This Town (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Some people, when they start,
they can't stop.
They say it can be hereditary.
I'm going to throw up.
His dad was an alcoholic.
I've decided Estella's going to sing
backing vocals for us.
Attempt number 535.
Yesterday, I get a letter.
"Compulsory redundancy",
them call it.
After 15 years.
I propose we march. Rover!
CROWD: Will not die!
Before you go, I want to give you
a little message.
Your mission now is to find out
what the Coventry battalion
are planning to do in London.
And if it should turn out that
Virgil's not actually being
truthful with us
Then his guarantor becomes
liable for his mistake.
You and I are going
on a wee trip to London.
I no longer just want this band
to work, I need it to work.
Did you see her arms?
She had needle marks.
You should come to Moseley.
I'll introduce you to some really
interesting people.
Argh! Argh! Argh!
It was the third of September
A day I'll always remember
Yes, I will, cos it was the day
That my daddy died tell me the truth
Your papa was a rolling stone,
my son
Wherever he laid his hat
was his home
And when he died ♪
About your plan to make me blue
With some other guy you knew
We're two of a kind,
you know I loved you more
It took me by surprise, I must say
When I found out yesterday
Oh, I heard it
through the grapevine ♪
Come on in. We don't bite.
I never had the chance to see
Never heard nothing
but bad things about him
Mama, I'm depending on you to tell
me the truth
And Mama just hung her head
and said
Your papa was a rolling stone,
my son
Wherever he laid his hat
was his home
And when he died
All he left us was a note
Singing, your papa was
a rolling stone ♪
Oh, what, wow!
He's the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow!
That I've ever seen
Oh, what, wow!
He's the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow! ♪
Beer, please.
One night in the disco
on the outskirts of Frisco
I was cruisin' with
my favourite gang
The place was so boring,
filled with out-of-towners touring
I knew that
it wasn't my thing ♪
Folk said Papa used to beg,
borrow, steal
Hey, mama
Fucking commie!
Trouble-making, shit-stirring, fuck.
Mama, I'm calling on you ♪
And Mama just hung her head
and said
Your papa was a rolling stone
Wherever he laid his hat
was his home
And when he died ♪
Do you want to go for a walk?
Folks say Papa never was much
on thinking
Spent most of his time
chasing women and drinking
Mama, I'm depending on you to tell
me the truth
And Mama just hung her head
and said
Your papa was a rolling stone ♪
Wherever he laid his hat
was his home
And when he died ♪
About fucking time!
You don't easily wake up
from what he's been smoking.
Anyone see ya?
I know what I'm doing.
I used to rob houses.
I often went to Sutton Coldfield.
Not in my mum's car.
Does your mum know you've
taken her car? No.
She was at Rotary.
Rotary. Wow.
But I asked my dad if it was OK.
And he said yes.
Even though he's dead.
I still talk to my dad,
even though he died two years ago.
Can you ask your dad
if it's OK for me to smoke?
We're forming a band together
but we don't really know each other
at all, do we? No.
Well maybe we should.
So let's do it.
But no crap.
You can only say things
that you can say in one breath.
What colour are you waiting for?
This is important, OK?
My dad's dead.
My mum's taking a lot of medication
for depression and it's hard.
I used to love a girl in my class
but it passed.
I cut myself sometimes.
I really don't want to become
my mother.
I used to break into houses
and smoke that shit.
My mum has had the hardest life
and I didn't help but I want to do
something for her one day.
I love her so much
My dad, on the other hand, he
What about your dad?
I won't waste my breath on him.
If we're telling each other things
about ourselves,
I should tell you something
Has to be in one breath.
Before the lights go green again
or we'll be here all night.
No, no, it's Dante,
different rules, let him roll.
Fuck the lights.
If our band is successful
and if we get rich
and if I buy a farm
and if, for whatever reason,
I buy a horse
I will call it Fiona
or Jeannie.
So stand down, Margaret
Stand down, please
Stand down, Margaret
I say stand down, Margaret
Stand down, please
Stand down, Margaret
Stand down, Margaret
Stand down, please
Stand down, Margaret. ♪
Dante, where the fuck have you been?
