Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Birthday Present/Burn Up! The Ball Sports Tournament

"Tomo–chan Is a Girl!"
"Birthday Present"
Here, it's for you.
Didn't you want this?
But why now?
Cause it's your birthday, duh.
Oh right, it is!
That makes me a year older than you!
Respect your seniors!
She's always so annoying
this time of the year.
"Born in October"
Mornin' Misuzu!
Mor What's that?
Jun gave it to me just now.
It's my birthday present! Sick, eh?
So yeah, I've turned sweet 16 before you!
Good for you. Congratulations.
You could always call me
your big sis you know?
She's always so exasperating
this time of the year.
"Born in February"
Here you go.
From me.
Whoa, really?
You shouldn't have!
That's pretty heavy. What's in it?
A reference book.
Glad you like it.
–Hold it. Wait just a sec.
–Happy birthday dear
Umm, what is this?
There's an even bigger bar at home
but it's too heavy to carry!
I appreciate the thought,
but it's a bit much
Would you like to put
your wealth to good use?
No scheming!
Tomo, would you like to come
to my house this weekend?
We're going to give you a complete makeover.
What's this makeover about?
Are you dressing me
like when I went out with Jun?
We'll start with this skirt.
Wear this too.
A wig!?
So what're you trying to do, exactly?
You see, we're taking the opportunity
to make you look as girly as can be.
You're making me wear girl's clothes!?
She's admitting that she doesn't.
Are you done yet?
We're only getting started.
This is pretty funny.
What is?
How I'm wearing makeup.
Maybe even I have a chance
to look as pretty as this.
Your turn.
H–How do I look?
Tomo–chan's pretty!
She is.
You mean it!?
Now's your chance to let your words
match your appearance.
You can't expect me
to speak all girly just like that.
How about trying to be more formal?
G–Greetings, my name is Tomo Aizawa.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I–Is that good enough?
You're very cute!
I suppose boys will like it.
But you won't be friends.
You'd be a thorn in his side.
What's that supposed to mean?
I suddenly crave some ice cream.
Me too.
How about I treat you to some?
You two did a lot for me today!
I'd feel bad.
It's not big deal!
Let me change
Hey, are you seriously
making me go out like this!?
There's no point if we're the only ones
who see you dressed up.
You're asking a lot!
Have a nice trip. May luck be on your side.
Wait, Misuzu.
"Conveniece Store 24"
Damn those two.
All eyes are on me.
Do I look that weird?
Oh shit, Jun!
God, how do I explain myself?
Not sure what's up
but hooray if he doesn't know it's me!
Let's get those ices and go.
Impossible There's no way
Great, now to get as far away as I can.
Yikes, you okay?
Her face is just like Tomo's.
But she'd never wear these clothes or makeup.
If she really were Tomo it'd be
a problem.
Do you need a hand?
W–What's with this gentle grasp?
You alright?
What's with the way he's treating me!?
Well, I'll be off now.
Would you care to walk me halfway?
The heck am I doing?
How am I gonna deal with this?
Now that we're next to each other I can tell.
She isn't Tomo.
Tomo's a bit shorter.
Could you please not stare at me?
Oh, sorry.
Do I look peculiar?
I know I do.
Not really, I think you're pretty.
Am I gonna die today!?
Let's go!
She's pretty good.
Keep going!
That's it, get 'em!
Damn, that was close!
Pardon me, I enjoy watching sports.
That's surprising.
I can get too excitable.
I suppose that's not very girly of me.
I don't know what's girly or not,
but I like people like you.
What's wrong with this dude today?
Is he trying to kill me or what!?
Those two are pretty good.
They do stand out.
Look at how close they are
despite being the opposite sex.
I wonder what they'll be like in the future?
Let's see It'd be nice
if they became lovers.
That's what you'd normally think, huh
I have one too.
A girl who's my best friend.
But lately it's like we couldn't get on
like we used to as kids.
H–How would you like
things to go between you?
I haven't really thought too much about it.
Well you should!
I guess my immediate goal would be
To kick her ass.
Should I just come out
and say it!? That I'm Tomo?
Maybe that way he'll
Hey, I've been wondering
Is the ice cream you bought still okay?
Oh, crap!
T–Thank you so much for today!
Hey, hold on.
Now if you'll excuse me!
It couldn't be Right?
Sorry I'm late!
You won't believe the things I
"Happy Birthday Tomo"
This home baked cake is great!
Thanks a lot you two!
Nevermind that, is it true
you met Junichiro at the store?
He called me pretty.
Amazing! You must be happy!
Well, I was really happy to hear that
But I think I wanted to hear him
say something else
Did you want him to call you cute?
We'll try that next time.
No, that's not it.
What's up?
The hell are you doing man!
That's more like it
This fist belongs to Tomo!
Why're you glad about it!?
I–Is this your fetish!?
