ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Secret of the Unicorn

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped
face and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra,
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[all laughing]
- We're unicorns.
- [all chattering indistinctly]
- [thugs laughing maniacally]
- Remember the plan, yes?
- [both] Yeah!
- Smash the unicorns.
- Smash them good.
- No, you doofuses.
You can't smash a unicorn
like any normal animal.
Oh, the book again.
Known for its captivating
beauty, the unicorn
- [creature growls]
- [both gasp]
Oh, sorry,
that's the albino pusmother.
The unicorn is one of Third
Earth's most magical creatures.
And they can grant wishes.
What would we even wish for?
Oh, I don't know, maybe
destroying the ThunderCats?
So, no smashing and bashing?
Sorry, old friend.
- Vultureman, do the thing.
- Yes.
[motor revving]
[all] unicorns [yelling]
[all laughing]
Um, you guys?
They're all gone.
Am I really the
last of the unicorns?
Huh. Who would've known that
Gullrock rock has two heads?
Wow, but three brains?
[sighs] The joy of reading
on a nice, quiet day.
I feel like my brain is about
to explode with knowledge.
Ain't nothing gonna
ruin this moment.
- [footsteps approaching]
- [crash]
[loud music playing on stereo]
Dance party, Tygra!
Ah, my retinas!
Lion-O, stop that.
Hey, Snarf, uh, a toaster.
Thank you
Lion-O, the Sword of Omens
is a sacred magical object.
Maybe, you'd have
a better appreciation for that
if you quit dancing around
all the time
and read some books like me
and the other ThunderCats.
[all cheering]
- Aw, party's over?
- Yes.
Because magic is serious,
not fun.
You really know
how to rip one, Tygra.
[distant crying]
What's that?
Who's there?
No more unicorns.
All gone.
All gone except for me.
And who are you?
I am the last of the unicorns.
[crying hysterically]
But, like, what's your name?
Why don't you just
tell us what happened
- and we'll go find your other unicorn buddies.
- All right.
It was this morning and
Oh! I'm just too sad
to remember.
Oh, Gwen.
Don't be crying.
You just got a bad case
of sad brain.
But don't worry,
I've got the cure right here.
Dance party!
- Lion-o, stop it!
- [grunts]
I mean, no offense, but I'm the
expert in Third Earth wildlife here.
I've read, like, a million
books on magical creatures.
[groans] The book again.
Unicorns like Gwen give birth
to thousands of larva a day.
"Feasting on
the weakest ones."
- [growls]
- Wrong page.
I know this stuff by heart.
Magical creatures are sacred,
precious, and delicate.
What Gwen needs is
[straining] Quiet,
care, and comfort.
Not dance parties, Lion-O.
- Okay, Tygra.
- [all talking indistinctly]
Call me if you
change your mind.
Ain't gonna happen, Lion-O.
- [Gwen crying]
- Oh, sorry about that, Gwen.
Those guys don't know how
to take anything seriously.
What do you say
we get you relaxing?
I'm afraid I've forgotten
how to.
Poor thing.
You're lucky you've
got me around.
I know all the best ways
to unwind.
Now, the first thing
you wanna do
is think of all your
favorite stuff in the world.
Now, subtract all the silly,
frivolous, and pointless stuff
- like dancing and parties, you know, stuff Lion-O likes.
- Oh.
What you're left with is the
purest, sweetest nectar of life.
- Things like reading books, stirring your tea
- [cup shatters]
- Gardening
- Oh.
- Paperwork, and, uh Oh!
- [crying]
Gwen, what's wrong?
It's just that all those
things are so lame and boring.
Ah, okay,
that's not exactly true
but, all right. What's
something you do to relax?
Mourn the loss of my people.
No, Gwen, you're really
not getting this.
There we go.
A nice relaxing hoofacure.
- You'll love those
- [crying]
- A nice horn polish?
- [crying]
- I knitted you a sweater.
- [crying]
- Cooked you this big, fat fish?
- [crying hysterically]
- Brush your hair?
- [crying hysterically]
- Read you a book?
- [crying hysterically]
Oh, the sadness!
It's not working, Tygra.
It's not working.
[cries hysterically]
[unicorns crying]
Okay, unicorns.
