Thou Shalt Not Steal (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

[dramatic Western-style theme music]
[moody accordion plays]
[moody piano arpeggio]
[Robyn] Thou shalt not fall in love.
Ringer reckons it's like a fart.
If you have to force it,
it's probably a shit.
[whip cracks]
["That Lovely Australian Girl of Mine"
by Gordon Parsons plays on car stereo]
- A prettier girl I'll never see ♪
- [Gidge singing along]
A prettier girl there'll never be ♪
And I know that soon
the wedding bells will chime ♪
She's the one that stole my heart ♪
And from her I'll never part ♪
That lovely young
Australian girl of mine ♪
[yodelling] I, ree-oh-lay-eedee-doo ♪
I, da-li-da, oh-da-lay-ee-dee ♪
Mm-hm ♪
I, da-li-da, oh-da-lay-ee-dee ♪
Yay-ee-dee ♪
Yoo-doo-lee, doo-ooh-dee ♪
Yay-eee! ♪
[huffs angrily]
When we're wed and she's my own ♪
- [relieved groan]
- I'll settle down to make a home ♪
With that lovely young
Australian girl of mine ♪
I, ree-oh-lay-ee-dee-doo ♪
I, da-li-da, oh-da-lay-ee-dee ♪
Mm-hm ♪
I, da-li-da, oh-da-lay-ee-dee ♪
Yay-ee-dee ♪
Yoo-doo-lee, doo-ooh-dee, ay-eee. ♪
[song ends]
[Gidge] Well, here it is.
[engine stops]
- [rooster crowing]
- Huh. Your dad's a bloody farmer.
What do you reckon he's growing?
Let's go.
Take me back.
Oh, come on.
I mean, it's not that bad.
He's got a flash car and everything.
[scoffing chuckle]
[puffs air]
- [seatbelt unclicks]
- [Gidge sighs]
If you're not gonna meet him, I will.
[tuts, huffs]
- Anyone home?
- [man] Too early, bruz.
[porcelain clattering]
[door opens]
[man] Nice shirt.
What do ya want, bruz?
Um, are you
Are you Steve?
Don't use that other name anymore.
Who's that?
Oh, that?
Uh, that's my girl girlfriend.
I mean, sort of, maybe.
- [man] True?
- Mm. Sorry, can we come in for a second?
[rooster crowing]
What for?
Well, um
I mean, it
I mean, it's kind of a big deal.
How big?
Like change your life big.
Oh, good.
Come back at seven, bruz.
Uh, sorry?
- Still processing.
- Okay, yeah--
[boy] Dad, I'm hungry!
What was he like?
[Robyn] Was he nice?
Uh, yeah, yeah.
He was. He was nice.
Well, what did he say?
He said, "Come back at seven, bruz.
I'm still processing."
[scoffing chuckle]
Fuck this. I'm done.
No, we'll just, like,
we'll just do what he says.
We'll come back at seven.
It'll be fine.
Nah. There's no point.
I don't have his cup.
[intriguing music]
Come on.
We'll just go, like a place.
You're gonna love it.
Trust me, it'll cheer you up.
[intriguing music continues]
[Mick] It's not long now.
Got the address, Trace?
- [Tracey] Yep, right here.
- [Mick] She looked pretty harmless.
[Tracey] She's got our gun, Mick.
[Mick] Uh, your gun.
[Tracey] And that's why
we need to find them.
Whose fault was that, Trace?
You haven't got a smoke,
have you, officer?
[Mick] Mate, I I quit.
Those things'll kill ya.
[Tracey] So, Bob
Is that short for 'Robert'?
No, no, it's just Bob.
[Tracey] And your wife
wants a divorce, ay?
Oh, that's unfortunate.
She was a cracker.
What happened?
Oh, well, I'd
I'd rather not talk about it.
And your son?
Why did he steal your car?
He didn't. I told you.
It's this bloody girl.
[weary sigh]
[Mick] Go easy, Trace.
Not everyone's a criminal.
Bob didn't do anything wrong.
Did ya, Bob?
[soft, melancholy music]
[fly buzzing]
- [seagulls squawking]
- Alright, keep your eyes closed.
- Don't look.
- I'm not.
G'day. Catch anything?
- [fisherman] Nah.
- Where are we?
- Can I look yet?
- No. No, no, no, no, no.
Not yet, not yet. Spoil the surprise.
Okay, just keep going.
Keep going, just follow me.
Okay, okay. Turn to your left.
Come this way. Okay, come forward.
Forward, forward, forward.
open your eyes.
[tender guitar music]
Yeah, you know,
you'd never seen the ocean before, so
Um, what, um
What are you doing?
Uh, Ro-Robyn?
Robyn. What-- Wait.
No-- No, no, no!
Oh, my God.
Are you alright? Is it cold?
Nah, it's alright. Come.
[Gidge stammers]
Alright, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine.
Oh! It is cold!
You're dead.
[playfully] No, get back!
[laughing] Get away from me!
[Gidge exhales heavily]
[Robyn chuckles]
[theatrically] Oh!
- You're!
- [both chuckling]
[gasps] What the--
- Agh, Robyn!
