Titletown High (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Your Last Shot

[woman] Sam, Grayson,
what did y'all do after the game?
[Grayson] I went home.
Saw my dad. He said, "Y'all suck!"
- Then he went to bed.
- [Sam] Me too.
Same exact talk, everything.
"Man, you guys suck."
[all clamoring, laughing]
[Kaili] One, two, three!
[Sam] Dude, you look amazing.
[shutter snaps]
[Grayson] Where did y'all go?
I saw y'all
at the beginning of the second half,
then I look up there again.
Like, y'all just disappeared.
I bet other people were
waiting for you. Don't worry.
[Sam snickering]
Why you say that?
- [Malia] They kept talking about it.
- Who?
- If you were gonna see Zoey after.
- [Kaili] Zoey and Beth-Anne.
Why was I even a point of conversation?
- I dunno.
- That's a good question.
[Kaili] You weren't.
She probably still wants
to be with Grayson.
She doesn't like that Grayson's happy
with anyone else besides her,
so she will do anything she can
to get under Lenley's skin
to the point where they break up.
And you can't tell me that's not true
because it is.
How many times has she said
that you and her sleep around?
- [Sam] She said that?!
- [Kaili] Not true.
- [Grayson] She didn't say that.
- She did. Ella texted us and was like,
"Um, Zoey said
that her and Grayson did it again, y'all."
I don't think Zoey said that.
I'm gonna be straight.
Her friends think
other things are happening.
[Sam] Well, it's not true.
[Grayson] Yeah, I don't care
what her friends think.
Yeah, but they're obviously
telling other people that.
So, why's it matter?
- No one
- [Malia] It makes Lenley look stupid.
- Like she's getting played.
- I'm not doing anything with Zoey.
What do you think
everybody else is telling me?
If it's not true
and I don't care, why's it matter?
[Malia] It's kinda hard to believe
things aren't true
when it just keeps happening.
I have an idea. If you stop
riding to school with her every morning
Y'all understand
I don't wanna ride the bus to school.
Oh my God, it's the bus!
[scoffs] So I can't
ride to school with her?
[Kaili] No.
- [Sam] Can't they be friends?
- [Grayson] She was my friend
'Cause she doesn't want y'all together.
You can't be friends with someone
who doesn't like your relationship.
- [Kaili] Exactly!
- But it's kinda childish
I wouldn't have a problem with her
if she was nice about it
and she didn't act like she cared,
but she obviously cares.
Okay, you gotta figure something out.
[Beckham] Well, it's been
a rocky road for our Wildcats.
But here we are, a home playoff game
and a chance at the State title.
Let's hope the team is done
licking its wounds
from that embarrassment at Lee County.
It may not be the high seed we wanted,
but the Cats are still in the playoffs.
And if they're gonna
make a real run at State, to me,
it all comes down to the quarterback.
So. I mean, how are you feeling?
I know we really haven't had time to talk,
you know, after we met with Coach Propst
about your relationship and whatever.
You have to think.
Think about your why, you know.
And you know what your goals are.
You know what you want to do, you know?
You do not have any room
for any distractions.
You know, I did I did like her a lot.
Sometimes, you just feel like
you know a person
and you feel like they're different
than what other people see.
I mean, I still understood,
but I mean, it was hard,
'cause you never want to
You know I don't like
hurting people's feelings.
Or I don't like
seeing people down or whatever.
I just wanna make sure
that we put the breakup thing behind us.
- Right? No bad blood.
- No.
- You understand, right?
- No, I know no bad blood.
- You understand where I'm coming from?
- Yeah.
And I really appreciate you
for being so mature in this situation
and realizing, you know,
that this is about your success first.
- So, we good?
- Yeah, we good.
- All right, boy, I love you.
- Love you too.
[Propst] Everybody in our bracket
There's not a superior team.
And the best team,
you played it this past Friday night.
Senior leadership, let's go.
- Sherman.
- Sir?
- Aalah.
- Oh!
- [Aalah] Jacket I'm wearing tomorrow.