We've been rehearsing.
Dante, Dad's been sacked
for misconduct.
So that means no redundancy
when the factory closes.
He's in a bad way,
we need to find him.
Are you f?
Is it you giving him this stuff?
It was Jeannie who got him
away from it.
Dante, listen.
We need to search the estate,
do you understand?
I don't think he can make it.
Listen, straighten up, soldier.
We'll go with him.
Just tell us where to look.
Listen, take your little guardian
angels to Dad's church.
He might've gone there.
There is a place he's more likely
to be heading.
Mr Williams.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Mr Williams, what are you doing?
Let me past
Mr Williams, what are you doing?
I need one bottle of rum.
All right?
Mr Williams, don't do this.
You've come so far.
Come so far! Which part?
Nobody tell me nothin'
about come far!
Y'know, after 23 years,
them give me dismissal notice
for violent and disruptive conduct.
Come far! You don't know nothing.
Where's strong drink, Errol?
Mr Williams.
Mr Williams, I remember as a kid,
we all used to laugh at ya,
when you were drinking.
They used to make you dance!
Remember what that was like,
for Gregory and Dante to see you
like that?
Errol! Shut your mouth!
You've got Jesus now, Mr Williams.
Fuck the Rover, there're other jobs.
There are no other jobs!
The Government is
closing down Birmingham.
They're closing it all fucking down.
put the bottle down.
We'll pray together.
Our Father.
Who art in heaven.
Some fucking father I am.
Hallowed be thy name.
I've forgotten the next bit.
Hallowed be thy name.
Mr Williams, what comes next?
SOBS: Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done.
Thy will be done.
Thy will be done.
Dad, where are you?
Come tomorrow way down south
in St Amore
Oh, oh-oh
Reunited with my love
in St Amore
Oh, oh-oh ♪
Jezahel ♪
this is Dante.
And I am of no use.
You have to take care of him.
He says only good things about you.
Thy will be done.
Tell him
he doesn't need a job at the Rover.
Dante, your dad can be our driver.
When we get a van, he can drive
the van and take us to gigs.
I've decided to change
the name of the band.
We're going to be called
Fuck The Factory.
So, will you come back with me
tonight? I've got a flat.
I can't tonight.
But I've had a good time.
You mean, you like me
buying you drinks.
More than that.
Do you even know who I am?
No. Who are you?
I'm someone who
really shouldn't be here.
So am I.
Listen, I've got a place.
I live with a friend. OK.
Have you got a piece of paper
and a pen? Yeah.
Flat five.
17, Winstanley Gardens.
Camden. Top bell.
It's by the canal.
How romantic. Yeah.
I'll be there Friday night.
Do I get a goodnight kiss?
I have to go. OK.
Uh, I'll see you on Friday.
Uh, at ten.
Yeah. Friday at ten.
He's barred.
How much has he had?
That's a lot of rum after
how many years?
Four years.
The devil waits his moment
like a sniper on a roof.
Your family, Virgil.
Your fucking family.
Don't talk about my family, Wire.
Don't fucking ever
talk about my family.
When you were a kid,
running around the estate like
a wild fucking dog,
my mum cooked you egg and chips
and my dad chased away the men
who had use for wild boys.
Yes, my family is broken right now,
but I will fix it.
I will fucking fix it.
Virgil's got a plan.
Yeah. Virgil does have
a fucking plan.
You know Robbie Carmen's after you
now, as well as the Ra.
Come on, Dad, let's get out of here.
You're good.
It's one of them dreams again.
Did you hear me, Virgil?
The Ra have threatened to blow up
Robbie Carmen's new club
if you turn out bad.
Because it was him
who recommended ya.
Yeah, well, you can tell
Robbie Carmen I'm almost done.
And there will be
no bombs in Birmingham.
You can tell him, I have a soldier
carrying out a mission
and after that, I will be done.
Thy will be done.
Thanks for trying, though.
Come on. Come on.
Bardon, I swear to God,
what a place this Soho is.
Just sitting here, I've seen some
sights I'm not going to forget.
Is it done, son?
It's definitely him?
Yeah, it was him.
And you made the arrangement?
