Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Néctar dos Deuses

[Bruna] Imagine you're in paradise
[sensual music playing]
[Bruna] and in amazing company.
Do you think you'd be okay without being
able to do anything naughty?
I doubt it!
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] We found
the horniest people around
[Thuany] Let's agree
on everyone wearing condoms, please,
then everyone can have sex
with each other, and we're all good.
[Bruna] and offered them
what sounded like
the best trip they could possibly imagine.
- I hope the debauchery starts soon, man.
- [both chuckle]
[Bruna] and then told them that in this
paradise, almost everything is allowed
except for
having sex.
[Igor] It really throws
a wrench in the works.
[Brenda] This is literal cockblocking.
[Bruna] There's no fooling around here,
my darlings.
I feel like crying.
It makes you wanna cry.
[Matheus] Fuck! My heart is racing, man.
I'm so horny I'm shivering.
- For real.
- [laughs]
[Bruna] Our guests
will have to stick it out,
unless they want to see
a prize of R$500,000
vanish into thin air.
As they tend to do after a date, right?
This stunning retreat
for the biggest players
is managed by an all-seeing
artificial intelligence.
Lana will be watching them
around the clock,
before announcing the dry spell.
Will they be able to stay sane
without their favorite pastime?
[Gabriela] Do not misalign my chakras!
[Caio] You were a douchebag so many times.
I'm saying it to your face.
[Bruna] I don't think so
[Brenda] I'm pissed 'cause I worried a lot
about everyone else,
and nobody even cared about me.
I even worried about you.
Now look at us, we look like
a bunch of idiots.
You guys are too focused on me.
Because all I'm really feeling
is disappointment, you know?
[Lana] You have broken a rule
and have incurred the maximum penalty.
[Bruna] With sex off the table,
will they be able to build
stronger relationships?
- We're in this together.
- Yeah, we are.
[Matheus] I wasn't prepared to find
the love of my life in a few days.
What do you know about me?
Only what is on the surface.
[Bruna] Or will it just be
I need to get laid.
I can't take it anymore.
Be cool and help me, okay?
[Bruna] too hot to handle?
[upbeat music playing]
- Wow!
- [both laugh]
There's a menu.
I don't know what's going on here anymore.
[Bruna] Oh, man, I'm already on board
'cause I'm so hungry.
I wonder what's on the menu
for this episode.
Pepper, where's the pepper?
Did I suck someone off
under the sheets? No, guys.
[all exclaiming]
- What?
- Try it without using your hands.
[Davi] Just the mouth.
[dramatic music plays]
Lana always surprises us, right?
Every day a new surprise.
[Lana] Somebody is gonna be
leaving the retreat now.
Man, I'm getting really worried.
[Bruna] Hold on, guys.
How come a person
is leaving the retreat in this episode?
I wanna see this first,
I'll get back to the date later.
Where's the elimination part?
[Lana chimes]
- Good morning!
- There she is.
[Lana] Hello, people.
- Hello!
- Hi!
[Lana] Many of you have made an effort
to understand
what the word "connection" means.
However, I still see that not everyone
has been completely open to the process.
This is tense. Nobody's talking.
Nobody even answers nor blinks.
[Caio] As soon as I sit on that couch,
I start feeling the despair
of not knowing what we're gonna do.
[Lana] To connect with others
is also to accept
that every person here
has something to learn.
To know how to listen to criticism
and to rethink your actions.
But one guest has proven over and over
not to be open to that.
It's me.
[whispers] Holy shit.
[Lana] And to prevent this from hindering
everyone else's personal development,
somebody is gonna be leaving
the retreat now.
- [Caio] Oh, my God. Damn it.
- [Ronaldo] Oh, fuck.
Calm down.
I immediately imagined the mermaid and me.
We're at our best right now,
are we gonna leave? We doing it wrong?
I already had a bad feeling,
like a premonition, from the day before.
I can't breathe. I'm not feeling right.
Oh, guys
Say it's a prank, please.
Let it not be me.
[Lana] Your time at the retreat is over
[suspenseful music playing]
[Lana] Gabriela.
That's okay.
No, stop crying.
[Rita crying] Oh, girl. Oh, my God.
[Gabriela] Don't cry.
Gabi is my connection here.
She's my soulmate.
Nobody will understand
how much I'll miss her.
- I'm not gonna make it without you here.
- Yes, you will. Stop it.
- I can't.
- Sure you will.
Oh, my God, Gabriela.
I figured it would be Gabi 'cause I knew
how much she had kept her guard up.
And the worst thing was
she didn't realize it.
Calm down, people. It's okay.
Calm down.
It's not okay. It's not okay. Oh, my God.
Calm down, girl.
Gabi's armor is impenetrable, you know?
Lana has a purpose.
She knows what she's doing.
Lana's watching us all the time.
She knows who's putting themselves
out there and who's not.
Maybe she saw things that I didn't.
I don't think about others,
I only think about myself.
I'm 28 years old.
I don't need anyone to say
what I have to do or not.
I don't want a connection.
- Anymore?
- Right.
There's still no one that made me
feel like, "Wow! Oh, my God!"
[Ronaldo] Why are you like this?
Just say it.
That barrier that you have
[Gabriela] No, no,
I don't have any barriers.