- [player speaking indistinctly]
[Propst] Y'all sit down for a second.
I'll get you out of here.
Right, here's what I want to do today.
Now, I've thought about it.
There's no sense in us pounding
because I'm mad and pissed off
for how we played Friday night.
And here's what I think.
I've got to get you all
excited about football again.
This group right here,
it's your last shot. This is it.
Ten years from now
when you're walking
the streets of Valdosta,
and your kids, your own children ask you,
"Dad, what was your senior year like?
Show me the museum.
Where's y'all's picture?
Where's y'all's legacy?"
So there's a lot of pressure
playing Valdosta.
If y'all get excited
about the game of football,
we'll be sitting in the semifinals
versus Buford, at Buford.
So, how do you wanna be remembered?
[pensive music playing]
[Amari] The morale of the team
We just went into a tank
for about three to four days.
Like, the town,
everybody just stopped believing in us.
I mean, when you lose that bad,
what are they supposed to think?
[speaks indistinctly]
[Propst] Good.
We use that as motivation
for the playoffs.
Five weeks
you're gonna be a helluva quarterback.
You get 10% better every week.
[Amari] I made it a mission
to try to win the town back.
Any y'all boys got [bleep]?
This [bleep], bruh! [bleep]!
[indistinct speech]
[Sherman] Let's try to get
a hundred percent, bro.
We didn't kinda look at it
as, like, a downfall.
We kinda looked at it
like it's go time now.
We got one mission.
- [coach] Good job!
- [Sherman] We lose now, we go home.
I don't think nobody wanna go home.
We had no choice but to start clicking.
Right there. Good!
[energetic rock music]
[Kent] Attaway! Attaway!
[Propst] Energy's good.
I've been having this vision
I've been having this vision ♪
Let's go! [whoops]
Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo!
[Propst] Hey, keep doing
what y'all doing, please.
Keep doing what y'all doing.
[Sherman] They don't know
about that swagger.
[coach] Keep your feet
on the pedal. Let's go!
I gotta do what I gotta do ♪
[players grunting]
I've gotta do what I gotta do ♪
Coach, they ready to play now.
[blows whistle]
[Propst] Practice wasn't bad at all.
There's no shortcut
to being a State Champion.
I've lost in the quarterfinals,
I've lost in the semifinals,
and I've lost a State Championship game.
I've lost five times.
And it hurts. It hurts.
You spend five damn weeks
and everything you think
should go right goes right,
and you get beat.
That's hard to That's hard to swallow.
'Cause here's why.
When you invest in something,
it's harder for you to surrender it.
It's harder for you to just give up.
Harder for you to say, "The hell with it."
Some of y'all need to understand,
these next five weeks
are the most critical time for you.
Like I told Stef, I said,
"Look, instead of you coming here
watching practice,
I want that bracket up
where they eat every day
for the next five weeks.
Now just keep it up.
Start gaining confidence in yourself.
Know you're the Valdosta Wildcats
and know that we're as good
as anybody in this deal. Stack it up.
[man] Cats on three!
State champ on three!
- 1, 2, 3!
- [players] Cats!
- 4, 5, 6!
- State champ!
[uplifting music plays]
- Are these you?
- [Zoey] Yeah.
- I didn't know what that one
- That's from Halloween.
- Oh.
- That's Avery.
My Sweet Sixteen date.
Oh, is that who you're taking?
Why do you look disappointed?
The people I'm interested in
either don't like me
or have a girlfriend.
I'm not even interested in them.
It's like, "That'd be great. Nice."
- [laughs] What?
- Yeah, I just think that
I think that you and Grayson
are good friends,
and y'all have been
good friends for a long time,
and that's all fine and good,
but sometimes
I'm old and I've been through a lot,
and it's not nothing
I could ever tell you or explain to you,
because you're not gonna be able
to know that until you get older.
I don't think you even really know
what you want until you get older anyways,
but sometimes, like, the more you
let yourself be in the middle of that,
or go, "Okay, well,
yes, we're-we're good friends,
but he's talking to this girl,
and then he still kinda talks to me,
but I'm gonna let him do that."
