Thicker Than Water (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

The Trojan Horse

[men laughing, chattering]
Bruv, bruv, bruv. Listen, wait.
- Listen, listen. Yanis is kidding.
- Yeah, what?
- Farouk was just messing.
- No.
He says, "Hey, lend me your trimmer.
I want to shape my beard, mate."
I give him my trimmer.
While I'm waiting,
I order an Uber and that.
We're in a hurry, he's taking forever.
I open up the bathroom door,
and what's this bastard doing?
[clicks tongue]
Shaving his balls, for fuck's sake.
- What? It wasn't like that!
- [laughter]
Hey, Farouk. Wait, wait, wait.
Bro, should I tell them about Bordeaux?
- Wallah, I'm out of here.
- [Oumar] Wait, hey, hey!
- Stay, stay. Stay there. Hey.
- [laughter continues]
That's a load of shit. Fuck you!
We go to the shisha.
We tell him, "Bring us some meat."
- [Oumar] What do you mean, "meat"?
- [men] Chicks!
He brings us
a couple of burgers, brothers.
- Leave me alone.
- [laughter]
[Oumar] Wallah.
[laughter continues]
[man] You're such a fucking idiot.
[Samy] Oh, you're crazy. You're funny.
[tense music]
What do you mean, I'm funny?
Ah, wallah, you're funny.
You made me laugh.
I'm funny how, mate?
Well, you're funny.
Everyone knows that you're funny.
Like a clown? Do I amuse you?
Well, you know, it was it was
What do you mean funny? Do I amuse you?
- Hey, hey! Wait, wait, wait.
- [man 1] No stress, Oumar.
- No stress. Come on.
- [man 2] Shh, he's kidding, bruv.
[Oumar] You said I'm funny.
How the fuck am I funny?
[man 1] Oumar, easy, bruv. Easy.
[Oumar] Go on.
- [chuckles]
- [all laughing]
What the fuck?
It's good you've got the reference.
Well, yeah.
It's the restaurant scene from the film.
- [man 1] Ooh!
- [man 2] Oh!
[man 3] Oh, Oumar, what are you doing?
We aren't in a film here.
[Fara] Samuel managed to pull it off
by sending me to talk to him.
[man 1] Yeah, well,
he shouldn't be talking, innit?
[Fara] He got inside Oumar's head.
[man 2] Relax, buddy. He's all right, man.
- [man 3] You okay?
- [Samy] Yeah, no, no, no.
[Fara] And he was losing his cool.
["I've Been Watching You"
by The Southside Movement playing]
I've been watching you ♪
[Fara] It took Oumar
less than an hour to call me.
I've been watching you ♪
- [sighs]
- [elevator dings]
[Fara] My mission?
To take a van from work, bring it to them,
and get out of there,
all without knowing
what they planned to do.
I should be at home ♪
I'm out there watching you ♪
I'm jealous of you ♪
I want you for myself ♪
[car beeps]
Baby, baby ♪
[Fara] As for me,
I don't know what will happen.
I'm being protected by a Fed
who's no longer a Fed.
But who has the same goal as me.
To get rid of Oumar.
I've been watching you ♪
He can't talk to you like that.
I mean, I wanted to say something,
you know,
but it's not that easy, you know.
Anyway, I mean,
the whole team's right behind you,
so, we would have followed you
- out of the door, but you know
- Hmm.
- we all have lives, families.
- [tires screeching]
[man] But anyway, you're
you're a great editor-in-chief, and, and
we'll never forget you.
You're a great guy, I'm sure
you'll find another job, no trouble.
Don't worry.
[tires screeching]
Anyway, if you need anything,
give me a call, yeah?
And don't forget to make a plan
- for leaving drinks!
- [line ringing]
[phone buzzing]
[Fara] You have reached the voicemail
of Fara Bentayeb, please leave a message.
[man] And don't forget,
if you need a shoulder,
or whatever, you can call me, all right?
And it'd be great to have a barbecue
some time, you know, for old times' sake.
