Thirty Nine (2022) s01e06 Episode Script


This isn't necessary.
We both know you didn't cheat.
I did cheat.
The cheat sheet belonged to Ji-hyeon.
The cheat sheet dropped right next to me,
and I saw it.
Of course, you saw it.
It fell right before your eyes.
How could you not?
You even have good eyesight,
so it's natural that you saw it.
I was having trouble with that question.
Korean History, question number 23.
I was upset
because I didn't know the answer.
Then I saw it.
So I wrote it down as my answer,
but I can't let it go.
I want the points deducted.
That question is worth six points.
You know that, right?
Okay. You may go.
You would've become a historical figure
if you were born a long time ago.
Did anyone catch you looking at it?
Then why?
Why did you come clean?
You're obsessed with grades. So why?
-We should always be honest.
-What a joke.
You're unbelievable, Mi-jo.
She just had two bowls of noodles
out of frustration.
Should I eat one more?
-That's enough, you brat.
-You'll get an upset stomach.
-Let me have some.
-Hey. I'm sorry I took so long.
-She's here.
You must be hungry.
It's okay. I didn't wait that long.
What should we have?
I used up all my energy, so I'm famished.
Where did you go?
You see, I have an eccentric friend.
I feel drained
whenever I hang out with her.
Compared to her, I'm pretty much normal.
You're still bitter about that?
I'm sorry, but we're closed.
Why is she here with you, Seon-u?
What brings you here?
Why are you here?
Long time no see, So-won.
You look well.
We have plans.
I'll call you later, Father.
And you are?
Hello, sir.
I work here with Dr. Kim.
Are you the director?
Are you here for something urgent?
I came because I wanted
to have dinner with my son.
I have plans.
With her?
I was hoping to eat dinner with my son.
If it's okay with you, may I join?
Well, I don't mind…
Then I'll come back next time.
You should join us.
It's nice to see you, So-won.
It's been a long time.
Can I ask what your father does?
He used to teach at a university.
He's retired now,
and he's become a nuisance to my mom.
He eats all three meals at home
and it drives her nuts.
Which university? I might know him.
Let's just eat, Father.
I apologize.
I was just excited to meet you.
-Let's eat.
-Thank you.
So-won, do you want anything else?
No. I'm okay.
Try some of this too. Here.
So-won, you haven't changed.
How so?
What do you mean exactly?
Like right now.
You make everyone uncomfortable
because you can't read the room.
Maybe it's because I used to be an orphan.
What did you just say?
Whenever I walked on eggshells,
you always told me
to stop acting like an orphan.
You were concerned.
This is very uncomfortable.
I apologize, Dr. Cha.
I'm sorry. I should go.
can't help but act that way, sir.
No matter how comfortable they are…
No matter how much
their adoptive parents love them…
They could go to a nice high school,
go to med school,
and open their own clinic,
but the fact that they're an orphan
will always make them feel depressed
and small.
Yes, it seems that way.
I guess it can't be helped.
I think that's why they tried
to embrace me even more.
I mean, my adoptive parents.
I grew up at an orphanage,
so I know how it feels.
So I wanted to explain to you
that it's not just So-won.
I apologize if it made you uncomfortable.
I have a lot of respect
for your adoptive parents.
They raised you very well.
I guess we failed to provide
a good environment for So-won.
I'm sorry, So-won.
I was able to come this far thanks to you.
I'm very grateful
to both Seon-u and Mom.
I wish you good health.
I'll go.
I'm sorry. I'll see you next time.
Call me when you leave for Boston.
I'll go to the airport.
Let's go. I'll drive you home.
I should see a shaman while I'm in Korea.
Why is it that you're surrounded by--
I'll see you again.
You won't find any cabs
if you go that way.
I'm sorry.
I really can't help myself.
I easily lose it
when someone starts talking about orphans.
I ruined the mood, didn't I? Sorry.
You didn't.
I shouldn't have come.
I ruined the mood.
Don't be ridiculous.
Seon-u's father was the one who joined.
Don't blame yourself.
We came to eat dinner,
but I'm not full at all.
Let's go eat.
I don't think I can.
Have some soju and you'll be just fine.
Trust me. I'm a doctor.
Can I drink beer instead?
Of course. They're a family.
Just a second.
Oh, it's Seon-u.
We're going for round two.
Can you handle alcohol better now?
A bit.
Goodness, he's such a gentleman.
What kind of gentleman peels fruit?
