulars.
- How?
- Full name and address.
Agatha De Dominici. I'm at the end
of Contrada Cannatello. Hurry!
My husband wants to shoot
Armando. - We're coming.
Fazio, go and see what's happened.
Catarella, go with him.
Today? Whay about the PBX?
We'll find a good substitute. Go
- I'll take my hat.
Son of a bitch!
Come out, bastard!
- No! You come out.
Get your head down. I'll stop this one.
You go around behind, and disarm
the other one. Do you understand?
Do you understand?
- I can try. - Let's go.
Madonna don't leave me.
It was better at the switchboard.
Son of a bitch! - Come out, bastard!
Stop, police! - What do you want?
- Put the gun down.
Drop the gun.
- Bastard! - Turn around.
Shut up.
- Bastard!
Cuckold! Son of a bitch.
- Bastard!
- Stop, police! Throw the gun down.
I'll shoot you as well.
- I'm a cop.
Face the wall. Turn around!
- Son of a bitch. Cuckold!
They arrested me. Are you happy?
Shoot him.
- Shut up. - I'll have to shoot him.
This continues? - Yes, as long as you
don't shoot him. - Shut up. - Bastard!
- Cuckold!
- Freeze.
- Son of a bitch!
Shut up.
- You killed him!
You killed him!
- What do you say? Shut up!
He killed my ass.
- The donkey? - Yes
Not true.
- You shut up.
Here also is the ticket.
"I contraggo yet."
The message says "Here D."
Maybe he wants to say "That's God."
- It's amazing.
When there are religious issues,
I'm worried.
Why do you think
that the sentence is that?
There are many donkeys
in the Vigata area.
Many owners begin
with the "D".
Maybe he killed
De Dominici's donkey
because it has two "D" in the surname.
Perhaps he thinks that the double "D"
indicates a "D" capitalized.
- The word "GOD".
If so, the case is complicated.
I agree with Fazio.
The religious fanatics
are capable of anything.
Why does he say that it's contracted?
What does this mean?
God is revealed in His greatness
and never in smallness.
"Contract" could also mean
"Shrink". - I do not know.
It's going to grow. First a fish,
then a dog, a goat and a donkey.
Who will he strike next?
- Sooner or later it must stop.
In our area
there aren't any elephants.
It was a joke.
The case was more serious
than we thought. - So?
We must postpone the holiday.
- Salvo!
I'm sorry, Livia.
I want to go too.
But I must stay here.
- I already took my vacation.
Change your holidays. - I can't.
There are others who replace me.
I need to go now.
I'm ready to depart.
You'll go alone?
- Yes, is that a problem?
No, but a woman
alone on holiday
A woman can't go
on holiday alone? What are you saying?
The fact is that I'm a bit jealous.
It isn't my problem
that you are jealous.
Spend the holiday with me
so we can be together.
I don't enjoy staying home
all day waiting for you
to come back in the evening.
- You can go out and go to the beach.
It's October! You are an egotist.
- In your opinion, what should I do?
I don't know, but I'm going on vacation and
I don't to ask for permission from you.
She hung up!
Hi. Can I speak with
Miss Livia Burlando?
Livia is on vacation. May I take
a message? - Yes, thank you.
I'm her cousin Lorenzo.
I need to talk with her. Can you tell me
where she went on vacation?
I know she went skiing in the
Alps, but I do not know where. - I understand.
Do you know if she went alone
or with someone?
I don't know. I can't help you.
Goodbye. - Okay. Thank you.
Catarella, I have to rely on you
for an important mission. - Me?
I am at your disposal. - Call
ski resorts in the Alps.
You must find out where
Miss Livia Burlando is staying.
Do you understand? - Yes, Olivia
D'Orlando. - No. Catarella!
Livia Burlando.
You tell only me. Do you understand?
- Yes.
No one has called.
It's strange that he skips a Monday.
Who knows. Maybe no one could get out
of the house. The weather was bad.
Perhaps it has affected him.
Maybe he did what he had to do
and no one knows.
- Commissioner of Vigata. Speak.
Yes, a theft. You take it.
- Hello.
Yes, ma'am. Tell me.