That would be cool.
["I've Been Watchin You" by
The Southside Movement continues playing]
Just so I don't lose you, okay?
Just drop the van off and leave.
I won't be too far away.
I'm going to get to you ♪
Some way, somehow ♪
Every time I see you
My imagination runs wild ♪
I need you, baby ♪
I want you for myself ♪
- [Mayo over phone] Yeah?
- I'm driving on the ring road.
[Mayo] Okay.
Keep going, take the A6,
and call me from there.
- What do you mean?
- [Mayo] Now, what do you mean?
[Fara] Where are we going?
[Mayo] Hey, just do what I tell you
and stop asking questions.
You're something else ♪
He actually thinks he's Tony Montana.
You're something else ♪
[officer] Yes, Chantal,
can you transfer me
to the on-duty officer, please?
[officer] Yeah. What did you find
when you searched the girl?
Well, but no drugs, nothing too weird?
- I don't know anything.
- Nail clippers? Okay.
[inhales sharply]
[exhales deeply]
How did you wind up near the incinerator?
I told you, sir,
I've only been there two days.
I don't know my way around.
I just got lost, sir.
Stop, stop, stop.
You work at the sorting center?
You have no access over there.
Who let you in?
No one, sir.
I swear, I didn't do anything. I
What you have going on here
looks like a trafficking ring.
You're accused of theft, encroachment,
criminal association, possession.
- Do you understand what I'm saying?
- Criminal association?
How'd you end up near the incinerator
exactly as they're burning
5,000 designer bags?
Do you know how much these are?
Three, four, five thousand euros.
How'd you end up near the incinerator
with a bunch of crooks, losers.
They don't even speak the language.
We've had translators brought.
I didn't even know it was an incinerator.
- I promise, I don't know who they are.
- You're taking me for a fool.
Okay, it's a group effort.
You weren't working on your own.
I wanted to go to the toilet
or something like that.
Oh, you're annoying me! I'm not your bruv.
Now, how do you not get that?
You're really getting on my nerves.
Who are you working with?
You're lucky you're a minor.
Because if you're older, you'd be gone.
On your way to prison, under a warrant,
and it ain't pretty.
Am I going to prison?
You're not going there.
- And your mom's waiting for you.
- Please, can I see her?
[officer] You'll see her.
Just give me the names.
Cooperating in the dismantling
of a trafficking ring.
Know what that means? Community service.
You get probably six months.
You've done that before?
[officer] It's work in the community.
You help Grandma and Grandpa
eat snacks in their retirement.
Uh, you work in a park,
or a square, or for the mayor.
Like, in the 16th arrondissement.
It's really nice there.
Better than the estate.
- So give me some names.
- [eerie music]
[horse snorts]
[Oumar tuts]
What's wrong, huh?
Are you mad at me? Is that it, huh?
[horse neighs]
Let's get you out of here.
I've got some stuff to get back, okay?
[gate creaking]
All right.
[horse neighs]
[eerie music continues]
[van door opens, closes]
Come here.
[Fara] That's my phone.
You'll get it back later. This way.
[horse neighs]
[indistinct chatter]
[neighing continues]
[man 1] Hurry!
[Fara] That day, I understood
that Oumar was just a middleman.
[indistinct chatter]
All he did was make sure
the gear was safe.
And have it go through him.
He didn't have a turf.
His job? To find the right hideout.
[man 1] Let's go! Let's go!
[man 2] Hey, bruv,
slavery's a thing of the past, you know.
Where is Oumar?
- [man 3] Excuse me.
- [man 4] Hurry up.
[horse neighs]
[man 1] Whoa! Come on! Come on!
- All good? Can I go now?
- Concentrate. Concentrate.
Hey! You'll leave when we say you can.
Stop bugging us with your questions.
[Mayo] Fill up all the bags.
All the way to the top.
[man 1] Hey, mate, go left.
Careful with the gear.
- [man 2] Come on, guys, hurry. Go, go, go.
