Thin Ice (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Del 6

It's Martin's internet history.
He's being blackmailed.
They're keeping Viktor alive
'cause they have a plan for him!
He'll be spared
as long as you cancel the treaty!
All Sweden thinks you stole your children.
You're not the right person
at the moment.
That is why I decided
to take my responsibility
by resigning my position
as Foreign Minister of Sweden.
Moscow called, I've been compromised!
You took a picture of my email?!
I don't know what you're talking about.
- They're on your phone!
We do what we came to do.
We can't
- It's the only language they understand.
Russia will buy the oil well
and push for Greenland's independence.
How can we avoid that?
- We kick them out.
Are you ok? You had a nightmare.
Always better than reality
- How did you end up here?
I was making a documentary
on Ittoqqortoormiit, Scorebysund.
A documentary?
- I wanna let the world know the story.
Climate changes has ruined our people's lives.
So you're a visionary?
I don't know
what difference can I make?
You might, you don't know that.
People don't care.
Governments ignore us.
I don't think so.
- They do!
My father is a Minister,
elected by local people!
It's all about economic independence!
What was that?
What's going on?
You hear that? What now?
- Stay calm.
Can I borrow Liv for a little while?
It's ok.
- Thanks.
- What happened?
Someone sent me an email
with a picture of Viktor.
It said:
"Cancel the treaty and he'll live".
You were right.
And I know what our policy is
Yes but this is Viktor!
Are we sure it's not a fake?
- Police are looking into it.
We reply.
You got your computer?
- Yes. Please
I'll show it to you.
Here's the message too.
Is it a good idea?
You'll have to withdraw from the agreement.
- Then I will.
I'll flip around soon as Viktor is free.
- It's a high bet.
If they realize you're bluffing
- What else can we do?
Let me handle this,
it's our only lead.
Liv this is the other thing
I wanted to tell you.
You're too involved, especially now.
You might end up in a situation
where your child could be hurt.
I know the risk I'm taking.
- I spoke to Katarina, she wants you off the case
and I agree with her.
We just found a lead!
- They still have to reply.
Just give them time
- I'm sending you home today.
You can't do that!
- I can and I will!
Liv, you're no longer part of this case.
Ah hi
I'm here to take Aaja to school.
I think she's sleeping.
You got a place to stay?
- Of course I do.
Who was it?
- Your wife.
Was she drunk?
- I don't think so but she didn't look well.
You know this was a mistake.
- No, thanks.
I really have to go now.
I'll see you down at the station.
- Yes.
Is she your new girlfriend?
- No, let's have breakfast.
They're negotiating for our release.
- He's alive!
He's alive
will you go home now, please?
I must speak to the Council.
Do what you have to.
Sasha, it's Liam.
Listen I'm sorry for what I did
but we have to talk.
Sorry, wrong room.
- No, I'm sure you have the right room.
It's a tough choice.
Cancel the treaty to save a life
or go on and not bow to terror.
It's even harder than that.
- Why?
I might cause his death.
- It's not you who kidnapped him, it's them!
I know it's tough,
it's the same for me and the girls
but we know well
this is your work and your life.
It's a tough choice
but the support you have now
you may not have later.
I know.
Morning, I think I got a scoop.
Martin Overgaard,
any comment on the latest news?
There's rumors of more photos!
Martin, a comment!
- Over here!
What have you done?!
- What you mean?
It's everywhere!
- What?
Our affair!
It's all over the news!
We deny everything!
God, I must call my wife!
They got everything!
Emails, flights, hotels!
Every single text I sent you!
- Fuck, they have the pictures I sent you
We say it was that one time
they'll be on your side
What are you talking about?!
Come in.
I'm very sorry, Martin.
This is just the beginning,
they have everything that's on my computer.
This is why you wanted to end the meeting.
- What else could I do?
I'm sorry, could you leave us a moment?
- But I
I know exactly how you're feeling.
We can't let them break us
with their schemes.
Too late for that,
the media are loving it.
I think I know how to
divert the media attention.
What you mean?
- Unfortunately, I think I have a more interesting story.
Did he buy it?
- Yes, he thinks the Russians leaked the email.
What's this?
- You searched my pockets?
Have you been withholding evidence?
- Of course not.
What's this then?
- Something we found up north.
Why haven't you told me?
- I simply forgot.
Forgot?? We've been talking for hours yesterday
and it never came up to you?
I'm sorry.
Anything else you forgot to say?
- No.
I'm sorry I like you
but I can't have you in my unit.
What why?
- "I forgot" isn't good enough for me.
I need to be able to trust my people.
- Is it because of last night?
You're suspended till this case is ongoing.