I bet he's never even…
I can make soup for you again.
-He's a boring lightweight drinker.
-I enjoy drinking.
I'll be your drinking buddy.
This must be expensive.
It seems like we met just yesterday.
Soup made while giving
relationship advice? No thanks.
My gosh.
Ask your mom about the ladies
who worked at Siloam Snack Bar.
One of them could be Mi-jo's mom.
I was so shocked when I saw you.
I guess Chan-young is serious.
Is Chan-young coming?
I told her she should visit.
Why hasn't she come by yet?
She's busy.
Is she getting treatment?
She's just busy.
Did she tell her parents?
Not yet.
I bet it's hard for her to tell them.
Mom, back when
you used to run a snack bar,
did any of the ladies who worked there
mention anything about an orphanage?
I'm not sure. Why?
Chan-young really wants
to find Mi-jo's biological mom for her.
I thought she was joking,
but she's actually pretty serious.
She should focus
on taking care of herself.
Why does she suddenly want
to find Mi-jo's mother?
Mi-jo's doing fine.
But I guess Chan-young feels differently.
Mi-jo became friends with us
while trying to find her birth mother.
But why do you think she wrote
"Siloam Snack Bar, Gocheok-dong"
on Mi-jo's adoption papers?
These dried anchovies
remind me of gochujang.
Mom, do you also want a beer?
No, I'm good.
I have to say,
this is more than just a coincidence.
It's easy to find graduates
from the same school,
but it's really rare to meet someone
who's from the same orphanage.
Cheers to that.
-Bottoms up.
Me too.
No, not you.
I was kidding. Don't drink too much.
The orphanage hasn't changed at all.
The director's a bit older now,
but everything else is the same.
Did you keep visiting
even after you got adopted?
Not when I was young.
My friends were still there.
I just felt bad.
My parents and sister
visited from time to time.
I think it was when I was in high school.
That's when I started visiting with them.
And I've been going ever since.
The kids are adorable.
The three of us
should go there one day. What do you say?
Not everyone wants to go.
It depends on the person. Right?
By any chance…
If you ever feel like going,
you can call me. I'll go with you.
If you raised her,
she wouldn't have grown up so well.
Take So-won home.
I have somewhere to go.
There's someone I miss.
Seon-u, you should be on your toes.
She misses someone after drinking.
It must be someone special.
I admit that this person is
extremely charming,
but there's nothing dangerous about it.
There's a cab coming.
I'll see you guys.
Let's meet often, So-won.
Let me.
-See you.
What are you doing here?
I was waiting for you.
You reek of alcohol.
Damn it.
I drank an adequate amount.
How much is that? Ten bottles of soju?
You dummy.
I can't drink ten bottles of soju.
Did you drink with Seon-u?
I drank with Seon-u
and his sister.
Why do you ask?
Are you jealous?
I'm in no situation to be jealous.
It's nice that you're making friends.
You're going to be bored without me.
You're hopeless.
I guess you're going to cry
about every little thing.
You're such a crybaby.
I should quit drinking.
Why would you give up such a good thing?
All that alcohol…
just turned into tears. It's annoying.
The person you are trying
to reach is unavailable…
Does your dad pick up
if you call?
I haven't tried calling him.
Should I?
Should I make you something?
Do your legs hurt?
Yes, they do.
My back hurts too.
I'm old now.
Should I massage them?
No, it's okay.
It tickles when someone else
massages my calves for me.
-But I'm not just anybody.
-You know what I mean.
What did you want to talk about?
Is it about Chan-young?
I don't feel comfortable
about leaving Chan-young all alone.
She needs to eat properly.
It's hard to take care of yourself
if you live alone.
Is she really not
going to tell her parents?
We went to see them.
Really? Did you guys tell them?
But she didn't mention it.
And it wasn't my place to say anything.
I think she needs some time.
I hope she's not skipping meals.
We decided she would be the happiest
terminally ill person in the world.
But I'm not sure what to do.
I can't sleep these days.
I tell myself to hold it in,
but I cry every day.
Me too.
Let's take turns and visit her.
Chan-young will throw a fit.
Then we'll throw one too.
The budaejjigae place nearby
gives you a ton of ham.
-It's good.
-I'll be right back.
-Okay. See you.
Bye. Did you eat?
-I ate way too much.
-I see.
I might doze off later.
Didn't you eat with Dr. Cha?
She had a lunch appointment.
I see.
