Toast of Tinseltown (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Monster Mash

Thank you for clicking on this link.
You are using the internet
to view pornography.
Would you like your wife
and children to find out about this?
Of course you wouldn't.
You can stop this happening
by sending just $3,000,
paid in Bitcoin to
Hold on.
This is dodgy.
What's the problem, Steven?
This is blackmail.
Some cyber-snoop, blackmailing poor
chaps innocently browsing porn.
So? Well, blackmail's illegal.
Steven, this is Clem Fandango,
can you hear me?
OK, handsome has come
as the Milk Tray man.
I'm referring to the rope. You're
not going to hang yourself, are you?
It's for slack rope walking.
We do it most Wednesday afternoons.
Slack what? Slack Alice, more like.
No, we just head to the park,
sling a rope between a couple
of trees a few feet off the ground.
It's like tightrope walking
but low risk and bouncier.
Hang on a second.
What if someone susses
that it's my voice threatening
these poor unfortunates?
As long as they don't see your face,
I think you'll be fine, Steven.
Oh, right, so you're a lawyer now,
are you, as well as an acrobat?
Honestly, Steven, relax.
It's all above board.
Is there CCTV in here?
Well, then, I'm off,
I'm not doing this.
I'm not going to jail
for you two prats.
LA prisons are crowded enough
as it is, with all the robberies
and murders and Kidnappings.
Kidnappings, exactly.
If you don't finish the job, though,
Steven, the client won't pay.
I couldn't give a fuck's house
and do you know why?
Because today is my first day
on the new Star Wars movie.
Mm. Yeah, sure.
Yeah? And I know it'll open
plenty of doors for moi.
So, there's a fair chance this
could be my last ever voice-over.
That'd be such a shame.
I mean, it's always been so great
working with you, Steven,
hasn't it, Clem? Sure has, yeah.
You two are so full of shit
your eyes are turning brown.
You despise me nearly
as much as I do you. Yeah?
You can stick your voice-overs
up your ponies
because you'll never see me again.
Stay safe out there, Steven.
Take My Hand
by Matt Berry
# Ba-ba, ba-ba-ba
# Ba-ba-ba-ba
# Ba-ba, ba-ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba
Ba-ba, ba-ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba. ♪
When I met him two weeks ago,
he seemed totally fine.
How can someone just suddenly die?
Who are you talking about?
My friend, Kelsey Perfume.
He dropped dead last week.
If they got to him, then that means
they might soon be onto me.
I don't care about any of that. I'm
filming Star Wars today, finally.
My car should be here at any moment.
Toast, what's your fake name? What?
If a cop stops you for something,
what name do you give them?
Well, my own name, of course. No,
man, always give them a fake name.
I've got a couple that I use.
Like what?
Frank Succession. Tycoon Lancaster.
Jesus Bond. Russ Nightlife.
August Burdock. Clint Legal.
You just said Russ Nightlife. Did I?
Yes. Is your real name not
Russ Nightlife?
Sure it is.
Is your real name Steven Toast?
Yes, of course. Yeah. Sure.
Where the hell is my car?
Maybe you should call them.
Hello, you're talking to Sorry.
I use the pronouns
She, Her and Here.
I'm one of the production
on the new Star Wars movie,
Force The Wind.
How may I help you today?
What's your name, sorry? Sorry,
yes, that is my name. Sorry Johnson.
Johnson, no. My name's Toast.
Look, I'm one of the main actors
in the film you're shooting today.
Where's my car?
Um, so we're not exactly sure
when that would be.
Things are a little uncertain
right now due to the producers
trying to co-ordinate
an onset visit
by Her Royal Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II of England.
The Queen, you say? Yes.
I have your phone number
on file right here, Stuart,
I can give you a call
when we have more information.
It's Steven.
Ah, well, things have gone
a little more complicated.
The Queen is due to visit set.
Who gives a shit?
Well, I've never met the Queen.
I once had a brief affair with
her late sister,
the Princess Margaret,
but she was a handful.
I'll have a cappuccino.
You what? You asked me
if I wanted a coffee.
No, I didn't.
Yeah, you said you'd walk over
to the new coffee place
just around the corner.
No, I didn't.
I'm waiting for my car.
I couldn't help but notice, Toast,
that you're a little late with
the rent this month.