I'm the kind of person
that doesn't give chances.
I just hate being disappointed.
You shouldn't be so defensive.
But girl, I'm not defensive.
I'll be honest,
I've had enough of this place, Rita.
[dramatic music playing]
She ended up closing herself off
to the point
that she really didn't connect
to anyone here except for Rita.
Lana's reading of the situation
was the same that I had.
I was already kinda predicting
that this would happen.
I was myself here.
I may have to change some things, but I'm
okay with most things about myself.
I like being alone.
[Ronaldo] Darling, thank you.
[Gabriela] Okay. The problem with Ronaldo
and I was a failure to communicate.
I think that's why
things have gone down like this.
- Bye, guys.
- [Matheus] Goodbye, Gabi.
Thanks, Gabi!
I love you.
- Are you okay?
- I'm good as hell.
- You sure?
- Yeah, because that's it.
I opened up because I wanted to,
but she didn't, man.
I dove into it.
I gave myself to her the way
I thought she would give herself to me.
But she wasn't on the same page.
So, bro, I have no regrets, really.
- He was really trying.
- I was really into her.
[Caio] I think it's better
for people to watch out
because the retreat belongs to Lana.
So, since it's her rules,
we have to comply.
And life goes on. Thanks.
See ya.
[Bruna] Aw, poor Gabi.
But your connections
are like my Internet at home,
I'm scrubbing through the video
to find last night's date
to see if they brought
something spicy to the table.
Everything is beautiful here
and we have a surprise for you.
- The best is yet to come.
- One more surprise?
Here's the deal,
they choose something and we start.
- Point to something.
- Something you want from the menu.
- Strawberry.
- Okay, strawberry.
I'll read it, and you'll do it.
"Strawberries taste even better
when shared."
"Try to share it
without using your hands."
- [gasps]
- [laughs]
Today, it's on! [laughs]
[Bruna] Gross.
I'm so jealous of this strawberry.
But guys, this can be considered a kiss.
- No way.
- No.
We're doing what we're told.
Lana, thanks for that menu.
[Bruna] Do you really think
Lana would do that for you?
[all cheering]
The date is exciting, you know?
Guys, I think
they're fooling around a little.
"A good rosé is always refreshing,
even more when in contact with the skin."
Oh, my God, it's so cold! Ah!
I don't know if I like it,
but the lick is amazing.
- Listen.
- There are four people there.
It's harder to keep it down.
Totally. It's just laughing and shouting.
- [squealing]
- [all exclaiming]
This is getting hot.
- It should be us there.
- Yeah, it should be.
The menu stirred everything up.
It's really hot, huh?
Guys, put them all in.
- It's hot!
- [Kethellen] Yeah, it's hot!
- Here. For God's sake, suck this finger.
- [Thuany laughs]
Go, go, go! I don't wanna lose a finger.
[Kethellen cheering and laughing]
It was very cool.
"Red wine stains clothes,
but does not stain the skin.
Try a sip straight from someone's body."
- We pour it on their legs.
- Good.
No, we should put our legs up,
it's better. Like this.
- Put your leg up here.
- Don't lift it too much, don't lift it.
- I'm not wearing panties.
- Put your leg here.
- She's not wearing panties.
- What? No way!
[all laughing]
Oh, my God.
Oh, guys, this was supposed to be
a romantic thing.
- [Caio] The whole tongue, bro!
- [laughing]
Everyone got excited and more sensitive.
Guys, look at that. Honey instructions.
"Nectar of the gods."
"Find out why honey is called that
by tasting it straight from
some part of your partner's body."
The mouth is part of the body.
Yeah, it's part of the body.
Shall we try it?
Have you noticed that I'm very cautious?
Don't be cautious.
[racy music playing]
Just wiping off the honey.
I've never liked honey
so much in my whole life.
Wipe that honey off there, please.
- Hey!
- [squealing]
I didn't know that honey was so powerful.
[Bruna] Yeah, it really is.
It has the power to make money disappear.
I'm really afraid
that we're not supposed to do it.
But that's okay.
We can kiss because it's part of the body.
We can't kiss.
Of course we can.
- No, it's part of the body!
- It's allowed, babe.
I took a step back
because I suspected that we could be
breaking some rules there.
- So, look.
- Guys!
- [Davi] Thuany, here's the deal.
- Thuany is too difficult today.
I'll pour it. Pour the honey, too.
Pour the honey.
Pour the honey, too.
- My God!
- [Caio] Guys, what's that?
No, no, no.
[Caio] "Mmm, come and enjoy
this honey, babe."
So there was honey everywhere.
And we could lick the honey
so we licked it up and it was delicious.
- Seriously.
- It's the nectar of the gods.
Come on.
- Trust me.
- Thuany.
Look, I don't think it's okay, but
- [Kethellen] I think it is.
- No, if you think it's wrong, don't do it.
- We're sure.
- [Thuany] No. I'm saying that
I don't think what you're saying is right.
Not that I don't want to do it.
Part of the body.
So do it!
Isn't the tongue part of the body?
Isn't the mouth part of the body?
- Live the moment.
- Wow.
[Davi] Nectar of Lana.
It's written there. Look.
[Thuany] Then let's get fucked up
slow motion, baby.