Aren't you going to eat?
I missed my timing.
I'm going to get something simple.
Take your time. But be quick.
Oh… Okay.
Have you guys had lunch?
-Yes. Have you?
So-won, is that you?
Seon-u told me you were doing well,
but I was still curious.
I'm glad you came.
Everything's pretty much the same.
Well, you know this place.
It never changes.
We renovated the place though.
You haven't changed at all.
Nonsense. I've aged.
What brings you here all of a sudden?
I was so surprised to see you.
I just thought I'd visit.
I'm glad you did.
You look exactly the same.
You used to laugh so much
when you were little.
I loved hearing you laugh.
You'd follow me around
and giggle like this.
I did?
How does it feel to be here?
It's nice.
It's really nice.
-Hey, Seon-u.
-Where are you?
I'm still at the clinic.
Hello? Seon-u?
Is this your dinner?
I wasn't that hungry.
My sister got it for me.
Gosh, you should eat a proper meal.
I took a bite out of that one.
This one's new. Eat this one.
No, it's okay. It's delicious.
It's good.
Were you nearby and on an empty stomach?
I went to a nearby bookstore.
The lights were on at the clinic,
so I called.
I actually…
bought a few things
so I could try them with you.
Apparently, time flies when you do this.
You can even fold peonies. Look.
You know famous quotes, right?
Quotes that give you strength.
You can write these quotes
to clear your head.
Sounds nice, right?
Gosh, Korean alphabets are beautiful.
Yes, they are.
But it looks hard.
There's more?
This will do the trick. Here.
What do you think?
Don't you want to try it?
Looks fun, right?
So I just need to choose?
Do you have more, by any chance?
It's like a treasure chest.
What is that?
I bought it
just in case you might like it.
Do you solve those when you're bored?
Well, I…
Coloring books.
It's been so long.
I don't even remember how long it's been.
The colored pencils are really pretty too.
Gosh, we didn't have this
back in our days.
Thank you.
You're like a rest stop.
A rest stop on the highway.
Pretty, right?
You're prettier.
The restaurant is nice and petite.
Don't you have work at the hotel?
You didn't hear? It's getting renovated.
That's time off for you.
Think about it.
The head manager wants you to come.
Thanks for the offer.
But the place is finally doing okay.
Just ask someone to run the place for you.
I bet people will line up.
Should I find someone?
Is it because of Chef Jeong?
I want to try this too.
Me too.
-Me too.
-Goodness. Okay.
They've been using testers for 30 minutes.
-Be quiet.
Excuse me.
Yes, how can I help you?
I'd like a new one.
Ma'am, this is a tester.
You can try it out with this.
Let us open up a new one.
My daughter wants to try it.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I can't help you with that.
Let's go somewhere else, Mom.
The service is horrible.
Then can you just pay
for a new one so we can try it out?
Do what's good for business.
It's not even your business.
I expected too much.
Let's go. Have a good one.
You too. Bye.
I prefer lean meat.
Thank you.
-Is this a protein-based dish?
I see. Then next time,
is it going to be suyuk?
Are you kidding me?
You know I don't like boiled meat.
Me neither.
Then next time,
just grill it instead of boiling it.
No. It's bad for your pancreas.
You say everything is bad!
I don't like chicken soup either.
I never once bought suyuk
with my own money.
What's your point?
But I'm eating it because I'm your friend.
I thought you wanted me
to enjoy my remaining life.
Did you really have to shout like that?
I'm a patient, you know.
I was a little loud, wasn't I?
Let's eat elegantly.
What's that?
My clothes.
Don't tell me you're moving in.
I'm not.
Then what's with the clothes?
Joo-hee and I are
going to take turns to visit you.
I can't bring clothes every time.
Do you guys not care at all
about what I want?
Of course we care.
That's why we're not moving in.
Taking turns to visit every day
is practically living here.
I never said we'd come every day.
We're busy too, you know.
What is it?
Whenever I can't make it,
look at that. It's a drawing of me.
Don't tell me
Seon-u, the artist,
drew this portrait of you.
He did. It's a perfect drawing of me.
It looks like me, right?
-Yes, totally.
-He really did a great job of drawing me.
-I see it.
I see the resemblance.
Chef Jeong got fired.
So we took the chance to renovate.
Come back, Hyeon-jun.
You'll be the head chef.
Since you're still here…
I was walking by,
and I noticed that the lights were on.
I was actually craving a drink.
