Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

I Really Can't Be Friends with a

Pay attention.
It looks like he's going to
lay his cards on the table.
Yuichi! What the hell have you done?!
I had a plan,
even before the second game started,
to set traps to smoke out the traitor.
After that one bad-mouth
in the third period
"And the same Sawaragi Shiho
used to date Mikasa Tenji."
After that came out, Sawaragi and I decided
to work together without the others knowing.
Without us knowing? How could
There wasn't any way for
you two to talk it over.
You're right.
That's why we planned it mostly
without speaking to each other.
I gave Sawaragi instructions
using the bad-mouth cards.
Yes. This is the first trap Yuichi set.
Episode 6: I Really Can't Be Friends with a "Murderer"
Look closely at this footage
from the fourth period.
Episode 6: I Really Can't Be Friends with a "Murderer"
Oh! He took two cards!
Correct. And after that?
He's holding a pen.
So what?
Try to remember what happened.
What did he say when
he came out of the room?
Okay, I left mine blank.
Yes. He said he put in a blank card,
but he was holding a pen.
That does contradict what he said!
You can see in the video
that he was using the bad-mouth cards
for some other purpose.
Now I see. The cards!
That's when he handed her one.
And then Shiho-chan read it
when she was in the room.
But how could you trust
Shiho-chan so easily?
There was a chance she was the traitor, too.
Obviously, I didn't trust her right away.
I made her pass a test first.
A test?
The first instructions
I wrote on the card were,
"Do you remember that old secret
between just the two of us?"
"Use that to bad-mouth me in this period."
You have to tell me a secret,
something that the other three don't know.
It was a secret I told Sawaragi
after she got in the fight with Shibe
And it was
"Katagiri Yuichi once didn't
take a bath for a week."
It was our secret.
Fourth Period Exposés
Who Wrote It
Katagiri Yuichi once didn't
take a bath for a week.
Sawaragi (confirmed)
Sawaragi and I are the only ones
who could have written it.
Shibe Makoto took baths with
his mother until junior high.
So the big exposés written
by the traitor in the fourth period
Sawaragi Shiho had plastic surgery.
must not have come from Sawaragi.
That's when I first trusted
Sawaragi to be on my side.
Next, I wanted to determine
if Kokorogi was the traitor or not.
Hold on.
In order to find the traitor,
you were checking us one by one?
That's right.
I found out who the traitor was
through a process of elimination.
In the fifth period, I quietly passed
a bad-mouth card to Kokorogi, too.
It said,
"Sawaragi is on our side,"
"but keep pretending to fight with her
so we can smoke out the traitor."
"And in the next period,"
"submit a secret about Sawaragi
that only you know."
That's when she read it!
The card Kokorogi submitted
in the sixth period said,
"Sawaragi Shiho actually
usually wears men's boxers."
If there was another big exposé
that seemed to come from the traitor,
it would clear Kokorogi.
And there was.
Mikasa Tenji is actually
lying about his age.
Mikasa Tenji is lying about his age
Sixth Period Exposés
Sawaragi Shiho usually wears men's boxers
Yuichi and Sawaragi submitted blanks
Who Wrote It
There were only two left
who could have written that.
Mikasa Tenji is lying about his age
It was either you or Shibe.
I used the cards to tell Sawaragi
how things were going, of course.
I stayed close to Shiho the
whole time after that period.
You didn't have the
chance to pass her a card!
Sure I did. Just three minutes.
Y-You can't mean
Right then?!
That was his second trap.
The order that people use the room
isn't supposed to make
a difference in the game.
Okay, I left mine blank. You're next.
But, very nonchalantly
Sorry Tenji, but could you go first?
Again and again
Ah, I guess I'll go.
He controlled the order they went in.
In other words, it was all calculated.
The only ones left were you and Shibe,
but that was easy to decide.
The special chance.
Special Chance
Since the management knew who
applied to play Tomodachi Game,
it would have been too risky
for the traitor to volunteer.
So that left only you, Tenji.
That means the fighting between
Shiho-chan and Kokorogi-san was all an act?
Well, I might have taken it
a little seriously.
Me, too. Sorry.
So that strategy was
Listen. From here on, all of us
except the person in the lead,
should bad-mouth ourselves.
That was part of your plan, too?
Yeah. I knew that strategy
had holes in it from the start.
Do you remember what I said?
Our debt shouldn't increase
from here on out.
Mikasa Tenji
That gave me the final confirmation—
whether you betrayed us for money,
or for something else.
You didn't back off then,
so it looked like it was something else.
W-Why didn't you reveal that
I was the traitor right away?
We still had the second half to play.
If you knew you got caught,
you might have gone wild
Clean that up yourself
and written a bunch of other things.
