Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e06 Episode Script

Anselmo está arruinado

It burst, there is no fixing it!
Well, I would look for
something that serves as a patch
What do you want, boy?
-To work for Lobo.
I know that I have to marry you
but I will never love you.
I'm going to tell your father
that the wedding is canceled.
Anibal, forgive me.
I know I've behaved
very badly with you.
What do you want?
The hand of your
daughter Nieves.
The fact that I'm getting married,
doesn't mean that things have to change.
You and I can still see each other.
I knew that you were a slut.
Let's settle this
once and for all.
I know about Portugal,
those innocent people
But yes
those people died because of me.
Wasn't their pump broken?
-They had help.
The blacksmith went to their well.
I saw everything.
Anibal said that if I
proved myself to you.
-And what have you proven?
I don't deal with snitches.
We wanted to get married sooner
I see nothing wrong with that.
I don't want to give you up.
-What happened?
I don't know.
We saw flames coming from this house.
Anselmo's inside.
He's inside, he's inside!
Anselmo is inside.
Please, get him out.
Cesar, no!
-Roman, Roman!
Wake up, Anselmo.
Roman, Roman!
Let go!
-Don't go in!
Don't go in, please!
Cesar knows what he's doing.
Come here!
Careful, careful.
Are you ok?
Get away from me!
You did this to me!
My brother just saved your life.
-It's your fault.
For helping you,
I have nothing left.
Sir, the blacksmith's
shop is on fire.
I heard about it.
Do you want us to
help put it out?
Isn't the entire town already there?
-Yes but
it's windy and the
fire could spread.
Well, when that happens,
Anibal, come back and ask me.
Come on, stop worrying
and have a drink with me.
Hey, boy,
what are you doing here?
I want to talk to Mr. Lobo.
-You again, brat?
We already told you.
You wanted me to
demonstrate what I can do.
I burned down
Anselmo's workshop.
You did what?
Leave the boy alone.
You have guts, kid,
and I like that.
Would you like a drink?
What I want is to
work for you, sir.
You might come in handy,
now that I just lost Fidel.
And there aren't many people
around here with enough guts.
Keep it.
Thank you, sir.
And be prepared.
I'll let you know, when I need you.
You've spent the
whole night there?
Come, let's go.
It was everything I had.
But, who cares?
I do.
I care.
Come on, man.
A cigar?
-I don't smoke, thank you.
A man should smoke.
As a physician, you
should know
that tobacco opens the lungs.
you brought joy and
health back to my daughter.
Well, we'll see how it evolves.
Felix! When can I ride horses again?
Such a hurry.
Very soon, you'll see.
No one can stop the Lobos.
At the wedding,
I plan on carrying the wedding dress tail.
If not, I won't get married.
We've talked about moving up the wedding,
and still haven't set a date.
I'm not going anywhere.
Whenever Almudena decides.
But, we can't hurry things.
We must organize it
to see when's the best time.
Be careful, and don't
let her rule too much.
Will you be staying for lunch?
-I'm sorry, I can't.
I have more patients to attend.
You work too hard.
But we're counting on you for dinner,
we have much to celebrate.
I can't get the blacksmith's
face out of my head.
Cesar, it wasn't our fault.
Are you sure?
What if it was?
You saved his life, didn't you?
You're even.
What's he waiting for?
My friends, it's payday!
All this is ours?
First Switzerland, then Paris
and after that, the entire world.
-And this is just the beginning .
It pays to be honest.
We could buy alcohol,
there's hardly any left.
I agree, we must celebrate.
Hands off.
We can't spend this all crazy.
That's why I mentioned the alcohol.
It's a good investment, and doesn't expire.
At the rate that you
drink it, it's not.
We must invest it
in the business.
Well done, Cesar.
You're starting to
think like a Swiss. Moreover
Wait, wait, wait.
Are you telling me that we've
worked to death
and now we can't touch that money?
Did I mention the alcohol?
In many countries,
it's a currency.
We must give some money
to the blacksmith.
Money for the blacksmith,
and we get screwed, right?
Thank you, Rocio.
All of the horses must be shod,
before sunday.
You'll have to take them to Villalta,
now that we don't have a blacksmith.
I'll go with you.
No, way.
I don't want any trouble.
What trouble could I
cause you, Anibal?
Don't make me talk.
The last time, you nearly split
the postman's head open.
It was just a little tap.
Besides, it's not my fault,
he looked at me like an idiot.