I'm glad you came.
That's a relief.
Oh, should I cook something?
No, it's okay. You worked all day.
I bought beef jerky and some other stuff.
Sounds good.
You bought a lot of stuff.
I love this beef jerky.
Some customers can be
really obnoxious like that.
I met a lot of them as a hotel chef.
I don't even want to think about it.
I'm starting to get sick of it.
Up until my mid-30s,
I just easily brushed it off.
But now,
it just hurts.
That has nothing to do with age.
It hurts even if you're young.
That really comforts me.
When I quit working at the hotel,
everyone told me I was crazy.
"You're almost there."
"Pretty soon, you'll be the head chef."
"Can't you hang in there?"
Well, I really couldn't. I wasn't happy.
You're awesome.
Why are you laughing? It was a compliment.
No one's ever said that to me before.
No one has ever complimented me
for quitting my job at the hotel.
Is your girlfriend still upset about it?
I guess.
She probably just thinks of this place
as a tiny neighborhood restaurant.
You must feel upset.
I can understand her.
I'm sure she'd rather tell people
that I'm a chef at a five-star hotel
than tell them
that I run a Chinese restaurant.
I'm so old now.
But I'm getting sick of working
as a manager at a department store.
What am I going to do with my life?
I'm so worried.
Apparently, your real age
is 0,8 times your actual age.
How old are you? Let's see.
You're in your early 30s.
You're still young.
I'll bring more beer.
That means you're in your 20s.
Nothing. Let's call it a night
after one more bottle.
I thought you guys were taking turns.
We haven't decided on the order yet.
I guess there's been a miscommunication.
She reeks of alcohol.
Chan-young, can I get a pair of sweatpants
and a cotton T-shirt that's nice and soft?
Nothing fits you.
Then can I wear Jin-seok's?
He's never slept here before!
I'm wearing a skirt.
Can I borrow your pajamas?
Don't you have anything else?
You guys are so tiny.
What made you guys stop growing?
I was busy becoming pretty.
Me too.
Are you implying that I'm tall and ugly?
That's how you took it?
That's correct.
My mom says that I'm pretty enough.
What's sad is that the person
who told you that was your own mother.
My gosh.
-Gosh, you're so annoying.
Hey! Move your head!
It's so heavy.
That's because my brain is
loaded with knowledge.
Or because you have a big head.
No. That's not true. I don't.
You're wrong.
Gosh, so loud.
You little…
Stop it.
I need to sleep.
Those women?
One minute.
I'm off to make money.
Okay. Make a lot of money, Joo-hee.
She's right. Earn a lot of money
so you can buy snacks for Hyeon-jun.
See you.
You should go too.
Why would I?
I have nothing to do on the weekend.
Spend time with Seon-u.
I told you.
We had fun with that coloring book.
You're really mean.
Why? Why am I mean?
Seon-u got you all those things.
He did all that
so you wouldn't feel depressed.
But you've done nothing for him.
Yes, I have.
What? What have you done?
I ate with him and his little sister.
Okay. What else?
I ate with them and…
My gosh, you're really unbelievable.
You make him work hard on weekdays
but don't meet him on weekends?
You totally hold all the power.
I should call him and ask
if he wants to have dinner.
Yes, you should. You mean brat.
Who's calling?
-Speak of the devil.
-Is it Seon-u?
My gosh. I can't believe this.
Hey. What are you up to today?
I have nothing special planned.
Should we have dinner together?
Sure. We can do that.
Or how about we go camping?
A friend made reservations,
but his daughter is sick.
So I figured we could go instead.
You want to go today?
We can go and have a barbecue.
There's not much to prepare.
Just go already.
Okay. Let's go get some fresh air.
Good job.
Good job.
Do you want to join us?
This is her address.
Throw away the photos.
I'm thinking about visiting Seoul.
-To see Chan-young?
Why all of a sudden?
I just miss her.
Plus, I haven't visited in a while.
Is that why you made side dishes?
I'll meet her
and come back before midnight.
Okay. Go ahead.
Did we buy Napa cabbage?
No, never mind.
I bought it last Tuesday.
We need the receipt
to help you with the refund.
Listen. It's not like
a ton of people bought this product.
Just check the list of sold products
from last Tuesday.
If you're a member,
we can check with your phone number.
Can you tell me your number?
I'm not a member.
And why do I need to give you
my personal information?
I'm sorry.
We have a lot of customers
who ask for this product.
