Threesome (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

The Beauty and the Shittyness of Love

We should have a system.
Like, divide it into colored laundry,
whites, towels, jeans.
But that won't make it less laundry.
No. But it would speed things up
once we're here.
We'd just have to chuck it in, like.
Is this colored laundry?
It's cashmere. Wool.
Right. Is it 40 degrees?
You ask me
every time we do the laundry.
-How am I supposed to remember that?
-Read the label.
Hand wash. Is this hand wash?
I can't deal with this.
-Is this also hand wash?
-Read the label.
I mean
Thirty degrees. What's the difference
between these two? Huh?
-How can you tell?
-By reading the label.
I mean, come on.
You can't win.
Stop trying to distract me.
So annoying.
-Five-nil. Five-nil. Five-nil.
-Shut up. I heard you
-Such a pain.
-Does it hurt?
Come on, then. Such a pain.
Is this yours?
It's Miriam's.
Shall we grab something to eat
while it's in the dryer?
Hell yeah. Let's do it.
Are you stressed?
A bit. I've got shitloads of reading
to do for tomorrow.
Eat up and go to the library, then.
No, it's OK.
We can finish off the laundry.
I'll do the rest.
-Are you sure?
-All I have to do is carry it home.
OK. Nice.
What's the matter?
Are you done? Are you done?
No. Wait.
Look at my lips.
Man down.
You know, you can last
I can't breathe.
I need to go to swimming lessons.
So, I found out this cool fact:
You can live up to three days
without water.
But, if you're in a bathtub,
you can last up to six.
Cos the water absorbs
through your skin.
Cool. That's really cool.
I know. It's cool stuff.
So, um
Tell me about your boyfriend.
What do you wanna know?
Like, who you are together.
What's his name?
And how long
have you guys been together?
Almost seven years.
We met in high school.
And is he here in London with you?
What does he do?
He's working
at some kind of telemarketing place.
Do you love him?
It's like, um
we're in totally different places
in life right now.
And, um
there's this big void
that we're unable to fill
and it just keeps growing
no matter what we do. And
we're just growing apart.
Or something.
Is that what this is?
Something to fill the void
between you and him?
No. It's like the two of you exist
in completely different universes.
And when I'm with you,
it's just, everything is so simple
and uncomplicated
and I can just be myself.
Can't you be yourself with him?
It's just, like,
we've been together for so long
and sometimes I don't even know
what's him and what's me.
And there's just
this feeling of not being able
to be your own person.
And I I really need to be
my own person right now.
I don't know.
It's kind of hard to explain.
I understand if none of this
makes any sense.
Some things just are, you know.
Can't make sense out of everything.
I wish I could, though.
Because it's scary.
You can't
make sense of what you feel.
-You want one?
Don't you think that's scary?
I think that sometimes we try so hard
to make sense out of things.
But what we're really trying to do
is just shield ourselves
from the fear
of not being in control.
And that gets pretty
fucking exhausting after a while.
Can I ask you something?
And you don't have to answer
if you don't want to, but
Are you seeing anybody else
besides me?
There was this girl I dated
a while back.
It didn't work out.
She was kind of
in this messed up family situation.
Then I got my injury.
And I guess everything was
I dunno.
But I really liked her.
We went for coffee the other day.
And we went back to her place.
Do you still have feelings for her?
I thought I might.
And then it became pretty obvious
my feelings were elsewhere.
That just don't make sense,
does it?
But that never frightens you?
Not really. That's kind of the beauty
in the shitness, right?
The man with no fears.
-I didn't say that.
-Then what do you fear?
Loads of things.
Like what?
I'm afraid of failure.
The shame that comes with it.
What that might reveal about me.
I'm afraid of being irrelevant.
That my life could be irrelevant.
I'm afraid of being powerless.
You know, if something was to happen
to my mom or my sisters
Yeah, and if I wouldn't be able
to fix it, then
Yeah, that would be my biggest fear.
I'm scared as shit that I'll
never be able to dance again.
I don't wanna leave.
Just stay right here.
How long do you think
we could stay here
before we, like,
actually had to get out?
What, in bed or in the flat?
In the flat.
As long as we had phones
I guess forever.
-Get dressed.
-Get dressed.
Because I told you to.
Get your clothes on, girl.
I'm taking you out.
Where are we going?
Hello, mister.
Oh, how's it going?
-What did you think of the show?
Sick. Good? Oh, it was beyond good.
She pulled this one out the bag.
It was something else, right?
Makes you wanna dance
your demons out.
You'd never stop dancing.
So, what are you up to?
Wanna grab a drink?
-You wanna grab a drink?
-Yeah, sure.
-Let's go.
-Let's do this, yeah.
We were at the Playhouse last week
and we saw Blood Winning. Seen it?
-Not yet.
-Oh, my God. Don't.
I was sat like this
after five minutes, honestly.
You know, it felt so strained
and so politically correct.
I just wanna puke at the political
correctness that is everywhere.
I find
this whole collective body bullshit
that everybody seems to
wank the shit out of is all so shit.
Anyway, how did you guys meet?
Through bar therapy.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
She's my therapist. What?
I've always wanted
to fuck my therapist.
-It's just great.
You can talk about yourself
for an hour.
And then you get to have sex.
It's great.
Also, I have
a really, really hot therapist.
It's a fucking dream.
Your therapist
must be pretty attractive.
He's so hot.
He looks like a cross between
Ryan Gosling and Sigmund Freud.
-I have to go.
-Do you? OK.
Thank you for this.
So, when's our next therapy session?
I can do Monday.
good therapists
that are attractive and good.
And if I found
an attractive therapist
they never are good.
They're idiots.
-OK, guys. I have to leave.
-Oh, really?
Yeah. I'm sorry.
This was so much fun.
Yes, it was.
-You'll take care of him?
-Of course. We will.
-Do you know what I mean?
-No, but it doesn't work.
It does, though.
It's just It's true.
-How are things?
-Um, good.
-And you?
-Yeah, great.
How is David?
He's fine. He's fine. We're fine.
Where are you going?
Um, just home. Yeah. And you?
I'm meeting some friends
at The Bakery. Have you been there?
-No, I haven't.
-It's really an amazing place.
They have these great DJs
on Thursday.
Um, do you wanna come?
I can't.
I have a really early start tomorrow.
OK. Sure.
It's just so nice to see you.
Yeah. You too.
-I have to go.
-I've been thinking about you guys.
Well, tell David I say hi.
I will.
Actually, you know what? We're having
this party at my place next Saturday.
Not next Saturday,
but the Saturday after that.
If you guys wanna come.
-Yeah, sure. Sounds great.
-Yeah. Great.
OK. Cool. I'll text you, then.
See you next next Saturday.
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