Fuck you, Nightlife,
do your own task
I'm a private jet,
you're economy class
Suck my titties,
I'll smoke your grass
You'll be losing your mind
when you're eating this ass. ♪
I'm sorry, what was that?
How long will this take? Uh, no,
I don't know, it's a new joint.
I'm guessing it's real busy.
What the fuck do you think
you're doing?
OK, buddy,
everything's going to be just fine.
Take his hood off.
Listen, before we cut off your ear,
I want you to call your family
and tell them what's happened.
A, I don't have a family.
Hey, Tom, I don't
Will you shut up, Wallace?
We're on a tight schedule, remember?
But I What the hell is it, man?
I don't think this is him.
I think we've got the wrong guy.
You what?
Oh, Jesus Christ!
Is this a moving truck?
Let's get him out of here.
What the? Whoa!
Forgive me for taking a while,
but I was the victim
of an intended kidnapping.
The crimewave in this town
is getting ridiculous.
Why are you eating newspaper? I eat
newspaper when I'm anxious.
Why? What am I, a shrink?
I'm nervous about Kelsey Perfume.
They got him, they're going to come
for me next. It just doesn't add up.
He was a fit guy, couldn't have been
more than 70, 80 years old.
You don't just drop dead like that.
Well, he was no spring chicken.
Chicken? What?
They say he had a lot of enemies
in the San Francisco Mafia,
especially after he took a shit
on Tony de Bruzzio's doorstep.
But I don't think it was the mob
that got to him.
I think it was the feds.
Hey, will you get that, Toast?
Quickly. All right.
Hello. Hello, Mr Steven Toast?
Sorry, I need to give you
some information.
Sorry, who is this?
I am Sorry. What, why?
I'm Sorry,
from the production office.
Right. Sorry, yes.
Now I understand. Where's my car?
OK, so, unfortunately, we won't be
getting to your scene today.
You what?
Something happen?
They say they won't get around
to shooting my scene today.
Do you know where Billy is? No.
She's been acting real odd,
asking loads of questions.
Googling stuff on her LA P-top.
Don't you mean laptop?
I thought they were called LA P-tops
because they were invented in LA.
No, they're called laptops
because they go on your lap.
I thought I heard Billy on the phone
last week speaking English.
Did you hear that?
I mean, she could have picked it up
from somebody. What?
You don't just pick up English
by hearing someone speak it.
You have to learn it from books.
If you hear her speaking English
you tell me, all right? OK.
I'm going out.
Yeah, I gathered that.
Hang on,
you never leave the apartment.
I want to see if I can find out more
about what happened
to Kelsey Perfume.
Jane? Morning, Toast.
Or whatever time it is there.
Why are you calling me, Jane?
Just to wish you all
the best for the Star Wars shoot.
I sent a bottle of whisky to the set
for you to enjoy with your new
Tinseltown friends.
Right. But, just remember,
drink sensibly.
Hold on, Jane.
And, whatever you do,
don't mess this up.
Sorry, Jane, I've got to go.
Bloody hell, a coffin?
Yeah. Give me a hand opening it up.
I'm not touching that.
All right, we're coming in, Kelsey.
Jesus. I wonder what he found
so funny.
Nope, I don't see any sign
of foul play there.
I guess I overreacted.
You know, Toast,
we've got to rebury Kelsey.
Can't have a body in the apartment.
I mean, imagine
if the feds found it, right?
If you think I'm going
to rebury this coffin,
then you've got another think
You know, I wonder
if I would talk that way
if I owed someone $6,000 in rent.
All right.
There. What was so bad about that?
You're a fucking lunatic, Nightlife.
I can't wait for my Star Wars film
to smash.
Then I'll move out of your nuthouse
and into a massive mansion
in the Hollywood Hills.
It's me again, you fucking morons.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
You two pricks need to let me out,
This is no way to prepare
for my role in a major science
fiction motion picture franchise.
I'm going to need a new jacket.
A parachute?
What the?
Toast, it's Ed.
Listen, I've just seen a fascinating
documentary on the BBC.
It's about a criminal
who hijacked an aeroplane,
threatened to blow it up,
got loads of ransom money,
then jumped out of the plane
never to be seen again.
Reminded me very much of your
strange roommate, Russ Nightlife.
Well, that is fascinating, Ed.