- Take this.
[Ketchup] You think we work for you
or what? Come help us! Here!
No, that's okay, I'm leaving.
Here, take it.
You're staying with us for now.
Go on, take it. Go on.
[Mayo] What are you talking to her for?
- Be careful, it's new.
- Here, here.
[Mayo] We'll carry this one together,
both of us.
[Ketchup] Careful. Careful with the gear!
Go on, load up at the side here, please.
Was it a guy from the estate
who got you involved?
You can trust me. I grew up round there.
I chose a different path.
- Good evening. Ms. Savary.
- [officer] Just give me some names.
[Savary] I represent Ms. Bentayeb.
- Are you okay, Lina?
- Yeah.
- Did you start interviewing her?
- We were talking.
- Without a solicitor?
- I left you two messages.
You left me one message,
and it's been only 1 hour and 58 minutes.
- It was two hours. So what?
- [Savary] It was 1 hour 58 minutes ago.
And you're legally obliged to wait
two hours minimum
before initiating proceedings.
- All right, relax, we just started.
- I hope the judge has
the same reaction tomorrow morning
when I call for the detention order
to be annulled
for procedural irregularity.
And now, I would ask you to leave
so I can speak to my client.
- You want me to leave the room?
- Well, yeah, you must leave us alone.
You'd better not touch my computer.
I'll be right back.
- [officer] Thanks.
- Right.
[officer] Come on, Paulo. Let's eat.
Right, what have you done?
What's all this about handbags then?
I didn't do anything. I'm not involved.
I don't know what he's talking about.
Right, you can talk to me.
And from this moment on,
you don't say a word.
- Okay, I won't.
- What did I just say?
[Lina grunts]
That's it, you got it.
Okay, here.
- You must be starving.
- Thanks.
It's Bryann who told me you like them.
He must care about you
to get involved this much.
[ominous music]
[Mayo] Hold on. Hold on, bruv.
Good job.
[Ketchup] Take this one.
- Out of the way. I got this one.
- [grunts]
[man] All right, mate. I got this one.
Put the sacks all the way at the top.
- [Ketchup] What are you doing?
- [Mayo] Carry it together! Both of you!
Why am I still here?
You'll know soon enough.
- [Mayo] Come on, let's not waste any time!
- [Ketchup] Yes.
Move it!
[Reda over phone] Dammit, you sent
the Bentayeb girl in there?
She's not even an informant!
Are you for real?
- Call it off.
- Out of the question.
We could've taken them already
while they were loading up the gear.
- But I have to wait for you.
- Fuck, Samuel!
There's an investigation on your ass.
You know that.
We've been after Diawara for two years.
We're so close to getting him.
And I'm not calling it off.
This is bullshit, Samuel.
I'm not with you on this.
Drop it. It's done.
[Samuel over phone]
I'll follow them and wait for you.
Figure it out.
All right, bruv, we're ready. Let's go.
Come here.
- Let's get out of here.
- Yeah, bruv.
All right, as usual.
Ketchup, out front with Mayo.
I'll follow with Balou.
- Okay, all good.
- [Oumar] Guys, clear up this mess. Okay?
[man] All right, guys. Follow them.
- You will drive.
- That's not what we agreed.
- Do they look like journalists?
- No. Count me out.
[Fara grunts]
Who said you had a choice? Huh?
All right. Oumar.
[tense music]
[Oumar] Hey, hurry up.
There's 500 kilos waiting for you.
The sons of bitches
are taking her with them.
- What are you doing here? It's too late.
- What do you mean, what am I doing here?
- Just get in the car, please.
- [rattles]
- [whispers] So open up, hurry.
- [Ali] Just give it a yank.
Open it. Damn it.
- [Yasmina sighs]
- What the hell did your niece do?
- Nothing. It's not her fault.
- What, not her fault?
What was she doing there?
She shouldn't have even been there.
I said it's nothing to do with her.
What's your problem, for fuck's sake?