Take her with you,
that way she can be amused.
But behave.
I'll be an angel.
Since you and felix haven't set
a date for the wedding, I will.
Talk to the priest.
Tell him I need to see him.
Are you ill?
Perhaps it's best,
we go to her room.
Come on.
Are you sure you're okay?
Yes, it was just a
little dizziness.
You should lay down.
-Yes, that's what she'll do.
Go into town and bring Felix,
as soon as possible.
Yes, sir.
Do you think she
caught it from Rosa?
I don't know.
But Felix said that the
risk of contagion is minimal.
At any rate, until he examines her,
don't tell anyone.
How are you?
This is what I owe you for
helping out with the pump.
How dare you?
Accept it, and at least you'll
have something to start over with.
You've helped me enough.
Get out of here.
Get out!
You're being a little unfair,
don't you think?
-Oh, yeah?
Look how I am because of him.
-What do you mean because of him?
Let's see, Anselmo.
Who got you out of the fire?
And who burned the workshop?
We don't know.
-What do you mean, you don't know?
It was Lobo's men.
As punishment for helping the outsiders.
I don't think that Lobo
-Oh no?
So where were Lobo's
men during the fire?
They didn't even come to help.
You're right.
I've always defended Mr. Lobo because
but this?
-It's hopeless now.
None of this will give
me back the workshop.
You know I don't like the foreigners,
but they buy at the grocery
store and drink at the tavern.
We have to make a living.
Herminia, please
don't defend me anymore.
Let me.
I'll do it.
You're breasts have grown.
Although they hurt a little.
Let's see, look at me.
You're not sick.
I hope not.
How long has it been
since your last period?
I don't know.
My god, Nieves!
A month or two.
What have you done, child?
You're pregnant!
No, no, no
-No, of course not.
It was the holy spirit.
We must avoid Felix at all costs.
Your father called him,
just in case.
We'll tell him that you
had an upset stomach.
Get out of the bathtub soon.
You could catch a cold.
Come on!
Can I talk to you?
I'm worried about Nieves.
I fear that Rosa could
have infected her.
Can I help?
No. The one who should help
is my lazy son, and look at him.
I know you're doing this for me
but, I don't want to
cause any more problems.
God's peace.
How are you, Anselmo?
How do you think?
I'm sorry about the smithy.
It has come to my attention, that they
say I had something to do with the fire.
And it hurts me because
it's not true.
Neither I nor my men had
anything to do with it.
When I have a problem with someone,
be they from this town or not
I always solve it openly.
Is that clear?
And who do you think it was?
-I don't know.
But we will find the culprit
and he'll pay for what he's done.
We should burn him in the square.
-Well, woman
there's no need for that.
Why not? He deserves it.
I'm the first interested,
that justice may be done.
Go on, Sebastian
pour me some wine.
When can you get all of this?
I don't know, let me ask
my father when he comes out.
So how could you order so much?
Have you received an inheritance, or what?
No way. I wish.
It's just that the
Swiss have paid us.
But we can't waste it.
My brother says we have to invest.
So, now you can't
spend it all
at the brothel.
It's a joke, silly.
Yes, now we're businessmen.
Hey, now that you're going to be
businessmen and all that,
I don't know
I could make you a few suits.
You can't go around as important
men while dressed like that.
I don't know.
You've seen what happened to
Anselmo for helping us.
Lobo won't tell me with
whom I can do business.
I see, but I don't want
you to get harmed.
They don't need to know.
I can go to La Quebrada when
no one is looking and take your
Your sister Nieves is stubborn.
She refuses to let me examine her.
She says that it's only indigestion.
-Do you think Rosa could've infected her?
No way. No, don't worry.
-Thank god.
And you?
Are you ok?
Yes, sure.
I think we should talk.
I was very surprised with your
change of heart about our wedding.
Felix, I need to talk to you.
I wanted to tell you, that
Don't worry.
I understand that
you're nervous.
An arranged wedding isn't
the best way to start.
But I
-Felix, there's something I haven't
told you, and you should know.
You know that you can
tell me anything.
Almudena, you have to come.
Wait, I'm talking to Felix,
I'll be right up.
-No, now.
Go on.
We can talk tomorrow.
Come on.
(Whistling melody)
Do you want them to hear us?
What will we do?
-What were you thinking?
And with Anibal, Nieves.
He's like a son to father
and a brother to me.
I knew this would happen.
Those who play with fire
That's enough. Leave her alone.