What's happening?
You seem out of sorts today.
I hope this caponata
makes me feel better. - Absolutely.
"Tonight there was
an inexplicable case
at the Circus of Wonders."
"They shot an elephant."
"They fired a single shot."
"Carmine Coppola directs the circus."
"Do you have any ideas about the
reason for this cruel act?"
"I don't know why anyone would want
to do something like this to us."
"We haven't any problems with anyone."
"The elephant was the most important
attraction in the circus."
"I do not know what to say."
- "That's all from Free Network."
I guessed it again.
I have a sixth sense.
Where is the circus now?
- Why?
The owner of the circus
is called Carmine Coppola.
The elephant is called Alecec.
He needs an "I",
or what we thought
is wrong.
Go check it out.
Commissioner Montalbano.
- Good morning, sergeant.
Explain the reason
for this visit.
Shooting an elephant
is likely to affect our investigation.
Make a request to the commissioner.
He'll share the results of our work.
There is nothing.
- Sergeant, a curiosity.
It said "I still contrarmi"
on the note?
"I'm contrarmi to finish."
Can I talk to the owner of
the circus? - Yes, let's go.
That is the
elephant trainer.
She was very fond
of that animal.
Mr. Coppola is inside.
You can enter.
Mr. Coppola,
I am Inspector Montalbano.
Aren't the police
dealing with the investigation?
Yes, but we would like to ask you some
questions. - I'll tell you.
The sergeant didn't believe me.
I think I know
who killed Alecec.
Who did it? When we, the circus,
came here last year,
I had a brief affair with
a woman from here. It happens sometimes.
This woman was married
and her husband knew about it.
He did nothing
because we left.
What did the sergeant say?
- He says he knows the man
and he could do such a thing.
In my opinion it is revenge.
It's wrong. Alecec wasn't mine.
He was the elephant tamer's.
The elephant was not yours?
- No.
What is the trainer's name?
- Irina. Why?
Thank you.
- Good morning.
There is no doubt that the complete message
is "God's".
He's like a mad horse.
- Yes.
And able to enter a circus at
night and kill an elephant.
He's not a fool. He's methodical
and leaves nothing to chance.
I don't understand the increase
in the size of the animals.
What do you mean?
After the goat we thought
he'd kill a man.
Between a goat and an elephant
there's a man, but he didn't do it.
He doesn't consider men animals.
- I do not think so.
He considers men.
The notes are left for us.
Maybe he wants to communicate
an upcoming event.
Maybe the men are left for last.
They are in the image and likeness
of God - On the paper he wrote
"I'm contrarmi to finish."
Missing only the "O" of God
We only have until Sunday
to prevent a murder.
The emanator has
all the power that is emanated.
The emanator does not suffer from this
For the emanator,
there is all the power to be emanated.
The emenator does not suffer from this
Good morning, doctor.
- You found the hotel? - No.
I've already checked those of the Alps
Then I check the Apennines.
Okay. Continue.
- It's a lot of work.
Free Network? This is Montalbano.
Can I talk to Zito?
Hello, Salvo.
- I need your help.
Tell me.
- Some time ago I saw your show.
It was the portrait of an old
erudite expert on religion.
I need to talk to him. - Alcide
Maraventano is a strange man.
It won't be easy to meet him.
He's a kind of hermit.
He doesn't see anybody.
Let's see what I can do.
Thank you. It's important. so long.
Mimi, Fazio, come in my office.
Did you sleep well?
- Yes, fine.
There are three questions
that haunted me last night.
First. Why does the assassin
use the early hours of Monday?
Second. Why does he want to make
us find out who is contracting?
Third. What is the "contract"?
The point is this.
If we don't understand what "Contract" means,
we can't understand anything.
Do you know?
- No.
I think the nut is from Vigata.
He knows the territory
and animal owners.
And that information is obtained
from accounts or he already knows them.
I don't think he is young.
- How do you know?
He knows the elderly.
Except for the trainer,
all other owners are
elderly. - I never thought of that.
He can't be that old.
It 's difficult for an old
man to cut the bolts
or climb on the crates.
- Yes, but we are talking of a madman.