He'll be by the canal on Friday?
Friday night, ten o'clock.
And when he's by the canal, your
people can put a bullet in his head.
Not my people, OUR people.
And then his body will be taken away
with the rubbish.
I'm so sorry I had to put you
through that, Bardon.
You know what? He was OK.
He was what, now?
He's a human being.
You know what he is. What is he?
He's one of the engineers
of the strategy starving our heroes
to death in the fucking H-Blocks!
Another good man dead, two days ago.
He's a member of
the British Government
and that makes him
a legitimate target.
High Command has realised
that blowing up property
and killing their soldiers
has no effect.
You have to kill THEM.
And then they'll fucking hear
it go off, all right.
And you have played your part
in a volley of return fire
from their murderous onslaught.
You know, in the club,
in the flashing lights
the fucking awful disco music
on the dance floor, I saw Nan.
I saw Nan standing there
staring at me
as I laughed and joked with a man
whose death I was arranging
and organising,
and making certain.
And she looked at me
and she turned and walked away.
One, I love
Two, she loves
Three, she's true to me ♪
It's morning, son.
You did well.
Let's head back to
Coventry before the traffic starts.
If they can part
the sand from the sea
Then they can part my true love
from me
One, I love
Two, she loves
Three, she's true to me ♪
Everywhere God lives,
there are brilliant acoustics.
He must really love music.
OK, Dad, Dante. I will be quick
but I need to speak to both
of ya.
I will speak to you on behalf
of myself
and on behalf of our mother.
Yeah, hang your fucking heads.
Gregory, mind your language
in this place
Says the betrayer of all promises.
Look up.
Because I'm going to tell you both
your future.
Our future.
OK, Mum
take a look at your husband
and your son.
Some little fucking caterpillar
in our family DNA sometimes
sprouts wings, turns into a moth
that flies into the night
and leads our bloodline into danger
and addiction.
You first.
Before God, tell Mum what you've
been doing to yourself.
I smoked.
If I hear you say you smoked ganja,
me a' gone kill ya' now.
Not ganja, actually, Dad.
It was from the garden,
but I think it was heroin.
Hold on, you smoked what?
I'll kill you even more
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Sit down, Dante.
Tell Mum what you did last night.
Brenda, my beautiful darling,
I, um
I broke a vow
I made on your eternal soul.
You are a joke.
And, Dante, you are a joke.
I also am a joke.
Made hilarious by my
many contradictions.
But the joke is over.
After Dad's arrest,
I stayed up two nights
and I wrote a song about what
About people like us,
about who we are, and how we live.
I'm joining the band.
I'll work behind the scenes to make
sure the band's successful.
are you sure you wrote this?
"On the bridge, his frozen hand
is writing truth."
Is that about me? I will also
make sure that nobody gives you
any substances that may clip the
wings of such a beautiful butterfly.
And we do this without the woman
who gave dope to Dante.
We fire the drummer, yes?
Well, if we're taking
votes, we need Bardon here.
Bardon is busy but he will be back.
How do you know that?
Band rule number one, we don't ask
questions about what I know,
and how I know it.
But Bardon will be back.
I don't really sing, and
I don't play no instrument,
me's too old for all of this.
What am I going to do?
It's all been decided.
you're going to
drive the van.
And, um
Estella is going to be
a part of this as well?
Your new love is our heart and soul.
And I think there will be times
ahead that you need her.
Don't worry ♪
Need each other.
About a thing ♪
Protect you from the sniper
on the roof.
Cos every little thing
Is gonna be all right
Singing don't worry
About a thing
Cos every little thing
Is gonna be all right
Rise up this mornin'
Smiled with the risin' sun
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singing sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true
Saying, this is my
message to you-ou-ou
Singing, don't worry
about a thing
Cos every little thing
Is gonna be all right
Singing don't worry
About a thing
Cos every little thing
Is gonna be all right
Rise up this mornin'
Smiled with the risin' sun ♪
Nan, I swear to you
this is the end of that,
and the start of something new.
Three little birds,
pitch by my doorstep
Singing sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true
Saying, this is my
message to you-ou-ou. ♪
What's that?
It's a time and a place.