[upbeat music playing]
If I stay two more minutes
Holy mother!
all the honey will be gone.
[Davi] Take it. Honey!
Honey! One, two, three.
Honey, honey.
I'm gonna buy some bees myself. [chuckles]
Build some beehives in fact.
This honey is gonna cause us trouble.
- Let's finish it.
- Last wrap it up.
Thuany doesn't want to be here. Wow.
- Stop it.
- It seems like it.
No! It's just that I think it ruined
things for us. Last toast.
[Davi] No, it didn't.
I thought we could be
breaking several rules.
[Bruna] Oh, really?
To top off our wonderful night,
a toast to honey.
[all] To honey!
What's the first thing you're gonna buy
when you get back home?
[all] Honey!
[Davi] Honey!
[all] Come on, let's go!
We used and abused this menu.
[Thuany] Long live honey!
- [Caio] Long live honey!
- [Davi] Honey!
They're drunk.
I'm jealous. I'm too sober.
- [Kethellen] Honey! Honey!
- [Thuany] Come here.
- Look at that. Everyone's just
- [Caio] Look, look.
Like this.
They kissed I think.
Then I'll get upset.
If they did,
yelling at you is meaningless.
Do you want some honey?
- I love honey!
- [Igor] Did you spend money?
[Kethellen] The honey opened doors.
And we kissed because of the honey.
[crickets chirping]
[all] Honey!
[all chanting] Honey, honey, honey!
These guys are extremely excited.
Guys, calm down. We'll explain.
- It was fondue.
- [Kethellen] And we had a menu.
We had a menu with various things
that we could do.
It explained everything we could do
with the fruit, with the chocolate,
and with the honey.
The honey was the best.
Honey was the nectar of the gods, get it?
[Bruna] Of course! Look at
the knowing expression on their faces.
- Whatever, did you kiss?
- [Davi] We kissed a lot.
- The honey allowed us to kiss a lot.
- I covered my face.
Because the instructions were,
"Pour it anywhere on the body
and you can wipe it off, lick it,
whatever you want."
- Did you French kiss?
- Yes, to wipe off the honey.
- I put it on my tongue.
- And I wiped it off.
Look, we thought everything
was kinda weird, you know?
Why would Lana hand it to them
on a silver platter?
[pleasant music playing]
[Caio] Dude, the other couple
was in the mood, I was in the mood,
and you were, like,
"Oh, I don't know. I don't think so."
But I didn't think so.
He thought it was personal,
that it was about him,
that I no longer wanted
to kiss him or play with him.
It wasn't.
- But do you think I'm handsome?
- [Thuany] Yes.
Do you find me attractive?
I'll tell you the truth
because I'm very sincere.
Remember I said that the guys I hook up
with are different than the guys I date?
- Yeah.
- You're like the guys I date.
I'm ugly you mean?
No, it's not that you're ugly.
I don't think you're ugly.
But I'm not who you'd hook up with.
You're not the type I'd hook up with.
I would date you
because you're a fucking awesome guy.
Because I date the personality,
I date the person.
Do you think I'd make you happy?
I really admire you.
I think you're a great guy.
I think you'd make me very happy.
It's just that I'm unsure
of what I don't know.
You don't have to. It's just because
I have to go at my pace, Caio.
Regardless of what we have,
I just want to
Really, dude, to make you happy.
But, babe, sometimes when we
Wait, my legs are hurting.
If a man meets a person like you
and lets her go, he's crazy, man.
I really like you, Thuany.
I'm a guy who's not ashamed
to say what he feels.
I've never ever been ashamed.
I really need your energy.
I need your presence.
I miss it. It's weird.
I feel that we have to build it up
step by step.
I work very hard not to be a hypocrite.
How am I gonna say something about someone
and then turn around and act the same way?
It can be lighter.
It could be easier, yes.
Who said it has to be difficult?
You don't see yourself.
When you see what I see in you
you'll be blown away.
Things sort of got built up,
the date, the drinks, and the desire.
And then we went to sleep
[comical music playing]
Then suddenly, Keth goes under the sheets.
[Bruna] Hey, Keth, is there
a honey pot down there or what?
I noticed that everyone was still awake.
Then I focused underneath
while looking at the people around.
Where's Keth?
[both chuckle]
Hi, girl!
That's it.
Have a good night to the both of you.
[Thuany] I also understand the difficulty.
We've been here for a long time,
so for me, it was super understandable.
[Davi whispers] Keth, people are looking.
My God!
Oh, fuck.
Since we've been together for a while,
we're already really intimate,
we would've gone all the way.
Let's do it, please.
Dude, even Marina will get pissed off.
Marina was the first one
who said, "Go, Keth, do it."
- She didn't say that.
- She didn't say no.
Stay there. I'll go talk to her.
Stay there.
Fuck. Fuck, don't do it.
Let me talk to Mari real quick.
[Bruna] Finding a sex coach
in the middle of the night? Check.
[Kethellen] Mari, real quick,
I need to talk to you.
What did you say,
that there's no problem, right?
Girl, you said you wanted
to do it with Davi,
and I said I would let it slide
because I let it slide for a couple
who did it five times in one single night.
- Keth, come to bed.
- [Kethellen] I'm coming!
- I have feelings for him.
- [Marina] I prefer that you don't do it
because I think you're going
in a good direction.