I help you out, at the last minute,
no questions asked,
and then all of this happens?
- Is your family trying to screw me?
- No, of course not.
Hey, Yasmina, look at me.
Do you really think I'm an idiot?
So you're going to tell me the truth.
I won't give you a hard time.
At least I'll know.
There's nothing to tell.
What do you mean, nothing? Come on!
I just got her the job
and now they think I'm involved.
They've been trying to get those guys
back there. It's a scam.
And you brought them everything
on a silver platter.
Ali, please.
Can you prove that you just hired her?
I can't prove anything.
They think we're part of the same ring.
Oh, fuck.
I don't even know what'll happen to me.
So your niece, uh
Yeah, sure, forget it. I'm gonna
I have to go.
Hey, Ali. Don't come here again, okay?
[line ringing]
- [man] Yes, Karim.
- [Karim over phone] What's up?
[man] I need to see you.
- [Karim] Now?
- [man] Yeah.
["Retour Aux Pyramides" by X Men playing]
["Retour Aux Pyramides" by X Men
playing on radio]
I think we're being followed.
[music stops]
What do we do?
Let's check it out.
[radio chimes]
[Oumar over radio]
Pull in at the next petrol station.
What's the plan?
[Oumar] Just do it.
Use the signal
so the bitch knows what's up.
[signal lights clicking]
What are they doing, assholes?
[phone ringing]
Yes, Mom.
[Louiza over phone] Hello, my love.
Is everything all right?
No, it's not. I don't know, Mom.
No one's telling me anything.
And I'm scared she'll crack.
What if she tells it all?
[speaks in Arabic]
[Souhila in English] I don't know
what will happen to my daughter.
If there's anything at all, call me, okay?
- [man] Night, ma'am.
- [Savary] Good evening.
All right, try to try to rest a bit.
[foreboding music]
What are we doing?
What the hell is he doing there?
He's onto us.
- [radio beeps]
- What do we do? Take care of him?
No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.
[automated voice]
You have selected diesel
[tense music]
[Balou] He's a Fed, for sure.
I'm not sure.
[Balou] All alone like that?
[Oumar] Keep an eye on him.
[keys jangling]
- [radio beeps]
- Ketchup, follow him.
[suspenseful music]
- Hey, where are you going?
- [Fara] I have to piss.
[Mayo] Hey, now's not the time.
Then why stop, huh?
[radio beeps]
- Where is she going?
- She said she's going to take a piss.
Hey. Do you have change?
I don't give a fuck if she needs to piss,
or take a shit.
I have coke in the car.
Tell her to get back in.
What a pain in the ass.
Fucking hell.
Hey, I'm really sorry,
- but can I use your phone, please?
- Yes?
- Mine was stolen. I need to send a text.
- No, sorry. I don't have a phone.
What do you mean, no phone? What's that?
You've never been in trouble?
Listen, my ex is out there,
he's going to beat the shit out of me.
I just need to send a text.
- [Ketchup] Get me a coffee?
- [Alban] What do you want?
A nice, big black coffee.
[Alban] Sure.
Uh, they don't have it.
Uh, do you want a hot chocolate?
- [woman] Hey, this is the girls' bathroom!
- And you're a girl?
[automated message]
Hello, you've reached Alban's voicemail.
All I see is a drag queen in a dress.
Where are you?
[Mayo knocking on door]
- [Fara] Oi!
- What are you doing?
[Fara] What do you think?
Fucking hell.
This is not the time to shit yourself!
[woman] Oh, yeah, classy.
What do you know about class, you fucker?
- [phone buzzing]
- Mm.
[Mayo] Yeah, I know. I'm coming.
Okay, calm down.
- Hurry the fuck up!
- I'm coming.
[Mayo] Finish later!
[woman] In her panties?
Mind your business,
or I'll shove it down your fucking throat.
- Hey, shut your mouth.
- You talking to me?
- Hey! Hey, you can't talk
- You talking to me?
- [woman] Get your hands off me!
- [Mayo] Shut up, you slag!