They used me
to set up a hit on an MP.
Cabinet Secretary
for Northern Ireland.
The London battalion heard
that Coventry
had a pretty
boy in their ranks.
I betrayed a man with a kiss.
Like a Judas.
What will the Branch do with
that information?
They'll make sure that the
Honourable Member of Parliament
doesn't attend the rendezvous.
So, well done.
You saved a life.
If the MP doesn't turn up,
the Ra will know that Coventry has
an informant.
They already know.
They know because I told them.
I told them they have an informant
by the name of Lemongrass.
A name that I made up myself.
And when the hit fails to happen,
that'll be me saying,
"I told you so".
That was the bait.
Now for the hook.
What hook?
When they're sure that Lemongrass
exists, they'll want me
to tell them who Lemongrass is.
What name will you give?
Whoever the Branch want me to name.
Whoever you name will get
a bullet in the head.
I'd say that's a fair assumption.
What if they ask you to name me dad?
The British Government will have no
interest in disposing of your dad.
They want to keep your dad in place
because, according to his file,
he's emotional, vulnerable,
and kind of fucking useless.
If the work we've done is enough,
then you and me
can start focusing on the FTF.
What's the FTF?
It's the new name of our band.
Our band? Yeah.
I heard your tapes.
You're good.
But I realise, you need a grown-up.
We started the band
so we didn't have to grow up.
The name of our band is
Fuck The Factory.
Let me guess.
Dante's idea?
Dante's idea.
And you're our front man.
If your pretty face is good
enough for the IRA,
then it's good enough for
Top Of The Pops.
I'll take this information
to the Branch.
And argue that we've
served our purpose.
Go home, Bardon.
You're done.
Can leave the fishing tackle behind.
Hopefully, you and me never have to
go fishing ever again.
Did you catch anything, son?
No. I think you did.
Who are you?
I think you're a very good
fisherman, young man.
I'm sure we'll meet again.
Listen to this.
Down and down below
Into the hole, where people go
When they don't know
how to hold
On to the edges any more
Up and up, I need
To be somewhere
that I can breathe
I've got to leave
Cos I've got things I've
got to be. ♪
That's it.
That's all I've got so far.
Fuck The Factory? Really?
I was going to call us M6,
but I didn't want to
bring my religion into it.
I don't know why I try and have
normal conversations with you,
So, Fiona has joined.
She's pretty good at the bass.
But someone else has left.
Who? Who's left?
You didn't listen to the
words of the song, did you?
I have quite a lot on my mind.
The song is called
Farewell To Matty And Her Flowers.
No drug addicts allowed in the band.
What about people that get
people killed?
I don't know.
Ask Jeannie.
She seems to have a lot of rules.
And with Fiona on bass on her side,
they are pretty
much in charge of everything.
Except for words.
Let's try the song about Matty.
Down and down below
Into the hole, where people go
When they don't know
How to hold on to the edges
any more
Up and up, I need
To be somewhere
where I can breathe
I've got to leave
Cos I've got
things I've got to be
You and I are just the same
In how we don't belong
But we don't belong together
So I'm gone, gone, gone
I stare into the traffic
Like it's your eyes
across the bar
I see the world has got to see
Into every scar
Into every scar
All I can see
It's falling at the strings
Of all the things
That make you do
the darkest dance
I waited round
till I missed my chance
You and I are just the same
In how we don't belong
But we don't belong together
So I'm gone, gone, gone. ♪
Never again.
No need, never again.
So wish me luck
I could try climb and
down there and pick you up
But if I'm not strong enough
We'll both be fucked
Both be fucked
You and I are just the same
In how we don't belong
But we don't belong together
So I'm gone, gone, gone. ♪
I was told she had a visitor.
I had an ugly picture in my head,
but now I see it's real.
Eamonn, we cannot talk with
a gun between us.
She is my wife.
Not a wife.
A woman in exile.
I am exiled, Eamonn.
I am here in the bucket beside the
motorway, where you threw me.
You filth
Eamonn Hush!
I will speak.
I have someone.
You are a volunteer, Eamonn.
You choose the cause over
yourself every day.
And I respect your choice.