[Kethellen] But we're already going
in the right direction.
[Marina] If you wanna do it,
I'll defend you.
Keth is my friend.
I'll stand up for her. It's all right.
[Kethellen] Mari said that she's with us
regardless of anything.
- I'll stay right here.
- Okay.
It's dawn, everybody was quiet,
I just heard a noise like [grunts]
That's it.
We lost another, I don't know Another car
plus a down payment on a house.
Guys, wait. Are we all forming couples?
[all] Uh-huh.
[Caio] Awesome!
A round of applause, please.
[Caio] Awesome.
[Bruna] Awesome.
Give your hands a break.
Clap, guys, clap.
I don't know where my shorts are. Fuck.
I'd lost my shorts.
I was totally naked,
and I needed to go to the bathroom.
[whispers] Fuck, where are my clothes?
- [chuckles]
- [Davi] Fuck.
- Caio.
- Yeah?
Come here quick.
I said, "What's going on?"
[whispers] Bro, I lost my clothes.
I'm naked.
[Caio] Look at the situation I'm in.
My God.
Looking for shorts of a naked man.
What's going on in this house, Lord?
[Davi] Thuany, where are my clothes?
[Davi] Let me go to the bathroom.
- [Caio] Wait! No!
- I'm going this way.
No, no, wait. Hold up, wait a sec.
I found my shorts.
Even if we'd wanted to be quiet,
we wouldn't have been able to.
[Marina] Davi?
- [screams] Who's that?
- It's Davi.
- [Marina] Did Keth suck you off?
- [Davi] Yeah.
- [Leandro] I don't believe it.
- [chuckles] What about Caio?
- Hey, Leandro, I'm sorry.
- No. I can't believe this.
Leandro, I'm joking.
- Are you, though?
- No, he's not.
If I turn Lana around,
will she be able to see anything?
Lana, I swear it's not my fault.
It is my fault, yeah, I know.
I know it's my fault, I was wrong.
I swear I'm not gonna make
any more mistakes, I promise.
I believe we've waited long enough,
so Lana should give us a discount.
[Bruna] You can rest easy knowing
you'll certainly get a discount
on the grand prize.
[upbeat music playing]
Another day of dry spell at the house.
[Bruna] Yeah, Rita. It may be
a dry spell for some, but for others
It's just a little bit
of a moral hangover.
[Thuany] So, are you gonna
eat honey for breakfast today?
[Kethellen] It was just a minor slip-up,
a little blunder.
I hope people aren't too hard on us.
[Bruna] Davi also woke up
thinking about it
and decided he's going to give
an oral presentation.
- Something happened yesterday.
- [Igor] What happened yesterday?
It wasn't sex and it wasn't a kiss.
- Messing around.
- Jerked off?
- No, a little more.
- [Ronaldo] A blowjob?
- Blowjob?
- Yes.
Oh, boy.
In my opinion, this is really wrong.
They can't explain that.
Whose idea was this?
[chuckles] I'm not going to blame
the chick, you know?
[Caio] But it wasn't her fault.
I think it was a combination.
Yeah, team effort.
But she said something like,
"Hey, come here"
But here's the thing, what was the point?
She talked a lot before.
In your case, it's understandable
since you were willing
to defend Matheus last time.
- No.
- Calm down. Let me finish.
It takes two to tango.
I wanted it too, and I was horny, too.
But we've improving so much,
the money's coming back,
but then a mistake like this happens.
I can't believe someone could do it again,
make the same mistake again.
But I wish one of you
would've come this morning and said,
"Are you guys up?" And then talked.
Man, but that's not up to you.
It's up to us to decide the best moment.
Yeah, but that sucks.
But it's our decision, it's not up to you.
Maybe if we weren't
having this conversation,
you wouldn't even bring it up.
Okay, but then I'd speak up when ready.
I'm not fighting with you.
You have to respect my timing.
Yeah, I think he should take his time.
Maybe he could ask Keth, "Are you okay?"
I have to check if she's comfortable, too.
It's not just about me.
Matheus got it. Caio already knew it.
Ronaldo already suspected it,
so he understood better.
Leandro remained silent,
but Igor started talking and talking,
and he pissed me off.
Yeah, I'm not arguing with you
But you're making some
really stupid comments, man.
I don't think
what I'm talking about is stupid.
- A little bit.
- Okay, if you think so, I'm sorry.
But I think it's even more stupid
her being so fucking tough with Matheus.
You're calling the girl stupid.
No, I'm not calling her stupid.
It's the situation.
No, you're talking nonsense.
Okay, it's the situation.
So say it without using that word.
No, I'm not badmouthing her.
You're not getting it, bro.
A bit hypocritical.
Okay, let's say "hypocrite."
It's hypocritical of someone who said,
"The relationship between
Matheus and Brenda"
Who have been together
since their first day.
Then she says,
"Oh, it just proves what I already knew,
that it was just physical."
So, her feelings are true,
and others' aren't?
- She said that.
- I didn't hear that.
[Matheus] If she said that then
That's hypocrisy.
That's what I'm talking about.
That's an attitude.
If so, I'm sorry, but then I'm with Igor.
Am I gonna let it slide?
Man, I always stick up for Davi,
but this is wrong.