He'll take advantage of that.
And I'm not saying
Grayson's not a good kid, I'm sure he is,
but he's a boy.
- A 16-year-old man-child boy.
- Boy.
- Man-child boy.
- Yeah. Yeah.
I don't wanna see you
get taken advantage of, that's all.
That's what I wouldn't do.
That's how they do it.
If you let them do it,
- they're gonna do it.
- But if I
If I just keep everything to myself,
then nobody else gets hurt.
That's what I mean, though.
You're the one taking all that on.
Okay, I'm not taking it on.
I'm keeping it within myself.
- Do you wanna date Grayson?
- No.
- For sure?
- I don't.
- For sure?
- For sure?
[Zoey laughing]
No, I don't, actually.
- Then it won't matter then, I guess.
- Hey, it doesn't.
[both chuckling]
Then it doesn't matter.
Let him do his thing.
- I am. I'm gonna let him do his thing.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, as long as you're happy, dear.
- Oh, I'm I'm thriving right now.
- Sure.
I'm thriving!
- We'll go with that.
- Mm-hmm.
[mellow guitar music playing]
[Kaili] Do people,
like, actually swim in here?
I jumped in there one time.
- Looks like it'd be deep but it's shallow.
- Ew, I bet the bottom is squishy.
- [Lenley] There are snapping turtles too.
- Oh my god, there's, like, three!
Do you think they'll like
my ash chai latte?
Hmm. I dunno. [Lenley chuckles]
What's the new scuttlebutt about
[laughs] about him and Zoey?
I see them pull up together
every day in the student parking lot.
I feel like she's trying
to compete with me,
when he's the one dating me and not her.
I know he dated her before
but they broke up for a reason.
And I've gotten attached to him.
And usually for me,
since I haven't had my dad
really in my life, I attach to guys.
You are predisposed to believe
that people are gonna leave you, kinda.
And so you, like,
bend over backwards, so they don't.
That's why I deal with his [bleep],
because I don't wanna lose him.
I don't really know how he feels about it.
But I mean, he acts like he loves me,
but at the same time
Have y'all said "I love you" yet?
Yeah. I've said it.
I said it.
- When I say it out loud it sounds bad.
- Oh my gosh!
But now I think about it,
I'm usually the one that says it.
He's just like, "Love you too."
[laughs] I know it's bad, Kaili.
I don't think you do. [laughs]
The reason I'm still with him is
I'm clinging to what we had before.
It was so good and I was so happy,
and I just really don't wanna lose that.
Okay, can I be super straight up with you?
- And honestly tell you how I feel?
- Please.
I just know it's always gonna be Zoey.
He's always gonna go back to Zoey.
I just I know you deserve better,
and I know it's a waste of your time
to even think you're obligated
to go through something
that isn't making you happy.
- Yeah.
- You know you deserve better.
You're Lenley Scott-Gross.
Lenley Scott-Gross only deserves the best.
[Kaili grunts]
[Kaili] I have, like,
a sudden urge to just jump in.
With Lovejoy coming to town Friday night,
the Cats should be the favorites,
but we all know
they'll need to play their best ball
to advance
past the first round of the playoffs.
[overlapping chatter, grunting]
[Propst] Hey, you got seven minutes now!
Work away with Star. Work away with Star.
Practice. Good.
Good, good, good.
One minute!
[Kent speaking indistinctly]
[whistle blowing]
[Propst] Good.
Great energy today.
You said twenty!
Get in the car.
I have been waiting here for
- [Grayson] I don't care.
- twenty minutes.
[Grayson] You know how everybody's
talking about how we hooking up?
- Yeah. Lies?
- Why you been telling people that?
You think I tell people that? Why would I?
I dunno. You tell me. Why
Why would I
- Because
- If it were true
- Okay.
- If it were true,
why would I want everybody
to know my business?
Because you want Lenley
to break up with me so you can get me.