I wanted to avoid that.
So I kept you barely in check
All right. Why don't you
go write first, then.
Mikasa Tenji
and in the last period,
when you went in the room,
I told everyone else to put in blank cards.
But that doesn't make sense. It doesn't!
You said you used a process
of elimination to smoke me out.
But everyone can write
as many cards as they want.
- You can write as many things as you want about each person
Your process of elimination wouldn't work!
Yes, thus his third and final trap.
His boldest and most cunning one yet.
Smart as always, Tenji.
That's exactly right.
"Katagiri Yuichi once didn't
take a bath for a week."
Since anyone could write
as many cards as they wanted,
"Sawaragi Shiho had plastic surgery."
Both were written by Sawaragi.
even the first time with Sawaragi,
I couldn't clear her with that alone.
And so, when I tested them,
I made them give me proof
of their friendship.
Proof of their friendship?
Didn't you notice?
Isn't there something different?
Their name tags are missing!
People do it all the time,
trading valuables with someone
else as proof of friendship.
Shibe Makoto
Sawaragi Shiho
Kokorogi Yutori
I told them I'd trust them if they let me
hold on to their precious name tags.
They weren't traitors, so they
immediately handed them over.
Would you have expected Kokorogi to
suddenly believe Sawaragi was on her side?
I gave her a note.
Sawaragi Shiho
It said, "I have Sawaragi's name tag.
She won't betray us."
Kokorogi Yutori
Then Kokorogi gave me her name tag,
and finally Shibe did, too.
Shibe Makoto
Your debt doesn't double if you
just hand the tag to someone.
I'm impressed he figured that out!
It seems he tested it.
At one point before the fourth period,
his name tag was missing.
He probably secretly handed it to Sawaragi,
most likely while Shibe and
Mikasa were fighting.
You're right.
And then he got his name tag back
when he handed her the card.
There's an eye-tracking camera built
into the screen on the tag,
so it can tell if they looked
at the back or not.
After testing it,
he wrote a note to Sawaragi
telling her to hand him her name tag.
See? Right here, she isn't wearing hers.
Heh. Bold and cunning, indeed.
In order to keep them from betraying him
and writing multiple cards,
Sawaragi Shiho
Kokorogi Yutori
Shibe Makoto
he kept their name tags hostage.
It's as if he was telling them, "If you
hand over your tag, I'll trust you."
"If not, I won't."
Sawaragi must have known she
absolutely couldn't refuse.
Sawaragi Shiho
And then like a chain reaction,
they all had to hand them over.
Kokorogi Yutori
They knew that if they didn't,
they'd be isolated.
Shibe Makoto
Only a very devious mind can prey
on the weakness of others like that.
He knows all about human weakness,
and about the power and terror of money.
His thought process is similar to the way
that religious cults and
pyramid schemes operate.
But at the end, everyone was able to
finish the game with a smile on their face,
Here, I'll return these. I didn't
look at the backs, of course.
so didn't it all turn out okay?
It's the opposite.
The fact that they're still smiling
after handing over their name tags,
which are the lifeblood of this game,
is absolutely chilling.
This expert liar, who tricked the others
and still left them smiling
Who is this man, really?
Tell me one last thing.
Why Why me?
now that you mention it
in your face lol
Tenji-kun cyute
serves you right
sucks for you
brilliant deduction
I knew it from the start lol
it's over \(^o^)/
You started with the friends you trusted
and made them allies one by one.
That means you always thought
I was the most suspicious, right?
Did I Did I make a mistake somewhere?
they hate you now
absolutely lol
pathetic lmao
lol duh
you lost
that's it!
i'm crying lmaooo
hilariously obvious lol
duh lmao
Well, not exactly a mistake.
I think I know you guys pretty well.
It was suspicious when you weren't
acting like yourself during the game.
I wasn't like myself?
The Tenji I know is smart and calm.
If we start arguing,
you step in to break it up.
But at the start of the game,
you picked a fight with Shibe.
You said it was Shibe
who wrote that bad-mouth.
Do you seriously think that would happen?
- The game is played in periods
- Each period, you bad-mouth someone
- Write it down on the bad-mouth card in the private room
- Once you enter the private room, you can't leave for three minutes
- You can write as many things as you want about each person
- You may submit a blank bad-mouth card
- You may lie (if the lie is revealed, you'll be forced one space in front of the lead player)
- The number of spaces you move is determined by the god survey
Bad-Mouth Sugoroku is about
leaking your friends' secrets.
But it'd be impossible for
Shibe to bad-mouth us.
You can't mean
Yup. None of us have told
Shibe any secrets.
No way
Don't tell the others. Especially Shibe.