I don't think I'm gonna lose
the connection for doing this.
I'm not gonna lose what I'm building
with her for doing this.
I think I'm pissed, angry, upset.
I'm just feeling lost.
[Bruna] Yeah, we can tell Leandro
really lost his head.
But she told me, "Look, what's going on
with us involves feelings."
"I think it's not just about sex."
But she can't judge the others,
saying her feelings are more real.
No, but she was talking about us.
She wasn't judging the others.
No, but what she said,
but what she used as an argument was,
"I know my relationship
is based on feelings,
but Matheus and Brenda's isn't."
Igor is jealous because
my watch has already lit up twice
and he hasn't created a connection
with anyone yet.
[Bruna] Oh, well then,
case closed, huh, Davi?
Oh, it must be about R$15,000
for a blowjob.
- [Rita] Or R$10,00.
- No, R$10,000's a kiss.
[Bruna] Or not.
It must be about 15 grand.
- [Davi] Does everyone know?
- Obviously.
[Brenda] But I can't say anything
unless someone does it six times.
If someone does it six times,
then I can talk.
You can talk, dude. Of course you can.
Don't hold back.
Own up to your actions,
because I'm not here
to overlook anyone's bad behavior.
Igor is just jealous
because he didn't sleep with Rita.
No way! Who's jealous?
[Rita] Nothing's gonna happen
until the end of this retreat.
Yeah. Did you hear that, Igor?
Did you hear?
There's no green light for you,
like you're imagining.
Give up the watch
with the green light, Igor.
I think Davi, due to his age, immaturity,
he's always defensive.
He's afraid to own up to his mistakes.
[Davi] You pissed me off this morning.
I was pissed. Sorry.
Oh, yeah? Okay.
I'm here to say what I think.
Okay, but you'll listen, too.
It makes me wanna
drop everything sometimes,
but I'll keep my composure
because what others do
doesn't have to be what I do.
[Brazilian music playing]
[Lana] Hello, Marina.
Hello, Leandro.
- Hey.
- Hey, darling.
[Lana] How has your relationship
been developing lately?
It's been developing
the way it has to, Lana.
[Marina] Yeah, I think we're improving.
We've been managing to talk more.
[Lana] May I offer you the chance
to brighten your day up a little bit?
- You should.
- [Leandro chuckles] Yes, you should, Lana.
We got the need for speed here.
- We could use it.
- [Marina chuckles]
[Lana] Well, then, get yourselves
ready to go.
You two have been awarded a date.
- Thanks, Lana.
- Wonderful.
I really needed that today.
You know, I got a lot on my mind,
feeling sort of heavy.
Lana gave us an ATV to drive on the beach.
[upbeat music playing]
A perfect date right in the middle
of rocks and cliffs with an ocean view.
A toast.
A toast to little Lana and to us.
To us.
Tense atmosphere at the house.
Yeah, very tense.
But I thought they let it slide
more than they ought to, honestly.
- The thing with Davi and Kethellen?
- Yeah, it was too much.
They defended it
and that upset me a little bit.
I owe you an apology, I think
because yesterday when Kethellen and Davi
came up with the idea,
I bought into it and said, "Oh, Kethellen,
you're my friend, you know?"
"I'll stick up for you.
If you wanna do it, do it. Enjoy it."
It was very superficial of me.
Without any purpose, really.
You gave me a disappointed look.
I got really upset.
We had the same desire, right?
- Yes.
- We're trying to improve.
- Yes.
- And just the fact that he talked that way
already showed that
it wasn't about feelings.
It wasn't about feelings, right.
They did it and they didn't even care.
They were laughing, joking, you know,
screaming, going from bed to bed,
telling everyone as if it was nothing.
It was disrespectful.
Disrespectful to everyone
in the house, you know?
Yeah. I do.
You're teaching me a lot about love,
about relationships.
Everyone here would learn a lot from you
if you could speak up a little more.
I've always been a closed person.
Not used to sharing my feelings,
to speaking up.
I'm used to keeping to myself.
I see that, you know,
I'm improving with you,
in a way that's never happened.
- Step by step.
- I think you are.
It's not something
that happens right away.
I think you're flawless.
[both laughing]
- I laugh at myself when I'm flirting.
- I blushed.
We're super affectionate with each other.
I think we're evolving.
I'm really grateful for our date today.
I think we're really
giving ourselves over to each other.
I think we're helping each other. Right?
We saw the green light. [squeals]
[racy music playing]
We kissed, obviously.
How could I resist that cute little face?
[clicks tongue]
[Bruna] Guys, my watch is also green.
Painted it myself, but can I join you?
Ah, I'm really happy! I can't believe it.
It was a day
that started off sort of stressful,
but then became perfect.
At least Lana has shown me
that I'm really not on the wrong track.
You're one of the right ones,
not one of the wrong ones.
I'm happy.
Lana, you're the best person
in the world. [kisses]
[Bruna] At most, Lana would be the best
artificial intelligence in the world.
Come on.
[birds chirping]
[Rita] Do you think Leandro is in love?
Tell me. [chuckles]
It's very difficult to know
because I haven't been talking to him.
It's like he became a stranger.
"Stranger." Uh-huh, I noticed.
- We don't talk much.
- Same here.
