Tokyo Swindlers (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

You're a land swindler.
I don't know what you're talking about.
We're done here. Excuse me.
Harrison Yamanaka.
You joined Harrison Yamanaka
as a land swindler.
And now your team
is setting up a new land fraud.
What's the reason?
You lost your family
because of a land fraud,
but now you're doing the exact same thing
that was done to you?
Is it revenge?
Do you think
that by becoming a land swindler,
you'll have a chance
at catching the guy who swindled you,
and take your revenge?
I saw your father.
He asked me to stop you
because he's worried
you will become complicit in a crime.
He cried and begged.
Why should I care?
this is your chance to turn back around.
If you go any further,
you will be the one who's sending
someone else down the road to hell.
I'm here.
I'm sorry to keep you all waiting.
Did something happen?
-Something happened all right.
Explain it to him, Reiko-chan.
Sorry, Takumi-kun.
-It's pretty terrible.
-So, what happened?
Our imposter, Taniguchi-san,
she won't be available.
What do you mean by that?
It's about her son.
He died early this morning.
-B-But then she won't
-She's totally out.
There's no possible way she'd come.
Damn it! The meeting's tomorrow.
What do we do?
-Don't yell at me, it's not my fault.
-You bring someone else, Reiko, right now!
-Go through your stock!
-Are you stupid? There's not time.
What are you gonna do about it?
I should kill you!
All right, go ahead, then. Come on!
-Yeah, maybe I will.
Stop it, both of you.
Let me think.
I need to think about it.
Land swindlers
are members of real estate fraud groups
who pose as property owners
trying to sell their land.
These fraud groups steal large sums of
money using deceit and forged documents.
Land fraud groups contain
a leader, negotiator, informer,
legal advisor, document forger,
and imposter recruiter.
Each group member must possess precise
and highly-advanced criminal techniques.
would finding someone else
from your candidate stock,
like Goto-san mentioned, be too difficult?
Finding someone, shaving their head,
memorizing Kawai's profile
That's what I thought.
What about asking Sekiyo to reschedule?
Say she suddenly became sick or something.
We're not gonna use
that excuse again.
We have to bring her with us.
Or did you already forget?
Identity confirmation is
a condition of the contract.
There's no guarantee I could find
someone else even if we did reschedule.
Why don't you do it your damn self then?
Or would you rather die?
Oh yeah? Why don't you
come and give it a try, huh?
-You two, stop this and focus!
You're right, Goto-san.
This is the only path we have left.
you'll be acting
as Kawai Natsumi's imposter replacement.
-Huh? There's no way I could do that.
-I believe that you can.
You have Kawai Natsumi's profile,
as well as the anticipated
questions and answers, all memorized.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And what about
my completely different face?
Takumi-san, what do you think?
There is a similarity,
especially around the eyes.
Oh, I see it.
She'd look similar
if she didn't have makeup on.
I don't look anything like that unlucky
face. Besides, what about my hair?
-You're gonna have to shave it.
-There's no way in hell I'm doing that.
What's the problem? It's just hair.
Oh yeah? I'm gonna be arrested if I go to
the meeting and they realize I'm a fraud!
That's how it goes. The imposter
is the one we have to sacrifice.
I'll seriously kill you!
Try and kill me, come on!
You have a bad habit of saying that word.
"I'll kill you." "Try and kill me."
Every time you say that,
your complete lack of imagination
and watered-down vocabulary makes me sick.
have you had the opportunity
to actually kill someone in real life?
If you do this, I'll add 100 million
onto your fee as a bonus.
How does that sound?
It's up to you
if you want to accept my offer.
Okay, I'll
I'll do it.
I accept, please.
Then it's settled.
I'll be counting on you all tomorrow.
Perfect, sounds great.
We'll be there in about 30 minutes. Bye.
A barber I know says he'll do it.
Are you sure we can trust him?
I guarantee he'll keep it secret.
He used to be a yakuza.
He got his barber's license in prison.
That's not comforting me.
You don't sell him very well.
Let's go.
Takumi-san, Kawai's taxi
just left the temple.