We wish to destroy
the ThunderCats.
[all crying]
Now, give us our wish
or else
- But But
- No buts!
- Hurry up and grant us our wish.
- [crying]
[together] Give us the wish, give
us the wish, give us the wish.
I hate this dumb scheme.
We don't get to fight anyone.
Yeah, no smashing and bashing.
Heck, I wish the ThunderCats
were here for fighting.
Don't say that.
You'll jinx everything.
And the ThunderCats will figure out
we have the unicorns, somehow.
I wish Slithe would
stop being such a big baby.
Wait, is this a grenade?
- [explosion]
- I guess so.
Nothing on the Thunderscope.
Has Tygra made
any progress with Gwen?
- [Gwen crying]
- Hmm. Guess not.
- Hmm, nothing here either. Whoa!
- Woe is me. [cries]
Gwen, if you could tell us anything,
it would be super helpful.
Let's start small.
Where's Tygra?
He went out to get
an organic facial scrub,
known for its soothing
properties or something.
- It sees me.
- [creature growling]
I'm sorry, everyone.
I really am trying
to remember.
I'm just so sad.
I'm telling you, Gwen.
There's only one cure for sad
brain and I've got it right
Don't do it, Lion-O.
I've got the scrub.
You say this will be the
thing that lightens my load?
And rejuvenates my memory?
[both crying]
Okay, that's it.
Tygra, your plan stinks.
You're just making
everybody sad.
I mean, Gwen looks sadder
than she did this morning.
You've even managed
to make yourself sad, somehow.
I think it's finally time for a
cheer-up-everyone dance party.
No, don't.
It'll never work.
You don't even have the
strength to stop me, Tygra.
Hit it, Snarf.
[music playing]
Oh! It's coming back to me.
[all exclaiming]
It was the mutants.
Toots. Should've known that.
We're coming for you,
[chanting] Give us the wish, give
us the wish, give us the wish.
- Give us the
- [alarms blaring]
[both] Huh?
The ThunderCats.
Monkian, Jackalman, get them.
Oh, boy. Now we can
smash and bash them.
- It's about time.
- [both laughing]
- Looks like they're waiting for us.
- [beeping]
Ready, old pal?
Jackalman, look who it is.
- ThunderCats!
- And Gwen.
You'll pay for that.
Cash or check, Jackalman?
[grunts] Check, please.
- Hope you like whatever these are, Monkian.
- [explosions]
Get off me, get off me.
[exclaims in pain]
Hey, no biting!
- [yelling]
- [both grunt]
Well, I think that was enough
smashing and bashing for a day.
- Yeah, let's get out of here.
- [both screaming]
- [Lion-O] Going somewhere, mutants?
- [neighing]
- Nice one, Gwen.
- Thanks, Lion-O.
I'll get you. [grunts]
[both yelling]
The best part of smashing and
bashing is that everyone wins.
There go two winners.
- Now, come on, everybody. Let's go get those unicorns.
- [all] Yeah.
The jig is up, mutants.
Hand us those unicorns.
Just take them.
All they do is cry.
I don't think they can
even grant wishes.
- [grunts]
- [gate rattles]
We only grant wishes
when we're all together.
Yes, since Gwen was missing,
we were powerless.
What? That wasn't in the book.
Why didn't you tell us?
We would have, but you kept
yelling at us and making us cry.
Well, we've got Gwen.
So, you don't have
to cry anymore.
Hello, everyone.
- Gwen! Hurray!
- Gwen! Oh, huzzah!
Giddy up, horsies.
I mean, unicorns.
[unicorns exclaiming]
Today was a bad day.
We did it, Thundies.
We saved the unicorns and
reunited Gwen with her pack.
I'm so very happy
with all of you.
But especially with you, Lion-O.
Sorry, I was being such a grump.
Magic is fun.
And you were right
about the party thing.
It's okay,
I still love you, Tygra.
Lion-O, because of your noble deed
all of the unicorns have
decided to grant you one wish.
- [music playing]
- [whooping]
[Lion-O] Party!
[all whooping]
Thanks for wishing
for this dance party.
That's not what I wished for.
I wished for fancy headphones
for Tygra
so, we could all
have fun together.
Tygra, can you hear me?
What did you say?
[music continues playing]
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