Thomas The Tank Engine And Friends (1984) s01e06 Episode Script

Thomas & The Trucks (7 min)

Thomas wouldn't stop being a nuisance.
Every night he kept the other engines awake.
"l'm tired of pushing coaches!" The other engines didn't take much notice of Thomas.
Edward came to the shed.
He was a kind engine and felt sorry for Thomas.
"lf you take my trucks tomorrow, l'll push coaches in the yard.
" "Thank you!" said Thomas.
Edward and Thomas asked their drivers and when they said yes, Thomas ran off to find trucks.
Trucks are silly and noisy.
They talk a lot and they play tricks on an engine who is not used to them.
Edward warned Thomas to be careful but he was too excited to listen.
The shunter fastened the coupling.
The guard blew his whistle and Thomas started off.
The trucks weren't ready.
"Oh! Wait!" But Thomas wouldn't wait.
"Come on!" he puffed.
"Don't fuss," grumbled the trucks.
Thomas began going faster and faster.
"Whee!" he whistled through the tunnel.
"Hurry, hurry!" called Thomas.
But the trucks grew crosser and crosser.
At last, Thomas slowed down as he came to Gordon's Hill.
"Steady now," warned the driver as they reached the top.
He put on the brakes.
"We're stopping," called Thomas.
"No, no!" answered the trucks.
"Go on, go on!" Before the driver could stop them, they had pushed Thomas down the hill.
Thomas tried to stop them.
"Stop pushing!" But the trucks took no notice.
"Go on!" they giggled.
"There's the station.
What shall l do?" he cried.
He swerved into the goods yard.
Thomas shut his eyes! When he opened his eyes he saw he had stopped just in front of the buffers.
The Fat Controller was there.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"l've brought Edward's trucks.
" "Why did you come so fast?" "l was pushed!" said Thomas.
"You've got a lot to learn about trucks.
"After a few weeks you'll know as much about them as Edward "then you'll be a really useful engine.
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