I'll keep it short.
You all expect me to cancel our meeting right now.
But Elsa Engström has asked
to address this meeting.
Well, what can I say?
We all know the pressure
the Danish Foreign Minister,
Martin Overgaard, has been under.
The Russians blackmailed him
and until now,
they have somehow managed to dodge
the responsibility for
all that has happened here
and claimed that none of this
has anything to do with my treaty.
Well let me remove any doubts
any of you might have.
is my political advisor,
Viktor Baker.
They are going to kill him
unless I retract the treaty.
Our sympathy, our humanity
is now being weaponized against us.
And to answer your ransom note,
Mr. Lisov:
no, I will not retract the treaty.
Because it is too important
for the future of our planet.
This is
- And if Viktor dies because of that,
I proclaim the responsibility on Russia
and not on us.
We're trying to make the world better
by putting an end to the horrors
oil industry always
and everywhere entails.
My proposal is simple:
that the Arctic Council agrees
to remove the Russian Federation
from the Council, effective immediately
and then we can discuss the treaty in peace,
without these ruthless, inhumane tactics
affecting our decisions. Thank you.
I must say that this is
- Just a moment, please.
Let's put it to a vote.
It must be unanimous, except for Russia,
as they are the country in question.
- I agree.
I agree.
I agree.
I agree.
- I agree.
I agree.
- I agree.
They have tried to ruin this venue
of cooperation in the Arctic.
I have decided,
as Foreign Minister of Denmark,
who retains power over
foreign affairs in Greenland,
to declare the entire Russian delegation
They are to leave immediately.
We just got word from the
ministerial meeting in Greenland
about a claim by the kidnappers
of the Swedish Minisre's advisor.
The Swedish Foreign Minister declared
she's not going to meet the kidnappers' demands.
I will not retract the treaty because
it is too important for the future of this planet.
And if Viktor is killed because
Liamplease don't throw me out!
They're looking for me!
- Anton is looking for me!
You have to help me, please!
Hide in there!
I'm coming!
Hi, how can I help you?
I thought I'd ask you if
Miss Yakovna has made any contact.
- Aleksandra Yakovna.
- The Russian delegation is leaving and
we don't want her to be left behind.
What are you doing?
You can't be here!
This is my private room, please!
I'm sorry, we're just making sure
one of our won won't bother you.
Get out of here now!
I will call security.
I'll report this.
Of course.
Sorry to bother you.
They are leaving.
And then what?
- I don't know.
Miss Engström.
I will give you one last chance.
I know you have my advisor.
If you don't hand her over now, there'll be consequences.
I watched your Russian information warfare for years,
how you distort facts,
But this is a whole new caliber.
You have got my advisor,
not the other way around!
You will regret that.
Goodbye, Mr. Lisov.
I need to talk to you!
Let her go.
Come sit here.
You know as a Swedish investigator
you are breaching my diplomatic immunity here.
I'm not part of the investigation anymore.
I know you have him.
- We don't have him.
I have evidence.
- And what evidence is that?
The man on the boat, the guy that
let the kidnappers on board, he's Russian!
Andrej Sokolov.
According to our intelligence,
he's a known Russian agent, born in Murmansk.
He graduated from the military institute in Kaliningrad in 2004.
We know everything!
We've been looking for him as well.
I borrowed this from the police here.
'Cause we never heard about
this Andrej Sokolov.
Anyway we want to get to the bottom of this.
- Bullshit!
You don't believe me, do you?
This is essentially what every western
intelligence institution wants to get their hands on.
What's that?
- It's our intelligence database.
'Andrej Sokolov'. You see?
That name is not in here.
What do you want me to do?
Kaliningrad, 2004. Right?
- Yes.
This is the graduation group
from Kaliningrad in 2004.
Do you know what this guy looks like?
- Yes, he has red hair, he's
He's not there, is he?
If he were, I would know.
Then where the fuck is Viktor?!
I don't know I really don't.
What do you know?
Why aren't you
with the investigation anymore?
Because Elsa dismissed me.
Maybe you were getting closer to the truth.
- What you mean?
I don't know, but if you're willing
to see things in different prospective,
Elsa sends someone else on the ship, the ship gets attacked
and now Russia is being kicked out because of that.
We're the only country standing in the way
of full consensus on Elsa's treaty.
Elsa wouldn't
- She would never sacrifice Viktor?
And you, soon as you discover a grave
that wasn't supposed to be found,
you get kicked out.
Are you saying that Sweden is involved?
I just know that a Swedish oil company
found out about a huge oil well.
And I know that Russia is not involved.
What are you doing?
You shouldn't be here.
- Hi.
You're not supposed to look at that.