"Blazing! Ball Competition"
Damn, I missed.
Hey, why're you running!?
Tomo–chan's kinda scary.
The inter–class ball competition is near.
She's always like this when
a sports event is around the corner.
And so, due to various reasons
Aizawa–san will be in the boy's
dodgeball team during the ball competition.
Hell yeah!
Way to go, Tomo! Now we can compete together!
Not this again.
"Day of the ball competition"
"Round 1"
Seems a girl's in our opponent's team.
No shit? This'll be easy.
Let's have a good game!
Yea sure, I'll go easy on ya.
We'll be coming at you with all we've got.
I hope you're ready.
"VS. Year 3 Delinquent Team – Instakill"
"Round 2"
Let's have a fair and square match!
I can go all–out against you!
Let's make it a good one.
Everyone, safety first!
Make sure you all make it out in one piece!
What're you freaking out for?
It's just a dodgeball match.
"VS. Misaki–senpai and Friends – Wipeout"
We made it to the finals.
Bad news!
We're up against a team
with some gorilla guy!
That's Takeru Goma,
a third year in the judo team.
He's called the strongest man in school.
I'm not sure if me and Jun stand a chance.
I did think we'd have to throw hands someday.
Who'd have thought
that day would come so soon?
Whoa there, no one's asking you
to actually take him on.
Are you joking? We're talking
about the school's strongest!
We've gotta take him on at least once!
Sorry, I'm not following you.
We lost the volleyball match.
Any team with the two of us
has no chance of winning.
True that.
Tomo's team should be
having their final round soon.
What're you laughing for?
I was thinking that we've spent
a lot of time together lately.
Aww, don't go.
We won't hold back in the finals.
So you're Tomo Aizawa?
Yeah, I am.
I hear you're the karate team's ace.
Can't say I'm impressed to see
you're some fragile little lady.
Fragile little lady! You hear that?
Okay, maybe you have
a little power in those arms.
But enough about her, I'm more into you.
You never joined any team
even though you're athletic.
How about you join the judo team if I win?
You're on. If I win, then you'll
What should he do?
Think for yourself dude, don't ask me!
The boy's dodgeball finals will now begin.
Misuzu–chan's here to cheer for us.
Watch me, I'll win this for
He was trying to get your attention.
Really? I wasn't looking.
You didn't hold back, huh?
Tanabe, are you still with us?
Aren't sports great?
You can hurt someone
as long as it's within the rules.
Why you This jerk plays rough!
What do you take sports for?
That's rich coming from them.
You can say that again.
Why aren't you sending it my way!?
I'm just clearing the field
of the trash first.
Which means you're next, Aizawa!
You dumbass!
Why'd you do that?
Beats me.
My body moved on its own.
Pull yourself together! Jun!
How dare you do that to Jun.
I won't let you off easy!
Really now? What're you gonna do about it?
It's come down to a one–on–one
between Aizawa–san and the gorilla!
Will she be okay?
Relax, she's unstoppable!
I'm putting all my strength
into this one throw!
Here I go!
Eat this!
Bring it!
It sank!? Is that a nutmeg!?
I'm not in this alone.
Show 'em what you've got, Jun!
It's over!
The winners of the boy's
dodgeball match are Class 1–A!
Please give a round of applause to Class 1–A.
Tomo–chan, congratulations on winning!
What's wrong? You don't sound happy.
I had lots of fun with him today.
It was like back in the old days.
I started thinking that it'd be nice
if things stayed this way.
If only we could keep doing
dumb stuff even after we start dating.
That probably can't happen.
I'm sorry, Tomo.
My priorities lie with
doing what's best for myself.
Hey, hold up.
No way would either of us
be happy with that result.
Get over here.
T–The hell's this?
How could I be thrown on the ground
by a guy who does karate?
You're wide open.
I managed to win in the end
Guess I'm still not good enough.
You can't seriously be upset over this?
Not once did you use a single karate move.
Look at me, I as good as lost.
That's not the problem.
Hold it!
Seems you don't enter tournaments much.
Isn't that a waste?
Why did you even get this strong for?
I only wanted
to catch up to that imposing back.
Then things changed and I didn't know
how to go about it anymore.
What should I do?
Why ask me?
I heard you took on Goma–senpai.
Yeah, and I lost.
I see.
I might've lost but you'd probably win.
Dude, this has been bugging me for a while.
You keep giving me way too much credit.
Really? I don't think so.
But you know, the way I see it,
you could breathe fire one day
and I'd think it's normal.
Wow, you treating me as a monster now?
You're a guy and I'm a girl!
I don't stand a chance against you
when it comes to raw strength.
I never expected you to pass the ball to me.
Because I assumed that you would end it.
I'm probably still a gamer boy
who only thinks he's strong
because you're by my side.
This isn't about physical strength.
What's up?
Nah, it's nothing.
want to be like you.
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