Lenley wouldn't break up with you.
Just gonna tell you that.
- I just don't think she'd
- Yeah, but she don't like you.
Also, if I wanted Lenley
to break up with you,
I wouldn't, like, tell random people,
"Me and Grayson
get together all the time."
Why would I do that?
She wants you outta my life completely.
- Yeah.
- Do you wanna do that?
No! It's so much to ask.
Imagine if I tell my mom,
"Me and Zoey aren't friends any more.
'Cause the new girl I'm talking to
said I'm not allowed to talk to her."
My mom's still trying to get me
to go to Sweet Sixteen with you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I already have a date. I can't.
- I don't wanna go with you to [bleep]
- I don't wanna go with you!
- I'm just hungry.
- You're hungry? Me too.
- Same.
- Probably gonna go to Lenley's after.
That's good.
Wonder if she'll give you some food?
No. She doesn't give me anything.
- Yeah.
- [phone trills]
I found out Grayson went to Zoey's,
because he was Snapchatting me,
and they were in her bed
and I could see her shoe.
So I sent him a text and was, like,
"If you can't change things,
I don't think we're gonna work."
[text whooshes]
[text whooshes]
[text whooshes]
Next thing you know, she texts me
that she thinks we should end things.
I was like, "Pff!"
The relationship is just drama.
She's more worried
about someone else than us.
She's so worried about Zoey.
[Lenley] She doesn't make me sad,
you make me sad. Not her, you.
Because everyone thinks
there's something going on with y'all.
Lenley and Grayson
have been in the car arguing for, like
- An hour.
- an hour.
[Grayson] I'm gonna continue
to ride to school with Zoey.
I'm sorry.
I'm being honest, some weekends
you don't even know what's going on.
[Kaili] They do this to you all the time?
Yes, bro.
On an average day,
I probably wait for Grayson
about 45 minutes, every day.
[Lenley] Well, maybe you're better off
without me.
- I just feel like we're better apart.
- [Grayson] Me too.
[Lenley] I feel like it's gonna be better
in the long run for us to be apart.
- [Grayson] I'm sorry it ended this way.
- [Lenley] Everybody [bleep] me over, so
[emotional music playing]
I don't know what it is
or what I did wrong,
but it just feels like
I'm interchangeable.
Like, he could just
choose someone else over me.
She's always talking about
how sad I make her.
Why would I wanna be with someone
when all I do is make them sad?
I feel like he doesn't know
how to deal with me.
I get that it's not easy to be with me.
I don't know if there's something
really special about her
or what it is, or if it's just
I'm not special, in general.
But to him,
it just really doesn't feel like it.
Oh, I'm in the middle of
A breakdown, baby ♪
I need you, I need you ♪
I'm in the middle of a storm now, baby ♪
I need you
I need you to come over ♪
Tell me this will be over ♪
Oh, I'm in the middle of
A breakdown, baby ♪
I need you, I need you ♪
I miss days
when I used to feel like me ♪
[Sam] Y'all were in that car
for literally an hour.
- Oh my God, you
- You suck!
Like, she was talking about
Like, I was talking about how everything
is just drama, drama, drama.
And, like, it's just mainly in her head.
I'm talking about how she has bad friends
that just keep putting that in her.
- I know, bro.
- Like, Malia,
she fuels her with that.
I think you breaking up with her
is a good thing.
That's what you think?
Yes, 'cause, first of all,
you'd call me all the time
and be like
Bro, you guys just come up
with stupid [bleep] to argue about.
I don't come up
with anything to argue about.
It's gonna keep happening over and over.
I know, that's what I told her.
So, you're all done?
As of right now, yes.
She just, like I don't know.
I feel like
she's too much to handle, honestly.
Wouldn't say she's too much to handle.
I might be too much to handle for her.
Yeah. Exactly.
The best time of year in Titletown.
The playoffs.
It don't matter about lines.
Don't matter about Colquitt.
It does not matter, man.
Going to the playoffs, we winning.