I just want
- Don't take the originals, they'll find out.
Will you help me?
- You're my boss.
What are they doing?
- That's ok
What are they doing?!
- Nothing it's ok.
They're cleaning up after them.
No! No!
If you kill them, you'll have to kill me!
I'm your bargain!
Her father is the second in command
in Greenland!
That's her father!
You'll need her!
It's ok
Excuse me but the families are leaving
Did I say "come in"?
- No, actually
Then you don't come in!
- I'm sorry
Get the fuck out!
Hey, Mati, you have my copies?
I have another favor to ask you.
I don't wanna hear it,
I had to go through the archive.
But you found it.
- It's just copies.
Will you look after Aaja tonight?
- Of course.
- Take care, my friend.
I heard you were released.
I'm just leaving.
- Back to Sweden?
No way, I'm going back
to the Valley of Seals.
What for?
- That's where we lost them.
You might think I'm crazy but
you have to see this.
Here's the graves.
One would think they were executed and buried.
But there were bullet holes in the cabin too.
They were shot against the cabin?
- There was shattered glass outside the window.
Someone was shooting from the inside out.
- There was a fight.
The hostages tried to escape
and they managed to kill two kidnappers.
The two men were Danish soldiers
from Sirius patrol.
Like the one we saw in the video.
Sirius patrol is made of 12 men.
They work in couples and
they cover about 16,000 square km.
There's too much land to patrol,
but I know that these two men
were stationed at Clavering Ø
in the past few days.
They had the hostages with them?
- It makes sense.
They're the only ones
guarding the area.
We need satellite photos of Clavering Ø.
I can't ask Danish police, but you
I'll contact SÄPO.
What is it?
The Danish parliament is considering
sanctions against Russia.
Does it mean no agreement with Beluga?
This kind of sanctions are
foreign policy matter
and it's Denmark that controls
our foreign policy.
So yes, if this goes through,
there'll be no deal with Beluga.
So it's up to the Danish parliament
whether my daughter lives or dies?
My daughter was right.
She's always been right about
this dream of Greenland oil industry.
Look at us now!
It only led to atrocities!
Liv, the Foreign Minister
asked me to get you back home.
I know.
What did you find?
You're coming home, aren't you?
- Yes.
Good. You were right,
things have been happening on Clavering Island.
We watched satellite images
of all the buildings of the island.
We have found something unusual.
- Where?
In an abandoned radio station
in Eskimonæs.
Until two days ago,
it was deserted.
Then two snowmobiles suddenly appeared
and they've been there ever since.
Is it them?
He's there!
- Someone else will go, Liv.
Send someone else, Liv!
Yes I just wanted to say bye.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
It's just best for you to go home now.
- I think too.
We'll call you soon as something comes up.
- I'll call you soon as I get home.
Are you coming?
- Right away.
We must leave along with the Russians.
This might be the start of something bigger.
- You can take it without me.
You know where your things are?
- Yes. I need a toothbrush, a book and clothes.
Russia is risking sanctions
after the events in the Arctic Circle
- Yes, let me just take the toothbrush.
Why are you here?
- Quiet, love!
I just needed a place to rest.
Don't tell anyone!
Now we can go.
Hi, how's going?
We couldn't determine the time of death.
The whole scene is one big freezer.
If you stuff a body in a freezer,
it's hard to tell the time of death.
There is no decay no disrespect
but it's just frozen meat.
So no leads whatsoever?
- No.
What about the two unidentified men?
- Nothing so far.
You should come stay with us when we get home.
- At least we'll be together.
I'll be right back.
Are we ready?
- On our way.
We're going with that?
- He had my life in his hands many times
and I'm still alive.
We must send a message
that any civilized country will not tolerate
It's vital for us to sign the treaty now!
- I agree.
We need to send a message.
That we, the civilized countries,
don't tolerate this Russian method.
Elsa, I agree with you.
- If we don't agree to this
these people will have been killed for nothing!
- I completely agree with you.
Let's be quick about it.
We need to appear strong.
I'll put the treaty up to signing tomorrow.
- Great.
And then, all of this can finally be over with.
- Finally.
Yes that's it.
Got it!
Russian delegation is boarding a helicopter,
kicked out of the western world.
She and Ville Berger go way back.
He financed her work in Ethiopia.
- Whose work?
Elsa Engström.
- Let's talk to her.
Not so fast.
Where did she go?
- I have no idea.
I'm pulling out now!
My employees are being killed!
It's over!
Cancel the plan!
No, it's not too late!
No, no, no it's not too late!
In English!
- They want they want
This is the message:
you have to get back the license to drill.
They will let us go
if you get them the license!
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