Thunder in My Heart (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Det som händer i Västerås...

Turn left.
Turn right.
southeast. Turn right.
Turn right.
Your destination is on your right.
You have reached your destination.
You have reached your destination.
All these years I've been
bloody waiting for her to be ready.
I've had such bloody respect
for her family piss situation.
But having to see her new girlfriend
on fucking Instagram,
and still I write to her:
"Congratulations, that's so sweet."
Do you get it?
Then I start seeing her
in secret again.
I'm the love of her life,
she told me.
Her first love, she said as well.
But it's too much of a pain
to leave Eva.
I think she came now.
Well done, Alex.
Don't you have any coffee filters?
She's either lied to me,
or she's a coward.
It's worse if she's a coward,
I think.
Stop being a coward,
and get together with me.
But if she's lied to me
she's just a bastard.
That's easier. Then I can move on.
Just accept it or something. Hello?
-I'm sure Sigge just went home.
-She usually answers.
She's probably hungover,
like us
Hello there.
-Rebecca, we hardly heard anything.
-I'll sort it out.
What the heck?
Did you forget your keys again?
What a
But What?
What are you doing here?
Did you get my texts?
-No No.
-And my voicemails?
No, I mean
-I see.
But you've read the texts?
No, I mean
I haven't checked my phone.
There's been so much
arguing with your mum lately.
I've had some really horrible texts.
Bloody hell
I'll show you
if you don't believe me.
No, thanks. I don't want to see them.
Come in. Let's not talk out here.
Come in, damn it.
What a surprise. Huh?
What a bloody
It's great to see you. I mean
If I knew you were coming,
I would have tidied up a bit.
-I don't mind.
-I don't have anything to offer you.
-Should I go get something nice?
-No, I'm fine.
But of course. I'll go get us
something nice to eat.
I don't really have time for that.
Just wait for me. I'll be right back.
Damn it.
Where did you go? You just left.
I'm in Västerås.
I'm not sure what I was thinking.
My dad lives in Västerås,
I saw on Facebook.
-But he's gone now.
-Are you alone?
Where in Västerås?
In some flat.
Dad ran off when I arrived.
I don't think he'll be back.
I'm not sure what to do.
-Hang on!
-I have to go. Bye.
-Don't hang up.
Hi. I'm sorry I took so long,
it was crazy busy in the shop.
-Totally mad.
-It's okay.
I might have bought too much,
I didn't know what you fancied.
I listened to
your voicemails as well.
One thing that made me think was
You were so sure
that I took your money.
Your mum
also had access to that account.
She told me the money
was transferred to your account.
That's not what I meant.
I meant that it said something
about your attitude towards me.
But you did steal the money.
Sweet Sigrid,
I haven't stolen any money.
I just borrowed it.
-Who suggested you open an account?
It was my idea. I thought of that.
Otherwise you wouldn't even
have any money.
I've been watching it for you.
You know you would have spent it
immediately otherwise.
You said I couldn't have the money.
You thought I couldn't handle it.
Sure, whatever.
I want my money back.
You can't just take people's savings.
Do you know what? It's surprising
that you won't lend me the money.
Now you've seen what it's like here.
You've got each other,
and you have a place to live.
You have jobs and everything.
I don't have anything.
Why didn't you just ask
if you could borrow my money, then?
Because if I had asked you,
you'd never help me.
you only think of yourself.
You only think of yourself.
You've got a job.
Why can't you help me out a bit?
But I I don't
have a job at the moment.
Have you been fired?
That wasn't exactly clever of you.
But hey, if you lose a job
you have to look for a new one.
You might have to work
in a warehouse or something.
I want to find a job that I like.
It's not easy
to get a job just like that.
Listen to yourself. You can't just
sit and wait for a job you like.
What would you have done
if you didn't have savings?
I have saved to have a security
if this sort of thing would happen.
-That's why I've been saving.
-And the savings account was my idea.
Listen to yourself. How can you make
everything about me being bad?
-I see.
-I want my money now.
-Which part do you not get?
-Calm down.
How can you do this,
after all you've already done to me?
Alright, okay. What exactly did I do
to you, that is so fucking awful?
-What you did?
You've done loads of things.
You've chased me, thrown stuff at me,
pulled my hair
You've told me time and again
that I can't do shit.
Even now
when you've done something wrong
you twist it all around
so we're talking about my failings.
-I can't take it anymore.
-Stop being so dramatic, Sigrid.
I'm not being dramatic.
No, of course not.
-Deary me
-I'm not.
-Poor sod who starts dating you.
Can't you just apologise
one single time in your life?
I need my money. Please.
Can't we just for once sit down,
take it easy and speak calmly.
I bought some nice stuff,
for fuck's sake.
For my money?
How dare you come here
and look down on me?
Huh? How bloody dare you?
You've not handled the divorce
very well either.
