Thunderbirds (1965) s01e06 Episode Script

Day of Disaster

'Thunderbirds are go! ' Although this atomic station is still on the secret list, I can tell you that the sea water we need for irrigation is pumped here by the plant on the left.
Naturally, reclaiming the dead lands of Australia takes up millions of gallons of this sea water.
If you have any questions, I'll answer those that I can.
Will you give us a statement on the safety factor? I think so.
This new project here is no more dangerous than the many atomic plants all over the world.
We appreciate that an accident could occur, but the chances are slim.
- That's hardly reassuring.
- If this goes sky-high Please, please! I don't think I've made myself clear.
The reactor is under the complete control of the project staff.
Nothing can go wrong.
- Are the sightseers still here? - Yes.
They don't give up.
The public have the right to worry.
The radioactivity could spread right across Australia.
Hey! What are you doing?! - What's going on? - There's somebody in the plant.
What price security now? OK.
Come out of there with your hands up.
(PA) 'All unauthorised personnel, please leave the base immediately.
'There is no cause for alarm.
All staff to your duty positions.
' - Looks bad to me.
- I want to get to a phone.
'This is Fire Chief to Control.
'It's getting out of hand and looks bad.
' 'This is Control.
Keep the fire from the main plant.
' This whole place could go up.
You have not heard the last of me.
I'll make the plans of those atomic stations mine, if it's the last thing I do.
(Man on phone) 'Got any more news? Has the fire been blazing long? ' Yeah.
The fire started soon after I called in, about five hours ago.
There's a rumour the fire's reached the reactors.
Unless we can cut off the sea water intake, we won't stop it.
- It's racing away.
- If only we could stop the intake.
'This is Control.
Aircraft are standing by.
' It'll destroy itself.
It'll be going up any second.
(Buzz of conversation) - They've called a press conference.
- Let's get inside.
- They're coming in now, sir.
- Let's get it over with.
It's starting.
We appreciate the cooperation of the press and would like to thank you for responding so promptly.
Ladies and gentlemen, the General.
I'll come straight to the point.
It concerns the explosion at the atomic irrigation project.
- I thought that was all over.
- We've been trying to avert a panic.
The truth of the matter is, the explosion caused a radioactive cloud.
We've been trying to disperse this, but have been unsuccessful.
(Audience gasps) Order, please! This cloud is moving towards our major cities.
The public must know.
Unless the weather takes a hand and a strong wind springs up, Melbourne will have to be evacuated.
(Howling wind) The panic's over.
Did you hear the cloud got blown away? > The wind came just in time.
I suppose we can all breathe again.
A year ago I failed to steal the secrets of the new atomic stations.
But now I have a master plan that cannot fail.
These secrets will bring a fortune.
My empire will grow and I shall be invincible.
Good to see you, John.
There's nothing wrong, is there? No, there's a lot on.
Lady Penelope is arriving.
- How is she? - She's anxious to go on a rescue.
If your duty was like mine, she'll be unlucky.
It's very quiet.
I'm thrilled to be here, Jeff.
It's great to have you, Penny.
We're glad you could get over.
It's the first chance I've had since operations started.
You've been having more adventures than we have! - Grandma, did you hear that? - 0f course I did.
I'm not deaf.
I meant Virgil's insinuation that I'm in the thick of things.
You seem to have had your share of excitement.
Oh, yes, but I shan't consider myself as part of the team until I've been out on a rescue.
I see I wonder where those cold drinks have got to? It is my duty to serve the drinks, Mr Parker.
I thought you'd like to see how it's really done.
I have had no complaints on my service from Mr Tracy so far.
I'm sure he knows that you're doing it to the best of your ability.
I always have the honour to serve in this household.
But you don't always have a butler from one of England's stately homes.
Forgive me, but I insist.
Take your mitts off my tray.
I think we're gonna stay thirsty.
Penelope, I'll visit you one day.
I've never been to a stately home.
- It's the only thing I haven't done.
- 0f course.
Gentlemen, we shall begin the demonstration.
This "toy" is our latest scientific product.
Although electronic, it behaves and looks like an ordinary mouse.
It would take a close inspection to tell it from the real thing.
How does it interest us? Taxpayers won't pay four million bucks for that.
You need an electronic cat! (Laughter) Gentlemen, please.
We haven't called our invention the "Mighty Atom" for nothing.
Watch closely.
a powerful miniature camera.
It can photograph any enemy installation we wish.
How do you make sure it takes the photographs you want? (Audience mutters) Professor Langley has raised a question you all want answered.
Relevant information can be seen on the dials of the control panels.
Sooner or later, scientists and technicians will look at these dials.
The camera is set to photograph the profile of the human face.
You'll see it working when I go to that panel.
Professor, would you please operate the remote control? When you're ready, Professor.
Thank you, Professor.
I'll show you the film.
Lights, please! (Exclamations of praise) Thank you.
Any questions? What happens if the mouse is seen or approached? There is a safety factor in the design.
If a human moves towards it, the "Mighty Atom" hides.