That's what I said when I told you
my secret. Right, Sawaragi?
Yeah, it is.
And Kokorogi, you really don't want
Shibe to know your secrets, right?
I mean, Shibe has such a big mouth.
Shibe's an awkward idiot.
Even that bad-mouth in the fourth period
Shibe Makoto took baths with
his mother until junior high.
how cute lol
He probably wrote it himself
in order to protect Sawaragi.
That is correct!
And when Kokorogi's secret was revealed,
you were just trying to cheer her up, right?
For someone who isn't a virgin,
you sure seem innocent.
Of course I was! I was
trying to compliment her.
See? That was his idea of cheering her up.
He's really an idiot.
And he's always like that,
so I wasn't sure when to tell him.
I knew he'd have trouble acting the part.
I finally told him in the last period
when you were in the room,
but even then, he acted weird.
Huh. Was that why?
No wonder. Shibe's an idiot.
I tried to put the blame on someone
who'd be too dumb to pull it off anyway.
That would be suspicious.
To think I got tripped up
by an idiot like Shibe
Are they, like, totally making fun of me?
It's okay.
Yeah, you're a nice idiot.
Hey, sorry to break up your teenaging,
but can we get back to the game?
It ain't over yet.
It's fine that you found the traitor,
but Shiho's still going to lose alone.
Are you okay with that?
Right, right. I still have
to wrap things up.
Got a second?
Huh? Tee-hee what are you doing?
Oh, Yuichi-kun!
Manabu-sensei, I
Find out if that's true immediately!
Hey, Yuichi.
You've got some secret plan to make
everything work out, right?
Of course. A perfect method
that won't get anyone in trouble.
Katagiri Yuichi This is
Manabu, it's the truth.
S-Sorry to cut things short,
but the game is over!!
I'm calling the game for Katagiri Yuichi.
He reaches the goal alone,
and the game's been cleared!
The game is over?
Yuichi reached the goal alone?
Why? What do you mean?!
Yuichi wrote a false bad-mouth
in the seventh period.
He just confirmed it himself.
huh? why?
oh shi—
wait what?
no way!
goose bumps
he fooled them lmao
huh lol
not Tenji?
by himself? huh? what?
Yuichi told a lie?
So he gets a penalty from the gods and
moves one space ahead of Shiho-chan.
In other words, to the goal.
Yuichi!? There's no way this
is a "perfect method"!
Spaces Moved
60 spaces - 200,000 yen
59 spaces - 100,000 yen
52 spaces - 300,000 yen
44 spaces - 400,000 yen
32 spaces - 800,000 yen
No, this is how it should be.
This is our best option.
If you reach the goal alone,
what happens to Tenji?
This guy betrayed us all! Are you
gonna let him get away with that?!
Right, you're probably
wondering why Tenji did this.
You guys should ask him about it
while I'm playing the third game.
Period 19 Spaces Moved Debt Amount (game 2 only)
60 spaces - 200,000 yen
59 spaces - 100,000 yen
52 spaces - 300,000 yen
44 spaces - 400,000 yen
32 spaces - 800,000 yen
Decide if you'll forgive him
or not without me.
I don't have any right
to judge Tenji, anyway.
What's that supposed to mean?
Kokorogi, remember what I said to
comfort you when you were in shock?
"What you did doesn't even compare to"
the horrible things
I've done in the past.
Yeah. I've done some horrible things,
and I've kept them a secret from you guys.
I thought if you knew, we wouldn't
be able to stay friends.
the only loser lol
huh? didn't he win? lol
something hOrRibLe?
gross lol
that's awful Yuichi-kun lmao
that confession
In a sense, I've betrayed you
in a much worse way than Tenji did.
W-What happened then, in your past—
In the seventh period,
I wrote a bad-mouth that said,
"Shibe killed someone in the past."
That was a lie.
The truth The truth is
It was me. I'm the one who's killed people.
Yuichi is a killer?
I thought we'd find something,
but to discover that Katagiri Yuichi
sent three people to their deaths
He isn't just a human abomination.
He's an absolute monster.
Tomodachi Game
Pfft! You sure are dumb, Yuichi-kun,
trying to go to the third game alone.
You got a problem with that?
The third game is super rough.
It's almost impossible to clear alone.
You might feel like a hero
for sacrificing yourself,
but I bet you're gonna regret it!
I wonder who's going to regret it more.
What's that supposed to mean?!
For me, friends were just a safety
to keep me living a clean life.
I didn't want to show them who I really was.
But for the next game,
the safety is released.
In other words, I can let loose.
I'm going to use the third game
to destroy you and the management.
You'd better be ready for me.
Ooh, so scary.