Lunatics are capable of anything.
He may have an accomplice.
That's possible.
- We also have another element.
The next victim will have
the last name beginning with "O".
Commissioner Montalbano? - Yes. You
are Mr. Maraventano? - Come in and close the door.
You have the notes
he leaves? - Yes.
Here they are.
It's hard to understand.
- It's childish banalities.
Have you ever read the Sifre Ha-Iyyun?
- What?
These are the books of contemplation
written in the mid-1200s.
Have you read anything
by Moses Cordovero?
I believe he was a doge.
- Do not talk nonsense.
Do you not know Isaac Luria?
We going back to school?
I don't remember.
I'm going to get something
that will be helpful.
I'll be right back.
- Yes.
Damn! What happened?
A shelf fell.
What was that powder?
- I didn't know the books were so dusty?
To my mind the disottenebrarle
informs us that we talk about the Cabal.
Ah, the Kabbalah.
- Don't pretend to understand.
"When Ain-Soph conceived to create
worlds and produce the emanator
to release the light of
the perfection of his actions
concentrated at the midpoint
of the center of his light.
The light is concentrated and withdrawn
around that central point."
Now is it clear?
- No.
So that people can understand
the magnitude of the Supreme Being
he is forced into a contract
and when finished, to contract
to appear to men in all his
light and in all of his energy.
Perhaps he doesn't plan to kill
one man. He wants to make a killing.
Yes, maybe so.
The point of greatest
concentration of the light
is the place of creation.
It is not that of destruction.
This nut is convinced
of the contrary.
Whoever wrote these notes
is a raving lunatic.
He wants to do something terrible.
You must stop him.
- Why does he act on a Monday?
Because Monday
is the beginning.
Do you know someone Vigata
who has dealt with these things?
Not many people
have done similar studies.
There was a man many years ago.
Sometimes he came to discuss this with me.
His name was Henry Ostellino.
He was very old.
Now excuse me, but I must rest.
Thank you. Goodbye.
It 's amazing. This nut
could do something serious.
I thought he was crazy
killing animals every time.
Now the matter is serious.
- What will you do?
Stop him before Monday.
- If that fails?
We need
a special plan.
We know that victims have
a last name beginning with "O".
If we can't stop him,
we must plan
to gather all citizens with the
last name beginning with "O"
in a safe place.
We'll protect them.
Find a suitable place.
Get to work.
Time is short. Goodbye.
Please come in.
- Hi, Montalbano.
Francis Ostellino.
- Why are you here?
I came to talk with
Henry Ostellino. - How?
You have news about my father?
- In what sense?
Don't you know? My grandfather passed away.
I didn't know, sorry.
Could you tell me about it?
It happened seven years ago.
My father loved to swim
at sea even though he was old.
One morning he said
he was going for a swim.
He left home and never returned.
Didn't they search?
- Sure.
The Coast Guard
searched for him for over a month.
The police did an investigation,
but nothing was found.
We always thought he was
drowned by a sudden illness.
After two years we put
a plaque in the family tomb
even though the body
was never found.
Grandpa was old.
There is another reason for
my interest.
I knew he
was a religious scholar,
studying esoteric subjects.
Was there someone with whom
he shared these studies?
Grandfather was a professor of history.
He had a fixation with religions.
He didn't talk to anyone.
Maybe he was talking
with old Alcide Maraventano.
You could speak with him.
- Yes.
"Thus were finished the
heaven and earth and their armies.
The seventh day God completed
the work he had done
and he rested from all his
work on the seventh day.
God blessed the seventh day."
On the seventh day he rested.
His forces
The light of the eye emerges from the dark pupil.
and is issued
as light from a light.
As a light from a light.
As the light from light.
25 are out of Vigata.
That leaves 202.
Calling them all would be a major headache.
Has the commissioner told you
where we should gather?
I made arrangements with the owner Mezzano Film.
If we don't stop him, Sunday
we gather the people there.
For you I have another chore.
- No. Give me a break.
Get a street index and mark
the addresses in this list.
Find a route for these people to take
to get there in the shortest time.
Don't let me down.
- Okay.
If we have to do this gathering,
What will people do?