- Gidge! Gidge!
Robyn! [spluttering]
What's happening?!
I don't know, something something-- Ow!
- [fleash tearing]
- [Gidge] Robyn, help!
[Gidge yelps]
- Ow! Help!
- [line whirring]
- [Robyn] Oi! Dickhead!
- [man] Jesus!
[Robyn] You've caught him!
Hold on, hold on,
I've got meself a big one!
Oh, my God, I'm gonna die.
You sure it's left?
- Yep.
- [sports commentary over radio]
You don't have the best
sense of direction, Trace.
Just turn left, Mick.
Just Look, here, give me a look.
- No. Just turn left.
- Just hand it over.
- Just turn left.
- Just give me some of it.
- [Tracey] Oh, look, just look--
- [Mick] Get your hands off it.
[Tracey] Mick, just turn left. Left here!
[both] Christ!
- [Mick] Fucksticks!
- [Tracey] Turn left. Jesus!
- [Mick] You could've warned me.
- Guys [coughs]
You can you can just, uh
drop us off here if you like.
I really need to go to the toilet.
Could I
- Could I jump out for--
- Can you wait?
[sports commentary continues]
[car approaching]
[handbrake cranks]
[seatbelts clicking]
Doesn't look like they're here, does it?
What do you think he grows?
Looks like tomatoes.
Your favourite.
Ha, ha, ha, ha. You don't make
friends with salad, Trace.
Innit that right, Bob?
[Mick] Now sausages,
you make friends with sausages.
Hold up. That window.
You wait here.
[car doors closing]
[door opens]
- [Tracey] G'day, I'm Detective Wills.
- [Mick] Detective Burke.
[Spider] Ah, now's not a good time.
[Tracey] We were given your address.
Can you help us find this girl?
[conversation continues indistinctly]
[opens door]
[exhales softly]
You right, Bob?
Just, um I need to go to the toilet.
Big paddock there.
You want to shit?
- They were here.
- Were they?
Said they'd be back about seven.
- What?
- Ah, well, that's great news, innit?
Look, uh, I don't want to
get under foot.
- So, you know, I'll just--
- No, you should stay, Bob.
I don't think that's gonna
be necessary, do you?
I'll ask if you can use the shitter.
I do my ablutions in the mornin'.
Strong coffee.
[toilet flushing]
[whispers] Fuck!
[curious harmonic vocalising]
[exhales softly]
[video game sound effects play on TV]
[snake hisses]
[sound effects continue]
[Spider] Uh, hey, listen,
I'm a bit confused.
I don't remember sleeping with
an Aboriginal woman.
I mean, you know, I could've.
Memory's a bit fucked, but
Must be all those tomatoes.
So, what are you after this Robyn kid for?
Because apparently she's my daughter,
so I'm a bit fuckin' concerned.
Abscondment from juvenile detention.
Theft of a police firearm.
[chuckles] Good one, Trace!
- [Mick chuckles]
- Damage to a police vehicle.
Obstructing a police investigation.
[exhales heavily, chuckles wryly]
Fuck me.
What have you got to do with it?
Oh. I-I-I I'm a victim.
You right?
[fisherman] You ready?
This is gonna fuckin' hurt.
- [metal cutting, flesh tearing]
- [groans in pain]
[breathes deeply]
[fisherman] That's fucked.
- [Gidge groans]
- [fisherman] There you go, mate.
You right?
I can barely feel it.
[fisherman] Fuck me.
What's in the esky?
Don't smell like nothing.
It's just smelly fish.
[knife flicking]
Don't touch that.
[exhales] You f--
That's wet.
Do you even know
if it fuckin' works when it's wet?
Well, do you wanna find out?
Ah [exhales]
- [Robyn exhales]
- Please, it's it's not mine.
[lighter flicks]
Go on, you're right, you're right,
you're right, you're right.
Go on, keep going, keep going, keep going.
[stifles cough]
- Oh!
- [Robyn, chuckling] Ah
[hoarsely] Oh, God, that's embarrassing.
[Gidge spits]
[birds squawking distantly]
[cassette tape clicks]
["The Biggest Disappointment"
by Slim Dusty plays on car stereo]
[exhales deeply]
- They had my future ♪
- [trills lips]
Wrapped up in a parcel ♪
- [singing along]
- And no one even thought of asking me ♪
- You're an idiot.
- The day I turned 15 ♪
- [chuckles]
- I caught the mail train ♪
Are you seriously talking down
to Slim Dusty right now?
To find what else might be in life
for me ♪
[playfully] That is not on!
- [singing along]
- I rode on trucks and trains ♪
And lived on nothin' ♪
[imitating guitar] Wow-ow!
Come on, don't be a hero.
What about your leg?
Oh, I'm fine, come on. I'm alright.
Let's go.
- [scoffing chuckle]
- Come on.
- Ah, well, that's the way society ♪
- Come on, come on.
Do I have to drag you out of this car?
Come on.
A relief to all concerned ♪
- Come on.