Copy that.
-What did he say?
-Kawai Natsumi just left the temple.
I bet she's on cloud nine.
She's finally gonna have sex
with the guy she loves.
-You bet she's wet down there?
-It's morning.
Stop being so gross. Watch your mouth.
You look good
role playing that little nun.
-I'm getting all hot and bothered.
-You wanna die?
-It suits you.
-Thank you.
Is one of Take-chan's minions
at the airport?
Yes. He's hired someone for when they
arrive in Okinawa to keep watch as well.
How's, uh, Take-chan doing lately?
Haven't seen him in a while.
Well, he doesn't really have much to do
until the money transfer's completed.
I guess he must be laying low somewhere.
I'm just hoping
he's not doing some weird drugs again.
I cannot believe we're all trusting him
to do the money laundering.
Yeah. That move
doesn't seem like Harrison.
What's Harrison doing?
Probably waiting in his room like always.
let's rehearse this one more time.
Fine, yeah.
Kaede, hi!
-We should be going now.
-Oh, um, you can give me that.
-Oh, thanks.
Let's go over this once more.
-What is your name?
-Kawai Natsumi.
Please tell me
your date of birth.
Showa 51, July 3rd is my birthday.
What is it
in the Western calendar?
The year 1976.
Minato City, Takanawa, 5-22-6.
-Where is your family registry?
-Same as my current address.
What should we do first?
Oh, I asked someone to arrange
for a car to take us to the hotel.
They should be picking us up.
-Are you Kaede-san?
-Uh, yes.
Pleased to meet you.
I've been sent to be your guide.
Oh, it's nice to meet you.
I have the car waiting,
so please follow me.
-Over there?
Sorry, just a moment.
I, uh, received word from Tokyo.
I was told to give you what's in this bag
somewhere people won't see.
-That's for me?
Hey, Natsumi. I'm going to the bathroom.
Wait a sec?
-Oh, the restroom is this way.
-Let's go.
So what is it?
Don't know.
I was just holding this bag for you.
Looks like it's money.
I suppose it's to pay for your expenses
while you're visiting.
Oh, that's cool.
It's uh, been pretty hot here, huh?
Uh, yeah, I guess.
You probably already know, but I'm not
familiar with this place, like, at all
Don't look at me. Just listen.
Your boyfriend is dead.
Don't look at me.
If you don't wanna end up like him,
listen carefully to what I say. Okay?
Go back to Tokyo.
Your plane leaves in 20 minutes.
You'll make it, but just barely.
Kaede Kaede
Spit it out.
K-Kaede-kun, he's
He's dead?
Look. Let's just say
he can't please you anymore.
And if you don't hurry up,
you'll end up like him.
Which supermarket do you go to
the most often?
Peacock on Isaragozaka Hill and sometimes
Queens Isetan in Shinagawa Station.
Correct. In what year
was Kouan-ji inaugurated?
Huh? Was what?
What year was the temple built?
How the hell would I know?
It wasn't in my list
of anticipated questions.
You still need to memorize it.
That question might come up
during casual conversation.
Ugh, history's not really my thing.
It was built in 1636, in Kan'ei 13.
It was built in 1636, in Kan'ei 13.
Was that Sengoku period or what?
-Edo period.
-It was the Edo period.
It was around the time
the Kan'ei Tsuho coin,
ancestor to our beloved money, was born.
I would know that, how?
If they ask something I don't know,
you all better have my back.
-I want you to memorize this, please.
-My God, more?
-Buddha statues?
-Man, that's a lot.
-I'm aware.
And pay special
-A complication has come up.
-What is it?
Kawai Natsumi is on her way
back to Tokyo from Okinawa.
Why is she doing that?
I don't have time to explain.
She's on the 10:05 flight from Naha,
arriving at Haneda at 12:10.
I anticipate her direct return
to Kouan-ji, giving a 40-minute window.
That's the time
we're scheduled to be at the temple.
Do everything you can
to make sure you don't run into Kawai.
Wait a second. Why is this happening?
I don't have time to explain.
Handle it.