Can you look for the receipt again?
I can help you get a refund
as soon as you find it.
You really treat your customers horribly.
Go ahead and look for it yourself.
This is so annoying.
You're so nice when I buy things.
Why is it so hard to get a refund?
I'm busy, so hurry up!
I'm sorry. Just a second.
Here it is.
You bought this on sale.
If you give me your card,
I'll help you get a refund.
-But the sale is over now.
This product will be sold
at its normal price.
Then I want a refund at that price.
The refund only covers
the money that you spent.
What's wrong with your customer service?
What is this? A market stall?
Why are you making this so hard for me?
Give me your card,
and I'll help you get back
the money you spent.
-Let me get it for you.
-Don't pick it up.
-Ms. Jang, I'll--
-Don't pick it up.
You must've lost your mind.
Pick up your card…
and give it to me.
I want to talk to the CEO
of this department store!
-What do you think you're doing?
-What do you think you're doing?
You threw your receipts on the floor.
Then you threw your card at me.
You can't do that.
Do you want to get fired?
Watch how you speak to me.
I just quit,
which means I no longer work here.
This is between us now.
pick up your card, and politely
ask the employee for a refund.
Only for the money you spent.
You're a complete psycho.
Are all your staff like this?
It's people like you that drive us crazy.
Why can't you have some common sense?
You obnoxious brat!
What did you call me? Obnoxious?
-Hey! Repeat what you just said!
-How old are you?
-Please stop.
-How old are you?
-What's with you?
-My gosh!
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Where am I going to go?
Isn't it nice to be out?
Yes, it's nice.
You should try new things
and visit new places.
Be honest.
Isn't it nice to have a boyfriend?
Your question is too straightforward.
Gosh, you always
try so hard not to admit it.
Hey, Joo-hee. What's up?
I'm going somewhere.
Are you serious? Did something happen?
Why? What happened?
Where are you right now?
No, I'm going somewhere right now.
Go home. Don't go wandering off.
I'll call you later.
What's wrong?
What's with her all of a sudden?
She just quit her job.
She's not the type to do this.
She's usually very careful about stuff.
She worked there for over ten years.
I wonder what happened.
Should we go back to Seoul?
No. We already bought all the equipment.
We can go next time.
We even bought meat.
It'll go bad.
Let's just go. I'll meet her tomorrow.
Why didn't you pick up?
It's at home.
What's that?
Sweatpants for Joo-hee.
Why does she need sweatpants?
What's that?
I can't stay a day longer at the hotel.
The temperature isn't right,
and the humidity is so low.
My throat hurts.
Then go home.
Why are you unpacking here?
Do you have instant noodles?
I'm sick of eating hotel food.
I ate outside too many times.
Will you please stop?
You're making things harder for me.
I can't go.
Even if you leave,
I can't go with you.
Why would you come with me?
You should live your life.
Do me a favor.
Just let me stay with you.
Pretend I'm not here.
I'll just do the things you ask,
and I'll help you out
only when you need it.
Then I'll go back
to pretending I'm invisible.
Just let me stay by your side.
I'll be quiet as a mouse.
never should've met.
The weather is nice.
It's the perfect weather
to go camping, right?
This is driving me nuts.
Let's go back to Seoul.
I can meet her tomorrow.
My gosh, why don't you look in the mirror?
You're worried sick.
No, I'm not. I'm really excited right now.
You sound like a robot.
Completely emotionless.
What about all the food we bought?
I'll eat it.
Then I'll quickly check up on Joo-hee.
Let's eat together at home.
We can pitch a tent at home.
That sounds nice.
Come over as soon as you're done.
I'll set up the tent
and have everything ready. Okay?
-Even camping lights?
-Great idea.
Thank you.
My heart just skipped a beat.
It's the first time you've done that.
Don't keep count.
Let's go.
Is that it?
Let's go already.
Hey, Joo-hee. Let's meet at Chan-young's.
Yes, meet me there. Okay.
I'll do it.
Don't talk to me.
Who is that?
I'm not expecting anyone.
Oh, gosh.
-What am I going to do?
-Who is it?
My mom.
You're home.
I was going to drop off some side--
Hello, ma'am. I'm…
-That looks heavy. Let me.
-What? Well…
Right. He's…
It's nice to meet you.
I'm Kim Jin-seok.
I see.
Are you Chan-young's…
I'm trying to get her to like me back.
Did you drive?
-I see.
Mom, sit down.