- When I left town ♪
And the biggest disappointment
in the family was me ♪
The only twisted branch
upon our good old family tree ♪
I just couldn't be the person ♪
They expected me to be ♪
And the biggest disappointment
in the world was me ♪
And the biggest disappointment
in the family was me ♪
The only twisted branch
upon our good old family tree ♪
I just couldn't be the person ♪
They expected me to be ♪
And the biggest disappointment
in the world was me ♪
A lot more dinner times ♪
- Than there were dinners ♪
- [chuckles nervously]
[fires gun]
I learned a lot
that hurt me at the time ♪
Then this quiet country boy
went home a different man ♪
With a memory of distance on my mind ♪
But I always spoke too loud
and laughed too often ♪
Maybe drank too many glasses down ♪
You're you're cold.
What? No, I'm No, I'm not cold.
And perhaps my clothes were older
than I realised ♪
- [gasps]
- [song stops]
[uncertain exhale]
What's wrong?
[quietly] No.
[Gidge] Hey, hey, no
No, no, no, no, it's Robyn, it's
It's okay. It
[quivering exhale]
Jesus! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Your dad?
He must've
What-- No, no, no, we--
What are you--
But who else would've?
Why did you have to take her taxi?
Like [exhales] Like
He would've never met her.
None of this ever would've happened.
[scoffing chuckle]
[soft, sombre music]
- [door opens, closes]
- Robyn.
Hey, w-- Robyn?
Robyn, I I'm sorry!
[Robyn] Prick!
Robyn, don't be an idiot!
[video game sound effects play on TV]
Doesn't look like they're coming.
[knocking at door]
[video game sound effects continue]
[knocking continues]
Answer it.
Oi, Bugs. Bed.
Bed, bed, bed, bed. Let's go.
- Let's go, quick, quick, quick.
- But it's still early.
[knocking continues]
[jiggling lock]
[Spider, whispering]
Piss off home, will ya? Just go!
Mate, have I had
the strangest fuckin' day.
I hooked this kid in the leg, right?
Him and his misso, they're swimming
down the fuckin' jetty.
Next thing I know, I got a gun
pointed at my fuckin' face.
A gun?
Yeah, a gun.
Who the fuck are you two?
Detective Wills. This is Detective Burke.
Evening, mate.
Oh. Sorry, I--
[stammers] I'll, uh
- I might fuck off, then. Yeah? I'll just--
- Yep.
[Tracey] Was it her?
Yeah. That
Yeah, how the fuck do you know that?
Where's Bob?
- [dramatic, lively music]
- [women, ethereal harmonising] Rob! ♪
Rob! ♪
Rob! ♪
Run ♪
Run ♪
- Run ♪
- [breathing shakily]
[lively brass music]
[panting heavily]
[car approaching]
[under breath] Jesus fuckin' Christ.
[car approaching]
- [horn toots]
- [gasps]
[doors opening]
Run, run
Run, run ♪
Run, run
Run, run ♪
[knocking at door]
Run, run ♪
Steve ♪
Ste-e-eve ♪
[door opening]
Steve! ♪
[song ends]
[phone ringing]
[ringing continues]
[woman, on recording]
Hello. We're not here right now.
Just leave a message
for Gidge, Robert or myself
and we'll get back to you soon.
- [beep!]
- Um, hi hi, Mum.
It's it's me.
It's Gidge. Uh
Dad's Dad's done something bad.
And, um
I-I I don't know what to do.
I need your help, so
I'm coming home.
[phone receiver clicks]
[Mike Brady] Well, you work
to earn a living ♪
But on weekends comes the time ♪
[Robyn] What should I call you? Steve?
You can call me Dad, if you want.
[soft chuckle]
[Spider] And that big softie there,
that's Uncle Penguin.
Oh, we met.
But when you line 'em up together ♪
The footy wins hands down ♪
So, what's in the bag?
Something for you.
What'd I win?
[Robyn] Coober Pedy Cup.
On Legend. Remember?
Show 'em your might ♪
You fuckin' dog.
Up there Cazaly-- ♪
[button clicks, music stops]
Hey. Look at this.
Fuckin' prick went
and dumped another kid.
You're fuckin' shitting me.
[Spider, sighs] I'm not your dad,
but this little fella here's your brother.
When his mum died,
I tracked that prick down in Adelaide
to give him back
and he didn't want a bar of him.
[Penguin] He's a fuckin' dog.
I'd never give up my own blood.
[Spider] So I took him in.
Loved him like he was me own.
It's 'cause you're a good dad, mate.
[Spider] Huh. Yeah, well, I spoil him.
[Penguin] Yeah, you do spoil him.
But you're still a good fuckin' dad.
This prick here is not this prick here.
I'm sorry to say this
but your dad is a fuckin' scumbag.
I could tell you where he is in Adelaide,
but if I was you,
I would forget the name Steve Sanders.
That or we can cut off his ballbags.
[boy] Hey, Dad, look at this.
Hey, what is that?
[Robyn] Thou shalt not
run away from your kids.
["Ngurrapanya Tjayla"
by Isaac Yamma plays]
'Cause if you do, payback's a bitch.
And I knew just where to find
that mongrel dog.
["Ngurrapanya Tjayla" continues]
[song ends]
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