Tell me, did he have an accomplice
named Kelsey Perfume?
Well, then, it's the mob.
What's that?
Hold on.
What the hell, Billy?
Toast, I didn't think you'd be here,
you're supposed to be on the
movie set. What is your name, sir?
Jesus Bond.
It's OK, John, he's not a suspect.
He's a British actor who's here to
star in the latest Star Wars movie.
Yeah, sure.
Look, I feel pretty stressed.
What's this about?
Look, Toast, I haven't been
completely honest with you.
I'm actually an undercover agent
with the FBI. You're a what?
We suspect Russ Nightlife - that's
not his real name, by the way -
is actually involved in
a major criminal incident. Really?
We don't have much evidence,
but he did use a fake ID
at a liquor store downtown.
OK. We're going to bring him
in for questioning.
I always said he was bloody odd.
Talking of clear evidence,
I don't know if this will be of any
use to you, but I've just been in
his bedroom and I found a
You what? ..a briefcase full
of rolled-up banknotes Really?
..a newspaper report indicating that
he'd hijacked an aeroplane OK.
..a gun and 50 rounds
of ammunition. We got him!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, stay right there.
What exactly is happening there?
Sorry, Ed, I didn't realise
you were still on the line.
I can't talk now, we'll speak soon.
Why isn't Billy in trouble?
You speak English?
What? Toast, it's Blair.
I need to talk to you about
that money that you owe me.
Toast, just to inform you,
your apartment's now a crime scene,
so you're going to have to scram for
a few days. You got somewhere to go?
I want to talk to my lawyer.
I suppose they could put me up
in a fancy hotel.
Who? The Star Wars people.
It's the entire reason why
I'm in LA,
I'm starring in the new
Star Wars movie.
Yeah, sure.
I suppose I could go for a stroll.
Nobody just goes for a stroll in LA,
especially not during a crimewave.
I'll be fine. I'm a big enough boy.
Hey, Toast.
Good luck.
Thanks, Billy. I'm not Billy.
My real name is Millie.
Nothing is ever as it appears
in this crazy old town
they call Tinsel.
Good luck, Millie.
Bad luck, Nightlife.
My name is Orson.
May I see your invitation, please?
I don't have one.
Though I am starring
in the new Star Wars movie.
Yeah, sure.
Come in anyway.
I, too, am an actor by profession.
I've also dabbled in direction
and production.
Some of my motion pictures
have won prestigious awards.
Yeah, sure.
But, last year
..I discovered wine.
And it's pretty much
taken over my life.
I should say it has.
I take it you drink wine?
Right now, my friend,
I'd drink anything.
Try some deux mille dix-sept Patient
Cottat Anciennes Vignes Sancerre.
Good Lord, is that wine?
Yes, it is.
Just spit it onto the floor,
I'll clean it up later.
Have some more.
In for a penny
That's a Bandol Rouge.
It's an excellent vintage.
I say, any chance
I can swallow some of this?
I did actually come in here
for a drink.
I should have mentioned earlier,
we also have another British actor
here with us today.
Would you care to meet him?
You've what? I say, sir,
you in the white safari suit.
White suit?
Well, that could only be one man.
Ray bloody Purchase.
Steven Gonville Toast.
Well, well, well.
I should have known.
Couldn't resist the offer of
free booze, could you, Toast?
I thought I'd seen you around town.
What are you doing here,
you cheap bastard?
Last time I did see you,
you were flying through
the window of a London club.
Why aren't your legs broken?
I have particularly rubbery legs.
They don't break easily.
Meh. Eh.
What are you doing in Los Angeles?
I have acquired the best agent
in Hollywood, Toast.
And I'm actually working -
unlike you,
judging by the state of your jacket.
Fellows, would you mind if I filmed
something for our website
of you two gentlemen
enjoying our wine?
Why not?
The Bandol Rouge is sensational.
Oh, and, Toast, you get
a drop of wine on my holiday suit,
I will send you the bill.
Right, let's get on with it.
Enjoy the wine.
Wonderful. This is
the Riserva Chianti, from Italy.
20 years old.
Keep going, drink more.
This is the Chateau Angludet.
Riserva Chianti, 1974.
Yeah, savour the flavours.
Peaches, bergamot,
vineyards of ecstasy.
What's next?
Chateau Lafite. Cheers.
A day without wine
is a day without sun.