It does not matter.
Erase all that. It's time to go, man.
Wildcats, let's get it.
The most fun day of practice
was always Thanksgiving Day.
Because at that particular time,
you knew you were in round one
of the State Playoffs.
A lot of faith in Coach Propst.
I think he'll take us back
to the State Championship.
I really do.
- [players chattering]
- [whistle blowing]
[Nichols] While we all get ready
for turkey and stuffing,
I bet Coach Propst has got the boys
getting in one last practice
before the Lovejoy game tomorrow night.
[man] Let's go!
Hey! Circle up!
[players clapping]
[Propst blows whistle] Take a knee.
You know, Thanksgiving is about
what are you thankful for.
I am thankful for you.
Thankful for what we've had.
Appreciate what you go through,
the sacrifices you make, men.
I know some coaches
got some players coming over,
you know, but you're always welcome
at my table. Always.
[woman] Hi!
[emotional country music]
[woman] You know,
my oven is about to kick the bucket.
Oh, it's the little things ♪
[overlapping chatter, laughter]
That are big in a small town ♪
Hell yeah ♪
It's the little things ♪
[indistinct chatter]
That are big in a small town ♪
Cheers, guys, I love you all.
[all] Cheers.
[tense music playing]
You know, weeks like this,
I don't say much now.
You know, I really don't.
'Cause I'm a big believer
and I won't take anything away
from your tradition
or anything away from that,
'cause I believe in tradition,
but tradition doesn't sustain you.
The only way
that you're gonna win football
is to outwork your opponent.
Now, going out and playing this game,
we got to start fast.
And I know this about Lovejoy.
They didn't come down here to lose now.
But I promise you,
they're not thinking about a State title.
They may think it,
but they ain't just dying
to get there, like we are.
And we gonna do it for four more weeks,
and then we're gonna be sitting
at that dance in Atlanta.
We're a talented football team, guys.
As talented as anybody in the state.
I promise you will.
If you'll believe it, it will happen!
If you believe it, it will happen!
That's called taking pride in what you do
as a Valdosta Wildcat.
Then go play the game
like your predecessors,
who established this thing
with 24 State Titles.
Now, the one thing you need to remember,
you seniors especially
Somebody, whether it be you or it be them,
may never play this game again.
May never play again.
You may never put a pad on again.
Somebody's not.
It just better not be
that black and gold.
- We ready?
- [players] Sir.
- We ready?
- Yes, sir.
- We ready?
- Yes, sir!
Let's go!
[Nichols] The Wildcats take the field
for the first playoff game
under Rush Propst.
There's no doubt
that the hopes of Valdosta
is with this team tonight.
[commentator] Round 1 GHSA playoff matchup
versus the Lovejoy Wildcats.
Wildcats set to receive
the opening kickoff.
I'm not gonna stop
going to Wildcats football games
just 'cause me and Amari broke up,
'cause, I mean
I've been a Wildcat longer than him.
I grew up in Valdosta.
[Grayson] First playoff game,
first playoff start.
Dreams are turning to reality here
and I'm really excited for it.
[whistle blowing]
Hey, tell Willy to run a go ball up
Run a void over there.
- Let's win it. Ready?
- [player] Born ready.
[Amari] Motown! Motown! Motown!
[commentator] Fake the hand off,
a quick slant to Sherman.
He's got a man deep.
He's at the 50, at the 30, he's at the 20!
And that's a Wildcat touchdown!
[crowd cheering]
Seven to nothing Wildcats
on the first play of the game.
Yeah! Let's go! [whoops]
That's how you start fast!
[Sutton] Just rock and roll.
That's a great fricking way
to start the game, okay?
- Yes, sir.
- [Kent] Jumbo! Hey, hey!
[commentator] Takes a snap.
Tries to bounce it outside.
He's hit hard and then finished off
by three or four Wildcats.
[Sutton] Get back out there
and rock and roll.
[Amari] Let's go score again.
[announcer] Delta, first steps in.
Post by the outside. Right there. Whoa.