You're acting so scary,
everyone's recoiling from you.
Yuichi-kun, you killer.
Yuichi-kun, you killer♥
That's a lie, right Yuichi?
If management gave him a penalty,
doesn't that mean it's true?
But wait "killed?"
It must've been an accident.
Some unfortunate accident.
It was no accident. Yuichi-kun
is a straight-up murderer.
And he killed three people, even.
You killed three people and
it wasn't an accident
Doesn't that make you a serial killer?
And you still studied and played and
laughed with us like a normal person.
To think that I spent time
hanging out with a murderer
It honestly makes me sick.
Cut it out, Shibe.
Sometimes people have reasons for
doing things that they can't talk about.
Tenji that's rich, coming from you.
You gonna say you had reasons
for what you did, too?!
A brat with an easy life like you
would never understand!
You can thank your dad
and his crimes for that!
You asshole! You can't say that to me!
I only said what's on my mind,
like you always do!
What are you doing? Stop it, both of you!
I can't take this! I want to go home!
Yuichi, say something to them!
They need to hear the truth
from you, Yuichi!
There's no excuse for murder!
Shut the hell up!
Mom Dad!
Say something, Yuichi!
What the hell?!
Try using your head for once!
Calm down, both of you!
Quiet! You too, Shibe!
Huh?! I'm thinking clearly, you traitor!
I knew it would end up like this.
Enough already.
If it means I have to
put up with this noise,
I don't need friends anymore.
Manabu, I jump here to get to
the third game, right?
Yeah, that's right.
But Yuichi-kun, are you really going to help
them by going to the third game alone?
Well, honestly, they're dragging me
down and I don't want more debt,
so I'd rather leave them behind.
This "believe your friends" crap
is getting to be a pain.
Is it really that easy for you to
abandon your friends, Yuichi?
A long time ago, someone told me
There is something more important
than money in the world—
your friends.
Even now, I honestly don't understand
why friends are supposed
to be that important.
I still wanted to treasure
what she said, though,
because I loved her.
I think I've had enough, though.
If it's this much of a pain,
I'd rather be alone.
Hey, are you all okay with this?
He's gonna go alone, guys!
At least say something to encourage him
before he goes to that hellish third game.
If any of you still call yourselves
his friend, that is.
Aw, too bad.
Looks like nobody wants to be friends
with a murderer, after all.
Well, that's a relief.
Now you guys can forget about me,
and I'll forget all about you.
I guess this was the only way
I could protect them.
I'm sorry, Mother.
Group C
Second Game: Bad-Mouth Sugoroku
Prize won: Two Million Yen
(However, since he reached the goal, Katagiri Yuichi receives the 1.8 million yen debt acquired in this game as a penalty)
Wait a minute!
I can't let Yuichi go on alone.
I told a lie during the game.
You need to penalize me, as well.
What? You're telling me this now?
There was a bad-mouth in the third period
saying I dated Shiho-chan, right?
Do you remember what you said then?
If they had no romantic feelings
at the time, then it might be a lie.
I've never had any romantic
feelings toward Shiho-chan.
Huh? Huh?! What do you mean?!
The reason I tried to destroy
everyone's friendships
is because I wanted to keep
someone all to myself.
And that was Shiho-sama, right?
The one I really like
is Yuichi!
I've always liked Yuichi.
I wanted Yuichi to look at me
um lmao
no way lolol
too desperate lol
lmao who does this help?
wait! no way lmaoooo
did Shiho-sama just get dumped?
is this OK?
hype lol
i can't i can't i can't lol
that's just too
that's so unnecessary
wait wait wait
you lol
Hold it! You can't just say
random stuff out of desperation!
You made that up to get to the goal, right?!
Fine. You want me to prove it.
Okay, Yuichi. Is this your first time?
Huh? For what?
It is for me.
I don't really know how to do it.
Let me take off my glasses
Okay! Proof accepted!
Q: Do you think Mikasa Tenji is serious?
lmao how noble
come on lol
sick lol
i just can't lolol
hyyype lol
boys love lol
this can't be
chaos lol
The two of you may proceed
to the third game together.
Happily ever after!
Let's go, Yuichi.
As long as we're together,
I know we can fight the true darkness
of this Tomodachi Game.
Group C
Second Game: Bad-Mouth Sugoroku
Prize won: Two Million Yen
(However, since they reached the goal, Katagiri Yuichi and Mikasa Tenji each receive 900,000 yen of the debt acquired in this game as a penalty.)
Well, that was a big twist!
Yes, but it seems he must
still have his own objective.
It turns out this is Mikasa Tenji's
second Tomodachi Game.
NEXT: I'll Take 20 Million Yen Worth of Your Life
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