There will be children crying
and men who will fight.
There will be confusion.
- Provide a family film.
Choose the film.
Are you sick?
- No, just tired.
Have you done the research on Ostellino?
Yes, but I didn't find anything.
It was quiet. Everything points to
his having drowned.
He was very old.
You're going to sleep standing up.
- Yesterday evening I did the research for you.
Then I did the night shift
for Gallo. - What happened?
Didn't anyone tell you?
His mother died. The
funeral is tomorrow morning.
You should have told me
as soon as I arrived!
You're right Doctor. I'm sorry.
- You should be. Go get some sleep.
I'm going to have a
wreath made at the florist.
Catarella don't carry on so.
Gallo's mother was ill.
I know, but it makes me think
of my parents.
They died together.
- I'm sorry.
Excuse me if I say this to you
who lost your mother as a child.
At least I spent
many years with my mother.
You did not.
- Don't worry.
Be brave.
- Commissioner.
- Thanks.
Doctor, there is a person on
the phone. - What's his name?
- Algida.
- Like the ice cream?
Yes, surname is Beneventano.
- Repeat after me.
- Algida.
- Benevento. - Go away.
Hello Mr. Maraventano,
where is my name?
To call, I had to go out and deal with chaos.
I thought about it and I've
come to a conclusion.
The next event
can't happen on Monday,
because the cycle
can't end on Monday.
Monday is the start of
creation, not the end.
You understand.
It will happen before
midnight on Saturday.
Sunday, the madman will
rest. Hurry up. - Yes. Yes. Thank you.
What day is today?
What fucking day is today?
What's going on? It's Friday, November 1.
- Tomorrow is Saturday. - Yes.
Tomorrow is November 2. The day
of the dead. Get Augello.
Sit in the lounge.
- Commissioner Montalbano.
Mr. Ottone.
A round of applause
for Commissioner Montalbano.
You cretin.
Come, Salvo. Come up.
I don't like talking on a microphone.
- Start, the rest is easy.
Two or three words and then it's easy.
Good evening.
I am Inspector Montalbano.
I apologize for the inconvenience,
but it is in your best interest.
To get started I'll hand the microphone
to my deputy, Dr. Augello
who will tell you
how things stand.
Good evening to you all.
You are here for your safety.
We will try to keep you
as little as possible
but it is important
that you are safe.
What is he saying?
- Forget it.
The Commissioner thought
to provide a movie! - Stop it.
You are too good, really.
You are too good.
All right. But now for more
security, we'll call the names.
Obetto Rosaria.
- Present.
Ossola Grace.
- Present.
Ostellino Francis. - Present.
Ostellino Titian. - I'm here.
Ostellino Xavier.
Once again.
Ostellino Xavier.
Where is Xavier Ostellino?
He said he preferred
to come in his own car.
Maybe he had a breakdown.
- He lives with you?
He lives alone in the house
where my father lived.
Give us his address and keys.
Augello, come with me.
You continue with the list.
The house is in the neighboring district.
- Come on, Commissioner.
Gallo, come. You drive.
- Me? I can come?
You have to come.
- Finally.
Xavier, it's the police.
Are you at home?
We have not understood anything.
He's mad.
This is the 765.
- Who knows where he is now.
Tomorrow is November 2,
the feast of the dead.
What an idiot!
What is this racket?
It's the police. - What do you want?
I am Inspector Montalbano.
You saw Xavier Ostellino?
- The poor guy is still here.
Why poor? - Three years ago
his wife and daughter died.
They were hit by a van.
He hasn't recovered.
He's stopped working.
What is he doing at the cemetery?
- Praying at the family tomb.
He always carried a briefcase. He says
it holds the family books.
He's crazy. One day he said
he had found a way
to resuscitate
his wife and daughter.
Lead us to the chapel
of Ostellino. - Immediately.
Get the torches.
He broke the bolt!
Follow me.
It's open!
Where does this go?
- To the crypt for the recently dead
waiting for placement.
Authorization is required
to open this and Ostellino
never asked me.
Bring light.
Ostellino, come out!
We know you're here.
It's full of explosives.
- We arrived just in time.