Time is a thief to fortune.
What can one say?
I've got a bit of a taste
for this now.
I can't get enough of that.
Gentlemen, my time here is done.
You're going? All right.
Hold your horses.
Hold on, phone.
Good afternoon, my name is Sorry,
I'm one of the production
on the new Star Wars movie
Yes, I know. ..Force The Wind.
Yes, I know.
We need you on set in half an hour.
Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
of England is visiting us
during her trip to LA and
we've had to change things around.
Half an hour? Yes.
And would you be able to make
your own way out here?
All of our drivers are busy
at the moment.
Thanks for everything, Orson.
It's me. I'm here.
Excuse me, who are you, sir? Steven
Toast. Are you? Oh, I'm Sorry.
Well, so you bloody should be.
The taxi cost me $150.
Now, where am I going?
Excuse me, Mr Toast, um,
you haven't been drinking, have you?
Well, I might have had a couple
of glasses of Bandol Rouge.
But I'm as sober as a judge
and ready for action.
OK. Um, just looking at the schedule
here, um, yeah,
things are still a little disrupted
due to the
visit of Her Majesty the Queen
of England to the set. Right.
However, our updated schedule
tells me that you will be needed,
uh, let me see
Yes, 7:30.
That's five hours away.
Well, it's actually 7:30am,
so that is 17 hours away.
17 hours. What the hell
am I going to do for 17 hours?
Oh, that's your trailer right there,
you can hang out, if you want.
Oh, God. Amazing, thank you, Stuart.
Stuart? It's Steven.
Uh, Mr Toast? Yeah, yeah!
Mr Toast, um, I'm afraid there's
been another change to the schedule.
Oh, not again. What time is it?
It's 4:40pm
and your on-set time has been
brought forward by 15 hours.
So when am I on? Now.
Oh, my God. This is our producer,
Mr Doobla-Decca.
He'd like to discuss
what he wants from you today.
Ah, we meet at last.
Steven Toast. Neil.
It is a huge honour to be part
of the Star Wars canon.
I am your obedient servant.
No, my name is Neil.
Neil Doobla-Decca.
There's really no need to
Neil? Oh, forgive me,
I misunderstood.
Apologies, Steven, that's
our director, Hawk Fahrenheit.
He wants a word. I'll be right back.
I think the Queen's arrived.
Sorry. Yes?
I was talking to Toast. Her Majesty
the Queen has just arrived.
We told her there's a Brit on set
today and she's keen to meet him.
Fantastic. Now, has anybody
told you about your role?
No, no, I don't know anything.
I haven't even read a script.
OK, well, uh,
Hawk will run it through with you.
What's that smell?
It's like gasoline.
Sorry? Yes. Can you get a script
for Steven? Absolutely.
Um, you know I'm so exc
I can't wait to do this.
Pretty cool to be part
of a Star Wars movie, right?
At last,
I've made it. I've bloody made it.
This is the best moment of my life.
And I will destroy you
and all the people from your planet
when I release a big wind
to blow you all away.
Force the wind!
Die, you tyrant!
Good will always conquer evil.
Ray bloody Purchase?
Cut. That was great.
Uh, Mr Toast? Hi, our producer,
Mr Neil Doobla-Decca, thought
he could smell alcohol on your
breath, so he'd like you to return
to your trailer until the Queen
of England says her goodbyes
and leaves the set.
What? Thank you.
Lovely to meet you.
Um, this is your only scene
in the movie, right?
My only scene in the movie?
Of course not. Yeah, I think
it's just that one line.
Thank you, Stuart.
Ah, Toast.
Look a bit rough.
Didn't drink all that wine, did you?
You do know
you're supposed to spit it out?
Very amateurish.
Very unprofessional.
Toast of Tinseltown, it's actually
got quite a tragic ring to it,
don't you think?
You total prick!
This is the worst moment of my life.
OK, Wallace,
this better be the new star of the
latest Star Wars movie franchise,
from which we can make over
a million dollars in ransom cash.
Hello, again. Oh, Christ.
Ray! ♪
You need to get rid of him.
Take him on the freeway again? No.
I mean get rid of him for good.
Like, permanently.
You really are a couple
of soppy pricks. Shut up.
So you want me to You know what?
I'll deal with this myself.
Ah, shit.
Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba. ♪
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