How long do you think it will
take before they notice?
I don't know.
But it will surely be noticeable
at the wedding.
What if?
It's crazy, but perhaps
-What? Say it.
I'm writing to Sagasta.
I'm sending a telegram,
asking him to come.
No, you can't tell him.
-Well, of course not.
But I could make him
believe the baby is his.
You're going to sleep with
the old man? That's disgusting.
Don't get so disgusted.
It's what you would have to do,
if I didn't get in the way.
And Anibal?.
(Wolf howling)
Uff, I'm so hungry.
Let's go inside.
The dinner, or I'll eat you instead.
-Don't make promises you can't keep.
I'm so hungry.
-Come on.
What's for dinner?
"Bon appetite"
Something's moving in the pan.
-Jean Marie don't be so delicate.
If it's moving,
at least it's fresh.
Have you noticed anything
odd around here today?
No, why?
Cesar, listen
I was thinking.
Now that we're businessmen
we could use a few suits.
No, shit. We've been wearing the same
clothes ever since Portugal.
We can't do business
smelling like a goat's ass.
Will it be expensive?
Elena could make them cheap.
Elena. We're done.
What's done?
He wants that girl
to grab his bottom.
"Mon Dieu"
I don't understand a thing.
-He likes the redhead.
Make no mistake.
I like them all.
I just
wanted to do her a favor.
And if by chance,
she pulls your armhole
What armhole?
We'll have to think about that.
Too late.
I said yes, and gave her an advance.
What advance?
Rosa must be terrified.
I'm going with her.
What if father finds out?
-Let him.
Right now, that's the least
of my worries.
Wait, I'm going with you.
I'll be right there.
I prepared a bed for you.
It's not that great, but
you'll be comfortable.
Now it hurts a lot less.
It's about time.
Can you tell me where
you spent the afternoon?
What do you care?
Don't talk to me like that.
Perhaps it's best
that I go to sleep.
You should've been here.
I can't take care of everything.
Look at this mess.
If that beggar wasn't here, you
wouldn't have so much to clean.
How dare you? Anselmo has
always been good to us.
-So what?
Lucky we all don't think like you.
If someday I lose everything,
I'd like someone to help me.
He asked for it, for dealing
with people he shouldn't.
No one deserves that!
I didn't raise you to be this way.
If what you want is to get him
in your bed, do it already.
But leave me alone.
How did you get in here?
I'm a bandit.
If they see you,
they'll shoot to kill.
What's wrong?
I wanted to hold you
and smell you.
What are you doing?
-I have to go.
Don't go.
Stay with me.
In a short while this place
will be full of servants.
But it's still too early.
Stay with me.
I'll stay then.
What will your father say when
he sees us coming downstairs
together for breakfast.
You have to go or they'll see you.
-Tsk Tsk, I'm staying right here.
I mean it, get out.
What will become of us?
Let's get married.
We'll run away and get married.
In a chapel
the first one we find.
You can't be serious..
All of the lies are
over with now, Almudena.
If we get married,
your father can't do anything about it
and he'll have to accept it.
Almudena Lobo,
will you marry me?
(Bell chimes)
Meet me at the pathway, this afternoon.
-Where we first kissed.
Nieves, did you hear that?
Let me sleep a little longer.
Come on, sleepyheads
it's a beautiful day.
I can't breathe.
Good morning.
What, do you always
come out like that?
What are you doing here?
Well, I came to take your measurements
but now I have an idea.
I didn't know you'd
be here so early.
That's very clear, Roman.
It's always like this.
If one isn't naked
the other one's shooting in the air.
a young lady among savages.
And then there's my Jean Marie
he's so delicate, so delicate.
(Stomach growls)
We have a visitor.
Good morning.
I came to take your measurements,
and I don't know who to begin with.
With Roman.
Well, perhaps you better
start with with me.
Listen, Elena.
You know that by
making these suits,
you can get into trouble.
-Thanks for your concern, Cesar.
But I can take care of myself.
How long has she been this way?
-Since this morning. We called
you immediately.
I'm gonna have to
take some more blood.
No, please not again, it hurts.
Can't you let her rest?
I'm sorry, but I can't.
I know it hurts, but I have to continue.
What's going on here?
I don't know yet.
Is it the tuberculosis?
I said it would be
your responsibility.
Get out of this room,
and let me do my job, please.
Let's get out.
Why does it hurt like this?
I don't know.
Looking for this?
Give it to me!