Get out of here!
Get off.
[banging on door]
- [exhales deeply]
- Come out, or I'll break the door down.
You're really starting to piss me off.
[door opens]
- You messing with me, or what?
- Just gonna wash my hands, yeah?
Make it quick.
Thank you.
Who he thinks he is, that bitch?
A son of a bitch.
[Mayo] We're coming.
Where are they? Huh?
[Fara] What's going on?
[Alban grunts]
[indistinct chatter]
- [tense music]
- [Alban groaning]
- Fuck him!
- [Fara] Stop! Stop, please!
- Stop, stop! Stop, please!
- [Ketchup] Come on, let's go.
- Please, let's go!
- [Oumar] You know him? You know him?
Stop! He's my boyfriend!
- We don't give a fuck that he's your man.
- Why did he follow us? What does he know?
No, he doesn't know anything.
What are you doing here?
- Keys and your phone, give 'em to me.
- [Fara] Give them to him.
[Mayo] Okay, calm down, Oumar.
- We're going to get nailed over nothing.
- [Fara crying]
- [Ketchup] Come on. Get up.
- [Mayo] Hey! Hey!
- [Fara] Stop!
- [Ketchup] Get up and shut it.
Look me in the face!
You talk, I'll fucking kill her
before I kill you. You got that?
[Ketchup] Let's go, please. Let's go.
Let's go!
- Wait! Let go of me!
- Come! Come on! Move it!
- [Ketchup] Hey, you, get up.
- [Fara] Alban!
[Oumar] Come on, get in!
[ominous music]
[car engine starts]
[car revving]
[tires screech]
[tires screech]
You're in the middle
of a police operation.
Go home.
I can't. They took everything.
[Alban] I have nothing on me.
All right. Get in the car.
- [Samuel] Hurry up.
- [car door opens]
We gotta get a move on.
- [Alban groans]
- [Samuel] You got a death wish or what?
[Louiza speaks in Arabic]
- [in English] Oh, Mom.
- Yes.
- I told you not to come here.
- How are you, my love?
- [Souhila] And you bothered Monique.
- Oh, you know, it's not a bother.
- Monique has nothing to do with this.
- Where's Imène?
Imène is at the neighbor's. And Lina?
I don't know. I haven't heard anything.
[shouts] I've been here for hours,
and no one will tell me anything!
You calm down, my love. Just calm down.
[shouts] This place is like
being at the job center!
The angrier you get,
the longer they make you wait!
- Sit down.
- [Souhila sighs]
I made you something to eat.
- No, Mom. It's okay. I'm not hungry.
- Here. I made you a nice sandwich.
- A banana.
- I made you some cookies.
A mandarin, and and a little tiramisu.
It's okay. I'm not hungry.
- [Louiza] Yes, you are.
- Plus, her boyfriend sent for a solicitor.
- I didn't even know she had a boyfriend.
- Kiaté?
The 100-million transfer?
How do you know that?
When the mother is too severe,
you fall back on the grandmother.
And the neighbor.
Thanks for your advice, Mom.
I'm managing perfectly well.
You're doing very good.
Good, good, good. Yes.
Listen, go easy on your daughter.
- Or she'll go away.
- Come on, she's 17. She's a child.
- 17 now is like 35 in my day. Yes.
- Mm.
Come on, eat, my love, eat.
- [Monique] Go on, eat a little something.
- [Louiza] Come on.
- [Monique] Enjoy.
- [Louiza] That's it.
Even if we pay,
you won't get off our backs.
- I gave you my word.
- Yeah?
You have your principles.
More than that network
you sell your broke ass for.
That's what you think?
I have a decent job
for a respectable company.
I'm trying to change attitudes.
What are you, then?
You're a dealer, selling a scam.
One who attends mosque
to clear his conscience. Isn't that right?
You lean on people,
you put guys in the boots of cars.
And you talk about me?
- That's funny.
- [Oumar] Are you judging me?
- What do you know about my life?