Make sure the identity confirmation
and property inspection with Sekiyo
in the presence of the landowner
are finished by 12:45.
How can I make that happen?
Okay, copy that.
What? What is it?
Kawai Natsumi is on her way back to Tokyo.
-Why? Why is she coming back so soon?
He didn't share with me.
If she heads back directly from Haneda,
there's a possibility
we'll run into her at Kouan-ji.
No way. That can't happen!
What if I skip the temple? What if
we do the identity confirmation here?
The identity confirmation, then the
property inspection and tour of Kouan-ji,
all of that is a set.
It's a contract condition from Sekiyo.
It's a must.
Let's push the meeting up.
No, it would be dangerous to show any more
suspicious behavior at this point.
Then what are we gonna do?
We will meet them on time.
Fine, but
why is Kawai coming back all of a sudden?
Hurry up and kill me already.
Yes, that's a given in this situation.
Before all that,
I have a few things I'm going to ask you.
Yeah? What are they?
When the peak was finally in sight after
doing all that work to climb the mountain,
why did you decide to cut the ropes
of your friends climbing by your side,
knowing you would not be able
to safely climb down?
Friends, my ass.
You never once
ever thought of us as your friends.
You have all become
such precious friends in my life.
I would not be able to climb
this big of a mountain by myself.
I'm not stupid.
You were planning to kill me
once you got your money from Sekiyo.
That's why you agreed
to the condition of my fee
and gave the money laundering job to me.
You never planned to pay me anyway.
I had it all worked out to bust your plan,
and then I'd be the one
to kill you before you caught on.
I'm impressed though.
You anticipated that
and were following me the whole time.
There are so many ways
for me to be killed.
You could shoot me up with some meth,
over my limit,
make it look like I overdosed.
That would be easy.
You'll probably take a video of my death
to watch later
because you wanna drink
some expensive-ass whiskey
and get a fucking boner.
You pervert fucking asshole, huh!
You're not wrong.
I did decide
to have you descend the mountain.
It was indeed a part
of my own ascension plan.
However, I needed to keep you working
until the last moment,
so I was biding my time with this.
I didn't anticipate
that you would kill that host.
But it's clear
the time has finally come for us.
I knew I was right about you.
An overdose?
I don't believe a simple death like that
would be suitable
for a man such as yourself.
It wouldn't compensate
for your betrayal either.
I'll be using something more physical.
Something a bit more primitive.
What I consider the most fetish-pleasing
and gratifying way to kill someone.
You really are
a sicko pervert, aren't you?
-All right, let's go.
-It's hard to walk in these.
-Hey, do I look like the real deal?
-You look great.
Do we have any updates
on the real Kawai?
I had Orochi-san head to Haneda Airport.
Orochi, that Take-chan's boy?
Yes. He'll follow Kawai from the airport.
If worse comes to worst, he'll stall her.
That's good. It'll all work out
as long as she doesn't show up.
I don't really want
to do anything heavy-handed.
It's that way.
-This is ominous.
I had my wedding reception here.
What? I didn't know.
Uh-huh, and that was
when all hell broke loose in my life.
They're here.
12:02 P.M.
Hey, it's Kubota. How's it going?
I found that swindler Saeki.
The one that escaped to the Philippines.
I found out
something very interesting.
It's strange that Tatsu-san
didn't use me sooner.
What are you saying?
Kawai-sama, we appreciate you
taking the time out of your busy schedule
to meet with us on this matter.
Thank you.
Thank you.
-To have an opportunity
We can skip
all of the pleasant formalities here.
Kawai-san is a little
under the weather today.
She hasn't been
in front of many people for a while.
After this portion,
we have to go to the temple as well.
Please begin.
It's a pleasure.
I'm Kodama, the judicial scrivener.
Let's dive right in, Kawai-sama.
Do you have your identification
so I may confirm your identity?
Thank you very much.
-Please make your confirmation.
-Thank you.
-Are you all right?
-Uh, yes.
I'll confirm now.
Kawai-sama, are you warm enough?
Yes, thank you for asking me.