Yeah, we don't talk much,
it's been a while.
He shut me out.
They're so frigid as a couple.
It all happened so quickly,
and in fact when I told him
I wanted to take a break,
it wasn't because
I didn't like or want him anymore.
It was because I was confused.
But I don't know,
I think she's super nice,
but she wouldn't be the kind of girl
I'd date if I were a man
because I think she's very
[Thuany] Mmm-hmm.
I think they match, but not so much.
I think I might be more suited to him.
But I got confused like always
and I screwed it up.
[upbeat music playing]
[Lana] Many women have been taught
throughout their lives
to not believe in their
own inherent strength
and to compete against each other.
The time has come
to set these lies on fire.
[Bia] Making fire is an ancient practice.
In the old days, women used
to gather around the fire and dance
[Bia]to heat their inner flame
and to develop their intuition.
Today's exercise is for women
to look at themselves
and awake their inner warrior.
Good evening, girls.
[all] Good evening.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
I immediately felt a strong energy.
I like feeling energy.
Actually, fire has
several meanings, right?
There's this beautiful, beneficial,
more sensual side of fire.
But there is also a destructive side.
- Of course.
- How is your inner fire doing?
And it's through this reflection
that we're gonna do this exercise,
the purpose of which
is for you to really cut loose.
I immediately thought
it would be liberating,
something to make us lighter.
[serene instrumental music playing]
Imagine that under your feet
lies your strength,
lies your sword, your weapon.
We're going to slowly dig up that sword.
Out of the sand.
Bring it above your head.
And now you're going to imagine people
that for some reason,
at some point in your life,
have done you some harm.
[Brenda] I gave myself over to that.
I cried a lot.
[Bia] It can be people
close to you, friends,
family members,
You're going to cut it.
Let out the warrior's cry.
[all screaming]
[Bruna screams]
Sorry, ladies,
I got carried away a little bit.
It's really like fire. It burns.
It's an energy that burns.
[all screaming]
It was a moment that I could scream,
I could get rid of the sadness and pain
that were inside me.
I tried to get it out,
but I wasn't able to do that.
Maybe I got it out by crying
because I couldn't do it by screaming.
[Bia] Breathe.
[Bia] You're cleansing yourselves.
[Kethellen] I lost strength in my arms
and I just wanted to cry.
I couldn't stop crying.
My legs were even wobbly,
I had to kneel down and cry.
You're going to write down
what you eliminated tonight.
Those things coming from
the bottom of your heart.
I release the pain,
from people who invaded me
and made me perhaps create
barriers that hindered my development
to become a better person.
Writing all that down
and burning everything was incredible.
It made me lighter, it was very strong.
I want to burn the fear,
the pain.
For there is things that happened
in the past,
[breath trembling] things that interfere
a lot in my development as a person,
in my relationships.
And it's a little difficult to say.
[Kethellen] I was tapping into
some really strong emotions,
but I believe that at that moment,
I could feel lighter.
I managed to break free from some things.
I want to send away
people who said I wasn't able
to achieve a better life.
It was life-changing.
I want to send away all the sadness,
all the hurt and all the injustice
that is inside my heart.
All the regrets I have for the things
that I fail to do because of others.
And I burned all the pain,
all the sadness, all the anguish,
and I felt really relieved.
Today, I burn all the sexism,
every prejudice, every year of trauma,
all the abuses,
everything here caused me a lot of pain.
And I burn every moment I was silent.
Today, I'm a woman who's no longer silent.
[uplifting music playing]
[murmuring excitedly]
It lit up. How beautiful!
- How beautiful.
- Altogether, now.
[all] Warrior!
It was wonderful, that moment
when we could see the fire
in a different way,
shining like stars and celebrating.
[squeals] Look! How nice!
I needed to free myself
from sadness, longing, hurt.
[Brenda] Thank you, universe!
[Kethellen] Look at the moon,
how beautiful!
[Marina] It was incredible. Beautiful.
It was really special.
We were so grateful for that moment.
I'm going to remember it
for the rest of my life.
It left me changed.
[all cheering]
[crickets chirping]
[Bruna] I had already forgotten about it,
but, of course,
Lana is not gonna let them skip out
without paying the bill from last night.
[Lana] Hello, people.
[all] Hi, Lana!
Spit it out, Lana!
[Lana] Davi, Kethellen, Thuany, and Caio.
Do you remember what the rules
of the retreat are?
Then my heart started racing.
We can't, like,
kiss, horizontal cha-cha,
masturbation, those things.
Nothing sexual.
And we can only do something
when it turns green.
Is this all about the honey?
Bro, no way.
- This is just what we needed.
- It's just what we needed.
I told you repeatedly.
You guys screwed up.
[Lana] During your date,
did any of your watches turn green at all?
Oh, my God.
You kissed a lot, didn't you?
- And why did you kiss?
- We poured honey in our mouths.
We could pour honey
on any part of our bodies.
Any part. The mouth is part of the body.
If you poured honey on it,
you could do anything?
It was like this, for example:
"To eat a pineapple, do this."
The honey you could pour
anywhere on the body
- and wipe it off.
- [Matheus] Any part?
- But you French kissed, didn't you?
- It was written there.
- No, we didn't.
- We French kissed for sure.
No, it wasn't with tongue.