Not before you tell me where you got it from.
-None of your business.
It's mine.
Treat me with respect.
I'm your mother.
-Or what?
Forget about me.
I don't need you.
I can make a living by myself.
I won't be a coward like my father.
From now on I work for Mr. Lobo.
It was you!
You burned the workshop.
It was me.
And I'd do it again!
Son of a bitch!
But why?
Anselmo, leave it!
Sebastian, let him go!
Let him go!
You're going to kill him, stop!
Sebastian, please.
Hit me now,
you filthy old man!
Sebastian, please!
Who are you?
I feel so useless, seeing her
like that, and can't do anything.
I've seen Felix calm.
I'm sure that its nothing serious.
He's a good doctor.
We must trust him.
It's from Sagasta.
He's in Paris.
He won't arrive on time.
Don't tell me it's just indigestion.
Rosa could've infected you.
Leave me!
-I'm getting the doctor.
Don't even think about it.
Do you hear me?
-Leave me!
Get out of my sight!
-It's too soon.
We'll see how she responds.
I have to go into
town for a moment.
Add plenty of fabric.
Make it look good.
Relax, leave it to me.
You'll see how all the
girls stare at you.
I don't care about that.
Since they already stare at you.
Only need the pant measurement.
Don't think this is the
first suit I'll wear.
Oh, no?
My brother and I've
worn very good suits.
Don't tell me that
you were both rich.
We've had good streaks.
So what happened?
How did you end up
in Tierra de Lobos?
Hey, if you move,
I can't measure you.
Um, le-leave it please.
If a leg measures one thing,
the other measures the same.
Not necessarily.
That's true.
There are so many freaks.
If I told you what
these eyes have seen.
No, leave it Lola.
We don't want to know.
Hey, I don't know, why
don't you stay for lunch?
No. It's really late and
I don't want someone to notice
my absence.
I'm going.
Will you let me through?
Thank you.
Boy, you know that Lola
is at your service.
Shoo, bug.
Lola, Lola.
You're gonna hurt yourself.
Can you stop for a
moment and listen to me?
First Rosa, and now Nieves.
Nieves isn't ill,
believe me.
I'm not an idiot.
There's something wrong with Nieves.
I'm going to talk to the doctor.
Nieves isn't going through something
that no other woman has gone through.
What do you mean?
That Nieves isn't sick.
She's pregnant.
You wouldn't have anything
to do with that, would you?
Get ready,
we're going into town.
I want to talk to your son.
What for?
-I told him everything.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Come on, don't make
it any harder.
You're making it all up.
You know that's a lie.
-You were there.
Your son burned down my workshop,
and nearly killed me.
I gave you shelter
cleaned your wounds
and this is how you repay me?
Accusing my son?
Can I speak to him?
Where is he?
I don't know.
He never tells me where he's going.
You know, kids.
Listen to me, you two.
I'm not here to waste my time.
You if you're going to
accuse someone, get proof.
And you
when your son comes back,
tell him I need to talk to him.
No, no, no, no. We have to loosen
the nut and remove the pin.
Jean Marie
No. The pin.
The pin!
Listen Frenchy,
if you yell at me again
you'll never forget the pin
and your mother too.
He has the ability of an ape.
What did you say?
-Of an ape..
Say it again.
-Enough, Roman!
Listen up.
I have to tell you something.
I'm leaving for a couple of days,
and I want you to keep this working.
What do you mean
you're leaving?
Almudena and I
will get married.
Come on, Cesar.
Where are you going?
We're getting married.
I asked her and
she said yes.
With Lobo's daughter.
Who wants to kill us.
We will go to another
county, far from Lobo
and find a priest to marry us.
-Oh, "L'Amour".
What's wrong? Aren't you glad?
What's good about this?
That I love her, Roman.
-I see.
And you're bringing
the Missy here.
Well, I'll do whatever it
takes to have the "Missy" by my side.
Okay, good.
And when are you leaving?
I don't know what to do, father.
I don't have the means or the material
but, even if I did.
Who asked you to
get into trouble?
That girl was terminally ill.
Everyone had assumed
that she was going to die.
And you come along
to give them hope.
My job is to heal people.
-Your job is to keep Lobo
happy and marry his daughter.
But, father
-Don't give me that.
What should I tell them?
Well, tell them that this happens sometimes,
that it's normal in these cases.
Blame whoever except yourself.
And now leave me.
Come on.
Hey, buy me a drink?
Did you water all the
plants in the yard?