- [Fara] Yeah. I know the speech.
Oh, so you sell drugs
because you grew up poor?
You think you're better than us?
When I say "we,"
- I'm talking about your brother too.
- My brother had a choice!
What choice? You don't get a choice
when you grow up in the ends
completely on your own.
When you become
the head of the family at 13,
and you have to put food on the table
for your brothers and sisters.
You have no choice
when you see your mother
working as a whore to bring food home!
So I don't give a fuck what you think!
There's no plan B for us!
[somber music]
[tires screeching]
[suspenseful music]
- [Oumar] Let's keep moving, guys.
- Go on.
Come on.
- Take it.
- Got it.
[Alban] Fuck. What kind of a mess
has she got herself into?
She has some balls though.
Can you get her out of this?
[breathes deeply]
Now get out of here.
That's her.
[lights clicking]
[somber music]
[soft music]
[car door opens]
[Samuel] Reda, are you planning
to shit yourself for much longer?
- [Samuel over phone] They're all here.
- Is Bentayeb still inside?
[Samuel] No, she's gone. She's safe.
- And Oumar?
- [Samuel] Oumar is still inside.
Hurry up, it's time to make a move.
Okay. Don't do anything without me.
You don't exist.
Okay, but get a move on.
Because if they start moving,
I'm going in on my own.
All right, let's go.
Yann, Mohamed, let's go, guys.
[Reda] Come on, let's go.
Get your stuff, we're gonna join Samuel.
- [Yann] Samuel?
- [Mohamed] What do you mean,
- "Join Samuel"?
- Don't ask questions.
- We'll work it out later.
- [Yann] All right. Let's go. Let's go.
What do we do now?
We wait.
We wait.
[tense music]
Come on, come on, come on.
[phone chimes]
[Souhila] I assume you know who I am?
Well, hi there.
- Is she okay?
- I don't know.
What are you doing here?
You send your solicitor?
- What's that about?
- I'm not here to cause any problems.
- I heard about it, so I
- You want to help her?
Get out of her life. Stop seeing her.
- But I really love your daughter.
- Listen, she's not old enough.
Forget about her. She's too young, okay?
But you know I respect her.
Actually, you're going to respect me.
If I say no more texts,
then no more texts.
No more calls, no video, nothing.
You forget her.
And you never saw me, either. It's clear?
Will she agree to it?
[siren blaring in distance]
Are you sure
you don't want me to stay with you?
No. You have an editorial meeting.
And you've
you've got Philippe on your back.
I'm so sorry.
No. Don't be sorry.
It It's me, I
I just wanted to know.
You hid so much from me.
Your brother, the video
And now you seen it all.
I'm worried about you, Fara.
Here's all your things.
[keys jangling]
["Piece of My Heart"
by Erma Franklin playing]
[Alban grunts]
Didn't I make you feel ♪
Like you were the only man ♪
[door opens, closes]
Didn't I give you everything ♪
That a woman possibly can ♪
Oh! ♪
But with all the love I give ya ♪
It's never enough ♪
But I'm gonna show you, baby ♪
That a woman can be tough ♪
So, come on, come on ♪
Come on, come on and ♪
Take another little piece of my heart
Now, baby ♪
Break it ♪
- [Fara] Hi.
- [woman] Hi.
- [Fara] How are you?
- Hi, Fara.
Have another little piece of my heart
Now, baby ♪
You know you got it
If it makes you feel good ♪
You're out on the street ♪
Looking good ♪
And you know deep down in your heart
That it ain't right ♪
All right.
And I never, never hear me
When I cry at night ♪
Oh, I ♪
I tell myself
That I can't stand the pain ♪
But when you hold me in your arms ♪
I'll say it again ♪
So, come on, come on, come on ♪
[foreboding music]
[man] Let's not waste any time!
[suspenseful music]
[man] Okay, great, let's go!
[Reda] Okay, we're all set here.
[suspenseful music continues]
Take him down.
[man] We're all set.
[closing theme music]
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