Yes, it was, Caio. Tell the truth.
- [Igor] But was the honey on the tongue?
- Yes, it was!
Son, I can't stick up for you this time.
There were no bad intentions, really.
Man, that wasn't our intention.
It was stupid. We shouldn't have done it.
[Lana] The four of you did, in fact,
break many of my rules.
You see?
They failed at their
reading comprehension.
It's no use crying
over spilled milk, right?
We lost money.
So we were really stupid, bro.
We misunderstood it.
We'll take Portuguese lessons again.
Jeez, Thuany was the only one who thought
it might be breaking the rules?
But everybody did it, bro.
We thought that we could
since the mouth is part of the body.
[Lana] You are all aware
that at this retreat
you are allowed to do
whatever you may please
as long as you don't break any rules.
Thanks, Lana!
Yeah. Thanks, Lana.
[Ronaldo] They sabotaged it.
A bit of consistency here in this house.
You took advantage
of the situation to kiss.
[Matheus] It's a form of sabotage, man.
That's what she meant.
I refused to kiss him each time
because I really thought
Did you kiss him? On the mouth?
If it were really like that,
it'd be too easy.
But everyone was saying,
"It is, we're sure."
But did you kiss him or not?
- We ended up kissing.
- Then you kissed. End of story.
Man, I'm going to admit my mistakes.
We kissed, yeah.
You didn't want to, but you kissed.
It was naive to think that just because
it was a date involving honey,
the rules didn't apply.
During the date, a total of
six infractions were detected.
Man, go to hell, seriously. Now I'm angry.
You don't need to talk like that, Marina.
Yesterday you were defending me.
But today, I woke up and said,
"I made a mistake."
But now you're accusing us.
Oh, spare me.
Spare me, too, babe.
You go from devil to saint like that.
Did I suck someone off under the sheets?
No, guys.
- [Matheus] Ouch.
- [all exclaiming]
Some friendship, huh?
How can she call herself
someone's friend, and a feminist,
and just throw her
under the bus like that?
Because yesterday, you encouraged her.
Yes, I did, but I didn't do it.
And I stick up for my friend
and defend her.
Friend? Saying that?
And still selling her out like that?
What a friend, huh?
I was very disappointed,
very sad with Marina's attitude,
because Marina's the person
I talk to the most.
But I kept quiet, minding my own business
because I knew Davi and I were wrong.
So, I didn't have anything to say.
But you're condemning me
for something I didn't do.
Guys, supporting isn't doing.
Can't I be mad
because you broke the rules six times?
[Thuany] Oh, my God, people!
I supported my friends
in the heat of the moment.
But I didn't commit any crime, people.
[Lana] Later that night,
another serious infraction was committed.
It was me, I admit it.
Everyone knows it already.
[Thuany] We already know.
Talk straight. Just spit it out.
Marina just said it.
Encouraged it, which is worse.
And now she comes with this bullshit.
So inconsistent, oh, my God.
Wait, if you're not strong enough
to resist what someone said, come on.
- Who said what to do what?
- Because I slept with Rita?
I'm talking about him,
I'm not talking about you.
But if you encouraged me,
you can't blame me, bro.
Jeez, I screwed up last night.
I supported something
that I shouldn't have
and it's okay to change my mind.
Lord, I was a terrible person,
a very bad friend.
I'm woman enough to admit I was wrong.
I just got angry
because of the honey thing.
I thought you were naive,
but, it's okay, guys, I also have
the right to express my dissatisfaction.
"Oh, my God, I'm perfect.
It was just a little mistake."
It doesn't make any sense to me.
To me, it was totally inconsistent.
There's a little
character defect there, right?
You better look at that.
[Lana] After all of that, you have lost
[dramatic music playing]
[Lana] R$72,000.
Thanks. Congratulations, guys!
Thank you, well done. You nailed it.
Stop that, Ronaldo. Stop it.
From my heart. Congratulations!
They could've avoided it, right?
They could've thought it over
to act with reason and not with emotion.
You and I know that here
I can't talk to you now, brother. I can't.
- For God's sake, Ronaldo.
- [both laughing]
[Ronaldo] Leave me alone.
I don't wanna talk to you right now.
What do you mean?
Do you really think I'd do that?
I don't want to talk to you right now.
[dramatic music playing]
It's no use crying over spilled milk.
They should be ashamed
and 'fess up 'cause they screwed up.
What I don't understand
about what's going on is
the aggression you all have.
- "Aggression"?
- Aggression. To me, that's aggression.
- Ronaldo, this is surprising to me.
- I just told him
- [Caio] You don't want to listen.
- Let him talk, too.
It's because at the time of the kiss
if you knew
But I didn't kiss.
- No, Caio, we kissed.
- We did kiss.
That's what I'm saying.
You kissed, you didn't wipe off the honey.
- But where was the honey?
- That's not what it was there for.
[Caio] I didn't mean to make a mistake.
If I made a mistake,
it was 'cause I got excited.
I got too emotional.
- It wasn't intentional.
- You were naive.
[Lana] The final prize is now R$164,000.
- Fuck.
- R$1 candies for each of us.
It sucks. You gotta be kidding.
[Bruna] What else can happen?
Is Lana gonna give up on them?