- Are you satisfied, Professor? - Yes, I am.
Very satisfied.
At last, I have the means to spite my enemies.
This is the key that will open every door.
My power will grow as my knowledge increases.
With the help of my new friend, the world's secrets will be mine.
Mine MINE MINE! Oh, dear! - What's the matter, Lady Penelope? - Nothing.
It's just that you'd think someone would need International Rescue.
And now, my friend to get what we came for.
On your way, my little friend.
What the? Mice! What's this place coming to? - There was a mouse in here.
- Yeah, I know.
Wearing top hat and tails(!) Now let's see what we've managed to collect.
A very good day's work! (Thinks) '0f course! While I'm here, 'why not destroy the atomic station and bring out International Rescue? 'Then their secrets will be mine for the taking.
' What's wrong, Alan? It's an emergency.
- You mean a rescue? - That's just what it is, a rescue.
- You've got to let me in on it.
- Sure.
We've got to save Scott.
What are we waiting for? Alert Thunderbird 1 and 2.
Where's Jeff? Why isn't he here? Parker, the Rolls.
What's the procedure? I don't know it.
(Laughter) You young rascals! You had me believing you.
Sorry, Lady Penelope, we couldn't resist it.
At least Scott isn't in any trouble.
That's just where you're wrong.
Grandma caught him eating her cake.
Yes, Scott really does need rescuing.
(Laughter) This atomic station is an ideal place for some rescue heroics.
Now all we need is an accident.
That should be easy to provide.
There's a drop of pressure on the number ten generator.
It showed up on the control panel.
- You finished the routine check? - Yeah.
All completed.
It's fantastic, isn't it? Not so long ago this whole area was a desert.
Now look at it.
That's the idea - to pump processed water into the desert.
And handled just by the two of us.
And one fully-automated atomic station.
Ten more seconds.
Five four three two one.
- What's happened? - Switch to emergency control.
(Evil laughter) We can't control it.
- Look at control board five.
- It's sabotage.
It must be sabotage.
- The reactor is racing.
- I saw this happen in Australia.
- Let's get out.
- No.
There'll be an explosion in two hours followed by a radioactive cloud.
- We can't count on a wind saving us.
- What can we do? There's just a slight chance They weren't operating before.
But now - What can we do? - Call International Rescue.
All right, Thunderbirds, we're waiting for you.
' we estimate that the reactor will soon destroy the atomic station.
'International Rescue, can you help? - 'Are you receiving our message? ' - We have your emergency call.
'That's the situation.
The radioactivity will do untold damage.
' Radio them that help is on its way.
What's happened? Brains, what do we need? The water intake will be a problem.
It should be cut off underwater.
Sounds like a job for Thunderbird 4.
Alert Virgil and Gordon.
Scott, the destination is Africa, the Saharan Atomic Station.
It's sabotage.
John will give you details when you're airborne.
- Hurry! - Yes, sir! Jeff, I want to go out on a rescue.
Yeah, but this one's too dangerous - Ah, boys - Jeff! I may not get another chance.
OK, Penny, go with Virgil.
Penny, take the passenger chute.
- Away you go, Virgil.
- 0K, Father.
The chain reaction is speeding up.
The computer says we have an hour left before it blows.
This is a fantastic experience.
I'm glad you're enjoying it, Lady Penelope.
- These machines are fabulous.
- Sure.
That's why people want to learn our secrets.
There's one problem outstanding.
Whoever did this is still around.
Look! This is Thunderbird 1.
- I've arrived at the danger zone.
- 'Report in again when set up.
' Sure.
This is Thunderbird 4.
I'm by the sea intake and awaiting your instructions.
OK, Gordon.
Virgil and I will get the reactor under control.
You have to stop that water coming in, otherwise we all go up.
Mobile Control, FAB, standing by.
How long have we got? The reactor's running away.
You've got just 20 minutes.
Mobile Control, I'm coming in to land.
At last, they've all arrived.
Now, go and get me those photographs.
I'm going to join Scott.
You keep radio contact.
If you need help, don't hesitate to ask.
- Hadn't we better call them? - Look, John's coming through.
(Bleeps) 'I've just heard that Gordon is going to destroy the sea intake.
'Scott and Virgil are going into the reactor.
' That means they are going to try and control it with the rods.
We're now in the control cabin.
- Five minutes.
- You've got five minutes.
(Scott) 'We heard.
' Hold it, Virgil.
Two minutes.
That's better.
Now for number five.
Ninety seconds.
Ninety seconds.
Hold it H0LD IT! Thunderbird 4 from Mobile Control, fire missiles! (Beeping gradually fades) They've done it! By Jove, they've done it! Listen to that silence.
(Screams) (Virgil laughs) Why are you laughing? I just don't like mice.
I'll change the subject.
This is Thunderbird 2.
We're returning to base.
I wonder where that mouse has got to.
At last, I have the information I require.
And now, the secrets of International Rescue.
I don't believe it! You stupid foolish idiotic failure!
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