Kawai Natsumi-sama, you are the one
who is in front of me, correct?
I have a few
follow-up identification questions.
Please tell me your date of birth.
Showa 15, July 3rd, is my birthdate.
-Year of the dragon.
Tell me your address.
Tokyo Minato City, Takanawa, 5-22-6.
-Where is your family registry?
-The same as my current address.
Sorry, please excuse me.
Thank you. Next question.
-Where'd you obtain this driver's license?
Uh, Takumi-san, Kawai's off the plane!
What? It's too early!
Guess her flight landed earlier.
What should I do?
Should I kidnap her?
In Tokyo.
Thank you.
Let's go on to the next question.
Do it please.
Got it.
Are there family members
in your home?
No, I live alone.
-Any siblings?
-Excuse my absence.
I don't have any.
Move aside! Move!
-Get out of my way!
Move out of my way!
You're in my way, move it!
Hey! I said move!
-Move, move, move!
-Please drive.
Hey! Hey!
Damn it, ugh!
Please tell me one more time
the name of the temple
where you currently serve.
How do you write that in kanji?
"Light," "Hermitage," and "Temple".
Thank you. And what number
resident priest are you?
Yes, hello?
Sorry, she got away!
I'll chase her in a taxi!
All right.
-Are you avail
-Get lost! Get outta here!
-Follow that car!
-Hurry! Hurry, go!
Is something wrong?
Uh, I'm the 21st priest.
This will be the last question.
Kawai-sama, what year was Kouan-ji,
the temple that also
presently doubles as your home,
and where you currently serve
as priest, inaugurated?
Uh, what?
Kawai-sama, he's asking
in what year was the temple built?
-Oh, uh
-Yes. Right.
Um During the Edo
-Uh, uh, Seng
-Isn't that enough?
There is no way that even the resident
priest would remember the exact date.
Yes, however,
we have to confirm that she is
Then do you remember when this law firm
you work at was first established?
You don't, do you?
Let me ask you the same question.
What about Sekiyo House?
When was that established?
Uh, um, well, uh
She's already not feeling well.
On top of that, she's meeting
a lot of people for the first time
and being asked so many questions.
It's natural to get flustered
and forget answers she knows.
Aoyagi-san, come on.
-It was October of 1963.
It's when Sekiyo Juken,
that's the predecessor
to the current Sekiyo House,
chose to change its business name.
Okay then.
Kawai-sama, please forgive our rudeness.
I sincerely apologize
if we have offended you.
But we are just asking these questions
as a rule we follow.
-We never had the intention
-Kan'ei 13.
Kouan-ji was inaugurated.
It was built in 1636,
Kan'ei 13.
That's right.
Can we wrap things up?
Uh, we're fine with that.
Thank you.
With that, we conclude
the identity confirmation meeting.
Kawai-sama, you must be tired. Thank you.
1636 (KAN'EI YEAR 13)
I seriously thought
I was gonna die.
You definitely should've studied more.
Man. You almost said
"Sengoku," didn't you?
Why the hell would the Sengoku period
be during the Edo period?
You shut up.
Thank you, Takumi-kun.
Let's get the property inspection
done quickly and go to the temple.
-Tell me where you're at.
-We're, uh
-Do you know where we are?
-Huh? Around Showajima.
We're in a traffic jam.
And Kawai's car?
She's about five cars ahead.
I think we'll be stuck in this
for quite a while.
Copy that. Keep following.
Okay, I'll do that.
All right! Luck's finally turning our way.
We'd be in trouble if it weren't.
Goto-san. Next to us.
Oh, oh.
From the first to third floors,
we'll have a restaurant area,
and from the fourth to the 13th floors,
we'll have offices.
From the 14th to the 21st floors,
we are thinking of making a hotel.
It will be a big building.
Well, yes. It is extremely close
to the gateway to Tokyo.
This is particularly boring.
Oh, I see. Amazing.
Yes. It will be.
-Takumi-san, bad news!
We left the highway.
There's There's no traffic now!
-Speed up! Get closer to them!
-I can't.
-I said go!
-Wait, wait!
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