Now you can shoot me,
or shoot him.
Someone will be dead.
The battalion will disown
you for using a weapon
for trivial purposes
and bringing attention on yourself.
I don't want your men watching my
place of exile any more.
Stand them down and leave me alone.
We have made our choices.
Go and fight for your country.
Go and fight for the men
who died of hunger.
Don't fight for the mother
of your son.
Eamonn. I will
You've spoken with your true voice.
Now get out.
On a scale of one to ten, how badly
do you want a drink right now?
So let's get dressed,
get in your van,
and drive to where our children are.
We can occupy our minds
with their silly adventures.
You all right?
Got a note
pushed through my door
saying stay away.
For the record,
to whoever wrote the note
the word narcotics
ends in an I-C-S.
Doesn't end with an X.
It looks cool written that way.
Would be a good name for a band, no?
I'm sorry.
I've come here because, er
I really like the music you play.
Dante, I really
I love the songs you write.
So, I've done a bit of gardening.
I've cleared out the weeds.
I've been clean for six days.
How did you even know
we were rehearsing tonight?
I come here every night,
since I got the note.
I get the bus.
Hitchhike back.
OK. Let's take a vote.
All right, well before you vote, I
just, I want to point out that
Those who want her out, raise their
hand. I want to point out
that most of the songs this
band sings
they're about redemption.
This band's a lifeboat
for every one of you.
Is for me as well.
May I make a suggestion?
You record a song with Matty,
and then compare it to a song you've
recorded without her.
Then based on the strength of what
we hear, we take a vote.
We'll do Pelicans.
Sorry we're late.
The traffic was terrible.
I've never been the look of me
Inside is everything
A universe of Pelican
My skin is skeleton
Never added up to
what I'm carrying
A desert sun, a city wind
Inside I'm everything
Big beak, swallow the world
when I speak
Big beats,
running away from my feet
Don't let them see you're scared
They don't know anything
Feet in the dirt,
two feet in the dirt
Two feet in the dirt,
too long
I want my
feathers in the wind
Big beak
My big beak
My big beak. ♪
Let him get closer.
Can't be sure.
No. It's not him.
Whaaa-aaaa-aaa! ♪
Two hours late.
He's not going to come.
He was never going to come.
Virgil, you have really
fucked up this time.
I mean, really fucked up.
It's looking good in here, though.
You're in so much shit.
Don't let them see you're scared.
You know these people.
I do know these people.
But do we know you?
Can I tell this fuck
Can I tell him
what's inside the briefcase?
Why not?
It'll concentrate his mind.
But I'm guessing inside the
there's 20 to 30 pounds of plastic
Semtex explosive.
An alarm clock,
some wires and a detonator.
And the time is probably set to
a very scary time.
Sometime very close.
Ten minutes from now.
They are punishing me
for recommending you.
You have 15 minutes, Virgil.
Or Gregory.
Soldier or spy.
Informant or grass.
Or whatever the fuck you are.
It's 14 minutes now.
Speak to them.
And please tell me you know what the
fuck they are talking about.
I know what they're talking about.
An important operation went wrong.
We want his name.
Give us the fucking
name of the informant
or we walk out of here
and let the suitcase blow.
Mr Carmen, before I speak
to our friends from Sparkhill,
I'd like an assurance from you.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Clock is ticking, Virgil.
What assurance?
All over town there are posters
advertising your opening night.
And there is a band I'd like to be
added to the line-up.
Somewhere near the top.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Yes or no, Mr Carmen?
Yes. Yes. Fucking yes. I'll put them
on the bill.
Just give them the fucking name!
Is that it? That's it.
And if you'd like, gentlemen, if
this is a conventional set up
with no surprises,
I'll disable the mechanism for ya.
Virgil, no!
And somewhere near the top
of the bill, please, Mr Carmen.