[Lana chimes] At this retreat,
many stories have taken place
and I've been carefully watching
each and every one of them.
- Leandro and Marina.
- Hey.
[Lana] I have noticed your relationship
is growing and developing
in interesting ways.
And, today, you will have to pass
the most extreme test of this retreat.
[dramatic music playing]
[Lana] The suite is now yours for the day.
[all cheering]
My couple!
[Marina] I didn't quite get it
because what just happened
was a lot to take in.
The beginning of the night at least
will be tense
because he'll have to listen to me
complain for a while. [chuckles]
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Don't do anything we would do, please.
We'll try, but we won't promise anything.
[Bruna] And I won't promise
that Lana won't deduct any money
from your total prize.
[Lana] Remember that
all of the rules of the retreat
continue to apply when inside the suite.
If Marina breaks any rule,
she'll be a hypocrite
because she's been lecturing about it.
[Leandro] Good night, family.
[Brenda] Enjoy it, guys!
- [Marina] Thanks.
- Enjoy it, guys!
If Leandro promises anything,
he's speaking for himself.
- [both laugh]
- [Bruna] Yeah.
Suck on that, why don't you?
But only on that, okay?
[melodic music playing]
Oh, how beautiful!
[Leandro] That bathtub is amazing.
We have an ocean view,
it's got everything.
It's the perfect situation
for getting into trouble.
[Lana] I'm back. Today, I'm on fire.
[all laughing]
[Lana] Do you all believe
that Marina and Leandro
will manage to stick
to the rules of the retreat?
- [all] Yes!
- [Caio] Totally.
[Lana] And would you be willing to bet
that they will be able
to resist temptation?
- [all] Yes.
- No, I wouldn't.
[Davi] If it depends on Leandro, I'm sure.
I trust Leandro,
but I don't know about her.
I don't trust them.
Maybe Leandro a bit, but not Marina.
Leandro is always pushing her, you know?
He's been trying to make her aware
that she's been contradicting herself
all the time.
- When Marina drinks, she cuts loose.
- Yep.
She really cuts loose,
so much so that she encourages someone
and then regrets it. No bet.
If it depends on Marina, I agree,
she'd ruin it.
But I think Leandro can control her.
He already did once.
Tonight, we're gonna do
some talking. [chuckles] Look.
- [gasps]
- Look.
As you say
- [both] Cheers.
- [chuckles]
[Lana chimes]
You are allowed to bet up to R$150,000
on whether or not you trust
Marina and Leandro.
- I'm out.
- R$150,000.
- That's my vote.
- I bet R$150,000. I trust them.
I bet everything on Leandro.
I totally trust him.
[Lana] If Leandro and Marina
do not break any of the rules
while in the suite,
the full value of the bet
will be added to the prize.
Let's bet R$150,000, please?
Let's go all in.
- Let's bet high, R$150,000.
- R$150,000?
[Lana] But if they commit
even a single infraction,
you lose the full value of the bet
and there will be only R$14,000 left.
[dramatic music playing]
[Igor] This won't end well.
Listen, we're talking
about any infraction.
We're talking about a kiss
and the prize is zero.
Yeah, I think they'll kiss.
Sure, but after her attitude here,
a kiss would be totally hypocritical.
[Marina] Leandro
tonight's outfit is just a microphone.
We're all out of panties
and all other clothes.
- [racy music playing]
- [chuckles]
Ouch. [chuckles]
Oh, Lord.
What a great view.
It's a great view, right?
The landscape is beautiful.
It's very difficult
to resist this suite because
Leandro is a hunk, you know?
I wouldn't bet against them.
They won't break the rules.
It's our chance to reach R$238,000.
It's risky to bet that much.
I don't trust her.
But Leandro won't do it.
I don't think he will.
I'm sure about it.
I'd bet R$150,000 on Leandro.
I'm sure about it.
[dramatic music plays]
- R$150,000, Lana.
- R$150,000.
[Lana] Do you place a bet of R$150,000?
- [all] Yes!
- Yes.
[Lana] Your bet is accepted.
Thanks, Lana.
Control yourselves, please.
Leandro! It's in your hands, brother.
I wonder if R$150,000 was too much?
I don't know, dude.
Now I'm insecure.
[Marina] Ah, look at those abs.
Such a beautiful six-pack.
[both gasp]
- Oh, shit.
- [Marina] Go clean it.
Man, this is gonna be very hard.
- Leandro! [laughs]
- Now you clean it. [chuckles]
Yeah, it's complicated for me
to try and clean it, right?
Uh, if I were you, I would clean it.
It's here in my belly.
No? Too risky?
- [exhales]
- [chuckles]
[Igor] Leandro, for God's sake!
Control that woman!
It won't end well. That's what I think.
If it ends well, I'll be very impressed.
- Look where you spilled it. [chuckles]
- Where?
[groans] Little Lana!
[Bruna] And is it gonna end like this?
Without even a "coming up next"?
[Caio] Guys, what's that? A car is coming!
[dramatic music playing]
Holy shit, this is getting bad.
If Brenda wants to hook up
with some other guy, you'll get pissed.
Things got nasty here.
The guy is interested in me,
and you got your ego hurt.
[Lana] I'm afraid you all
are being deceived.
What's that?
[upbeat music playing]
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