What do you mean?
It's not my divorce.
You knew mum was going to leave me.
But you didn't say a fucking thing.
She told you herself many times.
I didn't know when.
I see. So when you wanted a lift
to far away, I don't know where
It was just a coincidence that she
changed the locks right then?
When I got home I couldn't even
get in to my own fucking house.
Because you lied!
You tricked me, so don't you
come here and imagine anything.
Mum told me she was scared of you,
and I understood why.
Bloody hell
Bloody hell.
Here we are.
Here's a bit of
They're actually quite nice.
Would you like one?
Do you want to watch something?
Her screaming gives you tinnitus
I need to get home.
Thanks for the coffee.
It was nice to see you.
Where are you?
In Västerås.
Alright. Where?
I don't know.
Send me your location pin.
-I think I missed my train home.
That's alright.
Just send me your location.
You didn't need to come get me
Of course we did.
What happened?
-Lots of things.
How are you?
It's hard times ahead, Sigge.
-Yes, hard times ahead.
Why have you only got one sock?
Oh no, I left it there.
-That's okay.
-I can't go back there.
-You don't need to.
You have lots of other lovely socks.
Yeah, but these are my only socks
with avocados on them.
You're right.
the latest is the head of
investigation and the prosecutor.
are considering a committal.
What does this mean
for the preliminary investigation?
We have the 19 year old woman
with serious injuries.
She was treated in hospital, and
passed away during Thursday
Love is like water.
We can fall in it, it can drown us
and we can't live without it.
I love you, Sigrid.
I love you, Sigrid.
Toni, can you open the back window?
-Just press that button
-No, it's child-locked.
-No, it's
Sigge, are you alright?
I love you, Sigrid.
Please stop the car.
-Just pull over here.
I'm stopping, Sigge.
I can't breathe.
I love you, Sigrid.
Hey! Just pull over!
Just pull in to that field.
Sigge, wait!
Hey. Hey
What's going on?
-I'm suffocating!
-Look at me. What's happening?
No, no, no. I can't. Wait!
You're not suffocating. I promise.
Should we sit down?
Sit down
Look at me. Can you breathe?
Can you breathe?
I'll count to four.
Breathe slowly.
Long, deep breaths.
two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
Well done!
I feel like I have water in my lungs.
I feel like I'm drowning.
-I understand.
-Yes. I can't breathe.
Look at me.
Let's try two seconds.
One, two.
One, two
One, two
One, two.
Look at you, well done.
Four seconds now.
Take a deep breath.
One, two, three, in.
One, two, three, out.
Can I tell you something funny?
Alex and Rebecca got together.
Facebook official.
It's super sweet.
But he's super annoying as well.
He thinks he's a relationship expert.
They've been together
for all of five minutes.
-How sweet.
-It is.
He's not going to pay me back.
And he says that he loves me.
-Do you know what? To hell with him.
It's so exhausting.
Yeah, I understand.
I don't understand
why she hasn't told me.
I've always thought
they've got the best relationship.
I've wished that he was my dad.
I think it has been good. At times.
I don't know.
She has to move out next week,
because she can't afford the rent.
Never mind for now.
Do you know you're
my favourite person?
You're just saying that
because I'm sad.
No. I'll tell you again tomorrow
when you're not sad.
I'll wrap you up.
With Toni's scarf.
I almost forgot.
I bought you something.
-Oh, snus.
I really don't like snus,
but I like to feel something.
And I really like you,
and I like to feel something.
That was lovely.
-What are you laughing about?
-Are you hungry?
-I'm bloody starving.
-I want a hot dog.
-Me too.
Then I know where to go.
It really pisses me off.
Can I call your dad?
Absolutely not.
What would you even say?
I would say:
"Hello, Stefan." Can I be tough?
"Hello, Stefan.
I've just happened to find out
that you're a real little bastard.
You're mean, you're a thief,
and you've tricked a lot of people.
Me, for example.
And you should know
that if you ever, ever
do anything to Sigge again,
I will come to your house.
I'll come in the middle of the night
and take your phone.
I'll take a photo of you
while you're fast asleep.
You might be naked. Yes, you are.
And the picture"
-No, no!
-I'm not finished! Wait.
-What the hell?
I wouldn't really do it.
I would just call from
a hidden number. A little threat.
A little threat?
Do you know what?
I'm going to call Janice.
-Should I?
-Do it.
I'll do it now.
Hi, this is Janice.
I can't take your call right now,
but leave me a message
and I'll call you back.
Hello, Janice.
It's your little brother.
I just wanted to let you know
that I'm not waiting for you anymore.
I'm done with this.
You've really crushed me.
You might not even care.
I'll have to live with that.
I really did love you.
I know you know that I loved you.
I just hope you didn't choose her
because you
are a coward. Because
Anyway, it doesn't matter now.
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