Don't forget the ones
on the counter top.
Tata, you have to help me.
Rocio, leave us for a moment.
If you please.
I know what you think of me
that it's my fault.
But I need your help.
Anibal, what the hell is wrong
with you, that you're distracted.
Excuse me, sir. I had a lot of work
and I shouldn't have come to play.
Well, boy,
you're making this a habit.
I need work.
I believe I said I'd call you
when I needed you.
I can't go back home.
I want to go live
with you and your men.
The Civil Guard came to see me.
They know that you burned the smithy.
I did it for you.
I didn't ask you to do anything.
My men don't do things freely,
they do what I ask them to.
Is that clear?
I have a responsibility
to this town, Sebastian.
If you want to work for me
you're going to have
to pay for what you did.
I thought Rosa's health
was improving.
The tuberculosis is under control,
but, there's something else
something that escapes us.
Rosa's illness is serious.
How serious?
I have consulted my books,
I've made verifications and
Say it.
Inside, please.
Sit down.
Your sister
is dying.
It's just a matter of days.
She may not get to see tomorrow.
You said she would get better.
I didn't say that.
It's your fault.
-Is there anything you can do?.
Give her morphine,
so she won't suffer
and wait for your
father to tell him.
(Whistling melody)
(Whistling stops)
(Whistling continues)
Who's there?
(Whistling stops)
(Whistling continues)
(Whistling stops)
Let's finish this once and for all,
I have much work to do.
I don't know what we're doing here.
-You'll understand in a moment.
Sebastian has confessed
what he's done.
Voluntarily. That honors him.
The normal thing to do
would be to turn him in
and let him go to prison.
-You can't do that.
Let me finish, Herminia.
If I remember correctly, you wanted the
culprit burned in the town square.
But Sebastian is
practically a child
and I know he's very sorry.
I don't see much remorse in him.
I'm sorry for any
harm I have caused.
It was an accident.
We're going to solve this between us.
The way we always solve things in Tierra de Lobos.
Anselmo will give
him ten lashes.
Sounds fair.
-Are you crazy?!
This won't bring back your workshop.
-It was all I had, and he must pay
for what he's done.
(Praying in whispers)
What's wrong?
Will that cure me?
No, but it will
take the pain away.
You can tell me the truth.
I'm dying.
Wait for me in the office.
We need to talk.
Father, I'm glad you're here.
I asked for you.
How is my princess?
It hardly hurts anymore.
But I'm really scared.
Shhh, relax.
I told you I wouldn't let
anything happen to you.
Thank you.
You're very strong.
But you can't do it all.
They must've told you
Be brave, and tell me yourself.
Tell me that my
daughter is dying.
I can't breathe.
I don't give a shit if you're
Almudena's fiance and the town doctor.
If my daughter dies, Felix,
I swear to God I'll kill you.
And my father believed
we were going to clean the church?
-Of course.
I never lie.
What will they do to me?
How will they take it out?
-Don't think about it now, Nieves.
Well, what a Miss.
I bet she can read
and play the piano
but nobody taught her how
to keep her legs closed.
Spare me the comments, Adela.
The situation is
painful enough as it is.
The money.
Lay down.
(Bell chimes)
This won't take long.
How far along are you?
I don't know, a
a month or two. I don't know.
Don't worry, Nieves.
I'm here with you.
Move away.
Let me stay by her side, Adela.
She's too young.
They're all too young.
Move away or I won't
be able to do my job.
Spread your legs.
If anything goes wrong,
you'll take her from here,
and I don't know a thing, is that clear?
Let's see if the little
bastard resists me.
He's not a bastard.
Do you hear?
What are you doing, madwoman?
Are you sure?
-I don't know. Let's go.
Anselmo, ten lashes.
I can't.
Release him, please.
There is no use, let him go.
Shut up, mother!
Anibal, take the whip.
I'm sorry, kid.
That's not a whiplash.
And you know it.
(Whistling melody)
Son of a bitch!
Evaristo good.
Evaristo good.
Why are you whistling that song?
-My god, Jesus was a child like me.
Shut up.
-Evaristo, good.
Be quiet.
-Evaristo, good.
Evaristo, good.
Go on, get out of here.
And stop roaming my lands.
You're lucky. If it was my brother,
he'd blown your head off!
-Yes, yes.
Yes, yes. Evaristo, good.
You, good and your bother, bad.
You wanted to see me?
-Where the hell is your son?