-Yes. Please have a seat.
What's this?
Are you eating dinner already?
Or is it a late lunch?
I ate lunch but he hasn't eaten yet.
Gosh, you're giving him instant noodles?
Sit down. Let me fix you a meal.
-No, it's okay. I like this.
Thank goodness I brought some side dishes.
Sit down. It won't take long.
-Oh, okay.
-Sit. You too, Chan-young.
My goodness. I hope you like this.
Goodness gracious.
I'm glad I ran into you.
I feel so bad.
Go and comfort Joo-hee.
Have everything ready.
Call me before you come.
See you later.
Stop it.
I'm so proud of you.
Good job. I can't believe you quit.
Stop touching my butt.
What did Chan-young say?
Didn't you call her? I just came.
What? What if she's not home?
Oh, no.
We should've called.
Don't tell her about Jin-seok
or that I'm sick.
I'll kill you.
-It's nice to see you all.
-Yes, it is.
Check your phone.
I think you got a text.
I'm so glad I came today.
I'm actually starving.
I'll go buy pork belly.
-No, it's okay.
-We have enough food.
It's enough.
Do you think so?
Mi-jo, I think you got a text.
What? Where's my phone?
Probably in Seon-u's car.
Gosh, I must've dropped it in his car.
Hey, Seon-u.
It's me.
I'm sorry, but can you check
if Mi-jo's phone is in your car?
Let me talk to him.
Where did you drop Mi-jo off?
You should come back.
-Come and eat. My mom's food is amazing.
You're nearby, right? Come over.
Before Mi-jo devours everything.
Is someone coming?
Yes, Mi-jo's boyfriend.
What about Joo-hee?
I'm not going to invite him.
It's a small place.
So you guys are all seeing someone.
My gosh, I was worried for nothing.
Should we eat?
-Yes, let's.
Goodness, sit down.
It won't take long. Stay seated.
-Are you sure?
-Of course.
I wonder what Seon-u likes about you.
You should be in front of a tent
having a barbecue.
Why are you here?
You were going camping?
Just worry about yourself.
I should've prepared some bulgogi.
What do you like?
Is it uncomfortable?
-Make yourself at home.
-I'm extremely comfortable right now.
She asked you what you like, Jin-seok.
I like Chan-young.
My gosh, he's unbelievable.
Here. Careful.
-It looks delicious.
-Do you enjoy your food bland?
I'm fine with anything.
You don't need to use honorifics, ma'am.
Goodness, no.
You're so mean.
You didn't even ask us what we liked.
My gosh, know your place.
She's right.
I thought Mi-jo was the smartest one,
but I'm starting to think otherwise.
That must be him.
My gosh, she's head over heels for him.
Ma'am, you're an amazing cook.
But unlike you, Chan-young can't even
season instant noodles properly.
-Are you pretending to be a bad cook?
No, it's not that.
What do you think you're doing?
What are you doing?
Get out of my way!
Don't do this.
I had to protect them.
Take your hands off me, Ms. Cha!
Please leave.
I'm begging you.
It may be nothing but
a midsummer night's dream.
Please go.
But I had to protect
-Just this once. Please.
-the special moment
that Chan-young was spending…
Please leave.
…with Jin-seok and her mom.
You people are monsters.
He's my husband, and you're…
What do you think you're doing?
No, please…
You can slap me if you want.
You can pull my hair out too.
But just this once…
Please turn a blind eye just this once.
It'll all come tumbling down.
But just this once,
I wanted to give
Chan-young's mother a chance to cook
for her daughter's boyfriend.
I wanted to give Chan-young a chance
-to introduce her boyfriend to her mom.
-I'm begging you.
Please leave.
I'll do anything you ask.
But just this once…
Please turn a blind eye just this once.
Please. Just this one time.
What's so great about Jeong Chan-young?
Both you and Jin-seok…
Why do you care so much about her?
You're unbelievable.
Even if it meant putting aside
my conviction to always be honest,
I had to protect them.
Subtitle translation by: Ja-won Lee
I used to find laundromats really boring.
I can't believe
I find it entertaining now.
I have a favor to ask of you.
I wish you would
be considerate of yourself too.
Please have some fun with Mi-jo.
I work here part-time.
How did you think to do
such a praiseworthy act?
What are you talking about?
Why don't you have any?
Why don't you have anything
you want to do?
I'm going to audition for this role too.
Life is so capricious.
Ripped and synced by
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