You guessed right. He wanted to do
a massacre. - Tomorrow is November 2.
He'd light the fuse when
the cemetery was crowded.
He must be here.
- Here is the detonator.
Xavier, nothing has
happened yet! Come out.
He must be hiding
in one of these tunnels.
Let's go out to call for help.
Paterno, how are things there?
- It's all quiet, Doctor.
Tell Romitelli to come to the
cemetery with his men
and call the bomb squad.
The custodian will lead them.
I'll tell you.
Ostellino Xavier has arrived.
He's sitting in the audience.
How can he already be at the cinema?
- Don't you understand?
He left before we arrived.
He went to the cemetery only
to take what he needed.
- Where is he? - The first left,
the fourth row.
You stay here.
Control the exit.
"Look at this lousy shirt."
"I need a new shirt."
"I can't stand it any longer.
This life can't go on. "
"Here, I quit."
"here's your share."
"One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine and ten."
"I kept the expenses."
"Prepare another sack
of chicken blood. "
"I've already killed them all."
It's him.
- What do you expect?
If he sees us all,
He'll be alarmed.
So what do we do?
- We must take him by surprise.
He could have
a remote control.
You and Gallo stay behind
and in front of us.
Okay, Salvo.
- Come on.
Doctor, he's gone. - Now what
do we do? - Stop the movie.
Send everyone home
and control the stalls.
Fazio, come backstage with me.
Stay calm.
- What happened?
Stay calm. You can go home.
Thanks for your cooperation.
It's locked.
My plan is not subject to
any deviation.
Vastness, immensity.
Immensity, I beg you to forgive
my boldness and listen.
Keep your eyes on me.
Leave it to your
humble servant to do the work.
Grant me the grace
to ignite the flame.
I have been betrayed.
Why have you deceived me so?
I could resurrect them.
What did you think you could do?
- I could get them back with me.
I could get them back
from eternity.
I spoke
with his father and brother.
What did they say?
- What could they say?
I'm shocked.
They knew he was mad with the
death of his wife and daughter
but they don't understand why he acted
so. What the hell did he want to do?
The history of contraction?
It's a story written in the Kabbalah.
It refers to God.
- Why? God is contracted?
According to the Kabbalah, God shrinks
to appear to men
and then is manifested
in all His splendor.
This radiance, according to Ostellino,
was comparable to an explosion.
In his madness he was convinced
that he could become like God
and revive
his wife and daughter.
How do you remember her?
I only remember her hair.
Nothing else?
- No, nothing else.
These weeds grow up fast.
If we don't get the roots
I should have brought
something to fix this.
I forgot.
Wait, I'll help.
This picture was taken the
Sunday we went to Syracuse.
You were almost one.
Your mother loved the day
of celebration, we took the car
when we went somewhere.
We started with good weather.
I remember that time.
We sat in front of the sea.
She said she wanted
to have another child.
She said it was nice when
two brothers grew up together.
She wanted you to have someone
to grow with.
It was agreed
but I told her to wait.
That year there
were difficult times at work.
But now I'm sorry
and not content with it.
You would have grown less alone.
We would both be less alone.
Doctor, I've been waiting for hours.
Where were you?
I was That's my business.
What do you want, Catarella?
I found Miss Livia's address.
She's at the Hotel Margherita. Here it is.
Bravo, you did a great job.
Thank you, Doctor.
Hi, this is
Inspector Montalbano.
I had my agent call you to get information
on your client
Livia Burlando. - Yes.
Livia Burlando and Simon Zeunert
leave tomorrow morning.
I beg your pardon? Simon who?
Simon Zeunert.
Staying together in room 31.
Thank you.
What are you doing here?
- Me? What about where you were?
In the mountains.
- Really? And with whom?
With my mother.
- Your mother's name is Simon?
Hello, I'm Simone.
I'm Livia's mother.
What a pleasure to meet you!
Livia and I always talk about you.
- Really?
Want to help with the luggage?
- Yes, of course.
We must talk at length.
You must tell me all about you.
How long do you stay?
Very shortly.
No, you must stay at least a few days.
Why don't you ever come?
Livia can not understand why
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