I don't know.
He hasn't come home.
I thought he'd be here,
with your daughter Rosa.
I told you, father.
I'm sure he got scared and ran away.
My son is not a coward.
Oh, no?
Then what would you call him?
Where were you?
What do you care?
What do I care?
Do you think I'm an idiot?
You had it removed.
You had it removed
and it was mine.
He was my son too.
I haven't removed it.
Hold me.
-I came to get my things.
I'm moving to casa Grande,
with Lobo's men.
But I need you here.
Who will take care of
the store when I can't?
I don't know, but not me.
Your father would've liked
My father is gone.
Since long ago.
You can't do this to me.
You're all I have.
What did you want?
Rosa asked for you.
I need you to do me a favor.
You're the only one I can ask.
I need you to take
this letter to Cesar.
It's very important.
Rosa is dying,
and Nieves is pregnant.
And you spend your time writing
letters to that foreigner?
he's asked me to marry him.
And I've accepted.
-He's waiting for me
so we can elope, but
I can't leave Rosa's side now.
Almudena, you have to come.
Rosa is asking for you.
Thank you.
I'll be back soon.
(Horse galloping)
Cesar, we have a visitor.
I have something for you.
"I will not marry you,
now nor never".
"You know this is crazy
and I would destroy my life
and family for a fleeting passion".
"Forget me, like I've
forgotten you".
What does this mean?
Can't you read?
-Almudena didn't write this letter.
Forget all about her.
Do you hear me?
And why hasn't she
came and told me?
Are you calling me a liar?
How dare you?
Forget about my sister.
She isn't for you.
Go on.
If you ever bother her again
I'll shoot you in
the head, myself.
Where are you coming from?
From La Quebrada.
Where else could
I be coming from?
I've already given your
letter to that man.
What letter have you given him?
What's wrong with you?
You've burned it.
How could you do this to me?
Because you are deranged,
and can't be reasoned with.
I did it for you.
What did you say to him?
What did you say to him?
That you don't love him anymore.
And to stay away
from you forever.
Almudena, you can't ruin
your life this way.
I don't ever want to see you again.
Listen to me, please.
You'll ruin your life and ours.
Can't you see?
Father will make Nieves and I
pay for your actions.
Let go of me.
Stand straight. That's it.
The sleeve is too long.
Ok, wait.
I can fix that.
I'm sorry. It was an accident.
Don't worry, I've been
stung worse than that.
(Clears throat)
Well, this is done.
Alright then.
I'm going.
Keep it up.
You're doing well.
Did you want something?
Perhaps you can make me a suit.
I'm very busy, Sebastian.
You only work for whores
and those bastards.
-Get out of my store right now.
I dreamt that you had left.
How could I leave?
I'm here with you.
Does it hurt much?
No, it doesn't hurt anymore.
That means you're better.
No way.
Felix gave me
something for the pain.
He said he'd come to see me this
afternoon, but I haven't seen him.
He had to see a patient.
I'm going to die.
Don't talk nonsense.
-I know it.
I can see it in your faces.
Yours, father's
and Felix
Things haven't gone well.
What can you do?
That's not going to happen.
I will not allow it.
There's nothing you can do.
I want you to divide
up my things.
I want you to have
mom's brioche, Almudena.
For you, lsabel
since you don't like girly things,
I want to give you my horse.
You'll take care of him,
and comb him, right?
I want you to have my communion
dress, and all of my clothes.
if you get it fixed, it may fit you.
It's alright.
Don't worry
I'm not scared anymore.
I just feel sad.
There are so many things
that I still want to do.
meet a handsome man
get married
be a mom
What are you doing here?
Thank you for
not killing our baby.
I couldn't do it.
Marry me.
Stop it, Anibal.
I'll take care of everything.
Don't be afraid.
Where is your son?
-Tell your master
that it's better for him
to keep me happy.
You didn't have to
make up so many lies.
You make them rich, you give them the idea,
the science, and what do they give you?
Why doesn't anyone trust me?
Lobo has left me
very abandoned lately.
Your father never hit anyone.
-He was a coward?
Your life is worth more
than that hooligan's.
For once in your life,
let yourself feel what you feel.
Have you ever thought
about getting married again?
If you're thinking of having that baby
with Anibal, it's better that you leave.
He's my professor in Madrid.
-We must operate.
And everlasting health.
May the demons
stay away from this place.
Bring him alive.
We have to leave town right now.
Those who survive,
will die in prison.
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