[commentator] Takes the shotgun snap,
looking to pass.
Got time. Got a man over the middle.
It's Javonte Sherman!
Throws a dive to the end zone.
[announcer] Touchdown! Here we go!
Oh, I love that! I love when they do that.
- [coach] Nice goal, attaway.
- [player] Thank you.
So you in the five, say you in the four
and they pass it, get out!
They like to When they shoot,
when they vertical send,
they put their hands up.
Hit that [bleep]!
Dip under that bitch.
Defense up front for the Wildcats.
Cats get pressure.
Boom! There you go.
[Nichols] And the punt team
trots on the field for Lovejoy.
Nice stand by the Cat defense.
[repeating] Hey, we up!
[commentator] The Cats
get a good field position.
Takes the snap, looking to pass.
Looking to pass, he's got time.
Throws it over the middle.
He's got Sherman.
Lays it out, catches it in the end zone,
and that's a Wildcat touchdown!
[crowd cheering]
[players cheering]
- Let's go, man! Let's go!
- Let's go!
If I get that back going out five,
you gotta field on it.
[commentator] Drops back,
looking to pass.
Nowhere to go with it.
So no gain or short gain on the play.
Brings up third down.
Be really clear if you go right on smash.
It's gotta be, like
It's gotta be there 100%. You got me?
Jones going straight quarterback draw.
Lost his shoe, but there's nobody
in the middle of the field,
and Amari Jones
is racing towards the end zone,
and that's a Wildcat touchdown!
[commentator 2] And with no shoe.
How the hell did you come out your shoe?
[Amari] Four flat, Coach.
He's fast, baby.
Hell of a night.
First playoff win.
It means the world to me.
Stop saying that.
That's not something to brag about.
That's the first playoff.
That's gonna do it for the ballgame.
Valdosta's gonna win 52 to 14,
and advance to round two
of the GHSA playoff s to face Evans.
He was sitting at 299,
said it'd be nice to get 300.
He was like, "Yeah, it just didn't happen
over at Lee County."
[reporter] Three hundred wins tonight.
How does this one feel?
Feels pretty good. It does.
And I appreciate them.
I appreciate our players.
It's more about them than it is me.
Three hundred's just a number.
I was more worried about playoff win 79
than I was about the overall 300.
[players whooping, cheering]
- [Grayson] What happens
- [man] You gotta check in at the office.
- I gotta check in
- [man] Go to the front office.
I gotta go to the front office
or something.
I think you need to go talk
to the nurse, okay?
- [Grayson] The nurse?
- Go to the nurse.
All right.
[woman] No, no cameras in here.
[nurse] Coach Haynes is on his way here.
He'll discuss it with you.
Is your dad out there?
- [Grayson] No.
- Okay.
Hi, Mr. Leavy,
this is the nurse at Valdosta High.
We've contact traced Grayson
to someone who has contracted COVID-19.
That's really not what I expected to hear
from the nurse.
[man] Yes.
[tense music plays]
[Grayson] I can't play football?
[Propst murmurs] No.
Now you're gonna miss one, two,
possibly three games.
[emotional music plays]
I don't think you can play,
'cause you gotta re-acclimate.
And it ain't your fault.
But the bottom line is
you ain't on the field.
Can't dress, can't practice,
can't play, can't do nothing.
It's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
My kind of living
Ain't made for the city ♪
No, it don't slow down one bit ♪
And all we got is some mom-and-pops ♪
Smoking ribs in a tin-roofed pit ♪
Yeah, I got a few good friends ♪
Yeah, I got a beautiful wife ♪
Yeah, I got a picket fence ♪
Yeah, it's a beautiful life ♪
Where a little bit of money
Goes a long, long way ♪
And a little bit of seed
Makes a whole lot of grain ♪
A little piece of heaven's
Where I'm trying to stay ♪
'Cause yeah, at the end of the day ♪
It's a tire swing by a river stream ♪
That's running down behind my house ♪
Yeah, it's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
Hell yeah ♪
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