Jenny said when she was just five
years old
There was nothing happening at all
Every time she puts on a radio
There was a-nothin'
happening at all
Then one fine mornin'
she puts on a New York station
You know, she couldn't believe
what she heard at all
She started dancing
to that fine, fine music
You know her life was
saved by rock 'n' roll
Despite all the computations
You could dance
to the rock 'n' roll station
And it was all right
It was all right ♪
Jenny said when she was
just five years old
There was
nothing happening at all
Every time she put on the radio
There was nothing
goin' down at all
One fine mornin'
she put on a New York station
She just didn't believe what
she heard at all
She started dancin'
to that fine, fine music
You know her life was saved
by rock 'n' roll.
Despite the computation
You could dance
to the rock 'n' roll station. ♪
God, if you'd told me
where we were going,
I'd have put sensible shoes on.
What, are we shooting pigeons now?
This is the last 20
seconds before we get famous.
Before the ovation,
and the "Which one betrays us?"
All aboard for penthouse floors,
cocaine bores, metropolitan whores.
The Who, The Stones, The Doors.
They all fold their arms and say,
"Go on, then, Show us."
Escaping fuck all without
kicking a ball.
Words in chains, tunes like rain.
You resign yourself to the
fucking shelf.
But someone comes along, heard
your song, tells you you're wrong.
I know it's you, Mum.
I smell your perfume,
in this smoky dressing room.
I hear the sound,
of you singing Motown.
We're on the top bunk,
Dad's still drunk.
Shouting, smoking.
You pretending he's joking.
That's what this is.
A forgotten memory.
Right, are you fuckers ready?
Ready. Ready.
Yeah, we're ready.
Right, let's go.
After all this time,
coming back to me.
When it was you and me,
and I was three.
And you said I could be whatever
in the world I wanted to be.
So now watch me, Mum.
After one, two, three,
it's live onstage.
Fuck The Factory.
So now we all say farewell
to who we used to be.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I want to introduce some stage
their first ever live appearance,
all the way from Coventry
and Chelmsley Wood estate.
And look, I can't
believe that this is their name,
but this is actually their name.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please give a big Birmingham
welcome for
Fuck The Factory!
Woo! Wooo!
Ba! Ba!
Ba! Ba!
Ba! Ba!
Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba,
Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba!
Ba! Ba!
We are Fuck The Factory.
We don't fucking care.
Here is a song about our town.
This Town.
Hope you like it.
One, two, three, four!
Be what you want
cos you come from here
Get what you can,
or get used to nothing
Fire all over the city
Fire all over the city
I don't care what you do
Just do something
Reach for the sky,
unless the sky's burning
Bullets like eyes in the dark
Knifes like hands in your guts
Keep dancing, don't
stop the dance
Say what you like unless the
wrong person is listening
Then you better
keep your mouth closed
What you can't hold down,
what you can't hold down
Sooner or later
it will all explode
Be what you want
'less you come from here
Get what you can
or get used to nothing
Fire all over the city
I don't care what you do
Just do something
If I'm getting out
If I'm getting out
Then you're coming with me
You're coming with me
If I'm going in
If I'm going in
Then you're coming with me
You're coming with me
If I'm getting out
If I'm getting out
Then you're all coming with me
You're all coming with me
We don't leave nobody behind
Forget what
they tell you about this town
This town's sinking,
never to be found
You can hear the
sound of the children thinking
How can I get
out before everybody drowns?
Everybody drowns
But I got a way,
sing with me
I know the way
Make enough noise,
they will hear us
Kicking up the dust
in the distance
Spin the whole city,
make it all disappear
Say what you like about this town
This town's mine, I love her
and I'll never let go
This town's magic, harder to shake
than a bad habit
And she taught me
everything I know
I go the way you lead me
I go the way,
come follow me into the sound
Kicking up the dust
in the distance
Raise it all up
when they burn it all down
If I'm getting out
If I'm getting out
Then you're coming with me
You're coming with me
If I'm going in
If I'm going in
Then you're coming with me
You're coming with me
If I'm getting out
If I'm getting out
Then you're all coming with me
We don't leave nobody behind
CHANTING: Fuck The Factory!
Fuck The Factory!
Wonderful world, beautiful people
You and your girl,
things could be pretty
But underneath
this there is a secret
That nobody can reveal
Take a look at the world
And the state that it's in today
I am sure you'll agree
We all could make it a better way
Instead of fussing and fighting
Cheating but biting ♪
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